We all know that millions of people suffer from arthritis every year. We see countless ads for the latest super-pill, super-food or super-drink guaranteed to make our arthritis go away. Researchers at prestigious Universities and pharmaceutical giants are spending millions of dollars looking for a silver bullet to cure arthritis. All of us that have suffered with arthritis pain have most likely tried more than one pill touted as an "arthritis cure". Unfortunately the results, if any, are temporary, and we are quickly off to find the next best thing in our battle with arthritis.
As someone who is winning the battle with arthritis and someone who has tried numerous products to keep it in check, I would like to offer you what I believe to be the BEST ARTHRITIS CURE. It is this: the BEST ARTHRITIS CURE is to realize that there is no cure. That's right. Once you learn to understand what arthritis is, you will come to the conclusion that there can never be a cure. You see, arthritis is simply inflammation. Inflammation is a normal part of the biological process of all the cells in our body. It is something we all live with everyday, even those of us who have not been diagnosed with arthritis. The key is to keep the ongoing process of arthritis/inflammation down to a minimum so that it does not cause pain and destruction of our bodies.
Therefore, the BEST ARTHRITIS CURE is to first realize that arthritis/inflammation is an ongoing war within each of our bodies that we must wage battle against on a daily basis. There are numerous weapons you can use to battle arthritis/inflammation on a daily basis. There is an old saying that goes, "It is better to have and not need, then to need and not have." I have personally found that it is better to prepare for each day's battle in this ongoing war with as many weapons as possible.
When I was in my mid 20's I was in such crippling arthritis pain that the last Rheumatologist I saw wanted to put me on a powerful chemotherapy drug called methotrexate. That was one weapon I had the good fortune of never having to use. Today I am pain-free and healthier than I have ever been. I take no prescriptions of any kind and do not use anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or painkillers. Instead I utilize the various weapons in the list below to beat arthritis on a daily basis. What most doctors currently have to offer only masks the symptoms of the inflammatory process, while the destruction of the body continues. Below is my own personal list of weapons that I have used together in a joint and multi-faceted, successful campaign to control the destructive inflammatory process. These have helped allow my body to heal, and regain my vision, which I had almost completely lost.
1. A HEALTHY DIET-- A wise man from Ghana Africa I once had the pleasure of working with told me the following; "In my country we are a slave to hunger. In your country you are a slave to food." It was definitely the case with me.
Unfortunately, most of the diseases we suffer with are either a direct result of what we voluntarily put in our bodies or are made much worse by it. This is especially true when it comes to inflammatory arthritis. This is borne out by numerous successful epidemiological studies. The solution is to view food as either fuel to feed the fire of inflammation in our bodies, or as a way to fight that fire, and nourish and heal our bodies.
My first weapon is a healthy diet loaded with anti-inflammatory foods that are loaded with antioxidants, like fruits, vegetables, seeds and wild caught coldwater ocean fish. Some of my personal favorites include: red and yellow peppers, onions, garlic, broccoli, cabbage, blueberries, grapes, raisins, pumpkin seeds and wild Alaskan salmon. In addition, I avoid foods that are known to cause inflammation in most people. Notice I said avoid, not necessarily eliminate. I must admit I do not have the discipline of Jack LaLanne or Dr. John McDougall, both of whom you can read about in other articles on Best Supplement Guide. I simply will not seek out or choose to eat and drink the following on a regular basis:
1. Dairy products, including cheese, milk and ice cream.
2. Anything with hydrogenated fat. Anything loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol like most of the more flavorful cuts of beef and pork, including burgers, hot dogs and sausage.
In order to rid myself of pain and inflammation I initially tried to stay as close to a vegetarian diet as possible. I first followed Dr. John McDougall's McDougall Plan. Now that I have my inflammation under control I will eat things like lean chicken breast, shrimp on occasion, and once in a great while a cut of beef like filet mignon. I still will not go near pork. Every time I eat pork my inflammation increases tremendously.
Other products I avoid are carbonated beverages like soft drinks, both regular and diet. Carbonated beverages lower the ph of your blood, making it more acidic. This causes a response in your body to try to bring your blood ph closer to neutral. It does this by leaching calcium and phosphorous from your bones. So think about this visual: you drink a soda for lunch, along with eating a big fat juicy burger, making your blood even more acidic. At three in the afternoon you go to the restroom and literally watch yourself pee part of your skeleton down the toilet. That's right: your kidneys will actually pull that calcium and phosphorous from your skeleton out into your urine. But not all of it-you have heard of kidney stones?
No, you are not going to win your daily battle with arthritis/inflammation by simply taking your doctor-prescribed pharmaceutical drug while washing it down with soda and a double cheeseburger. You must be willing to embark on a complete lifestyle change focused on eating and drinking healthy foods.
2. EXERCISE-- Exercise does several important things, including releasing beneficial hormones needed to keep lean muscle mass and burn unwanted fat. If done correctly, it will help you increase mobility and flexibility, which is important in overcoming the stiffness associated with arthritis. I personally do a five-minute slow stretching routine everyday.
I also do a vigorous cardio routine at least three times a week on a no-impact elliptical trainer or bike at a fitness gym. When I say vigorous, I mean I always work up a sweat. (Editors note: Those who experience hip pain should avoid the bicycle and elliptical because of the pressure placed on the hip flexor.)
I feel one of the most important parts of the exercise program to lessen the grip of arthritis is to do light resistance training at least three times a week. Whether you use your own body weight doing push-ups, or knee bends with stretch bands or light weights, it is important to stimulate muscle growth to support your skeleton and help you maintain bone density.
3. REDUCE STRESS-- No matter whether it is your job, a co-worker, a friend, an acquaintance, not knowing how to say no to another volunteer project, or even a family member, if something is causing a considerable amount of stress, figure out a way to reduce it. If that means changing jobs, changing where we live, or severely limiting the time we spend with a stressful person, we must do whatever it takes to reduce the amount of stress in our lives. We can't avoid all stress and we just can't run from the many challenges we all face. But there are times when we allow unnecessary or excessive stress to further bombard our brain and our body. This leads to the release of harmful hormones and the suppression of beneficial biological processes in our bodies that will in turn lead to higher levels of inflammation.
4. SUPPLEMENTATION--The fourth weapon in my arsenal is like a bow with many different types of arrows. They all work together to help weaken the FIRE BREATHING DRAGON inside of me diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis. That bow is proper knowledge of supplementation. Armed with that, I continually launch various arrows at the INFLAMMATORY DRAGON on a daily basis, knowing full well that I can never kill it-I can only weaken it until it breathes fire no more.
The following is a list of supplements of which I have found enough supporting research to show that they are beneficial, and have found them especially beneficial for me personally. They all have one thing in common-the ability to reduce inflammation. Many of them contain powerful antioxidant properties to reduce free radical damage at the cellular level.
1. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS-- Omega-3 fatty acids either from fish oil, flaxseed, algae or krill. There are other sources as well. Just make sure you get the highest amount of DHA and EPA you can for the money, from a quality manufacturer that provides filtered oil, free from contaminants like mercury. Omega-3 fatty acids should be taken daily. They have so many proven health benefits in the human body, especially for your brain, heart and the reducing of inflammation, that they should be regarded as a must in your supplementation program. I prefer to get mine from a quality multi supplement that I have taken for years saving me a considerable amount of money.
2. GLUCOSAMINE-- Numerous studies have proven Glucosamine works better in the long-term treatment of arthritis than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen) and without the bad side effects. It has also been shown to work better when combined with Chondroitin, which is why I prefer to take it in a good joint formula that also includes two other substances shown to improve joint health: Hyaluronic Acid and MSM. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory that is helpful in maintaining proper liver function. Hyaluronic Acid is especially important for maintaining joint health and is what doctors will inject into your knees to provide relief from osteoarthritis. I prefer to take mine together daily, in a joint formula which you can find on Best Supplement Guide titled Best Joint Formula.
3. TRITERPENES-- Triterpenes work to inhibit part of the inflammatory process as it starts. There are various natural substances that contain triterpenes. One of the highest concentrations is found in the Shea nut. Its extracted oil can be found in various products, but the one I prefer is called FlexNow. FlexNow has been proven to reduce inflammation in clinical trials in humans and the manufacturer is so confident in the product they will give you your money back if you are not satisfied.
4. TURMERIC-- Turmeric's active ingredient curcumin is a natural inhibitor of the COX-2 enzyme that triggers inflammation. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years an anti-inflammatory, and has numerous other health related benefits.
5. MILK THISTLE EXTRACT-- Milk thistle extract, with its active ingredients silibin and silymarin, is one of the earliest supplements I started taking on a daily basis. I consider it a high priority for helping to protect the liver and maintain proper liver function. There are numerous studies showing milk thistle's ability to protect the liver and even return diseased liver function back to normal. I prefer to get mine in the form of a good quality multi-formula that I have taken for years in order to save money.
Remember, if your liver fails to function normally, not only will the Fire Breathing Dragon within you go on a rampage, but also the rest of your body will be faced with an immune system that has run amok.
5. GRAPE SKIN AND GRAPE SEED EXTRACT-- Both of these contain polyphenols, which are powerful, free radical neutralizers with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to protect the DNA within our cells. Both are well researched and have led to further research supporting the benefits of the extract known as Resveratrol, which is now being studied as an anti-aging formula. If purchased separately the price can vary greatly and be quite expensive, which is why I prefer to get it in the multi formula I take.
All natural D-alpha tocopherol vitamin E-a fat-soluble antioxidant
Vitamin C-a water-soluble antioxidant
Alpha Lipoic Acid-a powerful antioxidant capable of recycling vitamin E and vitamin C
Green tea extract
Co enzyme Q 10
Acetyl L Carnitine
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
I hope you are able to use some of the information in this article to weaken the Fire Breathing Dragon within you and experience all the benefits of living a life free of pain.