Saturday, May 4, 2013

You Can Cure Arthritis Naturally

More than fifty million Americans suffer from arthritis, the inflammation of one or more joints. This condition affects the body's movable joints, or synovial, joints. Joints of the body are found at the knees, wrists, elbows, fingers, toes, hips, and shoulders. The neck and back also have joints between the bones of the spine. Osteoarthritis is usually caused by a number an injury or defect in the protein that makes up the cartilage surrounding the ends of the bones. It is associated with the wear and tear of aging. This form of arthritis usually occurs in people 40 years of age or older. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body improperly identifies the synovial membrane and attacks it, replacing the damaged tissue with scar tissue. This form of arthritis frequently occurs in people under forty, including young children. While Osteoarthritis affects individual joints, Rheumatoid Arthritis affects all of the joints in the body. Infectious Arthritis can be caused bacterial/viral/fungal infection of a joint. Usually, the infecting organism travels through the bloodstream to the joint from an infection elsewhere in the body.

Symptoms include: redness, swelling, pain, and tenderness in the affected joint accompanied by systemic symptoms of infection such as fever, chills, and body aches. High protein foods (Animal Foods- meat and dairy) are generally high in purines, which are the primary building blocks of our genetic code material , DNA and RNA. Proteins break down to form uric acid (not urea). Too much protein intake (60 grams or above daily) leads to the collection of uric acid in the joints which leads to arthritis. Also, if the blood is too acidic, this may cause the cartilage in the joints to dissolve, the joints lose their normal smooth sliding motion, the bones rub together, the joints become inflamed and this causes pain. Blood acidity is most often caused by excess protein from animal foods.


  • Eat more sulfur containing foods such as asparagus, garlic and onions. Sulfur is needed for the repair and rebuilding of bone, cartilage, connective tissue and aids in the absorption of calcium.

  • Boron can be of great benefit; supplementation of boron led to significatnt improvements inpatients suffering from arthritis. Envirn Health Perspect, 102 (Suppl 7), Novemember 1994, p.83-85.

  • Consume organic (if available), unrefined primrose oil to supply essential fatty acids that increase the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

  • Get regular, moderate exercise as this is essential for reducing pain and retarding joint deterioration. Bicycle riding, walking and water exercise are good choices.

  • Vitamin D is needed for proper bone formation. Spend time outdoors for fresh air and sunshine and take VITAFORCE daily.

  • The treatment with a daily dose of 150 mg of Vitamin C over a period of 20 days reduced arthritic swelling, increased pain tolerance... Journal of American Podiatry Medical Association, 80(8), August 1990, p. 414-418.) For an all natural whole food source of Vitamin C, take two servings of VITAFORCE daily.

Things to Avoid:

  • All animal foods (dairy, meat, fish, etc...) as this may cause the cartilage in the joints to dissolve, the joints lose their normal smooth sliding motion, the bones rub together, the joints become inflamed and this causes pain.

  • Caffeine, salt, tobacco, fried foods, junk foods, and sugar.

  • Do not take iron supplements or a multi-vitamin containing iron. Iron is supected of being involved in pain, swelling, and joint destruction. Good sources of iron include blackstrap molasses, dark leafy greens, wheatgrass, broccoli, and peas.

References: 1) James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," (1997)

2) (R.H. Davis, et al., "Vitamin C influence on Localized Adjuvant Arthritis," Journal of American Podiatry Medical Association, 80(8), August 1990, p. 414-418.)

3) R.E. Newnham, "Essential of Boron for healthy Bones and Joints," Envirn Health Perspect, 102 (Suppl 7), Novemember 1994, p.83-85

4) E. Bien, "The Relation of Dietary Nitrogen Consumption to the Rate of Uric Acid Synthesis in the Normal and Gouty Men," Journal of Clinicaal Invest (1953):778

The Types of Arthritis Affecting the World Today

The majority of the human population do not know that there is more than one type of arthritis. Most people think that arthritis is a disease itself that exhibits all joint disorders. Not only are there many other kinds of joint disorders but also, there are many known types. The only common characteristic amongst all the different types is that they all feature pain. The pain itself may vary in terms of the location of the joints affected. Another characteristic of the types that vary is it may be progressive or non-progressive. Progressive means that the disease affects the person on a continuing basis during that person's whole lifetime. Non-progressive, on the other hand, means that it can be cured by treatment or surgery.

The different types are subdivided into three: primary form, secondary groups, and disease that mimic arthritis. Examples of primary form of arthritis are: Still's disease, ankylosing spondylitis, septic arthritis osteoarthritis, juvenile arthritis, gouty arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases directly affect the joints and surrounding area. The secondary groups are: psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, systemic lupus, erythematosus, Hencoch-Schonlein Purpura, hermachromatosis, and others. These diseases occur when preceded by another illness. Diseases that mimic arthritis are as follows: hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, multiple myeloma, osteoporosis, and fifth disease. Some causes of these diseases are already known and studied while others are still unknown.

Treatment will vary amongst the different types of arthritis. In worst cases, affected people will have to undergo surgery; others just might be treated with simple and traditional therapy. Studies have shown that physical exercise of the affected joint may bring forth improvement in a long-term basis. Cure of the disease is the primary goal for others while some may just opt for relief from the pain. Some may be lucky enough to have their ailment cured while others will have to endure the disease itself for the remainder of their days. Whatever the case, the affected people will have to make changes with their lifestyle.

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How Do I Know I Have Arthritis?

There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis-related disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, that involve every part of the body. There are relatively mild forms of tendinitis (as in 'tennis elbow') and bursitis to crippling systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are forms of the disease, such as gout, which almost nobody connects with this condition, and there are other conditions - like osteoarthritis, the misnamed 'wear and tear' arthritis - that a good many people think is the only form of the disease.

How do you know if you have arthritis? While symptoms and severity vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are: pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, redness and warmth. Osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive stiffness without swelling, chills or fever.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the painful swelling, inflammation and stiffness in the fingers, arms, legs and wrists, which are prevalent on both sides of the body and are usually worse in the morning. Children with on-off fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and a blotchy rash on the arms and legs might have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. You should call the doctor if symptoms appear suddenly, or if they are accompanied by a fever or rash.

There are several common misconceptions about arthritis. Myth # 1 is that every day is the same for patients. In reality, this form of chronic pain comes and goes, which makes it difficult for diagnosis. Myth # 2 is that only older people have arthritis. However, in some cases, even children have this type of pain. Myth # 3 is that arthritis is caused by cold, wet weather or a poor diet.

In reality, there are no easy cause-and-effect connections, but contributing factors include: age, weight, anatomy, infection of the joint and trauma. Lastly, some believe that joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) should be avoided for as long as possible. Yet the surgery has helped millions of Americans and is seen as a viable option when exercise, physical therapy and medication fail.

For treatment, Methotrexate slows the progression of rheumatoid arthritis and restores some function. For osteoarthritis sufferers, NSAIDs like ibuprofen are good at relieving short term pain and stiffness. Disease modifiers like Methotrexate, Leflunomide, Adalimumab, Etanercept or Infliximab can help long term effects and reduce joint damage.

For people with gout, NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, Allopurinol and Probenecid are effective drugs. Be sure to see your doctor if you have been suffering with any symptom of chronic pain.

Exercise Smart to Avoid Arthritic Knee Pain

Did you know that your workouts may cause arthritic knee pain? Many workout warriors with asymptomatic knees would never even think about this until it is, unfortunately, too late.

Recently, I saw a picture of a 70 year old former exercise guru in a wheelchair recovering form both knee, and hip replacement surgeries. This individual in the 1980's frequently promoted a fitness program that featured high impact aerobics. After I saw that pictures the first thing that crossed my minds was a connection between high impact aerobics, and arthritic knee pain.

If you have never thought about knee arthritis, then I recommend starting to think about it today. Why? Because a recent study correlated an increased risk of knee osteoarthritis with high impact exercise.

The study looked at 136 women, and 100 men, ages 45 - 55. They were divided into three groups - low activity, medium, and high. All subjects had healthy knees, and were of average weight when the study began.

The results showed that 93% of people in the high activity group suffered from cartilage damage versus 60% in the low activity group. Of course, the high impact exercises, day after day, can often lead to arthritic knee pain. A high impact fitness program would be considered running, and jumping. A low impact workout would be swimming, elliptical training, or riding the bike.

The study also found that lower impact exercises may protect diseased cartilage, and prevent them from developing osteoarthritis knees.

So what do you need to know to prevent knee cartilage damage?

1. Incorporate a cross training type of fitness program to prevent arthritic knee pain.

Don't just run 7 days a week, year in and year out. Mix your workout up by incorporating low impact cardiovascular sessions.

2. Get adequate rest between workout.

The higher the intensity of exercise, the more rest is required between workouts. Don't be afraid to take days off. Focus on quality training, not quantity. Shorten your workouts. Attempt to avoid overuse injuries.

3. When you hit the 40 years of age, don't focus on training like a high level competitive athlete.

Be smart! Even though I love training like an athlete, I know plyometrics are not the best things for my knees at 42 years of age. Once again, strategically plan your workouts.

Please understand, I am not saying you can't workout from time to time in a high impact manner. However, cross training, and sufficient rest is mandatory as you age.

High impact exercises at 40 years old, plus, have shown to significantly increase your chances of arthritic knee pain. In order to avoid knee osteoarthritis make sure you follow the recommendations presented above. A well planned out, intelligent fitness program will equal healthier knees.

Arthritis and Crohns Disease

Arthritis and Crohns disease has a close link. It will not be an exaggeration if arthritis is counted as the worst side effect of Crohn's disease, which is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder.

Three varying forms of arthritis can be identified in the people suffering from Crohn's disease. Among these three types two affect the spine while the third type affects large joints like knees.

Arthritis can be defined as an accumulation of conditions that together affect the body joints. This disease is counted at the top among people as the cause of disability after the age of 65.years. It leads to swelling, harassing pain and reduced flexibility, which at times may convert into overall loss of flexibility. A person suffering from Crohn's disease has about 25 percent chances of acquiring this irksome disease i.e. arthritis.

Arthritis and Crohns disease together may be a cause of distress in the sufferer. Generally in most of the cases of Crohn's disease, it is most likely to appear once the other intestinal and gastronomical symptoms begin to appear. However, it is very rare that arthritis occurs prior to Crohns disease. Unlike Crohn's flare-ups, one is unable to contain it.

Among all the three types of arthritis, it is joint-oriented arthritis that can be considered least disturbing. There is a similarity between this type of arthritis and Crohns disease; it also flares up simultaneously like flare-ups in Crohns. Including this it does not always put the sufferer into permanent deformity, however with the passage of time, it damages the joints.

First type of arthritis that affects spinal leads to pain and rigidity in the lower spine and the joints in the lower back. It has been found in the studies that arthritis can take months or even years before its symptoms begin to appear in the younger age sufferer of Crohn's disease. In this type of arthritis, one can suffer from the permanent damage of the spinal column, if it is left without any treatment.

Third type of arthritis that is adjoined with the occurrence of Crohn's disease affects the spine. It is rarely found in the Crohn's sufferers. It may be counted as the worst form of arthritis as it not only leads to the pain ad probable deformity in the absence of any treatment but also is the cause of inflammation in the eyes, lungs and heart valves.

in the conclusion it can be said that the best way to cure any of these forms of arthritis is to treat the gastronomical symptoms that are closely linked with Crohn's disease. One must consult the physician to know to have the best method to treat the problem of both arthritis and Crohns disease.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis - A Disabling and Horrible Disease

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a vicious disease that affects the joints of the body. It has been known to cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. If a single knee or hand has rumatoid arthritis, the other knee or hand will most likely develop it. Rheumatoid arthritis often occurs in more than a single joint and is capable of affecting any joint in the body. People diagnosed with rumatoid arthritis often get feelings of sickness and fatigue and are more prone to get fevers.
The length of rumatoid arthritis varies from a month to two years. After it has run its course, it leaves without leaving any damage . Many people experience times when the symptoms worsen (flares), and times when they improve (remissions). Others have a severe form of rumatoid arthritis that can last anywhere from a few months to a lifetime. This form of the disease can cause serious permanent joint damage.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in the joints. Some very common side effects include:

Joints are swollen, tender and warm

Joint inflammation often occurring in the wrist and finger joints closest to the hand

Joint inflammation affecting other areas such as neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles and feet.

Fatigue, fevers and an overal feeling of unwellness

Pain and stiffness in joints lasting for more than 30 minutes in the morning or after a long sleep

These symptoms can last for years!

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?

The exact cause of rumatoid arthritis is unknown, but it is known that with this arthritis, a person's immune system attacks his or her own body tissues. Researchers are learning many things about why and how this happens. Things that may cause rumatoid arthritis are:

Genes (past on from parents): Researchers are discovering that certain genes may play in the role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Environment: Some scientists believe that something must happen to trigger the disease process in people who have the genes that make them more likely to develop rumatoid arthritis.

Hormones: Other scientists and researchers believe a variety of other hormonal factors may also contribute to rumatoid arthritis.
Rheumtoid Arthritis Treatment:
There are many ways that doctors can treat rumatoid arthritis. The goals of treatment are to:

Reduce pain and swelling

Stop or slow down joint damage

Help people feel better and stay active

Treatment for rumatoid arthritis may involve:

Changes in lifestyle: Make sure to keep a good balance between exercise and rest, take care of your joints, eliminate stress from you life, and eating a health, well-balanced diet.

Medicine: A majority of people suffering from rumatoid arthritis take medicine for pain relief, to reduce swelling and to prevent the disease from getting worse.

Surgery: Many types of surgeries are available to those with severe joint damage.

Regular Doctor Visits: Visit your doctor on a regular basis so he/she can see if it getting worse, determine if the medicine is helping, and change the treatment if needed.

Glucosamine and Arthritis - The Facts

As of 2009, there were at least 24 different types of glucosamine products on the market. Manufacturer claims include its use in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, leg pain from disc disease and TMJ disorders.

According to a 2009 National Standard patient monograph reviewed by the world renowned Mayo Clinic, there is solid scientific evidence to support its use for but one of these conditions, and only if you use a particular type.

What Is It?

Glucosamine is found in healthy cartilage, the soft tissue covering the ends of bones inside our joints that helps reduce friction as the joint bones move against one another, helping with fluid joint movement. One of its forms-glucosamine sulfate-is part of the makeup of our cartilage matrix and synovial (joint) fluid.

It is believed that in particular, the sulfate form strengthens cartilage and aids in the creation of helpful cartilage and synovial fluid components. It is very often offered as a combination with chondroitin, another component of cartilage.

Where It Works Best

The strongest clinical evidence in both animal and human studies supports its use in the treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee. There is good evidence for its use for osteoarthritis of other joints, but further research is warranted. Its benefits when used beyond the knee include pain relief and some anti-inflammatory action.

At this time there is simply not enough research to reliably support its use beyond these two areas.

Safety Concerns

Since it may derive from shellfish shells, those with shellfish or iodine allergies should be cautious. There has also been some evidence of asthma worsening with its use.

Insulin Reaction.
If it is injected, some evidence of insulin resistance has been noted, while there is mixed evidence of this effect if it is taken orally.

There may be an increased risk of bleeding, at least in theory. Beware if you have a bleeding disorder or already take medication that increases bleeding risk.

Kidney Function.
One patient taking it with chondroitin developed kidney swelling and dysfunction.

Pregnant/Breastfeeding Women & Children Under 18.
Without reliable scientific evidence as to its safety here, glucosamine is not recommended. Sometimes it is marketed with MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). Since some research connects MSM with autism, so avoid this with children.

Side Effects.
These include upset stomach, headache, insomnia and drowsiness. There are rare reports of abdominal pain and gastrointestinal effects such as diarrhea or constipation.

As with any supplement regimen, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning.

How Can I Treat Arthritis Without Surgery?

Arthritis is a combination of disorders which mainly affects the muscles along the joints. The ligaments and tendons close to the joints get inflamed and the person may suffer from extreme pain due to arthritis. Sometimes, the inflammation is severe and the people find it difficult to move the joints. The main cause for arthritis is damage to the joints which can be caused either by external injury or infection. The slippery movement of bones along the joints is hindered due to wear and tear along the joints and the person suffers from pain. Some of the symptoms of arthritis are inability to walk, feeling tiredness, weight loss, fever, muscles aches and difficulty at joints.

People suffering from arthritis are asked to manage their routine and lifestyle to prevent pain to treat arthritis without surgery. In certain cases when the patient suffers from extreme pain, it may result in a condition where you will have to go for surgery to prevent pain and but even surgery does not ensures a complete solution to the condition.

Amazingly the popular system of medicines does not provide any sure shot solution to treat arthritis without surgery. The popular system of medicine recognizes more than 100 different types of conditions in arthritis and in the popular system of medicines doctors experiment the effect of different treatments on the patient to find out which treatment could get the best solution. Many patients who are not aware of the magical properties of herbal remedies silently suffer the pain as the prescription medicines are not only too harsh on body but it also causes many chemical reactions which can further deteriorate the condition. The prescription drugs and painkiller even have severe side effects such as dullness, pain, stomach disorders, inflammation and even sleepiness and even after taking it you may not get the desired treatment for arthritis without surgery.

Alternative method helps to treat arthritis without surgery and one of the best treatments in alternative system of medicines is Rumatone Gold capsule which is time tested remedy to treat arthritis without surgery and it has proved efficiency in many cases. The remedy Rumatone Gold capsule can completely treat arthritis without surgery if it is taken properly and regularly as per the instructions given by experts. It is surprising that many people do not believe in alternative method of treatments, although, it provides a low cost cure for various chronic condition.

The herbal remedies are natural products which contain complex components prepared by nature, and when you take these remedies it provides nutrition to the body to cure the inflammation and pain. Rumatone Gold capsule and oil can give relief from pain and also help you to manage the condition. These products provide you the effect which helps to treat arthritis without surgery. These products help to improve the symptoms of arthritis and improve the overall living style of the person. These products are old remedies to cure the symptoms of different types of arthritis and it does not have any side effect.

Psoriatic Arthritis - The Diagnosis And Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the joints and other tissues of the sufferer. This inflammation can lead to joint destruction and complications that are debilitating. Research, however, has led to several treatment options that allow the patient to live comfortable lives.

The first step is the correct diagnosis. There are over 100 different kinds of arthritis. Arthritis is a generic term that encompasses illnesses and diseases that affect the joints. Inflammation in the joint can be caused from dietary allergies, gout, lupus, and other diseases not commonly thought to be grouped with arthritis.

Psoriatic arthritis is a system rheumatic disease that can affect the eyes, lungs, heart, kidneys, spine and skin. The causes are not currently known. Researchers believe that there is a combination of environmental, immune and genetic factors which lead to the development of psoriatic arthritis.

Patients who have the arthritic changes in their spine have a 50% chance of also carrying a genetic marker. Immune involvement is thought to begin when a patient T-cells (cells that fight infection) are too low. This happens in the case of AIDS or other immune deficient diseases where the patient is unable to fight off infection. Researchers continue to evaluate the role that the environment plays on the development of psoriasis - the precursor to psoriatic arthritis.

Patients who have developed psoriatic arthritis also have psoriasis. In fact, the diagnosis of the arthritis is dependent upon the presence of psoriasis. When patients develop the arthritis first (15% of the cases) a correct diagnosis is often delayed.

Diagnosis is made on clinical findings since there are no conclusive lab tests available. Physicians will often attempt to exclude other forms of arthritis to determine a correct diagnosis - often called a diagnosis of exclusion. In some cases there are genetic markers present. Blood tests will rule out Rheumatoid Arthritis and X-ray may show cartilage damage.

Symptoms of arthritis are often present after the development of psoriasis (85% of the cases). The patients will have inflammation in the knees, ankles, and joints of the felt. The joints are stiff, and worse in the morning. The affected joints are painful, swollen hot and red but they are not commonly symmetrical as they are in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Arthritic changes can happen in the spine and sacrum. Patients can develop tendonitis, more often at the Achilles tendon, causing difficulty in walking. Inflammation of the eye (iritis) can result in blindness. Treatment for iritis includes corticosteroid injections to decrease the inflammation and prevent the damage to the patient's sight. Some patients develop an acute case of acne in the middle years. Pitting and ridging of the nail beds are common in 80% of the patients.

Treatment of the arthritic changes and pain, not the inflammation of other tissues, includes the use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and exercise. Treatment is often symptomatic and when the symptoms go away the physican can make the decision to decrease or stop the treatment until another flare.

If the disease progresses the physican may consider Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) such as methotrexate, corticosteroids and anti-malarial medications. The physician and patient must weigh the joint changes of the disease against the side effects of the medication. Some of the medications that are used have significant side effects but they also help the patient to live more comfortably.

As a last resort patients and physicians may consider complete joint replacement to stop the course of the disease and lessen the pain for the patient. At this point patients have usually lost the ability to walk for any significant distance and are often confined to a wheelchair when they leave their homes.

Psoriatic Arthritis, although devastating to the joints and soft tissue of the body, can be controlled with the correct medication. For this reason a rapid and correct diagnosis is important to a patient's comfort.

Arthritis Treatment: Medicine Strategies For Treating Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and affects more than 20 million Americans. It is a condition that affects hyaline articular cartilage, the tough gristle that caps the ends of long bones.

Hyaline cartilage consists of a matrix made up of a combination of proteoglycans (complexes of proteins and sugars) and chondrocytes. Chondrocytes are cartilage cells that manufacture matrix under normal circumstances. They are responsible for nourishing the matrix as well.

However, when OA develops, a distinct change in the milieu of the joint environment occurs. Chondrocytes begin to elaborate destructive enzymes causing cracks in the cartilage, the synovium (lining of the joint) becomes inflamed, and the underlying bone becomes hard and forms spurs.

What causes OA to develop is usually injury or trauma. In any event an injury to the joint appears to be the inciting factor. Genetics play a role as well.

The treatment of osteoarthritis usually begins with non-drug therapies such as weight loss, patient education, exercise and physical therapy.

Medications do play a major role in the management of symptoms related to OA.

Acetaminophen is usually recommended as the first line treatment for OA. While it's more effective than placebo, it is less effective than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Acetaminophen is used much more commonly than NSAIDS. Recent data has shown that its effect on pain from OA is not that great and the long term consequences of acetaminophen usage are not inconsequential. Potential side effects from long term use include kidney damage, hypertension, and possibly stroke. In addition, it is the most common cause of drug-induced liver failure in the United States.

NSAIDS are more effective than acetaminophen for pain control in OA. They are divided into two groups: NSAIDS that are non-selective in regards to cyclooxygenase (the major enzyme pathway that is blocked by these drugs) and selective COX-2 inhibitors (drugs which block the inflammatory cyclooxygenase pathway only).

The COX-2 drugs have a better profile as far as gastrointestinal side effects but both types of NSAIDS carry an increased risk of cardiovascular events.

Topical formulations of NSAIDS containing diclofenac are effective for patients with a limited area of OA. They have a much better gastrointestinal risk profile than oral NSAIDS but do have more dermatological problems associated with their use.

Injections are also helpful. Glucocorticoids are effective for treating pain short term and there is evidence that they also help restore quadriceps muscle (thigh muscle) strength in patients with OA. They should not be administered more often than three times per year per affected joint because of the danger of inducing further cartilage damage.

Injections of hyaluronates, lubricants that reduce OA pain, are also helpful. These are particularly useful in those patients for whom joint replacement surgery is not a viable option.

Another drug is duloxetine (Cymbalta). This was initially approved as a treatment for depression. However, it also has analgesic properties and was approved by the FDA for treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain related to OA. This drug can be used either alone or in combination with acetaminophen or NSIADS. The side effects are those found typically with antidepressant therapy.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Relieve Arthritis Pain With Blackstrap Molasses

First of all, let's look at the definition of blackstrap molasses - blackstrap is just one type of molasses which is the dark liquid byproduct of the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar, being made from the third boiling of the sugar syrup. It is the concentrated byproduct left over after the sugar's sucrose has been crystallized. It is an extremely rich source of vitamins and minerals. Blackstrap Molasses is found in good supermarkets and health food stores. Get the best quality available and make sure it's without sulphur. Store the bottle in the refrigerator once it's opened or a cool, dry place and it should keep for a good six months. Many people have been helped with their arthritis pain by taking one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses either by itself or dissolved in a cup of warm water. People start the day with this and maybe another dose either during the day, if necessary, or at night. Please remember this is a form of sugar and you should clean your teeth afterwards or risk tooth decay! Arthritis sufferers often take this natural remedy instead of a pain killer, and why not, if it works for you! You can experiment with this - if it isn't working well enough, then take two tablespoons instead of one, but one tablespoon seems to work for most people. Another tip about taking the molasses. If you have a hard time getting it down, then help yourself by adding orange or apple juice, even lemon juice. The main thing is that you take it so it's up to you to make it as pleasant as you can...

Another use is to dissolve a tablespoon in warm water and soak sore fingers, hands, wrists or feet to relief arthritis pain. People with fibromyalgia or carpal tunnel syndrome could also benefit from this.

As you have read above, blackstrap molasses is very rich in vitamins and minerals so it can help with many ailments - here are a few:

Canker sores: put it directly on the canker sore for almost immediate relief.

Constipation: Use a couple of tablespoons - it's a great laxative .

Energy: People report that they have much more energy and helps sugar cravings.

Acid Reflux: results are within days of first taking it.

Anemia: Blackstrap molasses is good as it contains so much iron - in fact it contains more iron than nine eggs!

Hair: Brings back the shine and apparently can even reverse graying hair.

From the above you can see that blackstrap molasses can be a great benefit for your health. It's easy to find in your supermarket or health food store and is a wonderful natural pain reliever especially for arthritis.

Natural Remedies For Osteoarthritis: Resistant Band Training

As a practicing rehab doctor, I often I have patient's between 40-65 years of age in for an examination complaining of tenderness in their joints, crackling and grinding noises, they have inflammation and swelling, and show a limited motion.

If I take x-rays to evaluate the abc's of their skeleton, many patients are surprised to learn when I tell them that they have sign and symptoms of Osteoarthritis Pain. I have to admit, I do have an inside chuckle to see them have such doubt and dismay. Not that I am laughing AT my patients and their pain, but just their bewilderment of being told they have "OSTEOARTHRITIS". Truth be told, I am actually very concerned for them, and make it my mission to teach them what they can do about it.

Younger to middle-aged patients are commonly unaware to the fact that they do indeed have Osteoarthritis. That is, many times they are shocked to discovery that they have arthritis, and to be quite honest, it is not their fault (I'll explain that a little later).

(Back to my office) One of the most common replies I hear is: "really, you think that I may have arthritis?" Some even try to deny and doubt the diagnosis, saying that they've never been told by anyone else that they have osteoarthritis. Another common question I hear is "aren't I too young to have arthritis?"

Guess What?

You don't have to be old to have osteoarthritis. Although mostly seen in older individuals, it can affect anybody at any age. So before I can talk about remedies for Osteoarthritis, I think its important to discuss the ins and outs of osteoarthritis. Sometimes called degenerative joint disease (DJD) or osteoarthrosis, it's the most common form of arthritis. With osteoarthritis the cartilage in your joints break down over time. More specifically from the daily stressors that we place on our body.

It is true the older you are the more stressors likely you've put on your body, but many younger people have accelerated stressors based on their youth, and employment history.

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in your body, but it most commonly affects joints in your: Hands, Knees, Hips, Lower Back, and Neck. These are the joints in the body that are used repetitively or the joints that function in "weight-bearing" day in day out. Research and documentation shows that Osteoarthritis gradually worsens over time. It is said that "no cure exists."

However, like anything, PREVENTION is the key, and unfortunately, in our western society, dominated by billion dollar pharmaceutical companies, we become conditioned to look for the next pill to take to "cure" our afflictions.

On a side note, what the heck is up with "Pre" this condition or "Pre" that condition??? My patients mention they are "pre-diabetic" meaning they are at the high range of NORMAL ranges but these are normal ranges people. Or "pre-hypertensive" or "pre-osteoporosis". If you ask me, these are legitimate B.S terms.

What I mean by that is, YES, you do have an increased risk for said condition. You may even be on the outside of the normal limits. case you didn't know, we are allowed to adopt a healthier lifestyle changes before we get prescribed a life sentence of medication involvement.

For all you high normal sugar levels individuals, how about you change the foods you eat, eat more regularly, start exercising, and stop smoking. Same goes for you pre-hypertensives and pre-osteoporosis people. But I digress.

Sorry, but I care enough about your health to keep you off medications and ultimately have you live longer.

Back to Remedies for Osteoarthritis.

I see a powerful tug-of-war developing. On one side, you have the medical community telling you that there's "no cure", and on the other side, you have the sleek snake-oils salesman and pharmaceutical companies, having commercials of running through the fields and having any knowable "cure" for any disease or condition.

So what's the real solution. As a natural health care provider, and rehab guy, I going to say, somewhere in the middle. That is if anything is a cure, then I would say PREVENTION is. I am also a realist, we all have experience injuries, wear and tear, postural stressors that we do day in day out at work, and any congenital conditions that we inherit.

So what is the next best solution to a cure of not getting in the first place? Well, minimizing the effects of Arthritis. Reduce the wear and tear in the joints, increase the lubrication to the joints, minimize the pressure built up in the joints, increase the flexibility of the muscles, and stretching capacity of the ligaments and tendons. In short, have a lifestyle that focuses on all of the above.

Enter stage left.....Resistant Band Training. It's inexpensive and cheap, it doesn't take up a lot of room, you can do it in your own home, and it not only stretches your muscles and joints, but it firms and strengthens de-conditioned muscles that accompany osteoarthritis.

In part 2, I am going to go over the indications (meaning who should be doing it and why) and the contra-indications (who shouldn't be doing it and why).

Until the next time.

Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Hip Dysplasia

Arthritis is defined as a sub-inflammatory disease of the joint. This can occur on the following occasions: luxation (dislocation), distortion (strain), contusion (bruise), infection (after injury, after tick bites or by inflammation in the body via the bloodstream), allergies or intoxication, infections (e.g. flu-like infections with limb pain) or metabolic waste products (uric acid). The pain is often accompanied by a warm swelling of the joint; the animals show varying lameness and feel pain.

The animals have sprained inclinations with flaccid connective tissue (especially poodles). The connective tissue cannot be tightened. Arthritis caused by metabolic disturbances associated with the deposition of uric acid in the joints (and also in the muscle tissue) requires treatment... This must be done; otherwise the dog runs the risk of developing osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease.

Large growing breeds are highly exposed to hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia, briefly called HD, is defined as follows: "HD is an inherited malformation of the hip joint, in which the acetabulum and the femoral head are not coordinated in shape. The deformity occurs in varying degrees and can be expressed in a form of abnormality of the femoral head or acetabulum or both. HD develops from birth until the age of 1 to 1 翻 years. "This affects large growing breeds. In smaller breeds, HD usually occurs at an advanced age.

Some causes of arthritis maybe the feeding of too much vitamin D3 and minerals, for example, calcium. No more than 1000 IU of vitamin D3 should be used per 1 kg of diet and the calcium requirement for dogs should not exceed 100 mg/kg of body weight. Sure, the body's regulatory mechanisms prevent the accumulation of too much or too little calcium in the blood, but a surplus is usually permanent. Both components (vitamin D3 and calcium) promote bone formation when added in larger amounts in the food.

Arthritis initially appears at the level of the large joints. Hip, shoulder, elbow dysplasia, but also other forms of joint arthritis may have a genetic cause. The femoral head is not always firmly located in the hip socket. A firming of connective tissue (the muscle attachments) is achieved with proper treatment and the femoral head is firmly set back into the acetabulum. Thus, this arthritis is not traumatic. This streamlining process takes several weeks. The animal must be protected during this time.

It is estimated that 90 percent of the large growing dogs which present joint problems are malnourished. Extreme malnutrition (protein deficiency) results in delayed skeletal growth, with joint and growth cartilage being affected. On the other hand, an excess of protein (raw meat, egg yolk), high protein content in the diet or administration of too high energy diets in the early stages of growth are among the main causes of osteoarthritis. An excess of muscle mass causes trauma to the joints.

"Weight trauma" involves an early joint capsule wear. Furthermore, it has been found that dogs (with "weight trauma") present the so-called growth-related bone pain. The joints are a movable connection of the rigid bones. They have to be highly functional. The joints consist of the joint capsule, synovial fluid and articular cartilage coats. The latter and the bones have a particularly important task because they have a huge buffer effect ("shocks") and are responsible for the pressure and strength of the joint. A burden of the joint is impossible or is terribly painful without this cartilage.

The cartilage cells that form the cartilage are referred to as "cartilage factories". They are very busy producing new life-long cartilage cells. The dog needs "building blocks" to repair the cartilage if there is a constant "destroyer" of the cartilage. This should be a universal indication for prevention of osteoarthritis. The animal owners should also perform a feeding analysis on their four-legged friends and change any of the food habits in favor of their pet. There is an urgent need to administer supplementary food for the reconstruction of the cartilage:

- For fast-growing, large breed dogs in a growth phase
- With excessive work of joint cartilage due to extreme stress - hunting dogs, sled dogs, sporting dogs, etc.

The consequences of osteoarthritis are always the same no matter whether we refer to dogs, cats or horses: pain, lameness, reluctance in motion, low quality of life and low vitality.

Causes of Cold Weather Back Pain

Whether you have chronic back pain or pain that comes and goes, you may notice that the pain is worse in cold weather. While an exact causal link between increased pain and cold weather has not been found by the scientific community, the fact of this connection is certain. Cold weather back pain is common among people with arthritis, but it can also occur due to increased muscle tension.

Muscle Tension

When we open our doors to a frigid winter day, we tend to distort our posture and tense up our muscles to cope with the cold. This is usually done unconsciously for a couple of reasons. First, when your muscles contract, they burn energy which is released as heat. Tensing up, then, is a natural bodily response to cold. Shivering occurs when muscles rapidly contract and relax to release energy (heat) fast.

You may also notice that, in the cold, you tend to drop your head and raise your shoulders, which causes your hips to tuck under and your lower back to flatten out. You're trying to share your shoulders' body heat with your neck and ears. This is a natural reaction, but a reaction that distorts posture throughout your back and pelvis.

Sore necks, shoulders and lower backs in the winter indicate muscular tension. If you have widespread muscle soreness when it's cold out, this is likely a sign that your apparel is not suited to your climate. It is important to have a winter hat that covers your ears and a scarf to cover your neck. These, combined with self-awareness, will help to prevent postural distortion. Your muscles will still automatically tense up to stay warm if the rest of your outfit isn't warm enough. If you can't find a heavy-duty coat within your budget, rely on layering. A good pair of long underwear will help keep both your lower and upper body protected from the cold. Being conscious of your posture and muscle tenseness can help you relieve cold weather back pain.


If you tend to have joint pain and stiffness that worsens with inactivity and cold weather, you may have osteoarthritis. This form of arthritis affects various parts of the body, including the spine. It occurs when the cartilage that cushions spinal joints wears down, causing friction, inflammation and sometimes the formation of bone spurs that can impinge nerves.

Cold weather doesn't cause osteoarthritis; it can, however, exacerbate it. Along with cartilage breakdown, osteoarthritis entails inflammation of the synovium, which lines the joint and excretes a lubricant called synovial fluid. As cartilage hardens and wears, the synovium can become inflamed. The prevailing theory on the link between cold weather and increased osteoarthritic pain is that the synovium is sensitive to barometric pressure. When barometric pressure drops, as when foul weather is coming in, the synovium becomes inflamed. This worsens the stiffness and pain surrounding arthritic joints. This theory has its issues; it has led to inconsistent results in research and barometric pressure is not necessarily low when it is cold, but does indicate precipitation and storms. More research into this is needed before an exact link between joint pain and cold weather is understood.

That said, there are still ways to alleviate the extra burden the cold places on your joints. One of the aggressors of arthritic pain, as said above, is inactivity, and one of the best ways to exercise with osteoarthritis is in the water. A warm pool can do wonders for your joints year-round, and especially when it's cold outside. It is also important to be aware of the above muscular cause of winter back pain, as tight muscles in conjunction with stiff, sore joints will exacerbate your pain.

Take care of your muscles and joints during the cold season. Appropriate apparel, self-awareness and indoor exercise could be enough to ease your back pain this winter.

A Gouty Arthritis Diet to Help You Beat Gout Naturally

Many people don't know that gout is actually one of the many forms of arthritis; hence gouty arthritis. In fact it's probably the most painful form of arthritis. But it can be managed, so that you need not suffer frequent attacks. Here you'll discover how diet can help you to beat your gout...

1 - Symptoms

Gouty arthritis symptoms are typically; redness, swelling, stiffness, heat, inflammation and great pain. Gout appears mostly in the big toe, but it also appears in the foot, ankle, knee, hand, wrist, etc.

2 - Causes

Let's just remind ourselves what causes gouty arthritis: The actual symptoms are caused by microscopic crystals -- they can be seen in an x-ray -- that form in your joints. These usually occur when you have high uric acid in your blood. And uric acid is a byproduct of the breakdown of 'purines' in your body. These are chemical compounds that are part of your normal metabolizing process.

But purines also exist in our foods, and at varying levels. If your diet is high in purines, your body will manufacture more uric acid. So if your body produces more uric acid than your kidneys can cope with you end up with high uric acid in your body, leading to gouty arthritis.

3 - Gouty Arthritis Diet

It makes sense if you're a gout victim to look closely at your diet, and adjust it where necessary. High purine foods to avoid in your diet are within the following food groups; red meat, game, organ meat, poultry, seafood, dried legumes, yeast and alcohol, especially beer.

Food types that make up a good gouty arthritis diet are things like; essential fatty acids, complex carbohydrates, low-fat dairy products, high vitamin C foods, green leafy vegetables (but not cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, or spinach), fruit and plenty of water.

But be careful changing to a gouty arthritis diet too quickly during an actual attack because such a sudden change will make your symptoms even worse for a while. Make the change gradually over time.

4 - Other Issues to Address

There are many other underlying issues to address. For example there are lifestyle issues, weight issues, stress, some drugs, family history of arthritis / gout, medical conditions, etc., that can all conspire to trigger the conditions that give rise to gouty arthritis.

And recurring gout can eventually cause kidney problems, hypertension and permanent joint damage. Plus, once you've suffered an attack, your chances of having more are much, much higher. So, as well as doing all you can to eliminate the symptoms, you need to do even more to prevent further attacks ruining your health.

Herbal Medicines for Arthritis and Osteoporosis

Arthritis and osteoporosis is affecting more and more people everyday. The supplements and treatments however involve health supplements which have common side effects. These side effects can cause minor and major problems depending on your intake of supplements. Arthritis treatment involves drugs and supplements which can result in heart and cancer scares. People are concerned about these scars and are looking at possible natural alternatives to cure arthritis and osteoporosis.

Before we start the discussion about Arthritis treatment and cancer treatment, let us study about the causes of development of these problems.
Bones are considered to be most strongest part of a human body. The fact is that these bones are constantly broken and built up every other day. This process is assisted by hormonal balance and nutrients like calcium, collagen, minerals etc help the bone to recover from breakage. There are many other elements which contribute in this process.

As our body gets older, the level of hormones in our body fall. The lack of nutrients such as calcium, minerals etc causes problems and our bones fail to recuperate from the constant breakage. Bones loose lubrication and get rigid. Our diet, to a certain extent decides the amount of nutrient capability in our body. The lubrication which helps our bones develop and perform better is made from collagen and fatty acids.

Arthritis is a warning signal by your body. It signals you have a raging osteoporosis. The alternative or the treatment can be undergoing an extremely painful surgery which will replace your joints. However, these replacement last not more than 5-10 years. The drugs used to cure these situations are anti inflammatory and non steroidal. These can damage your kidneys or you can suffer from even worse pain and problems. There are other treatments, but the side effects of such treatments can add to your problems.

The herbal and natural treatment for arthritis is a proven method which solves your problem, reduces pain and do not have and side effects. It helps you to build a stronger system in order to retain all the required nutrients. It helps you rebuild your joints with proteins. Fatty acids and other important nutrients. Herbal medicines are plant derived, so these can be a natural and rich source of nutrients. Herbal medicines contains manganese, boron, calcium, silica and many other which can be easily contained and absorbed by your body. Even part of Cancer treatment includes usage of herbal medicines, methods in order to strengthen and encourage your body internally to fight the disease.

Herbal treatment had proved to be the most reliable and consistent medical cure for most of the diseases. The inclusion of herbal medicines and methods in arthritis treatment and cancer treatment shows how beneficial this medical method can be. Today, herbal science is gaining popularity all over the world and modern development have made sure this science is preserved and used for coming decades and centuries.

Dealing With Arthritis? Learn the Types and Symptoms

There are varying types of arthritis, and your arthritis symptoms will depend upon the type. Any form can affect several different parts of the body, and there are often several factors behind the cause. Here is a brief overview of several types and their associated symptoms.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that impacts the joints of the spine. It also goes by the names of Marie-Strumpell disease and rheumatoid spondylitis. The joints-vertebrae-become inflamed, and can cause severe, chronic pain. This inflammation can further impact other organs, such as the eyes, heart and lungs. Symptoms include low back and buttocks pain or stiffness. Pain can spread to the neck, shoulders, ribs, hips and thighs. Fatigue and anemia are may happen as well.

Another form of arthritis is bursitis, which usually affects the hips, shoulders and elbows. However, in some cases it can also be felt in the knees, heels are in the big toe. Since bursitis is the effect caused by repetitive motion in the joints, some athletes are prone to it, but bad posture can be a cause as well. Symptoms are pain and stiffness in the joints which become more intense when the joint is used. The joint may also swell and become warm to the touch.

Both adult and juvenile arthritis symptoms are much the same, including pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints. Symptoms aren't constant, but usually come and go. Since a child may not mention these symptoms, parents should be on the lookout for children limping, being unusually clumsy, or not wanting to get involved in physical activities like they normally would.

In older people, osteoarthritis is the most common form, as long-term everyday use of the joints is part of the cause. Symptoms will vary, depending on which joints are impacted. Many with it in their fingers don't even know it until it's revealed by an x-ray. Symptoms are the standard pain and swelling, however the pain will fade over time.

If the body has too much uric acid, gout is a potential problem. The symptom of this form of arthritis is intense pain-usually in the big toe. The toe may become swollen, red and warm to the touch. While the toe is the most common place for gout, it can also manifest itself in the wrists, ankles and knees. Symptoms may not show themselves again for several years, but if left untreated, the crystals formed by the uric acid and destroy a portion of the bone.

Next in the list of types of arthritis, we have rheumatoid arthritis which is caused by an overactive immune system. Generally, the symptoms start out as minor stiffness and pain which may come and go, but it will get worse overtime and become more frequent. If this arthritis can be caught within the first few months of manifestation, treatment is most effective.

If you feel you have any of these types of arthritis, or notice any of these arthritis symptoms, you should see your doctor. You have a greater chance of dealing with it properly if you can treat it in its early stages.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Is a Psoriatic Arthritis Diet?

Among the lots of various types of arthritis, psoriatic arthritis is a disease in which an individual lives with psoriasis, a skin condition, and from joint disease. In several situations, psoriasis is noted in the preliminary phase which later on psoriatic joint diseases develops. In few cases joint diseases develops prior to psoriasis; nonetheless, in some both psoriasis, and joint disease arise all together. Along with inflamed joints, other indications like swelling as well as tightness, comparable to the problem of rheumatoid arthritis, to an extent, can be even observed. Psoriatic arthritis has been experienced by almost 2 percent of the US population, of both genders with equal magnitude. The finest solution to manipulate the manifestations of the condition is by following a psoriatic arthritis diet appropriate for you.

A healthy psoriatic arthritis diet is a type of the diet that prevents the development and progress of psoriatic arthritis. It includes choosing foods that halt the symptoms of the said disease. The following are suggestions from an e-book that can help sufferers of this disease to make healthy choices in terms of the food to eat.

- The most vital aspect of the psoriatic arthritis diet is to select a variety of foods. Variety provides you with the different types of food, guaranteeing that you get the much-required nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and necessary proteins. The eating plan should provide veggies, fruits, milk products, grains, as well as meat.

- Little foods must be taken after brief periods; as an alternative of having a full two to four meal course a day. Ingesting cool water fish like tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel that are rich in nutrients like omega-3 essential oily acids, happens to be favourable for controlling inflammation.

- The use of sugar and salt needs to be limited to simple requirements. It is advisable for you to utilize sugar-free substitutes. The marketplace happens to be swamped by having such replacements that provide the mandatory flavours to the meal.
- Though the consumption of dietary supplements may be effective, considering your physician's advice is encouraged before observing any diet plans. Ask him if any foods item in your diet would disrupt the effect of the medications he is prescribing; consequently, impeding the therapy process

A psoriatic arthritis diet can only be effective if it is observed with dedication. A good diet plan is useless when not observed consistently. It can only be effective once you are able to thoroughly follow it. So if you plan to relieve the symptoms of the said diseases, follow an appropriate well balanced diet now.

Naftalan - Therapeutic Oil For Skin Diseases

Naftalan is therapeutic oil, very rare in nature. It has been used since the ancient times for preservation of health and preventing diseases, as well as treating existing illnesses and injuries.

What makes naftalan different from other kinds of oils? It is due to its physical and chemical structure. It's main ingredients are sulfur and nitrogen but it also has a variety of micro-elements and some light fractions, like petrol and kerosene.

Indications for using naftalan are various:

  • Impairments to the central and peripheral nervous systems -- paresis, polyneuropathy, radiculopathia

  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis, scleroderma, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, conditions after burn injuries

  • Vascular diseases -- Buerger's disease, Mb.Raynaud

  • Bone and muscle system diseases -- inflammatory rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis), degenerative joint and spine diseases, extraarticular rheumatism

  • Post traumatic and post operative rehabilitation of locomotive system

Naftalan is generally used in naftalan baths, washing the entire body in naftalan. Locally it can be used in different ways such as masticotherapy, iontophoresis with naftalan, sonoforesis with naftalan or by washing the parts of a body with naftalan.

There are only two places in the world where this therapeutic oil naftalan is produced. One is in Azerbaijan and the other one (the only one in Europe) is in Ivanic Grad, in Croatia. Naphthenic oil near Ivanic Grad was discovered in the 1970s. Since then there were made a series of cross studies of naftalan oil from Ivanic Grad and oil from Azerbaijan. All the tests confirmed that both types have almost the same chemical and biological characteristics.

Ivanic Grad is a small town situated 27 km from Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia. In prehistoric time the region of todays Ivanic Grad was the bed of the Pannonian Sea. That gave this unique value of natural riches of Ivanic Grad and its environs -- rare and powerful natural therapeutic agents -- therapeutic naftalan oil and thermomineral water. According to balneologic classification thermomineral water from the site in Ivanic Grad is hyperthermic brine of fluorine, brome, iodine, and sodium chloride. It is acquired from the depth of 1300 metres. Water temperature at the water source is 60 degrees. Organoleptically, the water is clear, salty and with characteristic oily odour and is classified as oily water. As a residue from the Pannonian Sea, this saline water is a strong therapeutic cause with favourable effects on human welfare. Some of those thermal effects are muscle relaxing, analgesy, anti-inflammatory effect, increase of connective tissue expansion, decrease of viscosity of synovial fluids, etc. Some of the effects of saline sodium-chloride water are stimulating microcirculation, muscle relaxing, effecting thermal regulation, cheratolithic effect, effecting sensitivity to UV rays, etc.

Knowing that naftalan and thermomineral water have been used for thousands of years as a part of folk medicine, in 1989. in Ivanic Grad (Croatia) was established Naftalan -- a Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation. It has recently been accepted as a fully fledged member of the European Spas Association (ESPA), which has members representing 21 European countries. For the time being Naftalan is the only Croatian member within the organization.

Naftalan oil and thermomineral water are a precious resource that Ivanic Grad can offer to the world. With it織s kind and well-educated staff, and comfortable facilities of the Hospital and the surroundings Special Hospital For Medical Rehabilitation Naftalan will make your stay both beneficial and pleasant. And don織t forget -- there are only two places in the world where you can find naftalan oil. And the only one in Europe is in Naftalan -- Special Hospital For Medical Rehabilitation in Ivanic Grad, Croatia.

Playing Piano and Arthritis - Are They Related?

Having read a news article about Vladimir Ashkenazy having to give up his public piano playing due to arthritis I started to wonder if there was any link between the two. The question to be asked is piano playing a good or bad thing for your joints and will it induce or deter you from getting arthritis? My research led me to some interesting conclusions.

The right way and the wrong way to play the piano: In fact piano playing really does not induce arthritis if you do it correctly. Having played the piano myself in my young days I can say that there is definitely a wrong way and a right way to play the piano. Before you even start there are finger exercises like the "five finger exercise" and others to do. These exercises serve as a warm up and help to strengthen your fingers and make them more flexible.

Playing the piano the right way can help arthritis: When you play the piano you also have to position your wrists and hands in the correct way. When you do this you will in fact be putting the right pressure on your fingers and joints. This will actually improve blood circulation to your joints and help with any joint problems.

Playing the piano does indeed help you if you have arthritis and you play for a certain amount of time on a daily basis. However if you are playing for a living like a concert pianist you may have some problems. It is not that piano playing itself induces arthritis but if you have the problem already, due to other causes, too much exertion of your joints could be bad.

Plus when a concert pianist is on full work load they do have to practice up to 8 hours a day. Much of this will be repetitive phrases over and over again. This repetitive pattern of the hands may be a strain on the joints. It is well documented that repetitive movement of the joints can be a factor in arthritis. After some time arthritis can creep up on a performer due to this strain on the joints.

However surprisingly enough you do not hear of arthritis stopping pianists in their tracks too often. Given these facts it would appear that piano playing is actually good for your joints and although it may not always prevent this disease is good therapy for your joints and can help you with hand arthritis.

Challenges in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and is the one typically associated with aging. According to data compiled by the National Institutes of Health (NIAMS), OA affects more than 20 million Americans.

OA is a disease due to abnormal cartilage metabolism. Cartilage is the connective tissue that lines the ends of long bones. It is tough gristly material consisting of a matrix of proteoglycans and collagen. Within this framework, cells, called chondrocytes, manufacture the matrix.

OA can be a result of genetics (there is often a family history), injury to the joint, and aging.

Weight bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, and the base of the thumb are the most common areas affected.

Symptoms of OA include joint pain, swelling, limited range of motion of the joint, and stiffness.

Treatment of this disorder has been largely aimed at symptom reduction. Among the various treatments used have been analgesics (pain killers), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), which help reduce swelling and inflammation, injections of corticosteroid and viscosupplements (lubricants), physical therapy, and eventually joint surgery.

Different types of alternative therapies such as chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicines, and supplements have also been used.

These treatments, while helpful for symptoms, do nothing to restore cartilage. The end result is that patients end up needing joint replacement.

More recently, there have been attempts to heal cartilage defects. Procedures that have been employed include:

1. Autologous chondrocyte implantation. In this procedure, cartilage cells are removed from a non-weight bearing part of the joint, arthroscopically, grown in a lab, and then re-implanted into the cartilage defect.

2. Mosaicplasty. Multiple cartilage plugs are harvested from a non weight-bearing part of the joint and inserted into the cartilage defect.

3. Microfracture. The cartilage defect has multiple small holes drilled into it to allow blood and a few stem cells escape into the defect and ostensibly grow cartilage.

While these procedures have been used for small isolated cartilage defects- mostly in athletes- none of these procedures has been used extensively for osteoarthritis. In addition, long term data regarding efficacy has been mixed.

So the problem remains... What can be done to restore cartilage?

The most promising approach appears to be the use of autologous stem cell transplantation. In this procedure, bone marrow harvested from the posterior iliac crest of the patient is concentrated to isolate stem cells. Then using a combination of platelet-derived growth factors, subcutaneous fat, and a few other ingredients, the stem cells are reapplied in a regional manner to treat the osteoarthritic joint.

It must be mentioned that the pain of OA is not due directly to cartilage loss. Rather the pain is a result of several factors including irritation of the joint capsule due to bony spurs, called osteophytes, as well as inflammation of the synovium, the lining of the joint.

However, there are significant barriers when it comes to the used of stem cells. First, patients need to be at or near ideal weight. Second, they must be in good physical condition. And lastly there are biomechanical factors that must be considered. For instance, the knee is not just a hinge joint that bends back and forth. There is also a gliding component as well as a rotation component with normal knee range of motion.

The hip is a joint that is capable of significant range of motion. Most osteoarthritis develops in the superior portion of the joint and that also makes the treatment approach difficult since there is a tremendous amount of load strain that accompanies weight bearing.

The upshot is that with cartilage deterioration, there are altered biomechanics that need to be taken into account when treating an osteoarthritic joint, whether it's the knee or the hip.

Limited weight-bearing after the procedure is critical and an early program of directed physical therapy is also required.

Attempts to normalize the abnormal biomechanics are critical.

While the early data for stem cell transplantation looks promising, longer term data, and continued improvements in techniques should improve the long term outlook for patients.

Arthritis Causes - Factors Causing Joint Pain and Inflammation

Arthritis is a disorder causing joint inflammation. Joint inflammation includes inflammation of joint lining or synovium, surrounding tissues, eroding of bones and cartilages. Arthritis is a very common ailment, and chronic in nature. Once attacked by arthritis, it is not possible to eradicate the disorder completely, but remission of the disorder is possible through medications, changing of lifestyle and habits, simple home remedies involving natural herbal massage oil and herbal supplements.

Pain is the most torturing symptom of arthritis. Pain is often accompanied by swelling, joint stiffness, tenderness, redness of skin around joint, crepitus or crunching sound while moving affected joints, deformity, anemia, constipation, colitis, limited range of motion, fatigue. Many symptoms occur together making the disease debilitating, and the patient almost crippled. Life activities and mobility becomes quite difficult. Ankles, wrists, neck, back, shoulder, knee and hip are the joints commonly invaded by arthritis. Arthritis can inflict people of all ages. Osteoarthritis is noticeable in elderly people while rheumatoid arthritis is common among youths. Of the many forms of arthritis, the above two forms are the most widespread.

Causes of Arthritis

1. Age is one factor causing arthritis. With advancing age, the bone protecting cartilages become weak and brittle. The fluid content in the cartilages rise, the protein make up starts breaking up, leaving crevasses on the cartilages, the cartilages start flaking, and in no time are lost exposing the bones to friction. The result is arthritis.

2. Obesity also causes arthritis. The extra load on joints due to weight gain causes the wearing out of cartilages and rubbing of one bone against the other.

3. High impact sports and activities like wrestling, boxing, gymnastic, ballet dancing etc cause much wear and tear of cartilages, and often lead to arthritis in future.

4. Certain occupations trigger arthritis. Occupations like cotton processing, carpentry, shipyard work, the work of a construction worker etc involve frequent kneeling and squatting. Such occupations easily wear out joints, thereby leading to arthritis.

5. Arthritis is an inherited disorder, and seems to run in the family. In other words, heredity or genes is an arthritis causing factor.

6. Tobacco smoking and stress also may initiate or aggravate arthritic conditions.

7. Infection by viruses or bacteria may also lead to arthritis. For instance, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea or Lyme disease or the bacterium causing diarrhea is also responsible for causing arthritis.

8. High levels of urate or uric acid in blood lead to an arthritis called gout. Alcohol intakes, high blood pressure, fasting, over eating, taking diuretic medications are risk factors in case of this form of arthritis.

9. Previous history of traumatic joint injury or bone fracture may in future cause arthritis.

10. Also past history of septic joint may later cause arthritis.

11. Immune system abnormalities also cause arthritis.

12. Preponderance of calcium pyrophosphate in the body also causes arthritis.

Osteoarthritis Natural Ayurvedic Remedies and Causes

Arthritis is a joint disorder characterized by inflammation of joint, and Osteoarthritis is one of the several types of arthritis. It is the commonest form of arthritis noticeable in elderly people. Osteoarthritis is also known by the names of wear and tear arthritis, degenerative joint disease or old person's arthritis. When osteoarthritis occurs, there is wear and tear or degradation of articular cartilage and subchondral bone, as a result of which several mechanical abnormalities arise.

When cartilages are lost due to degeneration, bones at the joint are exposed to each other, and get damaged due to friction. The friction may often lead to the formation of spurs or bony outgrowths named as osteophytes. All these cause severe pain at the joints, and may even cause immobility at the joint. Due to decreased movement, atrophy of the muscles around the joint may occur, and the ligaments holding the bones in place may become loose, or stop functioning in their natural way. Hands, feet, spine, knee or hip joints are usually attacked by osteoarthritis. The pain at the affected joint may worsen, at the end of the day's usage. Humid or cold weather also worsens the pain in many osteoarthritis patients.

Causes of Osteoarthritis

1. Aging is the primary cause of osteoarthritis. As body starts aging, cartilages become weak, owing to accumulation of fluids in the cartilage and degeneration or breaking up of the protein make up. The cartilages thus become brittle, may start flaking or tiny crevasses may be formed on the surface of the cartilages. In no time total loss of cartilage may occur, exposing the bones to rub against each other. Such worn out joints become inflamed or swollen through repetitive use.

2. Obesity also causes osteoarthritis. As weight increases, the joints are compelled to bear the load of extra weight which is often beyond their capacity. The excessive pressure causes much wear and tear of the cartilage cushions.

3. Heredity or genetic grounds is also responsible for causing osteoarthritis. The disorder is often seen to run in the family.

4. Congenital joint disorder may also lead to osteoarthritis.

5. Past history of septic joint or any other joint infection may cause osteoarthritis in future.

6. Trauma or injury to joint due to accident may in future take the shape of osteoarthritis.

7. Ligamentous deterioration may cause osteoarthritis.

8. Inflammatory diseases like perthe's disease, lyme disease, gout, costochondritis may lead to osteoarthritis ultimately.

9. Diabetes is another factor causing osteoarthritis.

10. Marfan syndrome, Wilson's disease, hemochromatosis are other factors leading to osteoarthritis.

Ayurvedic herbal supplement Rumatone Gold Capsule is an effective natural remedy for osteoarthritis. One can apply Rumatone Gold Oil in conjunction with supplementing Rumatone Gold Capsule for getting faster relief from osteoarthritis.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Does Your Dog Have Canine Arthritis? Find Out What The Tell-Tale Signs Are

Have you noticed any changes in your dog recently? Maybe she has difficulty getting up, or moving around. It could be that she has early signs of canine arthritis.

Arthritis in dogs is similar to that in humans. There is a degeneration of the joints that can result in pain and stiffness. In a healthy dog, the bones in the joint are covered in cartilage, which protects them and provides some shock absorbing capacity. As she gets older it is common for this layer of cartilage to become worn away, in severe case exposing the bone. This can lead to inflammation and resulting discomfort for your dog.

There are a number of causes of arthritis. For the most common form, osteoarthritis, age is a major factor. Older dogs are much more likely to be affected. Certain breeds are also more prone to getting arthritis. If your dog has had a previous joint injury it may also mean that she is more likely to get arthritis at a later time.

The joints most commonly affected are the hips, knees and elbows. However any joint could become affected.

To have a diagnosis of canine arthritis, you should always have your pet taken to the vets for confirmation. But here are some of the warning signs. She has trouble getting up from a lying down position and is reluctant to go up or down stairs. Instead of rushing ahead of you on walks like she used to do, she now lags behind you. You may even notice that she is limping or looks uncomfortable when walking.

There are a number of treatment options available to you. The first resort that a vet will often use is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). This is a medicine that will act to reduce the inflammation and it also has a pain killing effect. In dogs with serious canine arthritis the possibility of surgery may have to be considered.

There are also a number of alternative treatments that pet owners have tried, although there is no scientific evidence that they work. These include magnet therapy, where strong magnets are placed close to the site of pain (possibly in a dog's blanket).

It is important to remember that there is no cure as such for canine arthritis. The treatment that is administered aims at relieving and reducing the symptoms of pain and inflammation. This should make life for your dog more enjoyable.

Eczema Vs Psoriasis

Although they are both skin conditions, by assessing the areas of the skin that are affected, it is possible to see what the differences between these two skin complaints are. They are both types of dermatitis, which simply means 'inflammatory conditions relating to the skin.'

Eczema is made up of very dry, scaly and itchy skin patches, that are also often red and inflamed. There may also be small blisters present in these areas, which can 'weep' and become infected. The areas most affected are the insides of the elbows, the hands, and neck and the inside of the knees, as well as other areas of the legs. Some people even have dry, itchy areas on their faces, including their eyes and scalp. Scratching the itchy skin makes the itch worse and can break the skin too, which can lead to infection.

This skin condition can be worsened by skin irritants, like certain washing powders, clothing, soaps, perfumes, animal fur and other household and industrial chemicals that the skin comes into contact with. Specific foods can also make the condition worse, and gluten and dairy are often the culprits.

The immune system of the person afflicted reacts to either the environmental triggers, or specific foods, or both, and the skin reacts by becoming inflamed, causing the symptoms of distress, which manifest as eczema. Stress can also worsen eczema.

However when the body is provided with specific nutrients, to heal the skin and enable it become healthy and retain moisture, then the skin becomes more resilient to external triggers. When the immune system is nourished, it becomes better able to cope with both internal and external triggers. Strengthening the digestive system also facilitates less food sensitivities. Addressing all these issues leads to healthier skin.

Psoriasis consists of raised areas of skin, often on the opposite area to where eczema usually appears, like the outside of the elbows, and the knees. The skin also has a rough, flaky, silvery appearance and can appear red too. When the condition gets severe the skin will also start to itch, and can even flake off, leaving bleeding skin underneath. This condition can accompany sore joints, and then the condition is called psoriatic arthritis.

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease, and is caused by a the skin receiving a faulty signal that speeds up both the growth of new skin cells and the turnover of existing skin cells. This means that the skin builds up extra layers, leading to dry, hard and itchy patches on various parts of the skin.

There are certain environmental factors that can worsen this skin condition, such as stress, extremes of temperature, and infections. There may be a genetic predisposition to this affliction.

Once again, when the body is provided with specific nutrients, it is capable of addressing this problem. When the cells are given what they require to function optimally, the skin is one of the first areas that will reflect this improvement in cellular functioning.

These skin conditions are not contagious, but do cause untold misery for the sufferers, with many millions of people, all over the world, suffering from them.

Cortisone creams are often prescribed to help address the irritation and inflammation that accompany these skin conditions. Over time this form of treatment can make the skin more sensitive and doesn't solve the underlying cause of the condition.

(If you are still unsure of what your particular skin condition is, it is advisable to see a dermatologist to make the final assessment.)

Although prescription medicine and OTC (over the counter) compounds are used by millions of people, every day, in an attempt to solve these skin conditions, the underlying cause is very seldom addressed. Essential fats have an enormously important role to play in every single cell in your body. The skin needs these specific nutrients in large quantities, to remain healthy and robust, therefore it is the first issue in the diet that should be addressed. Removing specific foods, as well as environmental triggers is the next step, although the essential fats also play a role in modulating the immune system, so these triggers could become less irritating to the body and therefore the skin, when the immune system becomes healthier. Digestive enzymes may also be helpful as they help with protein digestion, which when hampered, often leads to food sensitivities.

Common Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of the joints. This disease is categorized as an autoimmune disease because people suffering from this condition have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues. As a result, the joints are mistakenly attacked by the body's own immune system. The condition is likely to occur in people between the ages of 40 and 50. It is very common in the US and not less than 2 million Americans are diagnosed with this disease. In fact, it is the most common type of arthritis in the US. Women are more prone to rheumatoid arthritis than men at a ratio of 3:1.

Rheumatoid arthritis can attack various organs and tissues in the human body. However, it mainly attacks synovial joints in the hands, wrists, ankles, and knees. Common arthritis symptoms include fever, weight loss, malaise, as well as muscle ache and pain. People suffering from arthritis are also likely to experience the feeling of tiredness, lack of sleep, the inability to use the hand or walk properly, and difficulty in moving their joints especially in the morning.

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms include the ones mentioned previously as well as other specific signs which differentiate this type of arthritis from other types such as osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis. Besides the above mentioned symptoms, people with this disease will suffer from joint pain, joint stiffness, joint swelling and joint tenderness. They will also feel warmness around the affected joints. The pains are likely to occur symmetrically. For example, if you feel pain in one knee, you will also feel pain in the other. The sufferers can also find lumps under their skin, usually on the hands or elbows, which are called the rheumatoid nodules. This type of arthritis can also cause joint space narrowing and bone erosion as well. Other rheumatoid arthritis symptoms also include anemia, increasing ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), ulnar deviation, rheumatoid factor, swan neck, and hand deformity.

Hand deformity is a common occurrence in people suffering from this condition. Hand deformities in people with this disease occur when ulnar deviation happens. Ulnar deviation is the condition when the fingers deviate towards the ulna (the inner bone of the forearm). The disease can also prevent the fingers from functioning properly due to ruptured tendons. As mentioned before, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that it can't be cured. However, surgery may be helpful to correct deformities caused by this disease.

How Chiropractic Can Help Those Suffering From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Traditional Treatment

The treatment options are typically very strong medications that help keep the inflammation down and help to save the joints. Another treatment that is helping many sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis is chiropractic care. While most people that know little about the care that chiropractors provide, the one consistent thought is that a chiropractor manipulates the spine, which is true, but the field of chiropractic continues to evolve and make advances that can be helpful to those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as RA.

Chiropractic Treatment

The treatment plan a chiropractor can set up for an individual with rheumatoid arthritis consists of helping improve and restore the range of movements in the joints. In addition, flexibility and increasing muscle tone can greatly help those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Moreover, a chiropractor can introduce nutrition as well as supplementation that help to control the inflammation in the joints. When the inflammation is under control, the pain is better managed.An Individual Treatment Plan

When a person with RA visits a chiropractor, x-rays and an initial assessment will be conducted in order to determine the stage of the rheumatoid arthritis he or she is at and then develop an individual course of treatment.

While rheumatoid arthritis is incurable and often leads to permanent joint damage, the role of the chiropractor is to introduce the patient to a more natural treatment plan with the goal of assisting the patient to become as pain-free as possible while increasing the range of motion in the joints.

As the patient and chiropractor work together to find exercises that help relieve the stiffness in the joints, along with an anti-inflammatory diet, and supplements, the patient is able to find relief of the pain and symptoms that traditional medical does not provide.

Final Thoughts

If you or someone you love suffers from RA, you should consider a doctor of chiropractic because this course of treatment can be keep your mobile and offers a drug-free way to gain pain-relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar - A Natural Arthritis Tonic

Using apple cider vinegar for arthritis is something that has been done for centuries. There are many reasons for this that you should be aware of. Apple cider vinegar actually has many medicinal benefits and relieving arthritis pain is one of them.

One thing to know about arthritis is that it can be characterized by the formation of crystallized uric acid around the joints. The use of apple cider vinegar is recommended to break down these crystals. This is done by the malic acid that is one of the active compounds of this type of vinegar. The acid will break down the crystals so they can pass out of the body. It should be noted that this does not prevent them from forming.

Inflammation is something that people with arthritis also suffer from. This type of vinegar can help with this as well because it is a natural antioxidant. The antioxidant properties will reduce the inflammation around the joints. Additionally it is thought that this reduction will help to slow the progress of the condition. Pain relief is also something that this vinegar can help with. The malic and acetic acids in the vinegar also help the body fight infections.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Fight Arthritis Pain

There are two common ways in which people can administer apple cider vinegar for arthritis. One is through a compress. To do this, you will heat a solution of one part apple cider vinegar to six parts water. When the mixture is hot to the touch then take it off the heat and soak a cloth in it. Ring out the excess and put it onto aching joints.

Another way to administer this vinegar is as a tonic. Many people take a tablespoon two times a day. It is possible to take this vinegar straight if you do not mind the taste. You could also mix a tablespoon full into a glass of water and have it that way or you can make a tea with a teaspoon of natural honey.

You can't go wrong trying apple cider vinegar for arthritis. The cost of this natural remedy is minimal and the benefits are too numerous to mention. Also buy the brand that has organic raw unfiltered apples to get the best results.

Going On A Trip Soon - Here Are 17 Tips For Flying More Comfortably If You Suffer From Arthritis

Travel can be exciting particularly if it is to a vacation destination.

Here are some useful tips for airline travelers with arthritis.

Prepare ahead of time. Make sure your agenda is set and that the proper travel arrangements have been made. Double check the airport flight times and triple check them the day before you go. Often, flight times can change at the last minute. If you can, print your boarding passes ahead of time. Most domestic airlines allow you to do this 24 hours before a flight. These measures will help reduce the stress of getting to the airport and finding out that your travel arrangements have been completely changed. Sites like Travelocity or other similar sites can get you the best fares and will also notify you of flight changes. While you're at it, make sure your passport is up to date if you're traveling abroad.

Find out through your travel arranger or through a guidebook a way to find an English speaking doctor should you need one. Carry your insurance information with you.

If you have an executor, let them know who your attorney is prior to your trip. It's not the most pleasant thing to think about but you should make sure, in the event of a tragedy, that things are taken care of.

If you are traveling to foreign countries, use a neck pouch to carry your important papers and money. You may be considered an easy mark for thieves if you carry your valuables in a regular purse. Since ATMs are available almost everywhere except for very remote areas, it makes sense to limit the amount of cash you carry around at any one time.

Make a packing list. Make a list of the clothes items, then a list of other things like your wallet, cash, planner, sunglasses, camera, etc. Remember that federal regulations will limit what you can take on board. This is particularly a problem when you take a number of medications.

Make sure your medicines are in properly labeled prescription containers so the TSA people don't take them away from you. Do not put your medicines in your checked luggage! Ever!

If you think you need assistance, call the airlines and make sure they are aware you need a wheelchair. Most airlines are very accommodating. If you plan on doing a lot of walking and your arthritis affects your hips, knees, or feet, use a cane or walking stick. It will help a lot. While you're at it, make sure to invest in well-cushioned, supportive footwear. Don't economize here!

Make sure to get a note from your doctor if you have to travel with medicines like Enbrel or Humira that require a small cooler. This will speed your trip through security. If possible, check your baggage at the curb. It'll save a lot of time. Also, if you have metallic joint replacements, get a note from your doctor; otherwise, your journey through security could be a very interesting one.

Use wheelie luggage carriers instead of a shoulder bag. A travel vest that has lots of pockets also is very useful for carrying around stuff that ordinarily you might have to use a bag for.

Travel on board an airplane can be a painful experience if you're not prepared. Bring along a neck support pillow. The airline should also supply you with a small pillow you can use to support your low back. Get an aisle seat so you can get up and walk. Stretch. Do this as much as you can.

While sleeping on a flight is sometimes difficult, some rest is better than none at all.

The buttons to provide air conditioning or lighting are sometimes hard to reach and grasp. Again, don't be shy about asking for assistance.

While we're on the topic of buttons, Velcro fasteners are convenient, lightweight, and are a good idea for use with travel clothes.

Sometimes it makes sense to keep your carryon with you. When placed on the floor, it makes a nice footrest. You will have to stow it under the seat in front of you on take off and landing.

Drink plenty of water. This will help you with fatigue which is a problem for anyone, let alone somebody with arthritis. While current regulations don't allow you to take bottled water from home on board, you can use a water bottle and fill it at a water fountain before getting on board.

If you need to store stuff in the overhead bins, ask for help. Don't be shy. People are more than glad to help. The same goes for taking it out of the overhead bin.

Make sure that when you schedule your trip, you also schedule time for "rentry." In other words, make sure that when you arrive home, you have created enough space so you don't have to dive right back into work or other responsibilities.

Top Tips To Treat Morning Stiffness

Morning stiffness in the muscles and joints is the hallmark of inflammatory kinds of arthritis. With a sprained ankle, with rheumatoid arthritis, with ankylosing spondylitis, or with other kinds of inflammation, you may notice that the sore area is stiff in the morning but loosens up as the day goes on. This phenomenon is most pronounced in rheumatoid arthritis, in which the morning stiffness generally lasts for an hour or more and can be a great aggravation. With osteoarthritis the stiffness usually lasts only a few moments.

No one really understands the reason for morning stiffness. Presumably, while the body is inactive, fluid leaks out from the small blood vessels and capillaries and the tissues become "waterlogged." Then, if you try to move the part, the swollen tissues feel stiff until the motion pumps the fluid out through the lymph channels and the veins. If you sit or lie down during the day the stiffness may return. This phenomenon is called "gelling" or the "gel phenomenon," after the behavior of gelatin, which remains liquid if kept moving and warm but solidifies if it sits for long. The phenomenon appears to be normal, but in the patient with inflammatory arthritis it can be very vexing. Don't let morning stiffness keep you in bed. If your stiffness is that severe, call the doctor and discuss the problem today.

With a minor local condition, such as a sprained ankle or a tennis elbow, don't worry about the stiffness. Think of it as a normal part of the process of bringing healing materials to the injured area. Loosen up carefully before activities and keep in mind that the healing is not yet complete. You should continue to protect the injured part. With a condition like rheumatoid arthritis, the stiffness is apt to persist and you are going to have to come to grips with the problem. Use all the tricks you can to reduce the inflammation and the stiffness. Be sure that you take any prescribed medication strictly according to schedule. Morning stiffness can be a sign of the activity of arthritis, and the best way to reduce stiffness is to treat the arthritis. Your stiffness may be a signal that you have been sloppy in taking prescribed drugs. Or you may need more medication or a different drug. In particular, don't forget to take the last dose in the evening.

Ask your doctor about changing your medication schedule. Perhaps you can take a drug later in the evening or in the middle of the night so that there is medication in your blood in the morning when you are most stiff. Some people taking aspirin find that taking a coated aspirin are absorbed more slowly, and the aspirin level in the bloodstream lasts a bit longer. Avoid painkillers, they don't help morning stiffness. Stretch gloves, of spandex or similar elastic material, may help morning stiffness in the hands if worn overnight. Give them a try, the idea is to prevent the tissues from becoming waterlogged. Try a warm bath or shower upon rising. Work at gentle exercises in the bed before you get up. You will have a certain amount of stiffness each day, and you might as well get it worked out as soon as possible. Some people find that they are helped by using an electric blanket.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Spinal Arthritis is One of the Most Painful and Difficult to Treat Forms of Arthritis

The modifications of different illnesses create one of the toughest challenges for consultants, analysts, and patients. As an example, we frequently hear through the mass media that scientists are looking for the cures for assorted sicknesses. Each of these forms of the illness cause different symptoms and treatments, and would therefore need different cures. Similarly, numerous kinds of arthritis exist, for example psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Another variety of this devastating illness is spinal arthritis.

Spinal arthritis, or spinal stenosis, involves the tapering of the spine, manifesting itself through stress on the spinal nerve as well as on the roots of nerves. This illness sometimes involves 3 regions of the backbone : the canals at the nerves' base that expand from the spinal nerve ; the openings between the backbone's bones, through which nerves exit the backbone and then continue to other body parts ; and the tube in the middle pillar of bones, through that the roots' base and the backbone continue. This tapering can include either a big or minuscule area of the backbone. The subject of spinal arthritis may feel aches or a scarcity of sensation in the shoulders, neck, or legs.

Spinal arthritis sufferers are most frequently ladies and men who are over 50 years of age. Nonetheless , younger folk who experience an injury to their backbone may also experience spinal arthritis. In addition, those that are born with tapering of the spinal channel could also become inflicted with this illness.

Spinal arthritis sufferers of every age may experience no symptoms, because of the tapering of the area in the spinal channel. However , if this narrowing puts stress on the nerve roots or spinal nerve, sufferers might endure cramps, absence of sensation, aches in the legs and arms, and weakness. Also, if the chiselled area in the backbone presses down on the nerve base, sufferers of spinal arthritis may experience discomfort sealing down their leg. They should right away engage in bending exercises, reinforcing exercises, stretching the lumbar region, and sitting.

When a victim of spinal arthritis isn't experiencing tremendous or worsening nerve organisation, then the doctor might prescribe either anti-swelling drugs that have no steroids, such as aspirin, and ibuprofen, to lower swelling and reduce aches, or drugs like Tylenol, to reduce discomfort.

If stronger treatment is required corticosteroid injections can be given into the remotest of the membranes covering the nerve roots and the spinal nerve, this will lower swelling and treat pointy agony that spreads down a leg, or down to the hips. Anaesthetic shots, and nerve blocks, can be given nearby the nerve that is influenced, to momentarily reduce agony.

Doctors frequently counsel physical treatment or exercises to increase stamina, continue the backbone's motion, and fortify back and belly muscles. This could help to make the backbone steadier. Aerobic activity is also a choice if the patient isn't in too much discomfort.

When treatment not concerning surgery is ineffectual, surgery becomes a choice. The target is to reduce the nerves' pressure or spinal nerve, and to re-establish and sustain the backbone's arrangement and strength.

Today, spinal arthritis remains one of the most devastating sorts of sicknesses that folk can have. Luckily, doctors and analysts continue to enhance its treatment, to relieve its victims' discomfort.