Saturday, June 15, 2013

Arthritis Treatment - Take Care Of Your Joints

Soothing Heat and Cold for Arthritis Treatment and Pain Management

You can use heat and cold for arthritis treatment in different situations to great effect to relieve pain and stiffness in your joints.

o Use a hot water bottle, hot wheat pack or heat lamp directly on the painful area for relief.

o Try using an electric blanket or taking a long warm shower or bath to help relieve morning stiffness and get you moving for the day.

o Cold packs can be especially helpful for a hot tender inflamed joint.

o For more severe pain, your physiotherapist can give you deep heat therapy treatments such as ultrasound.

o Your physiotherapist can also tell you more about the safest and most effective ways of using heat and cold.

Taking Care of Your Joints

You can learn new habits that will help you take care of your body and reduce pain in rheumatism and osteoarthritis in ways that do not have to use drugs.

Respect Pain

Pain is a warning that something is wrong in your body. Listen to your body's signals and stop activity just before it makes your joint tired or painful. Avoid or re-plan activities that might cause pain and discomfort but are difficult to stop quickly.

Use Your Strongest Muscles and Joints

You can often choose to use a bigger, stronger muscle or joint to do the hardest work. This might include:

o Using your thigh muscles instead of your back muscles for lifting.

o Using your forearm muscles rather than your wrists or hands to carry, lift or hold things.

o Pushing up from your chair using the palms of your hands rather than your fingers or knuckles.

o Using your whole hand rather than your fingers to open items like jars.

o Using two hands for lifting and using your palms rather than fingers.

Use Joint Saving Gadgets

There are many joint saving gadgets that make everyday tasks like turning taps and getting dressed much easier.
Visit your local pharmacy home health area or a local government health department support office and decide what gadgets you can afford to make your life easier.

Support Your Joints with Splints

Splints are made to support a joint. Working wrist splints give your wrists much needed support while leaving your hands free to do the task. These splints reduce pain and give you extra working strength and therefore enable you to work longer.
Resting splints are available to use at night to keep a joint supported in its correct position, preventing deformity and reducing pain.

Simplify Your Life

Start sliding things rather than trying to lift them. A small trolley at home at the mall or work will save a lot of lifting and carrying.
Break your workload so that you can spread heavy jobs throughout the course of the week.
Ask yourself if the job really needs to be done the way you do it. If it doesn't, don't do it! Who else can do it instead of you?

Remember, physical activity does not have to be the curse of your life. Find your balance between work and rest, and work smarter not harder. There is much more to arthritis treatment than the use of drugs and medication.

Learn The Secret of Overcoming Winter Arthritis Joint Pain and Restoring Joint Health Naturally

Arthritis based joint pain is particularly harsh during the winter months, but can be effectively controlled using the powerful pain fighting properties found in the natural supplement grape seed extract. Little is heard from traditional medicine or the advertisement media about the joint pain healing properties found in grape seed extract, but there is overwhelming evidence to prove otherwise. The Federal Drug Administration doesn't even consider natural supplements like Grape Seed Extract important enough to regulate. However, there have been reports and studies lately to show that grape seed extract is in fact a viable agent in fighting joint pain caused by Arthritis, and similar afflictions, but without the serious side effects that result from prescription drugs.

Prescription drug companies are missing the point, by creating drugs synthetically in the labs that only treat the pain symptom alone, and do nothing about the root cause of Arthritis pain. The pain experienced from Arthritis actually comes from a misdirected immune system, also referred to as an autoimmune disease. In this situation, the body attacks its own cells, including the organs and joints and promotes the development of inflammation, which results in joint pain. Drugs do a good job of eradicating the inflammation and pain but at a great cost; instead of directly attacking the inflammation, drugs simply shut down the immune system completely, leaving it severely compromised in its ability to fight off infections and major viruses, including Tuberculosis. That is why advertisements are always accompanied with disclaimers cautioning users of the risks involved in using their drug. Approximately 50 million people in the United States suffer from the symptoms of some kind of autoimmune disease, which in addition to rheumatoid arthritis; include Fibromyalgia, Systemic Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis and more.

Grape Seed extract with Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC) has been evaluated in connection with joint health in scientific publications and was proven to not only alleviate pain, but also promote superior joint health. In a study published in 2009 based on collagen-induced arthritis (or CIA) in mice, showed that grape seed extract treatment significantly lessoned the severity of CIA, and reduced the histology scores for synovial inflammation, cartilage erosion, bone erosion and the number of osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are the cells that destruct bones and osteoblasts are cells to build bones. In a later study published in 2010, researchers reported in an immunology letter that grape seed extract regulates inflammatory T cell differentiation and concluded that grape seed extract may serve as a possible therapeutic agent for inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders. Additional research concluded that grape seed extract is both safe and effective in reduction of inflammation in all areas of the body. In addition to helping arthritis, OPC by boosting the immune system's ability to fight inflammation, is capable of, and effective in reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, migraine headaches, asthma, allergies and even cancer.

Could Your Mystery Pain Be Rheumatoid Arthritis?

One of the hardest things I have to do as an orthopedic doctor is tell a patient that he or she has rheumatoid arthritis (RA). When people see me for pain, it is sometimes difficult for them to explain exactly what is happening to them. Some describe their symptoms as "mystery" pain because it's hard for them to pin point the exact location. One day they wake up with sore feet, another day their hands might hurt or they have pain in different joints in their body.

There are several possibilities that could cause this kind of pain from overexertion to various forms of arthritis. In order to make a true diagnosis a series tests are given to narrow down the findings. A blood test that reads negative for the rheumatoid factor is not always accurate. You may test positive on the blood work yet have no symptoms. It is estimated that around 10% of the population who actually have RA do not test positive.

The most common reaction from patients who hear they have RA is usually relief followed by fear and anger. They are relieved because now they can face their health issue, fear because they know not what to expect, and anger because it is happening to them. After the initial shock wears off, the question becomes, "How do I live with RA?"

Someone suffering with RA will most likely feel pain, fatigue, and joint stiffness. I recommend working with a team of health professionals, who may include a physical therapist, counselor, and rheumatologist, to develop a plan to help manage their symptoms. A typical plan includes education about the disease, exercise, diet changes, assistive devices, and other supports to help you stay active. Most people will have to make lifestyle changes to accommodate their condition but it does not mean you can't live a full and satisfying life.

Lifestyle Changes Help Ease Pain

Most people with RA find they have to slow down and get enough sleep or symptoms get worse. Here are a few things you can do to manage your stress, reduce your pain and lessen the exhaustion that accompanies RA.

Fatigue: Pace yourself throughout the day to allow for rest periods, and try not to get overtired.

•Depending upon your symptoms, you may need to rest your joints for longer periods of time or at intervals, 15 minutes or so several times a day.
•Give yourself permission to give up some mundane tasks and do the things that really must get done or you things you want to do.
•Be careful not to rest too much because it can lead to more stiffness and underused muscles. Keeping your range of motion going at a comfortable pace will help prevent stiffness.

Relieve Joint Pain: Be kind to your body and protect your joints by taking the time to follow these helpful suggestions:

•Take warm showers or baths after long periods of sitting or sleeping
•Soak hands in warm wax baths
•Sleep under a warm electric blanket
•Use special kitchen tools or door knobs to reduce strain on joints
•Use splints, canes, or walkers to reduce pain and improve mobility

Keep Moving: Although this may be difficult, activity will actually help maintain strength, flexibility, and overall health. Consider the following:

•Exercise by stretching, strengthening, and conditioning. Weight-bearing and strength training are recommended for people with RA.
•Physical therapy for specific joint problems as prescribed by your doctor
•Swimming is good for conditioning lower extremities such as knees, ankles, or feet
•Bicycling and walking are beneficial for joint problems that do not effect lower extremities
•Tai Chi is a form of movement therapy that involves gentle stretches combined with deep breathing. Studies have found tai chi to reduce pain from RA but be careful not to do any moves that cause pain.

Diet: A healthy, balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables is best. Be sure to watch your weight as being overweight can worsen the symptoms of RA.

Study Links Smoking & Vitamin D to RA in Women

A study conducted at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, MN led by Dr. Sherine E. Gabriel
used data from records that tracked anyone who sought medical care for the past several decades. In rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, a person's immune system attacks the joints, leading to inflammation, pain, stiffness and in some cases erosion of the bone and joint deformity.

The researchers found that the actual percentage of women with RA increased in incidence of 2.5% between 1995 and 2007. The reason for the increase was deemed more environmental than genetic. Smoking is one of the few confirmed risk factors for the disease and women are slower in quitting than men. In addition, oral contraceptives contain far less estrogen than they used to so may offer less protection against RA which the hormone is known to do.

Another factor is vitamin D deficiency, which has been linked to RA, and is particularly low in women. Researchers feel that this study is likely to reflect that of the U.S. female population. The findings send two very strong messages to women; don't smoke and get checked for vitamin D deficiency!

Take Control of RA

Don't let RA take control of you and your life. Learn as much as you can about the disease and research the side effects of the medication prescribed. Each person is unique and how RA affects your body may be very different from someone else. Studies show that people who take an active role in the management of RA experience less pain and see their doctor less often.

There are some common alternative treatments that can be added to your diet in supplement form that have shown promise for reducing the symptoms of RA. Always check with your doctor before adding anything new as there may be side effects.

•Plant oils - Seeds of evening primrose, borage and black currant contain a type of fatty acid that seems to help with morning stiffness.

•Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) - Helps to reduce inflammation and has been shown to slightly reduce swelling.

•Calcium and vitamin D - Protects bones against Osteoporosis

I recommend joining a support group for those afflicted with RA or become involved with the Arthritis Foundation. There are resources available to you that will provide emotional support and help you cope with the stress of pain. Connect with others and keep your family informed as to how you are feeling. They may be reluctant to ask you about your pain.

Eat a balanced diet, exercise, get plenty of rest, don't smoke and most importantly take time for yourself. Allow yourself the space you need to reflect on your feelings, go for a walk, listen to music, or write in a journal. Rheumatoid arthritis does not have to ruin the quality of your life. Make the lifestyle changes today that will help make your tomorrow a better day!

Mark Bromson, M.D.

Osteoarthritis Diet: Tips for Healthier Joints

Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disease affecting weight bearing joint caused by injury. The disease develops when a joint lining begins to degenerate causing pain and decreased mobility of the affected joint. However, the effects of the symptoms can be reduced through certain lifestyle changes. The most effective among thee would be following an osteoarthritis diet.

The goal of an osteoarthritis diet is directed towards reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, most specifically pain and decreased in mobility of the affected joint. The following suggestions are based on an e-book written by a nurse who is an expert on this subject. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis and seek to find relief, include the following in your diet.

• Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. A well hydrated body is more apt in fighting certain diseases including osteoarthritis. Water is also needed by the body during inflammation to reduce the heat produced during such time.

• Consume fish instead of meat as protein sources. Tuna is recommended since it contains high levels of omega 3 which has anti-inflammatory effects.

• Eat shellfishes. Shellfish such as lobsters, oysters, scallops and shrimp are known to contain high amounts of glucosamine sulphate. This substance is known to significantly reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.

• Decrease consumption of fatty foods. Because excessive weight is the major risk factor for osteoarthritis especially among obese individuals, cutting down on consumption of fat rich foods can provide relief from its symptoms.

• Eat more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are great sources of essential minerals that fight against inflammation such as magnesium. Black beans, broccoli and pumpkin seeds are just some examples of magnesium rich vegetables. Citrus fruits, on the other hand, are great sources of Vitamin C which is also vital.

• Include whole grain cereals in your diet. They are rich sources of fiber which is important in proper digestion and absorption of essential vitamins and minerals. This will enable your body to get most out from your diet.

As mentioned earlier, excessive weight contributes much to the development of osteoarthritis. Weight loss is therefore important. An osteoarthritis diet alone can't achieve this. A regular physical activity like jogging, going to the gym or other forms of sports is an important aspect of weight loss.

The positive effects of an osteoarthritis diet can only be felt if you decide to observe it and find the resolve to act on your decision. You are assured of better outcomes and results when you start today. If you do, you are on your way to preventing osteoarthritis symptoms from occurring.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Medicine

Chronic inflammatory disease that causes joint swelling, pain and stiffness is called rheumatoid arthritis also known as RA. Do not confuse RA with another form of arthritis known as osteoarthritis. RA is caused by an autoimmune disorder where as osteoarthritis is due to the wear and tear we put on our joints as we age.

It is important to understand that rheumatoid arthritis is caused by our immune system attacking cells in our joints that are not invaders, but are seen as such by the immune system. This is why it is called an autoimmune disease, it simply means that our body is attacking itself.

There is no cure for arthritis, but there are treatments that you can use to alleviate the pain associated with it so that you can have a pain free happy lifestyle. The use of rheumatoid arthritis medicine is of great benefit. We are going to look at a few of the different types available to you.

When it comes to finding the right medicine to help you, you need to be aware that there are only four different categories of arthritis medications.

These are analgesics, NSAIDs, glucocorticoids (or steroids) and anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Most often these rheumatoid arthritis medicines are used in conjunction with one another therefore it is very important that you talk to your doctor about your treatment options.

The first line of medicines that are usually prescribed are the NSAIDs which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. They are used to treat the inflammation and pain associated with the inflammation. They do not prevent or stop any damage to the joint. We all know these medications they include: Aspirin, Anacin, Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) to name a few. These are over the counter medicines (OTC) that have been around for years.

They are usually taken orally, every four to six hours. Depending on the strength of the medicine and the stage of your RA will determine the effectiveness of the OTC medicines.

There are also prescriptions NSAIDs and these include: Feldene, Flurbiprofen, Relafen, Voltaren and Clinoril to name a few. Doctors have also found that using COX2 inhibitors which block the production of COX-2 enzymes selectively help decrease the inflammation and provide effective relief with few side effects. The most popular is of course Celebrex.

Most often it is the NSAIDs used in conjunction with the DMARDs to achieve effective relief. The DMARDs stop the production of cells in the immune system that causes pain and swelling. The DMARDs offers the most hope to RA sufferers, because if the disease is caught early enough and these meds are started early it can put RA into remission.

DMARDs are all only available by prescription and some of their names are: Imuran, Arava, Methotrexate, Hydroxchloroquine and Sulfasalazine. In order to use these medicines they all require blood work to be done to monitor the possible side effects. Depending on the medicine and the route that it is taken either orally or injected will dictate the type of side effects that you experience with the DMARDs.

There have been many concerned patients that have taken these medicines that have worried about the side effects and the long term effect the medicine would have on them.

Studies over the years have shown that DMARDs are incredibly effective in treating RA and that the side effects associated with any of the rheumatoid arthritis medicines are uncommon, part of this is due to the fact that there are frequent lab tests performed to monitor and control the risk of any side effect. In the beginning DMARDs were thought to only be good for short term treatment, however now they are regarded as one of the best long terms treatment options patients have.

The next set of medications to look at that treat RA is the steroids. Also known as the corticosteroids, these are only used for extreme cases of inflammation and sever pain. Prednisone is the most commonly used steroid. Prednisone can be taken orally or by injection into the joint. Prednisone is normally titrated up in dose when taken orally and needs to be titrated down. It never recommended that once you are put on a steroid treatment that you just stop it.

Steroids also come with their own set of side effects that make most patients unhappy, including weight gain and what is known as the "moon face". These side effects generally go away after stopping the medicine. Prednisone is very effective though in helping alleviated pain and swelling in extreme cases.

There are many options available to people that suffer from RA. Your options range from over the counter medicines to prescriptions. Most have minimal side effects and are effective. Talk to your doctor and plan your treatment together.

Natural Cures For Rheumatoid Arthritis, Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that occurs with the inflammation of the joints of the different parts of the body along with severe pain as one advance towards aging. Prolonged suffering leads to permanent damage to the joints leading to crippling and disability of the body. Other symptoms include mild fever, weakness, fatigue and small nodule like lumps are formed under the skin. About 1.5 millions of people in US are affected by this disease, women being more prone to RA. This disease not only affects the joints but also different organs of the body.


The genetic factor plays an important role in this Rheumatoid Arthritis. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, but the immune system of the body is held responsible for this. Antibodies present in the blood fight against the foreign bodies attacking the immunity of the body, but the patients with auto immune diseases have high level of special antibodies (Rheumatoid Factor) in their blood attacking the tissue and organs leading to the inflammation. With aging production of estrogen is retarded in women making the bones weak, fragile and more prone to Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).

Natural Cures

Although no exact cure can be devised for Rheumatoid Arthritis, but some natural cures or alternative medicines has been able to provide relief to the patients.

1. Fish are the source of omega-3-fatty acids which produce good results when taken. But fish oil capsules are better options if taken in controlled doses.

2. Gamma linolenic acid present in borage oil, black currant seed oil and evening primrose oils have proven results in improving the painful symptoms.

3. Boswellic acid available from Boswellia herb blocks chemical reactions leading to inflammation. It is also effective in reducing other types of inflammation.

4. Devil's Claw, a native herb from South Africa contains iridoid glycosides and helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, Tai chi are the various natural methods to reduce stress helping in the cure of rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Age old Chinese treatment acupuncture is also found to be very effective in its treatment.

7. Hot and cold water treatment provides temporary relief to the rheumatoid joint aches.

8. Taking tomatoes in raw form or as juice is a good treatment for RA.

9. A mixture of dry ginger, black pepper a rock salt about 3 grams if taken with honey provides relief from pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is very painful and distressing, still by eating healthy and balanced diet and cutting down intake of tea, coffee, liquors, white sugar, the severity can be reduced to a great extent enabling the patient to carry out normal activities of life.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Why is Osteoarthritis So Darned Hard to Treat?

Recent research efforts from both Northwestern University in Chicago and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have described work on the use of a new nanofiber gel that promotes cartilage growth in joints.

The material is injected into the damaged joint and stimulates bone marrow stem cells to produce natural cartilage.

The nanofibers allow stem cells from bone marrow to produce cartilage containing type II collagen and repair a damaged joint.

Type II collagen is the major protein component in articular cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones within a joint.

This is distinctly different from the Type I collagen produced as a result of another procedure used to heal cartilage damage called microfracture. Microfracture is a surgical procedure where small holes are drilled into the bone beneath the area of cartilage damage. This leads to bleeding from the bone marrow.

Ostensibly, stem cells from the marrow create new cartilage.

Microfracture causes the production of cartilage having predominately type I collagen. Type I collagen is the type found most commonly in scar tissue.

Type II collagen is weaker than Type I collagen and probably does not hold up as well. This may be one explanation why microfracture surgery has not been as successful as first thought.

Another type of procedure called autologous chondrocyte transplantation has also been used. In this procedure, cartilage is harvested from a non-weight-bearing part of the joint. The cartilage is then specially treated in a laboratory so that individual cartilage cells multiply. The cartilage cells are then put back into the joint under a small flap of tissue that is sewn into place. Recovery is long and the cartilage produced also appears to contain mostly Type I collagen.

Mosaicplasty where multiple cartilage plugs are fitted into the cartilage defect has also been used. Results are mixed.

Stem cell treatment has the appeal of being less invasive and requiring less recovery time. However, controlled data is nonexistent. Supportive evidence consists of case studies and small numbers.

One issue that has plagued researchers and clinicians alike is the mechanical forces present within weight-bearing joints such as the hip and knee.

When asked his opinion regarding the nanofiber issue, Dr. William Arnold, a Chicago-based rheumatologist stated, "This isn't the first 'cartilage growth stimulator'...and it won't be the last. There's no way that cartilage regrows on the surface of the medial femoral condyle (of the knee) without a mechanical correction accompanying the "regrowth". The shear compression forces in the medial compartment are formidable... and would quickly chew up any flimsy cartilage surface beginning to grow on the surface of the condyle."

Dr. Nathan Wei, a rheumatologist specializing in stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis, concurs with Dr. Arnold to a point. He states, "The impact loading forces on weight-bearing joints such as the knee and hip are one thing to contend with but with the hip there is the added stress of rotational movement and in the knee there are gliding and rotational forces to deal with as well."

He argues though, "Animal models have demonstrated that stem cell procedures are effective. And while human data is sparse, early evidence supports further investigation... I do agree that mechanical forces need to be dealt with through various means in order to allow stem cells to 'take'. We are currently attempting to address this issue. Our results so far are very encouraging."

How Vitamin D Deficiency Destroys the Immune System

As more and more studies continue to confirm the link between healthy levels of Vitamin D3 and a strong immune system, a group of Danish scientists believe they may have pinpointed the exact reasons why this nutrient is so critical to the human immunodefence system.

The researchers claim their findings could be beneficial in protecting against new global epidemics and infectious diseases and could even aid in the development of new vaccines.

The study found that special cells known as "T-Cells", which are critical to immune defense, are dependent on the presence of Vitamin D in the bloodstream in order to function properly, and lay dormant unaware of the presence of a potential threat when there are insufficient amounts of Vitamin D in the blood.

"When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or 'antenna' known as a Vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for Vitamin D," said Carsten Geisler of Copenhagen University's Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, the scientist who spearheaded study.

Geisler added that when one is suffering from a vitamin D deficiency, the T-Cells "won't even begin to mobilize."

Vitamin D3 Deficiency can be countered and prevented by an individual exposing his or her skin to direct sunlight. The nutrient can also be obtained through certain foods such such as egg yolks, cod liver oil, fatty fish and cholecalciferol (the scientific name for Vitamin D3) supplements.

According to researchers, more than half of the world's population suffers from some degree of Vitamin D Deficiency, and many believe the problem is getting worse, not better.

Vitamin D Deficiency has already been linked scientifically to more than three dozen different diseases, illnesses and various health ailments.

These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Breast Cancer

  • Skin Cancer

  • Prostate Cancer

  • Heart Disease

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD)

  • Alzheimer's Disease

  • Autism

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Childhood Allergies

  • Parkinson's Disease

  • Seasonal Depression (aka: "Winter Blues")

  • AIDS (specifically the transformation of HIV to AIDS)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Rickets

  • Influenza (the Flu)

  • H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

  • Various Autoimmune Disorders

  • Osteoporosis

  • Lung Transplant Rejection

  • Asthma

  • Childhood Obesity

  • Chronic Pain

  • Tooth Loss

  • Gingivitis and Gum Disease

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Arterial Stiffness

  • Metabolic Syndrome (sometimes referred to as Insulin Resistance or Pre-Diabetes)

  • Stroke

  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Lupus

  • Psoriatic Arthritis

What is perhaps most disturbing is that the list continues to grow each and every year by several new illnesses and diseases.

The best way to reverse vitamin D deficiency is to sunbathe, with the more bare skin exposed to sunlight the better. Obviously, this is not always an option, particularly in the winter months. When sun exposure is not a viable option, vitamin D supplements are the way to go.

However, it is important to take note of which form of vitamin D is contained within a given supplement. Numerous studies have shown that the form of vitamin D known as D3, or cholecalciferol, is far superior to vitamin D2, the plant-based form known as ergocalciferol.

A recent report and "meta analysis" by Dr. John Cannell, MD, concluded that vitamin D3 offers three times the efficacy of D2 in terms of each respective nutrient's ability to prevent and/or reverse vitamin D deficiency syndrome, and hence enhance the immune system, protecting one against the myriad diseases listed above.

What Are The Foods To Avoid With Gout?

Gout is characterized as a health condition that affects different joints in the body, more in particular the big toe. Gout is regarded as a certain type of arthritis which usually leads to pain and inflammation in the joints. The abrupt onset of soreness in the joints is because of the presence of abnormal high amounts of uric acid deposits in the blood.

Uric acid takes place in our body naturally. It is the by-product of the breakdown of proteins and purines. Purines are chemical compounds that are also naturally present in some types of foods. When the synthesis of uric acid increases considerably, the accumulation of uric acid crystals take place in the joints which can lead to pain and swelling.

Aside from taking some medications for gout, proper diet is also very essential in the management and the eradication of this form of arthritis. There are some foods to avoid with gout as these food items are known for prolonging the time of recovery. These foods to avoid with gout can actually aggravate the condition and lead to more discomfort among patients. Patients suffering from this form of arthritis should try to stay away from these particular foods.

Gout patients should know that some foods to avoid with gout can be foods high in protein. These certain food items are abundant in purine and they can actually worsen the symptoms of gout. Staying away from foods that are very rich in purine content is the key to stopping the excessive synthesis of uric acids. Having a diet which is low in purine content is important in lessening the inflammation in the joints. High protein foods to avoid with gout are given below:

1. eggs
2. meats such as beef, pork and lamb
3. organ meat, including brain, liver and kidney
4. types of fishes such as scallops, herring, mackerel and sardines

Another type of foods to avoid with gout is those that are abundant in fat. It has been noted that eating certain foods that are low in fats can actually lessen the risk of gout. For the successful management of this particular form of arthritis, you should always go for the low-fat dairy products such as low-fat cheese and yogurt as well as skimmed milk.

The above mentioned list of food items that a gout sufferer should avoid was created after conducting a detailed assessment of these foods by some experts. Trying to avoid meat and other food items that are abundant in purine will greatly aid in lessening the inflammation in the joints.

The Facts On Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is it about rheumatoid arthritis that gets everyone scared even with just the thought of getting it later in life? The obvious reason is because of the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, a result of the inflammation of the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis can limit the mobility of a person and can leave him dull, lifeless and frustrated because he can no longer live his life the way he want it to be. But what makes rheumatoid arthritis scary is the fact that it can affect other body parts like the heart, muscles and blood vessels.

People who have Rheumatoid Arthritis can experience a weakening of their immune systems leading to an attack on the joints. It is called an autoimmune illness because the immune system of the person mistakenly attacks its own body.

Normally, the immune system of a person is designed to attack unknown invaders in the body of a person. With Rheumatoid Arthritis, the antibodies that are supposed to protect the person from invaders attack the host body instead of giving it protection.

A person who has Rheumatoid Arthritis can suffer from it for a long time and even during his entire lifetime because it is chronic. In the long run, this disease will destroy other organs of the body which can result to other illnesses.

Unlike most diseases, a person will never know how and why he has been afflicted with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Scientists all over the world are still at a quandary as to the real cause of this chronic disease. Others believe that Rheumatoid Arthritis is generally inherited through the genes.

While the genes can be big factor in getting Rheumatoid Arthritis, the lifestyle of a person can also hasten the onset of the disease. A person who smokes is more prone to getting Rheumatoid Arthritis than a person who does not smoke.

So how does one know that he already has this chronic disease? The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis can be present one moment and disappear again when the disease has ceased to be active. Thus, some people have a tendency to ignore seeking the help of a doctor when they first feel the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Among the symptoms that may be felt by those who have Rheumatoid Arthritis are stiffness and fatigue in their muscles, especially during morning and after a long period of rest. Joints usually turn red and painful when the disease I active.

A person who has Rheumatoid Arthritis can find even the simplest daily activities like standing, and holding objects quite painful. When the periods of attack become frequent, there is a chance that it will cause damage to the cartilage, tissues and the bones of a person.

Some people suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis can experience hoarseness especially when the disease has affected the joints of the vocal chords. Others can experience dryness in their eyes and even the mouth area during an arthritis attack. When the disease attacks the lungs, the person can experience sever coughing or difficulty in breathing.

While there is as yet no established cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, a person who has the disease can find ways to reduce the pain and the debilitating effects of the disease. It is important that the person suffering from arthritis should regularly consult with his doctor to alleviate his suffering as well as the possible effects of the disease to other body parts.


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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Our Lifestyle

Symptoms of arthritis are found to take its toll especially in the winter season when the weather front approaches. You will be surprised to know that over 70% of arthritis problems occur due to weather changes.

Pain levels increase and the joints begin to ache in the winter with arthritis symptoms showing its effect prominently. People are seen to turn towards TYLENOL Arthritis Pain Caplet 100 count to get rid of this pain as soon as possible. However, overdose of such medicines and too much intake of these tablets can cause unusual health problems ranging from diarrhea, stomach pain and incessant vomiting. Hence, in order to get rid of such problems, kindly stop following such prescriptions and avoid taking these tablets immediately.

Often delayed treatment and unwanted physical exercise can also cause acute arthritis pain. Do not stress yourself much like running up and down the staircase.

It has also been seen that arthritis problems like rheumatoid arthritis can be highly painful. The twinge and the cramp just refuse to fade away. It makes the patients wrench in the throbbing experience. These problems arise even more when people follow borrowed prescriptions without consulting the doctor directly.

Such carelessness leads to wrong medication and thence leads them from bad to worse. If such problems are coupled with delayed treatment, the chances of getting cured delays as well. There can be risky side effects for delayed treatment as well. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a doctor directly and ask for direct treatment. Do not succumb to borrowed medicines and verbal warnings from neighbours, friends and co-workers.

Morning stiffness often leads to rheumatoid arthritis. If you find that the body has stiffened even after staying motionless for few hours this means you are succumbed to rheumatoid arthritis. This stiffness can only fade away after few fits of movement.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle adds to arthritis. Often people hesitate to stretch out their body because they have pains. But this is not the right move. You should always eat healthy and exercise if you want to relieve your muscles from pains and become fit.
Engaging into no physical activity and merely sitting idle or resting can amplify your arthritis pain. You have to move and make your body flexible before you become completely stiff and unfit.

As per American Journal of Preventive Medicine in May 2006, over 37% of people in America developed arthritis because they had no body movement.

Sitting idle can also lead to obesity. This can cause pains in the weight bearing joints. Pain causes a person to become inactive and being more and more inactive increases pain. The root cause of this is leading a sedentary lifestyle where the ball joints become inactive due to non-movement. Hence when you suddenly start exercising, your body does not permit too much stress. All this leads to chronic pain in your knees, elbows and various joints restricting you from being fit.

To avoid this, you can practice the following:

- Get a person who would motivate you to exercise.
- Join a health club and resume routine exercise.
- Get a pet dog. This can motivate you to take a walk everyday.

Natural Arthritis Pain Relief and Heart Health - Healing Power Of Nature's Acai Berry!

Do you want true natural arthritis pain relief? Do you need help with your high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure?

Now there are many different extraordinary natural products available, which feature super fruits, like the amazing brazilian acai berry, and many other potent body-beneficial fruits from around the world. These newly discovered fruit compounds which are contained in these super fruits are now being used to target specifically, heart health remedies and arthritis pain relief with natural ingredients, and are achieving fantastic real results.

Arthritis joint health - plant derived glucosamine and esterified fatty acids for natural arthritis pain relief use, have been scientifically proven to maintain lubricating fluid in joints, promote flexibility, increase your range of motion, reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, and helps you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Most glucosamine sources are extracted from crushed sea shells, but generally only reduce inflammation of the muscles and tissues around the joints. Plant derived glucosamine is better for the body and can actually penetrate your joint tissue cells for maximum benefit, helping you achieve real natural arthritis pain relief!

Heart health - a healthy blend of fruits specifically chosen for their ability to nutritionally support cardiovascular health in your diet, would supply your body with healthy levels of plant sterols. Clinical studies show that they are a key factor in lowering cholesterol absorption and helping you maintain healthy cholesterol levels. These compounds will dramatically help reduce your heart disease risk. Also, with resveratrol included in your diet with using natural supplements, they can help support your cardiovascular system with proven results, showing it can also protect your healthy blood vessels and blood cells.

Resveratrol has many benefits being attributed to it, mainly the fact that this natural compound can and will slow the ageing process dramatically.

*What has been discovered about many human ailments.

Health scientists around the world are now concurring that chronic inflammation in the body is a precursor to a frightening list of serious health conditions and ailments. With the media constantly reporting the potential risk and dangerous side-effects associated with using anti-inflammatory arthritis pain relief drugs and heart health drugs, it has created concern with people worldwide and there has never been a time when the quest for safe alternative natural remedies has been more important.

Arthritis - Health scientists also now know that a multitude of free radicals damage our bodies healthy cells constantly, which can be slowed down or reversed easily by including potent natural antioxidants included in your diet. We now know that natural esterified fatty acids are incredibly important essential fatty acids needed in our diets to reduce and stop free radical damage to your joints. Esterified fatty acids have been proven to help improve joint function dramatically and slowly regenerate the protective tissue between the bone's and joints. These fatty acids help obtain painfree movement and natural arthritis pain relief for people struggling with the aches and discomforts resulting from their arthritis.

The wear & tear seen in osteoarthritis is actually due to the excess action of proteolytic enzymes that break down joint tissue and cartilage causing inflammation and pain. Published twice in the internationally acclaimed journal of rheumatology, studies show that esterified fatty acids offer great arthritis pain relief by providing youthful cell fluidity and elasticity, improved cushioning of bones and joints while also providing, cumulative and restoring benefits to joint tissue and cartilage. Esterified fatty acids are all natural ingredients scientifically reported to inhibit these destructive enzymes, and are known to reduce inflammation and pain. These vital compounds will give arthritis pain relief with outstanding results, and best of all, they are all natural compounds which have no dangerous side effects at all!

Heart - plant sterols have been proven to lower the amount of bad cholesterol absorbed by your body in a tricky but very simple way. The body absorbs the plant sterol compounds instead of the cholesterol in your digestive system because it cannot tell the difference between them. If you have a regular supply of plant sterols in your diet, the body absorbs less cholesterol because it is absorbing the sterols instead, which will then lower your bad cholesterol intake. It is a simple but very effective and safe way to help reduce your heart disease risk.

Resveratrol is also a very effective antioxidant which can stop free radical damage and improve your whole body health, which will help reduce the stress on your heart. Resveratrol has been studied extensively for its health promoting benefits and has been proven to slow down the ageing process and extend your life. Most importantly, is the fact that it can reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which are known to play a big role in heart disease. This natural compound also improves insulin resistance, making it effective in the treatment of weight loss and the management of diabetes. It also has anti-cancerous properties, inhibits the formation of tumours and can help delay the onset of Alzheimer disease.

*Natural health product benefits.

The synergy of properly combined body-beneficial fruits can produce an extraordinary delivery of the resources and nutrition of powerful anti-oxidants and phytonutrients your body needs to fight free radicals. These natural products help maintain your bodies overall health and give excellent arthritis pain relief, and provide heart disease risk reduction while improving your heart health with amazing results.

Enjoy the benefits of increased energy and better health today, and let the power of nature help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle!

To learn more and read some product reviews, follow the links below. Natural arthritis pain relief and heart health products have improved greatly in recent years as we learn more about human health.

Natural arthritis pain relief and natural heart health products are a much better and safer option for yourself or your loved ones. They are easy, convenient, better for the human body and they are achieving excellent results!

Thanks for listening and good natural health to you.

Regards Shane Nolan.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Knee Brace For Arthritis - Osteoarthritis - Special Report on Bracing

Knee Supports For Arthritic Knees

Knee injuries are one of the most common types of injuries that a person can suffer from. It is easy to twist a knee and cause ligament damage or to fall and dislocate one's patella. Of course, a great deal of pain and instability can come from damage which one receives.

Arthritis & "Old Age"

Old age can seem to cause a great deal of pain and this is why a person who is experiencing discomfort should look into using knee supports for arthritic knees. This can help to relieve a great deal of the pain that many people would commonly feel as a simple part of "getting older" and having their joints wear down.

The knee is a joint located between two bones, the femur and the tibia and is filled with ligaments, tendons and muscles which help to connect these two bones to each other while still providing the leg with the mobility to bend, twist and pivot. The rest of the space is filled in with cartilage, which can help to cushion the weight that the body presses down. The normal joint is surrounded by a membrane which produces a thick fluid to help keep the cartilage slippery and moving well.

How Do Knee Supports for Arthritic Knees Help the Pain?

When using a knee brace for an individual who suffers from arthritis, one can reasonably expect to have their pain be somewhat relieved. Sometimes the pain relief is greater than this... Arthritis is a condition which, once it begins in the body, it will have long-lasting effects and the most that one can hope for is to simply relieve the pain which it causes. The knee brace will help to keep the knee from shifting into positions where this pain might be caused. Keeping the knee in proper alignment can help stop any of the ends from grinding and becoming painful.

Specific knee braces, sometimes referred to as OA braces, which are used to help with arthritic pain can help to provide support to your knee. This support will help stop the knee from swiveling in an inappropriate way and causing more pain or damage. The pressure can also help to relieve the swelling, keeping the arthritic pain from affecting a person too much. Using knee supports for arthritic knees will not cure arthritis, but it can certainly help to make mobility much easier for anyone who suffers from it.

Knee Osteoarthritis, What It Is And How To Live With It

Knee osteoarthritis is complicated by the fact that the knee takes all the load-bearing strain of the full body weight, which in turn makes the condition even more painful. This is a degenerative disease. It often feels worse in the mornings with stiffness that takes time to resolve.

Osteoarthritis, often located in the knee, is the most common form of arthritis to be found in the United States. It differs from rheumatoid arthritis in that, should there be any inflammation present, it is usually not severe.

It is not fully known what causes knee osteoarthritis in the first place. Certainly the cartilage and bone being subjected to mechanical stresses through everyday movements, coupled with the disease being present, make this a particularly difficult and painful form of arthritis.

Knee osteoarthritis can be difficult to treat. One of the characteristics of this condition is the loss of articular cartilage. This has a poor ability to self-heal, which merely exacerbates the problem. People who are overweight or obese naturally have a bigger problem as their increased body weight makes it considerably more difficult for the knee to cope.

Any treatment of the condition must primarily seek to relieve the pain. Sufferers describe the pain as being deep-seated with a prolonged aching that can stay constant for long periods of time, often with little respite. Certain weather conditions, such as increased humidity, can cause the symptoms to worsen.

There are a number of treatments available. These typically reduce the pain and inflammation, but often cause unpleasant side effects. For this reason, many sufferers of knee osteoarthritis prefer to use chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate in preference to other pain and inflammation relieving drugs.

Hip Pain - Do You Really Have Arthritis in Your Hips Or is it Muscle Pain?

"Oh, you have arthritis in your hips."

That's probably the most common diagnosis doctors give to us when we complain of hip pain.

If a doctor looked at an x-ray of any one of us, he would see changes in the bones. He would say we have arthritis. He would tell us that is the cause of our pain. Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't.

We all have changes in the bones around our joints. Do we all have pain? The answer to that is no, we don't.

"You will just have to learn to live with it."

Maybe. Maybe not.

Doctors are great people and wonderful life savers lots of times, but as a rule, they don't know much about muscles. That's not something that is taught much in medical school. (Not in the schools you and I went to, either.)

We have large, powerful muscles that pass over our hip joints. These muscles allow us to move our legs and our body. The hip joint is where our thigh bone connects to our pelvic bone.

Those powerful, thick hip muscles can get overstretched from crossing our legs. The can be stressed from pressure like sleeping our our side or from car seats pressing on them. If you notice more pain when you cross your legs or ride in the car, take action to stop the pain.

The hip muscles can become tight from being overused or overstretched, too.

Our hip muscles can get out of balance sometimes. Our job is to keep them as balanced and in neutral as possible. When our muscles are in a neutral position, we have less hip pain. (And, "neutral" doesn't mean sitting in a chair all the time!)

"Neutral" means all of the muscles are balanced. They work together in harmony. Some are not stronger or weaker than others. They are all as strong as nature designed them to be so they can work together efficiently.

Some people do have a severe arthritic condition which causes hip pain and some have rheumatoid arthritis (which affects all of the joints in the body.) In those cases, a doctors' help may be necessary.

Some of us have a hip joint which has been worn over the years by the stress of having a short leg. A short leg causes pressure on the joint and muscles around the hip joint. Even this can often be "cured" by a knowledgeable muscle therapist and a lift for the short leg.

For the rest of us, here's the plan.

Think of your hip as having four sides. Front of your leg, back of your leg, the inside of your thigh and the outside of your thigh.

Your hip joint is most likely where you feel your pain. It seems like it's in the hip joint, but the cause could very well be the muscles on the inner side of your thigh or your back side.

You can start a movement plan to get your hip muscles back into balance. Always do your moves thoughtfully. Observe how your muscles are feeling. Pay attention to how you feel after your movements, too.

Move or lift your leg from each of the four sides. Do this while you are standing or on your side in bed.

You may discover, simply by paying attention to how your body feels, that it needs more movement in one direction than the others. Don't overdo, but do thoughtfully. Is one area tighter than the others?

If you determine that your hip muscles seem related to your hip pain (and they most likely are,) you can continue your movement therapy. Simply moving your legs in every direction, instead of always using them in only one or two directions, can help get your hips back to neutral.

You also might want to see a muscle or massage therapist. He or she will be able to loosen the muscles around your leg and hip bones. Sometimes those thick, powerful muscles need a little extra help to get back into balance. A massage therapist can be a perfect helper.

Orthobiologics and Orthopaedic Medicine - Exploring Orthobiologic Treatments for Knee Osteoarthritis

Orthobiologics is a relatively new area of study that has captured the interest of orthopaedic surgeons in their effort to find ways to facilitate the body's healing process. Orthobiologics is a dynamic scientific field with new developments and discoveries attracting ongoing interest. Orthobiologics involves scientific interventions and treatments which use the body's own growth factors and proteins to help muscles, tissues, ligaments, tendons and bones heal more quickly.

There are several different orthobiological treatments currently used by orthopaedic surgeons. Three orthobiological treatments used to treat knee osteoarthritis include:

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP),

  • Autologous Cartilage Implantation, and

  • Bone Marrow Simulation

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that is enriched with additional platelets. Platelets release proteins called growth factors which speed up tissue regeneration, repair and healing. Growth factors are important in part because they facilitate a process called "chemoattraction" which draws stem cells to the location of the injury. PRP production involves several different steps.

  1. Blood is drawn from the patient peripherally.

  2. The blood is placed in the centrifuge to separate the plasma from the platelets.

  3. This is injected into the injury site.

PRP is currently used in a variety of orthopaedic medical treatments including osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis and tendinitis. A recent article published by the American Journal of Sports Medicine stated that PRP decreases NFkB which is a major enzyme in the pathway of the formation of osteoarthritis.

What is Autologous Cartilage Implantation?

When the articular cartilage is damaged in the knee, exposed nerve endings can cause significant pain and eventually lead to osteoarthritis. Autologous cartilage implantation is a type of transplantation that takes either donor articular cartilage cells or the patient's own cartilage. Cultured autologous cartilage cells are used in order to promote growth in cartilage damage and repair the cartilage.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee, the cartilage is transplanted in the arthritic area of the knee. A recent article in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery noted that long term follow up data of 7 to 10 years suggests good to excellent results.

What is Bone Marrow Stimulation?

Bone marrow stimulation is an orthopaedic surgical technique used to help repair cartilage in the knee. Bone marrow stimulation is a treatment for cartilage injuries and degenerative problems in the knee.

Bone marrow stimulation is a surgical procedure where multiple drill holes are placed into the area of arthritis in the knee. The body's own stem cells invade that region producing fibrocartilage which is a scar tissue like cartilage. This type of transplantation has decreased results over time whereas the autologous transplantation has better longevity.

Orthobiologics Offer Promising Future

Orthobiological treatments offer a promising future to an orthopaedic surgeon who treats degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis of the knee and osteoporosis. Further research and new treatments are currently being explored and new advancements in orthobiologics are continually introduced. One of the latest innovations includes liquid allografts or so called bone glues that mend bone fractures while supporting the healing process.

Arthritis Treatment: What Is a DMARD?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory form of arthritis and affects approximately 2 million Americans. A recent study has shown that the incidence of the disease may be declining somewhat; yet, RA still remains a significant public health problem. This is because of the multisystem nature of the disease. RA is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune condition for which there is no known cure.

It has the potential to affect multiple organ systems including the heart, lungs, eyes, bone marrow, skin, and peripheral nervous system.

The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis starts with making the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is established, treatment may be started.

Symptoms of pain may be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). These help with symptoms but do nothing to modify the course of the disease.

Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) are medicines that have an effect on the disease itself. They slow down and sometimes stop the progression of disease. This is accomplished by acting on the immunologic disturbances that are responsible for RA.

Examples of DMARDS used to treat RA include hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), azathioprine (Imuran), cyclosporine (Neoral), and methotrexate. The latter drug is considered the workhorse or base upon which all other disease modifying therapies are laid upon. These are generally administered as oral pills or tablets.

Most of these chemical DMARDS were originally used to treat other conditions before finding a niche in RA.
In addition to chemical DMARDS, newer biologic medicines, protein based drugs synthesized to specifically target immune abnormalities are also considered DMARDS. These biologics are administered either by subcutaneous injection or intravenously.

Thus, DMARDS are divided into two groups: non-biologic DMARDS and biologic DMARDS.

While the old approach was to use DMARDS late, the newer approach is to combine a chemical DMARD and a biologic early in the course of disease, generally within the first three months of disease activity. The reason is that that is when the best chance to obtain remission is. In fact, early treatment can actually lead to permanent remission in some cases.

All DMARDS have potential side effects including liver toxicity, bone marrow toxicity, and kidney damage, among others in the case of the chemical DMARDS.

Biologics increase the likelihood of infection, particularly tuberculosis and this mandates the need for screening and careful follow-up, central nervous system dysfunction, and many other potential problems.

Close supervision by an experienced rheumatologist is mandatory. This reduces the likelihood of problems.

Acute Arthritis - How To Prevent Permanent Joint Damage

Acute arthritis is also known as Bacterial Arthritis and as the name would indicate, it is a form of arthritis that is caused by a bacterial infection. All parts of the body are susceptible to this form of arthritis, however, hips, knees, and hands are the most common sites to suffer an acute arthritis attack. This article shares the symptoms, cause, and how this condition is diagnosed. It will also share what treatment is needed to avoid permanent damage to your joints.

Acute Arthritis

Symptoms - Symptoms of this condition may include the onset of a fever with chills. A person afflicted with this form of arthritis may also notice red, swollen, and painful joints that make movement difficult.

Cause - Acute arthritis is caused by an invasion of bacteria (i.e. streptococci or staphylococci) into the joint. The bacteria may spread from an infection elsewhere in the body or on the skin near the joint. In some cases, direct trauma to the joint may allow bacteria to enter and cause damage.

Diagnosis - Observation of the aforementioned symptoms will be noticed and should be evaluated by a physician. The evaluation may include a physical examination, blood tests or analysis of fluids withdrawn from the joint. In some cases x-rays of the joint will be taken to further evaluate the situation.

Treatment - If diagnosed and treated early, this condition is curable with antibiotics. If treatment is delayed, this may result in permanent damage to the joint. The joint may have to be immobilized during treatment to promote healing, and physical therapy may be necessary after healing to restore full mobility to the joint.

Acute arthritis can develop quickly, often within hours or days and can be seen in children or adults. The condition can cause moderate to severe pain in the joint that is effected. Prompt medical attention is needed to prevent permanent damage to the joint.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Adjustable Air Beds For Arthritis Pain

Your mattress is the most important piece of furniture in your home. Why? Simply because you spend a third of your life sleeping. Therefore, if you a sufferer of arthritis pain your mattress has to be supportive and pressure relieving. An innerspring mattress can provide support, however, can create uncomfortable pressure points and body impressions.

With technology these days an adjustable air bed is one of the top preferred sleep systems for pressure relief and body support. Imagine a mattress that is so innovative in design that is has the combination of advanced convoluted comfort layers of material for pressure relief and adjustable air bladders for advanced support. In addition, fifty different personalized comfort settings. You can actually adjust your air bed to your very own customized comfort level. Sound to good to be true?

It gets even better. Adjustable air beds come with the most advanced latex and memory foam layers with three to five zoned convoluted support. Relieving pressure off your sore aching hips and shoulders by up to fifty percent and supporting your back and legs by sixty percent more than a traditional mattress. Furthermore, the advanced comfort layers of material are body impression resistant.

Adjustable air beds are widely used in hospitals around the world for bed ridden patients. Why? An adjustable air bed is the only bed that can be adjusted to a particular comfort level, therefore speeding up the recovery process by eliminating pressure and providing proper support for the patient. Allowing proper circulation and blood flow throughout the body increases blood oxygen levels, therefore increasing a more speedy recovery. That's why it makes perfect sense if you suffer from arthritis pain an adjustable air mattress would be the ultimate source to give you the pain relief and a more rejuvenating nights sleep.

So imagine waking up in the morning feeling more refreshed and alert ready to take on the day with joy and less pain. Sure medications are available and should be used when prescribed by your Doctor. Nonetheless, your medications probably have side effects that cause other underlying health problems. Bottom line is that if you can naturally eliminate a fraction of your pain and lower your doses or even eliminate your medication simply by investing in an adjustable air bed. That alone would be worth it. Sometimes it is the smallest adjustments in our lives that you see the greatest results.

Suffering from arthritis pain is not taken lightly and limits the activities that you enjoy. Getting your life back starts with giving your body the proper rest and rejuvenation it needs to reduce your pain. Therefore, reducing your stress and managing your pain will give you back the quality of life you deserve. An adjustable air bed will be one of the best investments you can make in your lifestyle and well-being.

Eliminating Certain Foods From the Diet Can Reverse Arthritis

It has been found over the years that eliminating certain foods from the diet and including others can help you eat away arthritis.

This is one of the good news messages out there of the quick growth of healing called alternative or natural healing medicine.

Looking To Alternative Methods

People today are taking a closer look at healing through alternatives methods to the tune of 20 billion dollars annually. The thought wave is the high cost of drugs and their side effects in the treatment, with the many different side effects, is not worth the cost or trouble when severe damage may be done. Natural healing medicine is a lot less expensive and there are no side effects in most cases when taken as directed.

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation for many years has been warning the public that arthritis is an incurable disease and only by using what they recommend can symptoms be suppressed. They tell the public that the disease is always there ready to flare up at any time. To make you feel even worse if you have it the Arthritis Foundation tells us the the disease will be epidemic in the future unless proper funding actions are taken now to limit its impact.

Rheumatologists Say

According to rheumatologists associated with the foundation the cause of the disease remains unclear, while only theories and not fact continue to mount. Arthritis today has become a collective name for the hundred or so many different varieties of arthritis. According to the foundation there are no drugs out there today that can cure the disease. Perhaps they are making these dreadful predictions to keep the research money rolling in and their jobs secure.

The Arthritis Foundation admits that people who are over weight provokes osteoarthritis and includes fish oils, fasting and food allergy as possible treatments for arthritis. They flatly state, however, no diet or food has any important beneficial or causative effect on the disease of arthritis.

Much Information Emerges

Much new information began to emerge in the late 1970's from research institutions, medical centers and universities that has made the informational seeking public re-evaluate almost everything we previously knew about the destructive disease. This intensive research continues today and finally its ideas are sinking into the conventional wisdom of arthritic treatment.

Today there has been convincing clinical proof from various branches of medicine that various foods are a contributing cause of arthritic disease. More importantly there is now convincing evidence that healthy joints are dependent on gastrointestinal health and well being.

Double Blind Study

There was a double blind study done in late 1979 by Dr. Anthony Conte, a Pittsburg nutritionist, and his associate Dr. Marshall Mandell, a well know allergist, that provide evidence that arthritis can be in may cases, an allergy related disease that can be treated by simply avoiding certain common foods.

Another research study was done by a Dr. Robert Stroud, a prominent rheumatologist at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, stating that patients with arthritic disease respond very well when certain foods are completely eliminated from their diet. He also discovered that during a fast arthritic symptoms completely clear up and become non-existent. This should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that arthritis is food related. Unfortunately you cannot fast forever.

Expansion On The Food Allergy Theory

In recent years scientists have expanded on the food allergy theory using diet to treat rheumatoid arthritis. In an ongoing experiment Drs. L.G. Darlington and N.W.Ramsey from Epsom General Hospital in England took 100 patients and treated them to a special diet only treatment. After 7 1/2 years patients were still doing well with most signs of rheumatoid arthritis gone. The doctors also found the foods you eat can influence your digestive tract, the bacteria in your gut and inflammation, all of which ultimately affect arthritis.

New Information Found

What has been found in the last decade is that arthritis is not the incurable disease we once believed. Doctors aand scientists today are now saying that many forms of arthritis are aggravated by foods we eat. While food allergies do not cause arthritis, they may, along with poor eating habits and genetic susceptibility, encourage your body to attack its own joints.

Other studies have drawn a connection between leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis. Some arthritic individuals have sieve like gastrointestinal tracts that allow partially digested food to seep into their own bloodstream. This is how food allergies and possibly allergy to your own body, called autoimmunity, happens.


This confirms what folk healers have said for years, that certain health destroying foods are a primary reason for arthritis. By replacing them with certain health restorative foods, we can encourage remission of this disease together with elimination of stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

Natural Arthritis Treatment: Alleviate The Pain Using These Options

Many people who suffer with arthritis use a natural arthritis treatment. Arthritis can be extremely uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. These days there are many herbal remedies that may ease the symptoms of arthritis.

Some of the natural treatments for this are;

Red pepper, this simple food source has many medicinal properties. It is thought to aid the circulatory system when applied externally, also it helps to ease the pains that you may be suffering with as a result of arthritis.

Cayenne pepper, this acts in a similar way to red pepper, you can apply this externally as I mentioned above or you can consume a cayenne pepper with foods. If you consume cayenne pepper it can acts as a stimulant aiding the heart, may strengthen arteries and act as a form of natural pain relief.

Ginger, you can find ginger present in many foods. Include the use of ginger for common ailments such as sickness. Ginger has many anti-inflammatory like properties. Research has conclude that ginger significantly reduces the pains of arthritis.

Garlic, aids the flow of the blood in the body, it has been proven to be very effective in reducing inflammation caused by arthritis.

All of these herbs can be added to your food as part of your daily eating routine. Eating foods with extra garlic, cayenne or red pepper and ginger can give you the required dose of the medicinal properties.

There are other natural arthritis treatments, if you are unsure of the natural treatments on offer your doctor of other health professional will be able to give you more advice.

Other natural treatments include,

Bromelain, this proteclytic enzyme may prevent the inflammation caused by arthritis. It can be found to be present in figs, pineapples and kiwifruit. Adding these to your daily diet may help reduce the symptoms of arthritis, although this will only occur if your regularly consume the bromelain rich foods.

Calcium, this promotes healthy bone structure, found in many milks, cheese, watercress, liquorice, chives and camomile. By adding a flavored tea to your day or simply adding these to your food you may reduce your symptoms after prolonged use.

Marijuana, in countries where this is available on prescription only. Although this does not take away the pain caused by arthritis it can help you to cope with the aches and pains. In most countries this is illegal however it is legal when it is prescribed in some parts of the United States and Amsterdam.

If you suffer with arthritis and you are having trouble coping with the aches and pains, seek advice from your doctor or other health professional they will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Natural arthritis treatment may possibly ease the aches and pains and in some cases may even reduce inflammation, however I do advise that you always speak with your doctor regarding any kind of treatment. There may be much more effective treatments available and these may be more beneficial to you.

Common Joint Pain Drugs

Many people suffer from painful symptoms that are caused by arthritis. There are many types of arthritis however; the most common types are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and the gout. The most common joint pain drugs that are used to ease the symptoms of arthritis such as swelling, pain, redness, severe inflammation, and stiffness can be purchased over the counter or prescribed by a physician.

Common joint pain drugs that are purchased over the counter as medication include anti inflammatory and non steroidal drugs such as:

• Acetaminophen usually referred to as Tylenol
• Motrin
• Relefen
• Aleve
• aspirin
• Naprosyn
• Anaprox

Common joint pain drugs that are available through a doctor's prescription include COX-2 inhibitors:

• Percocet
• Roxicodone
• Percocet
• Ultram
• Darvocet
• Darvon

Many people also look for common pain drugs for joints help alleviated the symptoms associated with joint injuries that are sports related as well as arthritis conditions. Some of these medications include Opioid, Percodan, OxyContin, and codeine. There are also common joint pain drugs that contain natural COX-2 inhibitors in addition to ingredients such as Chodroitin and Glucosamine and other herbs, minerals and vitamins to relieve joint pain.

Drugs Used to Treat Arthritis

1. Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder that can cause intense pain and has no know cure. The treatment this condition includes social, emotional, and medical programs as well as some common joint pain drugs that are capable of improving the quality of life by increasing physical function.

There are combinations of corticosteroids, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Drugs for treating rheumatoid arthritis in this particular type of strategy are called Methotrexate. This drug has shown promise for relieving pain in joints when taken consistently for a few months.

2. Osteoarthritis

• Mobic is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug used to reduce the hormones that cause pain and inflammation in the body. This drug is used to treat arthritis in the body

• Celebrex is a drug that is used to reduce hormones that cause pain and inflammation in the body. It is a nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug referred to as Celecoxib is used to treat inflammation and pain that is caused by a variety of conditions such as menstrual pain, arthritis joint pain and more.

3. Psoriatic Arthritis

• Minocin-Used to fight bacteria in the body

• Enbrel-Used to treat the symptoms of psoriatic, rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions and prevents joint damage.

• Azulfidine-Used to treat several degrees of ulcerative colitis. Also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis in adults as well as children who have received medications for arthritis but have had no success with the treatment of their symptoms

As there are many common joint pain drugs, it is recommended to talk to your physician to see which treatment is best of your pain.

Arthritis and Relief

It is a condition that afflicts nearly one in five adults, and is the leading cause of disability in Americans over the age of fifteen. Perhaps at one time or another you have heard an elder relative complain of the "rheumatiz" or something similar. Some may suffer this condition more seriously than others, but the fact remains that arthritis is no laughing matter.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition where the joints are inflamed, thereby causing stiffness, swelling, and pain. According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are over one hundred arthritic diseases names for various afflictions in the body, including:

  • Gout: brought on by a defect in the body chemistry, gout can cause pain in smaller joints like in the hands and feet

  • Lupus: a severe illness that can inflame and damage the connective tissue between joints.

  • Paget's Disease: a disorder affecting bone growth and strength

Arthritis is the second leading cause of work disability among adult Americans, and more severe cases, including fibromyalgia, lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis can render a person unable to walk with ease.

What causes Arthritis?

As there are many types of arthritis, so there is no one set cause for the illness. Some types of arthritis may be genetic, while a person's age, weight, or history of illness and injury may contribute to certain cases. Anyone with a relative suffering from any kind of arthritis may want to consult a physician with regards to genetic possibilities. As such, people experiencing arthritic symptoms will also want a check-up to rule out the possibility of ailment.

Temporary Relief from Arthritis

Various treatments are available for certain types of arthritis, only a physician may prescribe the proper medication depending upon the type of ailment. While a person may never be completely cured, arthritis patients, too, may want to consider alternative therapies to ease the pain. These may include specialized exercises designed to help with blood circulation, changes in diet to combat various affects the body might have on the joints, and use of ergonomic products for work and home. A special seat cushion or chair, for example, may be used to promote good posture, and in turn improve blood flow to the joints and ease stiffness and aches.

Whether you or somebody you love suffers from arthritis, no matter how severe the condition, it is important to remain apprised of the situation. Consult a physician for the best possible treatment, and investigate life changes that can help ease the everyday pain and make work and play possible.

How To Care For Someone With Arthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage between joints wear down. Osteoarthritis starts to affect your joints before you notice any symptoms. By the time the first symptoms of stiffness and pain occur, changes in the joint may have already reached an advanced stage.

Early osteoarthritis treatment involves staying active while avoiding overuse of any particular joint. If you can strengthen your muscles, you take a load off your joints. To add calorie-burning activity into your day without hurting your joints, go for gentle movements such as swimming; do some resistance training such as lifting weights or using resistance machines at the gym, or using elastic bands; and try yoga -- it is perfectly suited for people with stiff, painful joints. You may consult with a physical therapist who can give you exercises that will help avoid putting too much pressure on your arthritic joints. Your joints may hurt a little during exercise -- that's normal. But if pain lasts more than 1-2 hours afterward, you're probably pushing too hard -- "listen" to your body.

Losing weight also helps dramatically, by reducing additional stress on joints. Studies have shown that for a woman, moving into a normal weight category decreases osteoarthritis symptoms by 33 percent. I recommend that you regularly attend an exercise class as studies show that people who do, lose more weight than those who exercise on their own.

To feel your best, balance exercise with rest. Rest is important to help reduce inflammation and pain. Pace yourself throughout the day as you may have less energy than you used to, so use it wisely. Get a good night's sleep but follow these tips: don't eat large meals before bedtime; don't rely on sleep medications; avoid caffeine at night; and set a regular bedtime. A word of caution: don't rest too much as your joints may get stiff.

Taking control of the way you eat is a great way to play an active part in your osteoarthritis treatment. Talk to your doctor and dietician about the link between weight loss and improvement in osteoarthritis pain; this is to ensure that the weight loss program is both safe and effective. Plan your diet around inflammation-fighting foods. Prepare heart-healthy low-fat and low-carbohydrate meals. I suggest keeping low-calorie snacks on hand, such as carrots, cucumber, or celery sticks. Some nutrients have also been shown to be beneficial. These include Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc, Copper, and fish oils. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. Certain dietary supplements such as glucosamine may help to relieve arthritis pain. It's best to talk to your healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement.

Medicine can help reduce your symptoms of osteoarthritis and allow you to do your daily activities. It doesn't cure osteoarthritis or slow the time it takes for the cartilage to break down. But it can help reduce pain and stiffness, which can make it easier for your to move. It's best to consult with your doctor regarding certain health problems. You may need to try several kinds of medicines to find one that works for you. Since you'll likely take medicine for a long time, be sure to see your doctor for regular checkups to look for any side effects that may develop from long-term use. Acupuncture and massage may help ease pain, as part of an overall treatment plan. Consult with your doctor before trying any new treatments. Usually, surgery is considered only when other treatments have not helped or for severe cases which might need surgery to replace or repair damaged joints.

Learn to protect your joints. Bad posture can strain muscles and joints so you need to watch your posture. Use chairs that support your back and sit up straight when working at a desk or table. Give your hands a break by using large joints when you can, to take pressure off your wrist and fingers. For example, carry groceries in a bag with a shoulder strap. Use mechanical aids such as long-handled jar openers, button hooks, raised toilet seats and handrails, electric appliances and toothbrushes, and knob attachments. Don't hold joints in the same position for long periods. Taking a warm bath, using a heating pad, and applying ice wrapped in a towel can ease pain and make joints less stiff. Find out what works best for you.

Adhering to the lifestyle recommendations that I mentioned can make a big difference in slowing down the progression of osteoarthritis and improving your quality of life. And the good news is you can continue to lead an active life. Stay positive and focus on what you can do and not on what may be difficult. Tell your family and friends how osteoarthritis affects you and join a support group by contacting your local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation; having a good support system helps. Reduce stress and learn all you can about osteoarthritis (knowledge is power). Stick with your treatment program and ask for help when you need it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dealing With Arthritis - Causes and Treatment

A lot of people find it surprising to know that arthritis isn't just one disease but is actually a hub of more than a hundred related conditions, which all involve the stiffness and/or pain in the joints. Although arthritis has a higher chance of occurring at old age, there is general perception that it affects only the aged, however, more than 60% of people suffering from arthritis fall under the age of 65.

The two common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The main cause for Osteoarthritis is by usual wear and tear of joints, which tends to damage not just the joints but also the tissue surrounding it. Arthritis mostly affects the aged and the elderly, along with people who have weight issues and those who use the same joints often, repeatedly.

One of the most common forms of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, which affects an astounding two million people across the United States, out of which 70% are female. What exactly causes the disease is still not very clear, although it is widely believed that various factors such as female hormones, inherited genes and the body's response to stressful situations trigger rheumatoid arthritis.

Any of the above factors can become a cause for the body's immune system to go weak and perform poorly. They may also cause the white blood cells to attack the surrounding membranes of the joints, also called the synovium. When the immune system goes through such a breakdown, it leads to the swelling and inflammation of the joints. Anyone suffering from arthritis can testify that this condition can be highly painful, causing permanent damage to the joints, and in some cases even death.

A number of various treatments are available out there to help you with your arthritic pain. These include an improvised diet, increased resting time, a lot more exercise, application of heat and cold, and also surgery in some rare, extreme cases. Even though there are a wide range of medicines available, most of them help you only relieve the pain, instead of actually curing the arthritis from the root. There are some medications, which can work to slow down the spreading of the disease further and in process, prevent other parts of your body from being damaged or affected in any way.

An odd yet effective cure for arthritis is said to be deer velvet antler. Almost 2,000 years ago, the Chinese were the first ones to discover an antler's healing properties, not only for arthritis but also for other common body ailments. Antler velvet is nothing but the growing phase of male deer's antlers. If used in the right manner, the nutrients present in the antlers can supposedly help in arthritis pain relief. Antler velvet is an FDA approved method of treatment and is very safe to use, without any side effects. Arthritis is no doubt one of the worst diseases to hit old age. However, with the right treatment and effective planning, it shouldn't stop you from getting the most out of life.

Arthritis Treatment: Mesenchymal Stem Cells And Growth Factors For Osteoarthritis

As population demographics change with a gradually aging population, certain chronic diseases have become more common. There is a confluence of factors though that will make the management of chronic disease assume a greater level of importance. This is because not only are people living longer but they are maintaining a level of activity far greater than their parents and grandparents. This is most evident in the management of osteoarthritis where the incidence of joint replacement surgery is skyrocketing as Boomers demand a lifestyle which their forebears could only dream about.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans. It is a condition that adversely affects hyaline articular cartilage, the smooth tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones.

Hyaline cartilage consists of two components: a matrix made up of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars), and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal healthy circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

With the development of OA, a distinct change in the joint environment occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks and fissures in the cartilage. These are called "fibrillations." A complex interplay of events involving cartilage, bone, and synovium- the lining of the joint- then begins to snowball.

One of the most common joints affected by osteoarthritis is the knee. This is not a surprise since OA preferentially attacks weight-bearing joints.

Between symptomatic treatment and joint replacement surgery is a large gap in treatment measures. One area of recent interest is the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the management of OA. MSCs are the body's own stem cells which are found in many areas including bone marrow and fat. MSCs have the ability to differentiate into connective tissue of which cartilage is a prime example. Other types of connective tissue that MSCs have been shown to develop into are tendon, ligament, muscle, nerve, and intervertebral disc.

MSCs are active in the repair process when any type of connective tissue is injured. In degenerative disease like OA, the ability of stem cells may be depleted with less ability to differentiate and multiply. Animal studies have demonstrated that supplying additional MSCs may overcome this problem leading to healing and cartilage regeneration.

At least one human study in a small number of patients with OA of the knee has shown promising results using MSCs derived from bone marrow and fat. (Wei N, Beard S, Delauter S, Bitner C, Gillis R, Rau L, Miller C, Clark T. Guided Mesenchymal Stem Cell Layering Technique for Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. J Applied Res. 2011; 11: 44-48)

Combining MSCs with autologous growth factors found in platelet-rich plasma also has added a boost to the natural abilities of stem cells to multiply and divide.

Multiple centers now are applying these principles.

What most centers lack though is the knowledge of what initiates stem cell multiplication and division.

MSCs are stimulated to "go into action" when the critical initiating event, injury is initiated. Injury is what attracts stem cells and injury is what leads to the release of growth factors from platelets. That is why induction of injury by removal of osteophytes, scarification of bare bone, and fenestration of cartilage defects is absolutely crucial for cartilage regeneration to occur.

This is best done using a combination of arthroscopic and ultrasound guidance means.

In addition, providing the proper environment for the MSCs to thrive afterwards is also critical. The osteoarthritic joint is a hostile environment. Multiple measures need to be instituted so that proper survival of MSCs occurs. Institution of effective scaffolding is critical.

Effectiveness of Arthritis Pain Relief Cream

Arthritis pain relief creams are a type of topical pain medicine that is penetrated in the skin. It works directly on the pain. The good thing about these creams is that they do not need to pass through the digestive system. Others include gels, spray, and patches. It is best used in joints such as in hands and knees. Joints are very close to the skin thus; making the creams very effective medication.

There are different types of ingredients present in topical creams. First is capsaicin. It is a felt-like burning cream. It diminishes the nerve cell so it can send a message to the brain the joint is painful.

Second is the salicylate. It is anti-inflammatory, a pain relieving substance. Lastly is menthol. It produces a numb sensation to ease the joint pain. According to research, when it comes to arthritis, the above mention pain relief creams give only a mild benefit. These arthritis pain relief creams are proven to be safe if a person is not allergic and recuperating from other ailments that might have an unpleasant reaction. Non-steroidal creams are available over-the-counter. But these medicines have side-effects; they are known drug that can irritate the stomach. Those steroidal like creams and gel needed the doctor's prescription.

There are things that need to know when using arthritis pain relief cream: First is to make sure those hands are always clean. Secondly hands should be away from the eyes. Third, do not apply creams on broken skin. Lastly discontinue usage if rashes develop.

Arthritis pain relief cream is temporary only. It won't even restore your cartilage back to normal. They just provide a relief for a day; in order for you to accomplish a work. There are plenty of creams available in the market; just choose the product that will suit you. The effectiveness of the product mainly depends on the person using it. It is also helpful if you will research for the side-effect of each product. Most of the creams have a reaction to the skin; or needless to say, consult a doctor if in doubt. Always prioritize your safety and health.

A Diet For Arthritis - 40 Foods That Fight Arthritis

Believe it or not, there is a diet for arthritis. There are everyday foods that can fight arthritis and help you to reduce your pain, swelling, and inflammation. There is scientific evidence that a variety of healthy solutions are available to those who want to improve their condition in the most natural of ways.

Obviously medications are available and even surgery is another option for some. However, these treatments only provide limited benefit yet the risks and dangers they pose are great. But what if you could reduce the pain you are in from arthritis by eating a proven diet that works for battling arthritis? Would you try it?

According to the National Institutes of Health, arthritis is a well-known and growing problem. The condition affects about 20 percent of Americans. The disease causes of the inflammation of the joints. As the inflamed joints worsen, the pain becomes almost unbearable. But there are ways to improve the amount of inflammation and to reduce the swelling and pain.

Eat Omega 3 Fatty Acids

The first step you need to take is to start eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This is a natural solution to reducing inflammation. It works by reducing the production of cytokines in the body that can lead to the erosion of the cartilage in joints, leading to inflammation and pain. You can get omega 3 fatty acids from various sources, including supplements.

Wild and fresh salmon
Rainbow trout
Mackerel, except for king mackerel

Eat Healthy Oils

Next, stop using low quality oils for your frying and cooking. Rather, switch to oils high in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. The antioxidants found in these oils can greatly improve your overall health, and help you to reduce the inflammation you feel in your joints.

Get Your Nutrients

Next, focus on your nutrient levels. There are some sources of antioxidants needed to fight off inflammation and pain. By eating more foods that contain the nutrients it needs, you reduce the amount of pain you have. Here are some foods that should be on your menu.

Vitamin C Rich Foods:

Sweet peppers
Kidney beans
Brussels sprouts
White potatoes with skin on

Beta Carotene:

Sweet potatoes
Red peppers
Turnip greens
Butternut squash

Selenium rich foods:

Brewers yeast
Brazil nuts
Tuna (light tuna)
Lean beef


Cherry tomatoes
Onions of all type
Cocoa powder
Apples with skin on
Black currants

As you can see, there are many fantastic foods, most readily available to you. They contain the nutrients you need to improve your health and to fight arthritis. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to learn how to unlock the power of your diet to get better quickly.

The Heartbreak of Psoriasis - And Other Worries

People often complain about arthritis as if it were one disease. Untrue. Arthritis is a term used to describe more than 100 different conditions involving joint disease.

Some diseases are relatively mild. Others can be quite serious, involving other organ systems, and leading to potential disability as well as the possibility of a shortened life span.

One disease that is not well understood by both the general public as well as many physicians is psoriatic arthritis. This is the form of arthritis that often accompanies psoriasis, an autoimmune skin disease.

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is not rare. According to one study (Gelfand J, et al. J AM Acad Dermatol 2005; 534: 573-577), as estimated 520,000 people in the United States have the condition.

It is not an easy disease to diagnose because it may present in a dizzying array of fashions.

The primary symptoms of PsA are joint pain and stiffness. However, other modes of presentation are almost as common. These include enthesitis (inflammation where tendons joint bones), dactylitis (swelling of a finger or toe so that it looks like a "sausage"), and skin psoriasis.

Enthesitis causes inflammation where tendons or ligaments attach to bone. Common sites for symptoms to occur are the Achilles tendon, the plantar fascia (bottom of the heel), medial knee, patellar tendon, (where the patellar tendon inserts into the patella), iliac crest, triceps tendon, and lateral epicondyle. In essence, enthesitis can occur at pretty much any point where a tendon, ligament or even joint attaches to bone.

Approximately, 30 per cent of patients with PsA have enthesitis. Because the symptoms can be widespread and vague and not confined to joints, the clinical picture can be confusing. Other conditions associated with widespread pain such as fibromyalgia may be considered in the list of diagnostic possibilities. The isolated presentation of what appears to be typical plantar fasciitis may be a sign of PsA.

The other symptom that is classic is dactylitis- the "sausage digit." The sausage appearance is due to inflammation of the tendon sheath in the finger or toe. Dactylitis also occurs in about 30 per cent of patients.

The importance of dactylitis is that it is a good indicator of disease severity. It also tells the doctor that the disease is active and not well-controlled. Dactylitis is also a harbinger of severe disease that can ultimately lead to joint destruction.

Fortunately, there are medications which are extremely effective in controlling PsA. A combination of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) and biologics usually results in excellent disease control and remission.