Saturday, February 23, 2013

Homeopathy and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathic Help for People Experiencing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy has a great capacity to impact people in profound ways who experience rheumatoid arthritis. This is the first article in a series that will address disorders of musculoskeletal system. In future articles, I will publish information related to tendinitis and bursitis, degenerative arthritis, back pain/sciatica, and fibromyalgia; as they all have unique symptoms and require their own treatment plans.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory disorder primarily of the synovial joints, but can also affect other systemic organs. RA affects over 2 million Americans, with women being 3 times more susceptible than men.

The Arthritis Foundation states this disease progresses through three stages:

1) First is swelling of the synovial lining, causing pain, warmth, stiffness, redness and swelling around the joint.
2) Second is the rapid division and growth of cells, which causes the synovium to thicken.
3) In the third stage, the inflamed cells release enzymes that may digest bone and cartilage, often causing the involved joint to lose its shape and alignment, more pain, and loss of movement.

Eventually, if left untreated, RA has the capacity to destroy cartilage, deform joints, and destroy adjacent bones. And because it is a systemic disease it can affect the entire body. RA can cause generalized inflammation in the cardiac muscle, in blood vessels, and within layers of the skin. The exact cause of RA is unknown, but it is considered an autoimmune disorder (the body attacks itself). Genetic predispositions, or viral infections are thought to increase risks of RA.

People experiencing rheumatoid arthritis can be best helped the earlier it is caught, especially before excessive suppression has taken place from conventional methods of treatment. In homeopathy, health is viewed as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of isolated symptoms from specific locations of the body. In this way, a homeopath will consider not only a detailed description of the physical RA symptoms, but the overall mental and emotional disposition and character, as well.

The following homeopathic remedies, and their specific indicators, can be considered for people experiencing RA:

Causticum: Stiffness of the joint that is so severe, it feels as if the joint is paralyzed. Generally worse from cold, dry weather. Better in rainy weather. Affects the fingers predominantly.

Rhus Toxicodendron: The main homeopathic remedy considered from rheumatism with pain and stiffness. The pain and stiffness causes the person to shift and stretch. Worse in the morning upon rising; in the cold, damp, rainy weather; storms; and sitting for long periods of time (such as in a movie or a car ride). They feel better from heat, hot bathing, or showers; and continued, gentle motion.

Arnica: Great soreness all over. Even the bed feels too hard. They feel bruised or beaten. Worse from being jarred or touched; they fear being touched. Pains are usually symmetrical.

Aurum Metallicum: Rheumatism with stiffness or spasms of the chest wall. This is an important remedy to consider for people who also have ankylosing spondylitis. Generally worse at night.

Ledum: Swelling, coldness and pallor (sometimes blueness) in the affected joint. Worse from heat. In general, the pains ascend during the course of the illness to more proximal joints.

Pulsatilla: Wandering arthritis; changeable symptoms and pains. Worse in the evening and with heat. Better from the cold; uncovering the joint; cold applications; and in the open air.

Homeopathic treatment will best assist people experiencing RA from constitutional, long-term care and, as mentioned, in the earlier stages of the illness. Even if medications have already begun, homeopathic treatment can help boost vitality and strengthen the healing intelligence of the body enough where the allopathic medications can eventually be discontinued altogether.

Cure Sciatica Naturally - Sciatic Nerve Pain and Common Causes

The sciatic nerve is a nerve which runs from the lower back region and down through the back of your legs. While it is called "the sciatic nerve," it is actually a complex system of nerves which are about 1 inch each in total length. When sciatica pain is experienced, it is generally the result of one of these nerves being pinched as it leaves the spinal region.

There are many things which can cause your sciatic pain, but the most common causes are:

  • Too much pressure being applied to the sciatic nerve - Excess pressure can cause sciatic pain in a relatively short period of time. The sources of this pressure could be muscle strain, bad posture, being overweight, becoming pregnant, or sleeping on a soft mattress. If you may have previous injuries to your back which resulted in a bad or slipped disc, this can also cause severe sciatic pain. More serious conditions, such as a herniated disc or a tumor surrounding a disc on the back can cause horrible sciatic pain as it grows.

  • Osteoarthritis - Osteoarthritis, commonly called degenerative arthritis is known to trigger sciatic pain. This can cause sciatic pain because any deformity in the leg bone structure can cause excess pressure to affect the sciatic nerve. This is more common in older individuals as the bones become more brittle. They can also have what is known as spinal stenosis, which is caused by the sciatic nerve being pressured due to the constraining of space around the spinal areas.

The most common symptom of sciatica is a sharp, shooting pain which can travel down the legs and even to the feet. Sciatica pain is never consistent, and it can range minor inconvenient pain to severe excruciating pain. This type of pain only affects one side of the body typically, and if not treated fast enough, can gradually lead to severe neurological disorders.

Sciatic pain can be cured by treating the various causes of the pain. Doctors can provide pain medications or muscle relaxers to alleviate pain. Some patients find good results in exercise so long as it is not overdone. There are various therapies that sciatica patients can enroll themselves in to fortify the muscles in the lower back and abdominal regions which will cause the symptoms of sciatica to eventually go away.

Juice For Arthritis Treatment

Juicing for joint pain and aches is a good long term solution. It is both effective and devoid of any side effects. One of the advantages with natural cure is that it has a holistic effect on your body. It rejuvenates the whole body. You don't have to worry to about over doing it since even at high doses it is safe. Natural cures can be used both as preventive medicine as well as as a cure for affected joints. You could continue using it as a maintenance dose even after you are cured. Below you will find some of the natural medicines which you can incorporate in your diet.

Pineapple juice is good for your joints. Pineapple juice contains and enzyme called bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory agent in pineapple is effective in athletic injuries, joint pain and post-surgery swelling. Juice is also great fuel for your body. Raw pineapple juice contains just about all minerals and vitamins necessary for the digestive system too. 300-350 ml of raw pineapple juice is recommended for daily intake.

Black Cherry juice if good for arthiritis too. Cherries contain chemicals called the anthocyanin which works as an anti-inflammatory agent which can alleviate pain for arthritis sufferers. Pineapple contains nutrients like beta-carotene and copper that helps in treating rheumatoid arthritis.

Experts believe that the results of drinking cherry juice are specific to a person. While for some relief can in few days, for others it might take months of juice drinking to get. Two glasses of juice twice a day

Raw potato juice is one of the most successful natural cure for arthritic conditions. It has been used for centuries. The traditional method of potato juicing is to cut a potato into very thin slices, leaving the skin on, and place it in a glass filled with cold water over night. Drinking this water in the morning on an empty stomach is great.

Other Juices that are highly effective for joint paint and arthritis pains includes the following:

o Green Barley Juice
o Celery Juice
o Bilberry Juice
o Aloe Vera Juice

So you can start juicing your way to pain relief.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Early Symptoms to Watch Out For

When it comes to an illness like arthritis, without regard for the particular form, one of the most vital aspects is being conscious of the assorted symptoms that may be caused as a consequence of the beginning of the illness, so that if you experience any of the symptoms yourself you may recognize them and seek medical help instantly.

Prompt treatment is critical to recovery from an illness like arthritis, and it is actually vital to get treatment as fast as possible so the arthritis doesn't continue to progress and do more damage. Though there are actually some symptoms that all forms of arthritis share or close to, the fact still remains that each form of arthritis is completely different and thus you want to ensure that you are conscious of the specifics of each different form. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms as an example, are completely different than any other.

When it comes to rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, these symptoms are commonly way harder to note than in other arthritis sicknesses because they are generally so sophisticated. However, rheumatoid arthritis always has effects on the joints of the hands, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles, and feet. Rigidity or stiffness is one of the most typically reported rheumatoid arthritis evidence of all, and this alludes to when your joints are not moving as well as they once did, and the range of motion of your joints could be reduced, particularly if the condition is dreadful. This rigidity can be experienced at any time of the day, but is most frequently spotted in the early morning.

Another of the commonest rheumatoid arthritis symptoms is soreness and inflammation. This refers back to the redness, warmth and swelling that frequently arises after the commencement of the illness, and swelling and nodules are frequently accompanying here too. Pain is another rheumatoid arthritis symptom, and pain in this illness basically has some different sources, specifically from the soreness and swelling that you've been experiencing.

You can also experience malaise, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight reduction, and weakness or significant fatigue. At first notice of any of these symptoms, you must arrange an appointment and get in to see them as fast as you probably can, so the illness isn't ready to progress any farther than possible. Fast treatment is needed here, and only after you have sought medical help and had a correct diagnosis will you be in a position to get the proper treatment prescribed to you.

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Relief

With so many dangers of arthritis drugs like Vioxx and Naproxin recently exposed, it's no wonder more and more people are turning to herbal remedies for relief. Here are a few herbs that will treat arthritis pain and joint inflammation.

For thousands of years, the Chinese have used ginger to treat arthritis. Recent studies have shown that ginger is helpful in relieving pain from both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The Scottish and other Nordic peoples discovered years ago that Cod Liver Oil reduced pain and stiffness in the joints, especially during the frigid winter months. Cod Liver Oil is available in supplement form at most health food stores, and has been shown in studies to have numerous health benefits, including reduction of pain from rheumatoid arthritis.

Glucosamine has also recently been tested for the treatment of arthritis pain, and proven very effective for reducing pain from osteoarthritis. Glucosamine also works to repair joint damage and rehabilitate the cartilage.

Everyone's body produces glucosamine, but as your body grows older production slows down. This causes cartilage in weight-bearing joints to harden, and become painful. Glucosamine therapy can help repair damage and reduce pain, in both humans and in pets.

All these and more herbal remedies are available at most health food stores. Additionally, herbal creams can be purchased, many made with peppermint and/or rosemary, that are very soothing when applied topically (mint and rosemary are natural analgesics).

You do not have to take drugs to relieve your arthritis pain. Stop worrying about dangerous side effects. Talk to your doctor about controlling arthritis pain naturally.

Arthritis - Some of the Types of Arthritis

The universal term "arthritis" cites to a grouping of diseases that, in one fashion or additional, aggress the junctions of the torso. These assaults drive the joints to swell and collapse, resultant in pain, puffiness, rigour, tiredness, and loss of apparent motion. There can be in excess of a hundred diseases that fall under this grouping, however here is a few of the basic kinds:

Osteoarthritis is known to be the more common kind of arthritis. It's induced by wear and tear on a joint, owed to either conventional aging or by inordinate strain by athleticses or backbreaking work. This precondition is frequently seen in farmers, footballers, some men and women who have cultivated in manual labor jobs, and folks of elevating age. Surplus weight could step-up the grimness of this precondition.

Frequently only one joint is affected, while people who are aged could have troubles in a lot of joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes a human immune system to aggress the joints, inducing pain and puffiness. Different than osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis impacts multiple joints in the torso and is called a "systemic autoimmune" disease, as it assaults a human system. The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are more detectable in the humbler joints of the body, like the finger, wrist joint, and ankles. This disease can attack at any age. When it comes about in a human below the age of eighteen, it is marked "juvenile rheumatoid arthritis". Grievous disfigurations in the joints can come about as this disease can advance with disablement resulting.

Psoriatic arthritis is a style of arthritis comes about in some men and women who have the skin disease psoriasis. Its symptoms can be alike to rheumatoid arthritis.

Gout is a kind of arthritis that causes uric acid to develop in the impacted joint, inducing pain, puffiness, and rigour. The big toe is the juncture to the highest degree often impacted, but additional joints could likewise be impacted by gout. The male can be impacted by gout to a higher degree than women and onrush is almost often betwixt the yearses of fifty and sixty.

Systemic lupus erythematosus, more commonly known as "lupus", is a different systemic autoimmune disease, in which the immune system assaults all the components of the physical structure. Arthritis symptoms like joint infliction and puffiness are only one part of this upset. Though lupus is a grievous disease and can be historically reasoned disastrous, late advancements in medication and handling have added to the survival range of some men and women who bear this disease. Lupus comes about at whatever age, but onslaught is come across most frequently in the female.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Take Fish Oil For Arthritis and Get Rid of the Swelling and Pain

There is evidence that proves that fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids can get rid of the pain and swelling of arthritis. Several studies reveal the potency of fish oil for arthritis as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. In fact, it is widely accepted as a better alternative for prescription medicines.

Arthritis is the inflammation of body joint characterized by swelling, pain, and stiffness. Most of the people, who suffer from arthritis, if not all, complain of pain that may range from simple to worst. Pain is the common and constant feature of arthritis that is usually felt in the back, neck, hips, knee, or feet.

We can treat arthritis in several ways. Treatment includes physical therapy, prescriptive drugs, cold compress to minimize the swelling and pain, and in severe cases surgery. These treatments, though effective, are costly and may sometime result to adverse effects as in the case of prescriptive drugs.

The aforementioned are the treatment options until researches revealed the natural healing properties of fish oil for arthritis. Now, more and more individuals suffering from arthritis have discovered how effective and potent omega 3 is in the treatment of arthritis for relieving them from the swelling and pain.

The EPA and DHA fatty acids found in omega 3 work as a natural anti inflammatory agent. Studies have shown that individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who were administered omega 3 supplements have demonstrated relief from the pain and swelling associated with arthritis.

It is by many miles safer than prescriptive drugs when you have to take it long-term. Prescription medicines, though effective, may produce adverse effects especially when taken over the long haul. These effects may range from easily bruised skin to brittle bones to life threatening kidney failure.

Avoid compromising your over-all health condition just to relieve the pain and swelling brought on by arthritis. All you have to do is opt for regular exercise and benefit from the natural anti inflammatory healing properties of an omega 3 fish oil for arthritis supplement.

The best is from a high-quality, pure and safe omega3 supplement that is free from metal poisons, pollutants and other contaminants. A supplement that is made from the best sourced cold water fish which have been put through a purification process prior to molecular distillation and concentration. And, has gone through clinical trials and has been independently reviewed.

Do yourself a favor and take fish oil for arthritis to get rid of the inflammation. Why bear the pain and swelling when you can use a fish oil arthritis supplement? Do a bit more research and take a look at a company that uses pure and safe fish oil. A high-quality omega 3 supplement that contains hoki and tuna oil harvested from the most remote, cleanest and purest oceans.

Supplements For Osteoarthritis in Pets

Our pets are part of our family. For many of us our special furry friend/friends are like one of our children. And one thing is for sure we all want the best for our pets. Nevertheless, while our pets do communicate with us it is sometimes easy to overlook or misinterpret conditions that gradually make their way into our pet's lives. One of these conditions is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease.  

Arthritis is a general term referring to inflammation of the joint. The most common form of arthritis in pets is osteoarthritis, which is also known as degenerative joint disease. This common condition is most often found in large animals but can affect animals of all sizes. It is characterized as loss of cartilage (the shock absorbing gel like material between the joints) and joint degeneration leading to pain and lack of mobility.  

Pet degenerative joint disease initially can be difficult to recognize. Joint stillness after a nap, or an extended period of rest, are common signs of its onset. As the disease becomes more advanced, your pet may not have the enthusiasm for certain playful activities they once had. In severe cases they may not be able to make it to the litter box or through the pet door in time to do their business.  

Supplements for osteoarthritis in pets is a topic of great interest for most pet owners with either aging animals, those with birth defects that exasperate the condition (hip dysplasia), and those who have overused their joints.   The goal in slowing, stopping, and ultimately revering osteoarthritis in pets is to find supplements which include ingredients that have been shown to be effective in reversing the condition.  

Let's cover a few of these:  
*Glucosamine: As pets age many lose their ability to manufacture adequate amounts of glucosamine to keep their joints moving freely and absorb the shock of running, jumping, and playing. This ingredient should be one included in any pet osteoarthritis supplement.  
*Chondroitin, Bovine cartilage extract - While some joint health benefits have been derived from the use of chondroitin or bovine cartilage extract they do not seem to be as effective as glucosamine when used alone; due to their low absorption rate. Nevertheless, these are supplemental ingredients that should be considered.   *Vitamin E - Research studies support the idea that vitamin E is beneficial for osteoarthritis in pets. The benefit was thought to be due to vitamin E's membrane stabilizing actions and antioxidant properties.  
*B5 (Pantothenic Acid) - Some research suggests that a deficiency in this obscure B vitamin reduces cartilage growth.  

In summary, we have just touched on a small number of helpful supplements for osteoarthritis in pets. Your next step is to locate a well respected supplemental formula to treat osteoarthritis in pets. Additionally, all pet owners should make a good effort to keep their pets weight under control. Excess weight is one of the primary causes of degenerative joint disease.

The Use Of Probiotic Supplements For Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is not possible to diagnose the existence of rheumatoid arthritis beforehand. Although it is a hereditary disease, there are several factors, both environmental and biological, which may also trigger the onset of this debilitating disease. Similarly, the factors can be suppressed for sometime by the reversal of the relevant causes.

One of the most important and noteworthy causes of rheumatoid arthritis is the destruction of the gut bacteria which is healthy in a number of ways. Consuming too many antibiotics also leads to the disruption of friendly bacteria; emotional trauma is also one main cause. This is mainly due to the strong impact of stress on the gut. If these useful bacteria get imbalanced even once, it will take years to re-balance it. Furthermore, there must be something helpful and effective to fix this problem. If this re-balancing of gut bacteria takes place, it will initiate in lessening the symptoms and severity of rheumatoid arthritis. The only solution to fix this problem is to ensure intake of healthy bacteria through diet on a daily basis.

Foods containing live culture bacteria have healthy impact on the immune system of the body, which in turn prevents it from malfunctioning. Yoghurt containing live culture bacteria in it has a good deal of beneficial effects. There are an infinite number of sources which contain probiotics, and can also be artificially made by you without any difficulty. Thus, probiotics must be incorporated in your everyday diet. Dairy products are a good and easy source of probiotics. They can be consumed through yoghurt, kefir, and many other dairy products. Those who are not fond of dairy products can still get probiotic supplements through innumerable foods.

An important source of non-dairy probiotic supplement is available in most markets in the form of cultured coconut milk. Homemade cultured coconut milk, soy milk, and rice milk or fruit juice made from kefir grains is also a good source of probiotic supplements and as such, can be used for treating RA. Unpasteurised sauerkraut, sour pickles, vegetable ferments such as sour turnips, fermented radish, potato cheese are also healthy sources.

Probiotic food supplements are either made from an established culture which can be either bought or captured wild bacteria from the air such as sauerkraut, kim chee, sour pickles, other vegetable ferments, brines, and porridge. Thus, probiotic supplements are highly beneficial in balancing the gut flora and reversing the symptoms experienced by people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Some Symptoms Associated with Arthritis

A group of joint disorders is an overall term for arthritis. Our joints are surrounded by a layer of cartilage. Aiding in motion, this cartilage is a protective lubricant. Pain in the joints is caused by damage to the cartilage that surrounds the joints. With more than one hundred types of arthritis, symptoms can vary. However, in order to help detect arthritis here a few general symptoms that you can look for.

One of the more common symptoms is persistent joint pain. If when moving or doing certain activities that can range from walking, writing, throwing or even standing up the pain in your joints worsens, then that is another sign of arthritis.

Other symptoms can be warmth and redness in color as well as stiffness and swelling in your joints. This is a sign of inflammation in the joint. If you lose your range of motion or flexibility, these may also be a result of arthritis.

Weight loss for no reason as well as fatigue and weakness are considered symptoms of arthritis. A crackling sound combined with grating sensation that is affecting the joint is called crepitus another symptom of arthritis. This symptom may or may not be painful to you. Other areas that can be affected by crepitus are the lungs and under the skin. The wearing down of cartilage can be a cause of crepitus in the joint.

As mentioned earlier there are various types of arthritis and it is possible to be diagnosed with more than one type. This means that each person's symptoms will be different. With this in mind, you should be tested immediately for arthritis. There are online screen tests that you can take to determine whether you do or do not have arthritis. These tests are easy and convenient to take. These screen tests are geared with specific symptoms that are associated with particular arthritis types such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and osteoarthritis, and other types of arthritis.

Of course, visiting your doctor is the only sure way to tell if you suffer from arthritis. By accessing your medical history, doing a physical examination, lab tests and x-rays are things that your doctor will do to determine if you have arthritis. If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, then it is you should visit your doctor at the earliest convenience for consultation. It is important to not treat yourself for arthritis if you have not been diagnosed by a doctor as having arthritis. In order to better treat your specific type of arthritis, you need to be diagnosed properly by your doctor.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Specialized Rosehip Powder Proven To Sooth Aching Joints

Painful and stiff joints limits people's quality of life since if they are in pain or have stiff joints they can't continue to engage in normal activities that they love to do.? Although joint health products are available on the market, people are looking for effective and safe alternatives.? They are seeking alternatives since many do not respond to glucosamine-chondroitin, they do not want to take drugs that can have serious side effects, or they are looking for all natural solutions.? Now there is a scientifically proven alternative to provide this solution - specialized rosehip powder.

Specialized rosehip powder has an interesting history.? It began back in the early 90's when Erik Hansen, a Danish farmer who grew rosehips for making marmalade, discovered by chance that his specific rosehip powder alleviated his joint pain and improved his flexibility.? He then gave this powder to his friends and neighbors and they too were amazed with the positive results they obtained.? So Erik and his son, Torbjorn, visited the local hospital to seek out scientists to test out his product. ?Although the scientists were at first very skeptical they agree to test it in patients with osteoarthritis and to their surprise they observed that it did in fact alleviate joint pain and increase joint flexibility in these patients. So farmer Hansen decided to form a business to sell his rosehip powder. He went on to develop and patent a gentle drying process of the whole fruit to preserve the active ingredients. Since then, several well designed scientific studies involving a couple of hundred people have been undertaken and published in recognized scientific journals. Here are the key scientific findings:

  • 82% of osteoarthritis subjects responded with reduced pain scores after 3 weeks on specialized rosehip powder compared to 49% of subjects consuming placebo or dummy pill.? A significant reduction in stiffness and improved ability to perform daily activities was also demonstrated with the specialized rosehip powder versus the placebo after 3 months.

  • In a 4 month study 65% of the osteoarthritis subjects versus only 44% on the placebo experienced a reduction in joint pain.? Joint mobility also improved significantly compared to the placebo.

  • In a 3 month study 66% of osteoarthritis subjects given specialized rosehip powder achieved joint relief compared to 36% of the subjects given placebo.

  • Specialized rosehip powder was also tested versus placebo in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and demonstrated to significantly improve their disability index scores at 6 months while scores for the placebo group worsened.?

Based on the proven science specialized rosehip powder had many benefits over other joint health products including the following:

  • Soothes achy joints.

  • Works fast, in as little as three weeks

  • Effective in four out of five people

  • Improved joint mobility and enhanced quality of life

  • 100% natural

  • Not animal or shellfish derived

  • No major food allergens

  • No known drug interactions or side effects

Omega 3 Fatty Acids And Their Effect On NSAID Use In Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that's characterised by inflammation of the joints as well as other organs in the body.

And NSAIDs or anti inflammatory drugs are often used to relieve symptoms such as stiffness, pain and swelling.

However, as with all medications there are side effects that can occur. And sometimes they are not fully effective.

That's where natural remedies can help treat inflammatory conditions, as an adjunct or in addition to traditional medicine.

Here's a study of whether high dose omega 3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil helps rheumatoid arthritis.

The study looked at both arthritis symptoms as well as serum or blood markers of inflammation.

The study had just over sixty patients, and was a double blind, placebo controlled study .

One set of patient were given fish oil while the placebo group had corn oil. Both groups were on their NSAID.

After 18 weeks of treatment, the NSAID drug was then substituted with a placebo.

In the patients taking fish oil, there ware;

1. a reduction in the number of tender joints

2. a reduction in length of time of morning stiffness

3. a reduction in disease activity reported

4. a decrease in the levels of IL-1 beta in the serum, which is a marker of inflammation

However, with the corn oil patients there was no difference.

Also, when the NSAID was ceased, the improvement in the number of painful joints was still there after 2 months. And this was seen in the omega 3 group and not the placebo.

In some patients, they were able to stop their NSAID without an exacerbation of their symptoms.

In the group taking fish oils in summary, there was improvements in both symptoms as well as blood markers.

More studies and larger studies would be good to help further characterise the benefit that fish oil may have on they symptoms of arthritis

This study seems to be promising and perhaps fish oil will turn out to be a helpful addition to treatment of arthritis as well as it's other health benefits.

Acute As Well As Chronic Arthritis - Find a Cure in Homeopathy!

Homeopathic system of medicine is no more an alternative system of medicine, because its utility in major diseases of mankind has given it the place of mainstream medicine. Also the belief that homeopathy is helpful only for chronic diseases is known to be a myth and even the acute exacerbations of chronic diseases can be aptly treated with homeopathic medicines.

The arthritis is such a crippling disease that affects the human beings in different stages of life. The rheumatoid arthritis can affect any age group while osteoarthritis is commoner in elderly population. The slow but steady deterioration in the function of affected joints in the primary feature and pain is the subjective symptom that makes the patient tired of the disease. The complications of arthritis are visible once the disease progresses and treatment is not taken appropriately at the right time.

The patients of arthritis typically may develop disabilities of the affected joints when the complications set in. Conventional medicine typically lacks curative medicine in arthritis and relies only on steroidal and non-steroidal analgesics. But homeopathy is the system of medicine that deals with every case of arthritis individually and treats the patient as a whole instead of mere arthritic pain.

Homeopathic sphere of action in arthritis-

The homeopathic medicines are helpful in acute as well as chronic stages of arthritis. It means, there are acute remedies like Rhus tox, Bryonia, Belladona, Pulsatilla, Sticta, etc, which alleviate pain of the patient when given according to the symptom similarity. But one must remember that mere alleviating pain can be just suppression even in homeopathy. To avoid recurrence and for positively reversing the pathology, one has to give deep acting constitutional medicines to the patient.

Apt history taking therefore makes sense in homeopathy. After the homeopathic doctor carefully analyzes the physical, mental, and emotional sphere of the patient, he can choose the right medicine depending upon the characteristic symptoms of the patient. No wonder it needs expert evaluation in any case of arthritis. The homeopathic medicine chosen also imparts the overall well-being on all planes. Rather, one should consider it the right homeopathic prescription if the patient is better on all planes.

No doubt arthritis is a crippling disorder. But it is also true that homeopathy is such a weapon that helps avoid surgical intervention in many diseases and in arthritis it helps the patient gain back his confidence that he can perform his day to day activity without anyone's help on his own! That's the wonderful achievement must say!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

7 Major Differences Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a very painful condition that affects millions and millions of Americans every year. There are many different types of arthritis including psoriatic arthritis, gout, septic arthritis, scleroderma, osteoarthritis, gonococcal arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis of all types is a condition that affects the body's joints. A joint is defined as the location where two bones in the body come together. People suffering from arthritis experience joint inflammation that may occur in one bodily joint or many joints.

Two types of arthritis that are commonly discussed include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. You may be wondering what some of the major differences are between these two conditions. Here are seven major differences between osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

  1. Osteoarthritis is more common than Rheumatoid Arthritis. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), OA affects around 27 million American adults 25 years and older. The Arthritis Foundation reports that RA affects about 1.5 million people in the United States.

  2. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition caused by the wearing of bodily joints over time. RA is an autoimmune disease that occurs when a person's immune system attacks the body's joints.

  3. Typically people experience OA when they get older. RA can strike a person at any point in life. When it occurs in children, it is sometimes called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

  4. RA can occur quite quickly whereas OA tends to have a more gradual progression over the course of many years.

  5. RA tends to strike in a more symmetrical manner where a person might experience inflammation and pain in both hands or both feet. In contrast, OA can easily affect only one joint in the body.

  6. Both types of arthritis cause a sense of stiffness in the morning. While the morning stiffness may lessen as the day goes on for those with OA, people with RA are more likely to experience this stiffness for a longer period of time during and throughout the day.

  7. Rheumatoid arthritis is often accompanied with other symptoms which include overall tiredness and malaise, whereas the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis is specific to the joint that is affected.

Arthritis of any type is painful and challenging. Treatment most typically aims to help reduce discomfort, aid physical functioning and if possible, to prevent additional damage to bodily joints.

A thorough physical examination by a trained health care professional like a board certified orthopedic physician is advisable if you think you might be suffering from any type of arthritis including osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

How to Effectively Manage Arthritis

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is not a singular condition, the medical term, arthritis, covers numerous different conditions with the most common being osteoarthritis.


Osteoarthritis occurs when a person's joints become inflamed and swell; it is caused when cartilage loses its elasticity and wears away. As the cartilage becomes impaired the ligaments and tendons in the joint become increasingly strained which can cause a very uncomfortable pain. After time the joints weaken to an extent where the bones begin to rub against one another.

How to effectively manage arthritis

Anti-inflammatory drugs are a fairly standardised practice in the treatment of arthritis but they are only treating the issue, not the cause. However, there are many things one can do in order to manage arthritis, such as the following:

繚 Hot & Cold Packs

Frozen packs can really help reduce the pain in the joint by cooling the surrounding area. There are many good medicinal and sports related freezing & cooling products that can help.

Heating the inflamed area can also be very effective, it can help relax the joints and ease the muscles. A hot water bottle can be useful when suffering from arthritis.

繚 Light Exercise

There are many forms of light exercise one could partake in to help with arthritic pain. Going for a walk can be very helpful; it is advised to walk on a soft surface like a beach or field. Studies show that walking can strengthen joints and build denser bones.

An alternative form of exercise is the Chinese martial art of Tai Chi. The primary focus of Tai Chi is on subtle gentle movements which helps to increase mobility as well as pain relief.

繚 Healthy Eating & Weight Management

Avoiding fatty foods is essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and can really help with managing arthritic pain. Those with a higher BMI (Body Mass Index) are at greater risk of arthritis, as excess weight results in greater pressure on joints.

Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and grains and cut out the saturated fat. Walking and light exercise combined with a healthy diet can yield excellent results.

繚 Relax

Relaxation is essential when dealing with arthritis. According to some studies, those who live a more stressful life and those unable to effectively manage stress are at greater risk of developing arthritic conditions. As mentioned earlier Tai Chi is a good way of relaxing, other good techniques such a meditation and a hot bath can really make a difference in contracting or effectively treating arthritic conditions.

Joint Pain Relief Naturally Today

Joint pain relief is a growing need for millions of people of all ages due to their problems with stiffness and aching that keeps them from doing what they love to do. Have you been experiencing difficulty sleeping, getting out of bed, enjoying your work and hobbies, or simply moving around freely? Pain in the joints can cause suffering in a lot of ways, which is why we wanted to take the time to help you discover the answers to your swelling and inflexibility.

This guide to joint pain relief will teach you about the various causes, symptoms, and products that can help you feel better. We will also give you some important things to look for when searching around for the right treatment for your joints. Not every pill or ointment is made the same, so it's good to know what makes a high quality, effective product.

Possible Causes of Joint Pain

The causes of joint pain are going to dictate which method of treatment is the best for your situation. You may have tried many products in the past without first understanding the reason behind your symptoms.

Possible causes of joint pain can be arthritis, fracture, fibromyalgia, injury, sickle cell anemia, or even drug withdrawal. There are other causes that can overlap with other conditions such as typhus, Sjogren's Syndrome, or SAPHO syndrome. Your pain isn't necessarily just related to your joints, in other words. This can be a complicated condition that has stemmed from an illness of the blood or immune system.

If you are like most people with joint pain, your inflammation may be due to arthritis damage as a result of an imbalanced or weakened immune system. Arthritis can come in many forms, so you may want to discuss with your doctor first to determine what your exact condition is before seeking treatment.

Depending on your specific cause, you may be able to treat it with the right products and methods. The only bad news is it can be very painful until you find the right joint pain relief that works for you. So where do you begin on your search for relief?

What to Look for When Choosing Joint Pain Relief Products

First and foremost, it's important that you look for a joint pain relief product that is proven to be safe with no harmful side effects. We can't emphasize enough how crucial it is to choose one that has been tested and known to use only pharmaceutical grade ingredients. There are plenty of anti-inflammatory supplements and drugs on the market that contain unknown compounds that haven't been thoroughly tested. Please consider a safer product and consult with your doctor to be sure it will be safe for you.

Testimonials are another important part of your search for an anti-inflammatory supplement. Don't consider anything that hasn't been shown to help other people with joint problems - it's like taking a shot in the dark. If you can find something that has been supported by numerous published testimonials, you may be on the right path. Be on the lookout for products that helped arthritis sufferers and fitness lovers with their mobility. When people are claiming they can move once again without pain, you know it's something worth considering for yourself.

Finally, you want to look for a treatment that addresses the causes of inflammation in the body, rather than hiding them with simple pain relievers. Anyone can make a product that has natural or synthetic ingredients to stop the pain, but they don't necessarily address the root of the pain itself. To avoid wasting money on a product that doesn't solve the real problem, look for a product that treats the true cause of pain - immune response imbalance.

Joint Pain Relief Should Balance the Immune Response

There should be a combination of ingredients in a proper anti-inflammatory product that targets the joints. With the right formula, the immune response can be balanced rather than reacting inappropriately in a painful way.

Herbs and natural extracts are commonly found in these types of supplements for their ability to support muscle growth around the joints and increasing blood flow. Other ingredients like polysaccharides and enzymes work to enhance the immune system and improve autoimmune diseases that may be causing pain. You should look for something that can accomplish all of these tasks, providing your body the best opportunity to rebuild and heal naturally.

Provailen Fits the Criteria We Recommend

One of the few products we were able to find that actually meets all of the criteria above is Provailen. It receives glowing testimonials, and it's been tested to be safe and effective. This product also seems to be a step above the rest when it comes to addressing the immune response we described above. If you're looking for honest joint pain relief in a natural formula, Provailen could be the perfect one for you.

Shoulder Resurfacing & Replacement - Avail Low Cost Surgery & 5 Star Service

Do you need to get your shoulder replaced or resurfaced. You can get this done for a low cost but at a five star service in India.

Shoulder arthritis is the second most common form of arthritis of the peripheral joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, post traumatic arthritis can all cause arthritic damage. Till now the treatment has been a total shoulder replacement. Shoulder resurfacing is now emerging as a superior alternative to replacement in India.

It is being provided for affordable costs in state of the art hospital facilities in India. International medical travel is bringing many western patients to India for shoulder resurfacing. Many international patients come to 5 star hospitals in India seeking value medical treatment like shoulder resurfacing.

Shoulder arthritis is less common than hip & knee arthritis in India. It mainly affects older individuals.

Causes of shoulder arthritis are:
• osteo-arthritis
• rheumatoid arthritis
• avascular necrosis
• rotator cuff tear arthropathy
• post traumatic arthritispost septic arthritis
• post tubercular arthritis

In shoulder arthritis like any other arthritis, only the top surface of the upper end of the arm bone (humerus) is affected. The socket is usually not damaged. There is no bone loss. The traditional operation for a shoulder arthritic problem is a shoulder replacement. However this involves sacrifice of bone. A shoulder resurfacing on the other hand preserves bone and can be performed in 95% of cases for the above mentioned conditions.

Shoulder replacement vs shoulder resurfacing

In a conventional shoulder replacement, the damaged parts of the joint comprising the shoulder joint are completely removed and replaced with a metal and plastic prosthesis. The metal portion is buried into the shaft of the arm bone (humerus). It has a stem and ball shaped end. The socket is made of polyethylene with a metal back and stem buried into the outer end of the shoulder blade.

In a shoulder resurfacing on the other hand, the top end of the arm bone is shaped to a hemispherical shape with cheese grating reamers. A central hole is drilled in the centre of the head of the humerus. The prosthesis made of Cobalt chrome, molybdenum and coated on the inside with hydroxyapatite is impacted in. Hydroxyapatite allows natural bony in growth over time and fixation.

The operation is done through a minimally invasive approach under either general or regional anesthesia.

The implant helps in preservation of natural bone and tissues of the patient.

It is seen as an ideal option for the younger, active patient who wants to lead a normal life. This cement less implant utilizes a patient's natural t issue growth. It can also be used in the older arthritic patient with good bone stock.

Shoulder resurfacing prosthesis

The Copeland shoulder prosthesis from Biomet is an example. This is the only surface replacement with the longest follow up. It was recently introduced in India.

At Indian hospitals, cost of surgery is low and is affordable by most international patients. Hospitals have state of the art infra structure and could be called as five star hospitals. The OR's have clean air which ensure a safe outcome after joint replacement. Rooms cater to all budgets ranging from suites general wards.

Shoulder resurfacing in Indian hospitals therefore has a chance of becoming a much sought after operation for international patients seeking treatment in India. You will get a high quality service at a very affordable cost.

New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel - Mother Nature's Way of Treating Chronic Inflammation

The New Zealand green lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) is common throughout New Zealand, and in fact, it is classed as an introduced pest in Australia. In New Zealand however, these mussels, which are in a family known as "true" mussels, play a significant role in the economy. For the most part, the mussels are nowadays cultivated commercially, although many natives still prefer to gather their own mussels from the intertidal zone along New Zealand's many beaches. Of all known mussel species, these are one of the biggest, frequently reaching a size of 24cm in length.

Okay, now that we know a bit about these mussels, let's take a look at why they have attracted the attention of millions of health conscious people all around the world.

To begin with, they contain a combination of fatty acids unique to this particular species, and of course most of us are already aware of the importance of essential fatty acids. Fatty acids are vital to one's health, but unfortunately the average person's diet does not contain nearly enough. Admittedly, if your only concern is to increase the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you would more than likely be better off choosing a good quality fish oil supplement since oily fish remains the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids. However, these New Zealand mussels also have other qualities which one won't find in fish oil.

One such quality is the presence of glycosaminoglycan; a polysaccharide widely believed to be capable of repairing damaged joint tissues. Other compounds present in these mussels have also been shown to combat inflammation, To date however, there is still much debate as to whether or not these compounds can be used for treating inflammation caused by arthritis. To be fair, more studies need to be carried out in order to determine how effective these compounds are as far as arthritis treatments are concerned.

If one is willing to look beyond a possible cure for arthritis, it seems evident that New Zealand mussels have without a doubt secured their place in the "natural remedies" market. After all, New Zealand now produces more than 150,000 tons annually, with an estimated value of around 300 million New Zealand dollars.

Quality control and safety standards in New Zealand's mussel industry are reported to be the highest in the world. Both the green lipped mussels and the waters surrounding mussel farms are constantly monitored and tested for the presence of heavy metals, bacteria, and a range of other biotoxins. Standards have to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, the European Union, and also the US Food and Drug Administration.

While New Zealand green mussels are being farmed elsewhere as well, one should, in my opinion, only use dietary supplements made from mussels farmed in New Zealand.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Treatment Discovered

I am a big believer in rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment options. These types of options are aimed at addressing the underlying dysfunction in the body and not just treating the symptoms. This is the real way to true health and helping your disease. RA is the most common autoimmune disease in the world affecting approximately 1% of people. Women are three times more likely to suffer than men. It is sad that finding rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment options can be very difficult.

Generally rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment choices aren't even pointed out instead of medicines in mainstream medicine. The reality that individuals are not really provided an alternative choice to medicines and medicine is unfair. Frequently many people will probably be not aware that a rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment is available. This information will talk about some of the things you are able to put into action directly into your way of life to begin healing the body and restoring your wellbeing. It may be considered a two step course of action. Getting rid of poor food items plus exchanging them with great food items.

The utilization of medications and drugs in the management of RA is absolutely missing the big picture. Drugs are typically dedicated to symptomatic care. And even though alleviating the symptoms is obviously crucial it genuinely misses the greater picture. Symptomatic relief can be had by covering up your symptoms with drugs, even though the true main cause has long been present in the body. Drug treatments do nothing at all to end the true actual reason behind autoimmune diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment can not merely provide symptomatic reduction but will also address the true underlying reason behind your complaint.

Eating modifications are among the several things that will supply rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment. Getting rid of certain known foods that trigger inflammation and cause over activity from the immune system really are a excellent starting place. Should you dismiss these types of food items, it's possible that every day that you are activating your immune system and creating more signs and symptoms for yourself. There's a selection of food items which have been recognized as contributors, however an excellent starting place could be getting rid of wheat along with dairy. I understand these are generally large recommended food groups and also at initially many people believe that it really is impossible. The truth is that it will take some understanding to understand the way to include the dietary plan change. Getting rid of meals is simply one facet of rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment.

When we all have taken out the harmful food products from the diet, we can easily exchange these for wholesome in addition to beneficial foods. In the same way you can find certain foods that increase inflammation, you can find food products that can lower inflammation. Cold water fish is shown to lower inflammation. Additionally, there are several handy food supplements which will help with inflammation and also promoting joint health. Despite the fact that eating habits does play a crucial role in rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment, additionally, there are other factors that will contribute too. Psychological and mental stress can be another part of health that will have an effect on our well being. An all-natural method that addresses both these factors is the best rheumatoid arthritis natural treatment.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How Does Aromatherapy Help Treat Arthritis Pain?

Aromatherapy is helpful with the treatment of arthritis because it can reduce pain and inflammation. Many people with arthritis are looking to natural alternative to expensive prescription drugs that can have serious side effects. Using aromatherapy can naturally relieve the swollen and aching joints that come with arthritis. In addition, it is a great way to improve your mood and relieve the anxiety that many people with arthritis suffer.

Aromatherapy uses the essential oils in plants contain healthful enzymes, vitamins, minerals and hormones. These can easily be absorbed by the body. Diffusers are used to spread the essential oil particles into the air. The part of the brain that controls blood pressure, heart rate, memory, breathing and other functions is affected by inhaling these oils.

You can add to their therapeutic value by putting the oils in your shower, bath, or sauna. Get maximum benefit by applying them to a warm compress wrapped around a sore joint. The skin easily absorbs the healing oils. True essential oils should be diluted with a carrier oil, such as almond or sesame oil. They are strong and may irritate your skin otherwise.

Let's look at which oils are particularly helpful for arthritis:

o Angelica root : Acts as an anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and pain reliever.
o Rosemary : Is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.
o Wintergreen, camphor, and menthol: Cooling and anti-inflammatory benefits. You can apply topically

to sore joints.
o Clove, thyme, and cinnamon: Warming and anti-inflammatory. Beneficial if your arthritis is worse

when it's cold and damp out.
o Cedarwood: Helps elimination through mucous membranes. Also as a sedative and an antiseptic.
o Rose: An anti-depressant. Stimulates function of the stomach and liver.
o Tea Tree: Enhances skin function and also used as an antibiotic and antifungal treatment.
o Ginger: Use as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.
o Lemon: Acts as an antiseptic and increases flow of urine.

Aromatherapy helps with relaxation and decreasing muscle tension. It is important to note that you need to purchase oil that is 100% pure. Some oils marked as essences or perfumes have synthetic chemicals added.

You will need to keep essential oils in dark containers and out of warm, damp and moist conditions. They are adversely compromised by heat and the sun. Oxidation can occur if they are exposed to air, so you need to keep the bottles tightly sealed. You should be able to keep them fresh for about a year, if you store them properly.

Aromatherapy is a wonderful and calming way to treat your arthritis naturally. Be aware that it can be addictive!

This article is written for information purposes only and not meant to diagnose or treat medical problems. The advice and care of a physician is recommended for your health concerns.

Back Pain That Moves Around - How to Treat Traveling Arthritis

Often when you're experiencing pain in the lower center part of the back, in one hour or so it could well move up to the middle of the spine, and then on to the shoulder blades.

This is referred to as "traveling arthritis", and if you've been diagnosed with arthritis of the back and are accustomed to this pattern of pain, then it may also become predictable - in which case you can pre-empt the back pain and educate yourself on ways to treat it.

Traveling arthritis in the back may also begin in the upper legs, then into your backside, and up into the lower, middle and upper back; and not to be confused with "migrating arthritis", where you may experience chronic toothache and then find the same throbbing sensation has moved to your toe.

So, if you haven't as yet had a full diagnosis then you should obviously seek professional help.

It could be any number of ailments from tendonitis to a kidney or viral infection, in which case you are fortunate as the pain will subside at some point.

However, treating back pain whether it's for the short or long-term, is at the beginning often dealt with through the same anti-inflammatory supplements - NSAID's.

These are useful in the first few weeks but should be scaled back if you're in for the long haul as arthritis is incurable right now, and simply throwing pill after pill down your throat in the hope that you are someway treating the disease is foolish.

The back pain will continue to flare up and spread and your quality of life will slowly dissolve.

Treating Traveling Arthritis in the Back

1. FDA Registered Homeopathic Supplements

These contain 3 important active compounds, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

Glucosamine is produced naturally in the body but FDA pharmaceutical supplements use animal sources.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate are argued to do two things, relieve the pain and potentially restore joint cartilage by preventing the Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes from breaking down this gooey lubricant, which protects the joints and adds fluidity and mobility to our limbs movements.

With regards to relieving pain and reducing inflammation of the swelling in the back, there seems no dispute among the medical fraternity in the West that these two ingredients deliver on this front.

Re-building the cartilage however - the jury is still out. Only short-term studies on their effectiveness at relieving pain have been carried out on these supplements.

There is only one long-term study which is currently being carried out by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, as to whether these supplements help rebuild cartilage.

Findings are due 2013.

MSM is the third ingredient that is well known now to successfully treat osteoarthritis, chronic joint pain, inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis

2. Hot Oil Bath and Oil Massage

For back pain in general, hot oil paths and massage should provide some respite from this discomfort.

Add a combination of 10 eucalyptus drops and 10 drops of peppermint, and soak for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

When it comes to an oil massage, be sure to tell the masseuse of your condition. Some very gentle massaging will help alleviate the stress and tension in the spine.

3. Exercise

Always consult you chiropractor before undergoing any form of quite strenuous exercise when it comes to an injured spine.

For relieving back pain with exercise both yoga, swimming and some light weight training work wonders at restoring posture and relieving joint inflammation.

Gallstones Cause Disorders of the Joints

Our body contains three types of joints: fibrous or fixed joints,cartilaginous or slightly movable joints, and synovial or freely movable joints. The most susceptible to disease are the joints of the hands, feet, knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. Rheumatoid arthritis,osteoarthritis, and gout are among the most commonly found joint disorders.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Most people stricken with rheumatoid arthritis have a long history of intestinal complaints: bloating, flatulence, heartburn, belching, constipation, diarrhea, coldness and swelling of hands and feet, increased perspiration, general fatigue, loss of appetite, weight reduction, and more. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that rheumatoid arthritis is linked with any of these, or similar, symptoms of major intestinal and metabolic disturbances. I have personally experienced all the symptoms mentioned above when I suffered painful bouts of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis during my childhood years.

The gastro-intestinal (GI) tract is constantly exposed to a large number of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In addition to the many antigens(foreign material) contained in foods, the digestive system may also have to deal with insecticides, pesticides, hormones, antibiotic residues, preservatives, and colorings contained in so many foodstuffs today, as well as some large-molecule drugs such as penicillin. Possible antigens include pollen from flowers, plants, plant antibodies, fungi, bacteria, and the like. It is the task of the immune system, most of which is located in the intestinal wall,to protect us against all these potentially harmful invaders and substances. To be able to accomplish this task every day, both the digestive and lymphatic systems must remain unobstructed and efficient. Gallstones in the liver seriously disturb the digestive process, which leads to an overload of toxic substances in the blood and lymph.


Doctors consider arthritis an autoimmune diseaseaffecting the synovial membrane. Autoimmunity, a condition in which the immune system develops immunity to its own cells, results when antigen/antibody complexes (rheumatoid factors) are formed in the blood. Naturally, the B-lymphocytes (immune cells) in the intestinal wall become stimulated and produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) when coming into contact with these antigens. The immune cells circulate in the blood, and some settle in the lymph nodes, spleen, mucus membranes of the salivary glands, lymphatic system of the bronchial tubes, vagina or uterus, milk-producing mammary glands of the breasts, and capsular tissues of the joints.

If there is repeated exposure to the same types of toxic antigens, antibody production will increase dramatically, particularly in areas where immune cells have settled because of a previous encounter with the invaders. These harmful antigens may consist of protein particles from putrefying animal foods, for example. In such a case, intense microbial activity can occur. The new encounter with the antigens raises the level of antigen/antibody complexes in the blood and upsets the fine balance that exists between the immune reaction and its suppression. Autoimmune diseases, which indicate an extremely high level of toxicity in the body, directly result from a disturbance of this balance. If antibody production is continually high in synovial joints, inflammation becomes chronic, leading to gradually increasing deformity, pain, and loss of function.

The overuse of the immune system leads to self-destruction in the body. If this form of self-destruction occurs in nerve tissue, it is called MS, and if it occurs in organ tissue, it is called cancer. Yet, seen from a deeper perspective, the self-destruction is but a final attempt at self-preservation. The body only 'attacks' itself if the toxicity has increased to such a degree that it could cause more damage than an autoimmune response would. It certainly has no intention of committing suicide, which is what the meaning of 'autoimmune disease' suggests. When the body's cell membranes are clogged with foreign, harmful chemicals and toxic particles like trans fatty acids(as found in fast foods, such as hamburgers and french fries), it is an absolutely normal response by the immune system to attack these contaminants. To call this survival response a disease is unscientific and reflects a lack of knowledge of the true nature of the body.

Gallstones inhibit the body's ability to keep itself nourished and clean, which makes them a leading cause of toxicity. They prevent the liver from adequately taking noxious substances out of the bloodstream. If the liver cannot filter out toxins from the blood, they end up being dumped into the extracellular fluid. The more toxins accumulate in the extracellular fluid, the more severely that cell membranes become clogged with injurious materials. An autoimmune response may be necessary to destroy the most contaminated cells and thereby save the rest of the body, at least for a while. When all gallstones are removed from the liver and gallbladder, the immune system does not have to take recourse to such extreme measures of defending the body on the cellular level.


Osteoarthritisis a degenerative, non-inflammatory illness. It occurs when the renewal of articular cartilage (a smooth, strong surface, covering bones that are in contact with other bones) does not happen at the same pace as its breakdown. The articular cartilage gradually becomes thinner until, eventually, the bony articular surfaces come into contact, and the bones start to deteriorate. Abnormal bone repair and chronic inflammation may follow this form of damage. Like most diseases, this symptom results from a long-standing digestive disorder. As fewer nutrients are absorbed and distributed for tissue building, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain healthy sustenance of bone and articular cartilage. Gallstones in the liver impair the basic digestive processes and, therefore, play perhaps the most important role in the development of osteoarthritis.


Gout,which is another joint disease connected to weak liver performance, is caused by sodium urate crystals in joints and tendons. Gout occurs in some people whose blood uric acidis abnormally high. When gallstones in the liver begin to affect blood circulation in the kidneys, uric acid excretion becomes inefficient. This also causes increased cell damage and cell destruction in the liver and kidneys, as well as in other parts of the body.

Uric acid is a waste product resulting from the breakdown of cell nuclei; it is produced in excess with increased cell destruction. Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverages regularly, using stimulants, etc. all cause marked cell destruction, which releases large quantities of degenerate cell protein into the bloodstream. In addition, uric acid production rises sharply with over-consumption of protein foods, such as meat, fish, pork, and eggs. Incidentally, all the aforementioned foods and substances lead to gallstone formation in the liver and gallbladder.

A person may experience several acute attacks of arthritis before damage to the joints decreases mobility and the gout condition becomes chronic.

Arthritis Treatment: Complications of Stem Cell Arthritis Treatment

There has been an explosion of interest in the possible remedial effects of mesenchymal stem cells (SCs) on osteoarthritis. In fact, in the November 2011 issue of the journal, Arthroscopy, there were two articles on mesenchymal SCs and three articles on the use of enhanced platelet rich plasma.

In addition, descriptions of mesenchymal SCs being used with various matrices for osteoarthritis are coming out of the rheumatology literature as well.

In fact, the use of materials such as mesenchymal SCs and platelet rich plasma has spawned an entire specialty, regenerative medicine.

With each new article, there is more and more evidence that SCs and associated growth factors can help the body to heal connective tissue disorders.

In previous articles I've discussed the science, the rationale, the various types of stem cells, and the variety of techniques used to perform a stem cell procedure.

With this article, I will highlight some of the dangers.

As with any new area of medicine, there are specific concerns that need to be addressed.

SC treatment is no different. The obvious first concern is infection. Since administration of stem cells involves an invasive set of procedures, it is important to realize that infection is a potential problem.

Special care to ensure the technique is performed in a sterile environment, preferably a surgical center, is advisable. Strict adherence to sterile preparation, as with any other operative procedure, is imperative.

The administration of perioperative antibiotics should be considered.

Another possible problem- less so with autologous (a patient's own) SCs, but definitely with donor or induced pluripotential SCs, is rejection. The SCs are viewed as a foreign protein by the host when considering a donor or an induced pluripotential source. The use of anti-rejection therapy is a consideration but should be administered with the utmost caution. Anti-rejection drugs carry their own set of issues.

Dove-tailing with rejection is the possibility of graft versus host reaction. This can be a complication of any organ transplant and SCs coming from any source other than the recipient can be the cause of this.

Another potential problem with SCs is the development of malignancy. The danger is probably less with autologous SCs than it is with other types. Malignancy has been reported with the use of embryonic SCs on at least two occasions in the literature.

Transmission of genetic disorders is also a danger, particularly with donor SCs. Despite careful screening, this remains a very real problem.

In summary, SC science and clinical application is an exciting new area for both research scientists as well as clinicians. Special precautions need to be taken in order to ensure, this new technology is administered in both a safe as well as effective manner.

Natural Remedies For Arthritis: Nutrition

Being in the later stages of a life characterized by a passion for motion whether it be the thrill of downhill skiing, cycling, rollerblading or what have you, has led to mishaps, which make finding natural remedies for arthritis more than a passing interest.

I remember when I broke my clavicle in a mountain biking incident the doctor warned me that arthritis would likely rear its ugly head later on. Similarly when I broke my femur in a freak accident rollerblading.

After reading about a doctor, who had his arthritis patients consume a few grams of ginger daily, report on their marked improvement I decided to give it a whirl. I have been amazed at how well it works and not only that, but how many incredible health benefits ginger has.

Ginger is generally thought of as a spice, especially to flavor Asian dishes. Hence, you need to be intentional to insure regular consumption. Due to my initial lack of intentionality it took some time before I realized just how effective it is for arthritis pain.

I would be pain free for a few weeks when I was diligent in eating some every day then suffer when I wasn't. Being just a tad absent minded, which comes with the territory, as some of my older readers will realize, it took awhile to put 2 and 2 together.

As it turns out ginger contains a host of extremely potent natural anti-inflammatory agents. These substances are phytonutrients called gingerol. Phytonutrients are a part of a plant's immune system to protect them from everything from insects through diseases and excessive heat, to pollutants.

Phytonutrients are associated with prevention and treatment of some of the biggies including cancer as well as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension. Gingerol, the active agent in ginger, has been found to be effective in combating nausea especially morning sickness and motion sickness.

Gingerol also has been documented to relieve migraines and believed to be effective in protecting the stomach from ulcers as well as having parasite fighting abilities. Ginger has proved so effective that it led me to research other natural remedies for arthritis.

Not surprisingly capsaicin, a chemical relative of gingerol has been found, as a topical agent in capsaicin cream, to alleviate the pain of arthritis. According to a University of Oxford study almost 40% of arthritis patients reduced their pain by half using it for a month.

Another interesting correlation was found at the New England Centre for Headache. Patients experienced a decrease in intensity of migraine and cluster headaches after applying capsaicin cream to the insides of their nostrils.

Due to the millions of people affected by arthritis and the often subsequent limitations of physical activity arthritis medications are among the highest prescribed drugs in the world. Some of the common over the counter so called NSAID's used to relieve arthritis pain are Advil, Motrin and aspirin.

Ginger has been demonstrated to be more effective than any of these without their very detrimental side effects. But ginger is not the only natural way to fight arthritis with nutrients. Another spice, turmeric, which is an ingredient in curry has similar effects to ginger. Curcumin an active component in turmeric has been shown to ease inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil as well as extra virgin olive oil has natural anti-inflammatory attributes. Fish, especially oily fish like salmon and herring with their high concentration of omega-3 make good natural anti-inflammatory meals.

Meat, poultry, eggs and the fat from dairy products are all good healthy foods. But because of their high concentration of omega-6 containing pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid the more you eat the more fish you need to balance that.

It may be wise to incorporate flaxseed or supplements of flaxseed oil for the all important omega-3 fatty acid if you feel you are not eating sufficient fish. I have been incorporating all of these measure into my daily fare and have found that when I am diligent I am almost pain free from arthritis.

5 Top Pain-Relieving Exercises for Arthritis

Now I must say before starting any exercise plan you should always consult with your physician. Your physician will know what is best for you and your specific arthritis symptoms. With that being said let's get started...

When you suffer from arthritis pain it sometimes can be difficult just to get up out of your chair or use your hands, so it's no surprise that you would be more likely to just not do anything. However, moving your body is exactly what you really need. Exercise is actually the best medicine for your arthritis pain relief. I know it's hard to believe but exercise can decrease your pain, especially those that are suffering from osteoarthritis which is the most common type of arthritis stated in many medical journals & publications. It's a fact that exercise such as walking is as effective in reducing knee pain as drugs used to relieve this type of pain such as naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil). For me, Yoga, Tai Chi and walking gave me more relief than any drugs prescribed to relieve me of my pain.

I can confirm that exercise works because I suffer from osteoarthritis and severe knee pain. When you workout regularly it also may prevent the arthritis you have from getting worse over time. When you're physically active you will have a higher quality of life and find you're less likely to become disabled or have days with a lot of pain! Now that I have your attention and you may be more motivated to get up and exercise, do you need another reason to get up and get moving? Well, obesity can increase your risk of arthritis and make your symptoms worse.

Your workout should be challenging, but not painful enough to cause you injury. If you have a joint or muscle pain that lasts longer than a couple of hours after you've exercised or if the pain gets worse over a course of several days, you've probably over exercised! At this point, you want to shorten your workout or do the exercise at less of an impact. Most workout programs have a "low impact" version of all the exercises in the program.

So, you're probably asking what exercises should you do? It's important that you move your joints but you don't want to aggravate your symptoms. Here are the 5 exercises that I found to help me the most in relieving my arthritis pain and improved my quality of life physically.

1. Walking- This type of exercise strengthens your muscles, which helps when pressure shifted from your joints, and reduces pain. It also compresses and releases cartilage in your knees, bringing nourishing oxygen to your joints. It's my recommendation to try walking 10-12 minutes at least 3-5 days per week. You can always increase your walks and add short bursts of speed into a moderate pace to build up your workout. Keep in mind, people with severe hip or knee problems should check with their doctor before starting a walking program.

2. Water Exercise- It has been found that warm water (83-90 degrees) will help relax your muscles and decrease pain. Exercises involving swimming, aerobics, walking and jogging in water is a great way to relieve stiff, sore joints and is of lower impact as well. Working out in water has other benefits such as relieving stress on your hips, knees and spine plus it offers you a workout with resistance but without the use of weights. This form of exercise is ideal for those of you that have severe arthritis pain in your hips and knees. This is the exercise program I started with first due to my severe knee pain. Water is stated to provide 12 times the resistance of air, so you will really be strengthening and building muscle with this type of workout!

3. Yoga- Uses simple, gentle movements that gradually build strength, balance and flexibility. Yoga is especially beneficial for people with arthritis. It can also reduce inflammation, increase your energy, promote a positive mental outlook which will help you cope with arthritis. Be sure to let the Yoga instructor know that you have arthritis so the poses can be modified to accommodate you. If your more comfortable exercising at home there are many companies and instructors that have Yoga videos or books. Remember that if you feel pain in a pose, you're probably overdoing it!

4. Tai Chi- Is a traditional style of Chinese martial arts that goes back to ancient times. It incorporates slow, rhythmic movements to induce mental relaxation and improves balance, strength and flexibility. Tai Chi is extremely valuable to arthritis patients because its movements are slow, controlled and low impact. Tai Chi like Yoga improves mental well-being, life satisfaction and your perception of health, which can help you with the negative effects of chronic pain. There are particular benefits for those that suffer from knee pain. It has been found in major studies that Chinese workouts can improve physical function and reduce pain in patients over 65 years old with knee osteoarthritis. There are many books and courses in this ancient Chinese workout however, the Arthritis Foundation offers a 12-Step Tai Chi course. Keep in mind that it's always best to workout when you have the least pain and stiffness so, often Tai Chi is done in the morning.

5. Indoor Cycling- Is an excellent way to get a cardio workout without stressing weight-bearing joints. Investing in a good stationary bike is also a good option for people that have balance problems which is common among inactive people with arthritis. Try not to pedal faster than 40-50 revolutions per minute and add resistance only after you've warmed up for about 5 minutes. You should never add too much resistance which causes you to have trouble pedaling. A good place to start with cycling is to start a 5 minute session at a comfortable pace 3 times per day. When you get to the point where you're cycling pain-free, increase your workout to 7 minutes and continue to ramp up until you hit the 20 minute mark. Those of you that have severe pain in your knees should avoid indoor cycling because it can aggravate the condition. Remember to "listen" to your body and what it's telling you.

I hope this article has helped you and please remember to always consult with your physician before starting any exercise plan. Your physician can also prescribe medications to relieve arthritis pain and swelling so you can workout.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Causes of Arthritis Including Signs and Symptoms

The causes of arthritis will depend on the signs and symptoms as there are approximately one hundred types of different arthritic types known to man. For instance there is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as infectious arthritis and juvenile arthritis of which are broken up into various other categories. These are the most common forms of arthritis which can present itself at any age. Primarily arthritis is more common in older people than in children. Here are some of the more common types and causes:

• Osteoporosis is common and the signs and symptoms develop much slower as opposed to the other types of arthritis, and will worsen as time goes on. One will experience joint pain while active or after an activity. If one applies pressure to the area they will experience tenderness as well as stiffness especially in the morning. The joint once inflamed will loss flexibility and some people will also experience a grating feeling. There may also be lumps as well as spurs surrounding the joint. Commonly affect joints are the knees, spine, hands and hips.

• Causes for arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis are inflammation of the joints. One will experience painful swollen as well as stiff and inflamed joints. This type of arthritis affects the arms, legs, fingers and wrists. One waking in the morning one will experience stiffness of these joints as well as tenderness. The fingers and hands may be swollen, red and puffy. There are also bumps under the skin, usually found on the arms. Weight loss is common as well as tiredness.

• Infectious arthritis on the other hand presents with swelling, inflammation and fever. Sharp pains are experienced in the joints affected. The causes for arthritis of this nature are due to illness and injury. The most commonly affected joints are the elbows, knees, shoulder, wrist and fingers.

Home Remedies for Arthritis - Tips

Arthritis is an extremely common condition that afflicts mostly the elderly; it is a degenerative condition of the body's joints, causing pain and reducing mobility. In severe cases, arthritis can be debilitating, preventing one from functioning normally; even simple tasks such as using a computer can become almost impossible. Still, millions of sufferers learn to cope with arthritis, managing pain and finding workarounds for tasks that are difficult or impossible.

There are a few different varieties of arthritis; osteoarthritis is most common. Typically, one's joints will swell, and this inflammation will cause immediate discomfort and, over the long term, tissue damage. In a more severe form of the condition known as rheumatoid arthritis, the body's immune system will begin attacking the inflamed tissue. There is no permanent cure for arthritis; treatment attempts to manage the condition, reducing pain, preserving mobility, and preventing further deterioration.

The primary symptoms of arthritis are pain and stiffness in the joints; the primary cause is a breakdown and deterioration of cartilage around the joints, causing greater friction between bones and subsequent inflammation. There may also be hereditary factors.

Over generations, a number of folk remedies have been used to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. One of the most successful has been drinking raw potato juice. Traditionally, one should slice a medium-sized potato, unpeeled, into thin slices, and let the slices soak overnight in a large glass of cold water. Drink the water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Or, liquefy the potato and mix with 1 cup of cold water. If you find the flavor unpalatable, you can also mix in vegetable juices. But however you consume the potato juice, don't remove the peel, which is the most nutritious part of the potato.

The juice from raw vegetable greens can have curative properties as well. Mix the juice from any green leafy vegetable with an equal part of juice from carrots, red beets, or celery. The alkalinity of these raw juices helps dissolve the accumulation of deposits around your inflamed joints. Pineapple juice, too, can be beneficial; pineapple includes the enzyme bromelain, which reduces inflammation.

Some people find sesame seeds effective. Soak a teaspoon of black sesame seeds in a quarter-cup of water overnight; drink the water with the seeds the next morning. If you keep the water in a copper container, trace amounts of copper will also seep into the water overnight. Some people believe that copper strengthens the muscle system. However, researchers have found that the practice of wearing a copper bracelet to alleviate arthritis in fact has no beneficial effects.

Calcium has long been known for its importance in strengthening bones and staving off osteoporosis in old age. Calcium deficiency can also lead to osteoarthritis. Ironically, much of the inflammation around joints that occurs during arthritis is calcium deposit, but the buildups occur because of insufficient dietary calcium, leading to hormonal imbalance and the body's improper utilization of calcium. If you're younger than fifty, you should consume about 1,000 milligrams of calcium each day; those over fifty should consume 1,200 milligrams daily. Good sources of dietary calcium include green leafy vegetables, low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, black-eyed peas, wheat flour, and raisins.

There are many other common foods that can help alleviate arthritis. Garlic, raw or cooked, has anti-inflammatory properties. Bananas are rich in vitamin B6. The citric acid from limes is a solvent of uric acid, the primary cause of some kinds of arthritis; drink the juice of one lime diluted with water every morning.

As for external treatments, mix warmed coconut oil or mustard oil with a few pieces of camphor, and rub the oil into stiff, aching joints. This gentle massage treatment will increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation around your joints. In general, keep your body warm, and don't tightly wrap any affected joints. Tight wrapping or bandaging, or tight clothing around joints, will only limit movement and interfere with the free circulation of blood. Yoga can help improve your flexibility, but be sure to work with a yoga instructor who has experience with arthritis sufferers.

One of the most enjoyable ways to treat arthritis is to bathe in the sea. The natural iodine in seawater can relieve arthritis pain; iodine helps regulate the acid/alkaline balance in your blood and body tissues, which in turn helps regenerate deteriorated tissues and nourish the bone structure. If you're not near the sea, then relax in a hot tub of water every night for thirty minutes, mixing a cup of common salt with your bath water. The iodine and other minerals in the salt will be absorbed through your skin's pores.

None of these treatments will cure arthritis, and if your case is severe, you should see a doctor for advice. But any of these home remedies may help alleviate your discomfort and stave off further tissue deterioration.

What Is the Significant Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are two widely different forms of arthritis, which is a general term that features over 100 rheumatoid disorders.

Although the two forms can produce a lot of pain like upper knee pain, the biggest difference between them is the fact that rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease whereas osteoarthritis is an organic results of aging. Osteoarthritis (OA) is often known as degenerative arthritis while rheumatoid arthritis is also degenerative.

An additional way to characterize the visible difference connecting RA and OA is that, rheumatoid arthritis is about inflammation of the tissue around the joints while osteoarthritis concerns degeneration of the cartilage involving the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is thrice prevalent in women than in men and exists in about 1% of the total population in the United States. Generally impacts the smaller joints of the hands, wrists, feet and generally takes place concurrently on both sides of the body. It is an inflammatory ailment that affects the synovial membrane surrounding joints, therefore thickening the membrane and consequently causing the joints to lose their normal capability to function.

This ailment can happen in children as well as older people, even though during periods of remission, there is no pain present like Knee Pain.

There is swollen knee pain indicating joint inflammation and may even be warm to touch, systemic symptoms which includes fever, general fatigue or body stiffness enduring more than one hour. Joints are affected on both sides. A positive blood test for RA auto-antibodies. The lungs, heart and kidney may also be affected.

Osteoarthritis is way more common and less incapacitating when compared with rheumatoid arthritis. It is regarded as a disease of aging and while it is common in people over 60 years of age, younger individuals are affected from it since bodies aged at a different rate.

The chief force behind OA is wear on joint cartilage, which work as shock absorbers that prevent bones from rubbing together. When cartilage is impaired caused by excessive use or injury, it results in OA, leading to joint inflammation and swelling in the joints. Whenever bones begin rubbing against each other, Knee Pain develops.

Arthritis Diet Plan

Research at the University of Athens Medical School undertaken by Dr Athena Linos compared a group of 145 rheumatoid arthritis sufferers with 188 non-sufferers. The results showed that those with a high diet of cooked vegetables and olive oil were 75% less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who included very little in their diets.

Previous research has suggested that people can reduce arthritis pain when their diets include olive oil in most of their meals. This had an effect of lowering the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis by 2.5 times.

Unfortunately, once arthritic joint damage has occurred, it cannot be reversed. So it is vital you take steps to help your joints stay healthy and prevent arthritis.

Avoid foods with animal fats and refined foods. Also avoid saturated fats, yeast, citrus, salt, chemical additives, caffeine, soft drinks, white flour, dairy products, tomatoes, aubergine, potatoes and red peppers. These foods can play a significant part in increasing inflammation.

Scientists have recently discovered the health properties of bee venom in the containment of arthritis. This has led to the production of 2 products made under the name of Nectar Ease and this can form an arthritis diet plan.

Melittin, which is a polypeptide, makes up 50% of the dry weight of the bee venom. This is the most powerful anti-inflammatory substance known. A clinical trial at the University of Auckland School of Medicine, which involved 20 patients with arthritis, concluded that 66% of the patients experienced a reduction in their pain levels and had greater mobility, when treated with Nectar Ease.

Then a second trial involving 97 arthritis sufferers, who were monitored by rheumatologist Dr Alan Doube, proved just as successful in easing the pain and increased mobility.

The patients took one capsule a day, then increasing to three/four a day as required in divided doses. You must check with your doctor as bee venom does contain allergy inducing substances. You can buy this from any good health store.

Herbal Pain Relief For Arthritis - 3 Herbs That Work Great and Naturally

If you are looking for herbal pain relief for arthritis, you may end up settling for traditional pain medications because herbal remedies can be confusing to use. You hear people all the time saying that herbs is the way to go if you want to get to the root cause of your problem. This may be well and good but with so many natural remedies for pain relief on the market, how can you decide what is really effective for arthritis pain.

First of all you must know that herbs do not work like traditional medications. Most prescription and over- the-counter medications mask illnesses. They never get to the root cause of any illness except for antibiotics which is another subject and I don't have time to get into it here.

Herbs on the other hand, in the right combination, will get to the root cause of the problem and work to heal you from the inside out. However, it does take awhile for herbs to work and most don't work immediately. If you are really suffering from arthritis pain, you really need to take this into consideration because you may not get quick pain relief.

So what are some of the herbal pain relievers that really work for arthritis. One herb, white willow bark, is a natural pain reliever. It is actually what inspired the making of aspirin a synthetic version of white willow bark. Unlike aspirin, white willow bark does not have the gastric side effects that are common with taking aspirin. This herb is also good for reducing inflammation in the joints.

Turmeric is another herb that can provide herbal pain relief for arthritis. There are literally thousands of testimonial about the benefits of turmeric in relieving joint pain. This herb is commonly used as a spice in east Asia and Hungarian dishes. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is best to buy it in bulk and start out with 1/8 tsp daily and then gradually work you way up to 1 tsp in a month or two to help relieve arthritis pain.

Finally, cayenne pepper with its active ingredient capsaicin is effective for easing pain caused by arthritis. Capsaicin can be used topically as a cream, ointment or ingested as a capsule. It also reduces inflammation, improves circulation, and lowers blood sugars. The recommended dose to relief arthritis pain is to take two capsules three to four times a day.

They are many others herbal remedies that are recommended for arthritis like glucosamine that help rebuild cartilage so you can use glucosamine in conjunction with tumeric, white willow bark, or cayenne pepper. Herbal pain relief for arthritis may not happen overnight but these three herbs work if you are consistent in their use.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Which is Better, Hot Or Cold?

Knowing whether to use heat therapy or cold therapy to reduce arthritis pain and joint stiffness comes down to the type of arthritis and the type of pain you have. Since everyone experiences and responds to pain differently, it is important that you discuss a pain management plan with your doctor. You may have to try several things to see what works.

When to Use Ice to Treat Arthritis Pain

According to Dr. Kevin Sperber, Board Certified Pain Management Specialist at Columbia University,
"As a general rule of thumb, ice is best for soft tissue injuries such as bruises, sprains or acute trauma. Cold therapy may also be helpful if you experience a flare of pain after activity. Cold acts as an analgesic by numbing the sore area and can also drastically reduce swelling and discomfort."

Traditionally, doctors recommend cold packs be applied for only 10-20 minutes at a time. Be careful though! With prolonged application of cold you could hurt yourself, especially if you have sensory problems or impaired vascular circulation in your hands and feet.

When to Use Heat to Treat Arthritis Pain

Doctors and therapists recommend therapeutic heat more often than cold to soothe arthritis pain because it relaxes sore tendons and ligaments, increasing flexibility and decreasing pain. Heat also increases blood flow and improves joint range of motion.

So why the debate over hot or cold? Dr. Sperber says that for acute injuries (sprains, strains, etc.) just about everyone recommends ice, but for chronic conditions, like arthritis, both cold and heat can help to reduce inflammation, so it may come down to what feels better.

As for how heat should be used, there are competing problems. The trick is to get enough heat into the tissue, for long enough, without burning your skin. For example, hands heat up fairly easily because the tissue is not "deep", but for deep tissue pain, in the hip for instance, you may need to apply a lower temperature for a longer time. There are specific products that address these issues and each product comes with recommended time usage guidelines.

Most Popular Cold Therapy Products:

* Frozen Gel Cold Packs. Save your frozen peas and use a pliable, reusable "ice pack" instead. ColPaC makes them in lots of sizes and shapes. Keep ice packs in the freezer and they'll be ready whenever you have a flare-up. Remember to use layers of dry terry toweling between the cold pack and your skin.

* Biofreeze. This topical pain reliever is highly recommended for temporary relief of arthritis, tendonitis and fybromyalgia. You can order it in a tube, roll-on, spray or gel pump.

Most Popular Hot Therapy Products:

* Whirlpool Spa or Hot Tub. For most arthritis sufferers, hydrotherapy is the ultimate heat therapy. For a fraction of the cost of installing a permanent spa you can have a portable, inflatable whirlpool spa that goes anywhere - indoors, outdoors, on your patio, deck, RV, condo or apartment. We suggest the Spa2Go or the Spa-N-A-Box. Both are easy to assemble (20 minutes) and no special wiring or plumbing is needed.

* Infrared Heat. Sometimes deep penetrating heat is just what you need to reduce your arthritis pain. The Thermotex Infrared Heating Pad TTS Platinum model is the most popular model, although there are other Thermotex therapy systems available. The TTS Platinum is a nice portable size (17" x 15") and has adjustable straps so you can fit it comfortably almost anywhere on the body.

* Light Relief Light Therapy. This hand-held device provides topical heating to raise and/or maintain tissue temperature wherever it is placed. My grandmother uses it to relieve joint pain and she loves it. It can even help dogs.

* Paraffin Bath. Dip your hands, feet or elbows in melted paraffin wax and let the warmth spread through your stiff arthritic joints for fast acting, drug-free therapy. The most popular one on the market is the Therabath PRO Paraffin Bath. This unit is large enough to accommodate your hands, feet or elbows but small enough to fit on your counter. It includes hospital grade paraffin with your choice of scents.

* Moist Heat. Arthritic and rheumatic pain is often relieved with moist heat. Moist heat increases blood flow, soothing inflamed joints and increasing flexibility. Take a look at the Theratherm Digital Electric Moist Heating Pad, the Thermophore Automatic Moist Heat Pack or the new Thermophore Arthritis Pad. There is also a Therabeads Moist Heat Mitt that you wear on your hands.

* Arthritis Gloves. These specially designed arthritis gloves provide mild compression and warmth for your hands. Some people wear them day and night. They have open fingertips so your can feel, touch and grip.

Learn more about hot and cold therapy treatments at one place.