Saturday, April 20, 2013

Arthritis Treatment That Reduces Pain and Inflammation of Joints

The word 'arthritis' is means 'inflammation of joints'. Usually it is a chronic disease process. In various forms arthritis affects the people but most frequent it affects in the form of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease and usually it affects the older age group people. Rheumatoid arthritis is little bit serious disease. It also affects muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body apart from the joints of the wrists, fingers, hips, knees and feet.

Though, symptoms of arthritis are different for different types of arthritis. But some of its common symptoms are pain and stiffness in the joints, anemia, colitis and deformed hands and feet. Usually after doing some exercise, the pain in the joints increases. In rheumatoid arthritis the whole body is affected gradually.

There are different causes of arthritis. Some of its common causes are hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, heredity and structural changes in the articular cartilage in the joints.

Arthritis can be treated in different ways to get an effective result. Many people go on changing their treatment plan as it suits them. But to find the best treatment for arthritis is a long process. The best goals of the treatment of arthritis are -

1. To decrease the symptoms of arthritis.
2. Maintain the function of joint.
3. To preserve mobility and range of motion.
4. Prevent or minimize the damage and deformities in the joint.
5. Slow progression of the disease.

Different treatments of arthritis

1. Treatment of arthritis through medication: It is considered to be the traditional treatment for arthritis. Doctors prescribe one or two medicines depending upon the severity of arthritis.

2. Injections into a joint: Several types of injections are there which can be given locally into the joint. For specific, painful joint local steroid injections can be used.

3. Natural treatments: Now days most of the people are interested in natural treatments rather than going for traditional medications or joint injections. There are several options for natural treatment. They are known as alternative treatments. Though they are very popular but not fully endorsed for its safety and effectiveness.

4. Complementary medicines: This type of treatment for arthritis is also very popular. It includes regular exercises, yoga, eating nutritious diet, intake of fruits and green vegetables etc.

5. Surgical options: Some people are left with no option rather than opting surgical option. This is considered to be the last resort treatment option.

This Man's Victory Over a Dreaded Disease Called Rheumatoid Arthritis

In my 8 year struggle with Rheumatoid Arthritis I have learned more then one thing that we will attempt to offer concerning general health practices that are beneficial for any one to do, but along with that I will speak of ONE single answer that was shown to me, that has effectively "tipped the balance", and has begun to cause me to recuperate.

Today's date is January 25th, 2010, and as of this date I have not yet shed all the signs of RA, but I know that I am on the road to complete recovery. My story with RA (in brief details) started almost exactly 8 years ago.

At first I experienced needle like pains that would come at night, and always in different places in my body. They were very frustrating in that they kept me from sleep. As those diminished I began to be subject to an overwhelming fatigue that became so great it was all I could do to step up 6 inches at a time, and it is fair for you to know that prior to this I had always been very strong and able bodied. Effectively, I went from 44 to 94 years of age in three month's time. About then, it was suggested to me to begin to drink much more water and take MSM. The which I did, and the fatigue began to lift. (General Health Tip - Drink lots of good fresh water, and nutritional supplements are very needed. However, not all supplements are equal)

In the numerous months that followed I experienced swelling in my limbs that would come and go. At one point my left leg, from my knee down, and including my ankle was swollen for what must have been 3 to 4 month's time. Then the focus of the disease seemed to turn to my smaller joints. My toes, fingers, and the joints in my hands became extremely affected, and began to be distorted and swollen. In fact, the joints in my right hand were at that time so affected that if I were to shake my hand they would just freely wobble, as if there was little or no connection between them and my hand. The knuckle joints had simply been "eaten up" by the disease. However, in time the RA relaxed in these joints and began to affect the major joints, such as my knees, wrists, and elbows.

In the summer after I first began to be affected by RA I visited a doctor and he diagnosed me with Rheumatoid Arthritis. This doctor told me that there was no answer for RA, and that I would have to learn to "live with it", and his suggestion as to how to "live with it" was Viox. The which I took for some months. However, I experienced NO outstanding benefits from it, and never felt good about it. So when I heard that people were dropping dead of heart attacks because of using it, I discontinued the use of it. I then tried Celebrex. I experienced no particular side affects, but neither did it do anything for me. So I discontinued the use of it.

After about three years of "dealing" with RA I hurt badly. At that point my right knee was bone on bone, and to walk was exceedingly painful. It was then that I was introduced to an herbalist in our area. At her suggestion I did several types of cleanses, (including a very complete colon cleanse) and began a very restricted diet of salads, yams or sweet potatoes, and salmon. After doing this, and with the introductions of numerous vitamins and minerals I did experience a come back. Awe! How sweet it was! I actually recuperated to about 95% of my original physical abilities. (General Health Tip--It seems very much universally accepted that the core of all good health starts in the colon, therefore one needs a source of fiber to effectively keep the colon clean and in good working order--Also, there is no substitute for a balanced diet. Particularly one that is 70% or more alkaline. However, it also seems very much universally accepted that because of the present conditions of the our soils, plus the introduction of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth hormones, food preservatives, and many other man made manipulations of our foods there is little or no hope of eating a pure and balanced diet without the use of a wise food supplement product. Plus a supplement is needed that can effectively remove toxins from our bodies)

However, no matter how obedient I was to this diet, or to taking these vitamins and minerals (the which I used to take by the hand full) I was not able to maintain the recovery I had experienced, and once again began to hurt terribly. I again became stiff. I again experience swelling in different parts of my body. In short, I began again to greatly loose my physical abilities. This continued up until recent days, so that by the time, (according to God's rich mercy upon me) the Reliv products were introduced to me, I had become very crippled with advancing deformity in my arms in my legs.

I was still able to walk, but I describe it as hobbling. Both my legs and my arms were very seriously being deformed so that they would not straighten, and my left knee took a crook, so that my left foot was approximately five inches out of alignment, 5 inches to the left of where it was suppose to be. I walked very much bent over, partially dragging my left foot. It was very humiliating to me! At this point, for about a nine month duration I was on Enbrel. Which is in my understanding the strongest pharmaceutical available for RA, and the only reason I could then afford it is that I could no longer work and was at this point on a disability, and had therefore become so poor that I was able to receive it by means of a grant. However, the way I described the good (or lack there of) that it did for me are these words. "It sorta, kinda, held back the symptoms". In other words, it wasn't curing anything.

I have to admit, the whole situation looked very bleak. I had no idea where to turn. My only hope was in Yahweh, that He would bring an answer to me. For I had tried everything I knew to try. I had spent many, many thousands of dollars on doctors, on medicines, but mostly on what seemed like "every supplement known to man kind", but in the end, nothing was working.


I was at a conference near my home town and a fella saw me "hobbling" along. He walked up to me and the words I recall him saying were, "what's your problem?" I answered, "Rheumatoid Arthritis". He then looked at me and said, "I believe I can show you how to over come that." The first thought in my mind was, "No one overcomes rheumatoid arthritis." But I did not say that to him, I simply looked at him and said, "Ok, what do you know?" I guess hope was still alive in my heart, for I had been praying for an answer, even though it had been a long time coming.

Roger, the man who met me that day later took me via a three way call to speak with Larry who had himself struggled with a form of RA and who had been turned on to using the Reliv Nutritional Products and had completely overcome the affects of his RA, to the point where he had gone from only being able to walk with the aide of a walker to running a marathon, and that in 9 month's time. I must admit, after talking with Larry I was very encouraged and very interested. Roger then set me up with a list of phone numbers that were connected to health testimonies. I bought a Magic Jack so that I could make these calls at an affordable rate and began to listen to the testimonies. I did not stop until I listened to over 150 of these testimonies. Testimonies of people who had been suffering not only from RA, but many other forms of diseases and traumas, and had themselves tried many other things, but with little or no true success, but then had found victory over their physical affliction when they used the Reliv Products! (Health Tip--Supplements do not heal the body no matter how good they are. It is just that good ones, such as the Reliv products, very effectively nourish the body, and then the body by God's design can heal it's self.)

Yoga Precautions for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Yoga teachers know that pre-existing physical conditions are important when teaching students. Yet, there are a few students who may manage to slip by an orientation. Maybe they arrive late, or the staff is helping other new students, but each student should be made aware of precautions for his or her health. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the many ailments that Yoga teachers and students should talk about before practice.

A long-term disease leading to inflammation of the joints and tissues, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can also affect other organs. Up to 1% of the world's population is estimated to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, with women experiencing it three times more often than men. Chronic and debilitating, those with RA may eventually require surgery to maintain movement in fingers, hands and other areas.

Can Yoga help those with RA maintain an active lifestyle? Some studies indicates yes: a study in the United Arab Emirates showed that patients who completed 12 sessions of Raj yoga, with exercise and breathing techniques, showed significant improvements in disease activity scores and health assessments. In 1994, the British Journal of Rheumatology published a study showing arthritis symptoms improving for patients who practiced Yoga and the Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America published two studies detailing joint stiffness and pain relief for Yoga practitioners in 2002.

Yet, even though Yoga may offer significant relief for RA, its practice should be approached with caution. The disease does not follow a steady, progressive course; instead, sufferers experience flare-ups followed by remission. Yoga practice suitable for someone in remission may be different from someone experiencing an active flare-up. RA affects joints symmetrically, in wrists, elbows, hands, shoulders, knees, feet and ankles most frequently. As the disease progresses, joints become more unstable and the patient's range of motion is restricted.

It is important not to confuse asanas recommended for those with osteoarthritis and those with RA. Multiple joints are not affected in osteoarthritis, nor does it entail ongoing joint damage from inflammatory processes. Holding poses for increased lengths of time to strengthen static muscles is recommended for osteoarthritis but should be avoided for RA. According to a structural Yoga therapy research paper published in 2006, people with moderate to severe RA should avoid "high intensity exercise; prolonged weight-bearing exercise; prolonged immobility in seated or lying positions and stretching past the comfortable endpoint of range of motion," among other lifestyle triggers.

Asanas involving pressure on the neck should be avoided, while poses like Dandasana or the Butterfly may be beneficial. Pranayama and smooth motions are well suited to Yoga practitioners with RA. Carefully evaluate whether symptoms are in remission or actively inflamed before practice.

穢 Copyright 2011 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

More Natural Herbal Remedies For Arthritis - Understanding How to Get Rid of Arthritis

Here are some more natural herbal remedies for Arthritis to help you understand how to get rid of Arthritis.

A few drops of rosemary oil added to a massage oil (sunflower will do) in the palm of the hand and rubbed onto the painful area may give temporary relief. Other essential oils to try are benzoin, camomile, cypress, sage, juniper, lemon or thyme. Wintergreen or arnica ointments may also help. Avoid rosemary if you have high blood pressure.

In spring and summer, gather daisies into bunches and bind the stems together with string. Hang them upside down in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. When they are quite dry, break off the heads into a dry clean container and discard the stems. To make a daisy tea, pour a cup of boiling water over one teaspoonful of dried daisy heads or three teaspoonfuls of fresh daisy heads and steep for ten minutes. Drink the daisy tea four times daily for relief from arthritis, rheumatism, summer coughs, to soothe diarrhoea and as a tonic for the liver.

Sulfur is found in all living organisms and has had some remarkable results with a number of diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Recently, it has come to light that we need more sulfur than calcium in our diet, and that a deficiency leads to stiff and painful joints. It is used to make collagen, the primary component of cartilage and connective tissue in bones, joints and skin. It is also in keratin, the tough substance in nails and hair. A lack of sulfur will lead to prematurely sagging and wrinkled skin. Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) is available in health food stores.

Garlic milk is known to benefit rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. Pour 500 ml milk into a saucepan with a quarter teaspoon of salt. Cut a whole unpeeled bulb of garlic in half, horizontally. Add the entire bulb and peel to the pan and simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Allow to stand for one minute before straining through a sieve. Squeeze the softened garlic through into the milk and stir. Discard the garlic skins. Sip through the day, or take a cupful morning and evening. Do not store overnight.

Boswellin (Boswellia Serrata) is an Ayurvedic remedy for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and joint inflammation. Figures quoted by a study of 175 sufferers say that 14 per cent rated it as excellent. 53 per cent found it was good, while 30 per cent said it was fair. Improvement is felt in two to four weeks.

Alkalising tea 37,5 ml celery seed; 37,5 ml chopped nettle; 37,5 ml elderflowers; 37,5 ml yarrow; 37,5 ml dandelion root; 5 ml cayenne pepper. Using fresh herbs in a pot, add 3l of cold water, heat and boil for 5 minutes. Cool slowly, add pepper and refrigerate. Drink three cups of the heated (not boiled) tea per day for two weeks.

That's all this time on more natural herbal remedies for arthritis.

Can Omega-3 Supplements Help Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms?

Omega-3 supplementation has gained most of its attention secondary to its affect on the cardiovascular system. Research supports the use of these n-3 fatty acids for people with cardiovascular issues secondary to their ability to stimulate blood circulation and reduce clot and scar formation. Most notably there is strong evidence that Omega-3 helps to reduce blood triglyceride levels and reduces the risk of a heart attack. People with other circulatory issues including high blood pressure and varicose veins can also benefit from supplementation.

But what does this have to do with arthritis?

Of all the supplements that have been evaluated by research, Omega-3 (specifically fish oil) demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in reducing symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids work to help minimize the effect of Omega-6 fatty acids in the body. The Omega-6 fatty acids are considered 'proinflammatory' compounds. These compounds not only have an effect on the cardiovascular system but the immune system as well. As rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, supplementing with Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce inflammation and support the immune system.

It is important to note that most benefits associated with taking Omega-3 supplements are not realized until after a minimum of 12 weeks of taking 3g (3000 mg) of fish oil (DHA/EPA). Supplementing with Omega-3/fish oil can also be enhanced by increasing the consumption of Omega-3 rich foods such as salmon, tuna, trout, walnuts, flaxseed oil, and tofu is also suggested. In addition, because Omega-3 works to offset the inflammatory effects of Omega-6 compounds, reducing the intake of these Omega-6 'proinflammatory' fatty acids can also help reduce inflammation. Four major food oils including palm, soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower all contain high levels of Omega-6 and should be used sparingly.

Based on the research, Omega-3 supplementation not only demonstrates cardiovascular benefits but additional benefits in reducing inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Space-Age Treatment for Tendonitis and Arthritis

Space-Age Technology

We spend inordinate amounts of our hard-earned money on osteopathy, physiotherapy, chiropractic, magnetic therapy, and a massive range of whimsical old wives' remedies which have us mostly living in hope rather than in reality. Treatment for tendonitis, arthritis, and a whole host of other musculoskeletal disorders, needs to be applied using the very latest technologically advanced equipment. In fact, equipment that has been the developed in tandem with the most incredibly advanced space-age research. This 'new' science is known as biomimetics and is used to simulate, and stimulate, the body's natural healing and regeneration processes.

This technology, developed to combat the musculoskeletal disorders experienced by astronauts, often subjected to working for long periods in conditions of weightlessness, has been proven to be most effective in treating the many and varied problems related to bone-ligament-muscle-tendon connectivity.

When normal movement is restricted by arthritis, rheumatism, or other similar conditions affecting the bones and joints, the enjoyment of normal life is severely reduced. Over the years, many methods have been employed in the search for a successful treatment for tendonitis and these other ailments, including medication, pills, potions, diets, bracelets and bangles, manipulation and massage. Most of these have produced little or no long term benefit.

Natural Pain Relief

When the human body needs to repair itself naturally, it responds most favourably to exercise as a part of the process. Unfortunately, disability, or perhaps age, can sometimes prevent exercise of almost any kind and therefore restrict the natural healing process from functioning as it should. Then our painful symptoms simply continue. However, a method of kidding the body into thinking it's being exercised is now being used to stimulate natural relief from pain, and often complete recovery?

Emerging from the deep scientific research carried out in support of the space program, biomimetics, a more complex and powerful further development from what was originally known as pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), has been subjected to rigorous testing and use. The conclusions are extremely positive and encouraging for sufferers of arthritis or rheumatism, and the for the treatment of tendonitis in its many forms.

Startling Results

Harnessing this technology, equipment such as the e-cell is producing startling results in patients experiencing pain and discomfort from a range of musculoskeletal disorders. Fully utilising the advantages gained as a result of the research carried out by scientists working to ensure the health and safety of astronauts, e-cell employs the power and principles of biomimetics to help damaged ligaments, muscles, tendons and joints to repair themselves by stimulating the body's own natural resources. e-cell is succeeding where other therapies have failed and it's application of space-age biomimetic technology is leading the way in the field of musculoskeletal disorder treatment.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Osteoarthritis Symptoms - Causes and Treatment

Osteoarthritis is the number one crippling disease in the United States. It is also known as degenerative joint disease, and is associated with a deterioration of the joint's cartilage, which causes the bones to rub together, causing pain, stiffness and loss of movement.

Symptoms... The disease affects about 27 million Americans, and typically affects the knees, hips, hands, low back and neck. The pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis usually begins after age 40, then progresses slowly, and is especially noticeable after periods of inactivity or excessive use. Other symptoms include bony growths at the affected joints and a "catching" sensation during joint movement.

Osteoarthritis can affect both the larger and smaller joints. It often begins in the early stages to ache when using the joint, but in the later stages can hurt even while lying down.

What causes osteoarthritis? The medical profession cannot confirm a specific cause directly, but associated risk factors include being overweight, previous joint trauma or infection, heredity, a sedentary lifestyle, aging, previous nerve injury and repeated use of certain joints.

To diagnose osteoarthritis, doctors will usually recommend either x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) testing to rule out other possible causes and to determine the amount of damage to the joint. Other tests may include joint aspiration, which involves draining fluid from the joint, as well as blood testing.

Treatment for osteoarthritis... Physical therapy is often recommended for arthritic patients. Certain exercises can help the joints become more mobile and decrease pain, sometimes to the point of delaying surgical intervention. A daily exercise routine is often advised, since lack of exercise, as well as strenuous exercise, can make symptoms worse. A regular, steady schedule of movement is best.

In addition, losing weight can make a huge difference in relief of pain and other symptoms. Some studies found that for each pound lost, the benefit felt like a four-pound reduction.

Your doctor can prescribe medication for pain relief, which often takes weeks to build up enough in your system to offer a great deal of relief. Patients are usually advised not to discontinue medication without checking with their doctors first.

Get as much information about the illness as possible, so you know what you are dealing with. By taking charge of your osteoarthritis, you will have the power to make changes in your life that can greatly reduce the pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

Find out what else you can do now to provide relief from the pain of arthritis.

Psoriatic Arthritis and Scalp Psoriasis - How to Treat and Cure

I am not a doctor or an alternative health practitioner, so I do not have extensive training or specialized training in the treatment of psoriasis. But I have suffered from both psoriatic arthritis and scalp psoriasis. In fact, I have been afflicted with scalp psoriasis on and off for 40 years. Thankfully, I have only had one bout of psoriatic arthritis during an extremely stressful time in my life. No doctors were able to diagnose my psoriatic arthritis because it is very similar to rheumatoid arthritis but not as well known or understood. Thanks to some ancient herbs and a tonic from Australia, I am now essentially symptom-free from both diseases. Here is what I took to have healthy skin and joints:

Salicylic acid and coal tar solution. Find a product that contains 10% salicylic acid and 10% coal tar solution in an olive oil base, which aids in scalp penetration. You may have tried products in the past that contain these ingredients, but most likely not in these high concentrations. Apply it to your scalp every night for two weeks. The one I used was David's Scalp Psoriasis Lotion which I purchased online from Or you may be able to have a dermatologist prescribe these solutions for a compounding pharmacy to make for you. I probably had one of the worst possible cases of scalp psoriasis, but since I used this product seven months ago, I have been 99% plaque free. It is recommended that you maintain your clear scalp with a shampoo like Neutrogena T-Gel twice a week and apply David's Scalp Psoriasis Lotion only to plaques, if needed. I still do get tiny plaques from time to time but two or three treatments with the lotion are enough to make them disappear.

Boswellia, cayenne pepper, devil's claw, and chlorophyll. Boswellia is an herb used in Ayurveda for arthritis and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Cayenne pepper is used to improve blood circulation. For thousands of years, devil's claw has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Chlorophyll is used to fight infections, heal wounds, and promote the health of the immune system. When treating any disease, you should keep in mind the broad variations among individuals; not all treatments work for all people. I read about this treatment combination for psoriatic arthritis in one of nutritionist Gary Null's books and it completely eradicated my arthritis and joint swelling within one week. I had suffered from psoriatic arthritis for about four months.

No one knows exactly what causes psoriasis, but we do know the predisposition for psoriasis is usually passed on genetically. It has been said that it is the body's way to release stress and/or negative emotions. If you want to release psoriasis from your body, find a way to relax. And take these herbs and medications. They don't have any known side effects, unlike the Western pharmaceuticals that are normally prescribed for psoriasis such as cortisone drugs.

Dog Arthritis Treatment - The Lay of the Land

When your dog is getting on a little bit and doesn't move as effortlessly as it used to, there is something you can do - there exists dog arthritis treatment that can help your old friend escape all the stiffness and pain. Veterinary science has advanced quite a bit over the last few years; arthritis medicine can now help your devoted friend live a productive life (productive to a dog being all about jumping after a Frisbee, of course).

How do you know that your dog is even having trouble that you might summon dog arthritis treatment for it? You could suspect it when it don't doesn't seem as eager to get up to run and play as it once was. It's all a sign that there is suffering there each time a creaky joint moves. You don't need to actually wait for an evident complaint to know that any of this is happening. A mere unwillingness to get moving needs to be all it takes.

The thing is, a dog doesn't need to be really old to have its joints begin to get a little rusty - any more that humans have to be really old to get arthritis. There are certain breeds of dog - large breeds for instance, just get arthritic as a part of something that goes with their species. The heavier a dog is for instance, the more wear and tear its joints are going to have to put up with. And it begins to get on from there - the more worn and painful a dog's joints get, the more trouble it's going to have moving about. That is only going to make it heavier, and wear its joints out even more. Any time that your dog particularly slow to stand up after having been lying down for a while, any time it seems to hesitate before complying with a command to sit, or any time it seems to try to favor one side when it walks, you can be pretty sure that you need to start thinking about dog arthritis treatment.

Of course, it could be a terrible idea to start your dog out on human medication courses. They can actually be toxic to a dog. About the most that a dog can tolerate it is acetaminophen, ibuprofen and baby aspirin. But you had better be sure that you're very careful how much you give your dog. Be careful to work in close consultation with your vet. Take your dog in to the vet's to have him checked out properly. For a particularly stubborn arthritic condition, the vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs that are nonsteroidal.

An arthritic condition in dogs usually comes with advice for dietary restrictions to help your dog cut down on its weight. You'll probably have to switch to better dog food that's meant for dogs with weight problems. You also have do something about all the treats that your dog has gotten used to. About the best dog specific arthritic treatment there is goes by the name of Rimadyl. Dogs like the chewable version of the drug, and it could actually be seen as a treat if you dog takes to it. As soon as the dog gets on it, you can expect nearly instant results. Your dog will be back to its old self, and your household can go back to being a happy home for the dog again.

Osteoarthritis - The Truth of It

This is a chronic disease involving the joints, and one which is likely to affect most people if they live long enough. It is sometimes referred to as a degenerative joint disease, because as one grows older there is degeneration of the joint cartilage and some overgrowth of bone. People who are overweight are affected, particularly in the weight-bearing joints such as the knees and hips. Osteoarthritis also affects the vertebrae of the back and the joints of the fingers. Unlike other forms of arthritis which can result from infection and inflammation, this disease is primarily the result of aging, and wear and tear. It is, however, often associated with repeated joint injury.

Both men and women are affected. It occurs in women about the time of the menopause and seems to affect their hand joints much more often than the hand joints of men.

Symptoms. The condition develops slowly, with few obvious symptoms. Mainly there are joint aches and pains, and stiffness. These appear to be related to exercise of the particular joint involved. Medication generally gives relief. The stiffness is pronounced after the patient has been at rest, and tends to disappear when he is active. As the illness progresses, the osteoarthritic patient develops the characteristics such as knobby fingers, some grafting of the joints in motion, and the formation of bony spurs, which are small projections off the bones.

Complications. There are no serious complications. Sometimes there is pain, and because of this activities of the patient become limited. In severe cases joint changes may interfere with normal activity. The joints are deformed and the back is stiff. Usually this does not affect the patient's general health or curtail his normal life span.

Prevention. Patients who are overweight must take steps to lose weight in order to lessen the strain on the joints. Those who are overactive are advised to get extra rest. Mild exercise and physiotherapy tend to lessen the severity of the disease and keep the joints mobile. Poor habits of diet should be improved. Any known infection should be treated and eliminated even though there is no positive relationship between infection and osteoarthritis.

When the lower spine is involved, patients can use bed boards and corsets to make themselves more comfortable. There are no specific medicines for this disease, and simple remedies are usually suggested.

Arthritis Treatment: Psoriatic Arthritis - Background and Finally Getting Some Respect

One common form of arthritis that has been relatively ignored until recently is psoriatic arthritis. It is a systemic inflammatory destructive form of arthritis that is perhaps second only to rheumatoid arthritis in its ability to cause disability.

It is often described as a mixed disease since unlike rheumatoid arthritis which is purely a destructive breakdown disease that causes bone loss, joint erosions, and joint destruction, psoriatic arthritis (PA), also causes new bone formation.

The types of systemic features that accompany this condition are also unique in that inflammatory bowel disease, eye inflammation (uveitis), and psoriasis tend to accompany this type of arthritis.

Another unique feature of the disease is the presence of enthesopathy, a localized inflammation at the site where the tendons attach to bone. Areas where this commonly occurs are the Achilles tendon, lateral epicondyle of the elbow, iliac crest, patellar tendon of the knee, plantar fascia of the heel, and the lateral hip.

In addition, PA often presents with a peculiar condition called dactylitis. This occurs when the joints and tendon of a single digit or a few digits become acutely inflamed. This presentation is a hallmark of the disease.

Patients with PA also have co-morbid conditions that can affect the disease. Examples include, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, elevated lipids, and heart disease.

Treatments for psoriatic arthritis are not nearly as agreed upon as those for rheumatoid arthritis.

While non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSIADS) may be useful for early symptomatic relief, they are ineffective in regards to slowing disease progression.

Second line drugs, called disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS), while often used in a similar fashion to the way they're used in rheumatoid arthritis, are not nearly as effective. For example, the DMARD of choice in rheumatoid arthritis is methotrexate. While this drug works in some cases of psoriatic arthritis, its results are not as predictable. Also, it appears that patients with this condition may be at more risk for liver toxicity due to methotrexate.

Plaquenil, another DMARD that is used for RA, rarely is effective for the disease.

Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), has been used with some success but again, the results are not as predictable or dependable.

The only group of medicines that appears to work well for psoriatic arthritis in a predicable fashion are the TNF inhibitors. There is some debate that certain TNF inhibitors work better for the skin than others. This is the subject of continued investigation.

Other biologic treatments are in the pipeline.

Latest on Osteoarthritis Knee Joint

The technique of "Unmasking and treating the underlying problem":

This technique is being explained for the first time. It is a source of new hope for the patients, and gives promising results. It also gives us the clue and the knowledge of a new etiology for the symptom of Pain Knee Joint. Clinically our work has proved that the pain knee is due to lesions that are outside the joint and the aging process has nothing to do with it. These lesions may appear as early as 35 years of age and are invariably found in all those cases of Osteo-arthritis knee joint that clinically present with Pain Knee. Why these lesions develop is a question yet to be answered, but anyway they are well demarcated, identifiable and severely tender on deep palpation. These lesions when treated give complete relief to the symptom of Pain Knee, thus certain other treatment modalities would be required to be postponed, till the time that the patient escapes any benefit from this new technique.

However a big task is still lying ahead. This new algorithm needs to be authenticated and standardized by designing bigger treatment models. Their results evaluated and follow-ups carried out. Till date this new algorithm only gives us a clue of the etiology of pain knee and a new possible treatment technique.
Trigger spots identified around knee joint are as under:

1. Above the joint on the medial side it is on the Adductor Tubercle, possibly the insertion of Adductor Magnus (Fibro Osseous Junction).

2. Higher up on the tendons and ligaments in the same line on the medial side. May be these are tendonitis or with associated underlying Bursitis.

3. On Lateral side it is on the origin of the Gastronemius lateral head (Fibro Osseous Junction).

4. Higher up on the tendons and ligaments in the same line on the Lateral side. May be these are tendonitis or with associated underlying Bursitis.

5. Underneath the upper border of Patella (this is very rare).

6. On the medial aspect of the joint upon Tibial Collateral Ligament ( Pes anserine bursa).

7. On the Dorsum above the popliteal fossa.
The first and the third points are invariably found in all the cases presenting with Pain Knee joint. Rarely a patient may have only one of them. These points are basically causing the main symptom of pain as we clinically see in our everyday practice. Why these sites are more prone to develop these pathological changes is a very important question that needs to be answered.

However other questions that are looking forward towards us for explaining the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease are:

What in particular is the pathology at these sites?
Why are certain people more prone to develop these changes while others are not?
Can these be prevented?
Are these posture related?
Having identified them what are the most effective options to treat them?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Arthritis, Pain and Berries - How Does It Work?

Pain and danger often come together; are we aware of the consequences?

Our first thought is of some sort of painkiller to get relief when pain becomes unbearable. Arthritis, as every sufferer knows is a stubborn painful disease; it is important to attack it on every level it exists on. We must link and combine many natural herbs, fruits, vegetables, vitamins and foods to intervene on this disease from all directions.

The danger with painkillers and arthritis drugs is they can have deadly side effects when you're hurting it's natural of wanting some relief. If you use conventional pain-reliever to ease the pain it could cost dearly and can bring many other health issues. You may feel better, but beneath the surface drugs and painkillers are causing serious health problems. Here is just a short list of what harm arthritis drugs and painkillers can do: Stomach irritation and bleeding, decreased kidney function, elevate blood pressure which can lead to heart problems, stroke and kidney disease etc., and there are many more. The longer you stay on these drugs and painkillers the more likely you are to suffer serious side effects and damage.

Clinical studies have proven it!

Our food must become our medicine; thousands of scientific studies have proven this. Scientists are now fully accepting the strong evidence of nature's astonishing healing powers. They've identified many natural compounds in food which act like tranquilizers, such as cancer fighters, blood thinners, cholesterol reducer, insulin regulators, and many other powerful anti-inflammatory pain-relievers for arthritis. Such natural healers have been forgotten and unknowingly pushed aside over the last few centuries. Just popping a pill for any type of sickness or pain has become the norm. We became reliant and addicted to drug medicine.

Clinical studies have proven that most herbs, berries and vegetables contain natural pain-relievers and joint healing substances. They are nature's richest sources of anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants called flavonoids with exceptional high anti-inflammatory properties.

Berries - the greatest pain-reliever!

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and cherries are far more active than aspirin and other painkillers for joint pain - and without side effects! Berries protect your joints because of the high vitamin content. These berries provide cell protection against free radical molecules that damage DNA cell membranes and joint tissue. Scientists conducted a study to test the effects of berries and cherry extract on people with arthritis. They found that these participants experienced significant relief from it. In less than three months on most participants the pain had disappeared. One of them stopped taking the extract and the pain returned within weeks.

Having pain-free joints is as easy as eating a cup of mixed berries and cherries daily to receive high levels of joint-protective antioxidants. Include all these berries in your daily diet with your fruits and vegetables because they have incredible healing powers.

Choose them carefully!

Anyone who is taking supplements and Glucosamine make sure they are the right ones. Do not use N-acetyl Glucosamine (NAG); it is generally worthless, check the labels.

Using a quality product is crucial. A supplement (in liquid form) that also has fruits, berries, Glucosamine and omega-3 all in one is the best option. Lab experiments and clinical trials have proven that certain herbs and nutrients eased the pain and inflammation of arthritis and even more so remarkable helped to rebuild joints.

Remember: Goals and targets are great, but action steps are a must to have success to free your self from pain and discomfort. Whatever you may suffer from, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid, you can add many pain-free years to your life and put a smile back in to your face.

For more follow - up information, for better food choices, the best supplement for pain, and changes you can make, just follow the link, info is free.

Natural Remedy For Arthritis - Treat The Cause Of Rheumatoid Arthritis!

The crippling pain of arthritis is a major epidemic in the western world especially amongst older people. The lack of mobility and the constant pain caused by arthritis can damage a person's life not just physically but socially and mentally as their quality of life diminishes. To help with this condition many people take drugs that treat the symptoms but not the cause of rheumatoid arthritis, many people dissatisfied with this type of treatment have looked elsewhere for a natural remedy for arthritis and have been pleasantly surprised!

Arthritis along with many other first worlds, western diseases that have seen a massive explosion in the modern era are almost reaching a crisis point and science and medicine seem helpless to stop this. Instead the medical profession focuses on pain reduction not cures and some of then more cynical amongst us put this down to the fact the drug companies want us to keep buying their medicine not stop a disease. So what can a natural remedy do that modern science cannot?

The first thing to understand about arthritis is that no one agrees on its exact cause also complicated by the fact it is such a broad term for a number of conditions that are grouped under the arthritis umbrella. However it is known that similar conditions can be reversed by the most natural remedy of all, diet and exercise! The biggest problem with people's health today is that we eat too much unnatural food that pollutes our body and puts way to much acid in our system. This chemical imbalance is the cause of a great number of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis; the good news it you can change this naturally!

To counteract the pollutions in your body the best treatment is to change your lifestyle and diet. The main offenders are such processed items such as cola and other soda products as well as overly sugary and salty foods like chips and chocolate bars. Add to this alcohol, cigarettes, pesticides, preservatives, chemicals and drugs and you can see how the body may not be able to handle all this even if you do not feel too unhealthy. Changing your diet to reflect what humans ate for so many years before our modern diets is a step in the direction of curing arthritis and being a healthier person in general. More vegetables, roots, fruits, nuts, seeds and others will help balance your body's chemicals and bring you much pain relief; add to this more exercise and you have a lifestyle that promotes wellbeing and health and can halt and reverse the effects of arthritis.

While many people may need to continue treating the symptoms of arthritis to reduce the pain until they can purge their body of its toxins this natural remedy for arthritis is one you can do simply by living well without exotic herbs or acupuncture. Treat the cause of rheumatoid arthritis or any other arthritis for that matter and you can be pain free for life!

Alarming Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of small joints in the hands and feet. It may also target knees, wrists, neck, shoulders, elbow; even the jaw joints. In this disease, the individual's immune system affects the lining of the joints, causing painful swelling and joint deformities in severe conditions. The immune system makes antibodies against the joint, direct lymphocytes, stimulate cytokine production that cause inflammation of the joint, which is otherwise a normal reaction of the immune system against foreign particles or pathogens. The problem is three times more common in females as compared to men. It generally appears between ages 40 to 60 years, however, exceptions may exist.

People are quite differently affected by rheumatoid arthritis. Some show little or no symptoms, while others experience a hyper reaction from the beginning. It is characterized by several mild and severe symptoms. The symptoms appear in symmetric fashion, affecting the joint on both sides of the body.

Joint inflammation is the defining trait of rheumatoid arthritis. It is defined by stiffness of the joint making it difficult to move. Morning stiffness is the common observation in arthritis patients. The stiffened joint may take an hour to get back to its working state. Stiffness is always accompanied with the swelling of the joint. Swelling occurs when the fluid gets into the joint and makes it puffy. Both, swelling and stiffness make the condition worse.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the affected joint area appears pink and warmer, relative to other body parts. All these symptoms cause severe pain in the joint. Temporary as well as permanent inflammation, both increase the joint sensitivity, making it tender and extremely painful.

In addition to the observable signs, the patient may observe a change in general health. Fatigue and malaise are the most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. A patient stays in a constant state of being ill and the body feels weak to take any physical stress. The situation usually leads to loss of appetite, which in turn causes things such as weakness of the body and muscles.

Fever is a common symptom in rheumatoid arthritis, and is a part of auto immune response. In case of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, also called Still's disease, the patients experience high fever, with shaking chills followed by pain and swelling in joints. Being related to other diseases, the symptoms may present a great challenge for correct diagnosis of the problem.

The Top Rated 10 Natural Arthritis Remedies

Organic and natural arthritis treatment plans are increasingly being used to minimize, and sometimes actually wipe out, arthritis signs and symptoms. If you are tired of taking arthritis pain prescription drugs and worry about their detrimental effects on the body, start thinking about adding effective natural treatment options to your arthritis treatment program. The following are the most effective arthritis super stars of holistic painfulness and inflammation assistance.

Glucosamine is one of the nation's best selling dietary supplements and is a widely accepted natural supplement for arthritis. Glucosamine is a naturally developing amino sugar generated by the body and is a necessary building block of cartilage, joint fluid and other connective tissue. The quantity of glucosamine formulated by the body lessens with age. To avoid cartilage deterioration, it is preferred to supplement with glucosamine at the very first signs of arthritis.

Yucca is reputed to lessen harmful toxins around and within joints, thus reducing inflammation. One review revealed that yucca decreased joint problems and rigidity in fifty percent of the arthritic people. Other studies demonstrate that yucca can diminish head aches, improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

White willow holds the moniker "nature's aspirin." The pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory results of white willow remain for a longer period compared to aspirin and unlike over-the-counter aspirin, white willow does not cause stomach bleeding. One review established that, when compared to placebo, white willow effectively minimized arthritis pain.

Chondroitin, the second most commonly established arthritis supplementation, lowers inflammation and aids glucosamine in protecting cartilage material. Chondroitin, precursors of the material foundations of cartilage, prohibit enzymes which might hurt cartilage cells. Chondroitin is also thought to promote elasticity in joint cartilage.

Capsaicin is what adds spice to the cayenne pepper. The hot energy of this healthy ingredient is what knocks out pain. Capsaicin is regarded for its pain-reducing results and in the alternative medicine world, capsaicin is a top arthritis treatment.

Boswellia has been used for 100's of years by conventional Indian healers of Ayurvedic for arthritis and rheumatism. This unique herb's anti-inflammatory attributes help lower aching, rigidity and inflammation. Boswellia, additionally known as "Indian frankincense," is thought to be as potent as OTC NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin but does not trigger stomach discomfort.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids have been clinically proven in a number of scientific tests to act as anti-inflammatory materials. Research shows that Omega-3 essential fatty acids lessen inflammatory symptoms of arthritis and also hinders enzymes that break down joint cartilage. These extremely advantageous nutritional elements might additionally help reduce the associated risk of long-term diseases such as heart disease and cancer, and can boost mood and help with depression.

Feverfew escaped awareness for several years but because of new scientific curiosity is now getting a solid name as an anti-inflammatory. Feverfew got its name from its old fashioned use as a fever reducer. Modern herbalists work with this herb to treat intense head aches and migraine headaches, as well as joint pain and discomfort. Feverfew helps regulate the body's inflammatory response and is found to imitate the anti-inflammatory effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid cortisone.

Shark cartilage is increasingly becoming a commonly recognized means for managing osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A number of scientific tests demonstrate the helpfulness of shark cartilage for arthritis. One shark cartilage review revealed noticeable improvements in comfort in 75 % of arthritis patients researched over a 3 to 8 week time frame. A small-scale review involving bedridden individuals demonstrated that after merely 3 weeks of using shark cartilage, 8 of the ten people were able to get out of their beds and move about. Then in a much bigger review of 147 arthritis sufferers, the people using shark cartilage enjoyed an 85 % drop in discomfort scores, compared to the five % drop in discomfort scores described by the placebo group.

Devil's Claw is an herb put to use worldwide for its analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Devil's claw has been used in Europe and Africa for more than 3 centuries and is said to lower joint painfulness while improving the physical condition of joints. A German review noted that devil's claw demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects when comparable to the anti-arthritic drug phenylbutazone. Researchers additionally observed analgesic outcomes coupled with reductions in uric acid blood levels.

These herbs and nutrients have all been proven to aid in reducing the pains of arthritis. Will these products work for you? There is simply one way to find out. All of these arthritis possibilities are commonly regarded as low risk. All the same, you will want to double check with your healthcare professional or pharmacist for possible interactions if you are taking any other drugs.

Joint Pain Relief For the Obese

How much do you know about rheumatism?

You probably know it's related to pain in the joints. Yes, joints are only one affected area. Therefore, rheumatism is a broad term that also includes inflammation of bones, muscles, tendons and even internal organs. But let's focus only on joint pain with you here.

What Causes Joint Pain?

The two most common causes of joint pain are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Other factors can be sprain, fracture, gout in the big toes, septic arthritis or polyarthritis.

Let's take a closer look at osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

It's a condition where spurs grow and cartilage degenerates in the joints, leading to joint pain. It's also known as "wear-and-tear" arthritis. Some symptoms are:

-- The stiffness in the joints disappears within 30 minutes from the time the patient wakes up but aggravates later in the day after repetitive use or after a prolonged inactivity.

-- Starts with one joint.

-- Often happens in large joints or joints related to knee and hip.

-- An affected joint tends to look a little larger than normal. This is due to abnormal growth of the bone next to damaged cartilage.

-- More common than rheumatoid arthritis.

-- Slow and gradual pain.

-- Usually affects older people.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

This is an autoimmune disorder due to the malfunction of certain immune cells in the patient's body which attacks the joints. Hence, he'll encounter the following symptoms:

-- Morning stiffness lasts more than 30 minutes.

-- Warmth, swelling and pain often begins with the small joints of hands and wrists near the palm or the small joints of toes.

-- Affected joints are usually symmetrical such as the same joints on both hands.

-- Can also trigger fever, fatigue, depression, loss of appetite, dry eyes and chest pain.

-- Can lead to joint deformities.

How does Obesity Worsen the Condition?

Although doctors have yet to prove if obesity causes rheumatism, they believe excess weight certainly doesn't help the patients. In fact, they believe obesity will increase the risk of both OA and RA.

That's because the excess weight will add more pressure on the inflamed joints, aggravating the pain, especially in the affected joint areas around knees, spinal cord and hip.

Currently, there are no cures for OA and RA but the treatments can help to relieve pain and improve joint movement so that patients can still go about their daily tasks.

The treatment often comes as a program - medications, physical and occupational therapy, reduction of joint stress and sometimes surgery. But if a patient is also obese, weight loss will inevitably become part of the program.

Right Exercise can Help Obese OA / RA Patient

1. Flexibility exercises help to maintain or improve the flexibility in affected joints and surrounding muscles. This contributes to better posture, reduced risk of injuries and improved function.

2. Strengthening exercises are more vigorous to work muscles a bit harder. Stronger muscles can better support the joints and cushion the shock impact to the painful joint. They also assist in better function and reduce bone loss due to inactivity, inflammatory arthritis and use of certain medications such as corticosteroids.

3. Aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming are good for weight control as they work off the excess fats and replace with useful muscles. For even better fat-burning results, you can engage in anaerobic exercises like strength training. But you must consult your doctor and make sure to have a certified trainer to guide you along such high-intensity exercises that can cause injuries pretty easily.

4. Body awareness exercises improve posture, balance, joint position awareness, coordination and relaxation. This is especially important as the patient's sense of balance and coordination may be impaired due to the illness.

Natural Arthritis Diet for Pain Relief

Stay away from acidic stuff like coffee, tea, sugar and alcohol. You should also cut down on intake of meat and seafood since these are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, salt and toxins. For best results, I suggest you include these natural vegetarian foods as a significant part of your diet:

a) Fruits - avocado

b) Vegetables - spirulina, wheat grass products, carrots, seaweeds, sprouts

c) Whole grains - millet, wheat, brown rice, barley and oats

d) Nuts - pecans

e) Soy and seeds - flaxseed, pumpkin and sesame

This natural diet serves to help you maintain a healthy weight. According to the Arthritis Foundation, for every pound of weight lost, there is a four-pound reduction in the load exerted on the knee for each step taken. Simply put, the less heavy you are, the less pain you suffer.

Last but not least, whether you're suffering from rheumatism or not, sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise regime are always essential.

Homeopathy and Degenerative Arthritis

This article will covers a chronic joint condition: degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). Signs and symptoms will be discussed and a variety of homeopathic remedies will be listed that may help people experiencing this condition. Because homeopathy is individualized to each person, various indications will be offered for each homeopathic remedy mentioned.

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that results from the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. It is the most common form of arthritis and arises from normal wear and tear on the joints. It usually impacts the larger, weight-bearing joints of the body, such as the knees and hips, but can also affect the wrists, fingers, and spine, for example.

Osteoarthritis usually develops very slowly over time. Its exact cause is unknown, but is generally associated with the aging process. People who are obese, are diabetic, or have had mechanical injuries to joints are at a greater susceptibility for having osteoarthritis.

Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Joint soreness, aching, and/or stiffness

  • Joints are worse in the morning, and/or changes in weather

  • Edema (fluid accumulation)

  • Dull pain

  • Joint deformity

  • Crepitation (clicking or crackling) of the joint upon movement

  • Decreased range of motion

  • Joint instability

  • Increased pain while joint is in use

Earlier detection of osteoarthritis will help aid the patient with a greater chance of having longer-term health of the joints. Avoiding injuries or re-injuries to joints will also help prevent future osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is believed to be incurable. That said, the first course of action for relief would be to live at a healthy weight, if obesity is a factor. This is especially the case if the legs or spine is impacted by the osteoarthritis. Additionally, homeopathic remedies can be helpful for people experiencing osteoarthritis. In general, degeneration of the joint is slowed and inflammation is held at bay.

In homeopathy, treatment is individualized to the person experiencing the signs and symptoms. Rather than treat each case the same, unique expressions of symptoms are considered, both mentally/emotionally, as well as physically. In homeopathy, health is viewed as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of specific symptoms from isolated locations of the body.
Below is a list of homeopathic remedies that may be helpful for people experiencing osteoarthritis. Their indications are listed next to the corresponding homeopathic remedy.

Calcarea Carbonica: This is the main remedy for people experiencing degenerative joints, osteophytes (bone spurs), and calcifications. Worse in the cold, damp weather and/or exertion.

Calcarea Flourica: One of the main remedies for people experiencing exostosis (formation of new bone on the surface of the bone), calcifications, and spinal curvature. The person is generally worse from the heat, but the joints feel worse from cold.

Calcarea Phosphorica: A good remedy for people experiencing degeneration in joints of the spine. Worse from drafts, the wind, and changes in weather.

Natrum Sulphuricum: Degenerative arthritis, especially affecting the left hip. Worse in the damp weather, in the morning, or ascending stairs.

Kali Carbonicum: Degenerative arthritis with aching or stitching pains. The person feels stiff and tight all over the body. Worse at night, especially 2-3 AM; in the cold and damp weather; and from drafts of air.

Bellis Perennis: Post-traumatic arthritis ("Railway spine"). Worse from the cold, especially from a sudden chill, or from getting wet. Better from heat and rubbing.

These homeopathic remedies are typically the most frequently used for people experiencing osteoarthritis. This list is not comprehensive, though. Please consult a qualified homeopath for further information and to receive the most proper care.

In this article, I outlined the definition of osteoarthritis and its signs and symptoms. A brief list of homeopathic remedies were listed with their specific indications for use. Thank you for your time in reading this article!

Noel Peterson

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure disease. If you have questions about your health, please consult a physician.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Attack Of Arthritis

A diagnosis of arthritis can literally challenge even the strongest.

Meaning joint inflammation, arthritis encompasses over 100 different arthritis conditions. It, in fact, does not just simply define one type of disease.

Arthritis, seems to often result from a malfunction of the autoimmune system, and causes inflammation of the joints and the surrounding tissues. This inflammation leads to joint swelling, redness and ultimately pain in the affected area.

The over 100 different arthritic conditions have differing underlying reasons for the disease. The root causes of arthritis vary and it is very important so that your physician identify the exact cause of your condition so that appropriate treatment can begin. With the impact on your body, and the invasion arthritis makes on the joints, muscles and connective tissues the ravaging changes can seriously impact your daily life.

A chronic disease, most types of arthritis last a lifetime. From the time of diagnosis, those diagnosed with arthritis must learn to effectively manage and live with this disease. There is currently no cure for arthritis, which is even more reason why effective and aggressive management is crucial.

Arthritis symptoms typically ebb and flow so that there are times of more active disease and other times of less active disease, often referred to a flare. The times in which the arthritis flares it will indeed get your attention and demand action. The goal is to do everything that you can to keep it under control so that flares are few and far between.

Yes, unfortunately there is currently no cure for arthritis which is one of the saddest thoughts of all. It also makes it very challenging since there is no clear evidence as to the exact cause of disease onset.

So until there is a cure, an active life does not have to be a fantasy only. It just means that you may have to make other choices in life and adaptations to how you do certain things in order to feel your very best.

Arthritis is most certainly a challenging disease with which to live. But it is not something that should cause you to lose hope. There are millions fighting this battle on a daily basis who are living full and active lives.

It really is all about the choices you make and your willingness to be intimately involved in your healthcare management. Arthritis must be effectively managed and you have to be a dedicated team player if you plan to win this one.

Niacin For Psoriasis

Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid) is also touted as a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. If only that were true! Unfortunately, this B vitamin is toxic in high doses and may harm rather than help psoriatics. This has been the sad experience of those taking 100 milligrams or more daily.

"Troublesome side effects often occur, most commonly the 'niacin flush' - intense reddening and itching of the face and upper body that usually diminishes after several weeks. High dose niacin can also cause gastrointestinal upsets, abnormal liver function tests, elevated blood-sugar levels, and, rarely, atrial fibrillation (rapid beating of the heart)," revealed Dr. Stephen Barrett, a psychiatrist, consumer advocate, and board member of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) in "Health Schemes, Scams and Frauds."

"The flush is not considered dangerous but the sort of doses that produce it (greater than 100 milligrams) can, in a few individuals, produce other unwanted side effects, including nausea, headache, cramps and diarrhea. Still larger doses of nicotinic acid (in excess of two grams daily) have been reported to produce skin discoloration and dryness, decreased glucose tolerance, high uric-acid levels, and aggravation of peptic ulcers and even symptoms that resemble some of those that accompany hepatitis," according to Dr. Sheldon Saul Hendler in "The Doctors' Vitamin arid Mineral Encyclopedia."

Regular exposure to sunlight has helped patients with psoriasis. Since vitamin D is made in our skin when we are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays, quacks claim that oral doses of the same vitamin will benefit psoriatics.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Oral doses of vitamin D are not recommended. Excess amounts are dangerous and can cause headache, fatigue, muscle weakness, blurred vision and kidney stones among others.

"High doses of vitamin D can be toxic. The major effects of vitamin D toxicity are hypercalcemia (high levels of blood calcium] and soft tissue calcification. Symptoms of hypercalcemia include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, tiredness, drowsiness and, when more severe - confusion, high blood pressure, kidney failure and coma," Hendler said.

"The margin of safety between the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D and the level which is toxic in some people is very small; the smallest for any vitamin. Some people develop toxic symptoms three to four times the RDA. Thus the practice of supplementation with this vitamin should be discouraged," concluded Dr. Myron Winick, director of the Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in "The Columbia Encyclopedia of Nutrition." (Next: Are fish oils effective for psoriasis?)

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Vivo Analysis: Understanding the Cause Dog Arthritis

Arthritis is a common condition in which there is pain in their joints. There are a lot of medications for this condition. You just have to ask the vet for the right medications. In dogs, arthritis could be a result of an old injury or there is too much stress in their joints. There are a lot of different treatments of arthritis depending on how much damage it has caused to the person. When it comes to treatment of dog arthritis, there are medicines and normal treatments that your dog can take, such as:

Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are used for pain relief by lessening the inflammation in the joint areas. The pain disappears as quickly as you can expect.

Some examples are:

• Rimadyl
• Zubrin
• Deramaxx
• Etogesic

Then, there are neutroceuticals, which are nutritional supplements that have medicinal properties. But it may take weeks or months for the effect of the supplement to take months.

Some examples are:

• Glucosamine
• Omega 3 Fatty Acids
• Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM)

Another treatment is using adequan injections which can improve the health of the joints. It contains protective cartilage known as polysulfated glycosaminoglycans that can help in improving the joints as well as relieving the pain. Corticosteroids are also effective pain relievers, but carry a high risk of side effects that can be a hindrance to a normal routine of a person.

Physical therapy is one of the common treatments that are available immediately once the veterinarian recommends it. It is an effective way of dealing with pain in dogs and, as long as you are there throughout the sessions, your dog will be arthritis-free in no time. Some forms of physical therapy are swimming and acupunctures, as well as some exercise. This is the most important therapy of all. Most of the listed above won't work unless you and your dog will make an effort to do simple exercises with your dog.

But one treatment that shows promise to curing arthritis is adult stem cell therapy where it involves removing tissues in the dog that has arthritis. The stem cell is injected in these tissues for the joint to be cured, by clearing out the fluid that causes the arthritis. This is a bit expensive though and is still facing controversy because of moral issues (which actually involves dead fetuses and using them for science). You may want to stick first on physical therapy and exercise because you can do this anytime and anywhere, as well as bond with your dog.

Arthritis is a condition that can be cured so you don't have to worry about getting worse, unless you don't take care of your dog. Make sure to watch over him or her and never forget to visit the veterinarian.

Could Temporomandibular Disorders Be Causing Your Jaw Joint Pain And Headaches?

Joint pain and headaches can be caused by countless things, including diseases such as arthritis, but obviously I can't cover each individual one in a single article. Seeing that I've already written several articles about different types of arthritis, I'll focus on TMJ (The Temporomandibular Joint) disorders instead this time.

As with other similar disorders, TMJ disorders can be difficult to diagnose, and equally as difficult to treat. A patient suffering from one of these disorders often has to undergo several tests, including things like MRI scans and etc.

So, what is the temporomandular joint? The temporomandular joint is a ball and socket type joint situated on either side of your face. They are the joints which connect your upper and lower jaws to each other, and are considered being the most used joints in the human body. Apart from all the regular movement, such as when you open or close your mouth, the joints are also subjected to a great deal of pressure whenever we chew our food.

Supporting these joints are a complex arrangement of muscles, ligaments, and bones, so when something goes wrong with one or both joints, it's quite often accompanied by muscle pain and headaches.

TMJ disorders can, as previously mentioned, be caused by several things. With that having been said, the most common causes are physical trauma, teeth grinding, gum chewing, and of course misaligned teeth.

People with one or more TMJ disorders often feel a clicking sensation when they open their mouth, and particularly when they yawn. They can also have difficulty chewing, or biting down on hard foods. Many sufferers also end up with regular headaches, and approximately 33% of sufferers experience tinnitus, in either one or both ears. Fortunately, surgery is usually only necessary in extreme cases, such as when ligaments need to be tightened.

In the vast majority of cases, patients are advised to rest their jaws as much as possible. This includes eating soft foods as opposed to hard crunchy foods. The next form of treatment a doctor is likely to recommend is heat and ice therapy. Doctors may also recommend that you take anti-inflammatory medication. Of course since I prefer to stick with all-natural remedies whenever possible, I'd most likely opt for a natural anti-inflammatory such as New Zealand green lipped mussel extract.

If teeth grinding is thought to be the cause, a patient might be instructed to use a special type of mouth guard designed specifically to stop one from grinding one's teeth. On the other hand, if misaligned teeth are the root cause, dental work might be necessary.

As mentioned earlier, there are several health problems which can lead to joint pain and headaches, so if this is something you're experiencing, then it is best that you see a doctor so that a proper diagnosis can be made.

How Different Types of Arthritis Can Effect Our Bodies

Rheumatoid arthritis.

This is both inflammatory and degenerative. It can affect any and all of the joints from toes to jaw.

The early symptoms are generally brief pains in the small joints along with fatigue and morning stiffness. Then after a few weeks it may proceed to a full blown attack. Pain will then persist and become quite piercing. At the same time swelling of the tissue around the painful joints occur, including ligaments and tendons.

This inflammation gradually affects the synovial membrane and the cartilage, then begins the destruction of the joint. The additional degeneration of tissues surrounding a joint can waste the muscles away. This speeds up the destruction of the joint, resulting in ankylosis ( joint growing together), with this disease the joint then deforms.

This condition can be in one or two small joints and remain there unchanged for a long time. Then suddenly will progress and go to several more joints all at once. The pain will vary from day to day.

This can't be cured, but you can take anti-inflammatory pills, pain relief pills to help, and plenty of rest to keep pressure off the joints.


This form of arthritis is non- inflammatory. Its also called degenerative joint disease. The hips, knees, spine and joints of the hands are most affected. Often the most rapid disease progress is in the weight bearing regions of the body.

When you are affected by this the cartilage protecting the ends of the bones in a joint degenerates, causing the bone edges to rub together. Damage is then caused to the bones, then they attempt to repair themselves by over producing bone tissue. The bony projections called entophytes, which result add to the overall degeneration of the joint. This then causes further damage to the surrounding tissue.

You will have stiffness and pain, especially after prolonged or strenuous activity and will become more noticeable at night. Your movement will be limited, you can have muscle wastage and your joints will be creaky ( crepitis).

What Are The Types Of Arthritis?

Arthritis owes its origin to the Greek words - "arthron" and "itis". It is a compound word for several other arthritic conditions. There are presently lots of these conditions or factors relating to causes of arthritis.

There are different types of arthritis with its own peculiar symptoms and treatment. Presently there are over lots of types of arthritis. Let me just highlight the common ones for you.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: This type of arthritis is not restricted to any particular age. It can happen to you at any age. The causes are yet to be discovered. Among the different types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is the most devastating as it can cause severe deformities of the joints coupled with general weakness of the entire body. Rheumatoid arthritic patients usually suffer from problems such as hammer toes, claw toes and several others that can truncate the normal lifestyle of an individual.

Osteoarthritis: This is the most common of the types of arthritis. It has been discovered to be the cause of severe strain and the wearing away of the cartilage in the joints of the foot. Consequently, movement of the patient is hampered and very painful. The pain could worsen when walking or standing.

Gout: This type of arthritis is associated with foot complications. It affects the big toe most of the time. The big toe is mostly affected because of the stress and pressure it experiences while walking or when doing other weight bearing activities. This is why there is so much pain in the big toe. Gout arthritis is mostly common among the men than the women.

Juvenile arthritis: Unfortunately, children are not left out of this deadly disease known as arthritis. Juvenile arthritis affects mostly children before the age of sixteen, which is why it is called Juvenile arthritis. This disease could occur as early as six weeks of age. It is very common among the girls than the boys.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nail Psoriasis Treatment, Is There Hope?

Did you know, most psoriatic nail disease affects patients with other symptoms of psoriasis?

Nail psoriasis occurs in less than 5% of patients with none of the other symptoms that you usually find in psoriasis sufferers. We will discuss the cause, symptoms, as well as nail psoriasis treatment in this publication.

Nail psoriasis affects about 50-80% of people with active psoriasis. Nail psoriasis is a term used when there are changes in fingernails, toenails, or both caused by psoriasis disease. Approximately half of nail psoriasis sufferers have to discontinue their regular daily schedules because of the pain.

Finger or toe nail changes can occur in one or more nails and can have different levels of damage. You can have damage in the nail itself, the bed or matrix (where it starts). Damage can include; pitting or even losing the nail from the tip down. If you have the pustular type of psoriasis you can lose the nail completely.

These are some of the changes that may occur:

  • 'Ice Pick' (pitting or deformity of the nail): This is caused by growth deficiency in the nail bed caused by psoriasis.

  • 'Salmon Patch' (Yellow or yellowing-red discoloration of the nail): This is caused by psoriasis in the nail bed. It is also sometimes called "oil drop"' because it looks like a drop of oil that is soaking into the nail.

  • 'Onycholysis': Occurring after the oil drop. A white area appears when the nail actually separates from the nail bed.

  • Lastly, total loss of the nail. It crumbles and eventually just falls away because psoriasis has weakened the matrix.

Psoriasis of the finger and toenails can resemble other conditions such as chronic fungal infections or inflammation in the nail bed.

What Causes Nail Psoriasis:

Unfortunately 50-80% of psoriasis sufferers will get nail psoriasis. This is often associated with psoriatic arthritis when it is located in your fingers and toes. Even if you don't have the symptoms of arthritis you can still get nail psoriasis, and it can still be embarrassing, because your hands and feet look terrible. Trust me, I know.

As you might already know from reading my other publications, preventative maintenance is the only real way to take care of and prevent all of the terrible symptoms and debilitating aspects of psoriasis.

Remember this not a skin disease it is an autoimmune disease and you have to cure it from the inside out. Wouldn't we all like to have our whole body, psoriasis free, for life?

Proteolytic Enzymes Used For Arthritis Treatment

One of the medical benefits of proteolytic enzyme is that it is deemed as a potential cure for arthritis. Arthritis is a painful joint disease. It literally means inflammation of one or two more joints. A joint is an area where two bones met, thus allowing movement of the body parts it connects. Arthritis is considered as a rheumatic disease for it can potentially affect the internal parts of the body. It is actually one of the most common chronic diseases and can affect men, women, and even children.

There are many types of arthritis, ranging from osteoarthritis to rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is characterized by the wear and tear of cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is the inflammation of the joints resulting from a viral infection or autoimmune response.

Although the actual cause of arthritis is still unknown, there are several potential causes which include injuries, infections, abnormal metabolism, and by an overactive immune system. And since arthritis has various causes, treatment programs would depend on the specific causes.

Person having arthritis experiences pain, fever, and joint stiffness, warmth, redness, and swelling. Moreover, deformities may result from the limited joint functions. If not treated other organs of the body such as the kidneys, heart, and lungs may get affected. Some people with arthritis are likely to lose weight and would often easily feel tired.

Enzyme treatments for curing arthritis have by far produced positive results. The use of proteolytic enzymes such as serrapeptase has showed that such enzymes are capable of dissolving dead or scar tissues without harming the healthy living tissues. It is therefore a much safer alternative for steroidal and non steroidal inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. Also, it is rated as a safer option over exotic treatments such as D-penicillamine and methotrexate. Such drugs and treatments can only provide temporary relief and may even prove lethal.

Enzyme treatment on the other hand may potentially cure arthritis. The enzymes used in the treatments have the ability to break down fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and even scar tissues, giving the body time to heal itself and replace the dead tissues with healthy ones. In addition, test results produced by enzyme treatment showed no side effects whatsoever.

Enzymes are natural to the body. There are those that the body produces, however, there are some that can't be produced by the body but just as essential. These enzymes that are not naturally produced by are referred to as essential enzymes and can be acquired from raw foods and supplemental enzymes. Suffice it to say, enzyme treatment accompanied with proper nutrition is your way to living a loner, pain-free life.

Physical Therapy For Arthritis Treatment

In the earlier days, maintaining the well-being of arthritis patients was a challenging task. But in recent times, physical therapy has proven to be an ideal solution for arthritis treatment as it improves mobility, reduces dizziness and pain, and improves balance, strength and function. Physical therapy for arthritis treatment has proven to be beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis, spinal arthritis, knee arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Physical therapists trained in a variety of exercises and treatment options offer physical therapy treatment to help individuals manage the symptoms of arthritis. In addition to therapeutic exercises such as range-of-motion and strengthening exercise, therapists use a variety of physical therapy modalities such as electrotherapy, ultrasound, heat and ice to lessen stress and the severity of pain you feel. Depending on the condition of arthritis sufferers, hands-on (manual) and supervised exercise programs are offered as part of the PT treatment to reduce stiffness as well as minimize the possibility of further problems. A variety of techniques including Myofascial release, traction and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation are available to get rid of problems related to arthritis. Besides this, therapeutic massage is given as part of this therapy service to reduce arthritis symptoms.

Incorporating all these modalities and techniques, the physical therapy treatment is designed to improve flexibility, joint mobility and avoid further joint damage. The physical therapists, who offer service for arthritis treatment,

• Help you explore the treatment options available in PT methodology
• Teach you how to perform everyday activities without difficulty
• Help you to get yourself back on track

Normally, physical therapy is recommended for all arthritis patients. However, there is no risk involved in this treatment procedure. In the United States, physical therapy procedures for arthritis treatment are provided in a variety of healthcare settings such as hospitals, community health centers, nursing homes, clinics, rehabilitation cabs and long term acute care centers to control inflammation and regain overall body fitness and well-being. So when you are in need of therapy service for arthritis treatment, find a quality provider to help you regain normalcy of movement.

Arthritis Medication For Dogs - And Is There Such A Thing As Arthritis Medication For Dog?

I hear it all the time from my fellow friends, as their hearts sink and they reveal to me that their dog or cat has started to develop arthritis. I always smile in return, not because I'm an evil man...but because I know that their pets arthritis can be treated in a very effective manner, and I know first hand what the results of such treatment options can do for your pet.

When my 12 year old German Shepherd started to develop arthritis almost a year ago, I was the devastated to say the least, but I soon found out that I did have options for treatment. For the first three months I did nothing but test different formulas and methods to see what she responded best to. It's been about 8 months since she first started to develop arthritis, and she now walks and runs almost as good as new. Here are some arthritis medication do's and dont's:


While this would be the exact opposite for humans, when it comes to cat's and dog's, visiting you're veterinarian is simply a waste of time and money. This is because there are no special or prescription treatments that a veterinarian can provide for you're pet. Remember that animal research does not have nearly the same financial support that human research does. Don't worry though, there is plenty of information out here! :)

Don't try and using any sort of hypnosis, or herbal treatments on your pet. These simply don't work, and even you're dog or cat will look at you and think "you must be joking".

If you've been looking for treatment for pet arthritis, then you've probably heard about glucosamine. In my extensive experience and those of others, glucosamine is usually the only thing that works...and yes it works very well. However, be very careful of glucosamine products in powdered and/or pill form. These are very quickly broken down by the stomach acids and liver of you're pet and end up in their stool...not their bones where it should be.


The only effective treatment options that I have found that have actually worked are regular exercise and liquid glucosamine. I stress liquid over pill form for many reasons...but that's a different subject.

The truth is that regular exercise and liquid glucosamine does work to help heal damaged bones and joints better then anything else around. So is there such thing as arthritis medication for dogs? You better believe, and once you start these treatment methods, you're pets will do nothing by thank you....if they could talk of course ;)

A New Breed of Psoriasis Treatments

With the massive amounts of information about psoriasis today, it can be intimidating to try and keep abreast of not only new treatments, but their pros and cons.

Without this information, you cannot really make an informed decision about what to discuss with your doctor and what direction you might want to explore in your attempt to control your psoriasis symptoms. One of the newest groups of medicines are biologics, systemic medications (taken orally or injected).

The Latest and Greatest:

Patients with moderate to sever plaque psoriasis have new treatment options, recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: alefacept, efalizumab, and etanercept. One of these, etanercept has also received approval for treatment of psoriatic arthritis, giving new hope to these sufferers as well. The new biologics have been projected to be safer than other, older systemic medications, mainly the kidney or liver failure that long-term use of the older medications can cause.

New injected psoriasis treatments include:

1. Alefacept. The original standard treatment of 12 weeks seems to be more effective with longer remission periods when treatment is administered for a longer period of 16 weeks. Side effects (mild and include infections, injection site reactions, itching, and flu like symptoms) show no significant increase with the longer period versus the standard time table. Repeated courses of alefacept seem to be proving safe and effective as well. Aside from the treatment of plaque psoriasis, this medication seems to be effective on palmoplantar psoriasis after 12 weeks of treatment, allowing the patients to walk without pain and use their hands again. It is also safe to begin alefacept treatment while weaning other therapies.

2. Efalizumab. In studies, this psoriasis treatment has shown to be safe and effective for continuous treatment for up to 60 weeks without fear of toxicity. No new side effects were manifested, while the side effects reported in shorter treatment periods did not worsen. These side effects include: headache, chills, fever, and nausea.

3. Etanercept. This biologic treatment for both plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and has shown to be safe on long term treatment of these patients. An important factor to note is that there seems to be relapse within three months after discontinuing use in psoriasis treatment although withdrawal does not cause a severe flare of symptoms. Reinstatement of treatment is still as effective without increase in side effects. Unlike treatment methods with Etanercept for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis treatment is suggested to be intermittent or rotated with other treatments.

New oral psoriasis treatments include:

1. Fumaric Acid Ester Therapy. Introduced almost 30 years ago, this is one of Germanys most commonly prescribed oral treatments for sever plaque psoriasis. Common side effects include: flushing, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. Kidney disorders, decreased white blood cell count, and osteoporosis are more serious side effects of this psoriatic treatment. The gastrointestinal side effects have caused 37% of people taking the original medication to discontinue use; however, recent reformulation offers only rare reports of the gastrointestinal side effects.

2. Oral Pimecrolimus. This psoriasis treatment is two pronged, with both incredible results and a terrifying possible side effect. 2003 studies of the drug treatment showed repeated results in completely clearing symptoms of psoriasis within 28 days, fabulous news for psoriasis sufferers. In June 2006, the FDA released a statement relaying the possibility of a dose dependent connection between oral pimecrolimus and lymphoma. This is based on animal studies which were begun as a result of 10 human cases of patients after beginning this treatment. It has yet to be determined whether this is a direct correlation or not and it may take 10 or more years of human studies to determine whether there is a link between this psoriatic treatment and carcinoma. Due to these findings, the FDA has issued these guidelines concerning the use of this treatment:

A. Use only as second line agent for short term and intermittent treatment in patients unresponsive to, or intolerant of other treatments.

B. Avoid use in children younger than 2 years of age. The effect on the developing immune system in infants and children is not known. In clinical studies, infants and children younger than 2 years old treated had a higher rate of upper respiratory infections than those treated with placebo cream.

C. Use only for short periods of time, not continuously.

D. Do not use in patients with a weakened or compromised immune system.

E. Use the minimum amount needed to control the patients symptoms.

Can Omega 3 Fish Oil Help My Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, debilitating condition that affects many - young and old. Although there are seems to be no definite cure for arthritis, there seems to be a positive connection between omega 3 and pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis which brings good news to sufferers.

Fish oil is said to be rich in omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These two omega-3 fats are known to significantly reduce inflammation and stiffness that is common in arthritis and joint pains. Yes, it is the same DHA and EPA omega fats that are known to provide a wide array of benefits to the brain and the heart. But how does this exactly help rheumatoid arthritis? What is the link that binds omega 3 and pain caused by RA?

According to a published study performed at the prestigious Harvard Medical School and the University of London, it has been found that DHA in it can be converted into a chemical called Resolvin D2. Careful analysis of Resolvin D2 reveals that during the inflammatory process, this chemical can interact with the white blood cells and stick to the linings of the blood vessels. This prevents the rush of white blood cells which is purported to cause pain and discomfort during arthritis attacks.

On another note, rheumatoid arthritis is a condition characterized by the overproduction of pro-inflammatory chemicals that sustain and trigger pain. It can help because it prevents the production of the pro-inflammatory chemicals related to arachidonic acid and its painful effects. It is the same anti-inflammatory action that decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease without any unwanted side effects.

Now, all of these reveal studies that have been previously conducted. But will these findings on omega 3 and pain actually work for you? Of course! There are enough established reasons to believe that EPA and DHA in fish oil can indeed provide relief from pain caused by RA. Note though that you can't expect fish oil supplements to work as fast as pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications. What does this can do is work the problem from its very core. High doses of this, in the range of 3 to 5 grams a day for prolonged periods of at least 3 months, is necessary for real results to be seen.

NSAIDS vs. Fish Oil

Unlike non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), the increased consumption of fish oil reduces the production of inflammatory substances altogether. NSAID medications merely affect a few enzymes, yet long term use can lead to undesirable side effects, including increased risk for developing heart problems. With continued supplementation with omega 3 fish oil, an arthritis sufferer will find himself needing less and less of other suppressive medications, until one day, he finally finds himself free of RA, thanks to omega 3 and pain relief it offers.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Home Remedies for Osteoarthritis that Work

Some home remedies for osteoarthritis can work wonders.

A good one will strengthen the immune system, prevent the spread and severity of the disease and provide safe relief from painful inflammation.

Home remedies for osteoarthritis are particularly important since there are serious proven dangerous side effects when taking commercial painkillers like Celebrex, Vioxx, Bextra and Aleve.

When you consider the fact that most prescribed arthritis medications are not proven to be safe and don't strengthen the immune system or offer long-term pain relief, it only makes good sense to take a more holistic approach.

Plus, more and more evidence shows that lifestyle changes, diet and home remedies can both help prevent arthritis and provide relief from the painful symptoms. As a result, more and more people with osteoarthritis are living happier, healthier lives.

Although the cause is still unknown, most experts agree that arthritis is connected to a breakdown of the immune system.

This happens when the immune system is either too weak to prevent viruses from attacking the joints or it has lost the discretionary power to recognize the difference between healthy cells and viruses. Therefore, a faulty immune system destroys both.

If not managed, arthritis can grow progressively worse and cause very limited range of motion and permanent damage. For example, rheumatoid arthritis that starts in one joint can spread throughout the entire body, if it's not prevented.

Therefore, at the first sign of joint stiffness, pain or swelling, it's important to take action towards prevention. It's an even better idea to start before symptoms begin.

You want both safe relief from the pain and inflammation, plus a stronger immune system for controlling the spread of the disease.

The natural home remedy solution for osteoarthritis is basically the same as it is for any arthritis or degenerative disease.

The American Medical Association recommends supplements for everyone, especially people dealing with degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis. So begin improving your immune system with a healthy diet that includes whole food supplements - particularly fish oil.

Moderate exercise combined with a healthy diet can help you reach and maintain your optimum weight. Every extra pound puts additional stress on joints increasing the odds of painful arthritis.

Low impact exercise, such as walking, swimming or yoga, are also good low stress ways to strengthen bones, joints and muscles, improve flexibility and reduce depression, fatigue and stress.

You'll also need to cut back or eliminate red meat, since those who eat more red meat have twice the risk of arthritic pain compared to those who eat red meat no more than once a week.

For further building up of your immune system, replace non-nutritious foods in your diet with more whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables and cold water omega 3 fish, such as salmon.

The most important of all home remedies for osteoarthritis is pure fish oil supplements. Fish oil is a natural anti-inflammatory pain reliever and has been proven to help protect people from arthritis.

Arthritis and Psoriasis - What's the Connection?

What's true is that a between ten and thirty percent of people who have psoriasis also get psoriatic arthritis. It seems odd that a disease that primarily affects the skin would also affect joint tissue. No one knows really why the two conditions are related and why some people get psoriatic arthritis and don't actually get psoriasis.

Psoriatic arthritis is a lot like rheumatoid arthritis in its appearance but is generally less severe than rheumatoid arthritis. For example, in both conditions the fingers are affected, except that in psoriatic arthritis, it is the tips of the fingers that are affected. In rheumatoid arthritis, it is the knuckles that are primarily affected. In both cases, there can be severe destruction of the bony and joint tissue.

Because psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that antibodies and immune cells attack normal tissue, there may be a carryover between the connective tissue in the skin and the connective tissue in the joints that causes the immune response to affect both body areas. In skin psoriasis, there is a message given to the skin to make skin cells at a remarkably fast rate, causing a buildup of silvery layers of skin on a reddened base of skin. Such a process is probably not happening in the joints and instead the immune response acts on the joint connective tissue, inflaming it and ultimately destroying the tissue the same way the immune system destroys a foreign invader.

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can flare up when the sufferer undergoes a great deal of stress, injures the joints or skin, or suffers an illness that makes them temporarily immunosuppressed. Other causes of immunosuppression are things like chemotherapy, AIDS or an inherited lack of immune responses. Alcohol or overexposure to the sun can also trigger reactions.

The combination of a skin biopsy and X-rays can determine whether or not a person has psoriatic arthritis along with their psoriasis. X-rays of people with psoriatic psoriasis are distinctive and one can tell that it's psoriatic arthritis just by the appearance of the X-rays.

There are five basic types of psoriatic arthritis:

繚 Predominately the interphalangeal joints. This involves pain and swelling of the last joint on all fingers and the thumb. The toes are also involved. It looks a lot like osteoarthritis.

繚 Asymmetrical Arthritis. This is when two to three joints are involved and there is no rhyme or reason as to which of the joints are typically involved. The fingers and toes are common.

繚 Symmetrical Polyarthritis. Several joints are involved and they are usually matching from one side of the body to the other. Joint deformity is common.

繚 Spondylitis or psoriatic spondyloarthritis. This involves spinal involvement of the joint and often involves multiple vertebrae.

繚 Arthritis mutilans. This is the most severe form of psoriatic arthritis and, while rare, it carries a big health consequence because many joints are affected and the joints are severely damaged as a result of this type of psoriatic arthritis.

For those who are suffering from psoriasis, there is at least a ten percent chance that you will also get psoriatic arthritis. In addition, you could be among the small number of people that get psoriatic arthritis before actually coming down with psoriasis. The exact reason as to why the two diseases are related is as yet unknown.