Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to Manage Your Arthritis Flares

Even when your arthritis is well-controlled, it's still possible to have a flare-up. Arthritis symptoms will get temporarily worse after a time of being less severe. When you experience a flare-up, a joint or joints may swell or become more swollen; you may even feel more pain and stiffness, especially in the morning; then your body may feel more fatigued. When you have all these things happening at the same time, the flare-up is considered more serious. There are ways to deal with your flare-ups, here are three steps you may want to take to help yourself when you have an arthritis flare-up.

Step 1: Recognizing what is happening, when it's happening.

The first step to managing a flare is to first recognize when you are having one. If you can identify that you are having a flare-up then it becomes easier to start managing it. Being aware of your body and how it feels and learning to pay attention to how arthritis affects your body makes it easier to see if there are any changes, then you will be able to recognize it. When you realize there has been a change, admit it, don't go into denial and hope that everything will just get better on its own. It doesn't.

Step 2: Find the reason for the flare-up

Once you've recognized that you are having a flare-up, the next thing and the important thing is to find out why it happened. In most cases flare-ups have no cause and are just part of the natural cycle of arthritis, but sometimes they do have triggers. Managing the symptoms of the flare-up may be controlled by what you think the cause is. By recognizing what stresses there are in your life, you may be able to change them and then you'll be able to lessen the severity of the flare-ups or at best prevent future ones from happening. This information can be very helpful for you and your doctor.

There are other possible triggers for your flare-ups, those being, not taking you medications the way your doctor prescribed, overdoing activities and not getting enough rest, over using certain joints, or experiencing a general worsening of your conditions. Some people think that the weather can trigger their flare-ups. Here are some of those triggers.

Medicine: A flare-up can occur when you are not taking your medicine the way your doctor has prescribed. Some people are afraid of the side effects and try to reduce the amount they are taking or they will even stop taking the medicine all together, even when they are still experiencing symptoms. There are others who will start to feel better and will either stop taking their medicine or forget to take it. Either way not taking your medicines will have serious affects, such as increasing the risk of permanent damage to the joints.

Overdoing it: Overdoing some of your activities and becoming too fatigue, can also bring on a flare-up. On the days that I was feeling really good, I would try to cram everything I could into those few hours I knew I had before I would start to hurt and be totally exhausted. I would always end up paying for it for the next few days. That's why it's important to have a clear idea of what is too much for your body to handle. While exercise and activity are very important, it is also important to balance them with rest and avoiding tiredness as much as possible is a key part of your arthritis treatment. It took me nearly five years before I was able to figure out how to pace myself whenever I did an activity. I also have to pick and choose what I will do based on how long I am going to be down after I do it.

Over using your joints: When you overuse one of your joints, you can cause your arthritis to flare-up. And believe it or not there are many ways to overuse a joint or joints. If you have arthritis of the hands, doing an activity that is too hard on your hands, such as hammering, opening up a jar, or even washing all your homes windows in one day, can trigger a flare-up in the hands. If you have arthritis in your knees, you might have flare-ups if you are on your knees for any length of time. In both of these cases, the swelling may occur any time from soon after the activity to a few days later. When there is swelling in a joint, you will want to look back to see what it was you were doing before the swelling started.

Other triggers: As mentioned earlier in this article, stress can contribute to flare-ups; in addition, some people find that certain weather conditions, such as humidity, can cause increased joint pain. The weather itself isn't what causes the joint pain to be worse but it can make the joint discomfort more obvious. Finally, a flare-up could be a sign that your condition is getting worse. If you have a flare-up that just won't go away, contact your doctor and see if there is a more effective treatment he can put you on.

Step 3: Fighting the flare-up.

The third and final step to managing your flare-ups is the action you take to relieve the pain and inflammation. The following are known to be effective. Do a medicine check. If you haven't been taking your medicine as prescribed, it might be a good idea to get back on track. If you stopped taking your medicine because you think it is causing unwanted side effects, contact your doctor and he should be able to make changes in your medicine. If you are having trouble paying for your medication, your doctor should be able to help you find another way to pay for them or prescribe a less expensive medication. With the growing numbers of people unable to pay for their medications, many of the drug companies have programs that will greatly reduce the cost and if you qualify, you may be able to get them for free. Whatever your reasons were for stopping, it's best to not let it continue for too much longer. Getting back on a regular schedule with your medications will cause the arthritis to respond once again and calm down. Check in with your doctor. You should have already worked out with your doctor, what is the best way to stay in touch in case you should have a flare-up. Some doctors, especially if you are newly diagnosed, prefer that you come in to see them, while others prefer you use emails or the phone. To treat your flare-ups the doctor may change the dose of your medicine, give you a new medicine or advise you on different techniques to reduce your symptoms. You and your doctor can also work out a plan for changing or adding medicines or making other changes to your program that you can do at home before checking in with your doctor. I talk to my doctors all the time and I was given the go ahead to take more than two Tramadol if I need to when my pain is over the top.

Using cold or warmth: If you have one or two joints flare-up, putting ice packs or running cool water over them a few times a day can help reduce the pain and swelling. There are some people who can't tolerate the cold and prefer warm moisture instead. Hot packs, heating pads, paraffin wax baths, warm tub baths, showers, or warm-water pools can all help the joints to feel better. I have used the hot wax baths and I feel that this has helped in keeping my finger joints from becoming twisted and enlarged. My pain and swelling seem to get worse no matter whether I use hot or cold treatments.

Resting your body: During a flare-up, getting plenty of rest will help the medicines you are taking do their job. Doctors usually recommend a good night's sleep, at least eight hours, and additional rest in the afternoon, if possible. During the past 12 years of having arthritis, I hardly ever got eight hours of sleep and on those nights when I didn't sleep or my sleep was intermittent my pain levels are out of this world. My doctor prescribed medication to help keep me asleep and now I hardly ever have pain. Alternating rest and work is another good plan, as long as you stop working before you get too tired. You might want to think of a flare-up as a good time to just be good to yourself and do nothing until you are sure your flare-up has passed.

Resting your joints: Always be careful to not overuse a swollen joint, avoiding aggressive or repetitive activities. This would include some exercises. It would be best to suspend any strenuous exercise routines during an arthritis flare-up. When the swelling has subsided you could continue your exercise program and normal activities.

Doing range-of-motion exercises: Although, you should sustain from strenuous exercise during a flare-up, you should do light range-of-motion exercises. When you do range-of-motion exercises you are putting your joints through its normal range of motion, without stretching or forcing it. You should not force swollen joints to bend too much and you should stop when you experience a lot of pain. You need to make sure the joint stays as flexible as possible during a flare-up because this will help to preserve the joints range of motion and prevent long-term stiffness.

Pacing yourself: Be sure to take your time when you do activities during a flare-up, conserve your energy. Do a little bit each day instead of trying to do everything in one day and then not be able to anything the next. The temptation to do everything in one day, when you are feeling good, is very hard to not do, but the rewards are less pain and stiffness. That's why taking your time doing activities is so important. I still haven't mastered this. It seems that when I am having a flare-up everything I need to get done piles up and then I try to play catch-up when I do feel good. But I can't stress this enough, take your time. You might want to consider getting a joint injection. During a flare-up, if you have one or more joints are very painful and swollen, you may be able to get an injection from your doctor. You may be a candidate for a cortisone injection in the joint, which can reduce the swelling and relieve the pain you are experiencing. Your doctor will determine if you would benefit from a joint injection and will give it to you in his/her office. After your injection, the doctor may want to reevaluate your medications and make changes as needed. I have had these injections across my shoulders and it's been a year since my last shot. I no longer have the pain and stiffness in my back and neck area.

Ask for help when you need it. It may be time to ask for help when you are having a flare-up and you are unable to do a project or just need help with your everyday chores. These tasks can be overwhelming and very possibly harmful to your swollen joints. I know that asking for help can be a very hard but you should consider the damage to your swollen joints if you attempt to do these things when you are having a flare-up. I am the worst when it comes to asking for help. I always thought that it was an admission that I was giving up. It wasn't, it was a smart thing to do because it allowed me to preserve my joints and my energy. Avoid doing a "worst case scenario." Try to stay calm and not worry when you are having a flare-up. Just because your joints are swollen again, doesn't mean your flare-up is going to be a permanent change. More than likely it probably will be short-lived, please avoid the "worse-case" scenario, because negative thinking will cause more stress which then will cause your flare-ups to be more painful. All you can do at this point is to remind yourself that you are doing all you can do to improve the effects of your life with arthritis.

Manage your stress: Stress can be a major reason for your arthritis flare-ups and managing the things that cause you stress can only help with your pain levels. I know that it isn't easy to eliminate your stress but even if you can reduce just a small portion of them, it will have an impact. There is one way to start and that is to try changing how you think about the stress in your life. You may become stressed at the signs of an arthritis flare-up, which can actually make it worse. But if you remember that arthritis does have ups and downs, you can have an impact on the flare-up. Your confidence in yourself and your doctor's ability to manage your flare-ups will increase and as it does, your flare-ups will decrease.

Yoga, deep breathing exercises, and meditation can also help to combat stress and are more effective if you practice them on a regular basis.

Using assistant devices: You might want to consider using assistant devices to avoid causing a swollen joint more pain and discomfort. This can make it easier to do any painful chores or other activities. There is a very wide range of assistant devices that can make it easier to hold a pencil, or even do the reaching for you to get something off of a high shelf, to simple canes and crutches. You might need these devices all the time but it is nice to have them around just in case you need then during a flare-up.

If you work, a flare-up can affect your ability to do your job. When you have a flare-up that is making it difficult for you to do your job and it doesn't seem to be settling down in a few days, get to your doctor early and discuss your work issues. You may find it helpful to take a few days of vacation until your flare-up has subsided and this will allow you to get the rest you need to heal. If you haven't told your employer about your arthritis, now may be a good time to do so. Simply explain that you have your arthritis under control but that on occasion you will have a flare-up that may require you to take a few days off to get through it. Doing this will put you into the position to request some small accommodations. But also remember that your employer, no matter how understanding they are, expect you to do the job you were hired for and to be at work.

Be sure to communicate to your doctor and his staff exactly what is going on and how worried you are so that you get an appointment as soon as possible. When you receive good treatment, the flare-up may be short-lived, and your arthritis will remain under control. When this happens you will then be able to return to your job and to your regular activities and hobbies.

Things You Should Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is the general term which means inflammation of the joints. The inflammation is characterized by stiffness, pain, redness, and swelling of the affected area. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis that is classified as an autoimmune disease that affects the joints on both sides of the body this symmetry distinguishes this disease from other forms of arthritis.

This kind of arthritis affects 1 percent of the U.S population, which affects mostly women; however, men tend to be severely affected when they get this disease. The disease can manifest on any person between 25 and 50 years of age. It can progress rapidly, and on others, they experience it on a transient level and enter a period of remission.

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown but it is thought, that it may be due to the genetic makeup of the person, with the combination of environment and hormonal factors. That is why a person may become afflicted and prone to rheumatoid arthritis. There seems to be a trigger that sends signal to the brain specifically the immune system to attack the joints. Due to the increase of cells and inflammatory substance that is produce by the immune system, the joints becomes irritated, the cartilage weakens, which results in the narrowing of the space between the cartilage and the bones, thus the rubbing of the bones occurs.

The symptoms and pain varies from person to person, most often, the joints may feel stiff, painful, and warm to the touch, swollen, and inflamed. It may be a gradual manifestation on both the affected area, or it can attack suddenly. The inflamed joints are usually stiff after a prolonged period of inactivity or in the morning just after awakening.

People with this disease, usually feels tired and weak in the early afternoon. Treatment starts from simple, conservative measures such as rest and adequate nutrition to drugs and surgery. Often treatment starts with the least aggressive measures and moving to the more aggressive measure as the need implies.

The usual treatment is to rest the affected area or joints. Using the affected area aggravates the inflammation. Regular rest periods often relieves pain and total bed rest help relieve severe flare ups. A healthy diet and exercise can help in preventing sudden flares of rheumatoid arthritis and exercise help the joints to function normally and prevent stiffing.

Medicines can offer relief for swelling, joint pain, inflammation, and probably prevent the progression of the disease, which varies from natural to synthetic forms of medications. There are liniments, ointments and creams to relieve pain for mild attacks that gives instant relief.

Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirins, ibuprofen and naproxen, targets the pain and relieve swelling of the affected area. Also, there are drugs that work in blocking or suppressing the immune system that attacks the joints, this is a powerful drug that is often given on severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis and it should be closely monitored by the physician. There are invasive treatments that can help in the prevention of this disease like the Apheresis. It is a treatment that will remove the antibodies from the blood with the aid of the Prosorba. Prosorba is a cateter that is similar to the one used in dialysis, the Prosorba column is placed in the large vein and then harvesting of the antibodies is done, this type of treatment is done every 12 weeks.

Relief and management of this disease is available today. It is very important to consult your doctor and follow them carefully so that you can prevent the progression of the disease. Rest is very important also so that you can easily get back to your daily routine without medical aid.

The Real Truth on How to Cure or Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that leads to the chronic inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. It is an auto immune disease where the body's cells are attacked by its own immune system. Rheumatoid arthritis patients may not experience any symptoms for a long period even though it lasts for years.

Chronic rheumatoid arthritis can cause permanent joint destruction and deformity. The exact cause of this rheumatoid arthritis is not clearly understood but it is known to affect people of all ages. It is suspected that environmental factors or infections trigger the immune system of the body.

Symptoms and signs of rheumatoid arthritis:

Depending on the degree of inflammation, the symptoms may come and go. The intensity of the disease varies depending on the degree of inflammation. The disease is active when the body tissues are active and the disease is inactive (in remission) when the inflammation subsides. When the disease is active, symptoms include the following:

  • Loss of energy and appetite

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle and joint aches

  • Low grade fever

  • Stiffness of joints (more noticeable in the morning)

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis:

There is no cure for this disease. But the treatment plan involves reducing the pain and inflammation of the joints, maximizing the functionality of the joints, and preventing joint destruction and deformity. Treatment for arthritis involves usage of various medications, rest, exercise to strengthen the joints, and educating the patient about the disease.

The arthritis treatment usually entails a combination of drug therapy and non drug therapies that will control the inflammation of the joint and minimize joint damage. In some case, surgery may be required.

Also the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis should be tailored to individual patients needs. This includes the severity of the condition, effectiveness of particular therapies, side effects etc. Also if the person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is suffering from any other ailments, then the treatment plan should be planned in a different manner. This usually happens with patients who suffer from kidney related problems.

Medications that are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis includes:

  1. NSAID's which helps to reduce pain and inflammation of the joints. It does not reduce the long term effects of this disease. The side effects of these drugs should be weighed before it is taken.

  2. Disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs reduces inflammation, prevents damage to joints, preserve joint structure and functions and helps the patients to do their daily activities with ease.

  3. Biologic agents target the cells of the immune system, joints, secretions of the joints etc that causes inflammation and joint destruction. Since these fights with the immune system of the body, it should be used cautiously with patients who suffer from infections.

  4. Steroids have strong anti-inflammatory properties which has the potential to provide quick relief to rheumatoid symptoms.

Apart from medications, non pharmacological treatment for arthritis includes:

  1. Educating and counseling the patients about the disease. This will help the patient to understand about the disease and cope up with the challenges of the disease.

  2. Fatigue is a common symptom that is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The inflamed joints should be given enough rest. This does not mean that physical fitness should be avoided.

  3. Exercise can help the patients to prevent and reverse the effects rheumatoid arthritis creates on the patient which includes loss of joint motion, loss of muscle strength, weakness, and contractions, reduces joint stability etc.

  4. Physical therapy like the application of heat or cold, ultrasound, passive and active exercises, finger splinting, relaxation techniques etc can help reduce pain and inflammation in patients with arthritis.

  5. Nutrition and dietary therapy will help patients suffering from this disease to adequate amount of nutrition and calories.

The use of both medications and other physical therapies provide some relief to patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The best treatment plan should be first identified and then followed.

The Treatment of Big Toe Joint Arthritis Using An Artificial Joint Implant

Arthritis of the big toe joint can be a very disabling condition, as painful motion of this joint can hamper the ability to comfortably walk. Conservative treatment options of this joint are somewhat limited owing to the strain placed on it by the body during walking. Surgery is usually performed for treatment, and the use of joint implants is very popular. This article will review the types of joint implants available to treat big toe joint arthritis.

Arthritis of the big toe joint, also called the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint, is very common, and is the most common place of symptomatic arthritis in the foot. The big toe joint is comprised of the roundish head of the first metatarsal, and the concave base part of the proximal phalanx, the first bone of two in the big toe itself. Arthritis occurs when the cartilage that covers the ends of the above two bones erodes away, resulting in a loss of the normal smooth motion of the joint. Bone grinds on bone, and the tissue in and around the joint becomes inflamed. Large spurs on top of and around the joint form, and can limit motion even further. The destruction in the big toe joint usually begins as a result of long term wear and tear on the cartilage due to a first metatarsal that is formed either too long, too short, or too elevated. Bunions can also result in arthritis where the big toe is angled too far toward the second toe, and the 1st metatarsal sticks out too far in the other direction. Trauma, particularly prior fractures that involved the joint or one of its bones, can eventually result in joint destruction and arthritis. There are also a number of other diseases that result in more significant (and some cases unsalvageable) joint destruction, including psoriasis, body-wide immune system-related arthritic conditions, bone infections, loss of blood supply to the bone, and nerve disease associated with certain conditions.

Nonsurgical treatment of big toe joint arthritis can have limited help compared with arthritis in larger joints like the knees and hips. These can include stiff shoes and inserts to limit the motion of the joint, as well as anti-inflammatory medications and injections. These measures rarely provide lasting relief.

Surgical treatment of big toe joint arthritis involves procedures that either preserve the joint, replace the joint, or destroy the joint all together. Joint preserving procedures are used in mild cases of arthritis, or in those who have high functional demands (like competing athletes) or cannot undergo a joint implant or destruction procedure due to poor health or bone density. These procedures involve removal of bone spurs and loose bone particles, and possibly a correction of any abnormal 1st metatarsal position. Joint destruction, which amounts to a removal of all cartilage and fusing the joint so it does not move at all (eliminating the pain), is done when arthritis is severe, and also in more moderate cases depending on the philosophy of the surgeon. Some surgeons prefer to use this option in all painful arthritic cases, others prefer implants to artificially restore motion.

Since the scope of this article is joint implants, the discussion will be centered on this option. Joint implants for the big toe joint have been around for well over fifty years. Joint implants can replace both sides of the joint, or only one side, leaving the other side's cartilage intact. A variety of materials have been used to make these implants, including silicone, metal of various alloys, and ceramics. Some implants have withstood the test of time, and others have faded into obscurity due to design issues or implant failures.

One of the first implant designs, and one that is still in use today by some surgeons, is essentially a hinge with stems that run into the 1st metatarsal and proximal phalanx, respectively. This implant is made of a firm silicone gel, that is stiff enough to withstand the forces acting on the big toe, and flexible enough to allow for a bending motion at the hinge. This implant has been used for nearly forty years, and has a fairly decent success rate. The nature of the silicone gel material can lead to complications, including silicone degeneration and depositing of particles in the surrounding soft tissue, as well as stem fracturing and implant slippage if not tightly seated in the bone due to stem hole widening.

Perhaps the most popular implant design today is historically the earliest implant. This implant design has been in use since the 1950's, and has proven itself durable, effective, and generally complication free when properly installed. This implant design replaces the 'cup' of the proximal phalanx part of the joint, and consists of a concave plate attached to a stem that is impacted into the bone. This implant fits in tightly, and has a thin profile so that not a lot of anatomic bone has to be removed in order to fit it into the joint. The original design is still in use, and many companies have implants that are very similar in shape and function. This implant, while it replaces the only one side of the joint, is very effective at restoring joint motion without pain, even if the other side of the joint has a large amount of cartilage loss as well. Complications can include extended joint swelling follow the surgery for awhile, as well as implant slippage out of position or toe bone fracturing in a very low number of cases. This author has personally used this design for years with good success.

A more recent design developed in the last decade provides a surface replacement for the metatarsal side of the joint. Anatomically, this is the side that wears down the most, and so theoretically this is the most optimal part of the joint to replace. Unfortunately, this bone is much more difficult to design a partial implant for given it's size, shape, and role within the joint's motion. A recent design has overcome these challenges, and has success in resurfacing the metatarsal portion of the joint to resolve the arthritis pain and degeneration. This type of implant essentially consists of a round 'head' portion that replaces much, but not all, of the end of the 1st metatarsal. It is secured to the end of the bone via a stem that is either screwed or impacted into the canal of the bone. The base part of the proximal phalanx will then move over this implant, with the end result being better motion and reduced pain. Like implants in the other bone, this design can cause bone fracturing, and if improperly placed (or if the bone quality is not ideal), the stem can move in the bone canal, leading to implant surface motion.

A final design in implants for big toe joint arthritis has been the one most technically challenged, and historically least successful and consistent in design. These implants have two pieces that replace both sides of the joint respectively. Essentially, there is a cup component for the proximal phalanx and a 'ball' component for the 1st metatarsal. These designs require the removal of a lot of bone in order for them to fit in properly, and historically have had a higher failure rate that the one-sided implants. This joint takes on a great amount of force during walking, and the presence of metal in the bones at this joint increases the stress on the respective bones. When the metal is present on both sides of the joint,a higher rate of bone stress can develop, as well as a higher rate of implant fracture and bone fracture. Design improvements persist even now, and there are many surgeons who prefer to use implants with two sides rather than one-side despite this history, usually given their own success with using the two-sided design. While this author does not prefer the use of total joint implants in the big toe joint, contemporary designs are still very much a legitimate and effective way to improve joint motion and reduce pain, especially in the case of severe erosion of both sides of the joint surface.

Joint implants for big toe joint arthritis is a valuable option for relieving pain and improving foot function. There are some patients who should not use these implants, no matter what the design. These include very heavy and obese people and people with poor bone density or who heavily smoke and have decreased bone density as a result of nicotine on blood flow to the bone. They also include diabetics or others with significant nerve disease, as decreased sensation can lead to excessive foot joint pressures and eventual destruction. People with big toe joint implants also need to keep in mind that motion is rarely ever 100% improved, and most of the time squatting over one's toes is not comfortable due to some restriction of motion that the presence of an artificial joint creates. However, in the big picture, these implants are more reliable, more durable, and are less likely to become infected than larger implants like those in the hips and knees, and they rarely ever have to be removed or replaced.

Food Items That Should Be Included In Rheumatoid Arthritis And Diet

Several medical speculations are extremely concerned to find out the exact roots of rheumatoid arthritis; although, it's very apparent that this is an unrelieved arthritis of the joints that are swelled and originates huge amount of pain along with rigidity experienced by the sufferer. Moreover, there is still no specific treatment for this illness.

A complex rheumatoid arthritis, which is untreated for a long period of time, can distort a patient with constant immobility and can affect certain various parts of the body also. This is an illness that can attack anyone and due to its low curing alternatives it is better to follow the fact "Prevention is better than cure". It is not necessary to deem rheumatoid arthritis and diet as an effectual way of treatment.

The Perfect Diet Chart:

A well-balanced and rigorous diet chart that is rich in fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and lots of other nourishing food stuffs needs to be consumed to prevent the inception of this disease.

While considering the relation between rheumatoid arthritis and diet, it is necessary to accept that the diet needs to be a mixture of every kind of nutritious foods that is consumed in various well-distinguished fractions such as bulky, average, and small. No physical activity is required to ensure the presence of any bodily application that will balance the disease & diet.

A usual rheumatoid arthritis and diet needs to contain certain fractions of fruits, vegetables, bread, legumes, oils with limited quantity of saturated fats, and cereals.

Another most effectual chart needs to include lots of fish oil in a vegetarian format as much as possible, which is bound to produce a superior diet.

Furthermore, superior kinds of rheumatoid arthritis and diet needs to be followed with good intake of controlled sugar. Similarly, red meat with chopped additional fats also needs to be consumed. Great amount of care is advised for the diet, which includes red meat consumption for preventing more worsening in the swelling of joints. Hence, it is advised to intake this diet in minor amounts for a secure health.

Mineral Diet:

Minerals such as calcium, and Vitamins B and C, needs to be thoroughly ensured in a rheumatoid arthritis and diet chart. It is also advised to firmly maintain the body weight that is likely to increase, due to the menace of this transforming into a feeble type of disease, as a result of which the bone density may be dropped.

There is also likeliness of a fever upshot owing to various indications of this disease, which makes the body incapable to handle the soreness and immobility.

Cure Arthritis With Turmeric: A Natural Way to Treat Arthritis (Including Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Scientific research is finding more and more ways in which this fantastic, delicious, natural ingredient is beneficial to our health in general and against this degenerative chronic condition in particular. This fabulous 'herb' or 'spice' is showing to be effective in the treatment of a number of diseases and health problems, such as arthritic and rheumatic conditions as well as various skin problems, weight problems and even depression. This natural ingredient can be taken as a supplement (any store - including online stores - selling natural health supplements will have it) or, as a spice. Let's find out why it is now regarded as a natural miracle against these chronic, degenerative conditions (against which there is still not much traditional medicine can do without negative side-effects):

1. Anti-Inflammatory
The anti-inflammatory properties of this natural ingredient are proven to highly beneficial against arthritic and rheumatic diseases (which, as we know, creates various inflammatory states throughout the body and, unfortunately, not only the joints).

Several studies have shown it has anti-inflammatory effects similar to those of many manufactured drugs; however, since this is a natural supplement, it creates no toxicity within your body and has no harmful side-effects.

How does it work? The anti-inflammatory properties of this natural ingredient stem from its inhibitory action against 2 enzymes (COX-2 and lipoxygenase), which are responsible for creating and maintaining a number of inflammatory mechanisms within our body. Moreover, this herb's health benefits also include its capacity to 'soothe' the body's inflammatory and allergic reaction to histamines, or to over/under activity, or trauma (of various kinds).

2. Anti-Oxidant
This ingredient has shown to be effective in protecting body cells from damage caused by oxidation (in the body, oxidation is a specific chemical reaction (triggered by a number of factors such as pollution, drugs, radiation, toxins, stress and even natural ageing) releasing the 'unstable' free radicals, which combine with other molecules to, eventually, destroy the cell). Anti-oxidants have the healthy property to neutralize free radicals and their destructive effects on the body.

Free radicals are the culprits of a series of skin problems (including premature ageing), as well as a number of diseases throughout the body, including cancer. With regards to arthritic and rheumatic conditions in particular, free radicals contribute to the inflammation and the damage caused to the joints and to other organs; thus, a potent anti-oxidant like turmeric will be highly beneficial, especially due to its own strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Arthritis Neck Pain Relief at Your Fingertips

Full aspects have been covered in this article. Looking forward to your feedback, hopefully it will be of great use to you.

Arthritis affects more than 35 million individuals in America alone, and that includes Arthritis neck pain. Arthritis it is presently ranked number one crippling disease in the whole of United States. If you are among the afflicted, your arthritis signs may be occasional or recurrent, and you may endure from swelling in one or more joints, chronic pain, or tenderness in any joint, early morning stiffness, or an helplessness to move a joint normally.

Whether your arthritis symptoms are mild or severe, they undoubtedly have a direct effect on your daily life. Maybe you have been counseled about "learning to live with arthritis." However, there is far more you can do to ease your pain, increase your range of motion, and both relax and reinforce your muscles. Acupressure massage using your fingertips to ease your aches and pains is a huge option.

Arthritis Neck Pain: Arthritis pain in any part of the body, especially the extremities hands, arms, feet, knees, legs, or hips incredibly often results in tightening of the neck muscles. The effect is pain and a decrease in the range of motion.

Whenever arthritis settles in the neck, the corresponding neck muscles have intricacy supporting the weight of the head, which is regularly fifteen to twenty pounds. Stress creates an added burden on the neck muscles, and? damaging situation is set up where inflamed joints and tension breed more strain and often neck pain.

There are many self-help techniques for relieving the chronic neck tension that often occurs from tensing against arthritic pain, It is found that a combination of Acu-Yoga (Using posture to press the acupressure points for self-treatment), hot compresses, deep breathing, and acupressure are predominantly effective. First, apply the hot compresses to your shoulders and neck until the skin becomes pink, indicating an increase in circulation. Ginger compresses are highly effective for relaxing the muscles in this area.

If the compresses are inconvenient or unavailable, do the Dry Wash Facial Message.

Step 1: Rub your hands together, creating a heat.

Step 2: Right away and systematically massage your face and neck with the palms of your hands.

Therefore, what is the benefit of Dry Wash Facial Massage: A daily dry wash cleans the pores, restoring tone and luster to the skin. This warming massage is helpful for acne and stiff necks.

After doing the Dry Wash Facial massage or applying the hot compresses, rotate your head very slowly five times in one direction and then other. Keep your eyes closed and breathe deeply as you do this exercise. This will help to elongate the neck and naturally reposition the vertebrae in the cervical region.

One of the mainly significant things you can do to assist your Arthritis neck pain is regular exercise, but must be done correctly to a have a good results over time. Sorry to say, numerous people with arthritis think exercise is destructive. Others become discouraged because progress is slow or their exercises are painful. Maintaining a proper balance between rest and exercise, and exercising properly, are keys to a successful arthritis exercise program. Easy-to-follow exercise program will definitely help sufferers of arthritis and related soft tissue rheumatic disorders, and also everyone who feels stiffness or tension in parts of their body.

Using the natural techniques of acupressure, massage and gentle yoga stretches, you will be able to relieve pain, aches and inflammation.

Thanks for reviewing this article, I hope you found the information useful and to of great use

A contented mind is a continual feast.

Arthritis and Colloidal Gold

Arthritis is characterized by joint's stiffness and swelling combined with joint inflammation. Various forms of arthritis include osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, temporomandibular joint arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and Ankylosing spondolysis. Almost all forms of arthritis are chronic in nature. Though sings and symptoms produced by some forms of arthritis are mild in nature, arthritis could lead to gradual damage of joints. One may experience uncommon conditions such as redness, warmth and swollen joints as effects of certain forms of arthritis.

Stiffness of joints, swelling of joints and persistent joint pain are main common symptoms of the arthritis. Some people may experience difficulty in joint movements, tenderness and pain and redness and warmth surrounding joints.

Different forms and varying symptoms makes it difficult to treat or cure the arthritis. Certain pain relieving medications and steroid injections are used commonly for treatment of arthritis. Arthritis treatment is aimed and reducing pain and inflammation of the joints. Usually physicians prescribe combination of NSAIDs and DMARDs. Generally, arthritis condition subsides with medication. However, certain severe cares may require surgeries such as joint replacements.

Though the traditional medications used for arthritis treatment have produced positive results, it may not be possible for every person to tolerate with such medications as these medications can produce certain adverse side effects. To overcome this possibility researches are going on for natural remedies and alternative therapies.

Weak body immune system, lack of nutritious diet (minerals, vitamins etc) is considered as the main factor which can contribute towards occurrence of health abnormalities. To avoid such health disorders we must ensure adequate quantity of vitamins and minerals in our daily diet. Liquid supplements such as colloidal gold have the properties to enhance the body immune system and regulating hormonal balances. Most importantly, colloidal gold being obtained from pure natural element (gold) does not produce any side effects. Though gold was known since ancient times, it was considered only as precious metal. The medicinal properties of the gold came to light only during last century. Researches have shown that colloidal gold has the property to kill bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that could develop diseases. Colloidal gold and other dietary supplements are not medications but surely can be used as complementary therapy for preventing or treating various diseases including arthritis.

Discover Amazing Gout Home Remedies

Gout is a certain type of arthritis. Tenderness in the joints, swelling, redness, sudden and intense pain and heat are some of the indications of gout. This type of arthritis is usually affecting the big joint in the big toe, although the symptoms may also take place in your wrists, hands, knees and feet. The attacks usually last for about 5 to 10 days.

Alternative treatment approaches such as home remedies for gout are widely common among individuals with gout. If these home remedies for gout are employed, they must compliment and not serve as a replacement for traditional gout care.

The most effective home remedies for gout are those old-fashioned methods that our grandparents once employed. To relieve suffering from gout pain, the old timers had to utilize some products that were readily available in their homes. These home remedies for gout went out of vogue as scientific experts and medical scientists touted new forms of relief for this old medical issue.

The following are some home remedies for gout that are commonly used:

1. Application of a cold compress to the affected area - in order to lessen the pain, applying a cold compress directly to the area affected has always been the first line of treatment in the majority of households. Applying ice packs to the swollen and inflamed joints for about 10 to 15 minutes should do the trick. The application of cold packs will tend to lessen the inflammation and pain. This could feel a little uncomfortable during the first few minutes although you have to be persistent. The soreness caused by gout tends to get worse when there is the feeling of something against the skin.

2. To help alleviate the soreness due to gout, you may take ibuprofen.

3. Exercise your joints by placing each of them through a wide range of movement. Try performing this activity once or twice in a day.

4. Immerse your feet in an Epsom foot bath if the soreness is concentrated on your big toe. Epsom salt is a staple in most households. It is widely used for almost everything from laxative to water baths for soothing out painful muscles. Epsom salt contains the mineral magnesium. When present in high levels, magnesium may enhance your blood and heart circulation as well as lessen your blood pressure. Magnesium will also assist in flushing out the dangerous toxins and heavy metals away from your system.

The great thing about the aforementioned home remedies for gout is that many of these items we keep in our home. Gout needs to be treated as quickly as possible. The longer it is left untreated the worse the symptoms can become.

Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions - List

Before we delve into arthritis different types, it's important to note that arthritis means joint inflammation. It is actually a name given to problems that cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints. It can affect one or more joints and it could mean anything from slight tightness to severe pain and disability. Put simply, there are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. In fact, here's the compete list of arthritis different types and related conditions.

A-B Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Achilles tendinitis

  • Achondroplasia

  • Acromegalic arthropathy

  • Adhesive capsulitis

  • Adult onset Still's disease

  • Ankylosing spondylitis

  • Anserine bursitis

  • Avascular necrosis

  • Behcet's syndrome

  • Bicipital tendonitis

  • Blount's disease

  • Brucellar spondylitis

  • Bursitis

C-D Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Calcaneal bursitis

  • Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD)

  • Crystal deposition disease

  • Caplan's syndrome

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Chondrocalcinosis

  • Chondromalacia patellae

  • Chronic synovitis

  • Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis

  • Churg-Strauss syndrome

  • Cogan's syndrome

  • Corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis

  • Costosternal syndrome

  • CREST syndrome

  • Cryoglobulinemia

  • Degenerative joint disease

  • Dermatomyositis

  • Diabetic finger sclerosis

  • Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)

  • Discitis

  • Discoid lupus erythematosus

  • Drug-induced lupus

  • Duchenne's muscular dystrophy

  • Dupuytren's contracture

E-F Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

  • Enteropathic arthritis

  • Epicondylitis

  • Erosive inflammatory osteoarthritis

  • Exercise-induced compartment syndrome

  • Fabry's disease

  • Familial Mediterranean fever

  • Farber's lipogranulomatosis

  • Felty's syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Fifth's disease

  • Flat feet

  • Foreign body synovitis

  • Freiberg's disease

  • Fungal arthritis

G-H Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Gaucher's disease

  • Giant cell arteritis

  • Gonococcal arthritis

  • Goodpasture's syndrome

  • Gout

  • Granulomatous arteritis

  • Hemarthrosis

  • Hemochromatosis

  • Henoch-Schonlein purpura

  • Hepatitis B surface antigen disease

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Hurler syndrome

  • Hypermobility syndrome

  • Hypersensitivity vasculitis

  • Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

I-K Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Immune complex disease

  • Impingement syndrome

  • Jaccoud's arthropathy

  • Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis

  • Juvenile dermatomyositis

  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

  • Kawasaki disease

  • Kienbock's disease

L-N Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Legg-Calve-Perthes disease

  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

  • Linear scleroderma

  • Lipoid dermatoarthritis

  • Lofgren's syndrome

  • Lyme disease

  • Malignant synovioma

  • Marfan's syndrome

  • Medial plica syndrome

  • Metastatic carcinomatous arthritis

  • Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)

  • Mixed cryoglobulinemia

  • Mucopolysaccharidosis

  • Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis

  • Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia

  • Mycoplasmal arthritis

  • Myofascial pain syndrome

  • Neonatal lupus

  • Neuropathic arthropathy

  • Nodular panniculitis

O-P Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Ochronosis

  • Olecranon bursitis

  • Osgood-Schlatter's disease

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Osteochondromatosis

  • Osteogenesis imperfecta

  • Osteomalacia

  • Osteomyelitis

  • Osteonecrosis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Overlap syndrome

  • Pachydermoperiostosis Paget's disease of bone

  • Palindromic rheumatism

  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome

  • Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome

  • Pigmented villonodular synovitis

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Polyarteritis nodosa

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica

  • Polymyositis

  • Popliteal cysts

  • Posterior tibial tendonitis

  • Pott's disease

  • Prepatellar bursitis

  • Prosthetic joint infection

  • Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

  • Psoriatic arthritis

R-S Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Raynaud's phenomenon

  • Reactive arthritis/Reiter's syndrome

  • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome

  • Relapsing polychondritis

  • Retrocalcaneal bursitis

  • Rheumatic fever

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Rheumatoid vasculitis

  • Rotator cuff tendonitis

  • Sacroiliitis

  • Salmonella osteomyelitis

  • Sarcoidosis

  • Saturnine gout

  • Scheuermann's osteochondritis

  • Scleroderma

  • Septic arthritis

  • Seronegative arthritis

  • Shigella arthritis

  • Shoulder-hand syndrome

  • Sickle cell arthropathy

  • Sjogren's syndrome

  • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Spondylolysis

  • Staphylococcus arthritis

  • Stickler syndrome

  • Subacute cutaneous lupus

  • Sweet's syndrome

  • Sydenham's chorea

  • Syphilitic arthritis

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

T-Z Arthritis Different Types and Related Conditions

  • Takayasu's arteritis

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

  • Tennis elbow

  • Tietse's syndrome

  • Transient osteoporosis

  • Traumatic arthritis

  • Trochanteric bursitis

  • Tuberculosis arthritis

  • Arthritis of Ulcerative colitis

  • Undifferentiated connective tissue syndrome (UCTS)

  • Urticarial vasculitis

  • Viral arthritis

  • Wegener's granulomatosis

  • Whipple's disease

  • Wilson's disease

  • Yersinial arthritis

Arthritis Different Types-- Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. As such, we will discuss these two types in more detail.

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease involves the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints.

Symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Mild aching to severe pain and loss of mobility, especially in the evening, due to joint stiffness.

  • Usually affects the weight-bearing joints - the knees, hips, and facet joints (in the spine), as well as the finger joints.

Osteoarthritis is primarily associated with aging and injury. In fact, it was once called "wear-and-tear" arthritis and it affects nearly everyone past age sixty. Although it can develop before age forty, it is said to be rare. In truth, the exact cause of osteoarthritis is unknown. However, about 20 million Americans are affected by osteoarthritis.

Supplements that may be helpful for Osteoarthritis

For supplements that may be helpful for Osteoarthritis, please click on the link below.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a type of inflammatory arthritis, is an autoimmune disease, in which the body's immune system improperly identifies the synovial membrane as foreign and, as such, inflammation results, damaging cartilage and tissue around the joints. Often, the bone surfaces are destroyed as well. Joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis include the hands, knees, wrists, and feet.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) include:

  • Swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness, and pain in the affected joint. Usually more severe in the morning.

  • Fatigue.

  • Fever.

  • Chills.

  • Body aches.

  • Joint deformity.

  • Weight loss.

It affects about 2.1 million Americans and roughly 75% of them are females. In addition, it frequently occurs in people under forty five and when the disorder occurs in children under sixteen years old, it is known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown or should we say it is still not well understood.

Supplements that may be helpful for Rheumatoid Arthritis

For supplements that may be helpful for Rheumatoid Arthritis, please click on the link below.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Getting Help Now Naturally

I finally found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can too. Arthritis sufferers today are always seeking relief from their arthritis pain.

As a result of arthritis, the bone just beneath the cartilage undergoes changes that lead to a bony overgrowth and the tissue that lines the joint can become inflamed, the ligaments can loosen and the associated muscles can weaken. Osteoarthritis affects joints in a different way depending on their location in the body, causing various arthritis symptoms. Unlike some other types of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is not systemic - it does not spread throughout the entire body.

Proteoglycans are the large molecules that help to make up cartilage; they bond to water, which ensures a high-fluid content in cartilage. Cartilage contains a very high percentage of water, but it decreases with age. Cartilage is slippery tissue that coats the end of the bones.

Aging cells could be a factor in the development of arthritis and specifically osteoarthritis. Some possible causes of arthritis include lesser known: bleeding disorders, like hemophilia, that cause bleeding to occur in the joint; disorders such as avascular necrosis, that block the blood supply closest to the joint; and conditions like hemochromatosis, which causes iron to build-up in the joints. Genetic factors are thought to be involved in about 50 percent of osteoarthritis cases in the hands and hips and a somewhat lower percentage of cases in the knee.

A recent study in Great Britain touted the beneficial effects of cod liver oil in osteoarthritis; relieving pain and stiffness, and starting to reverse the destruction of joint cartilage within just 24 hours. Natural arthritis treatment is usually a better choice because it's non-invasive and usually anti-inflammatory if living foods are consumed. Nutrition experts say it takes a combination of supplements, not just one supplement to relieve arthritis pain, build cartilage, etc.

Make all-fruit smoothies using a base of two bananas, add one cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil if you like; add one or two leaves of kale for even more super nutrition. If you really want to get rid of your arthritis pain forever it may take a radical change in your diet and an ongoing commitment to it. I started eating a diet of living foods (fruits, raw veggies, raw nuts and raw seeds) which caused my arthritis to disappear and therefore relieve me of arthritis pain; this should be tried for at least 30 days; it would eliminate any foods that might be culprits.

With natural arthritis treatments there will be fewer, if any, side effects or adverse reactions. An acid diet, that is any foods that are not alive, is considered to be inflammatory to the joints.

Dried Montmorency tart cherries seem to be helpful as a natural treatment for arthritis pain for many people. For a natural approach and natural treatment for arthritis make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor - a naturopath; ask around for referrals in your area.

Keep a basket of arthritic treatment aids for arthritic hands (Thera-putty, hand grips, Taiji Chinese chime balls, etc.) to use at bedtime or while watching television. Exercise is good for any joint affected by osteoarthritis. Fight arthritis through plenty of movement and exercise! Your body has 147 joints that are in motion every day of your life; keep them moving!

A good exercise routine is the key to beating arthritis and keeping arthritis pain at bay; so keep moving as much as possible. Stretching and warming up the joints should always be the first step in your exercise routine to make your joints more flexible, but be careful in the morning; you may need an hour or more of moving around first; you can start by moving your limbs around in your bed a few minutes before you get out of bed. Whatever you do, keep moving; don't sit when you can stand, don't stand when you can walk or walk in place.

Drugs commonly used for arthritis pain can cause ulcers, heart disease, liver or kidney damage. Let your doctor and pharmacist know about any other drugs, herbs or other supplements you're taking, to ward off any bad or adverse drug reactions that might occur from the combining of different drugs or supplements. If you're planning to take any of the non-prescription NSAIDs for arthritis, make sure you understand what bad effects they can have on the stomach, liver and kidneys; discuss this with your family doctor or rheumatologist.

Knowing more about arthritis and osteoarthritis and how it works will ultimately help contribute to relief of your arthritis pain. And stopping the progression of arthritis as well as stopping your pain should be your number one goal. Once you understand the facts about arthritis and the possible causes and remedies and treatment approaches you can take, you'll be on your way to recovery and pain will go away forever.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Arthritis and the Prevention of Arthritis

Your bones are exposed in a lot of joints. Knee joints. Hip joints. The joints in your fingers and the joints in your toes.

Wherever bones join, there is also cartilage, a rubbery, shielding layer that ensures your joints bend smoothly and painlessly. Even cartilage cannot fix this tremendous responsibility alone. A delicate covering called the synovium provides fluid to grease the moving parts of the joint. Once the cartilage wears away the synovium becomes inflamed, the end result is normally a case of osteoarthritis or else rheumatoid arthritis.

During osteoarthritis, the cartilage can remain eroded so much that bone rubs on bone creating a friction effect. As a result arthritis develops slowly but surely over a lifetime being a simple end result of the wear and tear placed on your joints over the years. Hardly any individual gets away from a certain degree of osteoarthritis, though the severity varies a significant deal.

Such as a matter of fact, if you are above the age of fifty, you are most likely to experience at least one location affected by osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis affects men and women the same and is by far the main normal type of arthritis, with almost 16 million people in the world.

In the field of rheumatoid arthritis, destruction to the synovium is the source of trouble. Physicians and researchers aren't definitely certain what causes it, but the majority think that rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which the immune system in fact attacks particular tissues in the body, together with those that join the joints and the synovium.

Rheumatoid arthritis begins with inflamed, red, stiff, and tender joints, but it might progress until scar tissue forms inside the joint or, in extreme cases, until the bones in fact fuse as one. Almost 75% of the two million individuals with rheumatoid arthritis residing in the United States are women. The disease can strike as young as the teenage years.

Exercising And Prevention To Help Control The Disease Before It Develops.

Investing a small amount of time in increasing a helpful weight-bearing low-impact exercise and stretching activity can add up to splendid results when it comes to starving off arthritis grief. Strong muscles help guard the joints from wear and tear, and the movement keeps joints flexible.

That's why the quest for fitness is at hand, even if you are fifty years and above. However, Americans over fifty are still exactly where they always were sitting back and watching others run or jog by. The majority of them contend that exercising is merely for individuals who have been in good shape all their life, or else a few say doing exercises is for young people and engaging in exercising will do them more damage than good.

Presently there are still several that insist on excusing them selves in working out routines since they don't just have time or they have not as much energy than they use to in the past. These are all lame excuses. Therefore, it is time to start to get rid of those pains and aches. Start an exercising routine now. But, before starting the routine make sure to consult your doctor.

Consequently, preventing or delaying arthritis isn't an exact science, but physicians have uncovered a few ways to decrease your risk. Here is how:

1. Don't weight around start exercising now it will payoff in the long run.

The single largest significant measure someone can take to prevent osteoarthritis of the knee is to lose body weight if they are heavy. Added weight puts additional stress on your knees. If you are 10 pounds overweight, for example, you put sixty pounds per square inch of additional pressure on your knees every time you take a step. That additional pressure can gradually but surely eat away at the cartilage in your knees, leading to arthritis.

A study has unmistakably supported the theory that weight loss weighs in on the boundary of prevention. Taking part in the study, obese women who lost 11 pounds or more over a ten year time decreased their chances of developing osteoarthritis of the knee by 50%.

2. Stretch those muscles by slowly exercising the joints.

Several kinds of stretching is fine as long as you don't bounce, or over do it, which can lead to a muscle sprain or pull. This is according to a few of the professors of clinical medicine in New York City.

Try to sustain a slow, steady stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, after that relax and repeat. It is best to loosen up all the muscles in the body by stretching before any exercise, especially running or walking. But, it is an additionally good idea to stretch each day. Ask your doctor to teach you stretches and exercises that focus on possible arthritis trouble spots, such as the knees, lower back. Hips, and legs and remember the weight loss prevention measures.

3. Stretching, Walking, or a slow jog for about 30 minutes is always the best exercises for arthritis prevention.

Take a good long walk at least three times a week for 30 minutes or take part in a step-aerobics or low-impact exercising routine for maximum results. There is no proof that running is bad for the joints just make sure you buy a good quality running shoe, but remember, it may irritate an injury if you already have one. Definitely remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program of any kind including a stretching or low-impact exercise.

The bottom line is that of all the healthful practices you could do, exercise is the largely important one to keep all sorts of diseases down. This is because people are designed to be very active everyday. Therefore, it is really important for people to keep fit in order to stay healthy and keep those joints free from wear and tear.

Just keep in mind that an un-exercised body, even if it is free from the symptoms of illness and problems like arthritis, is not at its complete potential. Therefore, start exercising right now to fight off, lesson or prevent arthritis!

What Are The Symptoms of Arthritis?

About six months ago I began to experience severe joint pain and suspected that I was developing arthritis. Right then I knew I needed to learn the symptoms of arthritis

Eventually I went to a physician who confirmed my suspicions but prior to that I did a bit of research and this is what I found. These are the questions I learned that you need to ask to discover if you have symptoms of arthritis.

Does physical exercise and increased activity exacerbate the pain in your joints?

Is your pain symmetric? When I first went to the doctor complaining about pain in my elbow, the doctor dismissed it out of hand, as a repetitive strain disorder. But when I told him that the pain was bilateral, and that I rarely used my left arm in my repetitive activities, he then began to share my concern about arthritis.

Does your joint hurt when you bend the limb in a normal way? Does the joint pop or creek?

Is there swelling in the joint? Is this skin around the joint becoming shiny and tight? Both osteoarthritis, which is a degeneration of the joints and rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammation of the joints will produce joint swelling.

An early sign of arthritis is stiffness upon waking. If you're experiencing morning stiffness which tends to subside somewhat after the first half hour so of movement, it could be a sign of arthritis

In osteoarthritis, cartilage and bone rub together and a person can often hear, what is been described as a grating sound. If your bones and joints seem to crackle or make an unusual noises when moving, or if you experience a gritty sensation in your joints, it may be an indication of arthritis.

A temperature test can be helpful in determining whether the symptoms are experiencing arthritis. Place a hand on each of your joints, for instance one hand on your right knee and another on your left knee. Is there a noticeable temperature difference? If your joints feel unusually warm, it may be a sign of a rheumatoid arthritis. It could also be an indication of gout, or an infection of the joint. If you experience coldness, if your joints are unusually cool it may well be a sign of osteoarthritis

Is the onset of your joint pain concurrent with swelling or fever? This symptom could be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis or an infection of the joint.

Finding Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Finding osteoarthritis pain relief is not just a matter of looking for medication. There are many ways that you can get pain relief for this chronic condition without rushing to the medicine cabinet. Most doctors today agree that osteoarthritis pain relief should be as natural as possible, to avoid side effects.

Traditional Remedies: The problem with the traditional pain relief remedies for osteoarthritis is that they have negative side effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs, the most commonly prescribed medications for osteoarthritis, can have negative side effects in the digestive system. They have been linked with gastronomical problems as well as ulcers in the stomach. They have also been linked to liver disease. While they show promise in relieve the pain from osteoarthritis, they are not without their problems.

Over The Counter Pain Relief: Other osteoarthritis pain relief is found in over the counter medication such as Tylenol and aspirin. These over the counter medications also have a negative impact on the digestive tract. Studies indicate that stomach ulcers and liver problems can be caused by abuse of over the counter pain medications. Stomach cancer has also been linked to this type of abuse. While over the counter medications are ideal for relieving pain that occurs once in a while, they can be harmful if taken in great quantities for chronic pain.

Pain Killers: In some cases, doctors may recommend pain killers for osteoarthritis. Some people suffer from this condition to the point where it is debilitating. In such cases, the doctor may recommend this type of treatment for those who are in dire pain. The problem with pain killers is that they cause the patient to build up a tolerance for the drug that means an increase in dosage to achieve the same results. The pain killers are also very addictive. They can cause the person to experience pain magnified when they attempt to kick the habit.

Muscle Relaxants: Muscle relaxants are also used to combat osteoarthritis, but they can have the same results as pain medication. It is clear that alternate means of osteoarthritis pain relief must be explored in order to keep people from the negative side effects of prescription and over the counter drugs.

Heat Treatments: Heating treatments can also work well when it comes to osteoarthritis pain relief. Many patients find that heating pads as well as whirlpool and sauna treatments do wonders to ease the pain. Paraffin wax treatments for the hands and feet can also be a viable treatment for this condition.

Healthy Diet: Eating the right foods and taking supplements can also help with osteoarthritis. If you want to treat this condition, you should look to the cause. Many people who suffer from osteoarthritis are overweight. If this is the case, then you are doing your whole body a favor when you lose weight.

Exercise: Knee braces, lumbar support devices and even massage can help with osteoarthritis. Exercise does not harm this condition, in fact, it can help. Many doctors will recommend some type of exercise, such as swimming, to help with osteoarthritis pain.

When you suffer from osteoarthritis, you will feel pain. But instead of reaching into the medicine cabinet for osteoarthritis pain relief, look first to more natural pain relief for this condition to avoid harmful side effects.

Arthritis and Joint Pain - Food Can Be Your Best Medicine or Worst Enemy!

Arthritis often brings along many other illness not just joint pain, swelling and discomfort. The body slows down as arthritis takes hold, joints become swollen and painful at the same time, and movements are becoming more difficult. There for less exercise means weight gain, and the decline in health spiral has begun.

Cholesterol and blood pressure can become dangerously high, also cardiovascular fitness can decline. Blood sugar bordering on danger levels, as well through weight gain up goes diabetes. The human body is far too complex - and arthritis is much too stubborn for a simple solution. Healing any degenerative disease requires a multiple discipline, and to have success you've got to attack the disease at every level it exists on. It is also important to realise that there is no such thing as a "magic bullet" cure. Research has confirmed time after time that diet and lifestyle changes are the most important steps to improve any ones health.

Foods to stay away from at all costs!

Don't be lured into choosing farmed fish instead of wild-caught fish. In fact avoid farmed fish of any kind. They could make actually joint pain worse. Farm-raised fish contain a lower amount of inflammation fighting Omega-3. They also have unhealthy levels of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. This is because farmed fish being fed unhealthy amounts of soy pellets, which increase the ratio of omega-6 that promotes chronic inflammation in the human body. On top of that farmed fish being fed large amounts of antibiotics to control diseases caused by crowded conditions in which they raised.

The best fish you can eat, which is toxin free and has a high content of Omega-3 is wild Alaskan Salmon. Overfishing has created a shortage of these healthful wild-caught fish.

Be aware of medication for arthritis!

Some medication and certain arthritis drugs have been found to lower the amount of selenium in your body. These are the often prescribed anti-inflammatory Glucocorticoid medication, as well as Dexamethasone, and Prednisone.

Only studies over long time tell the truth. A study taken over 22 years have found a clear association between aspartame (artificial sweetener) consumption and leukaemia. Diet soda and high sugar intake is also a trigger of developing leukaemia. Also this study found that aspartame and saccharin causes great weight gain. This also applies to any arthritis sufferers where there is sugar involved in drinks and daily meals. Stay clear from refined food, including most frozen meals, boxed cereals, snacks, sweet yogurt, banana-chips, also "natural" potato chips, and packaged products. Even pretzels act just as sugar when they hit your blood stream because they're made with refined white flower.

Those are full with sugars and trans-fats. All of them would say: "Hello inflammation and pain, here I come."

The ten worst foods for arthritis!

  1. Sugar carbohydrates, including cookies, candies, sodas, fruit and sport drinks

  2. All fast foods especially deep-fried

  3. Refined wheat products, white bread, cakes, pasta etc.

  4. Refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils, corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola

  5. Margarines and mayonnaise

  6. Commercial salad dressings and dips

  7. Granola bars and energy bars

  8. Processed snacks, chips and crackers

  9. Microwave popcorn with butter flavouring

  10. Veggie - burgers and any other fake soy-based foods

Those pain provoking foods contain excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and lots of sugar. It is all about balance to bring your total Omega's into balance by consuming more Omega-3 foods than Omega-6 fatty foods.

When it comes to arthritis pain and taking supplements you should know what to take and only take a quality product. Not all Glucosamine is good Glucosamine; independent testing laboratories have discovered that up to 90% of all Glucosamine products on the market today are ineffective and practically worthless.

Glucosamine-Chondroitin creams and gels are bunk. Don't waste your money.

Only by eating the right food you will get the full benefit from a good natural supplement to make sure that your body will become and stay healthy, and pain- free.

You will gain pleasure and peace of mind by taking preventive action with no side effects.

For more information about health and how to choose the best supplement ("in a liquid form") to add to your daily diet, just follow the link below, info is free.

A Beer A Day Keeps Arthritis Away

Can a beer a day keep arthritis away? That appears to be the case in a new study conducted by Swedish researchers who found that regular alcohol intake can cut a person's risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by half.

Speaking at the annual European Congress of Rheumatology in Barcelona, Spain, Henrik Kallberg of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm said that drinking three or 10 glasses of wine or beer weekly can help prevent RA, a crippling inflammatory disease that affects over 20 million people worldwide.

Consuming these amounts resulted in a 50 percent drop in the risk in developing the disease and they appear to offset genetic and smoking-related risks of RA. The study involved over 2,000 Swedes.

"These data not only show that alcohol can protect against RA and reduce the risk conferred by smoking or susceptible genes, but also give us an idea of the relevant doses necessary," Kallberg said.

The announcement was welcomed by Tore Kvien, president of the European League Against Rheumatism, who called the findings "very interesting" but cautioned against excessive drinking that could lead to other medical problems. He said more research is required to determine how alcohol protects against RA.

Earlier, Swedish researchers found that mice were protected from RA when they were given daily doses of water containing ten percent ethanol - the alcohol in beers, spirits, and wines. Compared to other mice, the ones who took the "spiked" water developed RA at a significantly slower rate.

No one knows why this happens but Kallberg believes alcohol affects the immune system that RA targets. Unlike osteoarthritis that results from the wear and tear of the joints, RA is an inflammatory disease in which the body's immune system attacks the tissue that lines the joints.

"RA usually causes problems in several joints at the same time. Early in RA, the joints in your wrists, hands, feet, and knees are the ones most often affected. As the disease progresses, your shoulders, elbows, hips, jaw, and neck can become involved. It generally affects both sides of your body at the same time. The knuckles of both hands are one example," according to the Mayo Clinic.

"Although more work is needed to unravel the science behind the connection, Kallberg said it was likely that alcohol suppressed the immune system and damped down the inflammatory process behind the condition," reported Ben Hirschler in Reuters.

As researchers continue to unravel the mysteries of alcohol, they say there's no harm in drinking moderately, especially in view of alcohol's protective effects against RA. To rebuild and lubricate worn joints damaged by arthritis, eliminate stiffness, and reduce pain and inflammation, take Flexcerin, a natural supplement without the side effects of other prescription painkillers. Check out for details.

Chiropractors and Arthritis Pain Relief

Every day, millions of people in America live with some form of arthritis. For some it is a minor inconvenience, while others struggle with crippling pain. The most common form of arthritis is a wearing down of the cartilage that buffers the joints, and though it commonly happens as a result of aging, it can actually impact any age group; it is often exacerbated by previous injuries. Though the disease can manifest itself in several different ways, it is always an inflammation of the joints, and because chiropractors deal directly with problems of the spine and joints, they can often provide long lasting relief for people who suffer from this condition by using a variety of methods, ranging from manipulation, to heat and ice, to electrical stimulation.

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, and it is the form that chiropractors have the most success in treating. This degenerative condition involves inflammation, and a reduction of the material lubricating fluids that is normally found between the joints. The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility, and those can come in just about every and any joint in the body from fingers and toes to neck and spine; it is in the cases involving the neck and spine in particular that chiropractors can offer the most relief. Two thirds of arthritis sufferers who have sought medical help from traditional medical practitioners have also looked for alternative solutions such as herbal treatments or acupuncture, but the most popular alternative practitioners that people turn to are chiropractors. Three out of four patients who have visited chiropractors for their arthritis pain have found it helpful.

When a chiropractor treats an arthritis patient, the manipulation of the spine releases the joints that have been locked up by inflammation, providing not only pain relief but also increased mobility and flexibility. Many chiropractors go far beyond traditional manipulation techniques, offering advice and guidance on special exercises, nutrition, massage for the soft tissues, and pain management through electrical stimulation. The reduction of pain and the increase of flexibility that chiropractic treatment offers not only enables the patient to move more freely, it also reduces the need for pain medications. And because one of the key tenets of chiropractic medicine is that when properly aligned, the body can heal itself, regular chiropractic manipulation may actually prevent the occurrence or recurrence of arthritis symptoms.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Arthritis Pain Management and Diet For Arthritis

With regards to arthritis and diet, the toxic glycoalkaloid solanine is present in most if not all members of the nightshade family. Other glycoalkaloids singled out include hyoscine, anabasine, isopelletierine, alpha-chaconine (found in potato), alpha-solanine, and alpha-tomatine (found in tomatoes). These metabolites become physiologically active in your body. These glycoalkaloids of the nightshade family, if eliminated can help drastically in your arthritis pain management, as they inhibit normal collagen repair in the joints or promote inflammatory degeneration of the joint. Removing the following nightshades from your diet results in pain free joints:

繚 Tomato

繚 Eggplant

繚 Tomatillo

繚 White potato

繚 Cucumber

繚 Peppers (all forms)

繚 Nicotine

繚 Cape gooseberry

繚 Garden huckleberry

繚 Thornapple

繚 Belladonna

繚 Bittersweet

繚 Henbane

Other guidelines to follow in your diet for arthritis are as follows:

1. Foods you should consume

all sea foods

all vegetables (except nightshade), particularly avocado

vegetable oils (particularly flax seed oil)

egg whites


nuts and seeds (particularly flax)

rice of all kinds (brown, white, wild)

parsley, onions, garlic, bay leaf

2. Foods you should avoid

Meat in any form, including broth

Fruit of any kind

Dairy products, egg yolks, milk cheese, yogurt

Vinegar or other acids

Dry roasted nuts (contain MSG)

Alcoholic beverages

Soft drinks

All additives, preservatives, chemicals, MSG, dyes

About this time, I'm sure you are asking, "what the heck can I eat in a diet for arthritis as you just eliminated everything?" The body becomes acidic and the cartilage in the joints begins to dissolve because of the acid in the blood. As the joints lose their lubrication, they begin to rub together and become inflamed. The body can heal itself if it has the correct natural nutrients.

If you are looking not only for a diet for arthritis and arthritis pain management, but an actual solution to treating the cause as well as the symptoms, the following have shown excellent results:

  • Bromelain - this sulfur-containing, protein-digesting enzyme contained in pineapple. Bromelain is a mixture of proteases and nonproteolytic enzymes which have anti-inflammatory mechanisms. The probable cause of its pharmacological effects is bromelain's ability to activate plasmin and to reduce kinin levels which increase inflammation, swelling, and pain. Bromelain stimulates plasmin production, which breaks down fibrin. Fibrin impedes tissue drainage, blocks blood vessels, and produces swelling.

  • Devil's claw - several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Devil's claw in the relief of arthritic conditions. Research on the plant's glycosides showed it to be especially helpful in reducing inflammations.

  • Boswellia - researchers have concluded that boswellic acids, as non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory agents, are beneficial due to suppression of proliferating tissue found in inflamed areas and also preventing the breakdown of connective tissue. Boswellia acts by a mechanism similar to non-steroidal groups of anti-arthritic drugs with the added advantages of its being free from side effects and gastric irritation and ulcerogenic activity.

  • Yucca - the steroidal saponins in yucca have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties which are particularly useful in arthritis pain management. Saponins also act as a lubricant in the joints and act in a similar manner to cortisone, as an anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Turmeric - is a perennial herb of the ginger family. Turmeric contains 4-5% of a volatile oil that is composed of turmerone, atlantone, and zingiberone, and 0.3-5.4% curcumin. It is believed that the anti-inflammatory effects of the turmeric volatile oil fraction are due to the anti-histamine activity in early inflammation by way of activating the adrenohypophyseal axis.

  • Ginger - restrains the production of inflammatory chemicals called cytokines.

  • White Willow Bark - contains anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, anti-pyretic and astringent properties. White Willow Bark is the original source of aspirin or its contents of salicin. Its actions as a pain-relieving (analgesic) substance through its depressant action on the central nervous system. The action of salicylates, for arthritis pain management are due mainly to their ability to produce endorphin like prostaglandins that result in anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

  • Essential fatty acids (EFAs) - fish oil supplementation has been shown to improve the signs and symptoms of arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effect of the omega-3 fatty acids is believed to be mediated in part by their inhibitory effect on production of interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor, both principal mediators of inflammation.

Arthritis can be a severe and crippling disease. Due to the limitations, risks and side effects of conventional therapy, many patients and practitioners are seeking alternative ways to treat the disease and arthritis pain management. While not everyone responds to these therapies, many patients do improve, and some have experienced complete and long-lasting remission. What's more, these alternative, natural treatments have a low incidence of adverse effects unlike conventional medicine.

Is There An Effective Alternative Treatment for Osteoarthritis?

Is there an effective alternative treatment for osteoarthrits? What is the best pain killer for osteoarthritis? Most questions about osteoarthritis focus on pain relief, but it is inflammation that causes the pain. Reducing or inhibiting the inflammation can reduce or prevent the pain.

Prescription anti-inflammatories have numerous side effects. Over the counter pain relievers can increase future health risks. The most commonly used over the counter meds are acetaminophen products like Tylenol, but this pain reliever does little to reduce inflammation.

There has been a lot of research concerning an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis. Researchers know that there are numerous anti-inflammatory compounds in nature that have no detrimental side effects and provide additional health benefits, along with pain relief. The latest research indicates that omega 3 fatty acids and an extract from the New Zealand green lipped mussel are very effective at reducing inflammation and pain.

The New Zealand green lipped mussel is a unique shell fish found only in the waters surrounding New Zealand. It contains high levels of a compound known as glycosaminoglycan, an important component of connective tissue i.e. cartilage.

The University of Maryland's Medical Website states:

"...New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain, increase grip strength, and enhance walking pace in a small group of people with osteoarthritis."

Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage cushions between the joints deteriorate. This deterioration can be a result of frequent injury or excessive stress on the joints and it seems that it can also be a result of inadequate or imbalanced nutrition. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that omega 3 fatty acids inhibit the activity of an enzyme that destroys the cartilage.

Alternative Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Studies concerning omega 3 fatty acids have focused primarily on rheumatoid arthritis, but because the pain of osteoarthritis is caused by inflammation and omega 3 fatty acids decrease inflammation, then it follows that those who suffer from either form of arthritis would benefit from supplementation.

What is the best pain killer for osteoarthritis? Opinions will, of course, vary. Many health care professionals believe that the best pain killer is one that naturally reduces inflammation and prevents further deterioration of the cartilage cushions. In addition, it has been recommended that those who suffer from osteoarthritis should receive counseling concerning proper nutrition, weight management (additional weight increases stress on the knees, hips and ankles), regular physical activity and dietary supplements.

As an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis omega 3 supplements and extracts from the green lipped mussel provide the most benefits, with the fewest side effects. Although the extract cannot be used by persons allergic to shellfish, it can be safely used by the majority of arthritis sufferers, should reduce the need for pain medication by reducing the inflammation and by reducing the deterioration of the cartilage.

Severe Elbow Joint Pain - Possible Causes And Ways To Deal With It Effectively And Safely

When it comes to joint pain, arthritis is undeniably one of the biggest culprits, but we should not let that cloud our judgment. Yes, arthritis can cause severe elbow joint pain, but surprisingly enough, this is less frequent than what many people believe.

One common cause of elbow pain is a condition known as tennis elbow, and no, it does not only affect tennis players. Approximately 50% of people who participate regularly in a racquet sport will get tennis elbow at some point, but even so, the vast majority of cases involve people who do not play any type of racquet sport. Anyone with a job that is demanding on their forearm muscles is particularly at risk. Plumbers, electricians, painters, and even butchers are prime candidates.

Conventional treatment usually involves physiotherapy and pain relief medication, and sufferers are instructed to avoid using their elbow or elbows excessively. In more severe cases, patients may receive corticosteroid injections which are administered into the immediate area. Having said all that, many people are reluctant to have these injections, and many also can not afford to pay for physiotherapy. Instead, they tend to opt for natural remedies such as fish oil supplements and supplements containing New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel extract.

Nerve entrapment is another very common cause of elbow pain, but fortunately it is relatively easy to determine whether or not this is the cause of your elbow pain. In most cases of nerve entrapment, a person will also experience a tingling sensation in their little finger and their ring finger. If there is enough pressure being applied to the nerve which is trapped, the tingling can be replaced with near total numbness.

Nerve entrapment is usually self-correcting. In other words, with enough rest, the pain should eventually go away, although there are cases where surgical intervention is required so that the ulnar nerve can be repositioned.

Bone tumors can also cause a significant amount of pain in one's elbow, but in truth, this is actually very rare. As with bone tumors, septic arthritis is yet another disease which can certainly cause severe elbow joint pain, but it too is very uncommon. Additionally, it is more often than not easily treated with antibiotics, although surgery may be necessary in very severe cases.

While joint pain is often caused by medical conditions such as some of those I have discussed above, it can also quite often be caused by nothing more than a nutrient deficiency. Joints are generally high maintenance body parts, and as such, they are dependent on a healthy diet. If you know your diet is not providing you with all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, you really should try to make a few changes, or alternatively, you should consider supplementing your diet.

Therapy Pain Relief for Arthritic Feet With Microwavable Slippers

Arthritis is a chronic condition which causes inflammation and pain in the joints, including the many joints found in the feet. The two types of arthritis are osteoarthritis arthritis which is usually associated with age and wear and tear on the joints, and rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the cartilage and tissue surrounding the joints. Many doctors recommend both heat and cold treatments to help reduce inflammation and ease the pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis. A wheat bag or heat pad is a convenient method of applying heat therapy and can be easily heated in a microwave. They may also be frozen and used as cold compress.

Heat therapy with wheat filled microwavable slippers can reduce the pain of arthritis in the feet by increasing circulation and relaxing muscles.

Heat Therapy for Osteoarthritis

Nearly 70 per cent of people over 70 years of age suffer from osteoarthritis, although it is fairly rare in people under the age of 50. Arthritis of the feet can seriously impact an individual's mobility, but self treatment with heated slippers can ease pain and improve mobility for many arthritis suffers. There is no cure for osteoarthritis and medical treatment is limited to medications that relieve pain and inflammation. Those who have severe inflammation may get greater relief from a combination of over the counter analgesics and heat therapy such as using a pair of microwave slippers.

Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis can strike people of any age although it most often presents in people in their thirties. In the U.K. the prevalence of the disease is estimated at between 0.5 and 1.5% of the population. This is a degenerative disease which in addition to attacking the joints, can effect organs and cause serious medical problems. People with rheumatoid arthritis should be under a doctor's care, but can treat the symptoms with heat therapy which can greatly reduce pain and improve mobility.

Using Microwavable Slippers for Heat Therapy

Most doctors recommend elevating the feet and legs to reduce the swelling of arthritis. With this in mind, it can be difficult to use most heat pads or hot water bottles to fully cover the feet during these instances. Microwavable slippers are designed to be comfortable and can stay in place for prolonged treatment. It only takes a couple of minutes to microwave these heat therapy slippers, but remember to turn them around half way through the process if your microwave doesn't turn correctly.

The application of heat is used to reduce pain, lessen muscle spasms and diminish joint stiffness. Heat therapy works by adding energy to the painful area which increases the metabolism of all types of cells. Applying heat causes the blood vessels to dilate which increases blood flow. Heat decreases muscle spasm through reducing tension in muscle trigger points and the muscle tendon unit is more able to relax and stretch since the heat decreases the thickness of the collagen in these muscles. If the heat is applied over enough time, the muscle and tendons relax and stretch more readily. This can reduce pain and stiffness in joints. The sensation of heat acts to reduce the transmission of pain signals and can trick the brain into ignoring soreness.
Self Treatment with Heat Therapy

Although there is no time limit on heat therapy, the maximum results are usually obtained in about 8 to 10 minutes. Since there are no drug interactions or side effects from heat therapy, over the counter analgesics or prescription anti-inflammatory medication can be used to reduce any swelling associated with the disease. However, heat therapy is less expensive than prescription pain medications and in many cases provides better relief. Arthritic feet suffers should test different combinations of treatment to see what works best for them.

Arthritis foot pain can be disabling, but microwavable slippers can help relieve pain and keep patients mobile. Heat therapy is recognized by medical professionals as one of the most effective treatments for relief of arthritis pain and doctors recommend that patients use it in conjunction with other medical treatments. Slippers also come in a range of styles and sizes so that everyone will find a slipper that fits them well.

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment - Start As Soon As You Can

One important figure to keep in mind is that up to two percent of Americans suffer from psoriatic arthritis. Research into the disease has also found that psoriatic arthritis is contracted by ten percent of all psoriasis patients. Since psoriatic arthritis is a serious, chronic, and destructive disease, it needs to be treated as soon as it possibly can be in order to prevent total joint destruction.

The Body's Autoimmune Function

Doctors currently believe that psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune function of the body. That means that the body actually turns against itself and uses its immune system to fight itself. This leads to both inflammation of and damage to the joints. Due to the seriousness of this condition, people need to inform themselves about the symptoms related to it and look out for them.

One of the first damaging effects that psoriatic arthritis has on the body is joint impairment, especially to the larger joints of the body such as those in the feet and arms. This does not mean that smaller joints in the hands, for example, will not be affected. Once the joints of the fingers begin to be effected and the fingers swell up, the condition is almost certainly psoriatic arthritis. The disease can also affect the fingernails, thickening and discoloring them.

The above mentioned symptoms of psoriatic arthritis tend to come and go, having times when they flare up and are especially bad followed by periods of light to moderate symptoms. In some rare cases, the spine is also affected by psoriatic arthritis. The pain and discomfort associated with this disease can be anywhere from mild to chronic.

Understanding the causes of psoriatic arthritis would help in understanding exactly what it is. Up to this point, however, medical research has been unable to find a conclusive cause for psoriatic arthritis. Some doctors have found that instable genes and exposure to certain bugs could be responsible for the formation of the disease.

Both men and women can contract psoriatic arthritis; there is no bias on the part of the disease. When the known symptoms of psoriatic arthritis such as joint pain and joint swelling are seen, a doctor may be able to diagnose it.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis is only possible during the time when symptoms are being experienced. It is still important to begin to treat this disease as soon as possible after it has been diagnosed.