Saturday, October 12, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: How to Treat Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PA)is one of the most common forms of inflammatory arthritis. Like its not so distant cousin, rheumatoid arthritis, PA is a systemic autoimmune driven form of arthritis. It is most common in people who have an extensive amount of psoriasis. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, between 10 per cent and 30 per cent of people with psoriasis will develop PA. Interestingly, patients may develop the arthritis before they have clinical psoriasis.

Most patients with psoriatic arthritis, if joint symptoms are minimal, usually see a dermatologist before realizing they have PA. Symptoms include swelling, heat, redness, and pain involving not only the joints but the entheses (tendon attachments into the bone) as well. In addition, tendon sheaths in the fingers and toes can swell, causing what is termed a "sausage" digit. Stiffness in the morning is usually present.

Patients with PA can have variants of the disease. Some patients have more involvement of the spine than others. PA is typically non-symmetric as opposed to rheumatoid arthritis which tends to be symmetric in presentation. It is this asymmetry that can be useful for suspecting the diagnosis.

In addition to the typical rash of psoriasis, patients may have nail pitting or lifting up of the finger or toenail.

Like other autoimmune forms of arthritis, there is a systemic component to this disease. In particular, patients with PA can develop eye inflammation.

Imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can help confirm the diagnosis. Specific changes at the entheses are characteristic of PA.

Treatment starts with making the diagnosis. Diseases that can be confused with PA are rheumatoid arthritis, gout (the serum uric acid can be elevated in patients with PA), fibromyalgia, pseudogout, ankylosing spondylitis, sarcoidosis, Lyme disease, and Reiter's disease.

The aims of proper therapy are to slow down the progress of the disease and restore function. A combination of an anti-inflammatory drug and a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) is the usual starting point of treatment. While methotrexate is the DMARD of choice for rheumatoid arthritis, it may not work quite as well in PA. Options include sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), leflunomide (Arava), and hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil).

In patients who do not respond within eight to twelve weeks, biologic therapy using a TNF inhibitor is the next logical step. Among the options here are etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira), and golimumab (Simponi).

Patients with a single inflamed joint or tendon may respond to steroid injection.

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Men

Arthritis is the word used to describe inflammation of the joints. It is often described as an auto-immune disease as it relates to the system within the body which produces antibodies.

In the modem medical approach to arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used which are either steroidal or non-steroidal. Unfortunately joint disease is poorly understood and the treatments have not advanced for a long time. Hopefully more research into the causes and the cure of joint diseases will be done over the next few years.

Naturopathic approaches are certainly worth trying. They may not cure the disease but they can certainly relieve much of the discomfort and slow down the debilitating symptoms. Diet plays a huge role in controlling the symptoms and some plant medicine and nutritional supplements can be very beneficial.

My father, who had severe arthritis in his knees, was always joking about the fact that there was no cure for joint problems, and he was very disturbed that the anti-inflammatories he was prescribed were upsetting his stomach, which is a very common side effect. Just by increasing his intake of water each day (elderly people tend to be dehydrated because they don't consume enough water daily) and including some vitamins helped him.

In all treatment of joint problems, solutions must be looked upon as long-term: a lifestyle change and a commitment to taking the supplements regularly to stop degeneration and further damage to the immune system are essential.

Treatment & prevention program

Follow the diet for health and vitality. This is imperative. All junk food, white sugar and white flour products must be eliminated. Foods that nourish joints are those containing omega 3 and 6 oils, such as deep-sea fish, flaxseed oil, and vitamin E in avocados and wheatgerm oils.

Eat high-quality proteins such as legumes, eggs and white meat, which are more suitable than red meat, as one of the waste products from digestion of red meat is uric acid which can aggravate joints.

Drink celery juice daily as it assists the balance of potassium and sodium being carried to the joints. It can be mixed with carrot juice.

Avoid acidic foods such as rich sauces, white wine, white vinegar, and some fruits such as oranges, strawberries and other berries which can aggravate joint problems. It is best to stay off these foods for six weeks and introduce them back into your diet slowly and see if they affect your level of joint pain in certain quantities.

Drink lots of pure, filtered water.

Encourage mobility of the joints through exercise such as water exercises and walking. Running is very aggravating to any joint, especially on a hard surface.


Two omega 3 and 6 oil capsules twice daily. It lubricates joints. Double the dose if in severe pain.

One glass of celery juice daily or two celery tablets daily. For taste and health, mix with carrot juice.

Two tablets of the standardized extract of boswellia twice daily or one tablet daily as a preventative. Boswellia, which acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, is excellent for arthritis (and also for inflammation of the bowel). There is often a link between inflammation of the bowel and arthritis. You may find this herb mixed with ginger and turmeric (both natural anti-inflammatories).

One or two ginger capsules three times a day. Ginger tablets have relieved many joint problems because they stimulate the circulation. They are especially useful for those in cold countries, to assist mobility. In fact they are very useful when skiing or participating in water sports in cold water.

Glucosamine sulfate one tablet two to three times a day.

I have made many wonderful tonics for arthritis using traditional herbs, and if the client stays on these daily over the winter period, when joints seem to be at their worst, the aches and pains are kept under control without the long-term effects of anti-inflammatories. The following tonic is recommended. Equal parts of celery, dandelion, prickly ash, boswellia (you can also take this herb separately as a tablet for better results), willow bark, devil's claw, liquorice, ginger and astragalus (which helps the immune system in chronic conditions). Take one teaspoon in water twice daily.

A liniment containing the Chinese herbs kadsura, pothos and curcuma, and menthol, camphor and some wintergreen oil. These are available at your health store. Rub on the affected area.

Arthritis Treatment: What Are the Common Tests Ordered on Arthritis Patients?

Laboratory tests are an integral part of "working up" a patient with arthritis. While there is no substitute for a careful and thoughtful history and physical examination, laboratory testing has a number of important functions including screening in and out different conditions, confirming diagnostic suspicions, staging disease, monitoring progress of disease and checking on effects of therapy.

While routine testing including complete blood count (CBC), chemistries, urinalysis, and such are part and parcel of "standard" testing, this article will focus on the "arthritis tests' most often ordered.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate) is a time honored blood test for measuring inflammation. As a response to inflammation, the liver produces proteins that coat red blood cells. This causes the blood cells to clump and sediment faster than individual red blood cells. The sed rate is sensitive but not very specific, so that it can be increased as a result of inflammation due to arthritis, malignancy, or infection. Other conditions where the sed rate can be elevated are pregnancy and diabetes.

The C-reactive protein (CRP) is another blood test that measures inflammation. It rises more quickly than the sed rate and resolves more quickly as well. In that respect it probably is a better test for monitoring the inflammation of arthritis. Unfortunately it can also be elevated in patients with other conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and obesity.

Rheumatoid factor is an antibody (IgM) that binds to another antibody (IgG). It is positive in about 70-75 per cent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Early in the disease it can be negative and it remains negative in about 20 per cent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It can also be positive in other diseases such as syphilis, sarcoidosis, malignancies, and infections. In recent years, other forms of rheumatoid factor have been identified which can be useful in diagnosing patients who have rheumatoid arthritis but don't fit the "usual mold."

Anti-CCP is another blood test that is based on an autoantibody directed against the amino acid, arginine. It is much more specific than rheumatoid factor for rheumatoid arthritis although in our lab it is a bit less sensitive. Anti- CCP can occur early in the disease and predicts patients who will have more aggressive disease. We often will use the combination of rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP to achieve both increased sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis.

Antinuclear antibodies are just that... antibodies directed against the nucleus of cells. This is a test that is useful for screening for systemic lupus erythematosus. A patient who is negative for ANA does not have lupus with about 99 per cent certainty. Unfortunately, ANA can be positive in many other conditions including other autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren's disease, scleroderma, inflammatory muscle disease, malignancy, and infection. It can also be positive in up to 30 per cent of healthy people.

For patients where a high level of ANA is noted, there are more specific tests that can be ordered in order to sort out the diagnosis.

Early Symptoms Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease involving multiple systems in our body which is unknown in origin. It has a diverse systemic manifestation, but the distinguishing feature of Rheumatoid arthritis is chronic inflammatory synovitis, generally incorporating the peripheral joints in a general distribution.

The distinguishing feature of the disease is impending inflammation of the synovium leading to injury of the cartilage and subsequent erosion of the bone and the late changes in the joint integrity. The exact cause of RA is yet to be distinguished, but the following reasons have been implicated to the causative factors of Rheumatoid arthritis.

The significance of some genetic factors specifically the Histocompatibility antigens (HLA- DR 4, HLA- DR 1), the infective possibility (infection and the consequences caused by Epstein- Barr virus, CMV, Parvovirus, Rubella virus and Proteus mirabilis), the environmental causes (detrimental role of urbanization and changes in the climate) are being put forward. However, the hallmark of the rheumatoid disease remains the intense pain in the joints.

Onset of early signs and symptoms usually represents as 'undifferentiated arthritis'. These symptoms do not give adequate evidence to the conclusion of a specific diagnosis for a doctor.

So, there is a problem to treat the disease whether conservatively or aggressively. It is seen that about 40-50% of the patients suffering from 'undifferentiated arthritis' spontaneously become cured while only 30% of the cases subsequently develop Rheumatoid arthritis. The rest of the cases become patients of other types of rheumatic diseases. Early diagnosis and proper goal oriented treatment of RA can reduce damage of the joints, thus check disability.

Characteristically, it is manifested by chronic inflammation of multiple joints. More than two third of patients, it begins gradually with the first probable symptom become fatigue, generalized weakness, loss of appetite along with vague musculoskeletal pain until there is manifestations of synovitis become noticeable.

This prodomal phase can continue for weeks or months and resist the proper diagnosis. Specific sign and symptoms usually become visible gradually as multiple joints particularly those of the knees, feet, hands and wrists get affected in a symmetric fashion.

In the case of mere 10% patients, the onset is more acute, where a quick development of polyarthritis, often associated with systemic symptoms including fever (> 100Ú F), lymphadenopathy (more of the hands and neck) and splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen).

In about one third of the patients, the early symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis [] may be confined to one or a couple of joints. Though the pattern of involvement of the joint may remain asymmetric in some patients, the symmetric pattern remains more typical.

Pain and swelling may be poorly confined to the joint area initially. Pain in the affected joints which is aggravated by movement is the most common sign of established case of this. It matches to the pattern of involvement of joint, but does not constantly show a relationship with the severity of apparent inflammation.

Other early symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis are morning stiffness that lasts more than an hour, fatigue and noticeable loss of vigor, some symptoms of systemic infective diseases are seen.

Arthritis and Your Pet - Symptoms, Treatment Options, Exercise and Diet

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis means "inflammation of the joint." Inflammation is characterized by swelling, stiffness, and pain. It is a common condition in older dogs and occasionally occurs in cats. This affliction can cause painful swelling and stiffness. Joints which are commonly affected include elbow, ankle, shoulders, and most often, hips.

Signs of Arthritis

Personality change
Lagging behind on walks
Difficulty sitting or standing
Resistant to touch
Weight gain
Moving stiffly or straight-legged gait
Weight gain
Sleeping more
Being less alert
Yelping in pain when touched
Hesitancy to jump, run or climb
Less interested in play

Types of Arthritis

Degenerative Joint Disease
Hip osteoarthritis - hip dysplasia
Elbow osteoarthritis - elbow dysplasia
Knee osteoarthritis - knee dysplasia
Knee (stifle joint)
Hypertrophic arthritis
Shoulder (degeneration)
Wrist Arthritis (carpi)
Kneecap (dislocation)

What Should I do if I Suspect my Pet has Arthritis?

DO NOT try to give your pet human medication! Anti-inflammatories and Acetaminophen can be extremely dangerous for your pet. Acetaminophen is actually toxic for cats.

The first thing you should do is seek the advice of your veterinarian. He or she can help you find out what kind of arthritis your pet has by taking X-rays, blood tests, joint fluid tests, and sometimes MRIs. Though it is relatively uncommon, sometimes arthritis can be caused by a bacterial infection inside a joint or an autoimmune disorder.

Treatment Options

Depending on the breed, age, history, and weight of the pet, there may be alternatives to medication. Arthritis caused by hip, knee, or elbow dysplasia can sometimes be treated with surgery. Arthroscopic surgery can be used to remove bone chips. In large breed dogs veterinarians will sometimes replace the entire hip joint. In cats and smaller breeds, they may recommend removing the top of the upper leg bone. The leg muscles will compensate in most cases where this is done.

Many pet owners are moving to more holistic approaches to treating arthritis.

Some practitioners are supporting herbal supplements and antioxidant vitamins.

Acupuncture is also gaining popularity among pet owners for chronic pain.

Massage therapists can also give your pet relief. It is not wise to massage your pet unless you ask your vet to show you how first. You can hurt them if you are not sure where and how to message their muscles and joints.

What About Exercise?

You should always follow your vet's advice regarding exercising your arthritic dog. There is a fine line between your dog needing exercise and exercise that will overexert your pets joints. If you can find a doggy pool close to you, and your veterinarian agrees, water sports can be a wonderful source of exercise that does not stress inflamed joints.


As always, you want to be sure your dog is on a healthy diet, and especially if your pet has arthritis. Obesity adds to stress on the bones and joints, which adds to their discomfort.

Last but certainly not least, have you hugged your pet today?

Knee Arthritis - What Can Be Done?

Arthritis in knee joints is a common problem for people over 60 years of age. It occurs as a result of the cartilage at the end of the bones wearing out over the years. Just like a car engine which has parts that wear out because of use, the body also has parts that wear out. For knee joints, the cartilage is located on the ends of the femur and the tibia which makes up the joint. If someone played sport during their younger years and developed a knee injury, the chance of developing problems in later years is significantly increased.

So what can be done about knee arthritis? Well, the best form of treatment or management is exercise. When pain develops around the knee, the muscles often waste away because of the pain and because the person doesn't use the knee as much. The important muscles to work on developing are the quadriceps muscle and the hamstrings.

The quadriceps or quads muscle is found at the front of the knee or thigh and is responsible for straightening the knee. It is an important muscle when walking and going up and down stairs. The hamstrings are found at the back of the thigh. The hamstring muscle are actually made up of 3 muscles. This muscle group is responsible for bending the knee and extending the hip. Just like the quads muscle, the hamstrings are also important when walking and climbing stairs.

Walking is a good and simple form of exercise for people who suffer from knee pain. However, one must remember that this form of exercise is load bearing and if the knee arthritis is painful, this may increase the pain. Instead of walking, a person with knee arthritis may like to try walking in the water at their local swimming pool. With water up to their waist, half their body weight is gone. This means there is less pressure put through the knee which means less pain. If walking and exercise in water feels good to do, it is important to make it part of a normal routine and go to the pool 2-3 times a week.

Unfortunately, arthritis in knee joints is common. However, a few simple strategies like the ones mentioned above are able to help people who suffer with the pain of knee arthritis. It will give them control of the pain and help in the long term in managing the symptoms of knee arthritis.

What Causes Arthritis Knee Pain?

Arthritis is a disease which causes pain and damage to the body's joints. Any joint can be affected, and all will cause different quality of life issues. One of the problems that affects many sufferers is arthritis knee pain. There are different causes for this pain depending on the type of arthritis that you have.

The knee is made up of three bones. It is located where the bottom of the femur and the top of the tibia meet. It is protected in the front by a bone known as the patella, or kneecap. There are a number of tendons and ligaments which hold the bones in the proper alignment and allow the bones to hinge properly. There is also cartilage which is located on the bones and under the kneecap that cushions the joint and prevents damage to the leg bones. A tissue pad called the meniscus also helps cushion the joint.

In osteoarthritis, knee pain is a result of the break down in cartilage. The ends of the bones become rough and jagged in later stages of the disease, and knee damage and pain can result. Osteoarthritis is normally a disease which affects older people but younger people who have injured their joints may also experience the symptoms of osteoarthritis. With rheumatoid arthritis, the body's immune system attacks the joints and can destroy cartilage. There is inflammation, heat and swelling in addition to joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can affect people of any age, which makes it different than osteoarthritis.

There are a few different ways that you can treat knee pain that comes from arthritis. There are anti-inflammatory medications, pain relievers and supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin that are designed to support and repair cartilage. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, there are oral medications which are designed to modify the way the disease is affecting you. They include methotrexate. Gold therapy is also used although this is much less common now that safer drug alternatives have been discovered.

If you are suffering from pain in your knees, you should check with your doctor to make sure that there are no untreated injuries. This can include torn cartilage, damaged ligaments, or even a dislocated kneecap. Surgery can correct these. If your joints are severely damaged by arthritis, you may need to have the joint surgically replaced.

Other non medical means of treatment can include heat wraps and arthritis creams. These can soothe sore joints and provide some relief. Remember that you should never heat a joint that has been affected by rheumatoid arthritis. You want to calm the heat that is in the joint, not add to it. You also want to make sure you are continuing to use the joint since letting it become immobile will not help and you will end up with more severe problems down the road. Arthritis websites or a rheumatologist can help you establish a safe and effective exercise routine.

Knee pain can be one of the most difficult aspects of arthritis to deal with. You use your knees for so much in your life that having pain can cause problems in your every day routines. Knowing what your treatment options are can help you get on with your life and stay as normal as possible.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Where Does Arthritis Come From? I Know What Cured Me

Who's Fault is It?

So, what led to my acquiring of arthritis? I was the victim of divorced parents. My mom remarried twice and my dad had visitation rights. In my particular case, neither parent was insistent upon my consuming what I would call "a well balanced diet." Frankly, I doubt that they really knew what one was.

Dad, for example, would encourage me to eat chocolate candy bars for quick energy, with which instructions I was only too happy to comply. If I wanted hamburger, fries, and malts or banana splits, it made no difference to them. Needless to say, I was overweight and I am likewise convinced that my system was well on the way to becoming plugged up at an all too young age.

What Does That Have to Do With Arthritis?

Yes, I did in fact develop arthritis, and there are millions who also suffer from this loathsome and painful disease. Much later in my life, my daughter-in-law was also affected adversely by arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis as a matter of fact. Anyone who has or is suffering from this malady knows only too well that the word "atrocious" just about defines it in a fair to middling fashion.

In my case, it had the potential of being life threatening in view of limiting my ability to defend myself adequately as a policeman. In my daughter-in-law's case, she was the mother of six and had all of attendant responsibilities that being a wife and mother imply. Again, when a member of one's own family is affected adversely with any malady, the pain becomes even more pronounced.

Though I do not know where all arthritis comes from; I do know that my arthritis left my body only after an M.D. advised me that I should stop eating white sugar. So I had to stop eating banana splits and candy bars and everything in-between. Of course I could not blame my parents because I was now "all grown up" and made my own decisions. But it wasn't an easy decision to eliminate sugar from my diet.

Is There Any Hope at All?

Changing my dietary habits was a great alternative for me since it freed me from spending the "best half" of my life on pain medications. Because of my successful experience with alternative medicine, it was only as one would suspect that our children would be open to alternative medicine as a viable consideration for their health needs as well. You can only imagine the delight that my wife and I had upon learning that our daughter-in-law had been delivered from all of the effects of rheumatoid arthritis by the use of an herbal supplement.

If you or someone you love is suffering from arthritis, I highly suggest that you get advice from a nutritionist about how you can modify your eating habits. I also suggest you consider what benefits might be available to you from supplementing your nutrition with herbs as well. If you have a hard time breaking free from sugars, there are herbs that can suppress those cravings. So don't give up hope! Your freedom from arthritis might be just around the corner.

Natural Cures For Rheumatoid Arthritis - Causes and Symptoms

In rheumatoid arthritis, there is an inflammation of joints or there may be an inflammation of tissue around the joint. It may affect the other organs of the body also. It is said to be the chronic inflammation of the joint. It is also said to be an autoimmune disease which means the illness caused when the tissue of the body is by mistake attacked by their own immune system. Sometimes it is said to be the rheumatoid disease because it is associated with the inflammation and it may affect multiple organs of the body. It is also referred as systematic illness. Rheumatoid arthritis lasts for many years as it is a chronic illness. It causes the joint destruction and functional disability also.

All over the world, the cause of the rheumatoid arthritis is a matter of research. It was expected that fungi, bacteria and virus may be its cause but none has be proven as its cause. It may be said that to a great extent it may be hereditary or some environmental factors also plays an important role in its cause like smoking, intake of tobacco etc.

The symptoms depend upon the degree of inflammation of the tissue. The symptoms of this arthritis may come and go according to the inflammation. When there is an inflammation of the tissue then the disease becomes active and when there the inflammation subsides then the disease becomes inactive. In many persons the symptoms disappear and then again come back and this condition is called flare. Common symptoms among the sufferer when the disease remain active are stiffness, muscle and joint ache, low grade fever, loss of energy, fatigue and lack of appetite.

No permanent solution has been established for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. There are some therapies which are very popular among the people. But these therapies are the supplement to the conventional care not the proper replacement of it. Some natural remedies are there which are very effective for it.

1. For thousands of years especially in Africa, people are using devil's claw as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, stomach and kidneys, improving the skin conditions and the gallbladder also.

2. An herb known as boswellia basically available in India is very effective in the treatment of curing inflammation of tissue.

3. Gamma - linolenic acid basically found in black current seed oil, evening primrose oil and borage oil proves to be very effective in its treatment.

4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids which are available in fats. So we must intake the food which contains Omega 3 Fatty Acid to overcome from this problem.

Arthritis Rheumatism Treatment - What Treatments Are Available?

There seems to be a new arthritis rheumatism treatment introduced to the market every month. While not all of these are effective, some are really helping people to live with a little less pain and discomfort. Rheumatism is now a broad term that is used to describe several different disorders. The more common include osteoarthritis, rheumatic heart disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Oral Medications

The most common characteristic is that these common disorders share is chronic pain. If you remember that, you will soon see why arthritis rheumatism treatment may seem rather complicated. There are several medications available that are used to treat this condition. However, there are also many herbal remedies as well. None steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and paracetamol are the primary arthritis rheumatism treatment. However, the amounts of these drugs that are initially prescribed are usually inadequate and will need to be increased in order to get results.

Herbal Remedies

There are other treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Many of these are herbal remedies that have been used for years to help relieve the pain of several different conditions. Dong quai, ginger, and turmeric all can help reduce the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis rheumatoid. Treatment is usually done with an oral dose or brewing the herbal remedy in tea. Many people feel these remedies are a terrific alternative to steroids and other medications. However you should never start and herbal remedy treatment program without consulting with your physician. Some of these remedies will interact negatively with other medications.

Physical Therapy

Other treatments include physical therapy. Exercises that help improve range of motion and flexibility will go a long ways towards reducing the chronic pain. You will also want to include cardiovascular exercises. This will help to improve your circulation and give you energy. While not everyone will be able to complete all of the exercises a physical therapist might have, you do need to try them. You may find that after a while, you will be able to complete them.

Don't overdo it when it comes to exercise however. You need to make sure you only go as far as you are comfortable. This is not to say that you won't feel some discomfort, but you should stop when it hurts.

If you are overweight, an exercise program can help you tremendously. The extra weight will put a strain on your joints and muscles. Most people will feel the pain in their feet, hips, and back. If you can lose as little as ten percent of your total body weight, you will be amazed at how much better you will feel.

Final Thoughts

Another important thing to remember about arthritis rheumatism treatment is that not every treatment will work for each and every person. You must be honest with your doctor about which treatments do not work and why. If you are experiencing any side effects with your medication, make sure you tell your doctor about that too. You needed suffer from treatment programs. There are programs to help you, but you may have to go through a few before you find the one that is right for you.

Arthritis Treatment: 7 Tips On How To Deal With Your Gouty Arthritis

Gout is a form of arthritis that affects approximately eight million Americans. It is a condition that is due to the abnormal deposition of monosodium urate- also known as uric acid (UA)- in body tissues. This disease is a metabolic condition due to the body's inability to get rid of UA. UA is a byproduct of the metabolism of purines, substances that are found in many types of food. While animals have an enzyme, called uricase, that is capable of breaking down monosodium urate, human beings do not.

What is disturbing is that gouty arthritis is a disease which is increasing in incidence. Presumably, this phenomenon is related to the epidemic of obesity occurring in the United States as well as other developed nations. This obesity is fueled by dietary indiscretion as well as the ever-growing presence of high fructose containing foods and beverages.

This article will present some important tips for people who have this condition to help themselves.

1. Recognize the stage of gout you have. There are three stages and each is managed differently. Even most doctors don't know about the three stages but if you have this disease you need to.

2. Treating gout the right way involves treating the acute attack first, and then treating the underlying problem, which is the excess accumulation of UA. If you do one without the other, it's not effective.

3. Gout drugs have side effects. You have to know about these particularly if you're taking medicines for other conditions since drug interaction can occur. Some can be life-threatening.

4. Diet is important regardless of what you hear. And exercise is important as well. The first exercise many patients need to start with is the "push away from the dinner table" exercise.

5. People with gouty arthritis need to understand why dehydration can be a problem for people with gout... and how to avoid it.

6. Know that this disease is often associated with other medical conditions that can have an adverse impact on both gout as well as the treatment for gout. Examples include diabetes, elevated blood lipids, heart disease, and kidney disease.

7. The chief goal of treating an acute gout attack is to start treatment early in order to either prevent or minimize the intensity of the attack, relieve pain, and reduce the chance of disability. Gout attacks can incapacitate a person for a long time if this simple directive isn't followed.

By following these tips, you can get a head start on controlling your disease.

Does Rheumatoid Arthritis Begin in the Intestine?

It's not widely known, but the results of numerous clinical trials over the last 30 years have pointed to an intriguing connection between rheumatoid arthritis and the intestines. As long ago as the 1940s, Charles de Coti-Marsh in his pioneering research into the causes and treatment of arthritis declared 'the disease begins in the bowel.' Nowadays there is increasing evidence that he was right.

Unfortunately, the connection between arthritis and diet has historically been downplayed, with nutrition never quite making the grade as an object of scientific study. More recently, however, the development of nutritional biochemistry. immunology and pharmacology, as well as ever increasing scientific data on free-radical disease, antioxidants, prostaglandins, and flavonoids have lifted the subject of nutrition out of the realm of anecdotal uncertainty into the province of credible science.

In Joints and Arthritic Disease (2002), Dr Gail Darlington references a number of research projects, for example a study by O'Farrelly which took small intestinal biopsies from 93 patients with rheumatic arthritis (RA) and compared them to those of a control group. The conclusion was that the gut may play a part in the immunopathogenesis of certain cases of RA.

The combination of the development of certain types of gut flora and an increased permeability of the intestine (allowing potentially harmful bacterial antigens into the blood stream) seems to be the key issue. Darlington notes that 'RA patients untreated by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have normal gastrointestinal permeability, but patients on NSAIDs and perhaps also on disease modifying antirheumatic drugs show increased permeability. Such increased permeability may allow food or bacterial antigens to be absorbed in greater quantities than usual, overwhelming normal gut defences and, possibly producing symptoms of RA.'

What that means is that dietary manipulation could, in theory, reduce gastrointestinal permeability, with reduced absorption bacterial antigens - and perhaps treat one of the causes of rheumatoid arthritis. Despite these findings, and others like them, making dietary changes in order to treat arthritis is considered to be 'alternative', in other words unacceptable to the majority of the orthodox medical community.

Does rheumatoid arthritis begin in the intestine? Quite possibly - there is some evidence to support the theory. However, 'alternative' theories rarely attract commercial interests, which is of course the prime source of research funding. It therefore remains to be seen whether complementary and alternative therapies will ever achieve the status of 'proven' as required by Western science.

Elizabeth Hartland,
Nutritional Therapist,
The Arthritic Association

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment - The Various Types That Should Be at Your Fingertips

Rheumatoid arthritis treatment helps to relieve the signs and symptoms of the disease. Sometimes, it helps to modify the disease process. One goal for treatment is normally to alleviate or relieve the symptoms. The other goal is normally to prevent future destruction of the joints. If this disorder is left untreated, it can make you handicapped. Although pain relievers can help to relive the symptoms, they may not help in dealing with the long term consequences of this disease.

Most doctors recommend that apart from pain relievers, this disorder should also be treated using at least one anti-rheumatic medication. Cortisone therapy has been effective in providing relief in the past but its long term effects have been said to be adverse. Cortisone injections on the other hand have been said to be affective even for long term use. They can be used in combination with any anti-rheumatic treatment.

Pharmacological treatment for this condition will involve the use of Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs or DMARDs, anti-inflammatory and analgesics. DMARDs normally help to reduce the rate of damage to the bone and cartilage. They are also said to produce symptomatic remissions and also delay the progression of the disease.

Alternative rheumatoid arthritis treatments include weight loss, rest, physiotherapy, immunoadsorption therapy and joint injections. Physical activity or regular exercise not only helps to maintain joint mobility but also makes joints stronger. Radon therapy is a popular treatment method in Germany and Eastern Europe. If your joint is severely damaged, you may require surgery for joint replacement. An example is a knee replacement.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Arthmender - The Ayurvedic Cure for Arthritis and Its 6 Benefits

Millions of people suffer from arthritis, but can Arthmender - the ancient Ayurvedic formula - hold the key to a natural cure for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and other types of joint problems?

When we are born, we have 300 bones and as we grow older, the bones fuse together and we are left with 206 bones as an adult.

Our bones or the skeletal mainframe is the support system that keeps us afloat over the years, till we go old and our bones turn brittle and we die a natural death. But when we are here and still can, it is essential to maintain good bone health.

Arthritis or joint inflammation is a serious health issue because the bone inflammation keeps on damaging healthy tissues and this damage can adversely affect the joints by making movement hard and painful. Over 100 kinds of arthritic problem can affect different areas of the body and research studies show that children and adults alike are susceptible to this disease.

Health officials in USA estimate that by 2030, 294,000 children and 67,000,000 adults will suffer from arthritis. In such a situation, it is common sense to take preventive measures and not let arthritis affect you. Apart from conventional health medicines, the Ayurvedic formula in Arthmender is a supplement that promotes healing, reduction of joint inflammation and maintains long term joint health.

The benefits of Arthmender can be visible only after four to six months of regular consumption. Along with this arthritis cure, you need to follow a diet, exercise and lifestyle guidance plan for joint care. To bring your body back into equilibrium, you must lead a healthy lifestyle. The Singapore Health Services Authority, and the FDA of India and USA have certified that the botanicals used in arthritis supplement are not known to have any side effects. Further, the supplement works to prevent blood clotting in your body so if you are presently having any anti-coagulants, you should use Arthmender with caution. Even better - consult with your physician before adding Art mender.

Proven Benefits of Arthmender Supplement:

  • Makes your joints supple and protect against sudden injuries. In other words, you become more agile.

  • Reduces pain and inflammation from your joints, making you relax with relief

  • Ayurvedic herbs remove harmful free radicals from the system and detoxify your body. With detoxification, pain and inflammation subsides too.

  • Helps to build bone and muscle strength so that it is able to withstand pressure

  • Arthritis means you are bound to have broken tissues; the supplements accelerates tissue repair

  • Arthritis reduces your immunity level to a large extent and the Arthmender supplements counteracts this autoimmunity

The Arthmender proprietary supplement is made with 12 potent Ayurvedic herbal extracts that directly works on the musculoskeletal system and helps to regain your joint health. It consists of 269 natural phytonutrients that exert 514 synergistic activities on your skeletal system to reduce toxins, control free radical activity, prevent blood clotting, smooth the joint structures, relax the muscles, tone the muscles and improves calcium absorption in the body. Ayurvedic doctors suggest that the supplements should be taken twice a day and as said earlier, the dosage should continue for at least 6 months, if you want long term permanent benefits.

Apart from consuming this supplement, you can reverse the damage by increasing and decreasing the intake of Omega - 3 and Omega - 6 respectively. You should increase fiber concentration in your food and eat as many fruits rich in Vitamin C as possible. Always remember that prevention is better than cure!

Osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and giant cell arthritis are some of the common forms of joint pain that Arthmender helps you find relief from. Thousands of people all over the globe find Arthmender to be very helpful in preventing and even curing these conditions.

Health Alert: Gouty Arthritis, Foods to Avoid

Gouty arthritis, or simply gout, afflicts a great number of people around the world. Because of the excruciating pain it brings, people with gout often choose to prevent any further attacks by undertaking measures to avoid it. Nowadays, gout sufferers are given varied options and means to address their problems with gout. Probably the easiest and most convenient way in achieving this is by observing certain lifestyle changes. One of which is consuming an appropriate diet and knowing which arthritis foods to avoid.

The following are suggestions based on an e-book written by a nurse. The information is reliable and useful. The arthritis foods to avoid include but are not limited to the ones mentioned in the succeeding sections of this article.

1. Bacon. It's one of the most popular breakfast choices for most people. However, bacon should be avoided by people with gout because of it contains high amounts of purine. Also, it's rich in sodium since it's highly processed. This promotes urination which might lead to dehydration that can worsen gout.

2. Hot dogs. Whether hotdogs are from pork, beef or turkey, the fact still remains that they are not advisable for gout sufferers since they are rich in purine. Moreover, most hotdogs are added with organ meat which is known to contain excessive amounts of purine.

3. Poultry. Although chicken meat is a staple food for most people, it contains high levels of purine. Therefore, it should be avoided by people suffering from gout. Other people go as far as avoiding dishes with chicken flavour. However, this has not been proven to induce gout. But it's better safe than sorry.

5. Certain Seafood. Certain kinds of seafood are included in arthritis foods to avoid. Some of this includes salmon, crabs, and lobsters just to name a few. In fact, salmon contains twice as much purine compared to chicken meat. Even though salmon contain omega 3, it's still best to avoid consuming it. Supplements can be taken instead.

6. Alcoholic Beverages. Alcohol should be avoided by people suffering from gout since it contains high levels of purine. Also, it can cause injury to the kidneys when consumed excessively which will certainly worsen gout.

The arthritis foods to avoid listed above are just some of the foods gout sufferers need to stop consuming. The effectiveness of this type of diet can only be achieved if a person suffering from gout find the resolve and will to act on it. Observing this as soon as possible will lead to better outcomes.

My Grandmother Had Arthritis - Will I Get It?

There are several different types of arthritis, but the three most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Heredity may play a part in all three, but there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk and/or damage they cause.

Te first thing you need to do is find out what type(s) of arthritis you're at risk for. Mitigating the risks differ between the three types, as does treatment. If you can no longer find out from your family, you may be able to get more information by talking to your doctor. The doctor also needs to be aware of your family history.


What it is: This is usually considered a metabolic disorder as well as a form of arthritis. It is caused by uric acid crystals in your joints, usually striking the right big toe first. It is extremely painful, walking may be difficult or impossible. Uric acid is a waste product from purine, a substance found in most proteins. It is usually filtered out by the kidneys, but if there is a lot or the kidneys have been damaged, it circulates through the blood. As it does so, it clumps together in crystals.

What you can do: Moderating the amount and type of protein you consume is a good place to start. Organ meat is the highest in purine, making it the least desirable type of protein. There are lists on-line of which foods contain what amount of purine. Dehydration and some medications can also cause the painful problem, including aspirin.


What it is: Most of the time, this is caused by general wear and tear on your joints or by injuries. However, if your grandmother had it, chances are good you will develop it as well. This is even more likely if you're female. The cartilage in the joints start to wear out and bits of it may break off. This can cause pain and swelling. Osteoarthritis can strike any joint, including the vertebrae. If it gets bad enough, joint replacement may be required.

What you can do: Your doctor may suggest you start taking calcium supplements to prevent or put off onset. It's also a good idea to take care of your joints. Watch repetitive injury problems, wear shoes that will provide cushioning as well as support and try not to do high impact activities. If you choose to do the latter, ask your coach or your doctor how to mitigate this impact to prevent damage.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is it: RA is an auto-immune disorder. Your body's immune system doesn't recognize the joints as part of the body and attack. It can strike any joint and at any age, child or adult. Usually, the smaller joints are attacked first, though all are at risk.

What you can do: Early, aggressive treatment is the best way to mitigate the damage this disease can cause. Symptoms include pain in the joints, red and puffy hands, swelling in joints that is painful to the touch, fever and weight loss. Other symptoms may also occur.

Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Knee Pain - Remedies That Work

This article emphasizes on the natural ways to relieve arthritis knee pain effectively. Knee pain can restrict your movement and can greatly influence your daily life activities.

1. Limiting activities is one way of relieving knee joint pain. Avoid long walks, running or jumping. For instance, instead of stairs, the patient should use an escalator. Excessive exertion can accelerate the damage in already worn out joints.

2. Light aerobic exercises like hamstring set exercises, heel slide, straight leg raise and static hold exercises, knee extension with leg lift, flexion and extension, assisted knee flexion are some exercises that may be practiced at home for relieving knee joint pain.

3. Walking with the support of a cane serves as an effective pain reliever in case of knee arthritis. However while using cane, one should keep in mind to hold the cane in the hand opposite to the leg with the affected knee, and the cane under the guidance of an orthopedic doctor, should be of the appropriate height.

4. Knee braces or ace bandages may be used to give external support to the ailing joint. This helps in checking pain after an activity, and also controls swelling.

5. Reduction in body weight reduces the load on the knee joint. Thus weight reduction is one way of pain reduction.

6. Omega3 fatty acids are essential for mending damaged joints. Sweet water fishes like tuna, salmon, herring, sardines etc are rich in omega3 fatty acids. Also fresh vegetables like broccoli, fruits like banana, grapes and pineapple, flavonoid rich food items can prove beneficial for treating an aching knee.

7. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that have bone boosting properties. Therefore it may be used as a pain relieving means.

8. Cortisone injection for mild arthritis, and Gold injection and methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis are used these days for suppressing knee joint pain.

9. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are helpful in reducing knee pain and swelling. Aspirin is one example of such drug.

10. Glucosamine supplements are capable of restoring and rebuilding cartilages, and are therefore used by countless people all over the world as a remedial measure against knee pain.

11. Ice therapy is a proven means to reduce pain. Ice cube wrapped in fabric may be rubbed on the aching joint to get comfort and relief from pain.

12. Breathable, self-adhesive compression bandages may be used for results. They will prevent fluid accumulation within the knee joint.

13. Elevating knee with the help of pillows can reduce pain and swelling, as it drains away the fluid that could have collected within the knee joint.

14. A warm cozy ambience can ease painful situations.

15. Boswelia and bromelain herbs are clinically proven pain reducing agents.

16. If pain becomes intolerable, and makes the patient gradually move towards disability, knee replacement surgery could be a way out.

Knee Arthritis Typically Takes Place When the Kneecap Gets Unbalanced

Knee arthritis is mainly considered by many to be the less grave condition of arthritis even though it is a more commonplace arthritis condition acknowledged as osteoarthritis. This is different from rheumatoid arthritis that is more dangerous and can also cripple a person.

One of the main reasons that people ends up suffering from such a disease is that normal wear and tear or perhaps even injury can end up causing the kneecap to move in directions that are not desirable. This might end up having it rub up against other sections of the structure of the knee, for instance causing a total sequence of inflammation that results in a softening of the surface of the joint followed by it's destruction leading to substances of a chemical nature entering into the joint.

Chemicals Lodged In The Knee Joint

At the point when chemicals get into the knee joint, quite a bit of harm happens and it also actuates a chain reaction within the joint. If an individuals kneecap is not capable of moving correctly within the knee then some section of it might then start to press against what is known as the femur with enough pressure. This will have an end result of the kneecap starting to become unbalanced and will eventually lead to problems of a much greater severity due to the fact that it is necessary for the kneecap to be properly balanced so that it has the ability to release nutrients from the joint fluids.

The result of the kneecap being off balance is knee arthritis and will also culminate in the joint cartilage softening in addition to swelling. Also, there might be tiny blistering and even what is known as small fissures should become noticeable and they have the capacity to become fibrils, which will typically over time break off from the knee tissue and end up getting lodged in the fluid that surrounds the knee. The effect of this is the release of bad types of enzymes that lead to grievous as well as unwanted conditions.

Nevertheless, knee arthritis doesn't need to end up in further health problems in any other joints in your body. Most of the knee arthritis cases are caused due to certain physical ailments that are integral to the knee itself, and which needs to be distinguished and fixed at the earliest time possible, which would aid in the recovery process of the condition and lead to regaining a healthy knee once again.

If you are hoping to rid yourself of knee arthritis, you have the option to take a few steps, for instance lowering your overall weight and also starting up and sticking to an exercise program to strengthen up your knee. Nevertheless, the latter choice should only be performed under the close supervision of your physician or perhaps a physical therapists.

You also have the option to use ice, as well as anti-inflammatory medications, and in time, even the use of steroids under a doctors care. Additionally, a helpful means of lessening the effects of knee arthritis is through the use of taking supplements such as glucosimine and chondroiton. You have to make to make sure you do your research and take the advice of your physician on the right types of supplements so that they contain the right type of preparations, the ingredients are pure, and that they have what is stated on their labels. This is particularly critical given the fact that the supplement industry hasn't as of yet been put under any regulations, and therefore the purchaser must beware of what they are actually are getting.

Discover Natural Remedies For Psoriatic Arthritis

Understanding Psoriatic Arthritis

Stiffness, swelling and joint pain are typical hindrances for people having psoriatic arthritis. It is a kind of arthritis which affects those having psoriasis, a solemn skin disorder. Generally most people who suffer from psoriasis are diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis later. Yet arthritis can also develop prior to the appearance of skin lesions.

Nearly 5-7% of the population suffer from this disorder. In both psoriatic arthritis as well as psoriasis, the disorder flares are likely to change with the periods of remission. It can affect several parts of the body ranging from spine to fingertips and can vary from mild to severe.

5 Best Natural Remedies for Psoriatic Arthritis

Some of the most effective natural remedies for arthritis are as follows:

1. Exercise: one of the most effective remedies is to indulge in a regular physical exercise. Daily exercise is a must in keeping arthritis swelling and pain to a minimum. Following a good exercise program helps to improve movement, sleep, physical appearance, reduce weight, increase stamina, strengthen the heart, as well as strengthens the muscles to stabilize the joints.

2. Be stress free: The chemicals that are released when one is under stress is likely to deal with the demanding conditions. Nevertheless there is a downside. These same chemicals not only aggravates arthritis and psoriasis but also suppresses the immune system. It is indeed impossible to eradicate stress totally from life, but learning ways to manage it is a wise idea.

3. Take adequate rest: Battling inflammation and pain can leave one feeling totally exhausted. To add to it, certain arthritis can also cause fatigue. The solution however is not to entirely stop being active but take enough rest prior to getting tired. Balance work activities and exercise into short segments. Also find time for relaxing numerous times all through the day. This will help to ease arthritis pain. It is one of the best natural remedies for psoriatic arthritis.

4. Cold and heat treatment: cold and heat treatment can help to reduce joint and pain swelling temporarily. One can either place a cold pack or warm compress on the painful joint or try soaking the affected area in a tub containing warm water.

5. Proper body mechanics: Bringing about a change in the way one performs daily tasks can bring about a major difference in how one feels. One can take the help of can openers to twist jar lids, lift heavy objects or pans with both hands, push doors with the whole body rather than exerting pressure or straining on the fingers.

Apart from these natural remedies for arthritis, one must eat a balanced diet, limit high cholesterol and high fat foods, use salt and sugar in moderation and be supplement savvy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: Your Knee Pain Is Not Arthritis, It's Bursitis

Knee pain is one of the most common problems seen in clinical practice by both rheumatologists as well as orthopedic surgeons.

While the typical trauma related knee problem is easy to identify- an athlete who suffers a severe injury on the playing field and has to be helped off- non-traumatic knee pain is more difficult to diagnose.

This article will focus on bursitis (B) which is a very common cause of pain in the knee.

B is due to inflammation of bursae, small sacks of fluid which cushion joints. There are multiple bursae that surround the knee joint. When they become irritated or traumatized, they can begin to develop swelling, redness, heat, and pain.

Some of the more common types of B are:

Anserine B. This is a type of B that is relatively common in middle-aged, obese people who also have osteoarthritis of the knee. The pain is felt along the inside part of the knee approximately two inches below the joint line. It is aggravated by walking and climbing stairs. Because it is a frequent accompaniment to osteoarthritis of the knee, it is often missed or ignored.

The treatment involves local measures such as topical anti-inflammatory drugs, ice, physical therapy and occasionally steroid injection. Steroid injection should be administered using ultrasound guidance.

Prepatellar B affects the bursa in front of the patella- the kneecap. It is predominately related to pressure and is seen in people who are on their knees a lot as a result of their occupation. Examples would be plumbers, electricians, and carpet layers. Gardeners are also at increased risk. The key point is that infection needs to be ruled out because it can be medical emergency. An infected bursa needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Infrapatellar B refers to B affecting the bursa located below the knee cap. It also is seen in people who kneel as a result of their work. Traumatic injuries can also be a cause. Infection also needs to be excluded in patients with infrapatellar B.

Suprapatellar B refers to B affecting the bursa located above the knee cap. It is relatively uncommon but can occasionally be seen in patients who have inflammatory forms of arthritis.

Most type of B will respond to conservative measures such as ice, rest, physical therapy, knee pads, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some patients will require steroid injection administered using ultrasound guidance.

Key points that should be emphasized are that B is a different condition than arthritis and that it is imperative that infection be ruled out before initiating treatment.

The Golfer's Best Friend - How Glucosamine Helps With Hip, Shoulder, and Knee Arthritis

Golf... a contact sport? There may be no bone crushing tackles or sprints toward home, but golf - like any sport - comes with unique physical demands and risks. As more and more people discover the joys of golfing, they are also coming face to face with the reality of any active lifestyle - a reality that includes injury.

Playing through eighteen holes of golf requires great stamina. Walking, standing, swinging and bending... retrieving balls... all of this movement puts added stress on the joints, particularly the joints of the elbows, shoulders, knees and hips. Repeated use of these joints wears away the cartilage cushion in the joints - the cushion that keeps bones from rubbing against each other. This wearing away of cartilage, known as osteoarthritis, is especially common in the weight bearing joints of the hip.

Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that is non-genetic and very common among athletes. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are treatments that can help alleviate the pain. These treatments range from rest and relaxation to surgical hip replacement. Thankfully, most cases never get to that most extreme stage, but the pain can be debilitating. 

The most commonly prescribed treatments for osteoarthritis pain in golfers include a reduction in activity, weight loss to reduce stress on the already-damaged hip joints and physical therapy. Tens of millions of osteoarthritis sufferers also turn to what is the most common treatment for pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSAIDs, especially prescription-strength NSAIDs, come with a range of dangers side effects and dangers, ranging from headaches to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Making the matter worse, NSAIDs only mask the problem temporarily - reducing inflammation in the affected joints for a few hours. When the medications wear off, more medication is needed. Thus, the osteoarthritis sufferer is caught in a nasty cycle of pain and minor relief.

There is another option for golfers suffering from osteoarthritis pain - an option that offers temporary and long-term relief.

Research shows that that regular supplementation with high quality glucosamine and chondroitin - the building blocks of cartilage - is effective for reducing pain in arthritic joints and assists in rebuilding cartilage in damaged joints. It is important, however, to choose a supplement with a proven track record - a product that delivers on its promises.

Find Relief For Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is a disease that happens to some individuals that suffer from the skin problem psoriasis. It affects the joints of the body similar to rheumatoid arthritis, usually in a milder way. Psoriatic arthritis symptoms are characteristic of both the problems with joints and skin, there can also be other psoriatic arthritis symptoms too. During this present time there is no known cure for the arthritis or even psoriasis, however, numerous treatments exist for helping with the symptoms. It must be remembered that it is a chronic disease and can lead to other complications in health if not managed appropriately.

The most common psoriatic arthritis symptoms affect the tips of the fingers or toes. However approximately 20 percent may experience problems with the spine. A very rare type of PA is names 'psoriatic arthritis mutilans' and focuses on the joints resulting in more severe destruction.

The skin condition called psoriasis presents as scaly and rough usually on the parts of the knees, elbows and scalp. The scaly areas are red or silvery gray in their color. Of the people who experience the skin condition psoriasis, which is approximately 30 million people in America, about 8 percent of them will experience psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

The condition evenly affects men and women and in general occurs between the ages of 30 to 50 years old. In about fifteen percent of people the onset of PA can happen before the appearance of psoriasis. Usually the progression of psoriatic arthritis symptoms is mild in most and will only affect a few joints.

Modern medicine does not have a cure for arthritis associated with psoriasis. The approach of treatment is usually individualized for the person's symptoms, to achieve the best possible outcome. The disease can vary from individual to individual with variance on factor such as remission and flare ups, so these facts must be taken into consideration. Every individual is different and an approach to treatment should be tailored to your individual requirements.

Treatment focuses on reducing the psoriatic arthritis symptoms of inflamed joints, pain and further degeneration. An approach of almost treating two separate disorders, the arthritis and psoriasis, is often the best way to approach it. Topical and oral medications are used for the skin such as antibiotics. It is important to prevent secondary skin infection in people with psoriasis due to skin irritation. There is some discussion of UV light therapy, obtained naturally from the sun or artificially as being beneficial for the rash. It is certainly an avenue worth exploring.

The psoriatic arthritis symptoms of the joints are treated like any other forms of arthritis with aspirin, anti-arthritis drugs and other medications. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs as they are commonly referred to, are used to manage pain and swelling of the joints. There are a whole range of natural substances that have been shown to be helpful in inflammation. High doses of fish oil have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The use of curcumin which is a derivative of the root turmeric has been showing good anti-inflammatory responses in the body, along with the long time used devils claw or cats claw herb.

New Guidelines For Rheumatoid Arthritis - Good Or Bad?

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) is the national organization that represents much of the current thinking when it comes to arthritis care. One of their major commitments has been to develop guidelines for treatment of various types of arthritis. These guidelines are meant to instruct and perhaps give people an indication of what is considered "standard of care".

They are not set in concrete nor are they meant to restrict other therapies. Guidelines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were last made by the ACR in 2002... before the general use of biologic therapy.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disorder for which there is no known cure. It affects roughly 2 million Americans.

Up until the turn of this past century, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) were the mainstay of treatment. Because of the advent of newer more effective biologic therapies, the ACR felt it was time for a major re-evaluation of the use of DMARD therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.

They issued a set of guidelines that were recently published. (Saag KG, et al. Arthritis Care and Research 2008; 59: 762-784).

These recommendations on the use of non-biologic and biologic DMARDs in RA have recently been published and focus on 5 key areas: indications for use, monitoring for side-effects, assessing the clinical response, screening for tuberculosis (a risk factor associated with biologic DMARDs), and under certain circumstances (i.e. high disease activity) the roles of cost and patient preference in choosing biologic agents. When formulating these recommendations, RA disease duration, disease severity, and prognostic features were also considered.

The authors of these guidelines stated that, "Applying these recommendations to clinical practice requires individualized patient assessment and clinical decision-making. The recommendations developed are not intended to be used in a 'cookbook' or prescriptive manner or to limit a physician's clinical judgment, but rather to provide guidance based on clinical evidence and expert panel input."

The ACR 2008 recommendations include:

o Initiation of methotrexate or leflunomide (Arava) therapy was recommended for most RA patients.

o Methotrexate plus hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) was also endorsed for patients with moderate to high disease activity.

o The triple DMARD combination of methotrexate plus hydroxychloroquine plus sulfasalazine (Azulfidine) for patients with poor prognostic features and moderate to high levels of disease activity was suggested.

o Recommended the prescription of anti-TNF agents such as etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade), or adalimumab (Humira) along with methotrexate in early RA (less than 3 months) only for patients with high disease activity who had never received DMARDs. In intermediate- and longer-duration RA, anti-TNF agents were recommended for patients who had failed to respond adequately to methotrexate therapy.

o Reserving the use of second line biologic therapies such as abatacept (Orencia) and rituximab (Rituxan) for patients with at least moderate disease activity and poor disease prognosis for whom methotrexate in combination with or sequential administration of other non-biologic DMARDs did not lead to an adequate response.

o Avoiding the initiation or resumption of treatment with methotrexate, leflunomide, or biologic agents for patients with active bacterial infection, active herpes-zoster viral infection, active or latent tuberculosis, or acute or chronic hepatitis B or C.

o Not prescribing anti-TNF agents to patients with a history of heart failure, with a history of lymphoma, or with multiple sclerosis or demyelinating disorders.

o Avoiding the initiation or resumption of methotrexate, leflunomide, or minocycline for RA patients planning for pregnancy and throughout the duration of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The authors continued on, "These recommendations are extensive but not comprehensive... and it is intended that they will be regularly updated to reflect the rapidly growing scientific evidence in this area along with changing practice patterns in rheumatology."

Personally, I feel the guidelines are too little too late. While I agree with the main body of their recommendations for the most part, I do disagree with some of their thoughts. For instance, I have disagreement with the use of triple therapy since I don't think it works and is potentially more toxic than the use of biologic therapies. In addition, the use of second-line drugs like Orencia and Rituxan should be given to patients who fail the combination of a TNF-inhibitor and methotrexate.

Newer biologic agents such as Actemra and Cimzia which are currently awaiting FDA approval will also alter the way rheumatologists approach treatment.

Progress in the field of rheumatoid arthritis research has been astounding. With the advent of newer techniques designed to diagnose and customize therapies, the possibility of a cure is not too far down the road.

How High Heels Are Related to Arthritis

Although there seems to be very little connection between high heels and arthritis yet deep study has revealed that the two are actually interrelated. Chiropodists and podiatrists have been studying the maladies which are related to the continuous use of high heels over a long duration. Apart from the common side effects such as bunions, ingrown nails and corns another malady has now been included in the list. This is the condition of arthritis of the knee and foot joints.

The actual structure of the footwear which has high heels is by itself very problematic due to the odd angle which is formed from the heel and the toe. This results in a lot of pressure on certain key areas such as the ankle, the foot and the knee joints. After bearing the brunt of the extra pressure these parts may get inflamed and the cartilage joints may become weak. This makes the person prone to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most frequently occurring kind of arthritis. Women are more vulnerable to this as compared to men.

Another major cause is the unusual hike in the rate of obesity in most of the countries of the world. Obesity is the main culprit and leads to inflammation and other ailments related to the joints. If an obese person gets injured by wearing high heels then his case becomes even more complicated as he has to tackle weight issues as well. Obese people are at a high risk of suffering from arthritis.

Many people have the misconception that arthritis is an inevitable part of the process of growing old. So they never imagine that the kind of life we lead often brings arthritis to our doorstep. Statistics reveal that more than 25% of the women wear high heels. When this is coupled with the growing obesity rates then the chances of arthritis increases manifold. This makes one realize that the process of growing old does not make it mandatory for a person to suffer from arthritis. This brings forth the fact that by taking certain precautionary measures this disease can be avoided. By being free from arthritis you ensure that you do not have to experience the excruciating pain and joint stiffness which is synonymous with this disease.

As there is a relation between high heels and arthritis therefore it is justified to keep comfort over style and switch over to footwear which is comfortable and supports your foot. To lower the amount of stress on the foot and the joins you should ideally switch over to footwear with lower heels and proper support. By selecting good and comfortable footwear you lower the risk of damaging your joints and reduce the wear and tear impact.

'A stitch in time saves nine.' This holds true for foot injury as well. Finding the root cause of any foot pain or injury will help to minimize the damage which may lead to arthritis if not checked on time. Any inflammation or injury which is caused from wearing high heels should be attended to in a timely manner. If you feel uncomfortable and suffer from pain then you should not hesitate to take medical help. This will help to diagnose arthritis at the onset itself.

Although in the days gone by the people often failed to see the relation between high heels and arthritis but research has led to the masses understanding the connection between the two. In order to make a style statement women often tend to ignore the need to keep their feet cushioned and comfortable. By making some healthy changes you can ensure that you have better foot health and can enjoy wearing heels without having to worry about contacting arthritis.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Does Arthritis Mean You Must Give Up Painting?

Like every painter who has advanced arthritis, in any of its many forms, you know how painful it can be to stand at the easel or sit at the drawing board for long sessions. Perhaps your limit has been reduced to only one hour. Yet you still have to lay out your materials before you start and then clean up afterward. Can you do enough in one hour to make the effort worthwhile or should you take up some other interest?

In her exquisite novel 'Luncheon of the Boating Party' Susan Vreeland quoted Renoir:'A painter should be dead if he can't paint.' Here are five fairly simple tools that could help you decide to stick with your art. They were developed during the four decades since I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I call them the ABC of tools for painters with arthritis.

A is for an Artist's Palette you can hold without cramping up

Deformations from arthritis in your hands can make holding a traditional palette out of the question. Over the years, I tried several improvised alternatives. None was really successful and all were uncomfortable to hold. So, for most of my career I have made do with a sheet of plate glass on the benchtop of my supplies cupboard. The drawback, as you can imagine, was having to load the brush with a mixture from the palette, then lift it to the target section of a canvas usually four to six feet in length and three to four feet in height. Finally the frustration forced an Ah Ha! moment. What was needed was some kind of fully-rounded handle attached to a half-moon plate. Something like a tennis table paddle but impervious to oil paints and turps. Since I have the constructional talents of a goldfish, I took this idea to my partner and waited with well-founded confidence for him to produce the desired artefact. You can see the result on the link at end of this article.

B is for Brushes and a painless way to clean them

In the early years, my mother (who often carried a miniature toolset alongside the lipstick and powder compact in her handbag) devised a way of building up the handles of my brushes so my fingers could grip them. She wrapped the handles with layers of foam plastic, held firmly in place with elastic bands. This solved one problem but until very recently, there seemed no way to avoid the painful process of washing the twenty or more brushes after a session. As you oil painters know, turps is not enough! Hog hair brushes need a final wash in pure soap and cold water. A Tip for any beginners: Detergent and hot water are ruinous to hog hair. When these mis-treated brushes dry, their bristles frizz up like a bad home perm.

Here's my new trick: Fill a dispenser with liquid soap (not the kind that includes a moisturiser) and pump this out as needed onto a flat, white surface (a lightweight dinner plate will do.) Holding the brush vertically, you can push the bristles onto the soaped plate, then rinse in clean water. Repeat until no colour remains in the bristles or at the ferrule. Stroke the brush back to shape and stand it to dry in a suitable container. If, like me, you use sables as well as hog hair brushes you can still use this method but with a gentler touch.

C is for a Clock to time your sessions in the studio

Studio time is not the same as clock time. Rapt in what you're doing, it is all to easy to forget about taking a break until your arthritic joints scream out the need. If you are as pig-headed as I have been for so long, you will often end up losing the next day's work or even more. In this electronic age, a clock can be any device you choose. But there's a lot to be said for the old-fashioned wind-up kitchen timer. Just make up your mind to obey the alarm and down tools when it rings. Tip for oil painters: If you plan another session after your break, a sheet of cling film will keep your in-use brushes and the colours on your palette from drying out.

D is for your Daybook

In it, you'll plan the day ahead and at day's end log your achievement. It's a morale-booster to see your targets marked off with a tick. Be sure to get a hardcover journal with one-week-to-the-open because anything bigger may seduce you into keeping the kind of detail that really belongs in a Diary. And do you have the time and energy to spare?

E is for a motorised Easel

With the help of a qualified electrician, the home handyman/woman can make one like that built for me by my partner and an artist friend who had been an electrical engineer. It is run by an electric Roofer's drill connected to a threaded steel rod. The drill has good torque but is limited to 550 revs. A touch of my toe on a battery-operated switch at the base of the easel runs a threaded block along the rod, forwards or in reverse, to raise or lower the painting without effort or pain to my shoulders, elbows, hands or wrists. My contribution to the build was to rub in three layers of Swedish oil, which has kept the timber in good condition for over twenty years. Please don't attempt this without the help of a qualified electrician.

Whatever type of arthritis you are dealing with, your doctor will have explained to you the importance of limiting the stress to your already damaged joints. The information in this article obviously is not medical advice. It does come, however from someone whose entire career as a painter has been conducted along with managing arthritis.For all the tomorrows of your personal life, your artwork and its development, and the future of our shared planet and all its lifeforms, I hope you will say along with me that The Best is Yet to Come!

What is Basal Joint Arthritis? An Overview

Basal joint arthritis mostly affects people over the age of forty. It can cause a great deal of pain and reduce the ability to perform many tasks. There are many symptoms that point to the development of this type of arthritis. There are also a variety of treatment options for those who experience this condition. If you believe you may be developing this condition, consider the following things.

What Causes Basal Joint Arthritis?

The exact root or cause of this disease is unknown. However, it is believed that certain factors can contribute to development of the condition. People over the age of forty are most commonly affected because cartilage can wear out over time. Having a job or hobby that requires constant use of the joint can also increase the chances of development. Previous injuries, such as sprains or fractures, of this joint can also be a major factor. Certain hereditary conditions, such as defective cartilage, can also increase your risk. Having more than one of these risk factors can double or triple your chances of developing this condition.

How Does Basal Joint Arthritis Affect Your Life?

The basal or thumb joint is used to perform many daily tasks. Opening jars, gripping or holding an object, and performing simple tasks may be affected. Consider how much the thumb is used to carry objects or grasp them and you will realize this condition can severely limit your activity. Something as simple as brushing your teeth can be difficult and painful, as you attempt to grip the brush. If you perform a job that requires you to use your hands, it can become very difficult.

What Are the Symptoms of Basal Joint Arthritis?

One of the first signs of this condition is pain at the bottom or joint of the thumb. However, as the condition worsens, you may experience swelling, tenderness, or even stiffness in the joint. In severe situations, you may notice an irregular popping in the joint. In the beginning, you may have a slight discomfort in the joint, but after time it will turn into pain.

Are There Treatments For Basal Joint Arthritis?

As with any other form of arthritis, there are treatment options. However, prevention is the most effective form of treatment. It is also the easiest thing to do. Fortunately, if you are beyond the point of prevention there are treatment options. Most doctors say that staying active is the best thing you can do. If you reduce the amount that you use the joint, it may become stiff. There are a number of devices and medications that can reduce pain as well. Your physician may suggest a temporary splint or an injection of corticosteroids to alleviate pain. There is no permanent fix for any type of arthritis, but these treatment options can help you live a normal life.

Arthritis does not have to debilitate the way you perform or eliminate the activities you enjoy. Many people live completely normal lives when suffering from this condition. Each year, there are many advances in the treatment of arthritis. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce your chances of developing this condition all together.

What Relieves Joint Pain and Arthritis? Flaxseed Oil - An Arthritis Treatment

To relieve joint pain, or arthritis your body requires multiple nutrients derived from various sources. The main minerals for joint pain relief are Marine oils, CoQ10, Vitamin E, Organic Flaxseed Oil, Olive oil, borage oil, combined with a daily intake of 12 fruits and 12 vegetables. The vegetables include, parsley, kale, spinach, wheat grass, brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, carrots, and garlic. The fruits included a person's daily diet are plums, cranberry, blueberry, strawberries, blackberries, bilberries, cherries, apricot, papaya, oranges, grapes, and pineapple.

I will now review a product that contains all of these ingredients, so you can determine what is best. A company by the name of Xango discovered this whole food nutritional blend to not only help relief joint pain, but help cardiovascular health, immune health, cognitive health, skin health, prostate health (men), bone and joint health (women), healthy energy levels, healthy stress management, and cell protection. The product is Xango 3Sixty5, it basically contains everything mentioned in the above paragraph. It is easier for the body to absorb these nutrients, because the formula contains the mangosteen rind in a concentrated form, with the 12 fruits, 12 vegetables, and the wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

It is found that some supplements are never absorbed in the body at all, passing through the entire digestive tract. Xango 3Sixty5 is known for its absorption, because of the chelated minerals that increase the body's ability to absorb the ingredients. Chelated minerals have been shown to have better absorption properties than non-chelated minerals, providing you with a better supplement. Taking the capsules with the Xango juice is said to increase absorption. Normally Xango 3Sixty5 is taken every morning, and evening with 1-3oz of Xango Juice, and with 8oz glass of water.

The Marine oils EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids that help with joint pain. These minerals are only made available for the body through consumption of various items such as cold water fish, flaxseed oil, or supplementation. The brain and retina require high levels of DHA, but DHA is normally consumed in very small quantities. However, regardless of consumption patterns, marine oil is very beneficial for support of cardiovascular health, cognitive health, immune, and structural health.

CoQ10 is an antioxidant that produces cellular energy throughout the body. It provides the cells in our bodies to do the basic functions to remain healthy. According to the Mayo Clinic, CoQ10 levels decrease with age, and people with poor health have a low amount of CoQ10.

The Organic Flaxseed Oil helps maintain heart health. It has several other ingredients including omega-3, 6, 9, fatty acids, B-vitamins, fiber, protein, and zinc. The flaxseed helps promote a healthy cardiovascular system, immune system, reproductive system, nervous system, and skeletal system.

Lastly, the healthy oils contained in Xango 3Sixty5, such as olive oil, which is a strong antioxidant that helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The borage oil contains gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), which maintains structural, respiratory, and skin health.

The Harvard School of Public Health did a study for the longest, where a research program included 110,000 men and women. Their health and dietary habits were followed for 14 years. The study found that the more fruits and vegetables you eat daily, the better your chances for maintaining healthy circulatory system, digestive system, and good vision.

Know How to Identify An Arthritis Symptom

There comes a time in everyone's life when age starts to creep up on us. In some cases, the amount of damage we've done to our bodies in our youth has a way of coming back to haunt us, especially when it comes to certain types of arthritis.

As we grow older, most people wake a little stiffer in the morning and experience typical aches and pains, but how do you know if it's arthritis that's troubling you? Knowing how to identify an arthritis symptom can take a load of worry off your mind.

First of all, it's important to know what arthritis is. It's not just a disease that strikes old people. Many children, teens and young adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis every day. While over 40 million adults suffer from one form of arthritis in the United States, nearly a quarter million of those are children.

As a matter of fact, most people who suffer from arthritis are under the age of 65, and nearly 60 percent of those are women. In addition, there are over 100 different forms of the disease, though the two most common, and generally known, are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

An arthritis symptom can be one issue, or a multitude of issues. For most, the classic symptom is joint stiffness, followed by swelling, redness and even warmth in the affected joint area. For some, these symptoms may be fleeting and may occur more often in cooler weather than warm. For some, joints may be painful and tender to the touch, while for others, pain is felt as a persistent ache that lingers for days.

Because arthritis is a rheumatic disease, arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, can affect more than just the bones, muscles and other connective tissues to involve major body organs. For some, arthritis symptom signs may also include fever, as well as an unexplained weight loss, fatigue and a general feeling of blase.

Early diagnoses of many forms of arthritis can prevent future damage to bones and tissues as well as to prevent loss of joint movement through various treatment methods such as exercise, medications and rest. If you feel that you may have an arthritis symptom, or are uncertain, schedule a visit to your doctor and explain your concerns. Your doctor may ask for a series of x-rays to determine bone health and size, and he or she may also request blood work to determine what's going on.

In many cases, primary care physicians will refer people to a rheumatologist, or in plain English, an arthritis doctor, in order to determine exactly what form of arthritis you may be suffering from. However, keep in mind that just because you wake up occasionally with achy joints doesn't mean you have arthritis. Knowing your body is the key.

Most people are able to determine when something's not quite right with their body, and accompanying pain is often an indication that it's time to visit the doctor. Early diagnosis of arthritis can prevent further damage and help you to get back to that healthy, active lifestyle that you've always enjoyed.

Knowing your body and understanding different arthritis symptom clues may greatly enhance your chances of maintaining that lifestyle, so always listen when your body is trying to tell you something.

Arthritis Treatment: How to Treat Gout

Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis in men past the age of 40. It is also an increasingly common cause of arthritis in women after menopause.

Gout is a metabolic condition due to inability to maintain normal levels of serum uric acid (SUA). The latter occurs as a result of both overproduction of uric acid from purines, a constituent of many foods, as well as the inability of the kidneys to excrete enough uric acid to maintain normal levels in the blood. Over time there is accumulation of this material in the joints and other organs like the kidneys. Deposits collect in the form of monosodium urate.

When a certain critical point is reached, gout attacks occur. The treatment of gout involves both managing acute attacks as well as controlling elevated levels of serum uric acid. A program that reduces SUA helps prevent recurrent attacks and progression of the disease.

The approach to treatment using medication is three-fold.

First, the acute attack must be "broken" using either colchicine, non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs, or glucocorticoids. The latter can be administered either intramuscularly, directly into the affected joint, or given by mouth.

Once the acute attack is taken care of, attention can then be directed towards lowering SUA. The goal is to keep the SUA below a level of 6mg/Dl. Medications can lower SUA through different mechanisms. Some medicines do it by lowering the amount of uric acid produced. Other drugs lower SUA by increasing the urinary output of uric acid.

When this is started, it's important to understand that flare ups of gout can occur as a result of shifts of uric acid. These are termed "mobilization flares." As a result, patients should receive prophylaxis against these flares. Either low-dose colchicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the preferred agents. Prophylaxis should be continued for six months.

Lifestyle changes should be addressed. Foods and drinks high in purines should be avoided. These include red meat, shellfish, alcohol, and fructose containing soft drinks. It has been shown that diet alone can lower SUA by 1 mg/dL.

One issue that crops up is the high incidence of non-adherence to drug therapy among gout patients. Therefore, patient education is mandatory and scheduling of follow-up visits with close monitoring of SUA is critical to a good outcome. In addition, laboratory monitoring of blood is important from the vantage point of detecting drug toxicity as well.

Types Of Arthritis And Solution

Joint inflammation is known as arthritis and more than 200 various types of arthritis exist that affect young people and old people alike. There can be different reasons for different situations or causes of arthritis and it can affect any part of the body. In this condition, the joints are damaged and it might also affect the tissues of the body as well like heart valves, ligaments and lungs. Usually, the common type of arthritis are psoriatic arthritis, gout and systematic lupus erthematosus or SLE, osteoarthritis or OA, ankylosing spondylitis or AS and rheumatoid arthritis or RA. People who are over 55 years of age are more susceptible to have arthritis.

Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis. It is usually seen in old people and is caused due to continuous trauma of the joint. Factors like deformity of a joint like hip dysplasia and abnormal anatomy are some of the reasons of early development of this condition. Other factors can be poor nerve and blood supply, poor nutrition and immobility. Psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are some of the other forms of arthritis that are autoimmune diseases and in this case, the body attacks itself. These are observed more in young people.

Septic arthritis is another type of arthritis which is caused due to infection in joint and it can be bacterial or viral. Gout is another form of arthritis and is a metabolic condition. It is caused due to deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint. This results in inflammation. There is another form of gout which is known as aspseudogout.

Chiropractic treatment works wonders for arthritis patients and their condition. It works hand in hand with other type of medical care as well. Osteoarthritis can be easily treated with the help of chiropractic.

Usually, people take anti-inflammatory medicines for treating osteoarthritis. This is a wrong approach. Using these kinds of medicines might result in impairment of the healing rate of cartilage and can also cause harm to the stomach. This can result in bleeding in the stomach. This specifically happens with people with old age. Chiropractic is a natural method of handling and treating osteoarthritis.

If you get chiropractic treatment along with improvement in diet, laser treatment and regular and gentle exercise, arthritis can be treated. Many people report a great change after receiving chiropractic treatment. So, go consult your chiropractor in case you think you have arthritis.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: 7 Facts You Should Know About Gout

Once known as a disease of kings and wealthy men, gout has made a comeback in the pantheon of diseases affecting Western culture.

The incidence of gout is on the rise. Many reasons for this have been posited by experts. These include the epidemic of obesity endemic to the United States. In addition, food additives such as high fructose containing corn syrup used in many processed foods and soft drinks is also a culprit.

This article will describe 7 facts for understanding why gout develops.

The primary villain responsible for gout is uric acid (UA). This is a byproduct of the metabolism of purines, substances found in different foods. While animals have the ability to break down UA using an enzyme called uricase, human beings do not. The end result is an accumulation of UA with subsequent deposits of UA in joints and other body tissues. Gouty arthritis, which is how gout usually presents, is a painful, debilitating condition.

1. Gout affects about 3 per cent of the population, almost 8 million Americans. While men are affected more often than women, there is a spike in the incidence of the disease in postmenopausal women.

2. While the common myth is that the problem is overproduction of UA, most gout occurs because the kidneys don't get rid of UA fast enough.

3. Overproduction is seen in some diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma, particularly during treatment when cancer cells are destroyed. This leads to a marked increase in blood UA levels.

4. One type of arthritis that is characterized by an elevated blood UA level is psoriatic arthritis. The underlying reason is the high cell turnover seen in this condition. This can also be a "fooler" because it can be mistaken for gout.

5. Four causes of excess UA production are excess consumption of foods high in purines, obesity, and alcohol consumption. A variety of drugs can also cause excessive UA accumulation as a result of overproduction.

6. Inability to get rid of UA can be seen with kidney diseases of various types.

7. Predisposing factors to UA deposits include joint damage due to osteoarthritis, a drop in joint temperature (which is why attacks affect the feet at night), and dehydration.

The end result of UA accumulation is deposits of UA (monosodium urate) crystals in body tissues. This occurs when the serum UA remains above 6 mg/dl. In future articles I will describe attacks, how they present, and the treatments.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Persistent Painful Life

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease which causes tremendous pain to the person affected by it. Any person in the age group 25 to 55 may develop this condition. Starting as a little pain in one or two joints it may soon develop into an extremely painful affair, almost all the joints of the body and associated muscles, causing the pain. It is a slow destructive swelling of the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the finger joints and joints of the feet initially. Soon it develops and covers the entire body, to affect all joints, like the wrists, knees, shoulders, ankles, elbows etc. It is a very painful experience to be affected with this illness. Sometimes, the pain is a little eased but there are repeated and progressive attacks which make the person suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis suffer a lot. It has been found that the percentage of women suffering from this type of arthritis is nearly double than that of men. It also affects people of any age group.

This problem has many symptoms, all of them painful. Swollen joints have stiffness and pain. The pain and swelling increase in the mornings usually. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes the skin over the affected joints to get a shiny appearance. Movement of the person becomes very restricted because of general stiffness in the joints and muscles. Though not very common, in a very few cases mobility loss may also occur. It causes a general feeling of illness in the affected person, who may also suffer from loss of appetite. Because of the destructive effect, over a period of time, especially the joints of the hands, they may become deformed and completely lose their function. Rheumatoid arthritis is a persistent disease, sometimes causing anaemia and also affecting the eyes, lungs etc.

As with many diseases, the exact cause of this problem is not known. Known treatment is to take painkillers to get relief from the pain. It is always advisable to contact the doctor as soon as symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis appear. The doctor gets the affected joints x-rayed so that he can know the extent of damage and severity of the attack. The doctor also usually prescribes anti inflammatory drugs which give good relief from the pain. Very extreme cases, when he suspects that there will be further damage to the joints he may put into splints. It is not unknown that operation is also done in some cases. Arranging for physiotherapy, and help related to easing of strain due to work also may be arranged by the doctor.

Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be prevented. Apart from the pain it causes, and the possible deformities at the joints, Rheumatoid arthritis has psychological effects on the affected person also. Any deformity on any part of the body is cause for anyone to be going into a state of depression. Another troublesome feature of Rheumatoid arthritis is alternating its attacks and remissions.

Operation of the affected parts and their replacement has been developed and it will give a person much relief and mobility.