Saturday, September 21, 2013

Which Arthritis Treatment is For You?

Have you been suffering long and hard due to arthritis? Have you been recently diagnosed with this disorder? If the best arthritis cure is what you are looking for then you might want to consider and review the more common treatments and decide for yourself.

Arthritis comes in many forms. All forms, however, have one thing in common and it is that arthritis targets the joints of the person and causes much pain and discomfort if left untreated. It would be noteworthy to have a brief background of arthritis forms as this would enlighten one on the possible arthritis cure best taken by the patient.

Osteoarthritis is reported to be the most common form. This happens when there is a lack of synovial fluids that lubricate the joints. The cartilages are worn out and this causes inflammation. Consequently, degeneration of the condition of the joints happens when inflammation occurs.

Another form of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis. In abnormal conditions, the body produces certain antibodies that attack the fluids on the joints. Again, this would lead to the unwanted inflammation that would cause deterioration of the joints and the cartilages. Septic arthritis, on the other hand, is a form of arthritis that is caused by bacterial infection. For this type, the usual part attacked is the hip or knee. The bacteria target the joints and causes swelling. This results to high fever and pain for the patient.

Gouty arthritis is the less common among the kinds of arthritis. A person with this condition has high uric acid and this produces salt crystal formation that builds up in the joints of the ankles, feet, hands, wrists. Ankylosing spondylitis is a similar inflammatory disorder but this one is chronic in nature.

Even children may have this disease in the form of Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis and Still's disease. These disorders still attack the joints of the patient and cause pain and suffering.

As you can see, the common denominator among these cases of arthritis is that the joints are targeted. It is therefore very important to address this problem. The sad thing is, there really is no arthritis cure. There are however ways to significantly reduce pain and difficulty for the patient.

Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs may be given to the patient to reduce swelling and pain. This can be over the counter drugs like ibuprofen or advil. For stronger drugs, a prescription may be needed.

Steroids are also used to alleviate symptoms of this disorder. Studies show that with proper use of steroids, progression of joint damage may be slowed down.

Every kind of arthritis form also has a corresponding treatment. For rheumatoid arthritis, for example, immunosuppresants are given. Since with this case, the body's antibodies are hyperactive, suppressing them may help prevent further progression of the disease.

The important thing to remember is to find out first what type of arthritis you have. It would be easy to pick a medication that would solve your inflammatory problems. However, it would be better if you target the source of your pain. An arthritis cure that directly addresses the origin of the disorder is definitely the best treatment you should take.

Why Is There Pain In Your Hip Joint?

?Hip joints are in constant movement, they are always involved when it comes to any kind of change in position. That is why you most certainly notice this kind of pain, you just use them all the time. You can feel hip pain around the hip joints and it is quite painful.

The most common cause for hip joint pain is usually age, but it doesn't mean that young people don't experience this sort of pain. When a human being gets older, all the joints, muscles and tendons lose their strength, they become weaker, lose their elasticity and wear off. Although it is more common in people over 40, youngsters may experience hip pain because of various other reasons.

For example, quite common reason for hip pains are hip fractions that are normally due to falls or accidents. This may happen to young people, too!

Nerve irritation or muscle strain are quite common reasons. There is a major nerve that controls lower leg function and this nerve is crossing the hip. That's why you may feel this pain around your hip and going down the leg, if these nerves are irritated. You may have pain because of muscles that help to move the hip. If these muscles are overused, they result into muscle strain.

There are also two medical conditions that cause hip pain such as arthritis and bursitis.

Needless to say that when your hip is hurting, you certainly can't do sports, run, jog etc. You should also avoid jumping and any kind of activities where you have to spread your legs widely.

Also you need to pay attention how you sleep - it is better to sleep on your back or stomach and definitely not on your hurting hip. And it is suggested to avoid long periods of sitting and too much stair climbing.

You probably can not do it anyway because of the pain, but it is suggested to not bend the hurting hip. Also it would be wise to control your bodyweight as overweight people have more mass to put on the hip.

A massage may also help, but if the pain is excessive, see a doctor. If you have some kind of a medical condition, doctors give the treatment. If you have just injured your hip, they usually prescribe you some painkillers, but first they make sure if you haven't any kind of medical condition such as arthritis or something like that. With some patients doctors even decide that they need a hip replacement surgery. It comes up especially with patients who have osteonecrosis or acute arthritis.

To diagnose an arthritis, x-rays are used. It is shown on a x-ray picture where the calcium is deposited.

Osteoarthritis: A Complicated Disease That's Hard to Treat

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It affects more than 20 million Americans and that figure is going to increase with the graying of the Baby Boomer population.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the cartilage, the gristle that caps the ends of long bones in the joint.

It is difficult to detect early in humans and the processes that lead to cartilage destruction are poorly understood.

There are different schools of thought as to whether osteoarthritis is primarily a cartilage disorder or whether it is a bone disorder that eventually leads to cartilage damage. As a result of several studies using a variety of animal models, it appears that both theories may play a role.

Another area of scientific interest is the synovial macrophage, a scavenger white blood cell that originates in the lining of the joint. This cell appears to drive much of the destructive inflammatory change seen in osteoarthritis.

Another area of interest centers around the phenomenon of oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species, a group of chemicals that accelerate destruction, are apparently in abundant supply in osteoarthritic cartilage. This is because the levels of scavengers of reactive oxygen species - these scavengers serve to protect against the ravages of oxidative stress- are low. Therefore, the more oxidative stress, the greater chance for cartilage cell damage and the subsequent onset of osteoarthritis.

Another area of interest in the study of osteoarthritis has focused on the role of destructive enzymes. These enzymes include cathepsin K, aggrecanases, and metalloproteinases.

Specially bred mice who have abnormal levels of the above enzymes show a significant propensity to develop abnormalities in bone, cartilage, and synovium.

Other factors that influence cartilage integrity include growth factors such as transforming growth factor beta, bone morphogenic protein, insulin growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor, to name a few.

It is clear that regardless of all the complexity, the development of osteoarthritis is due to an imbalance that occurs between cartilage cell growth and cartilage cell death. Most studies have demonstrated that age causes cartilage to become less responsive to growth factors.

Multiple attempts have been made at developing pharmaceutical agents that modify the biochemical abnormalities described above. Because animal models of osteoarthritis are so different across species, it has been difficult to establish standards for determining true efficacy.

As a result, these attempts have met with little success. Translation of benefit to humans also appears to be a daunting task.

So what can be done?

It's pretty evident that osteoarthritis is a complicated problem. To date, any type of pharmaceutical agent which has purported effects for slowing down cartilage damage does not really work.

The search for the Holy Grail continues. Most recently, there has been work down on using biologic strategies involving matrix elements supplemented with autologous stem cells (a patient's own stem cells). While still too early to determine the extent and duration of improvement, the early findings are promising.

Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet - Balance, Moderation And Variety

A lot of people believe that rheumatoid arthritis only affects older people, but it is in fact also prevalent among people aged twenty to fifty. It can, however, affect people younger or older than the given age range; is more common with women than men. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the worst types of arthritis - it doesn't stop with joint pain but gradually progresses to joint deformity.

There is no known cure for this disease, but the right rheumatoid arthritis diet and lifestyle, coupled with regular medication and other treatments, could allow people to continue leading normal lifestyles.

What Research Says About Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diet

Research is needed to accurately gauge the effects of diet on rheumatoid arthritis. As symptoms of this disease change in frequency and intensity from one day to another, it is virtually impossible to determine which foods caused which episode. Expert studies, however, have been able to determine that healthy food choices will always benefit individuals of any age afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis.

Today, researchers acknowledge the link between diet and rheumatoid arthritis. Nutritional supplements have been proven to be helpful as well not only for rheumatoid arthritis but other musculoskeletal problems like reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis.

Researchers however emphatically warn individuals from believing all the diet claims they hear. The US Department of Food and Drug Administration always request food and drug manufacturers to state if their claims are not sufficiently proven with research - if you see a disclaimer of this type then know that the claims provided are unsubstantiated.

Worse, there are even food products and supplements that are completely fraudulent and only out to con consumers. Such products may also contain harmful ingredients like zinc or alfalfa, both of which have been suspected to have unwanted side effects.

The Makings of the Right Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis

There is no official recipe for the right diet. You can create your own menu plans just as long as your diet is based on three essential principles: balance, moderation and variety.

A balanced diet contains all the necessary components to ensure that you receive complete nourishment. Intake must always be moderate - eating too much of anything is not good. Lastly, what you eat must vary from time to time because it's easy to lose interest in eating and sticking with your diet if you force yourself to eat the same thing day after day.

Preparing this type of diet isn't easy and especially if you suffer from daily arthritic pain. Consider asking one of your family members or hiring an individual to ensure that your meals are carefully laid out everyday.

Caution In Preparing Your Diet

Special concerns may also dictate necessary changes for your diet. Arthritis can sometimes make you sensitive to certain food groups. Obviously, your meals will therefore avoid including any of those food groups. Depression and other emotional problems caused by arthritis may make you lose your appetite - your meals must therefore be more visually appealing and delicious than usual.

Also, rheumatoid arthritis can make a person suffer from potassium deficiency and sodium retention problems. As such, your meals will have to be particularly rich in potassium to make up for these losses.

Do your best to keep your weight ideal. Obesity has long been discovered to be disadvantageous to people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Besides the right diet, regular exercise can prevent you from gaining weight. Exercises may be done at home or through sports - what's important is to get yourself moving!

What's In, What's Out

Reduce intake of foods rich in cholesterol and fat. You don't have to avoid them completely, but you do need to eat less of them. The same goes for foods that are particularly sweet or salty.

On the other hand, increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products. They reduce the inflammatory response of your joints.

Lessen consumption of alcohol - drinking too much will only make your joint pains worse.

If your diet is deficient in any vitamin or mineral, consider taking supplements to make up for the loss.

Lastly, consider consulting your doctor or nutritionist to determine other special conditions you may have to adhere to for your rheumatoid arthritis diet. Ask, for instance, if there are certain foods that could interact with the medications you're presently taking for your condition.

Choosing A Magnetic Bracelet For Arthritis - Can A Magnetic Bracelet For Arthritis Relieve Your Pain

Arthritis is a disease which affects numerous people. Arthritis is also a painful disease. Because of the pain and the amount of people arthritis afflicts; doctors and scientists are working diligently to create arthritis pain treatments and cures. Thanks to this ongoing research, there are numerous treatments given in order to aid in the relief of arthritis pain

A very simple arthritis pain management device is an arthritis bracelet. This form of arthritis pain treatment is quickly growing in the United States. Even though there has been an explosive growth in the use of arthritis bracelets, surprisingly a lot of arthritis sufferers don't know about them.

What you should know about arthritis bracelets:

One particular thing you should know about arthritis bracelets, is there are different types. However, the scope of this article is to concentrate solely on the magnetic arthritis bracelet.

The credibility of the effectiveness of magnetic bracelets has long been supported by folk medicine and holistic healers. In recent years Western medicine has begun to accept more and more natural healing methods. Because of this trend, a growing number of people are giving non-traditional Western medical methods a try. Magnetic bracelets are no exception. Magnetic bracelets are growing in popularity and use among people in the United States.

There has been some recent authentic research which concludes magnetic bracelets can be used as an effective arthritis pain treatment method. This research was conducted by a team of British researchers. They wanted to test whether magnetic bracelets were effective in treating arthritis pain, or if they were useless. They did find at the end of the twelve week study, that the magnetic bracelets helped to reduce the pain of the wearers as opposed to those who were given a "dummy" bracelet.

There is one precaution to the study, weak magnetic bracelets had little to no effect on their wearers, just as the "dummy" bracelets did. Be sure to have a strong magnetic bracelet. Make sure the field is between 170 and 200 mTesla.

How does a magnetic bracelet work?

An area which is afflicted with pain, generally speaking, is constantly lacking in blood circulation. Because of the lack of circulation, there is also a deficiency in oxygen. The afflicted area can be highly acidic and the polarity would be considered positive. A negative, otherwise known as a Unipole magnet helps these conditions. The magnet helps to increase circulation. In turn, this increases the amount of oxygen brought to the afflicted area, and decreases inflammation.

The negative energy field produced by the magnet also counteracts the positive field associated with the painful condition. Anyone, who is pregnant, or wearing a pacemaker, electronic implants or using electric blankets/heating pads should not use magnetic products. You should always consult a physician before undertaking any kind of treatment for arthritis.

Where you can find a magnetic arthritis bracelet:

There are many different locations where you can go to find this bracelet and other related forms of arthritis therapy. In fact, you can find a good quality and inexpensive magnetic arthritis bracelet on the internet. You would not even have to leave your home to buy it.

Although there are many other forms of treatment that are considered as being beneficial in regards to the relieving of arthritis pain, the magnetic bracelet can easily be considered as one of the best and most economical options of all.

Arthritis Treatment: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs - Cons and Pros

One of the most common chronic ailments worldwide is arthritis. The term "arthritis" is derived from the Greek... "arthron" meaning joint, and "it is" meaning inflammation. It is used to refer to a group of more than 100 different conditions.

Arthritis remains the leading cause of disability in the United States.

One of the most common treatments used for arthritis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). These drugs reduce pain and inflammation. Their mechanism of action is through the blockade of enzymes called cyclooxygenase. Cyclooxygenase (there are two types- COX 1 and COX2) is key to the production of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that have many physiologic effects. Some prostaglandins cause inflammation, some are responsible for mucus production to protect the lining of the stomach, some are responsible for normal functioning of the kidneys, and some are responsible for clotting.

As a result of these myriad actions, blockade of prostaglandins can also cause a multiplicity of effects and side effects.

Side effects of NSAIDS can limit their use and effectiveness. The most common side effect is gastrointestinal irritation and the development of ulcers in the stomach and small bowel. This side effect can be mitigated by using NSAID that selectively block COX 2 only since this is the type of cyclooxygenase that specifically channels inflammation and has less of an effect on mucus production in the stomach. Also using proton pump inhibitors- drugs that protect the stomach- along with an NSAID is another effective strategy.

Patients with kidney issues should not take NSAIDS since these drugs can significantly alter kidney function. NSAIDS also cause fluid retention.

Less common side effects include liver damage, bone marrow abnormalities, and allergic reactions.

The major concern is the increased risk of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks associated with all NSAIDS regardless of whether they are COX-2 selective or not. These drugs should not be used in patients with recent coronary bypass. A major ongoing clinical trial, the PRECISION study, is seeking to answer the question as to whether some NSAIDS are riskier than others.

One option that can reduce the likelihood of NSAID side effect is to use topical (rub-on) NSAIDS. Examples are Pennsaid and Voltaren gel.

So what are NSAIDS good for? I'm going to stop beating up on them and talk about the potentially good things. Obviously, they are excellent analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, there is accumulating data indicating that NSAIDS may be effective anti-cancer agents. One study published in Cancer Prevention Research showed that former smokers who took Celebrex, a COX-2 inhibitor had reduced levels of Ki-67, a marker of potential tumor growth. Other studies suggest NSAIDS may be protective against colon cancer. And the dermatology literature has suggested that low dose aspirin may reduce the risk of melanoma.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Basic Types of Arthritis

Arthritis literally means "joint inflammation". The word comes from the Greek words arthro meaning "joint" and -itis meaning "inflammation". Arthritis can occur in any joint in the body, from the small joints of the fingers to the major joints, such as the hips or knees. The two main types of arthritis are degenerative, meaning it is caused by excessive use of the joint, or autoimmune, meaning the immune system attacks the joints, believing them to be disease-causing cells. There are other types, including some caused by an infection of the joint or by the body depositing different substances in the joint, which can cause inflammation. The inflammation, regardless of its cause, can lead to swelling, pain and stiffness. This pain and stiffness can cause movement loss and limit the normal day to day activities of an arthritis patient. However, with treatment, the pain and stiffness can be managed and most daily activities can be accomplished.

Degenerative arthritis types are caused by excessive use of the joint. This means it is more often seen in the elderly than other age groups. However, people who use a joint a lot, such as sports players or factory workers that perform repetitive movements all day may also develop any of the degenerative arthritis types. The degeneration is caused when the tissues surrounding the joint become worn and unable to work properly. The degeneration can be treated with glucocorticoid injections and the pain can be managed with over the counter pain medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Autoimmune arthritis types occur when a person's immune system attacks their joints. The most common types of autoimmune arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. The treatment for these diseases is similar; both rely heavily on controlling the inflammation and preventing joint damage. This can be accomplished using either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). DMARDs are thought to improve rheumatoid arthritis by interrupting the cycle of inflammation and joint damage. Once the inflammation is under control, many people find that their pain decreases to a manageable level. This is done with over the counter pain medications.

Some arthritis, such as septic arthritis, is caused by a joint infection. This is usually treated with antibiotics to get rid of the infection and mild painkillers to manage the pain until the infection and resulting inflammation, has cleared up. Patients usually recover fully from septic arthritis, although many may develop a form of degenerative arthritis later in life. Another type of arthritis is caused by deposits of certain molecules in the joints. This is either gout or calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, CPPD. Gout is caused by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joint. With CPPD, the body deposits calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the joint. Treatment is usually aimed at preventing any more crystal formation and controlling symptoms of deposited crystals. For a single joint this is accomplished by draining the fluid off the joint and injecting corticosteroid, while taking NSAIDs to control the pain. When multiple joints are affected, corticosteroid injection is impractical so an oral course of corticosteroidal treatment is followed. Gout can also be controlled through dietary changes.

How to Treat Arthritis of the Spine in Dogs

One of the most common problems of older and larger dogs is arthritis in the spine of dogs. This may often be caused by too much physical activity in the training of dogs. Many dogs are encouraged to jump for the ball when they are young. This causes jolts to the back legs and brings on early arthritis. By all means play ball with your dog but don't let them jump too high - throw the ball 'lower' so your dog can catch it but doesn't leap up into the air.

What happens in this condition is a deterioration of the tissues in and around the vertebrae. The cause may be related to the aging process. The breakdown causes inflammation and some degree of pressure on the spinal nerves that supply the hind quarters. Difficulty in control of muscle movement and walking develops into a paralysis.

The animal goes down in the hind quarter and pathetically drags himself around on his front legs. I have seen forelegs become affected also. The legs get stiff and unsteady and eventually the animal is down altogether and can't get up.

A symptom of arthritis in dogs includes poor appetite. You will find your dog less active, weak and do not eat as much as he used to. The disease may not be noticed as early but you will observe fatigue, resistance to walk, climb and play. These are signs of early stage of arthritis.

When there is too much pain and sensitivity in the spinal region this becomes more evident that the dog is suffering from the disease. Progressive loss of control of the hind leg muscles with accompanying dragging of the paws, swaying of the hind end, and reduced ability to walk and jump. Eventually develops into a hind quarter paralysis and can move forward, affecting the forelegs and the brain. Most frequently seen in aging dogs.

We need to be alert with the signs and symptoms of arthritis of the spine of our dogs. This is a deadly disease and actually let our dogs suffer. When treated early though, complications may be prevented. Have your dogs examined by the Vet regularly.

We cannot always assume our pets are in good condition. Professional care is more important. Read and research. Information about regarding signs and symptoms awaken us that something has to be done.

Arthritis in the spine of dogs are very common to dogs. Early detection is necessary. When condition becomes worst, it will cost us too much money and still there is no guarantee to survive from the illness.

Pets cannot talk straight to you. Their feelings can only be expressed through their actions. You need to be more sensitive to them. You do not only feed them but you need to spend time with them more often in order for you to notice their condition. When you know you have the symptoms of arthritis in the spine of dogs it is when you should consider that you dog needs immediate attention.

How to Reduce Uric Acid Levels in Blood - Cure Gout Naturally

Did you know that you can cure gout naturally by learning how to reduce uric acid levels in the blood? The average gout sufferer does not know this interesting fact. And the reason is because most doctors do not tell them now to treat this type of arthritis naturally.

Because gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis, I believe that it is your right to be well informed about your disease and how you can fully treat and prevent it from ever coming back. By the end of this article, you will have learned how to reduce the uric acid levels in your blood and how to say good bye to the pain in hours.

Why Curing Gout is Simple

The traditional treatment for this type of arthritis is to take expensive painkiller to lessen the pain and reduce the swelling in your toe. Some doctors have even prescribed an expensive air cast that allows you to walk but keep your toe stationary. This is an expensive and painful route.

The alternative treatment is exactly the opposite. Knowing that gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the body, natural remedies work to flush the uric acid and dissolve the uric crystals that are causing the pain.

Therefore, traditional treatments temporarily work by numbing the pain. Natural remedies work by curing the cause of gout... too much uric acid in the blood and dissolving the crystals that are lodged between your joints.

Here are some tips to begin your alternative treatment.

How to Cure Gout Naturally

There are numerous ways you can flush uric acid and even prevent it from forming. The following tips will help you treat gout naturally.

1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water will naturally flush uric acid out of your body through your urine. You should drink at least 12 glasses of water throughout the whole day. Keep your urine clear!

2. Baking soda has been shown to increase the solubility of uric acid which allows the body to excrete it more readily. You should mix a half teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water.

3. Eat one cup of strawberries. Strawberries neutralize uric acid and create almost immediate relief from your symptoms.

4. Eat one cup of grapes during an attack. Grapes are a great snack during an attack because they will lessen the acidity of uric acid.

5. Lastly, alfalfa might also be a great option for you. Alfalfa is an excellent source of minerals and nutrients. It has also been shown to dramatically reduce uric acid levels by neutralizing the acid.

Eliminate The Painful Suffering That Gout Presents With Natural Remedies For Treating Gout

The dangers of high uric acid levels which may have a
disastrous effect on the body has led nutritionist and
alternative medical professionals to seek a cure for gout.
Gout is one type of arthritis that can be treated without the
use of harsh dangerous drugs.

Some of the natural remedies available have no side effects and
are part of a healthy diet regiment. These natural cures for
gout use nature's bounty as a defense against the painful
suffering the gout presents.

Some homeopathic and naturopathic practitioners pursue the idea
that it is the toxicity level in the body that is the of all types
of arthritis. With gout, the high levels of uric acids prompt the
body to attack itself. These practitioners also contend that therapeutic
nutrition can benefit the sufferer of gout and those who suffer with other
types of arthritis.

Toxin accumulation in may be interrelated with other diseases including
digestive Disorders, high Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, Gout and other
degenerative diseases. The high uric acids in the joints of gout sufferers
increase the risk of heart and circulatory problems. The crippling pain of
gout only get worse if left untreated.

Stimulating the immune system to its natural state is the first step toward a
cure for gout. The body needs to detoxify itself with a colon cleanse, juice
fast or vitamin and mineral supplementation. Natural remedies will reduce the
symptoms of gout. At the same time the remedies will deal with the cause of
the condition,

A colon cleanse will rid the body of impacted fecal matter, a few pounds
of filth and create a sense of well being all at the same time. Individuals
who perform an at home colon cleanse report strange types of matter that
is excreted from the body.

Sometimes there are years of accumulated matter trapped in the intestinal
walls that create a toxic environment within the total digestive system.

Some people introduce gout curing agents into their diets in the form of
a juice fast. Starting the fast by hydrating the body with 8-10 glasses
of water daily will dilute the uric acid. The second step in the juice fast
is to add gout curing foods to the diet.

Gout curing foods include:

*Pineapple is a natural way of getting bromelain.
Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory agent.

*Bing Cherries:

"Eating fresh bing cherries may help people who suffer from the
pain of gout or other forms of arthritic inflammation", states a research
paper from the Agricultural Research Service's Western Human Nutrition
Research Center in Davis, CA.

*Strawberries and blueberries have powerful ingredients that help in the
treatment of gout.

*Omega-3 acids fatty acid limits the production of uric acid and reduces
the inflammation and tissue damage. Essential fatty acids like tuna,
salmon, flaxseed, nuts and seeds are good foods that help to reduce
the uric acid in the joints

Adding lemon juice to water at room temperature and drinking after a
meal of fruits and vegetables will help with uric acid release and provide
relief from pain.

Foods to avoid include those high in purines

*Alcoholic beverages

*Anchovies, sardines in oil, fish roes, herring


*Organ meat (liver, kidneys, sweetbreads)

*Legumes (dried beans, peas)

*Red Meat

*Asparagus, cauliflower

The result is that these treatments are more successful in helping gout
pain than some of the traditional medical solution that involves harmful
drugs with negative side effects.

Ultrasonic Therapy And Arthritis

Effectively a form of massage, ultrasonic therapy for pain depends upon sound waves that are impelled unto human tissue where they cause rapid, gentle vibration and slight local heating. As such waves travel through human tissue, different frequencies are absorbed by different tissues in the human body, for example, skin, fat, muscle and bone. One reason for a frequency being well absorbed by a particular tissue is that it is the frequency at which the molecules of that tissue naturally vibrate. Ultrasonic massage devices operate at frequencies designed to resonate with (that is, to set off sympathetic vibrations in) a wide range of human tissues.

As sound waves travel through human tissues, their vibrations cause alternate loosening and tightening of cell walls. This stimulates the metabolism, and it can also improve blood circulation. Sound waves can have therapeutic effects on tissues beneath the surface of the body, including some that may be affected by arthritis, which may be difficult to treat with other therapies. Stiffened joints can be relaxed through ultrasonic therapy. People with knee pain and lower back pain testify to benefits from this form of treatment. Pain signals normally travel from the site of the stimulus via a peripheral nerve to the spinal cord then to the brain.

One theory of how TENS works proposes that it makes specific cells in the spinal cord less responsive to pain signals, reducing the perception of pain in the brain. A second theory ascribes the pain relieving effect to electrical impulses stimulating the release of endorphins, the brain's natural painkillers, which block the pain. Some complementary therapists recommended fasting as a treatment for arthritis in order to detoxify the system and eliminate long accumulated waste products. Fasting should last no longer than three days unless you are under medical supervision.

It is essential to drink a glass of water every hour when you are fasting. Fasting has no proven benefits for the treatment of arthritis. Aspirin is a simple analgesic, which relieves pain in body tissues, such as muscles, ligaments and joints, particularly when associated with inflammation. It can be taken in pill form or, most effectively, dissolved in water. May irritate the stomach and, if taken on a long term basis, may cause stomach ulcers. Penicillamine is taken orally, at least an hour before food. It can alter your sense of taste, but this should diminish after a few weeks. Otherwise the side effects are just like any other drugs used to treat pain.

Overcoming Joint Pains and Aches

The most important thing you should know about joint pains is that you do not have to live with the discomforts. Matter of fact, there are multiple different ways to overcome the aches, stiffness, and inflammation. With there being over 20 million adults suffering from joint pains, it is pertinent that we are all prepared for the battle against arthritis. Nearly everyone will experience some sort of musculoskeletal pain by the age of 70. This is greatly due to the fact that age is the main cause of joint pains. If you want to safely "overcome" joint pains and aches, it is best to start taking supplements. You can take them as a preventative step or you can take them to help treat the symptoms you are already experiencing.

At least when it comes to joint pains you aren't totally trapped. You do not have to go through surgery or anything extreme to overcome the situation. Although diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are a chronic pain that does not mean that you have to feel the weight of them every day. Rheumatoid arthritis effects both sides of the body equally. It is a long term disease where the body attacks its healthy this case, healthy tissue surrounding your bones. If that tissue is worn down or eaten away then your joints cannot work properly, may be painful, inflamed, or stiff. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis, and millions of people that suffer from the condition.

So how do you overcome your pains and aches?

Natural supplements: taking daily supplements can improve your joint health quickly and provide long term relief. You can take them whether you are experiencing severe side effects of arthritis or other degenerative diseases. As you get older it is smart to start adding supplements to your diet so that you can keep the healthy cartilage you have and protect your bones from bone spurs. They can slow down the break down process of cartilage and help reinforce proteoglycans. Proteoglycans need to be strong if they want to provide the cushion and shock absorption needed for free moving and pain free joints.

Exercise: adding exercise to your week can help improve the strength and flexibility of your joints. It also helps improve muscle mass.

Diet: there are many foods that can help improve your joint health. Salmon, nuts, strawberries, and ginger are a few foods that can help.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Best Diet For Someone With Osteoarthritis

The best diet for someone with osteoarthritis is a whole food diet. But, since that answer may seem too simple, let's look a little closer.

Essentially "whole food" means food that isn't processed. When natural food is processed many of the important nutrients are removed or rendered useless.

For example, whole grains contain protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. When they're made into bread, pasta or flour, the fatty acids are removed - not because they aren't good for you, but rather because they can become rancid and spoil.

This would shorten the "shelf life" of the product, cutting into the manufacturer's bottom line. Therefore, they take these essential fatty acids out of your bread.

So you can see why it's important to eat food as close to it's natural state as possible. This ensures they're still loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, fatty acids, and other vital factors that contribute to your health.

Okay, now that you're ready to eat whole foods, which foods should you choose for osteoarthritis? Good question.

Besides eating a well balanced diet of whole grains, vegetables, fresh fruit, lean meat and dairy, you'll want to focus on the specific foods that prevent inflammation, improve collagen and promote healthy cartilage and bones.

The main food in the anti-inflammatory category is oily fish. Two to five servings a week plus daily fish oil supplements will help your body overcome chronic inflammation.

Some secondary anti-inflammatory foods include things like blueberries, red and black grapes, beets, citrus and garlic.

The best foods to improve collagen, which gives your tissues more strength and elasticity, are those in the citrus family.

For healthy bones, you need strong collagen as well as calcium from dairy or eggshells and amino acids from quality protein sources.

And finally, to make sure you're keeping your joint cartilage intact and to repair any that might get damaged you need glucosamine. Shellfish, including the shell, are the best food sources for this.

Now I know it's not always easy in our fast paced lives to eat as well as you should. So if you're truly committed to the best diet for someone with osteoarthritis, then you should also supplement your diet with natural food based supplements.

The best supplements to help prevent and relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis are omega 3 fatty acids from fish and glucosamine hydrochloride from shrimp and lobster. The first relieves inflammation and the second protects your joint cartilage.

These two work very well together to produce incredible results. And a glucosamine supplement is a lot easier that eating the shells of shrimp and lobster.

Also consider supplementing your diet with calcium and vitamin C complex, especially if you're a woman. Both are important for your bones and C complex gives you the added benefit of supporting healthy collagen.

Since the best diet for someone with osteoarthritis is whole foods, it's time to throw away all those processed and packaged foods. They offer you nothing but nutritionally empty calories.

Knee Arthritis Treatment

What you need to know about arthritis of the knee.

The most common form of arthritis in the knee:

The most active type of arthritis in the knee is osteoarthritis. This is where the disease causes a gradual deterioration of the cartilage in the joint, resulting in swelling, sometimes excruciating pain and loss of mobility.

The most likely affected:

Most at risk are women over 50 who are overweight. A hereditary link also seems to be a factor, plus men or women who have experienced fracture to the bone near the joint, a ligament injury or a meniscus tear.

Symptoms associated with knee arthritis:

There is no typical progression of pain as this disease worsens. Weather can play a key factor so cold symptoms can be particularly difficultly in winter months, while summer days can be remarkably easy on the knees but that doesn't mean the arthritis is in remission.

Time is the key factor in measuring its progress along with constant monitoring through x-rays and blood tests.

Most reported symptoms:

  • Bow legs or knock-knees.

  • Discomfort when active.

  • Restricted movement.

  • Joint inflammation.

  • A sensation which feels like the joint might "pop out".

There are three ways to treat knee arthritis, you can treat the symptoms, have surgery or you can treat the cause - which ideally will fix if not put the disease in to remission.

Treatments for the symptoms of arthritis in the knee:

First things first and that's to go and get a physical examination and an x-ray. A second evaluation is also not a bad idea also as early stages of osteoarthritis can often go undiagnosed.

Each case should be valued on its own merit, so do not interpret this article as a definitive guide for treating arthritis in this region, it merely serves to highlight the practices that patients and practitioners generally follow today.


You won't find this endorsed on but acupuncture has to be one of the fastest and more effective methods for acute and serious cases of osteoarthritis, yet it can still be practiced on less damaged joints.

Prof Dr Anton Jayasuriya's methods while often frowned upon in the West, is an art of acupuncture which dates back centuries and is reported to provide instant and permanent relief.

It can reduce the swelling, relieve a patient from pain by up to 80% and provide almost sudden mobility.

Four needles are inserted in to specific stress points - not just points of acupuncture - to a certain depth, then heated till they glow piping red, then gently and swiftly removed one by one.

This practice is repeated 2 to 3 times a day until the swelling has all but disappeared and the pain has relinquished.

Once the course of treatment is complete it is stated to be permanent.

Soothing oils and warming pads are then used by the patient at home to complete the treatment.

Acupuncture does not treat the deterioration of the joint directly, but rather the pain inflammation and lack of movement - the symptoms.

Anti-Inflamatory Prescription Drugs

These have provided the earliest breakthrough in the West for an initial pain release but the effects these have on your body now that they've been on the market for more than two decades, are coming to light.

Prolonged usage of theses NSAID's as they're known have shown to have a debilitating effect on the liver, kidneys and heart, so before deciding to take a quick fix for the inflammation and pain, make sure you lay out what initial health problems you may have with your doctor so the prescription won't conflict with your current medication.

Physical Therapy & Relaxation

Physical therapy and controlled periods of relaxation both help strengthen the muscle around the joint, lightening its burden and reducing the stress.

Meditation, sleep and hypnotherapy are all forms of relaxation that can reduce the amount of pain you're experiencing in your knee and exercise will prevent atrophy of the leg muscles.

Arthritis Surgery

If the disease has simply become unbearable in pain and has left you almost immobile, then surgery today is the last resort.

a) Knee Osteotomy

This is effectively for only young patients who have caught the disease early on and have had a total knee replacement.

b) An Unicompartmental Knee Replacement

Or simply known as a partial knee replacement, this again is for a small surgical replacement of the knee when the disease is limited and this is more common among middle to elderly aged patients.

c) Total Knee Replacement

Now that the joint can no longer function the will be the last resort where a plastic and metal implant is fitted in to the knee.

Treatments to Influence Remission of Arthritis in the Knee

a) Biologically Injected Medications

Cortisone injections which ooze the pain and reduce the swelling are much safer and more beneficial than NSAID's, and while they won't influence remission, you can safely take additional joint supplements without any side-effects that can help treat this disease.

b) Joint Supplements and Non-Prescription Treatments

Glucosamine is still lacking in research data, but it is showing signs that it may help the remission process of arthritis in the knee.

Additional non-prescription natural treatments include active compounds found in Capsaicun, Tonkat Ali, Omega 3 Acids and Reishi.

These ingredients not only treat inflammation effectively, they also naturally help block the pain signals being sent from the joint to the brain.

More importantly they assist in rebuilding the cartilage.

Now dry and deteriorated from this disease, these are just some of the ingredients when taken regularly in high concentrations that can help the cartilage function better.

Cod liver oil tablets have for years been used to free up stiff joints for mild arthritis of the knees, but now research over the last decade has given birth to new supplements that not just treat the symptoms but fight it.

Know How to Handle Arthritis and Improve the Quality of Your Life

Arthritis is a common problem of elderly people but it can also occur on young adults and even children. The joints and the tissues surrounding them degenerate as we grow older that is why arthritis is common to older people. Millions of people are suffering from arthritis and the disabilities that come with it and if you are one of those people, it is good to know that there is something you can do about it. You can improve your condition and cope with arthritis if you know how to handle arthritis. The following tips can be very helpful in coping with arthritis.

Get the right diagnosis. If you are suffering from pain, swelling and stiffness in and around your joints you might be suffering from arthritis but it is important to get the right diagnosis because there are different types of arthritis and treatments depend on the type of arthritis you have. You need to know the specific type of arthritis you have to be able to handle arthritis the correct way. Arthritis can result to joint and cartilage damage or disability so it is important to consult your doctor or get medical intervention as early as possible to avoid the condition from getting worse.

Know the facts about arthritis. As we grow older we may suffer from degenerative diseases like arthritis. People have to face the fact that as we grow older our body will degenerate and arthritis is a possibility. If you already have arthritis, you have to face it and know the facts to properly handle arthritis. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. Reading materials about arthritis can be very helpful and of course, your doctor can explain to you everything about arthritis, so do not hesitate to ask.

Take care of your joints. To handle arthritis you have to avoid putting more stress on your joints. If you need to use self-help devices specifically made for people with arthritis to protect your joints while doing tasks at home, in the office and outdoors, do not hesitate to use one. To properly handle arthritis, you need to take care and protect your joints to avoid further damage and disabilities.

Keep an active life. Keeping a sedentary life is not good for people with arthritis so one of the best ways to handle arthritis is to be physically active. Stay physically active to improve blood circulation, lessen arthritis pain and increase your range of motion. Your doctor or physical therapist can help you with the appropriate exercises and physical activities suitable for your condition to avoid injuries. Different exercises will be recommended by your health provider to increase your range of motion, improve endurance and strengthen your joints. Whatever exercise program you need, one of the best ways to handle arthritis is to keep an active life.

Use the power of music. People with arthritis may not only suffer from physical pain but also from depression, one good way to uplift your mood and somehow forget the pain is by listening to good music. Feeding your mind with beautiful thoughts while listening to your favorite music can reduce arthritis pain. To effectively handle arthritis, you have to learn how to divert your thoughts to something else to avoid feeling depressed and to cope with arthritis pain.

Lose weight. It is not good if you are on the heavy side and you have arthritis. Too much weight can add stress to your joints and can worsen your condition. It is easier to handle arthritis if you are not overweight. Losing weight is not only good for your arthritis but it is also good for your overall health. Avoid fattening foods and eat a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight.

Meet your calcium needs. Do not neglect your daily calcium needs because your bones need calcium to stay healthy. Adults younger that 50 yrs old need a daily calcium of 1,000 mg and those older than 50 need 1,200 mg. It is a must for adults to meet their daily calcium needs to avoid bone problems especially if you have arthritis. You can get your calcium from drinking milk or from consuming milk products like cheese and yogurt. You can also get your calcium from fruits and vegetables. Calcium supplements can be very helpful but ask your doctor first before taking calcium vitamins because your bones may not absorb too much calcium and this may increase your risk of developing kidney stones.

Wear comfortable shoes. If you want to properly handle arthritis, you have to wear comfortable shoes. You do not need those fashionable but uncomfortable shoes now. Of course you can still look good on comfortable shoes so you do not have to worry about your looks. Well fitted comfortable shoes are good for your feet and will protect your joints preventing your arthritis from getting worse. To handle arthritis effectively, you have to treat your feet nicely by wearing comfortable shoes.

It can be really hard to live with arthritis but there are ways to easily cope with arthritis and improve the quality of your life. If you have tried almost everything and still suffering from painful arthritis, natural treatments are another option for people who want to treat their arthritis naturally. To know how, visit Cure Painful Arthritis

Arthritis Relief - Old Folk Home Remedies

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease which affects the joints in the body. Deterioration of the joints usually begins at the age of 30. Most people over the age of 50 suffer from this disability. It can make movement difficult and painful and affect your social life and lifestyle.

Causes and symptoms

Heavy physical activity leading to severe joint injury, excessive body weight, strenuous exercises such as basketball, long-distance running, etc. performed for many years are all causes of arthritis. The disease affects more women when compared to men due to the hormonal changes in their body during menopause. Some environmental factors such as damp conditions can lead to arthritis. Food allergy, unhealthy diet and stress are some other major causes. There are several types of arthritis and the common symptoms include:

  • Tenderness in and around the joint, pain and stiffness.

  • Difficulty with movement.

  • Joint redness and warmth.

Home Remedies

  • Massage can be a great way to relieve the pain caused by arthritis. Apply a small amount of biofreeze to painful areas. Biofreeze is natural pain reliever that that can help you reduce soreness and pain.

  • A mix of Thyme, Sage, Lavender, Juniper, Garlic, Sassafras or Rosemary with olive oil, 10 parts, can be used to massage the joints.

  • A daily massage with a mix of mustard oil, 200 grams, and camphor, 10 grams, is an effective treatment. Keep the oil mixture out in the sun for a while before use and also ensure that the camphor dissolves well.

  • Mix camphor, eucalyptus oil, menthol and methyl salicylate to make a mixture. You can rub the mixture in for aches and pains.

  • Another good rub can be made from oil of witch haze, rubbing alcohol, eucalyptus oil and wintergreen, 2 oz. each. Mix, shake, and rub on ache.

  • Wrap red flannel around the painful joints can aid in curing arthritis. The wrap must be left overnight for maximum benefit.

  • The inflammation and swelling caused by arthritis can be reduced by drinking a cup of fresh pineapple juice.

  • Soak black sesame seeds, a teaspoon, overnight in water, about a quarter cup. Consume the seeds and water the next morning.

  • Another easy home remedy to ease inflammation and joint stiffness is taking bath in water mixed with 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt.

  • Before you got to bed drink a mixture of the juice of an orange and cod liver oil.

  • Drinking a glass of warm water mixed with 2 teaspoons honey and apple cider vinegar twice a day can give a lot of relief.

  • Six ounces of sassafras root steeped for 24 hours in a fifth of whiskey can be taken everyday up to 3 times before meals.

  • Boil a half gallon of water and steep a cup of alfalfa seed for 20 minutes. Strain the water and store in a jar. Take a small glassful 3 times everyday.

  • Take a spoonful of fresh carrot juice mixed with lemon juice everyday.

  • Eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

Top 3 Osteoarthritis Treatments

Osteoarthritis is an extremely common kind of arthritis that affects many people each and every year across the globe. Osteoarthritis is a condition that is largely a result of aging and being overweight. There is no definitive cure for the condition, yet there are many treatments for osteoarthritis that can be utilised to ease, comfort and allow for those suffering to live as normal as possible.

It is important if you are suffering from osteoarthritis or think you may have any kind of arthritis condition, to visit your local GP. Any questions or worries should be directed towards your GP as they are qualified to diagnose and help suggest the right treatment for you. This article only aims to outline 3 common osteoarthritis treatments, each individual is different, and therefore the success of treatments will vary from person to person.

The first form of osteoarthritis treatment is one that will be recommended by most GP's and is the easiest to commit to, exercise. Good regular exercise is the simplest but most important form of treatment for osteoarthritis. This exercise should aim to strengthen muscles surrounding your joints, and improve over all fitness. Most people think that by exercising they will only make their symptoms worse. However, by building up the muscles that surround each joint symptoms can be vastly improved and pain reduced. You should always consult your doctor or physiotherapist as to which forms of exercises you should participate in. They will help identify those forms of exercise that will help improve your condition. Generally swimming, cycling and running are good forms of osteoarthritis treatment, as they help encourage muscle growth, improve posture and help with weight loss.

Osteoarthritis is common among those who are overweight or suffer from obesity. If your doctor diagnosis this as the cause of your condition then they will recommend that you lose weight. Weight loss can have a dramatic effect on the symptoms experienced by osteoarthritis, by reducing the amount of pressure and strain placed on the joints. As mentioned previously a great way to lose weight and at the same time strengthen muscles that help support your joints, is through exercise. Speak to your doctor about creating an exercise plan that will best help you.

Finally there are lots of medicines that can be used as osteoarthritis treatment. These range from painkillers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and intra-articular injections. It is extremely important to discuss any of these options with a qualified GP. Many GP's will recommend using painkillers such as over the counter Paracetamol to help ease pain. If pain persists or increases then your GP may prescribe stronger painkillers. This could include anti-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). These can be prescribed as creams that are applied directly to the affected joints and help to ease pain and discomfort.

Finally for more severe cases of osteoarthritis, you may be put forward for an intra-articular injection. This is when medicine is injected straight into the parts of the body that are affected. This will help reduce swelling and pain, and can be an effective form of osteoarthritis treatment.

There are many forms of treatment for conditions such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. If you are suffering from any pain or discomfort then you should make an appointment with your local GP as soon as possible.

Arthritis - Homeopathic Remedies

Nearly forty million Americans are affected with rheumatoid or osteoarthritis which are two of the most common arthritis types. Arthritis is characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity and lack of mobility.

Let us throw some light on the two most common types of arthritis rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. We will look in detail as to the reasons and the preventive measures to be taken by patients who are affected.

繚 Osteoarthritis is damage of the articular cartilage, which is caused due to rubbing of joints against one another. It mostly occurs in the knee, arm, shoulder and spine.

Any previous injury, stress or natural defect in the protein of the cartilage causes osteoarthritis.

繚 Rheumatoid involves the entire body and the symptoms patients experience are swelling, fever, anemia, weight loss, fatigue, severe pain and stiffness.

The bones fuse together resulting in loss of mobility and stiffness. The causes for this could be malnutrition, rich fat diet, stress or allergies.

Rheumatoid arthritis is supposed to be caused by metabolic disturbance or autoimmune disorder but the exact reason is still been researched and debated.

The usual and widely practiced treatment of arthritis involves nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID such as aspirin has short term benefits. They also cause side effects such as abdominal pain, allergic reactions, dizziness, headache, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, stomach ulcers, fluid retention, liver and kidney damage.

People are scared to use the conventional medicines and millions of them are turning towards natural and alternative forms of medicine for arthritis treatment.

There are many natural homeopathic remedies that are used to control the pain and swelling. A few of these very popular ones are listed below:

繚 Arnicais useful for the treatment of rheumatism. The joints become swollen, hard and mobility is affected. Arnica reduces the swelling and pain.

繚 Bryonia is prescribed when the arthritis condition becomes quite acute and the patient is advised rest and massage to relieve the inflammation.

繚 Rhus Toxis advised when there is a lot of pain and movement becomes limited.

繚 Rutais used to treat osteoarthritis and it reduces the soreness of the joints.

繚 Causticumis prescribed for chronic rheumatoid arthritis which at times even leads to deformity.

繚 Nux VomicaIn certain cases build -up of toxins in the system causes arthritis and it is treated with this natural arthritis homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy has emerged as a savior for millions afflicted with this slowly spreading and painful disease. Many people who have been affected with this disease have found considerable relief from homepathy treatment.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stop Arthritis Pain - Make Wiser Food Choices!

The pain associated with arthritis can definitely be very intense. What's worse is that every time your arthritis flares up, your normal range of motion can be limited to a significant degree. As a result, you cannot do all the things you used to do before arthritis took over a great part of your life.

There are many different forms of arthritis, the most common of which includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. Contrary to popular belief, arthritis can be managed quite successfully. All you need to do is enlist the aid of certain medications formulated specifically to deal with the symptoms of the disease and adopt some healthy lifestyle changes. Be free from the ties that bind you with arthritis and live life the way you used to! Here are some surefire strategies that can help you deal with arthritis:

o Keep excess weight off! Those extra pounds just add stress to your already inflamed joints so you better do something about it! Eat a well-balanced diet and make sure that you have enough of the nutrients needed to reduce the pain associated with arthritis. Getting enough vitamin C will help your body repair damaged tissue while substantial amounts of vitamin D will help your body absorb calcium, protect your bones and prevent bone loss. And don't forget to get enough calcium - it will help strengthen your bones.

o Give those joints some work out! To reduce arthritis flare ups, you need to adopt a moderate exercise routine. This may help you increase your flexibility and stability and may also aid in strengthening your joints. However, people with rheumatoid arthritis should refrain from exercising during flare-ups to prevent further damage. A word of caution - you should only exercise to the point where you feel mild discomfort. Do not over-exercise!

o Sleep it off! You should be getting enough sleep - it would be great if you can put in 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

What you put in your mouth has a great deal to do with your arthritis. Eat the wrong kinds of foods and you are sure to suffer from the consequences of your actions. Eat the right kinds of foods and you'll be spared from the pain. There's just no getting around it - your diet can determine your fate! To help you in dealing with your problem, here is a list of some of the foods that can be your ally in your fight against arthritis.

Bananas - These golden fruits enjoy the status of being one of nature's "perfect foods". Bananas are better known for being one of the richest sources of potassium but do you know that they are excellent arthritis fighters as well? Bananas contain high amounts of vitamin B6, folate and vitamin C - some of the nutrients needed to keep your joints and bones healthy. They are also a great source of soluble fiber so they can play an important part in your weight loss efforts as well!

Green Pepper - Vitamin C can be of great help in controlling the symptoms of arthritis but if you are not very fond of eating citrus fruits, you can reach out for a green pepper instead. A single green pepper can provide you with 176% of your daily needs for vitamin C while the red and yellow varieties can provide you with more than twice that amount! And not only that - sweet peppers are also known as excellent sources of vitamin B6 and folate.

Salmon - Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, also known as the "healthy fats". It also contains calcium, vitamin D and folate - some of the nutrients that help in the fight against arthritis.

Shrimp - The mighty shrimp can be one of your best bets in conquering arthritis pains. You can get about 30% of your recommended daily amount for vitamin D in just three ounces of cooked shrimps. That's much more than what you can get in a cup of milk! Shrimps also contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, iron and vitamin B12.

If you are serious in your desire to control your arthritis, be sure to include these wonder foods in your diet. They can sure help you a lot!

Differences Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid are two of the most common forms of arthritis, and it is important to differentiate between the two.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is more widespread, affecting thousands of individuals worldwide. This disease is primarily an inflammatory condition that affects the tissue that covers the joints throughout the human body. Over time, the inflammation can gradually spread to the major organs of the human body and has the potential to become a debilitating condition.

Historically, scientific research has attempted to identify the specific cause of rheumatoid arthritis, but a definite cause has yet to be discovered. Currently, the culprit is believed to be a genetic factor that predisposes an individual to the disease. Certain events are also believed to trigger its symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated with a number of medications, such as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as DMARDs or disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, both of which can be prescribed by a qualified physician. Popular examples of such medicines are Methotrexate, Enbrel, Arava, Celebrax, and numerous others. Although these drugs have been known to produce positive results, it is also imperative to bear in mind that these products have been reported to trigger negative side effects that can impair rather than improve one's condition.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is more prevalent among older patients, as this condition results from the wear and tear of the joints brought about by age. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage's water component increases, whereas its protein component decreases. Constant stress or use of the joints, such as being overweight or contracting joint injury, can also trigger this disease. In addition, such factors as joint infections, pregnancy, hormonal disorders, diabetes, and others can lead to osteoarthritis. Treatment can range from localized injections of hyaluronan and glucocorticoid to surgical joint replacement procedures.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

The symptoms of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis can help patients differentiate between these two types of arthritis.

For example, if both sides of the joint are affected, and if the joint appears to be inflamed as indicated by a distinctive swelling or reddening in color, the disease is most likely rheumatoid arthritis. In such cases, the patient typically experiences some fever, fatigue, and a sensation of stiffness throughout the body that lasts for 15 minute intervals or more. Different types of vasculitis, or a condition in which the veins and arteries are affected, can also develop as a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, people with this disease have a higher risk of getting a heart attack or a stroke.

Also common among rheumatoid arthritic patients are renal amyloidosis and fibrosis of the lungs. Inflammation of the kidney and the lungs are direct or indirect targets of rheumatoid arthritis.

In contrast, osteoarthritis does not target the organs of the human body. In the majority of cases, osteoarthritis only occurs as a result of old age.

It is extremely crucial for arthritic patients to distinguish between these two types of arthritis. Knowing which type of arthritis one suffers from will lead a person to get the appropriate treatment for his/her condition. As always, consulting a physician is imperative for a more definite diagnosis and subsequent treatment. A qualified doctor can prescribe the necessary medication and therefore point you to the right direction. In case of side effects from the use of prescribed drugs, contacting your doctor immediately is a must.

Gout Symptoms - 5 Ways to Tell If You Have Gout

Are you suffering from terrible joint pain?

Would you like to know for certain whether or not you are having a gout attack?

If you are suffering from these 5 gout symptoms, chances are you are suffering from this painful disease.

1. Your pain began in the middle of the night. This arthritic problem often begins at night. When you are sleeping the synovial fluid responsible for cleaning your joints doesn't flow enough to properly clear out the excess debris. This allows uric acid crystals to accumulate causing swelling leading to terrible pain. So ask yourself, did this pain come on suddenly in the middle of the night. If you were not suffering when you went to sleep, but woke up in pain, chances are you have gout.

2. You don't remember injuring your affected joint. One of the problems with a new onset of this condition is thinking you have a sprained foot or ankle versus having gout. The most common place for pain is in the big toe. However, this is not always the case. Often attacks occur in the ankle and many have felt they sprained their ankle. After a couple weeks of getting worse and not better many realize they don't remember injuring their ankle. So ask yourself if you remember injuring your ankle or foot. If the answer is no, you possibly have gout.

3. Your pain is getting worse. As mentioned in the last point, if your pain has not subsided over a few days, but is actually getting worse with increased swelling and redness, you could possibly have gout. When you suffer an injury the swelling will usually subside after a few days whereas gouty arthritis will continue to increase in intensity.

4. Your pain has spread to other joints. Sometimes gout will jump from one joint to another. You can have pain in your foot today and have it spread to your knees, elbow, wrists, and fingers. Sometimes it can feel like you have tendonitis, but in reality, it is gout.

5. Even the slightest pressure causes intense pain. For regular patients with this disease, it has been noted that even the slightest pressure from even a bed sheet can cause immense pain.

If you have these symptoms, what can you do?

Get a blood test to determine if your symptoms point to having gouty arthritis. Other arthritic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or pseudo gout can have similar symptoms. Blood tests can determine your base uric acid levels and enable a physician to properly diagnose you. Regardless of which disease you have, though, the treatments are often similar.

What Is The Best Non-Prescription Arthritis Treatment Or Remedy?

Arthritis is a disorder, in which, the person suffers from inflammation at the point where the two bones meet and sometimes, it becomes very difficult to live with such pain which can affects the joints of the hands and legs. The person finds it difficult to move the hands or the legs and his/her overall work efficiency is reduced. Arthritis is a disease found in more than 100 different types and the number of types has been increasing. One of the common types of arthritis happens due to wear and tear found at the joint. The problem is also common in people who have overactive immune system, in which the immune system of the body damages its own tissues causing wear and tear, and pain around the joint.

The popular method of medicines only provides painkillers and anti inflammatory tablets but there is no solution to cure the medical condition completely. Non-prescription arthritis treatment includes non-steroidal drugs and topical analgesics which includes creams and ointments and certain chemical based medicines but this non-prescription arthritis treatment are used to reduce inflammation and some of the chemical based drugs makes you dependent on it. The popular system of medicine does not provide a reliable and complete solution for arthritis and hence people have to search for options in alternative system of medicines to get a cure to relieve pain. Natural non-prescription arthritis treatment provides better solution to resolve the pain of arthritis and you do not get dependent on the remedy to prevent pain caused by arthritis.

The herbal system of medicine offers a non-prescription arthritis treatment which helps to reduce inflammation, infections around the joints, it reduces wear and tear of the bones and it also helps in reducing the symptoms of ageing. One of the best non-prescription arthritis treatment herbal medicine which has been widely used by people suffering from arthritis to get a solution to arthritis and to manage the medical condition properly is Rumatone Gold capsule and oil, which offers unique blend of herbs which are rare only found in specific geographical regions and mountains. These plant based remedies offer easy and safe solution to the pain and inflammation of the joints as it does not have any side effects like popular medicines and it is easy to the system of human body.

Rumatone Gold capsule and oil, is the best non-prescription arthritis treatment which contains the herbs are acquired from plant and it contains complex components which are prepared by plants which possess the properties to reduce pain and inflammation. These plant-based substances help to improve blood flow to the various parts of the body and also to the joints which improves the flow of nutrition to the joints to improve its condition. The oil in the non-prescription arthritis treatment Rumatone Gold capsule can be messaged on the joints to improve blood flow and to provide the effect of herbs directly through the skin to the joints to improve the flexibility of the joints and to promote better health.

Gelatin is a Natural Remedy For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Is gelatin a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis? Gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis which is safe, has few side effects and it is relatively inexpensive. This article explains how gelatin is used as a simple and safe natural remedy.

Gelatin is a protein containing amino acids that are part of the components of connective tissue including cartilage. The theory if its use is that gelatin can help reduce the swelling that occurs in joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This can thus relieve the pain caused by the swollen joints and therefore gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

In a Harvard study of patients with long-term rheumatoid arthritis, a heaping tablespoon of gelatin was given to 29 patients daily resulting in arthritis remission within 90 days for 28 out of the 29 patients.

Gelatin can usually be taken safely, rarely causing only a few people upset stomachs. Gelatin is a natural remedy used daily in a dose of one heaping tablespoon mixed into water or juice along with Vitamin C if preferred.

Restaurant food suppliers sell unsweetened gelatin in pound or kilogram (2.2 pounds) quantities which is the most cost effective way to purchase it. One popular brand is Nutra-Joint from the makers of Knox Gelatin. However, unsweetened gelatin, available from your grocery store, may be used just as well.

The daily dose is a heaping tablespoon of gelatin in water or juice. Vitamin C may be added to the gelatin and water mixture.

Gelatin Preparation instructions:

- Fill a glass 1/4 full with cool tap water
- Sprinkle a heaping tbsp. of gelatin on top and let stand 2-3 minutes
- Add 1/4 glass of hot tap water and stir well
- Add another 1/4 glass or more of cool tap water and stir again
- A daily drink of gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis

As gelatin is a substance created from animal bones, skins and connective tissue, it is important to take note of this fact particularly for those patients who do not consume large quantities of red meat, are vegetarians or avoid animal consumption for religious reasons. In these cases, fruit pectin (used to make jams and jellies and commonly sold under the Certo brand name) may be successfully substituted in this daily treatment because gelatin is a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Treatment: Should Steroids Be Used in Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, chronic, progressive, autoimmune disorder that affects, roughly, two million Americans. While it preferentially attacks joints, it may affect other organ systems. These other areas include the lungs, heart, peripheral nervous system, skin, bone marrow, and eyes.

Early diagnosis is mandatory. If RA is suspected, a patient should be referred to a rheumatologist (arthritis specialist) as soon as possible. The current goal of RA therapy is to treat and control disease before any joint damage has occurred. The prognosis, both short as well as long term is improved if remission can be established quickly.

The strategy is to exert tight control over the disease while recognizing individual variability and response to treatment. A new concept of "treat to target" has gained popularity. What this means is following a patient carefully early on and making adjustments in medicines in order to effect a remission as soon as possible.

The role of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD) therapy is not in question. And the DMARD of choice is methotrexate which works relatively quickly, slows don progression of disease and is usually tolerated well.

However, there is debate when it comes to other therapies.

One such therapy is prednisone (P). P is an oral glucocorticoid, a synthetic drug that mimics the effects of naturally occurring hormones made by the adrenal glands. These medications have potent anti-inflammatory effects. A number of studies have shown that low doses of P (less than 10 mgs a day) reduces joint damage and slows down the progression of x-ray changes.

At our center, we rarely use disease higher than 5 mgs in RA patients. However, we do institute this low dose of P along with methotrexate as soon as the diagnosis is made. Adhering to the "treat to target" model, we also rapidly introduce a biologic therapy within 8-12 weeks if it appears that methotrexate is not going to be sufficient. Unlike other centers, we rarely push the methotrexate any higher than 15 mgs.

Low dose P is well tolerated and has very few side effects. Once the patient is in remission, we have found it relatively easy to taper the P and often are even able to discontinue it.

That isn't to say that patients shouldn't be counseled about P. We spend a great deal of time talking about the potential problems associated with this drug and monitor the patient carefully while they are on P.

Nonetheless, we have found the combination of low dose P along with methotrexate to be an effective one.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Treatments of Psoriasis - 4 Latest Cures to Your Psoriasis Skin Problem

Psoriasis is an uncomfortable and unpleasant immune problem that can be extremely unpleasant. There are many different treatments available, starting with simple home care, such as getting more sunlight, and going all the way up to advanced medications, UV treatment, and immune therapy. Over the years, more treatment options have appeared as our understanding of psoriasis has progressed. Let's take a look at some of the newest treatments for psoriasis, how they work, and what you can expect from them.

1. Topical Retinoids

Retinoids are a type of synthetic vitamin A derivative, which slow the growth of skin cells, keep them in a more normal shape, and reduce inflammation. Some types of topical retinoid ointments have produced improvement in as little as a week, and have produced relief for Psoriasis up to twelve weeks after a given treatment. These creams are safe to use on most parts of the body, but do require a doctor's prescription. Unlike steroids, topical retinoid treatments don't thin the skin.

2. Immune Suppressants

Commonly given as an injection or as a pill, immune suppressants reduce the entire immune response, including the one that produces the scaly, painful skin associated with psoriasis. This is a very effective treatment, but it comes with some downsides. The biggest one is that since it's not possible to suppress just the immune reflex that causes psoriasis, infections are a much more serious worry. Even a minor cold or cut could be a big deal.

3. Hot Spring Fish

This recent alternative treatment is a non-medication method that uses a combination of bathing in hot water and nibbling by fish to remove the scaly skin and reduce the chances of it returning. An alternative treatment, it relies on the warmth, natural UV rays, and selenium content in the hot spring. Patients bathe in the spring and allow toothless fish to nibble on their psoriatic skin. The fish will not touch other skin on the body. The treatment takes a long time, and can be quite expensive, though.

4. UV Treatment

Phototherapy has also been used to reduce psoriasis plaques. A high intensity beam of UV light is used several times per week, over several weeks, and can produce remission. This treatment is often used in conjunction with other methods.

Home Remedies for Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation Relief

Arthritis is one of the common aging effects suffered by many, which is caused due to the degeneration of bones and cartilages. It is a painful condition generally observed in the major joints along with swelling and inflammation. Among a thousand types of arthritis, the most prevailing ones are gout, osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. The Rheumatoid arthritis is the most severe form of this disease that affects the muscles and tendons apart from the joints. The joints of shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, heels, wrists, fingers and elbow wear out as one progress towards aging. Sometimes unhealthy lifestyle and obesity also invites arthritis at an early age. Both men and women suffer from varying degrees of this disease; women being more prone to arthritis after menopause.


Common symptoms pointing towards Arthritis are

1. Moderate to severe pain in the joints.
2. Swelling and inflammation of joints.
3. Tenderness and stiffness in the joints restricting free movements.
4. Fever in case of Rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Formation of big toe in case of Gout.


1. Aging
2. Higher levels of uric acid in blood
3. Obesity
4. Fluctuations in the hormonal levels
5. Tenderness in the synovial joints

Home Remedies for Arthritis

Apart from the conventional treatment through the administration of high doses of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, home remedies provide an alternate treatment of arthritis which is no less effective than the drugs.

1. Raw potato juice gives wondrous results in treating arthritis. Thin slices of potato including the skin are soaked in a glass of water overnight, which should be drunk early in the morning with the sunrise.

2. Regular physical exercises improve the blood circulation and helps in strengthening the joints. It also keeps the body weight in control and prevents crippling of the limbs.

3. Hot Epsom salt baths are very useful for this treatment as the skin absorbs the salt and enhances blood circulation.

4. Reduced intake of protein, refined sugar and other processed foods is necessary in treating arthritis.

5. Drinking a cup of juice of carrot, beet root, celery and other leafy vegetables is a good home remedy for arthritis.

6. The herb Boswelia Serrata has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing inflammation.

7. The herb Angelica is enriched with anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and pain relieving constituents that is very effective in reducing the discomforts of arthritis.

8. Sea bathing and steam baths are very useful in arthritis treatment.

9. Rubbing the joints with castor oil is also beneficial in treating this disorder.

10. Massaging the painful joints with the essential oils of Juniper, sage, Rosemary, Thyme diluted with olive oil in the ratio of 1:10 provides instant relief to the pain.

Foods That Make Arthritis Worse

We have all heard that Omega-6 Fatty Acids like omega-3 and omega -9 fatty acids, are extremely important when trying to maintain good health. While some of these are important in helping to reduce inflammation, others can have the opposite effect often increasing inflammation and making arthritis worse.

Published medical reports explain it like this. A substance known as arachidonic acid (which is found in the omega-6 family) produces compounds called eicosanoids. This particular compound can increase such negative symptoms as inflammation, blood pressure, and allergic reactions. It is advised to stay away from foods that are high in this particular compound. Those foods include, mayonnaise, cottonseed, soybean and corn oils. These all fall into the classification of saturated and trans fats.

It is well noted that some fats reduce inflammations, but it is also well known that the bad fats (saturated and trans) can increase inflammation. These fats are often referred to as "bad" fats because of the fact that these substances are a major cause of weight gain and obesity. Which in turn puts an extra strain on joints over time. Wondering where else you may be able to find both trans and saturated fats? They can be found in most foods that are fried or pre packaged, as well as most fast food too. Foods that include milk products like butter and cheese, high fat cuts of meat like beef and pork, and substances like margarine also contain these bad fats that should be avoided as well.

Surprisingly enough, even a certain vegetable should be avoided as well when dealing with the worsening symptoms of arthritis. Nightshade vegetables have long been at the top of the list of foods suspected to worsen arthritis symptoms. One-in-three arthritis sufferers reacts negatively to nightshade vegetables. Particularly in these vegetables there is a compound that can disrupt enzymes in muscles. This enzyme is thought to be responsible for the negative effects that nightshade vegetables have on this debilitating disease.

Those vegetables that are classified as nightshade include eggplant, tomato, potato and even tobacco. Even though these vegetables are said to worsen symptoms of arthritis, they still do have valuable nutrients and should not be avoided completely unless there is an allergic reaction to the vegetable or other food product. Food Allergens should also be avoided. Food allergens are defined as proteins in certain foods that set off complex immune reactions when ingested.

The list of potential food allergens is endless, but some of the most common include eggs, wheat, milk and soy. If you are ingesting foods that you may be sensitive too can cause problems. Especially for arthritis patients, and those with rheumatoid arthritis. a leader in informing others about arthritis, describes this as due to the fact that the intestinal fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis often contains greater levels of antibodies than those without the disease.

These antibodies then begin to accumulate in joints. Due to this, inflammation and pain begin to increase. Maintaining a healthy weight is an important prevention method for arthritis patients, as excess weight causes unnecessary strain on joints. Practicing a diet high in fiber and remembering to consume healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins can help prevent obesity. Couple this with daily exercise as the best prevention/solution method too. Remember as a arthritis patient to avoid high-impact exercise like running. Choose gentler workouts like swimming, yoga and weight-bearing exercise.
If you believe food allergies or sensitivities are suspected, contact your physician for a simple blood test that can pinpoint problems. Once you know what food allergies you are dealing with, a nutritionist can help. They will be able to give you a well-balanced diet that focuses on fighting inflammation and reducing pain.

Natural Cure For Arthritis - Prevention Is Still The Best Option

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. Annually, millions of Americans are affected by this malady especially those in their fifties. But recent surveys revealed that some persons in their twenties already have arthritis. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease which is a result of erosion and destruction of the cartilage. The cartilage is a tissue that absorbs shocks to the joints caused by injuries, wear and tear, stress, improper nutrition, genetics, metabolic and endocrine factors. Usual symptoms are pain aggravated by movement, stiffness and in worsening cases, sufferers start to have limitations of movement that may lead to disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease: it means that the person's immune system attacks certain tissues in the body particularly the joints and the synovium. Symptoms are red, stiff painful joints and in some cases fever, weight loss and anemia. The triggers are usually infections or injuries.

Arthritis is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the more recent Celecoxibs. Use of these drugs should be minimized because of some controversies involving these drugs and their many side effects, hence more and more patients seek alternative and natural cure.

Proper Diet and Exercise

Most helpful are low impact exercises like walking, swimming and stretching - you can also ask your physical therapist or physician to make a program of exercise designed for your type of arthritis. Healthy diet is important, so try to eat a balanced diet, take lots of vegetables, fruits, fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamins C, E and folic acid. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and tea.

Ultrasound Heat Therapy

This uses an ultrasound machine that produces high energy sound waves directed to the affected joints and muscles. It relieves pain and its effect is medium to short term.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)

This is a portable battery operated device that works by sending electrical currents to affected parts of the body. Electrodes are attached to the affected surface and are set in desired duration and intensity of stimulation. Many claim a significant reduction of symptoms and improvement of general well being.

PST (Pulsed Signal Therapy)

When joint tissues are stressed, this creates an electrical signal that causes the body to repair itself. PST works this way - it produces electromagnetic electrical signals at repeated and specific intervals that will in turn activate the body to repair or regenerate. This is usually done at a frequency of nine one-hour sessions.


Diathermy uses electromagnetic heat which is applied to the injured tissues and muscles. Temperature is raised by a high frequency current. It is believed that heat speeds up healing process by increasing blood flow to the injury. Precautions are necessary - for example, it should not be used on wet areas or those with metal objects to avoid risk of burn injury.

Intake of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

These substances are called amino sugars which give elasticity to the cartilage. The recommended amount is 1500mg of glucosamine and 1200 mg of chondroitin sulfate per day for at least 6 to 8 weeks to achieve benefits. Precautions are given to children, pregnant women, diabetics, those taking blood thinners and those with allergies.

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than a Pound of Cure

Of course, nothing beats preventive measures to avoid developing crippling Arthritis. One of the most important is to lose weight if you are overweight because extra weight will put more stress to your joints. Intake of antioxidants like Vitamins C and E is recommended because they attack free radicals. There are also studies on the importance of oily fish like salmon, tuna and swordfish.

Regular exercise helps strengthen and make the muscles and joints more flexible to protect them from wear and tear. Simple practical measures include good posture, usage of big joints when lifting and carrying, use of supportive and comfortable shoes, use of protective gears for those in injury prone sports. Minimize job-related induced arthritis like improperly positioned tables and computers.

To de-stress is also a key factor if you are looking for a natural cure for arthritis, as evidence suggests that stress plays an important role in its development, so go on vacation, do some Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi - and lastly, always have a regular check up with your physician.

Gin Soaked Raisins for Arthritis?

Raisins soaked in gin are thought to be a cure for arthritis. This popular folk remedy joins the ranks with bee stings, fruit pectin, magnets, and copper bracelets as arthritis home remedies. The gin soaked raisin arthritis remedy indeed may seem easy but the question is, is it effective? There are no proven scientific studies that confirm this cure works for patients with arthritis, but it is not unusual to have a lack of studies backing home remedies. Consequently, the only way to find out for sure is to try it.

Here is how to make gin soaked raisins;

  • White raisins or a golden variety need to be used. The standard black raisins simply won't do.

  • Place the raisins in glass container and pour gin to completely cover the raisins.

  • Allow the gin to evaporate by letting the container set for about two weeks.

  • The raisins are ready to use once they have soaked for two weeks.

  • Eat seven to ten raisins daily to help relieve arthritis.

  • If you do not like the taste of the gin soaked raisins, you can mix the raisins in cereals or snacks.

Different versions of this remedy have been thrown around for decades and there are differing opinions on how many raisins should be consumed daily to help relieve pain in arthritis. Despite numerous variations of this home remedy, many have claimed of its effectiveness. Some may find the gin soaked raisins to be quite funny and weird. How can this work?

While no one knows for sure exactly how gin soaked raisins seem to help arthritis sufferers. One theory states that it is the sulphur used in making white raisins that is responsible for the effectiveness of this arthritis cure. Sulphur dioxide is added to raisin to prevent them from darkening, as grapes often do when they are made into raisins due to enzymatic processes.

Another theory believes that is not actually white raisins, but rather juniper berries that must be soaked in gin. Juniper berries are commonly used as flavoring for gins, and are known to be rich in vitamin C and terpenes. Juniper has long been known for its anti-inflammatory features in herbal arthritis home remedies.

Meanwhile, others believe that the cure comes from the raisins itself. Grapes are known to have pain-relieving benefits which can be used as anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory natural remedies. The final theory is that the only benefit this treatment provides is a placebo effect, providing psychological effects that induce the release of endorphins which are natural pain mediators.

It is important to remember to consult with your doctor whenever adding a natural arthritis remedies to your pharmaceutical treatment regime. If considering this raisin remedy, talk about it with your doctor first so make sure there won't be any unwanted interactions with your current arthritis treatment. As a guideline, when home remedies are considered for arthritis, they should considered adjunct or in combination of current prescription drugs, rather than substitute.

Cures for Psoriasis Skin Disease

Psoriasis is not contagious disease. A person with psoriasis is not get it from other people; so he can not 'move' disease to others. Things that should be emphasized here because it affects how people interact with psoriasis and vice versa. Psoriasis is an inherited condition. One or both parents living with may have the disease, although it is not necessarily so. However, genetic predisposition is seen to be triggered by such things as injury, throat infection, certain medications, or physical and emotional stress. There are five types of psoriasis, and it can occur on any part of the body. Wound may be localized or extensive. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type occurs. Guttate psoriasis is seen as spots small red skin. Inverse psoriasis occurs in the armpits, crotch gap or groin, and folding the skin. Psoriasis eritrodermik seen as a sign of extreme reddening on the surface wider. Pustular psoriasis of burns white skin surrounded by red.

The disease can affect any part of the body surface. Skin Psoriasis common head and often the wrong diagnosis as 'dandruff'. It could not be severe (a fine scales and slight) or severe (thick plaques covering the entire scalp, can lead to hair loss). Psoriasis often reach beyond the teeth hair directly to the forehead, the back of the neck and around the ears. Psoriasis usually affects the face eyebrows, the skin between the nose and upper lip, forehead and the teeth of the hair. A biopsy may be needed to distinguish psoriasis from other skin diseases. The bubble over psoriasis on the hands and feet should be treated promptly as they may be accompanied by fractures, burns and swollen.

Psoriasis in the genital covers red spots are small to large patches, and could be misinterpreted as 'ringworm'. Other areas include the torso, lower body, upper body, the outside of the elbows, knees and shins.

Psoriatic Arthritis

About 10 to 30 percent of people who have psoriasis will also experience arthritis psoriatic. It affects the joints of the fingers and toes and may also involve the neck, spine, knees and ankles. Like psoriasis, this form of arthritis, such expanded and reduced. If untreated, psoriatic arthritis can cause disability and the damage can not be restored in the joint.