Saturday, April 27, 2013

Relieving Arthritis Pain Naturally

People of any age can develop arthritis but the symptoms almost always include pain, stiffness, achiness, loss of movement, and decreased function that get progressively worse over time. The statistics on arthritis are staggering in their impact on individuals as well as the cost to society. Data from a 2007-2009 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) estimated 50 million (22%) of adults have self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis and 21 million (9% of all adults) have arthritis and arthritis-attributable activity limitation. The annual cost of arthritis and related conditions, such as osteoarthritis, cost nearly $128 billion per year in medical and indirect expenses, including lost wages and productivity while the annual cost per person with osteoarthritis is $5700. Arthritis can prevent a person from doing normal activities such as opening a jar, writing, playing sports, typing, exercising and even enjoying their family. So what is osteoarthritis, what are the causes and how is it treated? Even more important, how do we change the crippling effects of osteoarthritis on both individuals and society?

First, Osteoarthritis (OA), or degenerative joint disease, is one of the oldest and most common types of Arthritis. It is characterized by the breakdown of the joint's cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the ends of bones. When cartilage breaks down, it causes bones to rub against each other causing pain, stiffness, and loss of movement. OA most commonly affects middle-aged and older people, but can occur in younger adults or even teenagers at times. The severity of OA may range from very mild to extremely severe and it most commonly affects weight-bearing joints such as the spine, knees, hips and feet, although the hands are also a common target.

While age is a significant risk factor to OA, research has shown that OA is not an inevitable part of aging. Obesity is a predisposing factor to OA of the knees, hips and spine but injuries from sports, work, and accidents are the most common cause. In particular, car accidents predispose injured parties to developing OA of the neck, especially if they don't receive comprehensive examination and treatment. Genetics can also play a role in the development of OA, particularly in the hands. Some people may be born with defective cartilage, slight defects in the way that joints fit together or other abnormalities that cause altered biomechanics. As a person ages, these problems lead to early cartilage breakdown which gets progressively worse over time.

The symptoms of OA vary based upon the severity of the condition as well as the age, activity level, and overall health of each individual. The most common symptoms are pain, stiffness and achiness around a joint especially after periods of inactivity or excessive use. In the spine, the most common symptom is stiffness and achiness upon awakening that improves and usually goes away with activity, but often recurs, sometimes everyday. The problem is that the frequency and severity of the symptoms, or lack thereof, do not correlate with the progressive degeneration and tissue damage.

This results in delayed diagnosis and treatment that ultimately limits treatment options. Waking up with back or neck pain from "sleeping wrong" or "no reason" is highly suggestive of OA. Sensations of grinding, grating or even popping with normal movements known as crepitus also suggest poor cartilage health and possible OA. Loss of motion can occur gradually over a long period of time, like difficulty looking over your shoulder when driving. Ultimately, bony growths develop at the affected margins of the joints and may cause deformity, particularly in the hands and feet. In severe cases, calcification of the joint may get so severe that motion is almost totally lost.

In the past, treatment focused on rest, pain medications including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (known as over-the-counter pain relievers) and ultimately joint replacement surgery, especially for the hips and knees in severe cases. Today, emphasis is placed on moderate exercise, proper nutrition, and prevention. We now know that smokers with OA have more severe joint pain and greater degradation of cartilage. Some studies support the value of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine supplementation to support cartilage health. Proper hydration is also critical to maintaining healthy cartilage.

Medical treatments typically include drugs to reduce pain and improve function although joint replacement surgery of the hips and knees is common if the pain and deterioration are severe. A commonly overlooked option is physical medicine treatments that maintain joint function, range of motion, flexibility and physical conditioning. In the spine, decompression traction is particularly effective for both relieving symptoms of pain and stiffness while simultaneously improving function and movement. Other natural treatments such as acupuncture and massage therapy can also be very effective in relieving pain, increasing circulation and restoring tissue health. Chiropractic medicine services that provide relief from osteoarthritis and reduce the progression of the condition include:

Spinal decompression or "traction" is a gentle stretching or elongation of a joint by a machine. It helps to open the joint space, enhance tissue health, improve range of motion in addition to relieving symptoms of pain and stiffness.

Joint mobilization and manipulation is the movement of a joint in a prescribed manner to increase range of motion, joint function and restore pain-free movement.

Prescription of specific stretches and exercises to be performed at home. Stretches help relieve tightness while maintaining flexibility and range of motion. Exercises help to stabilize joints by increasing muscle tone, strength and endurance.

Specific nutritional supplements to promote healthy cartilage.

Benefits of Natural Treatment of Arthritis

Natural treatments of arthritis focus on not only relieving symptoms but also restoring function and enhancing tissue health without the use of drugs or surgery. Often times, the first step is to stop the condition form getting worse or slow down its progression. Patients should experience a progressive reduction in pain and stiffness as well as a steady increase in strength, mobility, range of motion and the ability to perform many tasks that were difficult or impossible before treatment. Since certain types of arthritis can compromise other body systems involving the heart, lungs, circulation, nerves and immune system, natural treatments of chiropractic, acupuncture and massage administered in conjunction with integrative medical treatment can serve as an excellent way to reduce the possibility that arthritis will cause unnecessary medical procedures, joint deformities, lifestyle restrictions of or compromise other important body functions.


Many people deny or ignore their pain and accept it as a condition of life. They simply put up with it and "hope" it will go away. Even worse, excessive amounts of over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription arthritis medications are taken. These products can damage the liver, kidney, stomach or other vital organs and may even result in death. Chiropractic medicine, acupuncture and massage therapy are drug-free treatments that can not only reduce the pain and suffering from arthritis but often even slow down the progression of the condition! This results in better mobility, improved function, and a substantial elevation in the quality of life for patients with arthritis.

Arthritis Treatment: New Investigations Into Stem Cells for Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis has been viewed as a condition that is due to imbalance between destructive and reparative processes involving articular cartilage. This is the "gristle" that caps the ends of long bones.

Because articular cartilage is devoid of both nerves and blood vessels, it has very little potential for repairing itself after injury.

This lack of repair ability of weight-bearing articular cartilage and the associated bone changes underlying the cartilage are considered critical to the progression of the disease.

Recent findings by a number of researchers have suggested that what occurs is either a depletion or functional alteration of mesenchymal stem cell (SC) populations in osteoarthritis.

This study of mesenchymal SC function is an ongoing process.

At the same time these investigations into SC alteration has been taking place, other studies looking at possible resolution of cartilage defects with SCs have also taken place.

In one study (Li -J, Tuli R, Okafor C, et al. A three-dimensional nanofibrous scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering using human mesenchymal stem cells. Biomaterials. 2005; 26: 599-609), the authors reiterated the concept that the "utilization of adult SCs in tissue engineering is a promising solution to the problem of tissue or organ shortage."

By way of review, adult bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are undifferentiated, multipotential cells which can become chondrocytes (cartilage cells) when grown in a three-dimensional culture and treated with growth factors.

What the authors did was to make a scaffold of a synthetic biodegradable polymer, and examined its ability to support cartilage growth with MSCs. The experiment lasted 21 days and they determined that MSCs cultured in the presence of growth factors differentiated into an early form of cartilage.

The level of cartilage growth was similar to that seen in other models such as ones using cell aggregates or pellets, a widely used culture protocol for studying MSCs. In fact the mechanical properties of the nanofibers were superior to that seen with the pellet model.

In a related article (Noth U, Tuli R, Osyczka AM. In Vitro engineered cartilage constructs produced by press-coating biodegradable polymer with human mesenchymal stem cells. Tissue Engineering. 2002, 8(1): 131-144), researchers used pellets of MSCs that were pressed into polymer blocks. These press-coated pellets formed cell layers composed of cartilage-like cells. The superficial layer resembled the architecture seen in hyaline cartilage, the ideal type of cartilage.

This model may allow the formation of hyaline cartilage implants without having to resort to harvesting cartilage cells from intact cartilage surfaces. The authors stated these "constructs may be applicable as prototypes for the reconstruction of articular cartilage defects in humans."

Ankylosing Spondylitis - Arthritis Of The Spine and Lower Back Joints

Ankylosing spondylitis arthritis connection has been well established. There are around 100 types of arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis is actually one of them, also called arthritis of the spine. Arthritis causes an inflammation to the joints, which creates pain, stiffness, and restricted movement in the affected area.

This life defining disease causes inflammation of the spine and lower back joints which results in pain and stiffness of the whole back area. This may cause the bones to fuse together, eventually leading to a complete immobility of the spine. This fusion is called ankylosis.

The exact cause of the ankylosing spondylitis is unknown to conventional medicine, however it is suspected to be a result of the abnormal immune system due to some hereditary and environmental factors.

Autoimmune disease presents itself when the body gets it wires crossed and starts attacking its own cells all the way "thinking" it's attacking enemy cells.

In this document we will take a look at some basic pieces of information about ankylosing spondylitis pain in a comprehensive way and then talk about some remarkable news in the field of therapy of cranial arteritis that stirred the medical waters - about a all natural method that has an impressive success level with ankylosing spondylitis and related autoimmune disorders.

Ankylosing spondylitis and arthritis - who is affected?

As opposed to other types of arthritis, this disease is more common in men than women.
Most ankylosing spondylitis patients carry a genetic marker (protein HLA-B27), which is usually triggered by an infection or stressful situation. This may cause the abnormalities in the immune system, resulting in the onset of the disease.

Ankylosing spondylitis and arthritis - what is conventional medicine offering

Pain that follows this disease is very uncomfortable, affecting the spine, as well as other organs and connecting tissues. Treatment for ankylosing spondylitis may include: exercises, physical therapy, breathing exercises, alternative treatments (acupuncture, yoga), massage; also different medications (corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and surgery as a last resort.

Nutrition has also been proven to have an important role in managing this disorder. Some supplements, for example may aid in the drug treatment while preventing the damage in certain organs (such as folic acid while using the medicine methotrexate, or yogurt and banana while using the NSAIDs). Also, some foods may cause an inflammation and should be avoided, mainly: grains (bread, pasta), potatoes, and legumes (soy, peas, and beans). Most other foods are safe, including: fruits and vegetables, meats and fish, sauces, spices and eggs.

Ankylosing spondylitis arthritis connection - relations to various others arthritis disorders, such as:

  • Psoriatic arthritis, which is an inflammatory joint disease associated with psoriasis, which means that the person has both arthritis and psoriasis (skin condition).

  • Reactive arthritis is a chronic rheumatic form of arthritis with the following characteristics: inflammation of joints, eyes (conjunctivitis), and inflammation of the genital, urinary, or gastrointestinal systems.

  • Spondyloarthritis, which is group of inflammatory rheumatic conditions with common characteristics, including inflammation of the spine, eyes, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), which is a type of autoimmune arthritis that affects children.

Ankylosing spondylitis and arthritis connection is reflected mainly in the joint pain and inflammation. Seeing that there are many types of arthritis, follow your symptoms closely for a better diagnosis and a swift treatment.

Although you might no be clear about what relationship exists between this disease and arthritis, I still owe you the news I promised - the news about a groundbreaking holistic treatment. The holistic protocol is known as the Norton protocol and is now well established and known for it's amazing results with autoimmune disease.

You can learn more about the holistic protocol by visiting their home page, and get your information on ankylosing spondylitis - arthritis connection.

Arthritis - Yes It Can Be Cured

There are over 100 types of arthritis. It is a disease that limits everyday movements such as walking, standing or holding onto a key and trying to open a door. The effects of arthritis range from slight pain, stiffness, and joint swelling, to crippling discomfort.

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis. An estimated 20.7 million Americans are affected by this disease.

According to Dr. Hulda Clark “…in osteoarthritis the joints have bacteria living in the deposits left there… More research is necessary to explain this. My suspicion is that there are toxins, like mercury, thallium, cadmium, lead, as well as solvents, distributed through the body, lowering immunity and allowing the tiny larvae to reside there. Once the pathway (routing) to these organs has been established, it continues to be used by other parasites as well. Soon a variety of parasites, their bacteria and viruses, and pollutants are all headed toward these organs”.

Osteoarthritis causes the breakdown of cartilage which is what protects the ends of bones from rubbing against each other. As the disease gets worse, along with the loss of cartilage bone spurs and abnormal bone hardening will develop, and create severe pain as there is no more cushioning for the bones. As a result, bones become more brittle and susceptible to fractures.

There are two types of osteoarthritis: primary and secondary. Primary OA is arthritis due to an unhealthy aging process. Secondary osteoarthritis is not so common, and is caused by, injury, previous congenital joint misalignment, trauma, infection, surgery, or prolonged use of medications.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is can be brought on by general wear and tear on the body through the process of living, excess weight, and a lifetime of inadequate diet. Additional causes can be skeletal defects, genetic factors, and hormonal deficiencies (as evidenced by the many women who get osteoarthritis after menopause), toxins, and microbes. There are still other environmental and even dental factors that have also been found to bring on the disease.

Biomechanical changes, especially excessive tissue acidity, can also contribute to the development of osteoarthritis. This is why watching your pH for your acid, alkaline levels is so important, (you can get more information on pH, and acid and alkaline at click on books and products, then the University book store, then click on Alkalife). When joints lose their full range of motion due to stress, injury or lack of activity, the cartilage is decreased. As a result, motion is hindered and the and pain ensues. The body replaces the deterioration in the joints with calcium, which then forms hard, inflexible deposits, which cause joint stiffness.

There are some things you can do to avoid this disease or remove it from your life. One would be to follow Dr. Clark’s recommendations, some of which are below, and more information about her treatment and suggestions can be found in her book the Cure For All Diseases, found at []

“Arthritic deposits contain a large amount of phosphates combined with calcium. This calcium came from some other bone, such as the base of your spine or the wrist. Here the bones are getting weaker due to this calcium loss. Calcium was taken out of your bones for the simple purpose of neutralizing the excess phosphate in your diet. Reduce phosphate consumption (meats, soda pop, grains) by half, eating fish, milk, vegetables and fruit instead. Drink three cups of milk a day. If you are allergic to milk, do several liver cleanses, switch brands of milk, use milk digestant, and use it in cooking and baking. Cheese and cottage cheese are not substitutes for milk (the calcium stayed in the whey). Dairy products must be boiled before consuming and should be no less than 2% butter fat. It takes bile to make calcium absorbable, yet bile with less than 2% butter fat does not trigger the gallbladder to empty it's bile at mealtime”.

When joints are painful it is a simple matter to kill the bacteria with an electronic zapper. Treat yourself with a zapper daily until the pain is gone, (more info on the zapper at [] and in the Cure for All Diseases). Maybe it will stay away, but chances are the bacteria will have a steady source of toxins to become re-infected. Pick up the Cure for All Diseases to learn how not to re-infect yourself.

Fine Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis

There is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis. To date, the goal of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is to reduce joint inflammation and pain, maximize joint function, and prevent joint destruction and deformity. Treatment involves early intervention in chronic joint inflammation and soft-tissue swelling. The optimal treatment requires a comprehensive program for the patient. This disease usually affects the peripheral joints like hands, feet, wrists, and knees and the surrounding muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. It can also involves internal organs like the lungs and heart. An autoimmune disease means the body tissues are attacked by your own immune system. Ultimately, this leads to joint destruction, functional disability, and decreased quality of life.

There are many types of arthritis. Some scholars consider gout as also one of the major type. Many types of arthritis may affect different areas of the body. As mentioned above, the swelling or inflammation is the general reaction of the body. During this reaction, all the protective blood cells rush to the affected area to fight against the cause of the problem. They clear the damaged cells and repair the hurt tissues. Once the treatment won the war against the causative factor, the inflammation goes away and area comes to its normal size with normal color.


* Smoking: Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with long-term smoking.

* Stress: Persons suffering from the disease have a higher incidence of stressful life events in the 6 months preceding onset of the disease as compared to the general population.

* Genetics: HLA-DR4, a genetic marker, is associated with increased chance of having the disease.

* Ethnicity: All races and ethnicities can be affected.

* Environment: There is no specific environmental factor that causes the disease.

* Diet: There is no specific diet or food that causes the disease.

* Infection: There is no known specific infection that causes the disease.


The current theory is that a person who is genetically predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis encounters a trigger (infection, toxin, chemical) in the environment that starts an abnormal immune response, an autoimmune process. The disease occurs when white blood cells leave the blood stream and attack the lining of the joints.

Fortunately, there is natural healing and natural cure in order to alleviate the pain associated with the disease. Removing acidity from your blood to reach an alkaline level is well advised. A good ph level can only help. A study by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has also found that people who drink five glasses of wine a week halve the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.


The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in the U.S. is about 1% which means that it affects 2.1 million Americans. There are 3 new cases per year per 10,000 persons. The disease most often starts between the ages of 25 and 50; peak onset is between 35 and 50. It is 3-5 times more common in women and 4 times more common in smokers than non-smokers. If one twin has it, there is a 15-20% chance the other twin will develop it. You deserve a better life with less pain. Some natural products are available in the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and can relieve your joints.

Treat Arthritis With Aromatherapy

Inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints are some of the symptoms of a disease called arthritis. It affects normal joint movement, which restricts motion. The sufferer may also feel feverish or fatigued. Arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States. It limits physical activity and in extreme cases it can cause deformity.

There is no known cure for arthritis but a treatment called aromatherapy may help patients feel better. Aroma means scent and therapy means treatment. It is an alternative approach to mental and physical health problems. Aromatherapy uses pure essential oils to help heal imbalances in your body. Essential oils are fine liquids that are extracted from plants, trees, flowers and bushes. Each pure oil is made up of numerous separate compounds. These compounds need to be in the final oil for it to be of the maximum aroma-therapeutic value. Hydorsols and phytols are blended in with the essential oils for treating arthritis. Hydorsol is the condensed water that is left over after an essential oil is produced from water distillation. The flavor and aroma are saturated in the water from the distilled material. Phytols are a remedy prepared by soaking plant material in vegetable oil or water.

When you visit an aromatherapist for the first time, they will take an assessment of your lifestyle. Some questions might include your diet, stress level and medical history. They will than select the oils and make a personalized blend that is right for you. A massage will follow resulting in relaxation. Treatments will alter depending on your symptoms at the time.

There are several things you can do, if you would rather treat yourself at home. One way that has been successful in easing the pain of arthritis is the application of hot compresses. Put hot water into a bowl. Make sure it is not too hot. Add three to six drops of an essential oil to the water. Make sure you use an oil with pain relieving properties such as chamomile, lavender or cinnamon. Put a sterile cotton cloth into the water. Wring out some excess water and place the cloth onto the bothersome area. Let the cloth cool down to your body temperature. Repeat these steps several times. Use a warm towel or other material to wrap the region that you treated.

You can also rub the essential oils onto painful areas during the day. The oils are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. Always make sure the oils are diluted when applied to the skin. They need to be mixed with a carrier lotion or vegetable oil. Aromatic baths are another way to ease your pain. Add the essential oils to hot water for a relaxing combination. Pour the oils under running water and always make sure it is mixed well. Use 5-7 drops of essential oils to 1 ounce carrier oil. Lemon, Eucalyptus and Camphor are some other oils appropriate for treating arthritis symptoms. Aromatherapy has no negative side effects and can help you to feel more comfortable.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Arthritis Gloves

There are many companies, which manufacture arthritis gloves. Generally, the cost of a pair of gloves ranges from $10 to $50, and even more. These gloves are effective in reducing the pain. The gloves are effective against both osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. The gloves must work for increased blood circulation in the micro level; quicker blood flow; supplying sufficient oxygen and nutrients; rejuvenating blood veins, capillaries, and nerves; reducing pain and rigidness in the finger joints; warming up the fingers faster and long lasting; maintaining stronger nails and softer skin; increasing the stretchability of the collagen tissue; reducing bacteria and infections; improving dexterity and flexibility; and increasing the power of hand.

Jobar International Therapy Gloves are specially made for men, which help in a big way to get rid of the pain related to arthritis. A pair of gloves cost around $10. Dome Industries Handeze Therapeutic Gloves help in relieving the pain of: arthritis of hand, carpal tunnel syndrome, fatigue on hand, poor blood circulation, repetitive stress injuries, and tendonitis. They cost around $13. Isotoner therapeutic gloves are very helpful to ease painful swelling of hand and sore joints because of arthritis. The approximate cost of these gloves is $17. Light compression arthritis gloves render therapeutic warmth to decrease the severity of pain and swelling. They cost around $28. Thermoskin Arthritis Gloves are designed to ease the pain on fingers and hands typically of arthritis. The cost of these gloves is around $30. The Swede-O-Inc Thermoskin Arthritic Gloves are anatomically shaped and have been specially designed to alleviate arthritis pain in fingers and hands. These gloves cost around $33. If the severity of arthritis is very high, the Heat Therapy Gloves are very effective in reducing the pain by raising the skin temperature around two to three degrees, which maximizes the blood circulation. These gloves cost around $40. Far Infrared Arthritis Gloves are highly effective in reducing the bedeviling symptoms of arthritis. These gloves are very much useful in mending the pain, stiffness and swelling of the hands and finger joints.

Prolotex(TM) Therapeutic Open Finger Tip Arthritis Gloves are gentle, comfortable, and the people can wear these gloves round the clock. If anyone's work does not allow gloves then the individual can wear the gloves during night to mend arthritic hands and fingers. The material used to prepare these gloves is impregnated with some special bio-ceramics, which give out and reflect the curing ability of infrared rays deep into the soft tissues of the hands. These gloves can increase the blood circulation at the cellular level, which is the vital action to get rid of the pain and inflammation of arthritis. These gloves help to bring nutrient-rich, oxygenated, fresh blood to the affected areas. These gloves are available in three different sizes. Normally, these gloves cost around $50; however, some stores are offering these gloves for about $40.

Osteoarthritis - How Can I Relieve Myself of This Pain?

Osteoarthritis is a common disorder that many women and men suffer daily, interfering with the daily routine. What if there was a natural way to find relief from this agonizing pain?

With just a few simple steps, you can be one of the many sufferers enjoying life again.

There's nothing worse than feeling joint pain day after day. Knowing that there is pain relief medication is the only thing that may bring relief to you. Then there are the days that nothing seems to help.

Being diagnosed with Osteoarthritis is not an easy thing to live with. It's important not to give up with the hope that one day you will not feel any pain. It's an agonizing feeling to go through, such tremendous amount of discomfort each day.

Many joints can be affected, but the hand joints are the one's affected more. This can interfere with your daily routine, stopping you to perform many tasks.
It's important to recognize early symptoms of Osteoarthritis, such as joint pain.

Consult a doctor if it continues more than a few weeks. The doctor will first evaluate your symptoms and diagnose you accordingly. If the doctor suggests that you take medication, listen to him. He will recommend you the best pain management treatment, in order to make you feel better.

Follow your doctor's advice. He has the expertise and the knowledge to give you the best advise possible. When your dealing with chronic pain, managing your osteoarthritis pain is important to do in order to feel better. Your family doctor will refer you to a Rheumatologist who specializes in arthritis and related diseases.

He will look for physical evidence by observing for swelling and redness, tenderness, rashes, nodules and other deformities. You can choose to relief your chronic pain by trying out some of these options.

Natural remedies are used to provide pain relief. Look into some of these options, and begin to feel better.

- Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate

Studies have shown people on glucosamine have found a reduction in the swelling and pain of arthritis. The dose in most individuals used is 1500mg of glucosamine sulfate and 800 to 1200mg chondroitin sulfate.

The only side effect that may occur is a mild stomach discomfort, which can be solved by taking the pill with food. It must be taken for a period of three months in order to see results.

- Acupuncture

Acupuncture is another option you may want to consider, by inserting hair thin needles into specific points in the body. It's known to release internal pain relieve substances such as endorphins and serotonin.

- Yoga

Many people think that yoga is a painful way to get effective relief because it involves moving the body in different ways. You'll be surprised in the amount of relief it can offer. Exercise is also another great way to lose the fat.


A balanced diet is important to have in order to see a difference. Adding fiber to your diet such as whole grains, and increasing your vegetables can benefit you.

Losing weight can help remove pressure from the joints, which will reduce inflammation.

Other nutrients to consider are vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. These help reduce pain that is caused by inflammation.

Fish oils can help reduce inflammation that your body is trying to fight. By eating fatty fish such as salmon and sardines three times a week, can help reduce the inflammation process in your body.


You shouldn't have to go on suffering with this disease. With a good diet and exercise program, you can make a big difference in decreasing osteoarthritis pain.

Arthritis specialists have seen good results just by following these few steps. You deserve to feel better again. Make your life a pain free one.

Arthritis Treatment: How Gout Develops

Gout is one of the most common forms of arthritis affecting about 8 million Americans and is the most common inflammatory arthritis in men after the age of 40.
So how does it develop?

Gout is a metabolic disease. Under normal conditions, the production of uric acid (UA) that comes from the breakdown of purines found in many foods is balanced by elimination of UA. People with gout have much more UA in their system. This is a result of either inability to get excrete UA through the kidneys or to overproduction of UA, or both. In reality 90 per cent of gout is due to inability to excrete UA through the kidneys rather than overproduction.

When the level of UA exceeds a certain threshold, crystals of monosodium urate deposit in joints and other areas. The deposits of crystals can be influenced by other factors than just the level of uric acid in the system. These factors include dehydration, the amount of acididity, and temperature.

For example the solubility (ability to stay dissolved) of uric acid drops with temperature decline. This Is one of the explanations why attacks of gout tend to occur in the feet.

Attacks of gout can occur when there are fluctuations in the systemic pool of UA caused by drops in temperature, dietary intake of foods high in purines, starting treatments to lower uric acid, or dehydration.

When monosodium urate crystals (MSU) accumulate in joints, they trigger acute inflammation which leads to attraction of white blood cells to the area, release of chemicals that enhance inflammation, and the eventual development of an acute case of gout.

Gout attacks are characterized by swelling, heat, redness, and intense pain.

Even though the acute attack can be treated with relief of symptoms, MSU crystals are still present inside the joint and cause low-level inflammation. Microscopic analysis of joint tissue during the intercritical phase has shown the presence of large deposits of inflammatory material and MSU crystals.

As time passes, and gout continues, monosodium urate crystals and the attendant inflammation they cause lead to significant damage to joints and internal organs like the kidneys. The typical finding on x-ray is impressive erosions involving joints.

With disease progression, the time between acute attacks- termed the intercritical phase- no longer is a pain-free period. The patient will soon enter the phase of chronic gout where joint destruction and significant kidney damage will occur.

Arthritis Pain - How to Deal With Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is defined as a joint disorder that features inflammation. The area of the body where two different bones meet is called the joint. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones.

Literally, arthritis means "inflammation of one or more joints". The illness comes in many forms, with each form having a peculiar cause.

The most common form is osteoarthritis or simply OA. Other arthritis forms include autoimmune diseases such as psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis wherein the body attacks itself. Caused by a joint infection is another form of arthritis called septic arthritis.

Another form is gouty arthritis which is brought about by the depositions of uric acid crystals in the joint resulting further to inflammation. Pseudogout is a very rare type of gout which is brought about by the formation of rhomboid crystals of calcium pyrophosphate.

All forms of arthritis are accompanied by pain. Pain occurring in the joints is called arthralagia.

Arthritis pain patterns may vary depending on what type of arthritis is present and the location in the body where the illness is being experienced. For instance, arthritis pain brought about by rheumatoid arthritis is generally worse during the mornings and most frequently accompanied with stiffness.

During its early stages, the patients affected by the ailment will often show no symptoms after a morning shower. Both in children and in aged patients, arthritis pain may not be the presenting feature. For the aged patients, they only tend to move less, while infant patients refuse to use the affected limbs.

There is no single treatment that can be applied for everyone affected with arthritis. Seeking medical help is necessary. The doctor will determine what type of arthritis is present and will be developing a management plan specifically designed to reduce the particular pain and improve the function of the joints. There are a number of treatments that can provide short-term relief for arthritis pain.

First thing to do is to manage your arthritis pain. There are forms of arthritis which are classified as chronic diseases. These types may last a lifetime and the pain could be really distressing since it affects the patients on many levels. An important factor in controlling the ailment and ensuring a good quality of life is learning how to manage pain over the long term.

Being continually sought are better ways to control pain. With the goal of relieving pain, arthritis patients may try different ways of relieving pain techniques. From these, the best technique may be identified. The success or failure of each form of therapy may vary from person to person. What could have worked for one person may not work for another person.

Osteoarthritis sufferers may have very little inflammation. Acetaminophen is a suggested pain reliever. On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis patients may experience pain that is caused by inflammation. Suggested medications for rheumatoid arthritis patients are aspirin or other forms of NSAIDS. To allow the joints to rest, it could be helpful to use a splint or a base.

Portable Electric Scooter - Three Top Medical Conditions a Scooter Can Help With

If you are looking to purchase a portable electric scooter and are wondering if that kind of an outlay is right for you, you will find this article useful. It details three of the most common types of medical conditions that cause people to purchase a portable electric scooter. Even though the condition itself does not go away because of the purchase, a portable electric scooter can significantly reduce the consequences for personal mobility that such condition will have. Indeed, a simple electric scooter can often significantly improve the person's quality of life. The top three medical conditions or diseases that are significantly helped by a portable electric scooter are Physical Disability or Injury, Arthritis, and Lung Problems or Conditions. Let's look into more details of these.

Physical Disability or Injury

Typical physical disabilities or injuries that call for a portable electric scooter are difficulties that affect walking. Physical disabilities can be caused by injury. An example would be a foot crushed in an accident, severed Achilles' tendon. Another type of physical disability involves any kind of chronic feet pain, leg pain, or knee pain, or even back pain. Any such pains can cause a person to have difficulty walking even a short distance, like a couple of yards, or they can cause them to feel more pain after perhaps a few dozens of yards. Not only do these conditions prevent a person from walking, they also prevent him to stand up for extended periods of time. In both cases, a comfortable seat of a portable electric scooter comes in handy.


Several different types of arthritis can cause a person to have difficulties walking. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis in knees or hips. Arthritis is an inflammation of a particular body part, for example knee. When the joints in the knee are degenerated, it becomes indeed extremely painful to walk any distance at all.

Lung Problems and Conditions

Lung Problems and Conditions that impair a person's ability to walk on their own include lung cancer, breathing problems due to Emphysema, or COPD. When a person has their lung system impaired by a lung condition or problem, it is still possible to walk. However, the person gets tired and out of breath rapidly, causing them to slow down their walk or come to a complete stop. Operating an electric scooter can be a real boon for a person in such situation.

There you are. Top three medical conditions that indicate a purchase of a simple portable electric scooter. As long as the person still has some mobility in their upper body, and enough strength to get on the scooter, steer the scooter, and get off, they can go to most places that people without the disabilities go. Patients have reported the return of their joy of life after they are once again able to visit friends, go out walk their dog, or just go shopping on their own. If you are suffering from one of the medical conditions mentioned, or if you know someone who suffers, you know that there is a solution out there for their mobility problems.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Types of Arthritis & Related Rheumatic Conditions


Osteoarthritis develops from the wearing away of joint cartilage. It is degenerative in nature and the substantial damage caused by excessive strain on the joints and its bordering tissues is characterized by:

  • pain

  • soreness

  • swelling

  • difficulty of movement

In its early stages, osteoarthritis is rarely symptomatic and mostly non-inflammatory. It develops slowly and is difficult to detect because it affects only a minimum number of joints. More often than not, osteoarthritis strikes the:

  • hands

  • hips

  • knees

  • spine

Advancing age increases the risk of acquiring osteoarthritis. Trauma to the joints, obesity and repetitive joint use comprise the other risk factors of the disease.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the synovium, the cell lining within the joint, is mistakenly damaged by the bodys' own immune system. This type of arthritis is a chronic autoimmune syndrome which is potentially disabling. It is often marked by:

  • joint pain

  • joint incapacity

  • swelling

  • stiffness

Rheumatoid arthritis is difficult to pin down at its onset due to the minimal number of symptoms. The causes of this type of arthritis are still unknown, but physicians are pointing to heredity as one of its chief causes.

Juvenile Arthritis

Children can also be afflicted by a type of arthritis known as juvenile arthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis that besets children. The three major kinds of juvenile arthritis are:

  • pauciarticular (affecting only a minimum number of joints)

  • polyarticular (involving more than several joints)

  • systematic (impacting the whole body)

Indicators of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are different for each child, and a variety of tests are needed to determine the appropriate diagnosis. Children suffering from juvenile arthritis have to ascertain the presence of the disease for over a month before it can be correctly identified.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Five percent of people with psoriasis (a chronic skin disorder) are affected by psoriatic arthritis. Like rheumatoid arthritis, the joints, and in some cases the spine, are subjected to inflammation.


Although this disorder does not involve joint deformity, this soft tissue and muscular rheumatism leads to muscle, ligament and tendon pain, and is indicated by:

  • chronic tiredness

  • inferior sleep

  • muscle soreness

  • Fibromyalgia Screening Test

  • Fibromyalgia Fast Facts

  • Test Your Knowledge of Fibromyalgia

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Fibromyalgia

  • Signs and Symptoms: Recognizing Fibromyalgia


Another painful type of arthritis is Gout. This form of the disease is characterized by unexpected bursts of intense pain, soreness, warmth and reddening of the affected areas, and joint swelling, particularly in the big toe. Gout is believed to be the result of excess uric acid crystals which are leached out of the blood and settle within the joint.

Pseudogout / CPPD

Calcium phosphate crystals which form in the joints can cause Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Disease (CPPD), or Psuedogout. The symptoms of Psuedogout are very similar to Gout, and as a result, it is often misdiagnosed as gouty arthritis. Management and treatment of CPPD is different, as well.


Hardening and thickening of the surrounding skin characterizes Scleroderma, a disorder affecting the connective tissues of the body. Two types of this disease, both the localized and generalized forms, also impair other parts of the body like the:

  • blood vessels

  • joints

  • internal organs

Lupus / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Another autoimmune disease, Systemic lupus erythematosus causes anaemia, arthritis, chronic tiredness, fever, hair loss, kidney complications, mouth ulcers and skin eruptions. Nearly 90 percent of sufferers are women, particularly those of childbearing age. However, children and older adults can also contract the disease. Lupus affects the:

  • blood vessels

  • heart

  • joints

  • kidneys

  • nervous system

  • internal organs

  • surrounding skin

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome begins with tingling and numbness in the fingers caused by stress on the wrists median nerve. This condition can set in slowly or with unexpected abruptness. While it is dissimilar to other types of arthritis, it sometimes linked to other forms of the disease, like rheumatoid arthritis.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

This chronic inflammatory condition of the spine can cause fusion of the vertebrae, resulting in rigidity of the spinal column. The disease starts by settling into the tissue surrounding the joint, causing lingering stiffness and pain in the lower back.

Medical science has yet to discover the exact cause of this disease, which affects other joints in addition to the spine. It has been noted, however, that spondylitis sufferers all have HLA-B27, a genetic marker setting apart people who have the highest risk of acquiring the disorder. Men aged between 16 to 35 are the ones usually affected, although the disease can also strike women.

Bursitis / Tendonitis

These types of arthritis are recognized by their chiefly inflammatory symptoms. Bursitis is characterized by inflamed bursa sacs, fluid-filled sacs that help muscles and tendons move smoothly across the bones. Tendonitis, or tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons, connective elastic tissue found between the bones and muscles. The tendon sheath is also susceptible to inflammation, leading to a disorder known as tenosynovitis. In all cases, the inflammation results in stiff and painful movement.

  • Guide to Bursitis

  • Guide to Tendinitis

Infectious Arthritis

Bacteria, virus and fungi are the culprits involved in Infectious arthritis. To diagnose this type of arthritis, culturing a tissue sample from the infected joint determines the existence of these microorganisms. Infectious arthritis comes in several forms, namely:

  • Septic arthritis caused by a bacterial invasion.

  • Tuberculous arthritis common in tuberculosis sufferers.

  • Fungal arthritis stemming from fungal infection.

  • Gonococcal arthritis occurring with those infected with gonorrhoea.

  • Viral arthritis resulting from viral infections.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is often caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. This disorder usually targets:

  • eyes

  • heart

  • joints

  • nervous system

  • skin

Reactive Arthritis

Also known as Reiter's syndrome, Reactive arthritis causes inflammation of the joints, particularly in the areas of ligament and tendon connection. Sufferers of this type of arthritis experience other illnesses like:

  • cervicitis

  • conjuctivitis

  • cystitis

  • skin sores

  • prostatitis

  • urethritis

Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjorgren's Syndrome causes irregularity in the functions of the moisture-producing glands of the body, resulting in dryness in the salivary and lacrimal (tear-producing) glands. This disorder is also characterized by other physical indicators.


This degenerative bone disease leads to weak, brittle bones and loss of bone tissue, increasing the risk of breaks and fractures. It is a preventive non-symptomatic disorder creeps up slowly and becomes apparent in advanced age, particularly in women.

Other Forms of Rheumatic Diseases

  • Avascular Necrosis - also recognized by the medical term, osteonecrosis

  • Behcet's Disease - characterized by chronic inflammation.

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - CRPS, or reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

  • Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis - causes calcification in the spinal disks.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - commonly accompanied by complications of arthritis and osteoporosis.

  • Mixed Connective Tissue Diseases - a combination of several rheumatic diseases.

  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica - caused by giant cell arteritis.

  • Raynaud's Phenomenon - primarily affects the blood vessels, causing them to constrict.

  • Vasculitides - a disease characterized by inflamed blood vessels.

Discover Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

At least four different scientific reviews concerning the effectiveness and safety of popular natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis have been published since 2004. In search of natural healing rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have tried herbal remedies, nutritional supplements and alternative non-invasive therapies such as chiropractic care.

According to figures compiled by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health, as many as 62% of all adults use some form of alternative therapy. 33% of them suffer from back pain, neck pain, joint pain or arthritis. These figures suggest that use of natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis is common and it is the "common usage" that prompted the scientific reviews.

Devil's Claw, Feverfew, Lei Gong Teng and Cat's Claw: Natural Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis?

In 2005, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital reviewed the evidence concerning the safety and effectiveness of the botanicals Devil's Claw, Feverfew, lei gong teng and Cat's Claw. The results were as follows.

Devil's Claw appears to have natural anti-inflammatory activity and there is evidence supporting its use in the treatment of chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis pain affecting the hip or knee.

But, for effective natural healing rheumatoid arthritis sufferers may want to look elsewhere. Devil's Claw can interfere with several prescription medications including Ticlipidine and Warfarin. It increases the production of stomach acid and can aggravate conditions, such as peptic ulcers and acid reflux.

Feverfew, lei gong teng and Cat's Claw have been used historically by native healers as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as other health conditions. According to the researchers at Massachusetts General, test tube results indicate that feverfew may be very active in modulating immune system responses, but "human studies have not proven it useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis". Adverse side effects of feverfew may include stomach upset and mouth ulcers.

Apparently there is clinical evidence supporting the effectiveness of lei gong teng and Cat's Claw as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis. To quote the researchers, "Current experience...finds them to be efficacious in the treatment of RA." However, in their final conclusion they make this warning, "...many studies done to date are scientifically flawed. Further systematic and scientific inquiry into this topic is necessary to validate or refute the clinical claims."

There are safe and natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, but both lei gong teng and Cat's Claw are accompanied by detrimental and sometimes dangerous side effects, which are detailed below.

Unwanted Side Effects

The majority of current research concerning lei gong teng focuses on its potential as a male contraceptive. Components have been found, even at low doses, to lower sperm counts and cause temporary infertility. Because of its immuno-suppressive activity, it can increase the risk of infection.

Since immune system suppression and increased risk of infection are complications associated with prescription medications often used to treat the condition, when looking for natural healing rheumatoid arthritis sufferers may want to avoid lei gong teng, particularly if the reason behind the search is the risk associated with the use of immuno-suppressive drugs.

Great caution should be practiced when using Cat's Claw. When collected randomly in a natural setting, the positive effects of the botanical can not be scientifically or medically guaranteed. Because there are at least two different "chemo-types" of the plant and numerous other plants known by the same name (some of which are toxic), chemical evaluation is necessary to determine its safety for human use.

In some cases, even when the chemical composition has been confirmed, serious allergic reactions, including inflammation of the kidneys has occurred. In at least one case, kidney failure has occurred. If the wrong chemo-type is used loss of coordination, reduction of the speed and force of the heart beat and sedative effects similar to those of narcotics can occur.

The safest chemo-type was originally marketed as an immune booster, while one of the other types has immuno-suppressive activity. It is unclear which chemo-type has been used in the research concerning its effectiveness as one of the natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, but it is likely that it was the least safe variety, since the most popular theory is that RA is caused by inappropriate immune system responses and immuno-suppressive drugs are a popular treatment choice.

The Safest Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

As with most people who search for natural healing, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers are surely looking for safe, effective alternatives, with no detrimental side effects. For many years, researchers have been studying the role that omega-3 fatty acids (a dietary component found in fatty fish and fish oils) play in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

In March of 2007, researchers at the University of Adelaide in South Australia published laboratory results concerning the possible reasons behind the effectiveness of omega 3 fatty acids as natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, since clinical trials have consistently reported positive results with no detrimental side effects.

The researchers began with the understanding that omega-6 fatty acids (found in large quantities in the average diet) increase the activity of immune system cells that cause inflammation. Their goal was to see if omega-3 fatty acids could block the inflammatory activity caused by an omega 6 fatty acid. Their conclusion was that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids do, in fact, negate the immune system response to omega 6 fatty acids and thereby reduce or inhibit inflammation.

The researchers concluded, "These results help fill the gaps in our knowledge regarding the mechanisms of action of n-3 PUFAs, thus allowing us to make specific recommendations for the use of n-3 PUFAs in the regulation of inflammatory diseases."

In a meta-analysis, similar to the review of natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis conducted in 2005, researchers in Canada reviewed clinical studies related to omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for joint pain. The results were published in May 2007. In brief, the analysis showed that patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who received dietary supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids for 3-4 months reported a reduction in joint pain intensity, minutes of morning stiffness, number of painful or tender joints and the need for pain relieving drugs.

The conclusion: "The results suggest that omega-3 PUFAs are an attractive adjunctive treatment for joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis."

When searching for natural healing, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers can rest assured that omega-3 fatty acids are 100% natural (as long as the manufacturer of the product includes no additives or preservatives) and 100% safe (as long as the manufacturer distills and purifies the fish oil to remove contaminants).

In general, people also find that they get many extra health benefits from fish oil, including improved ability to concentrate and a reduction in depressive feelings.

To conclude, of all the natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis, there is the most evidence supporting the safety and effectiveness of omega 3 fatty acids derived from the flesh of fatty fish.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center's website:

"Most clinical studies investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acid supplements for inflammatory joint conditions have focused almost entirely on rheumatoid arthritis. Several articles reviewing the research in this area conclude that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis."

They go on to state that:

"....New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain..."

We hope you've found this article on the natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis informative.

Alternative Natural Arthritis Pain Remedies

Arthritis is a common joint problem that affects millions of adults in the United States. While there are many drugs available to treat symptoms, they often come with numerous side effects that can negatively affect a users' daily life. Therefore, many people turn to natural remedies for arthritis joint pain and to help rebuild joint tissue.

The good news for those who suffer from joint pain is that there are many natural remedies to help alleviate the pain. While most sufferers are familiar with glucosamine and chondroitin, here are just a few of the lesser-known natural remedies for arthritis:

Flax Seed/Flax Seed Oil - 簫Flax seed oil is one of the most widely known natural remedies for joint pain. Flax seed oil helps produce Prostaglandins Series 1 and 3, which are anti-inflammatory molecules. You can either take flax seed or use flax seed oil as both help produce these anti-inflammatory molecules.

Ginger - Ginger is recognized around the world for its natural anti-inflammatory properties. Many people who suffer from arthritis joint pain swear by ginger. Most people simply peel and slice 翻 of fresh ginger and take it with each meal to lessen joint pain.

Cinnamon - Cinnamon, like many other spices, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. However, cinnamon is not as effective when it comes in contact with saliva so it is recommended that you add cinnamon to coffee or tea for the best results.

Turmeric - Turmeric is a small plant that is native to Southeast Asia. Turmeric has been found to have numerous anti-inflammatory properties plus many other vitamins and nutrients that will improve bone strength and ease joint pain.

Hot and Cold Compresses -Both heat and cold can help reduce arthritis pain. Ice helps reduce joint swelling and inflammation while heat relaxes the muscles and stimulates blood flow. Consider placing an ice pack on your swollen joints for 5 minutes then applying a heating pad. Repeat 2-3 times each and symptoms should be reduced for the day and night.

These are just a few of the many natural remedies for arthritis joint pain. Consider trying a few of these remedies to determine which best natural remedy best reduces your joint pain. Also, you should remember to consume your daily-recommended value of calcium and magnesium. Calcium helps the bones and joints grow and stay healthy, and magnesium helps the body absorb the calcium. Therefore, both are incredibly important to help keep your joints healthy and to reduce joint inflammation. For more information about one alternative remedy that blends many of these natural aids, visit

The Nature Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

How long have you been suffering from painful joints? Have you noticed outward physical changes in those joints? Are your joints showing deformity and stiffness?

A combination of several factors may cause the development of rheumatoid arthritis. These factors may include infection, underlying malnutrition problem, endocrine gland disorders and the inability to cope with life's situations. Rheumatoid arthritis may also be due to poisons, viruses or bacterial toxins. The joint fluids of individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis do not show any evidence of pus or disease germs that are mostly seen in acute arthritis. People who suffered from physical or emotional shock, fatigue and injuries are mostly predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals who are often exposed to cold and dampness usually develop the disease more easily. Women are more commonly affected with this type of arthritis compared with men.

Rheumatoid arthritis may occur after childhood and before a person reaches forty years old. Occasionally though, there are cases wherein it affects individuals who are already in their sixties or seventies. The beginning of this disease is often more gradual than rapid. This is usually characterized by a low grade fever, a feeling of weakness all over the body and headache. This type of arthritis usually involves the knees and the fingers first followed by the shoulders, wrists, ankles and elbows. In widespread cases, all of the joints in the body may be attacked. An active inflammation occurs in the joint's synovial membrane causing it to swell with accompanying moderate to severe pain. Rheumatoid arthritis basically involves the joints but it is also a systemic problem that usually affects the whole body.

Affected large joints are usually tender and warm to the touch, swollen and red with an increase amount of joint fluids. The infectious process causes absorption resulting into thinning of the joint cartilage that is often seen in x-ray examinations. Thinning of the joint cartilage can also be caused by the pressure created by muscle spasm or tendons that cross the joint and the calcium loss at bone ends causing it to become rarefied.

Deformity is a very familiar result of rheumatoid arthritis. This is caused by the contraction and atrophy of both tendons and muscles around the joints. These actions cause the muscles and tendons to bend unnaturally. These may even dislodge the bone out of the joint resulting in the characteristic rheumatoid arthritis deformity. There are also instances when the bone ends grow together creating a permanent stiff joint. The limbs can also be affected, which can be cold and clammy. In severe cases, the patient may become thin and anemic.

Rheumatoid arthritis appears to be curable in some cases but as a rule, it recurs over and over again after apparent healing. A person affected with rheumatoid arthritis and its accompanying deformity should accept the fact that he will be carrying this handicap all throughout his life. New methods of treatment however allow many arthritic patients to continue with their normal activities and still enjoy whatever life has to offer.

Unravel the Mystery of Shoulder Pain

The function of the shoulder joint is to provide mobility to the shoulder and it is one of the parts of the body which is heavily used every single day. Many people suffer from shoulder pain. Many different reasons can result in shoulder pain and it is important to know the exact orthopaedic reason and only then can the correct diagnosis and treatment be made. Shoulder pain can suddenly happen and many people are unsure of it. Let's try to unravel the mystery of shoulder pain today.


Since the shoulder joint is heavily used, there are a lot of rubbing actions throughout the day. There are small fluid filled sacs called bursae to cushion the bones and the soft tissues. These will help to reduce friction and increase gliding motions. However, due to excessive repetitive usage of the shoulder joints, inflammation can happen on the bursae, leading to pain and swelling known as bursitis. This can cause difficulty in performing simple actions such as lifting of the hand or wearing of clothes.


Impingement of the shoulder happens when the shoulder blade exerts too much pressure onto the surrounding soft tissues such as the bursa or the tendons, causing bursitis. Over a period of time, shoulder impingement can possible result in a rotator cuff tear.

Shoulder instability

Shoulder instability can be due to overuse of the shoulder joint or due to an injury which causes the arm bone to be loose and slip out of the socket joint. The shoulder joint acts as a ball and socket model where mobility can be easily obtained without much limitation. However when the ball and socket is loose, it can cause subluxation. The surrounding ligaments and tendons are weakened and they are unable to fully support the motions, causing pain and instability.

Tendon tears

Tearing of the tendons could possibly occur due to aging or injuries, overuse or wear and tear. Depending on the severity of the tear, it can be a partial one or a complete one. A complete tendon tear will result in tremendous pain and loss of stability.


Arthritis is a common cause of shoulder pain and the most common form is osteoarthritis or wear and tear. Arthritis usually occurs during mid-age around 30 years old and over time, it will become worse. Osteoarthritis can also happen at a young age due to injuries or overuse and it will result in rotator cuff tendon tears or inflammation. Arthritis will cause simple daily motions to be almost impossible and you will often experience stiffness of the joints.

There are many reasons that can cause shoulder pain. I hope that the above article had help to unravel some of the mysteries and after you know the exact reason, you will be able to use the correct treatment method.

Natural Cure for Joint Pains and Osteoarthritis

If you are currently suffering from joint pains, osteoporosis and other joint-related diseases, then you are part of the 140-million statistics in the United States.

According to a study conducted by Maryland Medical Center, osteoarthritis or a condition wherein a joint cartilage degenerates is common among individuals reaching the age of 45 and this condition may continue to worsen as they age. While these conditions have become usual, the pains can be bothersome. This has also lead several patients to seek for natural cure for joint pains and osteoarthritis, such as Fast Joint Care+.

Fast Joint Care+ Product Details

Fast Joint Care+ is a revolution that relieves several types of joint pains as well as improves flexibility and considerable amount of stiffness in the joints.

Fast Joint Care+ features:

繚 Fast-acting effects. Relief can be felt in as fast as 7 days.

繚 Aside from relieving symptoms, it also helps improve over-all and long-term joint health.

繚 You only need to take one capsule a day.

繚 Its main ingredient, Natural Eggshell Membrane or NEM簧 is proven good supplement for the joints. This enables the body to build flexibility and mobility due to Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and other proteins essential to build and improve joint health.

The NEM簧 Advantage

The main advantage of NEM簧 is its source. It comes from natural eggshell membrane, which means natural cure for joint pains and osteoarthritis.

According to two clinical studies published in the US National Library of Medicine, NEM簧 is a possible natural supplement for those suffering from joint and connective tissue disorders. A 500mg NEM簧 can work as fast as one week, and when taken consistently within a month, significant improvements in joints can already be observed.

What NEM簧's components do:

The clinical studies on NEM簧's components also revealed that Glucosamine and chondroitin together with methylsulfonylmethane has been largely used as relief for joint pains brought along by osteoarthritis. Glucosamine and chondroitin are popular for their support for cartilage matrix.

Hyraulonic acid and fucose are components often lacking among osteoarthritis patients; complement the proper functioning of joint tissues and serve as cushion for cartilages.

Dermatan sulfate is reported to have important roles of holding collagen and supports the structure of cartilage tissues.

No side effects

Because of the natural ingredients found on Fast Joint Care+, there are no side effects and it is a natural cure for joint pain relief and osteoarthritis. And because it is derived from a natural source, a patient is also less prone to allergies.

Fast Joint Care+is a good food supplement especially for aging people and those who live a highly active lifestyle. When excessive force is put into the joints due to strenuous activities, the aging process of the tissues may also increase. Taking Fast Joint Care+ could be of relief, however, it is still best to consult your doctor before doing anything with your body.

Treating Arthritis With Herbs, Spices, & Roots - Which Ones Are Most Effective?

Herbs and spices have been used to treat various diseases and ailments for thousands of years, both herbs and spices are excellent antioxidants with many containing excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Listed bellow are some of the best herbs and spices known to help arthritics. You should try to incorporate some of these herbs into your everyday life. Herbs and spices should where possible be used in their natural form & taken as a tea, or added to food.

In my opinion it is best not to take herbs & spices in capsule form, due to the diminished properties of the extract when diluted with additives, such as capsule binding agents.

The following herbs & spices are listed in order of their superior properties when used to treat arthritis.

Some herbs and spices are known to interfere with certain prescribed medications, it is therefore always wise to consult with your doctor or a professional, before introducing any of the following herbs into your diet.


Has long been used to treat arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property.

Turmeric is also known to contain an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.


Asian & Indian have been using ginger to treat arthritis for over 2000 years due to its anti-inflammatory property.

Why not try making tea with ginger, put one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger into a cup of boiling water allow to cool and drink.

Devils Claw

Devil's Claw native to parts of South Africa, where it is thought to have been used to treat arthritis for centuries, two active ingredients called Harpagoside and Beta sitosterol are found in devils claw which are thought to posses excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Devil's Claw is claimed to be beneficial for treating arthritis, rheumatism, arthritis and diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and bladder,.

Cats Claw

Cats claw has been used for over 2000 years by the the indigenous peoples of South and Central America to treat rheumatic disorders. Ingredients appear to act as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer agents. Cats claw is found in the tropical jungles of South and Central America. Research has also indicated cats claw may help in the treatment of intestinal ailments such as Crohn's disease, gastric ulcers and tumors, parasites, colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis and leaky bowel syndrome,

Cayenne Pepper

Known to support the body's immune system

Used for treating: arthritis, backache, heart disease, ulcers, indigestion, pain, psoriasis, and shingles.

Use caution when introducing cayenne pepper into your diet, although it is known to benefit many arthritics, in some cases it may actually trigger symptoms.


Can kill intestinal parasites and act as an anti-microbial agent against fungi and bacteria.

Helps relieve pain, digestive problems, and anti-fungal, antibacterial problems.

Chewing a clove once a day may be beneficial to arthritics.

Golden seal

Known to contain a powerful detoxifier.


Commonly used as a diuretic, & to reduce inflammation, treat rheumatism & arthritis, clear toxins in the body, inhibit tumor growth, & combat urinary tract problems.

Licorice (root)

Contains phytoestrogens. Used to treat ulcers & known to have anti-viral, anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory properties.

Do not use licorice (root) if you have high blood pressure as large doses or prolonged use may increase blood pressure.

Do not use if you retain water easily.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Injection Options for Knee Arthritis

Approximately 30,000,000 individuals in the United States suffer from arthritis. When it comes to arthritis in the knee, the vast majority is the wear and tear variety, which is known as osteoarthritis. Non-surgical knee arthritis treatments are typically very effective and one of the best that we have has been injections into the knee.

There are two different types of knee injections that are common. The first involves injections of cortisone, which is commonly known as a steroid. These may work well for a few weeks and a few months, and then may be repeated a few times a year.

Cortisone injections are a hefty anti-inflammatory. We know that knee arthritis involves a significant amount of inflammation, because these injections tend to work very well. From that standpoint, the injections work well. but they do not alter the course of the disease. They merely work exceptionally well for pain management.

It is unclear whether steroid injections have a deleterious effect on the cartilage itself. Numerous animal studies show this to be the case, but it has not been proven in humans. So for now they remain the gold standard for nonoperative injections in an attempt to avoid surgery.

Approximately a decade ago, an injection material was developed involving hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a significant component of native joint fluid, and acts to protect and lubricate the joint surfaces. The material developed for human injection is not made from human hyaluronic acid, rather, it's developed from rooster combs.

Injecting hyaluronic acid into a person's knee can alleviate pain and help a person's knee start to make more of the lubricating fluid. Studies performed looking at hyaluronic acid injections into the knee have shown satisfactory results, over 65% good to excellent at the one year point.

There have also been research studies comparing steroid injections to hyaluronic acid, and those have shown equivalent pain relief. Both worked well in those studies, just no different in the amount and length of pain relief.

In addition, there appear to be no difference so far in the pain relief achieved from the varieties of HA injections available on the market. There is one called Hyalgan, and another named Synvisc. Both work well, and involve typically a series of 3 to 5 injections over a period of a few weeks. Others exist as well, and there is a new one involving a one time injection of HA.

The risks of the HA injections are not significantly different from steroid injections. This involves a small risk of infection, and another risk they won't work at all in patients. One additional risk seen in HA injections is called a pseudo-infection. This is where a person's knee looks infected, but it really isn't.

Overall, HA and steroid injections work well for nonoperative pain relief. It's not clear whether steroid injections need to be used first. More research is necessary to know for certain on that.

Fighting Osteoarthritis: An All Natural Approach to Relief

Osteoarthritis is a form of joint disease that develops when cartilage deteriorates. Over time, the space between bones narrows and the surface of the bones change shape, leading eventually to friction and joint damage. Osteoarthritis can affect more than one joint in the body, but affects some more than others.

There are numerous causes of osteoarthritis. Some examples include:

Endocrine: Diabetes a disorder of the endocrine system may promote osteoarthritis. Other endocrine disorders also may increase risk, including acromegaly, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and obesity. Diabetes can also cause nerve problems which cause loss of sensation in the limbs and joints, causing the body not to recognize when it is injured.

Inflammatory joint disease: This includes infected joints, chronic gouty arthritis, and rheumatoid disease.

Congenital: Abnormal anatomy such as unequal leg length may cause osteoarthritis.
Metabolic: Diseases causing errors of metabolism may cause osteoarthritis. Examples include Paget's disease and Wilson disease.

Genetic: A genetic defect may promote breakdown of cartilage. Examples include collagen disturbances such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Posttraumatic: There are many traumatic injuries of the joint that can promote osteoarthritis, such as a broken bone that heal out of alignment causing loss of stability, or damage to the joint cartilage. Microtraumas that occur over time, such as repetitive movements, or overuse can contribute to osteoarthritis.

Other causes include nutritional problems, hemophilia, and sickle cell.

Treatment of osteoarthritis begins by eliminating risk factors, early diagnosis and monitoring progression of the disease, and treatment of pain. Regaining mobility is important. The common course of treatment includes physical and occupational therapy, weight reduction, exercise, assistive devices (orthoses) drug therapy, and surgery.

Osteoarthritis increases aggregate health care expenditures by $186 billion annually. Osteoarthritis raised aggregate annual medical care expenditures in the U.S. by $185.5 billion according to researchers from Stony Brook University. The cost of Medication and surgery for osteoarthritis is significant. The average annual medication cost per individual is $4,434.50. Out-of-pocket medication expense averages $1,036.50 per person annually. These averages do not include the cost of office visits.

There are over 100 medications for osteoarthritis. However, most of these possess harmful side effects that are often worse than the symptoms of osteoarthritis. One of the most popular of these is Celebrex. On the Celebrex page of the website Rx List (, the first thing you are hit with are these two health warning associated with Celebrex:



Cardiovascular Risk

CELEBREX (celecoxib) may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, myocardial infarction, and stroke, which can be fatal. All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may have a similar risk. This risk may increase with duration of use. Patients with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease may be at greater risk.

CELEBREX (celecoxib) is contraindicated for the treatment of perioperative pain in the setting of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

Gastrointestinal Risk

NSAIDs, including CELEBREX (celecoxib), cause an increased risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse events including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal. These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms. Elderly patients are at greater risk for serious gastrointestinal events.


According to the following is not a COMPLETE list of side effects associated with Celebrex.

Possible side effects of Celebrex

Serious side effects:

Chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath, slurred speech, problems with vision or balance; black, bloody, or tarry stools; coughing up blood or vomit that looks like coffee grounds; swelling or rapid weight gain; urinating less than usual or not at all; nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes); fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash; or bruising, severe tingling, numbness, pain, and muscle weakness.

Less serious side effects may include:

Upset stomach, mild heartburn, diarrhea, constipation; bloating, gas; dizziness, nervousness, headache; skin rash, itching; blurred vision; or ringing in your ears.

Signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Another factor to consider in treating osteoarthritis with Celebrex and other similar drugs is the toxicity that builds up in our bodies from the use of prescription medication.

Due to the high number of side effects and other health risks, millions are now turning away from modern healthcare and turning to natural health alternatives, which provide a much safer treatment alternative.

What alternatives exist for osteoarthritis sufferers? In recent years the popularity of Glucosamine and Chondroitin products, such as Schiff Glucosamine Plus MSM 1500mg or a blend such as Doctor's Best Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM has continued to increase substantially.

Results from several well-designed scientific studies suggest that glucosamine supplements may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis, particularly osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. In general, these studies suggest that glucosamine reduces pain, improves function in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis, reduces joint swelling and stiffness, and provides relief from osteoarthritis symptoms for up to 3 months after treatment is stopped. Most studies have shown that glucosamine needs to be taken for 2 - 4 months before it is effective, although you may feel some improvement sooner. Glucosamine and chondroitin can be used along with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat osteoarthritis.

Other natural alternatives include:

Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids come in many forms, such as, but not limited to, Chinook salmon, sardines, cooked soybeans, baked or broiled halibut, steamed or broiled shrimp, raw tofu, baked or broiled snapper, and baked or broiled scallops. However, when your diet just doesn't contain enough of these omega-3 rich foods, there are numerous supplements available, such as Trident Krill Oil, 1000 mg, or Schiff MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil 300 mg.

Avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU): A few preliminary studies suggest that this natural vegetable extract may help reduce the symptoms of OA and possible even slow progression of the disease. ASU is available in supplements such as, ASU300-Avocado Soy Unsaponifiables, w/SierraSil, Nutramax Laboratories Incorporated - Avoca Asu, and Cosamin ASU Active People Capsule.

Devil's Claw: Several studies support the use of Devils claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) as an anti-inflammatory to relieve pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee, hip, and back. Devil's Claw is a desert plant found in the South African desert. For centuries the native people of the South African desert dried this root to treat pain. The most popular Devil's Claw supplements include: Nature's Way - Se Devil's Claw, 350 mg, and Nature's Answer Devil's Claw Root, 1-Ounce liquid.

Other natural alternatives include: Ginger, Willow Bark, Capsaicin cream, and boswellia. There are several natural cream blends such as Now Foods Joint Support Cream.

Take back control of your health by learning more about natural health alternatives today.

How To Deal With Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that slowly develops in the latter half of life. This is usually part of the aging process affecting the older population. The possible cause of osteoarthritis is impaired circulation. Treatment therefore for this type of arthritis is directed towards the general improvement of the circulation as well as the joints. Causative factors that predispose people to osteoarthritis include obesity or excessive body weight, injuries and overexertion that result into increased pressure on the joint cartilages. Heredity also plays an important role. The joints mostly affected with osteoarthritis are the hips, spine, knees and fingers joints.

The cartilage in osteoarthritis undergoes degeneration or thinning. The bone in some parts of the joint also undergoes degeneration but at the same time there is an overproduction of bony tissues in other parts. The overproduction of the bony tissues is one of the prominent features of osteoarthritis. For this reason, osteoarthritis is alternatively called "hypertrophic arthritis". The overproduced bony tissues create spurs around the joint margins resulting into a limited joint motion. Overtime the reduced motion may worsen and later on, the joint may become immovable. In osteoarthritis, the joint is seldom inflamed although it may be irregularly enlarged. It can go on for years almost without a symptom even in many severe cases. Often the only symptom seen is the limited motion. Pain most often occurs only when the joint is subjected to sudden strain and a direct blow or injury.

Here are some helpful tips to follow if a person is suffering from osteoarthritis:

1. For painful joints, the use of dry heat applied half an hour or more at least three times a day will be beneficial.

2. The affected joint should be free from any injury. Take special care not to subject that joint to any forms of strain. The joints should not be bent too far enough as to create pain however faulty postures should be corrected as much as possible. It is always important not to cause pain this is the reason why caution should be taken when doing a massage or a passive exercise. Motions that cause pain can be prevented with the use splints or casts.

3. Fatigue and overexertion should be avoided as much as possible especially when performing activities that involve the affected joints.

4. Obese or overweight individuals should strive to attain a normal weight.

5. Patients whose joints in the lower spine and hips are affected should allow a few hours of rest. This can be done by lying down for more hours of the day than usual. This will provide some relief from pressure on the affected joints.

6. Good habits that will improve the person's general health should be practiced. These should include implementation of correct posture that will improve the body mechanics and a good exercise regimen that will increase the muscle power.

A person may assume that having osteoarthritis indicates he is nearing old age and although still young he may fear that he has passed the prime of his life. He may fight against this idea and in doing so disregards any symptoms felt in order to prove that he is not getting old. He needs to understand and become willing to accept the way of life consistent with his reduced capacities. Following this new lifestyle will enable him to lengthen his productive usefulness and even live a normal span of life.

Dogs and Arthritis - Overview of Arthritis In Dogs

According to available statistics, between 25 and 30 percent of all dogs suffer from arthritis. That means in some ways, dogs and arthritis almost go together. Unfortunately, this joint condition can be just as painful in dogs as it is in people. And like people, dogs can develop one of several forms of arthritis.

What Arthritis Is

Your dog's skeletal system is a marvelous framework of bones, ligaments and cartilage all working together. The joints provide the flexibility needed for different movements such as running, jumping, walking and climbing, among many others. Sometimes, however, things go wrong with the joints and movement is painful and impaired. Arthritis can develop when a joint sustains damage, whether it's caused by physical trauma (such as an injury) or disease. Once this occurs, a dog's ordinary movements become much more difficult and painful.

Arthritis is caused by inflammation in a joint. The condition is categorized by the source of this inflammation. There are two main types of arthritis - degenerative (osteoarthritis) and inflammatory.

Osteoarthritis (sometimes called degenerative joint disease) is by far the most common type of canine arthritis. This type of arthritis develops over time and is often caused by injury to a joint which eventually damages or destroys the cartilage that protects the bones. In addition to injury, excessive jumping, excessive weight or even just the aging process can cause cartilage destruction and eventually lead to arthritis. Hip dysplasia and patella luxation ("loose" kneecaps) can also cause the type of joint degeneration that causes arthritis.

Inflammatory arthritis (sometimes called inflammatory joint disease) is the other main type of arthritis, but it is far less common. It can be caused by an infection (such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever or a bacterial infection) or an underlying immune disorder such as lupus erythematosus. This form of arthritis typically affects more than one joint and is associated with overall stiffness, fever and loss of appetite. Rheumatoid arthritis can also occur in dogs, although it is rare.

Age and Breed Susceptibility

Although it's true that younger dogs can develop arthritis, older dogs are much more prone to the condition. In young dogs the cause is likely to be an injury, but in older or overweight dogs, it is more likely to be caused by simple wear and tear. Some breeds are more susceptible to arthritis than others, although it can occur in any dog. As a general rule, larger breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, Collies, Rottweilers and German Shepherds are at higher risk.


Your dog might be stiff or lame after exercise or a long nap, or he might be reluctant to climb up or down stairs. Don't automatically assume he has arthritis, however. Although these symptoms could be signs of arthritis, they might instead be the result of some other health condition. Instead of making assumptions, take your dog to the vet for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

As a general rule, however, dogs with arthritis will exhibit one or more of the following symptoms:

* Limping or walking very slowly
* A reluctance to go on walks, climb up or down stairs, run, jump or play
* Yelping in pain when touched, or resisting being touched
* Slowness or visible difficulty when rising from a lying or sitting position

In addition, dogs with chronic arthritis might become aggressive, depressed, nervous or lethargic.

Treatment and Therapies

When it comes to dogs and arthritis, early diagnosis and good management of the condition are the keys, because arthritis cannot be completely cured. As a result, arthritis treatments and therapies are intended to reduce the symptoms and make arthritic dogs more comfortable.

Gentle, low-stress exercise and moderate quantities of nutritious, healthy food can help control an arthritic dog's weight and thereby reduce weight-induced stress on arthritic joints. Leading an active lifestyle will also ensure that a dog's joints are kept in motion and cause less pain. Dogs should be taken on a daily walk to keep them as mobile as possible.

Anti-inflammatory medications such as NSAIDs can be used to help alleviate the pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness associated with arthritis. Analgesics such as aspirin or acetaminophen can also encourage movement by helping to overcome the pain. When the arthritis is causing extreme pain, cortisone injected directly into the joint can result in almost immediate relief.

A large number of joint health supplements are also available when you're dealing with dogs and arthritis. Most contain glucosamine and chondroitin, although some include additional ingredients such as specific vitamins and minerals. Finally, you can also help by giving your dog a soft comfy place to sleep, such as a thick foam rubber cushion. Dogs and arthritis are a painful combination, but there are some things you can do to help.

Understanding Arthritis in German Shepherds

There is no question about it; one of the most popular breeds of dogs is that of a German Shepherd. German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, their loyalty to their families as well as their protective nature. Many people would agree that German Shepherds are a top choice for family pets on many levels. With their high level of intelligence, German Shepherds have become a top pick for highly active jobs such as being police dogs.

As with many other large breeds, German Shepherds are prone to a variety of medical and health conditions as they age. Routine vet exams are vital at all stages of your dog's life and they do become increasing more important as your dog ages. Some of the most common health conditions that German Shepherds are prone to include cancer, hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, heart disorders and varying forms of arthritis. Arthritis can become extremely painful, and in some cases debilitating for your dog. Knowing the signs and symptoms of this painful medical condition can help you to catch this early and get your dog the proper treatment that they need.

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in German Shepherds

While German Shepherds may be prone to arthritis, maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with being active helps to decrease the chance of developing this painful condition. Obesity in German Shepherds seems to be one of the leading causes for the development of arthritis as well as many other medical conditions. Keep your dog active and make sure to walk your dog on a daily basis. Ensure that your pet has an area to run around in and help to keep the weight off. Just like people, dogs need regular exercise to stay in good health.

Aside from obesity, the following is a list of signs and symptoms that your German Shepherd may be developing arthritis:

- Increased difficulty getting up

- Dragging or weakness in the rear legs

- Back end of the dog begins to sway

- Decreased energy level

- Criss-Crossing of rear legs

- Attempting to walk on their knuckles instead of feet

- Whimpers when getting up after lying down for an extended period of time

- Overall lack of mobility

As the arthritis gets worse, so do the symptoms. German Shepherds who have been suffering with arthritis for a long period of time may also begin to lose control of their bowels and develop bed from lack of movement. No German Shepherd, or any dog for that matter, should have to suffer with this debilitating medical condition and there are treatments available.

Treatment for Arthritis in German Shepherds

While it can be heartbreaking to watch your dog suffer in pain there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Today, there are various forms of treatment that are available. The scope of treatment will vary from case to case but more often than not, the treatment will begin with pain management for your dog. Generally speaking inflammation of the joints, pain and discomfort can be managed with anti inflammatory medication. It is critical to have your vet do a through exam as soon as you suspect that your best friend may be suffering from arthritis.

There are various forms of medications that are on the market today, some by prescription only, but a safe, effective alternative is glucosamine supplements. Make sure to read the labels of the products and only choose brands that use the highest quality of ingredients. Spend a little time doing some research or speak with your vet about the top choices of medications for your dog.

One of the leaders in the glucosamine supplements industry is Synflex Liquid Glucosamine. This liquid glucosamine supplement has shown to alleviate pain in large breed dogs and has tons of customer product reviews to back up their claims. By reducing the inflammation and swelling in painful joints, Synflex will help restore your dog's quality of life. Only the highest quality ingredients are used in Synflex and you'll feel safe giving your pet this treatment daily.

Living With Osteoarthritis

There is no definitive cure for osteoarthritis. However, it doesn't need to get worse, there are many treatments and exercises that can help ease the pain and discomfort so you can continue to enjoy life. This article will look at various osteoarthritis treatments and explore how simple life style changes can dramatically reduce pain and discomfort.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting 1 million people in the UK every year. Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the knees, hips and the small joints of the hands and toes, but any joint can be affected. The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain of the joints, stiffness and difficulty moving. Despite there being no cure, there are ways of preventing arthritis conditions and a wide variety of osteoarthritis treatments that reduce pain and discomfort, helping those affected live a normal life.

The most important decision one can make is to adopt a healthy life style. This can be one of the easiest and most effective treatments for osteoarthritis and arthritic conditions. If implemented early enough in life, a healthy life style can prevent these types of conditions later in life. However, even if diagnosed, a well balanced diet and regular exercise can make a huge difference to the amount of pain and discomfort experienced with these conditions. In many cases weight is identified as a cause for osteoarthritis, in these cases simply losing weight can reduce and cease the symptoms experienced. Swimming has been identified as an extremely good form of exercise for helping with arthritis. Running can also help by strengthening your muscles as well as helping you to lose weight that may be directly causing your condition.

Another vital step to take in order to live with osteoarthritis is to take your medication. Some people stop taking medication if they feel symptoms have got better or ceased. With long term conditions such as osteoarthritis it is important to take your medication as prescribed. You should also speak to your local GP if you are thinking of taking over the counter osteoarthritis treatment such as pain killers and nutritional symptoms, as these can sometimes interfere with your prescribed medication.

As with any long term condition it is important to visit you local GP regularly for checkups and review. This will also help you develop a trustworthy and personal relationship with your GP, this can be extremely helpful and comforting when dealing with a condition such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Regular reviews will also allow your GP to assess your condition and suggest other osteoarthritis treatment such as exercise, weights lose or in more serious cases injections and surgery.

Finally it is important to look after yourself. Those suffering with osteoarthritis are often encouraged to get a yearly flu vaccination as well as an anti-pneumococcal vaccination, which helps fight against a serious chest infection called pneumococcal pneumonia.

To conclude, osteoarthritis is a condition that is most common as you get older. It can be a painful and uncomfortable condition but it need not ruin your life. There are many osteoarthritis treatments out there, by finding the treatment that works for you, you can dramatically reduce the pain and disc