Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fight Cancer, Help Rheumatoid Arthritis and Prevent Heart Disease - How Olives Can Help

It seems the olive tree predates us all. One of the earliest known references to it dates back more than 4000 years. Olives have been found in Egyptian tombs from 2,000 years BC. Here are some very good reasons why fresh black olives should be included in our healthy diets.

Olives are a good all natural source of dietary fibre. They're also rich in vitamin E a noted antioxidant. Olives seem to protect against breast cancer because they contain substances called poly phenols that are believed to help us to ward off cancer. Poly phenols give the olive its taste and aroma. They are good for digestion and even have anti-ageing properties.

Olives contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids which act as heart protectors, they have a good amount of vitamins A, E, D and K, and provide relief for rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Olives are rich in good fats, especially oleic acid, an omega-9 mono unsaturated fatty acid. They are also excellent sources of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorous, zinc, iron), vitamins and beta-carotene, flavanoids, and fibre.

People who regularly consume Olives were found to have a lower rate of cancer, especially breast cancer. Studies show that women who eat Olives more than once a day have a 45 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Women living in countries bordering the Mediterranean, particularly Greece, Spain and Italy, are only about half as likely to die of breast cancer as women in Northern Europe and the United States.

Those who include fresh olives daily in their diets tend to have a decreased incidence of coronary heart disease and certain cancers. The mono unsaturated fatty acid content of olives can help to lower LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) levels and it also prevents the build up of dangerous arterial plaque on artery walls.

Black olives contain iron and have very few calories. Olives are thought to have laxative qualities and to stimulate the appetite and aid the liver.

Ripe, black olives are the healthiest, particularly those cured in water or with sea salt. Green, unripe olives do not have the same level of mineral content and also might be treated with lye. Ripe black olives contain high amounts of heart-healthy, oleic acid which is also thought to have rejuvenating qualities.

Top 3 Phobia's of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Phobia #1 If I am taking Enbrel I will be susceptible to infectious diseases

Phobia #2 If I am taking MTX, I stand a good chance of getting sick.

Phobia #3 If I am taking prednisone my immune system will weaken and I'll be sick all the time.

Here is the first and most important aspect of any of these rheumatoid arthritis products. You can't get your hands on them without a doctor's approval (thank goodness). If and when you are diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) your doctor will explain the facts of each drug, including its side effects and what to watch out for. He/she will inform you of your next visit and schedule regular checkups. They will be your best teacher so listen carefully to what they have to say.

The most frustrating aspect of rheumatoid arthritis is "how your body can actually start attacking itself". When the R & D companies figure this out, they are going to be very rich and billions of people WORLD WIDE will be extremely happy. Now, let's talk about the phobia's that are of great concern to all rheumatoid arthritis patients.

If you talk to rheumatoid arthritis patients you are going to get a zillion different answers that all boil down to 2 answers. Best wishes to you and I hope you have many arthritis pain free days.

  • Yes, I am susceptible to flu's and infections

  • No, I have not experienced more flu like symptoms or infections.

Just like anyone without rheumatoid arthritis, some people will be more susceptible and others will not. According to the drug manufacturers fine print, taking Enbrel, MTX or Prednisone can lower your immune system and if you find yourself with a cold, flu or infection you need to stop taking these drugs. Many new rheumatoid arthritis patients are so worried about that they take extreme caution beyond what a normal rheumatoid arthritis patient would take. I don't blame them and you should be concerned as well.

However, you have people in all walks of life; teachers, bus drivers, executives, doctors, lawyers, etc. who have rheumatoid arthritis and they are exposed all the time to people who are sick. Some catch that cold, others don't. Experience is your best teacher and you should be extremely cautious in the beginning and lighten up as time passes and you become more experienced.

Here are few things all rheumatoid arthritis patients can do to safe-guard themselves.

1. Wash their hands frequently

2. Carry Clorox or Germ X Wipes with you when you are away from home

3. Be careful of exposure to people who have cold, flu like symptoms

4. Wipe anything that your hands come into contact with-which could make you a germo-phobiac

What about the healing process of those who have rheumatoid arthritis?

Again, experience will tell you the truth and some people will take longer to heal and others will not. That can greatly depend on many factors including how you treat the wound or cut, do you use topical anti-bacterial creams and do you cover your wound up.

One rheumatoid arthritis patient told me they visited a allergist and had some blood work done. Thankfully for this person, the blood work told the allergist they have a very strong immune system and they do not be too paranoid. Ask your doctor if they would recommend visiting an allergist to determine how strong their immune system is.

I'm thankful I do not have rheumatoid arthritis, however some of my family members do. They try very hard to lead a normal life and the one thing I am most proud of is:

They are determined not to let rheumatoid arthritis control their lives.

They came to grips with the fact they have rheumatoid arthritis and they have gone through the mind games, depression and such, but they all came out of it and are now controlling their attitude and that is probably what I am most proud of. They are taking control of their lives and deal with it as needed.

How Foot Joints Can Be Affected by Ankle Arthritis

One of the most painful forms of arthritis is ankle arthritis. There are 28 bones in the human foot with about 30 joints. If a person develops ankle arthritis in their foot then this can prove to be extremely painful as each step they take will cause tremendous pain. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis which is a degenerative condition that will eventually wear down cartilage in the joints. When the bones in the joint scrape together without cartilage, this is what causes the pain, not to mention probably bone damage too.

Whilst arthritis has the ability to affect any of the joints in the body, it most commonly affects the end of the shin bone. This is where the end of the shin bone rests on the top of the ankle bone. If a person suffers from ankle arthritis, when they walk, the entire weight of their body is placed on the ankle bone and this in turn wears the bone down and can become extremely painful. It's common for this type of arthritis to affect the heel bone as well as the middle bone or arch as well as the first joints of the toes. Unfortunately, as people walk their body weight rests on each of these joints and the result is that pain is inevitable regardless of where the arthritis is located.

Diagnosis is carried out through a bone scan to find out the extent of the damage to the cartilage alongside a gait analysis to diagnose ankle arthritis. An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or CT (Computerized Tomography) scan could also be utilised during the diagnostic phase.

Treatments You'll Likely Receive at The Onset of Ankle Arthritis

If you've been found to have ankle arthritis by your doctor, it's likely that you will be prescribed with some form of anti-inflammatory drug alongside some painkillers. It's also common for some doctors to advise extra support for your shoes in the form of ankle supports, arch supports or bridging supports - anything that can hep take the weight off the area causing you pain. In some cases, a completely custom-made shoe to help strengthen the joint may also be recommended to you.

It's also been known for some doctors to suggest a brace around the ankle. This will help prevent bones from raking together through lack of cartilage. A good exercise program may also be advised to patients who are suffering from obesity or are overweight. This is important because the less weight your body has to carry, the more chance it will have of reducing the amount of pain within joints as a result of less stress being applied to the affected areas. Some doctors could also use steroid injections to help create a short-term protective buffer around the joint.

In some cases, non-evasive treatments such as these simply have no effect on patients. If this is the case, arthroscopic surgery is likely to be the next step of treatment. This type of surgery allows doctors to remove unwanted fragments of bone from within areas that have suffered from reduced cartilage and have managed to work their way into what remains. Failing this type of surgery, one of the final steps used for severe ankle arthritis is to replace the affected joint with an artificial one. These artificial joints are usually made of plastic or metal.

Breakthrough Treatments For Arthritis In Cats

What I love about living in today's world is that there are so many advancements going on. If you have ever had a cat that was diagnosed with arthritis or you think your cat is displaying signs of arthritis, then the good news is that you have a greater variety of options when it comes to treatment for arthritis in cats. It seems that modern medicine has found that it can work in harmony and with success when it comes to combining with the natural remedies and more traditional medicines. There have been some major breakthroughs when it comes to treatment for arthritis in cats.

For many years now, NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) have been used to curb the inflammation and pain that arthritis brings. It has had limited success due to the harsh side effects that it causes, especially to cats. However, many veterinarians believe that they can effectively combine the traditional NSAIDS with more herbal or natural remedies to combine and be an effective defense against the onset of feline arthritis. The NSAIDS would be used in far lesser quantities and therefore tolerance should be more acceptable.

The combination of the NSAIDS would be with a group of known safe natural drugs that have been called DMOAAs (Disease Modifying Osteoarthritic Agents). There have already been studies that suggest that these drugs have been successful in the treatment and can be a good preventative measure in the onset of arthritis. The most encouraging aspect of these tests is that they have not shown to have incurred any side effects and indeed will require the animal take a lower dosage of the NSAIDS. It is believed that they are just as successful as the use of NSAIDS on their own.

This is great news for the felines of the world. With a delicate metabolism and a propensity to be sensitive to medication, any drug that delivers zero side effects would be most welcomed. These drugs have also been found to aid in other ailments such as itchy flaky skin (pruritis) and also have some anti-cancer effects as well as being able to prevent an Alzheimer-like condition.

In addition to those breakthroughs, the DMOAAs have proven to be a very effective treatment for arthritis in cats. They can remove free radicals, which are responsible for joint damage, as well as rebuild cartilage and halt the breakdown of the surface of the joint. Clearly, this is a very exciting time in medicine and when it comes to finding a successful and effective treatment for arthritis in cats, then the combination of traditional and modern medicine is a welcomed partnership for many.

Obviously, preventative measures to ensure that your cat gets the best chance at health and life without the risk of arthritis is of optimum importance. While you cannot prevent many types of arthritis, you can certainly treat your cat before the symptoms show. This would therefore enable your pet to live comfortably for as long as possible without the prospect of pain and until there is the next medical breakthrough.

Common Types of Pet Arthritis

Even if you haven't exercised arthritis personally, you know it's painful, right? Well, your beloved pets can experience arthritis as well. And you might be surprised at how many types of arthritis they can suffer from. Here are some of the different types:

1. Inflammatory Arthritis
Typically as this type of Arthritis advances in a canine or feline, Osteoarthritis-type conditions happen more often. Besides contagious agents causing this type of Arthritis, experts are uncertain about the other causes.

2. Infectious Arthritis
This type of arthritis results in painful joints and the creature becoming crippled. Usually a joint's infection or trauma causes this type of Arthritis. Antibiotics are the best treatment for this illness.

3. Osteoarthritis
This type of pet arthritis advances slowly. It occurs as the cartilage of your canine or feline buddy begins to break down or becomes damaged. Results are inflammation, lower flexibility, and less mobility.

4. Osteochondrosis
When your beloved dog or cat acquires this type of pet arthritis, the state of the cartilage declines, creating a condition that is similar to Osteoarthritis. The result is that tissue in the joint becomes inflamed and painful. Experts believe that both genes and nutrition could influence an animal acquiring this type of Arthritis.

5. Rheumatoid Arthritis
The immune system of your animal attacks the joints, which can impact multiple joints simultaneously. This results in less mobility and inflammation.

6. Traumatic Arthritis
This type of pet arthritis involves any arthritis that results from trauma impacting the joints. Traumatic Arthritis is typically acute and oftentimes leads to Osteoarthritis.

If your dog or cat is suffering from any of these types of arthritis, then relieve his or her pain with Pet Bounce. This all-natural product will help to ease the symptoms that your pet is suffering from. Help to put the bounce back in your animal's life!

Green Lipped Mussels and Antioxidants - Do They Help Arthritis?

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a joint disorder that causes inflammation of one or more joints. This disorder affects the cartilage in the joints, which aid in shock absorption and smooth movements, making the bones rub against each other, which leads to swelling, stiffness, chronic pain and severe inflammation. Arthritis is commonly caused by injuries, wear and tear on your joints, autoimmune disorders or an infection by a virus or bacteria.

Do Green Lipped Mussels Help with Arthritis

When you are diagnosed with arthritis, you will be given a number of medications bring relief from the pain or inflammation it causes. Many of these medications have adverse side effects. One way to avoid these side effects is by resorting to natural supplements such as green lipped mussels. Green lipped mussels are native to New Zealand and extracts from these mussels have been found to contain omega-3 fatty acids which have strong anti-inflammatory abilities. Green lipped Mussels have a unique combination of minerals, natural proteins and mucopolysaccharides which improve joint mobility and assist in cartilage maintenance. This makes this supplement particularly effective in reducing arthritic pain and other symptoms related to arthritis.

Persons who use green lipped mussel supplements have been known to show marked improvement within 6 weeks of use. There are many other clinical studies conducted that support the use of green lipped mussel supplements in fighting the inflammation associated with arthritis.

Antioxidants and Arthritis

In addition to green lipped mussels, anti-oxidants have been found helpful in reducing the effects of arthritis. When the body is inflamed or under any form of stress, it produces free radicals. These free radicals are very unstable and cause damage to the cells of your body. This in fact worsens the inflammation. Therefore, the more free radicals one has, the more the severe the inflammation especially for people with arthritis.

One way of minimizing inflammation in the body is by neutralizing free radicals. This is best done by using antioxidants. A paper published in Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, on antioxidants and arthritis, show that antioxidants can help reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis. This evidence supports the use of antioxidants in minimizing arthritis. There are many other similar clinical studies, which have led to the same conclusions.

It is worthwhile to note that although the body can fight free radicals by eating antioxidant rich food, modern lifestyles and farming technology has reduced the level of antioxidants available in food. This has made it very difficult to get adequate amounts of antioxidants solely from eating food. Many persons have turned to supplements to increase their intake of antioxidants leading one to take antioxidant supplements from sources such as green lipped mussels.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Glucosamine And Arthritis

Glucosamine and Arthritis: Everything You Need to Know

Anyone searching for treatments for arthritis has undoubtedly run across the name glucosamine. It has become synonymous with arthritis in both humans and dogs over the last several years. Many doctors are even recommending it to patients who are suffering from arthritis as a part of their treatment plan. But what is glucosamine and how does it work? Are there side effects? What should you know before buying glucosamine? Before learning that it is important to understand the condition you are planning to treat.

What Exactly is Arthritis?

There are several forms of arthritis that a person can suffer from. These include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Most people that suffer from arthritis have the form known as osteoarthritis. This is when the cartilage that exists in the joints begins to deteriorate. As it thins and wears out the bones in the joint will start rubbing against one another. This can lead to swelling, pain and stiffness. Over time it can even lead to a deformation of the bones. Many people with arthritis have a difficult time moving the parts of their bodies that suffer from the condition. The most common areas affected are knees, hips, back and even the hands. It occurs for a variety of reasons but generally age is the main factor in the onset of arthritis.

What is Glucosamine?

Glucosamine is actually a substance that is produced naturally in the body. It is an amino sugar that can be found in the cartilage of the joints. Your body uses the glucosamine to help keep the cartilage that is needed in your joints replenished. However, as you begin to age your body will produce less glucosamine. This leaves you with no way to rebuild and replenish that cartilage as it deteriorates. Glucosamine is also found in the shells of crustaceans and this is where it is gathered for the supplements that are sold.

How Does Glucosamine Work?

Glucosamine works naturally in the body whether it is in supplement form or not. It helps to stimulate the production of protein. These proteins will help to rebuild and replenish the cartilage that has become damaged with age or injury. Many people opt for glucosamine as a treatment option because they are focusing on the cause of their arthritis and not simply treating the symptoms as they arise. As the cartilage is repaired the sufferer will find relief of the pain, swelling and stiffness that often accompany the arthritis. For this reason, glucosamine is often considered to aid with pain and inflammation. It is also often used as a preventative treatment for those who want to slow the process of aging in the bones.

Does Glucosamine Have Side Effects?

Because it is naturally found in the body, glucosamine is generally considered safe to consume for most people. However, as with any supplement that you might take there are some side effects that are possible. The potential effects may never bother you, but it is always best to be prepared in advance so that you recognize them if they do. It is also best to be monitored by a physician when you are on any type of treatment plan for your condition.

Gastrointestinal Issues

The most common side effects associated with glucosamine are gastrointestinal issues. Most people complain of having softened stool when taking glucosamine and some have noted that they experienced an upset stomach. Nausea has also been known to occur in some patients. While you may experience diarrhea or constipation, these side effects are not as common as others. In rare cases you may find yourself having abdominal pain. If you experience any of these side effects you will want to speak with your doctor to determine if the benefits of glucosamine outweigh the disadvantages that you are experiencing. You will also want to ensure that the problems you are having are side effects that will not harm you.

Allergies to Shellfish

If you are allergic to shellfish then you cannot take glucosamine supplements. This is because the glucosamine used in the supplements is derived from crustaceans which are shellfish. Those with shellfish allergies can have serious reactions to the glucosamine based on the severity of their allergies. If you are allergic to shellfish you should talk with your doctor about alternative treatments that you can try.


Those who are diabetic may be able to take glucosamine but they must be monitored by a doctor. Glucosamine is a carbohydrate and this can have repercussions on a diabetic. It has been known to cause an increase in the sugar level and this can be dangerous for anyone suffering from diabetes. There is also some evidence to suggest that it can cause a resistance to insulin. For those diabetics that are insulin dependent this could be detrimental to their health. If you have diabetes you should consult your physician before you begin taking glucosamine and determine if it is safe to do so. It is also important that you be monitored closely and watch for any signs of increased blood sugar.

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

It is advised that women who are pregnant or nursing not take glucosamine supplements. There has been no evidence thus far that glucosamine can have negative effects on an infant, but there also is no evidence that the supplement is considered completely safe. Since the effect of the supplement on a growing fetus or infant is unknown it is best if you find alternative treatments during this time and resume once you have completed the pregnancy or nursing. You can speak with your doctor to determine which treatments are available while you are pregnant and nursing.

What to Know Before Buying Glucosamine

Glucosamine supplements have been known to help rebuild and repair damaged cartilage and reduce the pain and swelling that many with arthritis suffer from. But before you head out to buy those supplements there are a few things you should be aware of.

What will it Cost You?

Obviously you cannot put a price tag on your health, but there is no reason to spend more than you have to. What appears to be the lowest cost may not actually be the best deal. Instead of looking at the price tag alone you should compare the total cost. The best way to do this is to first determine the dosage for that particular brand. If it requires a higher dose than a brand that costs a bit more it may actually turn out to be more expensive even if the price tag is lower. You want good health, but you want the best deal too.

What is the Quality?

You want a product that works the best and that is what you should get. Unfortunately there is no list somewhere that tells you exactly what you should purchase to ensure the best quality. Instead you will have to rely on your ability to research. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for their recommendation. If you have a friend that is taking it ask them. Take advantage of the internet to research each company and see what others have to say. You might surprised to learn how many people are willing to share good and bad experiences with others.

What Is In It?

Because supplements are not strictly regulated like medications, there is the potential for the company to add virtually anything to them. In some cases it may be beneficial ingredients that you will not mind. In other cases you might find things that you prefer not to take. Before you select a brand you want to read the ingredients and research them to see what they are and what they are used for. If they are known for helping arthritis it can be a benefit. If they are merely added in for some other reason you might want to skip the brand and move on.

Is it Liquid or Tablet?

When you take glucosamine you have the choice of tablets, capsules and liquid form. Which you take is completely up to you, but it is helpful to know the benefits. If you opt for liquid form you will find the results occur much quicker than they do with tablet form. You could be looking at months with tablets and only weeks with liquid. You will also have to take less each day because more is absorbed in the body with each dosage.

Will it Work?

There have been many studies done into glucosamine and its effect on arthritis. The results indicate that some have had tremendous success with it and others never found any improvement. Many people use it regularly and find it helpful in relieving their pain and inflammation. However, it can take several months of use before you will see the effects of the glucosamine so be sure you give it a try for a while before you give up. The best way to know if it is right for you is to discuss the option with your doctor. It is possible that this may be a good addition to your treatment plan.

Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis - An Unusual Form of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis is a relatively unknown form of RA. Arthritis is a collective name used to classify a condition that causes a certain set of symptoms. Of the various forms of arthritis that are known, this is considered one of the most common.

A patient afflicted with RA will generally have the factor for the disease present in their blood. The production of this factor increases as the disease progresses and it destroys the joints and muscles. However, this factor is absent in some people who display the other classic symptoms of arthritis, People who display other symptoms of arthritis but test negative are known to have seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

While it has been suggested that people with this form of RA have a mild form of the condition, this is untrue. People with the condition often suffer just as much as people with normal rheumatoid arthritis do.

Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis often proves problematic. In a way, it means that patients test negative when subject to regular RA tests. This often leads to misdiagnoses. Doctors are reluctant to diagnose a patient with a condition as serious as RA if they are not absolutely sure of it.

The problem with this is that early treatment is essential with rheumatoid arthritis. Damage to the joints and bones can be stopped or at least slowed down using drugs. Once the damage has been done, however, it is permanent. Thus someone suffering from RA should start using such drugs as soon as possible. If a doctor does not diagnose the disease properly, however, then that patient is not likely to receive such medication until much later.

This is why it is important that you know the signs and symptoms well. You should also take the time and effort to find out if you have a family history of arthritis. This information will help doctors diagnose you with the condition if you have it. The worst possible thing is having rheumatoid arthritis and not receiving proper treatment for the condition.

Signs And Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis are identical to those of normal arthritis diseases. Most patients complain of swelling and inflammation in the joints. The knee and hip joints in particular are most often affected. Patients may also find nodules growing under their skin. These nodules appear on certain parts of the body, and greatly aid in the diagnosis of the disease.

In certain cases, rheumatoid arthritis has been known to affect other organs such as the eyes and the lungs. Some patients suffering from RA also experience extreme dryness in their eyes and mouths. If left untreated, dryness in the eye can lead to corneal damage, resulting in impaired vision.

If you find that you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, then you must be sure to inform your doctor. This will help greatly with the diagnosis, and your doctor will be better able to determine if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or not.

When To Seek Out An Arthritis Doctor

Dealing with the pain and difficulties arthritis can create is not a fun prospect. Many people, however, fear they are over-reacting if they choose to seek out assistance from an arthritis doctor. The simple fact of the matter is that arthritis can be a pretty debilitating condition, so professional advice might just be in order.

While there is no known cure for any of the forms of arthritis, there are measures an arthritis doctor can take to help lessen the pain and reduce the swelling. A good doctor can even take steps to help prevent permanent damage if the form of arthritis present is one that can create it.

Since arthritis has many forms and the symptoms and eventual effects can vary greatly, it's a very good idea to seek out an arthritis doctor at least for an initial diagnosis. Osteoarthritis, for example, can damage cartilage beyond use. Rheumatoid can even hurt the eyes and lungs, in addition to damaging joints. With these things in mind, seeking out medical advice is simply a smart thing to do.

Here are some things to watch for to help you decide if an arthritis doctor visit is in order. Major symptoms of arthritis include such things as painful, swollen joints, fevers, redness in the affected area, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, creaking joints, loss of moment and so on. If any of these symptoms are present, and persistent, finding a doctor to check it out is important.

While an arthritis doctor won't be able to cure the disease, he or she will be able to confirm its presence and type. This process will likely take a while as there isn't a single test for arthritis. Even still, it's important to stick with the process to find out if arthritis is the cause of the pain and what type is present if arthritis is the culprit.

Once an arthritis doctor confirms a diagnosis, he or she will be able to help with managing the disease. Since there is no cure, management is the best the medical profession can offer, but this is often enough to help a person feel better and get on with their lives. What doctors tend to do in these cases is treat each symptom as it arises with a mind toward preventing permanent injury from the condition.

Treatments an arthritis doctor might consider are such things as anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, mild exercise to keep movement possible, injections and so on. Surgery in cases where deformities have occurred is sometimes a possibility, too. In general, these doctors will seek the least invasive treatment that might have an impact first. If these treatments aren't effective, they'll work up to other possibilities.

While not everyone with the disease needs to see an arthritis doctor for regular treatments, the truth is it's not a bad idea to seek out medical advice for at the very least initial diagnosis. Anyone dealing with the pain of arthritis, even in its mildest forms, really should know what they are dealing with and the potential impacts of the type. This is where an arthritis doctor can be a vital.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Can Topical Creams Really Help?

Topical remedies tackle mild arthritis pain.

If your arthritis pain is mild and you don't take oral pain medication every day, rubbing a topical pain reliever on the bothersome area can be a good alternative. Following are the most widely used topicals.

Counterirritants mask arthritis pain by stimulating the nerves to produce a slightly uncomfortable warm or cool sensation. That distractts you from the more intense joint pain. These products may contain menthol, camphor, eucalyptus oil, or oil of winter green. Brand names include Icy Hot Chill Stick, Ben Gay, and ArthriCare. These products cause a temporary redness of the skin and work best on joints near the surface, such as fingers, elbows, and knees.

Topical NSAID's contain salicylates, chemical cousins of aspirin, and relieve pain the same way oral NSAID's do. Their effects, however are restricted to the surface and avoid some of the problems associated with oral NSAIDs. Topical NSAIDs include Aspercreme, Sportscreme, and Myoflex. People who are allergic to aspirin or who take medications that interact adversely with aspirin shouldn't use a topical NSAID because a bit of it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Capsaicin. The topical pain relievers Zostrix and Capzacin-P contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives hot peppers their bite. Capsaicin lowers levels of substance P, which relays pain impulses to the brain and is involved in inflammation. Capsaicin-based products must be applied three or four times a day for up to several weeks before their benefits are noticeable. Burning, stinging, and redness often occur in the first days of treatment, but then subside.

Do's and don'ts of topicals: Be sure to wash your hands after applying any topical pain reliever. Avoid contact with broken or irritated skin and the eyes, nose, and mouth. If severe irritation develops, stop using the product immediately. Some products warn users not to apply a bandage or heat to the treated area. Don't use a topical medication just before a workout, as perspiration can cause the skin to absorb too much of it.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Symptoms and Treatments

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that plagues the lives of millions of people all over the world. If you are in this unfortunate category and would like to find the most effective solution, you must first understand the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflamed and painful joints that may eventually become deformed if left untreated. People who suffer from this particular type of arthritis often find themselves unable to do simple everyday activities, such as carrying groceries, taking a walk, or even opening a can.

Though the cause of the disease is still unknown and unverified, it is believed that the main culprit is your own immune system attacking the lining of your joints.

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are more prevalent in women than men. Often mistaken as an old person's disease, it can actually strike young adults as well. If you are feeling some pain in your wrists, shoulders, hand, fingers or feet it may be the first sign of the disease. Be aware that if you do not treat it right away the pain will gradually worsen. It may attack other body parts, such as the elbows, mouth, hips and neck.

To double check, make sure you understand the symptoms fully. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you will feel aching and stiffness of the joints and muscles. There will also be pain and swelling as well. You may experience a loss of motion in your joints and start having mild fever. There is a general sense of feeling unwell most of the time.

Many of these symptoms are short term as they come and go, but some simply will not go away and you will have them in more frequency throughout your entire life. If this sounds terrifying, you will be glad to know that there are natural treatments that you can seek to help deal with the disease.

The most effective solution is to take omega-3 fatty acids supplements. omega 3 has been scientifically proven to help strengthen the membrane of your cells and decrease inflammation. Research shown that a regular intake of omega 3 in fish oil supplements can significantly reduce tenderness in your joints and provide long-term pain relief.

It is very important to take the correct fish oil supplements as products can differ significantly in the way they are manufactured. You must look for pure fish oil with highly concentrated omega 3 nutrients. The best supplements that I have found actually come from a fish called the Hoki, which swims in the crystal clear waters of southern New Zealand. Fish oil supplements made primarily from Hoki are what I use myself and are what I recommend for you to use as well to fight arthritic pain. If you would like more information about these omega 3 rich supplements, take a look at my website.

Arthritis Pain Relief Through Herbal Treatment

Arthritis is one of the biggest problem that has been faced by million of people worldwide. Arthritis is a general term that literally means pain and inflammation in joints. Though previously it was believed that only old people suffers from arthritis but now it has been seen that people of younger age group are also being affected by this disease. Arthritis is not a disease in itself. There is a general condition in which the joint becomes inflamed and causes great pain. Arthritis can be of many types but commonly three types are frequently seen. These are: -

(a) Rheumatoid arthritis

(b) Osteoarthritis

(c) Gout

(a) Rheumatoid arthritis - it is a kind of arthritis that is more associated autoimmune disorder that occurs due to attack of our immune system on the joints. It is also associated with the deformity in the body. It is commonly seen in people who are in their mid forties.

(b) Osteoarthritis - it is another form of arthritis that occurs due to age related changes. In this condition there is formation of osteophytes in the joints. The cartilaginous structure gets ossified and gets converted in the bone. This bone formation in the bone leads to the hindered movements and causes extremes pain whenever the joint is made to move.

(c) Gout - it is concerned with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint. Due to any kind of deformity there is decreased in the serum uric acid metabolism thereby leads to the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. It is commonly called as the riches disease as it is more commonly seen in people who are well off.


· Ageing

· Over use of joints

· Hereditary factors

· Wrong feeding habits

· Infections

· Metabolic disorder


· Pain in joints

· Swellings in joints

· Restricted movements

· Redness over joint

· Deformity of the joint

· Cracking sound on movements.


Though the anatomical changes are very difficult to be reversed but their have been certain ayurvedic preparations that are extremely helpful in suppressing pain and prevent any further damage to the joint. Belo are few ayurvedic herbs that are very effective in curbing arthritis.

· Ashwagandha (withinia somnifera) - it is one of the best herb that has the potential to suppress pain and inflammation. It has certain properties that are very helpful in reducing the vata dosha in the body that is solely responsible for causing all pains and inflammation in the body. Ashwagandha is a medium sized plant that is easily found in areas having warmer climatic conditions. The roots of Ashwagandha are the plant parts that are being used to make medicines. Generally Ashwagandha is taken in as powder form but it is now available in capsules and syrup forms also.

· Guggul (commiphora mukul) - Guggul is one of the most prestigious herbs that has been very popular among ayurvedic physicians. Guggul is vata suppressant and hence is widely used to treat vata related disorders. Guggul not only reduces pain in the body but is also responsible in suppressing any kind of inflammation and edema that occurs in the body. Various preparations like mahayogaraja Guggul, laxadi Guggul, rasnadi Guggul and gokshuradi Guggul that are being widely used to curb any kind of pain in the body.

· Rasna (pluchea lanceolata) - Rasna is an excellent analgesic and has excellent results in suppressing pain in the body. It is a small plant that can be used in preparing various forms of preparations. It is used as powder, decoction and oils. It has the potential to reduce the vata dosha in the body and is very successful in curbing its effect.

· Arthcare oil - arthcare oil is one of the prestigious ayurvedic preparations that have been found extremely helpful in treating various pain disorders like arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, backache, joint pains, wounds etc. It has been empowered with the wonders of certain ayurvedic herbs like errand (ricinus communis), Rasna (pluchea lanceolata), devdaru (cedrus deodara), shuddha Guggul (commiphora mukul), rasone (garlic), marich (black pepper), nirgundi (vitex negundo), ajwain (trachyspermum) and til tail (seasum). These all herbs are famous for their activities in suppressing and curbing any kind of pain and inflammation that might occur in the body. The oil is gently massaged on the affected part and then hot fomentation is done. This is the simple procedure that is all you have to do to get relief from the pain and arthritis.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Natural Psoriasis Treatments - 5 Remedies To Try Today!

Anyone who suffers with psoriasis knows it is the flare-ups and the symptoms that can really drive you crazy! Intense itching, painful sores, bleeding skin; it is a nightmare for people with psoriasis. There is no cure for psoriasis, and that is so very frustrating. To many people, this can be quite depressing. However, I am about to share with you 5 natural psoriasis treatments you'll want to try today! These 5 natural remedies can help a great deal to relieve the agonizing symptoms of psoriasis.

  1. First, try is to increase the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega 3-fatty acids are found in fish oil, among other things. The easiest way to add fish oils daily, is through capsules. Psoriasis is known to be an autoimmune disease and fish oils are a great help for this type of disease. Fish oils can also help to relieve joint pain for people who have psoriatic arthritis. They are relatively inexpensive and can be found easily in your local health food stores, drug stores, and vitamin stores.

  2. Another remedy to try is begin taking a probiotic enzyme. Probiotic enzymes will help you to digest food better and more efficiently. When a person has a psoriasis flare-up, the patches of skin become very inflamed. Probiotic enzyme's also contain an anti-inflammatory chemical. This chemical can potentially greatly help with controlling psoriasis outbreaks. These enzymes also help in maintaining a healthy balance in the stomach, and will help to strengthen the immune system. This can be quite effective as psoriasis is known to be caused by a weakened immune system.

  3. The third treatment I want to share with you is olive leaf extract. This extract is an all-natural antibiotic and sometimes will work more efficiently than a traditional antibiotic. Again, inexpensive and easy to come by, you can get olive leaf extract from any health store. Begin by taking 2-3 capsules a day for three months, then switch to 4 a day for one month.

  4. The next natural psoriasis treatment you can and should do to help control symptoms of psoriasis, is to eat super foods. Super foods are those foods which are very high in fiber, they are antioxidants, and they are 100% organic! It would only take adding just one cup of your choice of many super foods each day to increase energy, increase metabolism, and most importantly, to help keep those unwanted psoriasis symptoms away! Some examples of super foods are; dark fruits which include blueberries, acai berries, and dark cherries. There are many more. Just doing a quick internet search will pull up many results on super foods and give you great list of foods to add to your daily diet!

  5. Lastly, non-prescription psoriasis treatments such as natural moisturizers are very important for those suffering with psoriasis. You can find a wide variety of over-the-counter skin moisturizers that may prove to be quite helpful in treating your psoriasis symptoms. If you look around in a drug store or health food store you can find a number of all "natural" moisturizers (It is best to avoid any scented ones.) Keeping the inflamed areas well hydrated will at the very least, help to keep your skin from flaking, cracking, bleeding etc. You may have to try more than one as some will work better than others. Try a few different ones until you find one that helps to relieve the symptoms. Natural moisturizers are highly unlikely to cause side effects, so find one that works well for you and stick with it! The key is consistency. Use the moisturizer day and night to keep symptoms under control.

Although there is no known cure for psoriasis, there are natural remedies you can use daily that can greatly help to control the symptoms. Start today with the above 5 suggestions, and you are likely to see some relief quickly!

Arthritis In Hands: Symptoms And Treatment Options

Arthritis in hands is quite common, however the affected areas are usually at the palm end of the thumb, the knuckles and joints in your fingers. This form of arthritis is usually known as osteoarthritis, and can affect the hips and knees as well as the hands.

Swelling or stiffness in the fingers is most commonly associated with this and this may reduce as time passes. The symptoms of arthritis in hands often flare up when you have had to constantly use your hands, this may be through a typing job, or maybe even sending text messages.

Many people think that cracking your fingers can cause arthritis but this is not the case. It usually starts because of repetitive actions.

Some of the symptoms of arthritis in hands are:

Slight pain in the fingers,
Short periods of stiffness, this may improve during the day.
Difficulty in moving your fingers.

Some people with arthritis in the hands may not have noticeable symptoms. This can be as a result of arthritis developing at a slower rate than usual.

If you suffer from osteoarthritis, there are some natural treatments readily available. These can include:

Red pepper, this food has many medicinal properties. It is thought to aid the circulatory system when applied to the skin, also it may help to ease the pains that you may be experiencing.

Cayenne pepper, this acts as red pepper does, you can apply this externally as I mentioned above or you can consume this pepper with foods. If you consume this it can acts as a stimulant thus aiding the heart, it may strengthen the arteries and act as natural pain relief.

Ginger, this is present in many foods. Many old wives tales include the use of ginger for common ailments such as sickness. Ginger has anti-inflammatory like properties. Research has concluded that ginger may significantly reduce the pains and swelling of arthritis.

Garlic, aids blood flow in the body, it has been proven to be very effective in reducing inflammation caused by arthritis.

Some people have found that 10 minutes of slowly massaging the hands can help keep the symptoms at bay.

By incorporating these into your daily diet you may reduce some if not all of your symptoms. If these changes are not easily done then you may find tea infused with ginger, whilst this is only one of the herbs that may help it could ease your particular symptoms.

If you suffer with arthritis and you are having trouble coping with the pains, seek advice from your doctor or other health professional they will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

Arthritis in hands is very common, the symptoms can be dealt with effectively although there is no cure as of yet. If your symptoms are getting worse or the pain is becoming unbearable then your doctor may suggest regular consumption of an anti inflammatory or pain relief. If you require more information on the symptoms of arthritis your doctor or other health professional will be happy to help.

Selecting Simple Natural Remedies to Treating Your Arthritis Pain

If you've been suffering from arthritis pain for quite some time and don't seem to get any relief from over the counter creams and medications it may be time for you to try something else. Of course, when you're in pain you want instant relief, however sometimes the relief is not in the form of a pill or cream. Many people today are more in tune with their bodies and as a result want to try to treat their bodies with natural remedies that are simple to do and inexpensive to purchase. Getting treatment for your pain using only natural ingredients is a very good idea for your body. Though there are lots of home remedies out there, you want to try sticking with options that are best suited for you personally.

Exercising Is Great For Relief

You might be wondering why if you're suffering from pain every time you move would you consider the idea of getting up and exercising. However, contrary to popular belief exercising will help with the symptoms of pain and stiffness. Through exercising methods such as Pilates and Yoga you can help your joints immensely through a series of stretching. The more you stretch, the easier it is for your joints to maintain their motion range even while affected with arthritis. This does not mean that you're limited to stretch based exercises only as you can get the same joint stimulation from classes such as walking, jogging, and even swimming. You should try to create a routine of at least 30 minutes three times per week to feel the effects of this remedy.

Watch What You Eat

Another natural remedy for arthritis would be to change your eating habits. If you have been diagnosed with arthritis then you should try to refrain from foods like caffeine, salt, sugar, and red meat as this could complicate your symptoms. However, there are foods that you should try to increase in your diet. There are lots of foods that previous patients have stated to be a symptom reliever. Those foods consist of omega 3 fatty acids, organic fruits and veggies, and even some fish like tuna. By taking in more of these types of foods on the regular basis you should begin to notice a difference in the joint pain that you feel.

Other Remedies

There are more remedies that you can try if you are in need of locating a fast solution the natural way. There are other treatments options available that have great results. Things such as natural oils, Epsom salt, vitamin C, zinc, calcium, and avoiding cold atmospheres are great solutions to coping with your symptoms.

Before deciding to try any remedies it is very important that you go over your options with a trained medical professional to be sure that what you are doing is safe. Just as people are different so are their reactions to even natural remedies and therefore talking this over with your doctor will ensure you that you are doing the right thing. They will give you professional advice that will benefit your overall health.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - The Shocking Truth About How It Starts

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most baffling and feared of all human ailments. Perhaps this is due, in large part, to the many conflicting hypotheses and theorems that abound throughout the medical field about this dreaded disorder. Each day we hear of new and often conflicting discoveries that supposedly shed light on why certain people are more susceptible to contracting this ailment than others. All of this uncertainty tends to create an atmosphere of fear and distrust toward anyone claiming to have yet another 'cure.'

In recent years there have been two widely disseminated theories about rheumatoid arthritis. On the one hand, medical researchers have claimed there is a definite connection between heredity and the likelihood of someone developing it. On the other hand, a number of medical doctors have expressed their belief that this and other forms of arthritis can be traced to a rogue virus or other micro-organism. As well-meaning as these theories may be, there is another position that deserves critical evaluation.

Rheumatoid arthritis is primarily caused by a lack of biochemical sodium reserves in the body. I'm not referring to the table salt variety that the human body cannot metabolize efficiently. When the body's organic sodium reserves are low a number of physiological changes begin to occur. Acid stomach, chronic constipation, joint swelling, calcification and bone spurs, excessive flatulence and stiff joints - any trained observer will recognize these symptoms as manifestations of arthritis. Although hereditary factors or rogue viral strains may not be present, low sodium reserves are detected in over 90% of such cases when these symptoms are evident.

Among other important functions, the body uses different combinations of organic sodium to neutralize excess systemic acids, to help remove metabolic waste products from cells and to keep calcium in solution so that it doesn't precipitate in the joints and soft tissues. This is basic biochemistry that anyone suffering from any arthritic affliction should know. It stands to reason that if organic sodium is the primary element the body utilizes to keep calcium in solution, one would certainly want to ensure that his or her organic sodium reserves were kept well stocked at all times.

As sensible as this may be, the lack of knowledge on this subject is what causes so much needless suffering in our society. During the eleven years I spent studying with world-renowned natural health advocate, lecturer and practitioner, Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, PhD, at his Hidden Valley Health Ranch, in Escondido, California, I personally witnessed the power of organic sodium to reverse various forms of arthritis - even in advanced stages. I came to know, without a doubt, that rheumatoid arthritis can be managed and, in many cases, reversed at virtually any age. This can happen provided there is an understanding of the vital role organic sodium plays in any serious effort to recover from rheumatoid arthritis.

All You Need to Know About Gout

Gout is a type of acute arthritis that can cause severe swelling and pain in the joints.

This condition usually has an effect on the big toe but there are cases wherein the ankle, heel, elbow or wrist may also be affected. Back pain can also be experienced because gout arthritis affects the spine as well. It comes suddenly and eventually goes away after five to seven days. Gout is different from other types of arthritis because the condition happens when levels of uric acid in the blood is high, which results to uric acid crystals that can settle in the joint tissues.

Urate crystals slowly form in the joints as a result of high uric acid levels. Though urate crystals in the joints cause no symptoms for a long time, there are factors that can bring on the signs of symptoms of gout arthritis. These factors include injury of the joints, infection, eating the wrong foods, drinking too much alcohol and surgery.

Common symptoms are tenderness, pain, warmth, swelling and redness of the joints. Usually, gout attack starts in the middle of the night, which involves severe pain. The skin covering the joints may be shiny, dry and red and the condition may come along with mild fever. Though the symptoms may disappear for about a week and may not be experienced for months and even years, gout arthritis attacks can recur more frequently.

Gout arthritis affects an estimate of one million individuals in America and men are more affected by the condition than women. Puberty in men usually causes the levels of uric acid to increase and the symptoms may be seen in their late thirties or early forties of their lives because it usually takes twenty years of hyperuricemia to cause the symptoms of gouts to appear. On the other hand, gout commonly develops on women later in life, which begins in their sixties.

According to experts, as the levels of estrogen fall during the menopause stage, urate crystals can develop in the joints because estrogen is known to be a protection against hyperuricemia. In addition, consuming too much alcohol, excess body weight, taking medications for blood pressure and high levels of serum triglycerides or certain fatty substances can cause high risk of developing gout arthritis and even heart disease.

Most of the time, doctors can determine gout after performing physical examination and knowing the medical history of the patient. Doctors can execute certain tests in order to measure the uric acid levels in the blood. Though normal and even high levels of uric acid do not eliminate the occurrence of gout, the existence of hyperuricemia can increase the risk of developing gout.

Treatments for gout arthritis tends to relieve the pain, avoid future severe attacks and prevent permanent damage to the joints. Aside from taking prescribed pain medications, patients are recommended to rest and increase fluid intake.

Gout can be treated with different medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and nonaspirin. If a person has a kidney disease, it is necessary to avoid taking these drugs for they may aggravate peptic ulcer. In cases wherein nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be taken, most doctors usually prescribe colchicine. However, this medication can cause diarrhea.

The Truth About Magnetic Therapy And Arthritis Relief

If you find yourself riddled with pain from stiff, swollen joints, consider looking towards magnetic therapy and arthritis relief .

Since this method of pain relief requires no medications, you will not have to worry about drug interactions or potential side effects from adding chemicals in your body.

Furthermore, magnetic therapy does not wear off like typical medications, so you can work to sideline the pain without having to worry about proper dosage.

Finally, the cost of arthritis medication is often high and out of the budget for many individuals, so magnetic therapy is often more affordable for most arthritis sufferers.

How Magnetic Therapy Works

Before you begin looking to magnetic therapy and arthritis relief, consider starting at the root of the therapy itself.

Magnet therapy has been around for thousands of years, as the ancient Chinese, Indians, Persians, Greeks, and Egyptians turned towards the power of magnets to ease their aches and pains.

Even in those days, the success of magnetic therapy was questioned. Just as today, two camps formed: those for magnetic therapy and those against the alternative type of therapy.

There are many theories regarding exactly how magnets work to alleviate aches and pains, there have been several studies that have shown that magnetic therapy has success over other forms of pain therapy.

Why Magnetic Therapy

Aren't you tired of taking pills and other medications, then consider magnetic therapy.

This is a great way to focus on healing your body naturally and avoid ingesting potentially dangerous types of medication.

Many individuals find that their arthritis medication can dangerously interact with their other prescriptions.

If you have any prescriptions, including blood pressure medication, heart medication, or cholesterol medication that is considered necessary to preserve your quality of life, these drugs take precedence over arthritis medications.

Other medications can cause potential problems with your existing medical conditions. Furthermore, other medications have particularly nasty side effects that can be potentially devastating.

Magnetic therapy has no known side effects, will not interact with your other medications, and will usually not pose a problem with your other medical conditions.

When To Avoid Magnetic Therapy

Magnets can potentially cause problems for some individuals.

If you have an implanted defibrillator or a pacemaker, the presence of strong magnets could pose a problem.

Especially in the case of mattresses impregnated with large magnets, the magnetic field created could completely shut off the device that is so critical to the health of your heart.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Top 5 Most Common Types of Arthritis

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "arthritis"? Some of the common things include old age and painful joints. This is actually quite accurate! Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints and this is more common in people of certain age, especially those above 50 years old. There is currently no cure for arthritis. Arthritis occurs in many different forms and there are more than 100 types of them. In this article, let's take a look at some of the more common ones.

Rheumatic Arthritis

Rheumatic arthritis is a disease of the immune system. The function of the immune system is to protect our body and defend against any foreign intruders in the form of viruses and bacteria. However, rheumatic arthritis causes the immune system to go haywire. Instead of protecting us, the immune system attacks us instead and these slow and steady attacks causes' great damages to the structures of our body including the joints, muscles and organs.


Osteoarthritis is degenerative joint diseases which results from overuse of the various joints. Osteoarthritis does not happen at an older age. Instead, it can happen to people as young as 20 years old, especially if they use their joints much more than others. Sports injuries can also cause osteoarthritis. A patient suffering from osteoarthritis has his joint cartilage broken down. The main function of the cartilage is to absorb weight and shock and to cushion the joints. Without it, injuries and accelerated wear and tear can happen to people.


Lupus is another disease of the immune system. Acting on the same principle as Rheumatic arthritis, the immune system attacks the healthy components of the body, especially the joints. Not only does Lupus cause inflammation of the joint, it can also cause problems such as swelling and high blood pressure.


Fibromyalgia causes pain and stiffness of the joints but unlike other forms of arthritis, it does not cause any inflammation to the joint. As a result, any damages to the joints are not caused by fibromyalgia. The common places affected are the ligaments, tendons and tissues.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

As its name suggest, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis occurs in juveniles. It is a chronic disorder that causes serious disability to children. The most commonly affected places are the joints and it causes immense pain, swelling and tenderness of the joints.

There are more than 100 types of arthritis out there and they are unique in their own ways. Before seeking medical attention, you should try to determine the type of arthritis you are suffering from. Arthritis causes pain, swelling and discomfort at areas such as the joints and they can cause simple activities such as walking a daunting task.

Prevent Arthritis Symptoms With Right Diet

There is a saying "you are what you eat". If you eat the right diet you are simply doing yourself a huge favor of preventing different kinds of diseases. One of these is arthritis. Arthritis, or the inflammation of the joints, is mainly characterized by joint pain, swelling and redness caused by the breakage of cartilage tissues inside the joints.

Eating habits and dietary practices have a major role in prevention of this one derailing disease. But even though prevention is better rather than cure, those who are already suffering from arthritis can likewise find relief when they manage to supply their body the right nutrients from certain food groups.

Becoming sensitive of arthritis symptoms can adequately help in first hand diagnosis and treatment. It is important to know the following to be able to recognize if you are already suffering from arthritis or not:

1. If you are feeling chronic pain around your body joints, mostly in the hands, elbows, back, neck, knees and feet
2. If those body parts are swelling and tender
3. If those body parts are seen with redness and rashes
4. If you easily gets tired and exhausted even just by doing simple things
5. If you are having difficulty in moving your body joints
6. If you have fever
7. If you cannot sleep comfortably

Considering you are experiencing the above mentioned symptoms, or better if not, it is very important to accompany it with the right diet. Following are the foods to eat and foods to avoid for healthy joints:

Foods to Eat

• Foods high in vitamin C such as pineapple, tangerine, oranges, potatoes
• Other fruits such as bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cherries
• Green vegetables such as celery, spinach, cabbage
• Low-fat dairy products
• Whole grain food like breads, cereals, pasta, rice
• Foods rich in omega-3 like tuna, salmon, nuts, seeds

Foods to Avoid

• Caffeine and chocolate
• Yeast
• High in fat dairy products
• Night-shade vegetables
• Sugar and salt
• Red meats
• Chemical additives and preservatives

It is always better to prevent diseases like arthritis as it still has no certain cure for the moment. What you can do is provide yourself the right nutrition and stay healthy. But for those who are already suffering from joint pain and inflammation, right diet is likewise an arthritis treatment that can pave the way for relief.

Visit on how to avoid joint pain and find alternative arthritis treatment.

Oregano Oil - A Great Remedy For Arthritis

Arthritis is a chronic condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the joint usually accompanied with pain and loss of mobility. It is the most common musculoskeletal disease in the world and it mostly affects those who are 55 years old and above. There are many types of arthritis but the most common are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis.

This condition is usually treated by following a controlled diet, application of special medications and specific joint exercises or physical therapy. The typical medication give to arthritis sufferers are NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve the pain. They can be injected directly to the joint to obtain temporary pain relief. There are different forms of therapy used to increase the flexibility of the joints and muscles. These include hydrotherapy, relaxation therapy and mobilization therapy. It is commonly believed that this condition is incurable therefore these medical interventions aim only to reduce the effects of the condition but not to totally cure it.

However, there is an organic substance which was found to have longer positive effects when tested with patients who have arthritis. This is oregano oil, sourced from the Mediterranean wild oregano plant Origanum vulgare.

In the past centuries, this wild plant was used by the ancient Greeks for treating their common maladies such as skin diseases, respiratory ailments and digestive problems. Modern science has found that the essential oil taken from the leaves of this plant contains many beneficial substances that make it effective as an antimicrobial agent. It has plenty of phytochemicals, phenols and flavonoids, chief of which are carvacrol and thymol. There are also significant amounts of minerals, vitamins and important trace elements. No wonder, it is now being used in alternative medicine as an anti fungal, anti parasitic, anti bacterial and anti viral agent.

It is the carvacrol content of oregano oil that makes it effective for arthritis treatment. Scientists have found that this particular agent has effective anti inflammatory properties. In addition, it is also an effective substance that can reduce pain. This is perfect for arthritic patients since these are the two most serious conditions that they suffer. One of the studies has found that its pain relieving capability can be compared to morphine.

In this regard, oregano oil is one of the best treatments for arthritis for the simple reason that it is the best source of carvacrol. The true Mediterranean oregano oil has about 60% to 80% of carvacrol.

New Advances In Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment

The following paragraphs detail a drug-free approach to the management of psoriatic arthritis. Alternative medicine or natural cures have always been a particular interest of mine. I think that modern medicine handles medical emergencies of things like stitches and broken bones very well. Where it comes up short in is the management of chronic conditions and diseases and promoting health. The modern medical approach really is just symptom based with no real desire to discover or treat the root cause of the problem. I have never been a big fan of painkillers for headaches or antibiotics for sickness. I loved trying out new alternative cures for a sore throat or skin condition. But this love for natural remedies was really pushed to the edge when I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.

Of course it is one thing to help a common cold with some garlic and vitamin C, but can you really help an auto-immune disease such as psoriatic arthritis? In all theory you should be able to. It is famously quoted 'you are what you eat.' Certainly diet and nutrition are a sound starting point, there are some other key factors as well. This article will briefly cover the diet aspect for more information in that regards please see my other article on the psoriatic arthritis diet. This article will also go on to cover the mental and emotion aspect of the disease and which are the nutritional supplements that you should be taking to help your psoriatic arthritis.

In brief your psoriatic arthritis diet should have a focus on fruit and vegetables. Start adding these to your diet. Use good organic sources of chicken, beef, eggs and fish for your protein. Learn about fats and the truth about saturated fats and cholesterol. Do not use artificial products like margarine or vegetable oil, ever! Cook in stable fats like butter and lard. Use coconut products such as the oil. Eliminate wheat and diary from your diet as these foods promote inflammation and auto-immune responses in the body. This is a brief introduction, for more explanation see my article on the psoriatic arthritis diet.

They say that stress causes 90% of all diseases. That statement is probably right. The body is an amazing invention, capable of adapting and handling almost anything we place on it. Think about drug addicts, alcoholics and morbidly obese people. The body doesn't just cave in, it adapts and puts up with the toxins and everything.for a while. But eventually it will reach a breaking point. The same is true for stress, mental or emotional. It can handle it for a while, but long term stress will manifest somewhere in the body. It may result in headaches, poor digestion, a skin rash or an auto-immune disorder. Learn to manage your stress. Yoga and meditation are great, make them part of your daily schedule for the rest of your life. Your yoga may need to be modified because of your joints, that is initially what I had to do. Get some perspective on the situations that cause you stress and realize that being stressed probably does not accomplish anything or help the situation at all.

Lastly as part of your psoriatic arthritis cure I want to discuss nutritional supplements. The last few years has seen great advancements in anti-inflammatory supplements and this is great for psoriatic arthritis. With supplements I believe you pay for what you get and I highly recommend getting your supplements through a qualified practitioner who can supply you with practitioner only supplements which are a lot more potent and powerful in the quantity of active ingredients they can provide because they are being used under supervision. High doses of fish oil, this goes without saying, even the mainstream medical association are recommending fish oil as anti-inflammatory. I suggest a good probiotic to help restore normal gut flora. And find a good herbal anti-inflammatory mixture. Look for products like turmeric, cat's claw or devils claw. There are some really good ones available now full of all the best anti-inflammatory herbs.

The goal of this article is to present an alternative to the mainstream medical approach for the management of psoriatic arthritis. I do not feel this type of information is readily available and I hope this may open people's minds up to the possibility that drugs are not the only choice. After reading the above recommendations, some folks might think 'gee, that seems very different to how I am currently living'. My reply is that is should be very different. If you were following anything close to the above you probably would not have an autoimmune disease and you wouldn't be reading this article. Start with one step at a time and take each day as it comes. Try to do a little bit better than the day before.

Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis - 5 Easy Tips That You Can Use Today!

What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? What are their special precautions and natural treatments? Find out the expert answers in this article.

Both these forms of arthritis have got some similarities as well as differences. Their exact causes are not known. While osteoarthritis often accompanies aging, rheumatoid arthritis can occur in any age group and is also found in children and adults.

Osteoarthritis can be commonly found in people around the age group of 60. The intensity of pain and degree of the problem varies according to their lifestyle. Rheumatoid arthritis might develop at any age, although during remission period, there might be a complete lack of symptoms of pain.

Broadly speaking, these are the major signs of difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis -

1) Pain is a common characteristic in both forms of arthritis. It is also one of the major distinguishing factors which doctors use for diagnosis and to identify the difference them.

In osteoarthritis, the pain might occur in only one joint, for example in the right knee. On the other hand, in rheumatoid arthritis the pain is generally found occurring on the joints on both sides of the body. For example, there might be pain in both knees.

2) "Wear and tear" of the cartilage cushions is the primary reason for osteoarthritis. The cartilage cushions act as shock absorbers that prevent the bones of the joint from rubbing together. When this cartilage is damaged due to overuse or injury, it causes osteoarthritis and leads to inflammation and swelling in the joints.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the pain and inflammation in the joints take place well before any damage occurs in the cartilage cushions. In fact, frequent occurrence of chronic inflammation causes damage to the cartilage and intense pain.

3) Factors that might lead to the occurrence of osteoarthritis are - obesity, joint injury, overuse of joints and heredity. On the other hand, obesity might aggravate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, but it does not play any role in developing of that condition in the first place.

4) One of the major difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is that osteoarthritis affects only the joints, while rheumatoid arthritis can also affect many other parts in the body.

5) What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in terms of treatment? In rheumatoid arthritis, drugs that suppress immune system activity are often prescribed; whereas they are not required in osteoarthritis. However, anti-inflammatory drugs are common mode of treatment in both forms of arthritis.

Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in the diet by using fish oil supplements is one of the best, most effective and natural ways of treating the symptoms of both forms of arthritis.

They are also free of the potential side effects that most of the description based anti-inflammatory drugs suffer from. On the contrary, they provide a lot of health benefits such as improvement in brain health, cardiovascular health, digestive system, memory and concentration, skin health, joints and much more.

Green lipped mussel found in New Zealand is also another excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It plays an effective role in reducing pain and joint stiffness, increasing grip strength and enhancing mobility in people suffering from osteoarthritis. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and is used in combination with fish oil supplements to provide effective long-term relief in arthritis symptoms.

However, if you are using blood thinner medications such as aspirin on medical prescription, then you should consult your doctor before including omega-3 supplements or fish oil supplements for arthritis relief as they are natural blood thinners. This is to ensure that you do not take too many blood thinners as it could lead to potential side effects.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis And How To Identify Its Symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be defined as a multisystem chronic disease of unknown origin. There is an array of systemic expression; the main distinguishing feature of rheumatoid arthritis is chronic inflammatory synovitis, typically symmetrically involving peripheral joints.

The likely influence of inflammation of the synovium leading to damage of the articular cartilage and erosion of the involving bones and consequent changes in the integrity of the joint is the characteristic of the disease. RA also involves the tissues around the joint as well as different organs in our body.

Characteristically, Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, which occurs when the body's own defense mechanism wrongly interprets some bodily character and mistakenly attacks them.

The immune system is a multifaceted association of different protective cells and antibodies programmed normally to 'seek and destroy' the intruders into our body. The main role playing of the immune system occurs when an infective agent invades our system.

Patients having deranged immunity or autoimmune disorder produce antibodies (some proteins that have a killer potentiality towards intruders) in the blood that targets their own body parts, leading to inflammation. As rheumatoid arthritis can affect numerous other organs in our body, it is referred as a systemic disease.

The word "Rheumatoid" is coined from the Greek word "Rheumatos" which means 'Flowing' and the suffix "oid" refers to 'resembling'. The word "Arthritis" means 'inflammation of a joint'. So, together they mean 'inflammation of a joint that is flowing in nature'. In spite of its harsh potential, the course of the disease can vary a lot.

Some patients can experience a mere oligoarticular ailment (involving a single joint) of short duration with minimal or no joint damage, while others may suffer from a persistent progressive polyarthritis with striking functional impairment.

Rheumatoid arthritis has very common symptoms [] and according to a survey, it has affected more than two million people in the United States.

The disease is almost three times more common in women than in men and affects people of all races uniformly. The onset of the disease can be at any age, but the usual point of time is after forty years of age. Being a genetically determined disease,

Rheumatoid arthritis can affect multiple members in the same family. As for example, severe RA is noticed in approximately four times the usual rate among the first degree relatives of persons suffering from the disease in conjunction with presence of autoantibody - the Rheumatic factor- more than 10% of patients with RA will have an affected first degree relative.

In addition, monozygotic twins are at least four times more likely to develop RA than dizygotic twins. This is to be noted that, the highest risk of association id noted in twins who possess two HLA-DRB1 alleles (a type of genes) which is identified to be closely linked with RA. Genetic predisposing factors do not entirely account for the occurrence of RA, pointing towards some other factors. Environmental factors have a role playing action in the development of RA.

This is highlighted by epidemiological studies conducted in AFRICA, that indicated the role of urbanization and climate have a major impact over the occurrence and severity of RA.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How Can You Cure Arthritis?

Arthritis is generally referred to as the inflammation of the joints. There are many types of arthritis and the factors responsible for causing it are also innumerable. In some cases, the condition can be so severe that it might cripple a person for life. It interferes in the day to day activity of a person's life.

Some of the common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, gout etc. Rheumatoid arthritis commonly occurs on the hands, wrists and knees. When the inflammation occurs, it tends to affect not only the joist but also spreads the inflammation to the surrounding tissues. This might lead to permanent damage of the cartilage and the bones.

In order to overcome this condition, there are a number of treatments that are available. There are massages, surgeries and ointments available. Of all the types of surgeries that are available, THA is one of the most common types of surgery which is beneficial for the treatment of hip arthritis. The doctor concerned will take into account various factors before finally giving you the green signal for the surgery.

Massage therapy is another very effective method of easing the pain caused by arthritis. Since stress and anxiety also largely contributes to arthritis, a deep massage will allow you to relax and ease you from most of the tensions and pain. By helping your body to relax, it will let go the pain. Though it might not be a permanent solution but it sure does help in getting relief from arthritis to some extent.

Similar to the massage therapy is the heat therapy. This therapy also eases the body from the pain temporarily. Besides these treatments, there are also basic hinge joist and artificial knee joist to help your knees and joints function properly.

Natural Wholefoods For Joint Pain Relief

There's no doubt about it, arthritis can be one of the most painful and debilitating diseases in the world. Unfortunately, the number of people afflicted with arthritis is growing and it's expected that 80% will be affected by arthritis after the ages of 55. This is a very worrying trend, especially when you consider this disease is mostly preventable.

There's no one specific cause for the development of arthritis. The disease has over a hundred different types. However, the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The factors that can trigger the condition can range from genetics, climate, viral or bacterial infections and stress.

However, the common thread with most of types of arthritis is the swelling and joint pain. In severe cases the pain caused by the inflammation can be debilitating. If the condition is left untreated and allowed to progress the outcome can result in fused joints and deformed bones.

Conventional Treatment

The conventional way to treat patients with arthritis is to give them a range of chemical based drugs. These drugs do specific roles that range from reducing the stiffness, reducing the pain, drugs to attack the disease and then drugs to counteract the side-effects of the other drugs.

Drugs used for arthritis treatment are anti-inflammatory and usually fall into two categories. These are cortisone based and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS. These types of drugs can be effective at reducing the pain, but what they will not do is cure or reverse the condition - they just suppress the symptoms.

Furthermore, anti-inflammatory drugs should only be used in the short term due to their many side-effects. Although they may control the pain they are actually poisoning the body which will only make the condition worse.

Natural And Safer Alternatives

Fortunately, there are natural and effective ways to treat and stop the progress of this debilitating disease.

Osteoarthritis and to a larger extend rheumatoid arthritis cause inflammation of the joints. One of the underlying causes is the build up of uric acid in the body.

Too much uric acid results in hard crystals building up in the joints which cause the pain. Between the joints is a membrane which enables the joints to move smoothly together.

Uric acid crystals are deposited between the joints and as the opposing bones move together the uric acid crystals wear way the synovial fluid. As the condition progresses the protective layer of cartilage can also be worn away and this exposes the hard bone underneath.

As the two bones grate together they can cause severe pain which some sufferers have compared to being repeatedly stabbed in the joints with a sharp knife. Excess uric acid in the body can be the result a poor diet and a weakened immune system.

Unfortunately, the modern diet many people are eating is highly processed and refined. This does not provide the necessary quantity and quality of nutrients the body needs to support their immune system.

Many people have found relief from omitting certain refined foods from their diets such as white flour contained in white bread, pastries and pasta.

Another effective natural treatment that has helped people with arthritis is omega a 3 fatty acids. These naturally contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce the inflammation and pain caused by arthritis.

One of the most effective is green lipped mussels because not only are they a rich source of anti-inflammatory fatty acids they also contain compounds that may help to rebuild damaged cartilage and restore mobility in the joints.

Magnetic Bracelet Therapy - Therapy For Arthritis and Osteoporosis Diseases

Jewelry is a component of interest to all people, regardless of race, class and even ethnicity. This is a normal human life. The question is, do you know that jewelry can be a tool that is not only decorative but also could serve as a therapeutic tool to maintain health and reduce the level of pain that we experience? Did you know?

This article will discuss how the jewelry can help us to maintain our health. With the help of magnetic jewelry that we were wearing on our bodies 24 hours a day are able to enjoy a life free from pain.
Those whom to wear a ring magnet (not the normal ring) for many years been able to cure the disease called arthritis. Once again, do you know of this story?

If you start looking for remedies for your illness, surely you will find some type of treatment and medicines are to be supplied. It all depends on the type of disease you are facing now.
But you must remember, most medicines and treatments will have their side effects. I'm not saying you can not go to the doctor and receive medication that they recommend. But you also have to be careful with the medicines supplied.

Magnetic therapy is one of the medical heritages introduced thousands of years ago and is still used until today. It is proven treatment to help heal the pain in the wrist, the fingers and hands.
For this purpose, you can wear a magnetic bracelet on your wrist to increase the circulation the blood.

Jewelry with magnets used to work on the parts that have positive polarities. Once you get improved blood circulation better results from the use of magnetic bracelets, thus amount of your oxygen received in your body will grow and reduce inflammation in the affected areas such as hand and wrist.

Most people stop drinking the medicine used to cure arthritis after they start wearing a magnetic bracelet. However, my advice, do not let you stop further medications unless recommended by the specialist doctor. This is because the magnetic therapy will only be impact after by using for a long period.

There are some patients that I know used the magnetic therapy for over two years, informed that they are wearing the magnetic bracelets and the output is very good to against the disease osteoporosis. In addition to arthritis and osteoporosis, all magnetic therapy is very helpful in healing minor injuries, diabetes, especially in the legs and fibromyalgia.

There are many types of jewelry magnetic bracelets. You will see a ring made of copper, stainless steel and titanium. For the application of this ring, you can choose whatever suitable for you based on style, design and color.

Though magnetic therapy have many benefits to sustain your health, but the use of magnetic absolutely not recommended for pregnant women. In addition, if you use electric plants and wearing an electronic implant, you are not suggested to use any magnetic bracelet therapy to relieve pain and heal the wounds and diabetes.

To obtain supplies of this magnet, you can find in internet.You will find thousands of pages that elaborate the latest information about magnetic therapy and the advantages of using this treatment method in more detail.

More and more people have started wearing magnetic bracelets. This is because many clinical studies have been performed and the results could prove effective in treating diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

How to Exercise With Psoriasis

It is clear that exercise can be extremely beneficial to those suffering from psoriasis. But for many, there are some tricky dilemmas when it comes to stepping into that gym. Here are the three major problems and some helpful solutions.

Problems You Might Face Whilst Exercising With Psoriasis

Often highly-visible, psoriasis can often cause individuals to become extremely self-conscious. Showcasing your red and scaly elbows to an entire row of body-building enthusiasts or trim gym-bunnies is something you would rather avoid!

Having dry, cracked and irritated skin can be very uncomfortable. Exercise can exacerbate affected areas, and the buckets of sweat don't help either!

When exercising with psoriasis, one needs to be careful not to injure the skin. Affected areas can be extremely fragile, and when traumatised can take extra-long to heal or worsen. This is known as the Koebner response, which describes how psoriasis spreads to areas of skin injury and trauma, like cuts. Perhaps rugby or extreme sumo wrestling aren't the sports for you., and whatever you do, don't sign up to the UFC!

The Solutions

Exercise at Home
If you feel too uncomfortable at the local swimming pool why not exercise at home? Invest in a treadmill, yoga mat or buy the latest celebrity exercise video! Here, you can work out in the privacy of your own home, and even belt out some of your favourite exercise tunes.

Exercise Outside
Get out of the house and go for a jog, book a tennis court with a friend, or head to the gym before anyone else gets there! Out and about, there won't be as many stares.

Try and Get Over It
The reality is - you can't hide forever! The longer you exercise in the presence of others, the more comfortable it will become. Being open about your psoriasis with other gym regulars can also really help! You underestimate how understanding and accepting people can be.

Wear Appropriate Workout Gear
Wearing loose fitting, light and comfortable clothing has 2 main benefits. Firstly, you can use all those folds to hide your psoriasis. Instead of shorts and a t-shirt, pick up some light sweatpants and a long-sleeved top! Secondly, loose fitting and light work-out clothes will reduce friction and sweating. Time to throw those spandex shorts out!

Moisturise and moisturise! Use your favourite moisturiser to lubricate the places most likely to be aggravated by exercise, and enjoy a gentle shower afterwards so not to aggravate your problem spots.

Choose the Right Exercise
Choosing the right type of exercise is also important. For those with extra sensitive skin you will want to avoid those hard-hitting contact sports in order to reduce the risk of injury. Instead, try some non-contact sports such as tennis, cricket or volleyball. If you suffer from psoriatic arthritis, it is best to stay away from heavy-duty sports and practise some gentle tai-chi or yoga. Other appropriate activities include aerobic-type exercises such as walking, biking, running and swimming.

Psoriasis does not need to hold you back from maintaining a healthy and daily exercise routine. There are no excuses!

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Arthritis Remedies For Dogs With Osteo-Arthritis

One of the very common questions vets get is what are the arthritis remedies for dogs that are both safe and work well in dealing with arthritis in aging dogs. Pet owners who believe the onset of this disease should seek their vet's suggestions right away.

It's extremely common for older canines to develop joint arthritis as they become older. This is also true in the very large breed canines who support more weight and thus have additional stress on their joints. The arthritis remedies for dogs involve either prescribed meds or natural supplement products to help deal with this disease.

Although the prescribed drugs are very effective in immediately handling stiffness and joint pain and canines they also can have very significant and extremely dangerous ill effects. A vet should describe the issues when using drugs to treat osteo-arthritis. Pet owners should be very aware and on the lookout for these negative effects as many of these can lead to life-threatening circumstances when not handled correctly.

Other arthritis remedies for dogs involve using 100% natural supplements such as glucosamine. Not only are the supplement products extremely safe and with no dangerous side effects to the pet they are also quite low cost compared to the other drugs available. Additionally, glucosamine in the liquid form is very easy to give to canines. The only thing that's required is pouring the natural supplement over their dog's food during meal time.

Although there is no way to get rid of osteoarthritis it can be managed to some extent and offer the dog relief from this joint disease. The prescribe medications can oftentimes get rid of the pain immediately while a natural supplement acts to create stronger and healthier joints for the long-term. The positive effects of using glucosamine are often not seen for several weeks and up to two or three months. The benefit however is that the pain is not just masked over and that true healing is allowed to take place within the joint which results in pain relief.

Of all the arthritis pain remedies available to treat canine arthritis the natural products should be tried first since they are less expensive and far safer. Only after several months without positive effects should the more expensive and possibly dangerous alternatives be tried with your pet.

A few of the remedies used to treat your dog's joint osteo-arthritis will cause your canine's older years much more happy and far more healthy when suffering from the joint disease.

Natural Pain Relief For Arthritis - Massage Therapy

Unfortunately there's no cure for arthritis and the arthritic changes that arthritis brings to your joints, but you can relieve the pain that accompanies this medical condition.

Two treatments which are easy and are worth trying are massage therapy, and also massage with essential oils.

Massage Therapy: Gentle Massage Can Relieve Pain

When you massage a painful arthritic joint, you help the blood circulation to the joint, and this aids healing. Another benefit is that the muscles relax, and this relieves pain too, because tight muscles around the joint make it even more painful.

Although you can massage painful joints yourself, for best results visit a massage therapist, because the therapist will know the best way to massage your hands, or whichever joints are affected. Ask to be shown some easy massage techniques that you can perform at home.

Massage therapy can't reverse arthritis, but many people find that they can keep arthritis at bay with massage therapy.

Essential Oils For Arthritis Pain Relief

Massage therapy can help even more if you massage your joints with essential oils. Essential oils are fragrant oils which are refined from plants, roots, and trees. Pain relieving essential oils for arthritis treatment include ginger, lavandin, and eucalyptus.

For an arthritis joint massage, very small quantities of pure essential oils (about one drop per teaspoon) are added to a carrier oil like apricot or almond oil. You can make up your own massage oil from essential oils and a carrier oil, and can use it to massage painful joints twice a day.

Not only do the essential oils smell wonderful, but they're also very relaxing.

As with massage therapy, it's best to get advice and a couple of treatments from a professional aromatherapist at the beginning, and then you can continue the treatment with essential oils at home.

Although massage therapy and essential oils massage therapy are not a cure for arthritis, they do relieve the pain. These treatments can also help you to regain and maintain movement in your joints, so that you live your life.

Treating Arthritis and Related Conditions Through Drugs

Drug treatment is usually the preferred "traditional" method of managing arthritis. Considerations need to be made regarding each person's individual reactions to side effects and contraindications of various arthritis drugs. With this in mind, acquiring knowledge of the many arthritis drugs available, and working with your doctor to find the most complimentary combination of medications possible can help you make an informed decision.

NSAIDs / COX-2 Inhibitors

Of all arthritis medications, NSAIDs (non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs) are one of the most popular and widely prescribed. Three types of NSAIDS include:

  • salicylates - acetylated drugs (aspirin), non-acetylated ones like salsalate (Disalcid), choline magnesium trisalicylate (Trilisate), and magnesium salicylate (Doan's Pills, Novasal).

  • traditional NSAIDs

  • Cox-2 selective inhibitors

NSAIDs function by impeding cyclooxygenase (a COX enzyme) activity. COX enzymes like COX-1, which keep tissues healthy and COX-2, which have to do with inflammation pathways, are both affected by NSAIDs. Research undertaken in the development of NSAIDs has also led to the discovery of COX-2 selective inhibitors.

The Most Commonly Used NSAIDs Include:

  • Ansaid (Flurbiprofen)

  • Arthrotec (Diclofenac/Misoprostol)

  • Cataflam (Diclofenac potassium)

  • Clinoril (Sulindac)

  • Daypro (Oxaprozin)

  • Dolobid (Diflunisal)

  • Feldene (Piroxicam)

  • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

  • Indocin (Indomethacin)

  • Ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail)

  • Lodine (Etodolac)

  • Meclomen (Meclofenamate)

  • Mobic (Meloxicam)

  • Nalfon (Fenoprofen)

  • Naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve)

  • Ponstel (Mefanamic Acid)

  • Relafen (Nabumetone)

  • Tolectin (Tolmetin)

  • Voltaren (Dicolfenac Sodium)

COX-2 Selective Inhibitors include:

  • Celebrex (Celecoxib)

  • Vioxx (Rofecoxib) - pulled out of the market

  • Bextra (Valdecoxib) - pulled out of the market


A class of "slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs" are referred to as DMARDS (Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs). These type of medications, also known as 'second-line agents", take several weeks and sometimes even months, for their healing effects to take hold. Despite the length of treatment, research has evidence that DMARDs are effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, particularly when the diseases are diagnosed in its early stages. DMARDS has been known to halt the development of arthritis and arrest joint impairment.

There are several kinds of DMARDs:

  • Arava (Leflunomide)

  • Auranofin (Ridaura, Oral Gold)

  • Azulfidine (Sulfasalazine)

  • Mycophenolate (CellCept).0

  • Myochrysine (Injectable Gold)

  • Cyclosporine (Neoral,Sandimmune)

  • Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide)

  • Imuran (Azathioprine)

  • Leukeran (Chlorambucil)

  • Methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall)

  • Minocin (Minocycline)

  • Penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen)

  • Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine)

Corticosteroids (Steroids)

For fast acting swelling and inflammation relief, powerful steroids like corticosteroids or glucocorticoids are often used. Closely mimicking the behaviour of cortisol, a hormone secreted at the cortex of adrenal glands, steroid dosage is prescribed based on the type of rheumatoid condition and treatment objective.

Steroids keep joint and organ inflammation in check, particularly with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica and vasculitis. Unfortunately, because of its potency, long term steroid use can cause grave side effects, especially in high dosages. Administering corticosteroids like Triamcinolone (Kenalog) for a limited period of time, intravenously or via injections, can precipitate relief from chronic joint symptoms.

Some Corticosteroids Medications:

  • Betamethasone (Celestone)

  • Cortisone (Cortone)

  • Dexamethasone (Decadron)

  • Hydrocortisone (Cortef)

  • Methylprednisolone (Medrol)

  • Prednisolone (Prelone)

  • Prednisone (Deltasone)

Analgesics - The Painkillers

Pain is a controlling factor in arthritis. Alleviating pain symptoms play a vital role in the management of the disease. To achieve this, analgesics like Acetaminophen (Tylenol) are prescribed as painkillers. For the relief of severe pain, doctors prescribe stronger narcotic analgesic drugs. Analgesics can help control pain, however they cannot rid joints of arthritic inflammation.

Different Narcotic Drugs For Severe Pain:

  • Codeine (Tylenol#3)

  • Darvocet (Propoxyphene/Acetaminophen)

  • Darvon (Propoxyphene)

  • Duragesic (Fentanyl Skin Patch)

  • Hydromorphone (Palladone)(no longer on market)

  • Morphine Sulphate (MS Contin)

  • Oxycodone (OxyContin)

  • Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen)

  • Percodan ( Oxycodone/ Aspirin)

  • Talwin NX (Pentazocine/Naloxone)

  • Ultracet (Tramadol/Acetaminophen)

  • Ultram (Tramadol)

  • Vicodin (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen)

Biologics: Biologic Response Modifiers (BRMs)

When the body's immune system is impaired in some way, the ability to combat disease or infection is aversely affected. Biologic Response Modifiers, or BRMs can invigorate and re-establish the body's immunity response. BMRs are naturally derived from living organisms, not manufactured in laboratories. Some of the most common and widely used BMR drugs and their functions include:

  • Enbrel (etanercept), Remicade (infliximab) and Humira (adalimumab) - intercept TNF-alpha, one of the most prevalent cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. These BMRs act to constrain TNF-alpa, reduce inflammation and minimize joint impairment.

  • Kineret (anakinra) - an IL-1 antagonist and selective blocker, which can be used singly or combined with other DMARDs. This BMR works against an excess of interleukin-1 (IL-1), a protein prevalent in rheumatoid arthritis. This action slows inflammation and pain symptoms.

  • Orencia (abatacept) - the first T-cell co-stimulation modulator recommended for the management of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

  • Rituxan - considered the world's most popular drug in the treatment of cancer, Rituxan selectively works against CD20-positive B-cells. This medication was approved by the FDA in early 2006, and administered with methotrexate to inhibit symptoms of moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis in adults. Rituxan is normally prescribed for arthritis sufferers exhibiting negative symptom response from anti-TNF drug treatments.

Fibromyalgia Solutions

There are many medications used for the management of Fibromyalgia, although no drug specific to the condition has been approved by the FDA. At present, doctors prescribe related drug treatments to treat symptoms of the disease. It may be heartening to note, however, that drugs are currently being developed for the exclusive treatment of Fibromyalgia.

Gout Treatment

Considered to be among the most severely painful forms of arthritis, Gout treatment involves proper medication and a regulated diet. People suffering from this disease require pain killers, anti-inflammatory agents,and drugs to correct the accompanying metabolic dysfunction that results in serious attacks of Gout due to excessive amounts of uric acid in the blood.

Drugs used for Gout:

  • Analgesics or painkillers - like Acetaminophen (Tylenol).

  • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like indomethacin (Indocin) - reduces inflammation.

  • Colchicine - averts and lessens incidences of Gout attacks.

  • Corticosteroids - fights against inflammation.

  • Probenecid (Benemid, Probalan) - lowers uric acid levels in the blood.

  • ColBenemid (Col-Probenecid and Proben-C) - relieves gout symptoms.

  • Allopurinol (Zyloprim) - reduces uric acid levels and inhibits its production.

  • Losartan (Cozaar, Hyzaar) - although not a gout drug, it is antihypertensive in nature and works to contain uric acid levels

  • Fenofibrate (Tricor) - also not a gout drug but acts to reduce lipids to aid in lowering uric acid levels.

Osteoporosis Medication

Osteroporosis is characterized by frail and brittle bones, especially in older people. However, it may also strike long-term users of corticosteroids. To treat this disease, various drug regimens may be prescribed, including estrogens, parathyroid hormones, bone formation agents, bisphosphonates, and selective receptor molecules. These medications can allay bone degeneration, assist in bone growth, and lower the risks of fractures.

Osteoporosis drugs include:

  • Actonel (Risedronate)

  • Boniva (Ibandronate)

  • Didronel (Etidronate)

  • Estrogens (Hormone Therapy)

  • Evista (Raloxifene)

  • Forteo (Teriparatide)

  • Fosamax (Alendronate)

  • Miacalcin (Calcitonin)