Saturday, February 9, 2013

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment With Omega Daily Green Lipped Mussel

Natural treatment of psoriatic arthritis is a topic of debate because there are some who believe that natural healing solutions can replace traditional medicine. Some believe that this is a huge mistake. Psoriatic arthritis is a serious disease and if left untreated will worsen to the point where an individual is unable to perform daily activities.

Once diagnosed a patient needs to be put on a medication regimen which is strictly adhered to. Natural remedies may be administered in addition to traditional medication, but should not be expected to replace the traditional healing.

Psoriatic arthritis is an arthritic joint disease with chronic skin scaling and fingernail abnormalities. Physicians treat several different forms of psoriatic arthritis, in some patients it affects the small joints: fingers and toes. In other patients the disease will affect joints on only one side of the body. Some patients are affected in the large joints on both sides of the body. In some rare cases, the disease destroys the joints and bones leaving patients with painfully contorted, club-like hands and feet.

A precursor to joint disease is occasionally pitting and other changes in the fingernails.

Most people develop psoriatic arthritis at ages 35-45. It has occasionally been seen earlier in adults and children. Both the skin conditions and the joint symptoms will come and go. It isn't clear how the severity of the psoriasis symptoms affect the arthritis pain and vice versa. Recent surveys demonstrate a correlation between persons with arthritis and psoriasis symptoms.

Because of the severity of the symptoms many doctors prescribe NSAIDS which are anti-inflammatory drugs. These are short-term solutions and do relieve pain and inflammation, though long-term treatment plans need to be evaluated.

Arthritis Hands Symptoms - Initial Symptoms of Arthritis of Hands

Each hand is made up of 25 bones involving joints in fingers as well as the wrist. Any ailment of the hands leads to difficulty in performing routine functions such as gripping, holding etc. and could also lead to deformity.

Arthritis in hands causes inflammation, swelling, stiffness, pain etc. The two main types of arthritis are:

Osteoarthritis - This occurs generally in older people and pain gradually increases over a period of time. The padding or the natural shock absorbers of the hands - the cartilage is affected, causing pain, restricting movements and reducing strength.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - This is a more severe form and unlike Osteo, the location of pain in the body cannot be predicted. The effect is not only on joints but also on muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body.

Symptoms -

1- Pain - Initial symptoms include pain in hands with a burning sensation. It increases when the hands are stressed with activities like lifting weight, writing, knitting or any continuous and regular movement. Pain becomes so severe that at times, one cannot even sleep at night. Pain increases in humid weather and even small activities such as opening a lock or opening a jar in the kitchen are also hampered.

2- Swelling- with pain, if stress continues for a longer period of time, swelling is caused and restricts

further joint movement.

3- Stiffness- With persistent pain, the stiffness increases. Also, it is more in the mornings and in colder climate.

4- Warmth- The affected joint may feel warm when touched.

5- Increased mobility of other hands- The hands surrounding the affected one may feel more mobile than normal.

6- Cysts - Small cysts may form on the knuckles especially at the end.

7- Deformity- In advanced stages, continuous swelling may cause shape change. Also, the joint may feel loose and crippled. The basic structure of the joint may become weak.

Arthritis Pain Medication - 2 Effective Ways to Treat Arthritis Fast

I'm going to discuss some of the more common arthritis pain medication options available in the market today. Everybody who wants to discover all about arthritis drugs should really read everything written in this article. Arthritis causes pain that can go mild or become very intense. To treat arthritis pain, most patients take pain killers and similar types of medications.

But with the many types of arthritis medicines available at pharmacies today, it gets harder to find out what is best for you. The question is always what type of arthritis medication would treat your pain the fastest.

Arthritis Pain Medication - Common Drugs To Treat Chronic Arthritis

For mild arthritis pain, pain killers dispersed over-the-counter are usually good enough. But if ever you're suffering from intense pain, there's no other way to go about it but to go for prescription medicines. Arthritis, no matter what type, is usually cured by only three sets of medicines. The only difference is the frequency of dosage. Let your doctor guide you as to how much and how long you should take any of these medicines:


DMARDs mean Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs. Popular bands belonging to this group are Avara, Ebrel, Humira, and Minocin. This type of arthritis pain medication is prescribed to patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

DMARDs prevent the occurrence of further damages sustained by the bones and the joints. These drugs are the most potent ones used for arthritis. They work to improve the patient's condition and not just address the symptoms of the disease.


NSAIDs are very popular arthritis medicines. It means Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. Most of the drugs under this group can be bought without prescription. Generic names include Naproxen and Ibuprofen.

Brands under this group are Celebrex, Voixx, and Bextra. NSAIDs can also be bought over the internet, especially for the types that don't require prescription at all. Patients suffering from mild arthritis are best treated with these drugs. Usually, patients are advised to take the medicine only when the pain strikes.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - Research And Results

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder which causes joint pain and swelling due to the inflammatory processes. It is an ongoing disease, as the immune system starts affecting the antibodies present in the blood of a patient. Various other internal organs of the body are also affected due to this disease. In severe cases, there appear deformities in hands, wrists, knees and feet. This is the worst type of arthritis, as in this type the immune system itself mistakenly prey on body tissues assuming them to be foreign bodies. Thus, the antibodies are created and destroyed by the body itself.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease due to the severe effects on various organs of the body, and also due to the fact that it's not completely curable. There are cases in which the symptoms do not appear right away, sometime even for years. It has been observed that with the passage of time, RA shows aggressive progression in deformity, leading to restricted movement and functional disability in sufferers.

Various researches have been done on finding out the root cause of this disease, but are inconclusive. There is some evidence which show that fungi, bacteria or other microorganism might be one of the causes of the disease, however, the obvious cause is still not known. Some researchers are of the view that there might be some environmental factors involved in the malfunctioning of the immune system. However, it is proved that rheumatoid arthritis is a hereditary disease.

Research has shown that smoking can increase the risk factors involved in the progression of the disease to a considerable extent. At times, the symptoms are evident, while at other times they just disappear. However, it is essential not to confuse rheumatoid arthritis with osteoarthritis. It is not an age or gender specific disease. However, its ratio is more in females as compared to males. Juvenile arthritis can also occur, but it is quite rare. Infections, emotional trauma, and tissue injuries are the most evident triggers of the disease. At present, there is no permanent cure of this disease. However, surgery can be done depending upon the severity of the disease.

Blood tests can show the presence of the rheumatoid factor in the patient's blood. The treatment of this disease can be ensured by regular low-pace workout and proper medication. Additionally, therapeutic and medicinal intervention is necessary to prevent the worsening effects of the disease.

Arthritis: Foods to Stay Away From

Having arthritis can become worse if a treatment for this disease has never been able to cure you. And this problem will be able to be resolved if you live a healthy lifestyle. Incorporate exercise, balanced diet, and lots of vitamins and supplements such as a green lipped mussel extract into your system. And speaking about diet, there are some foods which you should stay away from or reduce your intake of them if you want to get rid of the pain that arthritis causes in joints and other parts of your body.

Eating the right food can be a very good arthritis treatment and prevention at the same time. It is also one way for you to have a lifestyle which can make your whole body healthy and well. The foods that you should stay away from also vary to each and every person. Some people will be able to lessen the arthritis pain that they feel if they cut-off on dairy products, others will not feel any pain anymore if they will eliminate the use of vegetable oil if they are frying their foods, and to others' cases, they just control their intake of saturated products.

In general, those who are feeling the pain of arthritis as of the moment should avoid eating meat, beans, and alcohol. These are examples of most common foods which just make the disease worse. Meat, especially red meat should be shunned away because it is high in phosphorous which is a kind of acid that lowers the calcium level in our body. We all know that calcium is what we need most for our bones and joints to become stronger, thus preventing arthritis to keep on occurring. Beans are high in uric acid and this is one contributing factor which exacerbates one form of arthritis that is called, gout. Alcohol, in general health, is bad. There is no argument on that.

One thing that should also be remembered is to stick with the right food and to have a healthy lifestyle. As vitamins and supplements were already mentioned, it is also a safe way to take a supplement which is high in Omega 3 fatty acid and is a very effective cure to inflammation. Green lipped mussel extract is one good example of this kind of supplement. A lot of people have tried it and have proven its effectiveness in treating arthritis.

Top Grubs That Can Ease Your Rheumatoid Arthritis

People who are suffering from arthritis are willing to go great lengths just to reduce or ease the excruciating pain that they feel on their knees, elbows and other joints. In fact, some even venture into clandestine alleys just to get hold of concoctions that contain 1,000 dead snakes, frog lungs and other organs from exotic animals.

In truth, you do not really have to try difficult therapies and contribute to the extinction of several animal species just to alleviate your pain. There are actually a lot of foods you can find in the market that can help you prevent arthritis flare outs. However, you ought to accept the fact that there are also some tasty treats that could trigger the stiffness, pain and even progression of your condition.

If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, you must remember the type of foods that you should avoid like plagues in order to minimize flare outs of your condition. In order to determine the stuff that triggers your pain, you should keep a food journal with you.

Since rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a flawed immune system, you may want to concentrate on eating foods that boost your system. For more details on what can help ease pain, stiffness and other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, just continue reading.


Some experts believe that arthritic pain can be triggered by too much meat in your diet. Thus, it may be a good idea to increase your consumption of leafy greens and other vegetables. Besides, you need the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants from natural produce in order to bolster your immune system. Vegetables are also low in calories so you won't gain much weight if you follow a diet that is high on veggies.

Fatty Fish

You may have heard your doctor say that you need to lower the fat in your diet. However, if there is one type of fat that you need to increase in your daily fare, it is Omega-3 fatty acid. The main source of such substance is fatty fishes, such as cod, trout, mackerel, salmon and other cold-water fishes. Omega-3 minimizes the production of leukotrienes and prostaglandins, which are the major causes of inflammation.

If you are not a fish eater, you do not have to worry. There are other foods that you could eat to get enough Omega-3. Flaxseed, walnut, primrose, borage, and grapeseed are also some of the foods that can provide you with essential fatty acids.

Berries And Other Fruits

If you have a sweet tooth, you may want to replace cakes, chocolates and other sweet desserts with cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and even cherries. These succulent goodies are not only delicious and healthy, but they are also rich in antioxidants that protect the cartilage. People with arthritis, regardless of what type, know that keeping the health of the cartilage is one of the best ways to prevent further exacerbation of the condition.

Fresh pineapple and papaya are rich in papain and bromelain, enzymes that are known to ease inflammation. You need to understand that one of the reasons why arthritis is painful is due to inflammation of the affected area.


You do not need to suffer bland food in order to get rid of arthritis pain because many spices and herbs are good for your stiffening joints. Garlic, turmeric and hot peppers are good because they reduce inflammation. Meanwhile, ginger hinders overproduction of prostaglandins, and paprika, cayenne and jalapeno are helpful in easing pain.

You may also need to get nutritional supplements from other sources. No matter how much food you eat, you may not be able to get the nutrients you need everyday. To improve your immune system, you need to take Vitamin C supplements. You can also take other supplements that contain Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which are both helpful in easing arthritis pain. One product you can trust to help you manage your arthritis is Flexcerin. Visit for more information.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Arthritis Treatment: What Are the Options For Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

Osteoarthritis of the knee (OAK) is one of the most common maladies seen in a rheumatologist's office.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on figures from 2007 to 2009, there are more than 50 million Americans with arthritis. Of these, more than half are limited in their activity because of their condition. (Hall MJ, DeFrances CJ. 2001 National Hospital Discharge Survey. Adv Data. 2003; 332: 1-18. Published April 9, 2003; Hall MJ, DeFrances CJ, et al. National Hospital Discharge Survey: 2007 summary. Natl Health Stat Report. 2010; 29: 1-20, 24).

One striking finding in these surveys is the increasing frequency of knee replacement surgery, also known as total knee arthroplasty. In 2007, 543,000 knee replacements were performed. The demand for this procedure is increasing most in the 45 to 64 year age group (Bozic KJ, Masselli J, et al. JBJS Am. 2010; 92: 2643-2652; Jain R. Am J Ortho. 2011; 40 (suppl): 1-4).

It has been predicted that the demand for knee replacement surgery will increase by 673% between 2005 and 2030. And, revisions- meaning replacements of the replacements are also expected to soar by 601% by the year 2030.

Orthopedic surgeons are licking their chops and already planning for this deluge by planning to train more joint replacement surgeons, button-holing politicians to increase reimbursement for the procedure, increase access to operating rooms, and even starting high volume efficient centers just devoted to joint replacement.

In all fairness to orthopedic surgeons, they are dealing with the problem of osteoarthritis of the knee in the only way they know how... and that is to replace the joint.

However, there are other methods of dealing with OAK. Early on, the judicious use of anti-inflammatory medicines, both oral as well as topical may help. Weight control, physical therapy and injections of either glucocorticoid or viscosupplements (lubricants) can also be of benefit. Knee bracing is another option as is the injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The latter has been shown to help with symptoms. There may also be a disease modifying effect.

Biotech and pharmaceuticasl companies are looking into the possibility of developing disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADS). However, the course to FDA approval is arduous.

Finally, progress in the use of autologous stem cells has proven to be a real boon for many osteoarthritis of the knee sufferers. At our center, we are seeing very promising results. As techniques for this procedure improve, the need for total knee arthroplasty, hopefully, will decline.

Arthritis Pain Relief - Understanding the Different Types of Arthritis Pain Relief

There are millions of people all over the world who suffer from arthritis. In fact, it is one of the common causes of disability in the US alone, hindering the activities of nearly 20 millions adults.

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of the body; it is the inflammation of joints due to immune system reaction, infections, or abnormal deposits of materials. The body's autoimmune system attacks the body instead of protecting it from harmful viruses and bacteria.

Inflammation is the body's defence mechanism to ward off harmful elements, in the case of arthritis the immune system produces an excessive amount of these cells and attacks the joints and the surrounding area making the particular joint of the body inflamed and swelling. Though there is no known cure or treatment that will correct these bodily reactions, there are working programs that aim to help patients with this disease to cope, and improve their quality of life.

Education and awareness program are also included in the program so that people will know what other people are going through. Along with these programs are self-management programs that aim to help patients to cope with the pain, reduce swelling, and give relief to patient who is suffering from arthritis.

There are dozens of arthritis pain relief methods that are out in the market today, you can choose from natural, chemical, ancient medicine or alternative medication. Just make sure that your doctor knows which medications or alternative medications you are taking, your doctor can help you in choosing which medication is appropriate from your condition.

Here is an overview of arthritis pain relief:

1. Creams, liniments, lotions and salves - this topical pain relief are often the first choice of people with mild arthritis. It provides instant relief and soothing and calming effect.

2. Acupuncture - this ancient technique of healing is another popular form of arthritis pain relief. It does not only relief pain but it also reduce inflammation, swelling and improve blood circulation. This holistic approach to pain management are now becoming popular because it gives instant relief and it is said to improve the general well being of the patient and lessen the recurrence of arthritis.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - these painkillers can be prescribed or bought over the counter. It is used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis such as swelling, pain, and stiffness. Painkillers are also known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID.

4. Corticosteroid or steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that help relieve pain and swelling. Although this is an effective treatment, this drug is rarely given due to its side effects. Often the doctor who administers this drug injects the affected area with steroids so that the dose that is administered is low.

5. Hyaluronan Injections - is a medication that reduces the pain, inflammation and swelling. The medicine is injected directly to the joints such as the knee, thus increasing the mobility of the joint.

6. Narcotic Pain Relievers - this medication only address the pain but not the inflammation and swelling of the joints. This medication is combined with other medication to achieve and enhance its effect. However, this type of medication can make the patient drug dependent with prolonged used.

For people with arthritis that regularly exercise and undergo some diet modification achieved some significant benefits in their overall health, like reduce pain, because exercise releases the natural pain reliever of the body, the endorphins, it also improves physical function by strengthening your muscles and increase flexibility.

The Strategies How To Avoid From Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis illness always begins in our old days. The illness takes few years to improve. Food that you consume every day, give more effect than the others factor. Osteoarthritis is caused by inflammation, the first action to avoid from osteoarthritis, doing nutritional therapy or diet anti- inflammatory. There are few tips how to avoid from food that contains inflammatory.

1. Avoid animal fat

Animal fat is dangerous for your health, especially create osteoarthritis. Animal products can be found in fatty meat from cow and pig, skin of bird, chicken, full milk, milk 2 % from cheddar, bacon, salami, bologna, pepperoni, cow sausage and others fatty product. Coconut oil and oil palm products also include animal fat category. Change the products that you consume with low fat milk, not fat meat and turkey.

2. Avoid carbohydrate

Powder foods are created from white flour, white rice and white bread, especially being made powder caused inflammation. They can improve cytokines. Avoid the food above in order your osteoarthritis not growing worst.

3. Avoid consume oil that create inflammation

Avoid consuming oil, as fat omega 6, especially corn oil, sun flower oil and others product is made from the oils.

4. Prohibited Vegetables

Try to avoid tomato, eggplant, paprika, white potatoes. Although there is no research proved that the food above creates osteoarthritis, but better avoid them.

Food that suggest consuming

1. Omega 3

Research proved that omega 3 is effective to decrease inflammation and cytokines. Omega 3 can decrease rheumatism. Few food that contain omega 3 are salmon, herring, mackerel; sardine, anchovy, rainbow trout, walnut, egg that fortification with omega 3 and see weed.

2. Extra virgin olive oil

The oil can protect from osteoarthritis, because contain polyphenols. You can find from zaitun oil and fish oil to prohibit from osteoarthritis, choose extra virgin olive oil, because contain highest anti oxidance.

3. Anti oxidance

Inflammation can create free radical that damages your cell in your body. As vitamin C, D, selenium, and beta carotene are good to consume in order to avoid from free radical. You can find from broccoli, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, lemon, grape fruit, paprika, strawberry, pine apple.

4. Vegetables and fruits

There are few fruits and vegetables good to consume in order to avoid from osteoarthritis. Based on the researchers from Manchester English in American Journal of clinical Nutrition that betacryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin can decrease risks from osteoarthritis. You can find betacryptoxanthin in vegetables and fruits that have orange colors. As Apricot, yellow apple, yellow bit, grape fruit, golden kiwi, lemon, mango, yellow paprika, peach, yellow per, yellow tomato, parrot.You can find zeaxanthin in vegetables that have green leafs, yellow vegetables and orange.

Arthritis Cures - The Best Diet For Arthritis Sufferers

What Makes A Food Good For Arthritis?

Knowing what the best foods for arthritis are is more than just giving you a list and you trying to keep your diet confined to that list. Wouldn't it be better if you knew exactly how a food could ease the pain of arthritis or make your symptoms worse? I for one have to understand why I'm doing something or I can't properly follow through with it.

Some of the best foods for arthritis can reduce inflammation, assist in the recovery of joint tissue and prevent arthritis from occurring in other joints of the body.

Possibly the most important group of the best foods for arthritis are alkalizing foods. What does this mean and why are they important? Alkalizing foods are foods on the higher side of the pH scale. The pH scale runs from zero to fourteen. Any foods with a pH level over seven are considered alkaline.

Alkaline foods are important for people suffering with arthritis because they hinder the body's ability to produce inflammation, thus reducing pain experienced from chronic inflammation diseases such as arthritis.

Most alkaline foods are also healthy foods that usually contain anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants can help with the detoxification of the body by removing free-radicals. The inadequate removal of free-radicals has been linked to the development and worsening of the arthritis condition.

What Makes Foods Alkalizing on the body?

As we just touched on, alkaline foods are foods with a higher pH than seven but, this isn't always the case. Some foods are acidic by nature but have an alkalizing effect on the body. This means that it's not so important what the foods pH is outside the body, but after it's been absorbed.

Citrus fruits such as oranges and limes are known to be acidic in nature, but once they are consumed, they have an alkalizing effect on the body. This is because of the alkaline vitamins that the fruits contain. These alkalizing vitamins outweigh the acidic effect of the fruits, thus they are among some of the best foods for arthritis.

Some of the vitamins found in these alkaline foods can also aid in the recovery of joint tissue. Vitamin C has been known to play a vital role in the body's ability to create collagen. Our joint cartilage consists of mostly collagen type II, thus vitamin C is a good idea for anyone suffering from arthritis or any form of joint degradation.

Unfortunately, some foods that are very necessary for the function of our body are acidic. Proteins are one of these food groups and are generally acidic, but some more than others. This shouldn't scare you away from protein because protein is a very important part of anyone's diet. Did you know that collagen (the substance that makes up connective tissue) is made up of amino acids and that protein is comprised of amino acids?

In conclusion, if you eat the best foods for arthritis, you can greatly reduce your inflammation and pain, as well as have an abundant source of building blocks to assist your body in rebuilding its joint tissue. You can also reduce your chance of developing arthritis in other joints.

Arthritis: What to Do About Painful or Swollen Fingers

A friend of mine thought she broke her finger. It had swollen up and was painful to the touch.

We talked to someone known as an expert regarding this and it turns out the finger was not broken. It had calcium deposits on the joints... the early signs of arthritis.

In fact, as he checked her fingers it turns out that each finger had pain to varying degrees. The most painful being the finger she had noticed as swollen and thought was broken.

Hearing this, I took careful notes to not only help my friend, but to also make this information available to our readers.

Some may disagree with the following, but our expert assures me that it is the case.

Over time, we can get calcium buildup on the joints and it can cause swelling and painful joints. If left unchecked, this can then develop into arthritis.

Fortunately, there's two simple things we can do to help with this condition.

The first is to do a "finger joint massage." Finger joint massage sounds simple, and it works. Have a spouse or friend grab each joint and rotate the finger slowly and gently in a circular pattern. Start with the finger joint closest to the knuckle, slightly pull outward from the hand and rotate the finger around for 120 seconds. Then do the next joint on the same finger, also for 120 seconds. Do every finger in succession, even if only one finger is in pain. Do this entire procedure once per day.

You'll find that with finger joint massage, it can be very painful at first and 120 seconds will seem like a long time. After a few days of this,from what I've seen, the pain will subside.

What happens when you do this, is that the massage is breaking down those calcium buildups on the joints and will eventually help the body to cleanse itself in the finger joint area. Pretty soon those fingers can get back to moving around without all that extreme pain.

The second thing to do is get a good "joint" formula at the health food store. Trader Joe's has their own brand that is inexpensive and of high quality, they call it "Joint Support." There's many good joint formulas on the market, where they'll have glucosamine, chondroitan and MSM. These work well, just be sure to start slowly by taking a pill or capsule once per day. If you experience a rash or other strange contraindications, it could be from the MSM, and if that happens, you'd have to get a formula with just the glucosamine and chondroitan.

This article is not meant to give medical advice, but practical experience from what I've seen. If you have a condition that will just not go away and/or becomes extremely painful, get proper attention and see your medical provider.

Osteo Arthritis - Ayurvedic Management with Medicines

Osteoarthritis which is known as sandhigatavata in ayurvedic medicine may occurs due to some particular food, poor blood circulation, dryness, over exertion or a low nutrient supply to the joint. It is an important vata disease described in ayurvedic classicals like Charak samhita and Ashtanga hridaya. It is caused by the inflammation and loss of cartilage and affects the joints of knees, hips, lower spine, fingers and toes.

It can be managed by

  • Eating lot of vegetables, freshly cooked foods, hot soups of lentils, pulse, moderate quantity of ghee and oils to lubircate the dried joints. By avoiding oily and deep fried foods.Doing a regular mild exercise programme to enable the joint to move and prevent further damages also by noti ndulging in any hard job which may damage the joints. Daily massaging with the mahanaraya oil or specific oils prescribed by an ayurvedic doctor is used to calm down the vata dosha.

  • Ayurvedic drugs aim to reduce the vitiated vata and also improves the kapha and pitha functions. The main drug that is recommended to treat this degenerative disease is Karaskara. Sahachara, bala, devdar, shallaki etc are also used. Main preparations used are qwath, arishta , choorna, tablets and ghrit.

  • In order to cleanse the toxins from the colon Triphala, which is a mild laxative is given. Triphala has specific action to pacify vitated vata.

  • Trikatu is given to enhance the digestive fire and will enhance the equilibrium of pitha dosha.

  • Guggul helps to strengthen the bone tissue. It reduces the inflammation and edema, pacify kapha dosha.

  • In order to control inflammation of the joints, Ayurveda suggests Boswellia gum or phellodendron bark and scute root and it is used in combination with myrrh gum, fang feng root, qin and jiao root.

Commonly used medicines are Sahacharadi qwath, Guggul thikta qwath, Maharasnadi qwath, Rasnerandadi qwath, Balarishta, Dhanwantharishta, Karasakar ghrit, Guggul thiktaka ghrit, Shadpala ghrit. Ashwagandha, Bala, Shallaki, Guggul and Rasna are used in pure herbs form.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Symptoms and Natural Treatments For Arthritis in Hands

Our hands and wrists have a lot of small joints that work together when we move them. When a joint in these is affected by arthritis, is makes it hard for us to move the whole hand or wrist. That being mentioned, it also means that hand arthritis may occur in different and multiple areas.

While hand arthritis is commonly disregarded by many, it is America's leading condition that leads to disability. Arthritis is mostly common to people who are over the age of 40, however, it can also occur to those in their early twenties. Even the healthy ones have the possibility of suffering from hand arthritis.

Below are the symptoms of hand arthritis.

* The first symptom is a mild pain in the joint, experienced as a "dull" or "burning" feeling. The pain increases as one continues to move the affected joint. The pain becomes more and more distinguishable after a few days. The pain is mostly noticed in the mornings. The affected area shows stiffness in the mornings, too.

* The area affected may swell when the joint is moved as it used to be. These joints can no longer handle the same pressure and stress. Swellings indicate that they are being overexerted.

* The joint affected will feel warm. This is because of the inflammation inside.

* Joints near the arthritic joint may be affected, they may become move movable than normal, or they may also affected if the hand is not well taken care of.

* Crepitation, or the "grinding" kind of sensation in the joint affected may be experienced. Damaged cartilages, due to a trauma or disease, will rub against each other.

* There are also instances when the joint feels "loose". When this is experienced, it means that the arthritis is caused by damage in the ligaments.

* There are also advanced cases where the joints affected appear larger than their normal size. This condition is called hypertrophic, and is an advanced case of hand arthritis.

* Small cysts may start to develop when arthritis begins to affect the fingers' end joints.

When the above mentioned symptoms are noticed, visit a professional and seek help. The first treatments for hand arthritis may vary, according to age, or according to the stage of the condition. The following are some of the treatments that can be done as soon as any of the symptoms discussed above is noticed.

* Exercise your hands and wrists. You can ask a professional about this. Get two boxes of bolts or nuts. Fill one of the boxes and leave the other one empty. Grab a handful of bolts or nuts, whichever you prefer, carefully hold them, and transfer them to the other hand, making sure that you are neither gripping too tightly or too loose. Try this exercise until the other box is full. This helps in exercising the joints in the hands and wrists.

* Stop smoking. Smoking has been proven to increase one's risk in arthritis. A healthy diet will also help in decreasing the risks.

* Strengthen your body with exercise, without overexerting yourself.

* Herbal supplements that can make the cartilages healthy can be taken.

A Comprehensive Guide to Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis, or joint disease, that causes damage mostly to cartilage, the tissue that covers and protects the bones in a joint. When cartilage is fully intact, it acts almost like a type of lubrication that allows bones to painlessly slide against each other while it absorbs the shock of motion. The cartilage in people with osteoarthritis has begun to wear away, taking away that lubrication and allowing bones to painfully rub against each other in the joints. This can also cause swelling, loss of motion, change in shape of the joint, and bone spurs on the edges of the joint. Small, weakened fragments of bone or joint may break off and float around the joint space causing more pain and damage. 

Senior citizens are most prone to developing osteoarthritis. Younger people sometimes develop osteoarthritis after a joint injury, but this is not as common. Senior citizens who have osteoarthritis experience joint pain and reduced motion. This condition can be treated, for this reason, it is important that senior citizens with symptoms consult their doctor. 

Although the cause of osteoarthritis is not known, certain factors might contribute to it, including:

  • Being overweight

  • Aging

  • Injury to a joint

  • Improperly formed joints

  • A genetic defect in joint cartilage

  • Joint stress from certain jobs or sports

Osteoarthritis can cause pain and swelling in any joint, but it most commonly affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine. Some warning signs of osteoarthritis are the following:

  • Joint stiffness after periods of rest (after getting up in the morning or sitting for a long period of time)

  • Tenderness or swelling in at least one joint

  • The sound of bones rubbing together or a "crunching" feeling

There is no single test that doctors use to diagnose osteoarthritis. Some of the methods they may use to determine whether you have osteoarthritis are:

  • Examining your medical history

  • Conducting a physical exam

  • Taking X-rays

  • Conducting other tests such as blood tests or extracting fluid from the afflicted joint(s)

Doctors may combine treatments based on the individual patient's needs, but in general, treatment has four main goals:

  • Improve joint function.

  • Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Reduce pain.

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment plans may include:

  • Exercise

  • Healthy diet

  • Rest and joint care

  • Non-medicinal pain relief techniques

  • Medicines

  • Complementary and alternative therapies

  • Surgery

Programs to Help Senior Citizens with Osteoarthritis
There are three types of programs designed to help educate people about osteoarthritis and self-care and to improve their good-health attitude:

  • Patient education programs

  • Arthritis self-management programs

  • Support groups for people with arthritis

These programs are designed to teach people about osteoarthritis and its treatment options. The benefits of partaking in these programs are clear and long-lasting. Participants learn to exercise and relax, to talk to their physicians or other health-care providers, and to solve problems.

Senior citizens with osteoarthritis who participate in these programs gain many positive outcomes. They learn to understand osteoarthritis, to reduce their pain while remaining active, to cope with many aspects of life, to have more control over their symptoms, and to live active, independent lives.

Additionally, senior citizens who have a good-health attitude focus on their abilities and strengths rather than disabilities and weaknesses; break down activities into smaller, more manageable tasks; incorporate exercise and healthy eating into their lifestyles; balance rest with activity; learn methods to lessen and manage stress; and identify a support group of family, friends, and health-care providers.

Current Research
Osteoarthritis is not caused simply by aging or normal wear and tear to joints. Researchers are studying a variety of aspects of the disease, including:

  • Methods to detect osteoarthritis earlier

  • Genes

  • Tissue engineering

  • Many new treatment options

  • Medicine to prevent damage to joints

  • Complementary and alternative therapies

  • Vitamins and supplements that may help people with osteoarthritis

  • Hyaluronic acid injections

  • Estrogen

  • Biological and structural markers for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of The Back

Back pain is a very common condition. 4 out of 5 people experience back pain at some stage of their lives. Arthritis of the spine is one of the causes of back pain. It is important to know the symptoms of back arthritis because the earlier it is diagnosed, the better it can be treated to prevent disability in future.

The signs & symptoms of spinal arthritis include:
Back pain that comes and goes
Morning stiffness of the spine that decreases with activity
Pain or stiffness in the neck
Weakness or numbness of limbs
Difficulty in walking or bending

The arthritis affecting the spine is usually of the degenerative type known as osteoarthritis. In this type of arthritis the cartilage covering the joints wears away until the joint surfaces are exposed, leaving them susceptible to erosion if untreated. Pain occurs due to friction produced when the exposed joint surfaces rub together on movement.

If you have activity related back pain relieved by rest it is likely that you have arthritis. More concerning symptoms are those of night pain, numbness or burning pain.

The tests done to diagnose and assess severity are:
CAT scan
Bone scan

If you are diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the back there are a number of treatment options both with and without involving medication.

NSAIDs like ibuprofen can be taken for temporarily pain relief. Aspirin and acetaminophen can also give relief from pain. As these medications provide only temporary relief from pain and are not without side effects they should only be used when the pain becomes severe and impairs your mobility. Always consult your doctor before starting any medication.

The following life style modifications can help people with back arthritis tremendously:

General exercises and stretches to help increase the flexibility and stability of your back.

Wearing proper shoes to minimize strain on the back. High heeled shoes should be avoided. Shoes that provide proper arch support are recommended for people with spinal osteoarthritis.

If you are over weight you are putting additional stress on the spine and back.
Find a good mattress for yourself that will support the muscles and joints of your back while you rest and sleep.

When in a sitting position whether in a car or at your desk choose a seat that will provide proper lumbar pressure to your back. You can achieve this my either changing your seat or inserting a lumbar cushion.

Ice & hot packs can be used to reduced pain and numbness associated with degenerative arthritis and are contraindicated in inflammatory arthritis.

Electric stimulation devices, either professional or for home use relieve pain by the passage of microcurrents through the muscles.

Mechanical massage devices or manual massage disperses lactic acid, increases circulation, can be very effective for 'knotted up' muscles.

Vitamin, mineral & diet supplementation with Vitamin D, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, glucosamine, MSM, chondroitin sulphate may help reduce pain.

People with arthritis continue to live active and productive lives. Educating yourself about your condition and managing your symptoms are the keys to not letting arthritis slow you down.

Being Overweight Increases Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is well know that being overweight or obese increases your risk of several health conditions, from heart disease and diabetes to chronic back pain. A new study demonstrates that a BMI over 25 puts you at an increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammation that destroys the lining of joints and, eventually, causing bone erosion. It is believed to be an autoimmune disease in which the body misidentifies a threat and creates unnecessary, harmful inflammation around joints. It can affect joints in the hands, feet, wrists, knees, ankles, spine, elbows, hips and shoulders. Joints tend to be swollen and stiff, particularly in the morning. Joints may feel warm due to inflammation. You may experience a fever as well, since this is a form of whole-body inflammation that occurs when the body detects a threat.

This condition affects far more women than men. As rheumatoid arthritis progresses, joints may be deformed by erosion and may move out of alignment. Inflammation targets synovial lining in the joint, which thickens and causes ligaments supporting the joint to become overstretched and weak. Cartilage and bone around the joint deteriorates. The loss of structural integrity can lead to misalignment and increased pain upon movement.

Two long-term studies, one spanning from 1976-2008 and the other from 1989-2009, tracked over 100,000 adult women each to determine whether being overweight or obese factored into lifetime risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Risk was determined by "hazard ratio;" participants with a healthy weight were considered to have a hazard ratio of 1.00, and this served as a reference to base the risks of those with excess weight on. The longer study found that overweight individuals had a hazard ratio of 1.19 (19% higher), and obese people had a ratio of 1.18 (18% higher). The shorter study found overweight participants to have a ratio of 1.78 (78% higher) and obese participants to have a ratio of 1.73 (73% higher). A summary of the studies can be viewed at

Though the numbers differed, both studies lent supporting evidence to the theory that excess weight increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Learning the risk factors for this condition is important, considering there is no cure for it. Treatment surrounds management of pain and stiffness as well as attempts to slow the disease's progression.

Losing weight healthily can be done in a number of ways. Healthy eating and physical activity generally combine to help you lose fat and gain lean muscle. Talk with a dietician or your doctor about different weight loss programs, or begin a program like Weight Watchers on your own. Weight Watchers has both free and low-fee program options.

Add rheumatoid arthritis to the extensive list of health conditions associated with excess weight. Help yourself avoid chronic pain conditions by maintaining a healthy weight.

What Is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Most people aren't aware of the fact that there are over one hundred different kinds of arthritis, and each one comes with its own unique set of symptoms. One of the lesser known forms or arthritis is called psoriatic arthritis. This type of arthritis is associated with psoriasis, a skin condition that is evidenced by red, raised or patchy areas of skin as well as the classic joint pain symptoms that are common to just about all forms of arthritis.

While this type of arthritis usually doesn't develop before the 30s, it has been known to afflict all age groups, up until the age of 50 or so. The condition is not gender specific, although it may be considered hereditary, as parents or siblings with the disease show a high rate of development in family members.

Knowing and understanding the signs of psoriatic arthritis are an important first step toward finding adequate treatment measures, for both the psoriasis and the arthritis. This may be easier said than done however, as many people experience different symptoms, at different rates, and flare-up occurrences typically delay treatment.

Many people go for years without being diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis because the symptoms can come and go. Only recently has the disease been recognized as both progressive and with the ability to worsen from mild to severe forms. In some, chronic pain and inflammation of joints offers early detection of the disease, but its similarity with several other types of arthritis often make diagnosis difficult.

Psoriatic arthritis is considered an arthritis that will affect the spine, and may also mirror the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Most often, pain and swelling is noticed in the wrists, knees and ankles, as well as fingers and toes.

In some, swelling at the tips of digits creates an almost sausage-like appearance. Many people suffering from this type of arthritis feel pain in their lower back, as well as buttocks, accompanied with grey, scaly areas on the scalp, elbows and knees.

Five types of psoriatic arthritis exist, which may often overlap in one individual. Determining what you are suffering from takes the expertise of a physician, and more often than not, patients are referred to a rheumatologist. Only an expert will be able to tell you whether you suffer from one type or another.

Some forms of this disease occur on one side of the body only, while others develop on both sides. Other forms of this type of arthritis can affect the spine, while another form, Arthritis Mulitans Type Psoriatic Arthritis, while rare, can be severe as well as disabling.

If you feel that you might be suffering from any form of arthritis, keep a list of your symptoms, when they occur, as well as how long you have been feeling pain or have noticed warmth or swelling in your joints. While there is no cure for arthritis, with a proper treatment plan and perhaps even medications, most people diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis lead otherwise normal, healthy lifestyles.

Arthritis - Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal

Two of the most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

People suffering with osteoarthritis should avoid or cut down on highly refined and processed foods, sugar, salt and saturated animal fats. A healthier diet would be to include wholegrain cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables. By eating a more healthy diet sufferers can boost their immune system and provide them with extra energy they need to fight the disease.

Through scientific research, it has been shown that fish oils are beneficial to people suffering from arthritis. Oily fish such as salmon, mullet, sardines and trout provide the omega-3 fatty acids that can have an anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation is the natural body's reaction to arthritis resulting in pain, swelling, redness and heat. For people who cannot eat fish, fish oil capsules or liquid taken in the prescribed dose can help in managing the disease.

Seafood provides omega-3 fats which help to regulate the body producing inflammatory chemicals known as eicosanoids. As well as seafood, canola oil, soy oil, flaxseed and walnut also provide omega-3 fats which help to suppress the inflammatory chemicals.

Some studies have found that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have benefited from a vegetarian diet. Celery and ginger contain an anti-inflammatory agent and celery and bananas are a good source of potassium. Green vegetables should be included in the diet as they are a good source of beta carotene, calcium, iron, folate and vitamins.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that is effective in breaking down protein. Researchers have been looking into the medicinal properties of bromelain since the mid 1950's. It has been used in treating the inflammatory symptoms of both Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis and it thought to aid in tissue repair.

Healthy eating habits essential for our total wellbeing, but when diseases such as arthritis are evident, what you eat can be extremely important for your immune system, blood circulation, weight control and of course nutrition. The following dietary guidelines may help with choosing foods that assist the body to repair itself.

o Maintain an ideal weight by eating a variety of foods. Include foods from the 4 basic food groups (fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy, breads and cereals) to ensure the intake of the more than forty essential nutrients to maintain good health.

o Include adequate amounts of starch and fiber. Starches such as potatoes, rice, bread, beans and pasta provide the body with energy. Fiber, the undigested portion of the plants we eat, adds bulk and helps with the elimination process.

In some cases of rheumatoid arthritis, it is thought that food intolerance and allergies may contribute to the disease. It can be extremely difficult discovering what, if any, food could be the culprit and an exclusion diet may be the best way to identify the allergy source. For anyone considering following this type of diet, they should first consult their medical professional or qualified dietician.

A number of foods that are believed to exacerbate arthritis or are associated with arthritis "flare ups" are -

o Caffeine

o Red Meat

o Dairy products

o Processed foods

o Sugar

o Salt

o Vegetables of the nightshade group (tomatoes, peppers, etc.)

o Preservatives and additives

o Chocolate

As with many allergy triggers the effects are not always consistent with everyone, what triggers a flare up or allergy on one person may have no affect on another.

o Avoid too much sugar. Sugar provides calories but little nutrition and too much will contribute to excess weight gain.

o Avoid too much sodium. Excess salt can contribute to water retention and also lead to high blood pressure.

o Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can deplete the body of vitamins and minerals besides being high in calories. It also potentially can interact with medications for arthritis and in some cases can be extremely harmful when mixed with prescribed and non prescribed medications.

The overall aim is to reduce the causes of arthritis pain and discomfort by ensuring the foods you eat are right for your condition and are not harming your body further.

Immunomodulator - New Treatment For Arthritis

NSAIDs treat joint inflammation pain and swelling. Immunomodulators works to control immune Memory T-Cells that attack the joints and cause joint inflammation and swelling.

This new treatment for arthritis actually was discovered in 1971. Cetyl myristoleate was first discovered by a Dr. Harry W. Diehl at the National Institute of Health. But because of lack of funding it was forgotten until years later.

It was revived when Dr. Diehl himself contracted arthritis. After exhausted all avenues through conventional medicine with no true relief, to relieve himself of the pain caused by joint inflammation he injected himself with cetyl myristolate and permanently reverses his osteoarthritis condition. His doctor was so amazed at the beneficial results, he urged him to publish a report. In March of 1994, his research study about injectable cetyl myristoleate was published in The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Today we don't need to inject cetyl meyristolate into the joints for relief, it now comes in an effective pill form and topical rub. It is marketed under the name CMO or CM Complex.


· CMO is not a pain reliever (only masking the pain)

· It is not a steroid

· It is not just an anti-inflammatory (however it works like one)

Once the attacks on your joints are stopped, pain and joint inflammation are promptly remedied.

"There's never been anything like it before for arthritis. Instead of treating the symptoms of pain and inflammation, CMO capsules act directly against the cause of arthritis, the memory T-cells in your immune system that create the attacks against your joints. Once the error in your immune system is corrected by CMO, the attacks on your joints stop and the pain and inflammation should be relieved forever.

Dr. Len Sands the director of the San Diego Clinic."

How Soon Can You Expect Relief?

Sometimes it takes three or more weeks before you feel much relief, sometimes it happens overnight.

In a few cases, discomfort was reduced only by only 70% to 90%. For acute arthritis suffers, 70% relief is huge. Even 70% relief allows them to function near normal again.

How Long Should You Take It?

"Unlike everything else made for arthritis, you don't have to take in over and over again. CMO is not a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, cortisone or other steroid. CMO is an immunomodulator, it regulates your immune system."

Dr. Len Sands the director of the San Diego Clinic

One month may be long enough for treatment. Research shows in less sever cases, a couple of weeks of taking CMO is enough; for others it might take three or more months. However, unlike NSAIDs, there are no know side effects. You may take it for the rest of your life if you want/need to. CMO treatment of arthritis solve the stomach bleeding, cardiovascular problems and gastrointestinal perforations.

· Keep taking it until you feel a level of joint pain relief that is satisfactory for you. Your arthritis may never be completely gone, but it can be halted.

· Start taking it again when symptoms reappear. Be sure to check with your doctor, but there's little evidence of danger with this new treatment for arthritis.

How bad do you hurt?

Is it Expensive?

That depends on what you call expensive?

In terms of conventional treatment for arthritis, this cost for treating arthritis is very modest. $39.00 to $75.00. How much are you spending on pain, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressants, creams, rubs and co-pays already? Are they really working to reduce the cause of joint inflammation or are they only treating the symptoms and masking the pain?

Since you usually need to take only a few months of CMO capsules, it actually saves thousands of treatment dollars in the long run.

P.S. Make sure your CMO is of good quality and comes from a reputable company. There are no quality assurance regulations in place in the US right now. Look for a company who manufactures to pharmaceutical standards.

If you have arthritis, two published studies in the Journal of Rheumatology: Regarding Cetyl Myristoleate-Celadrin April 2003, and Effect of a Cetylated Fatty Acid Topical Cream on Functional Mobility and Quality of Life of Patients with Osteoarthritis April, 2004 show the unheralded results CMO. In addition,there was a clinical trial done by an independent research group on this combination that found 96% of the trial patients found relief in 60 days of treatment.

Nikken's nutritional products are manufactured to pharmaceutical industry standards and are more correctly identified as "Nutraceuticals".

According to Dr. Ernest M. Vandeweghe, Jr., MD., Nikken is one of only five nutrition companies in America that meets or exceeds the rigid quality standards of the American Nutraceutical Association (ANA), aka American Pharmaco-Nutraceutical Association. It's estimated that there are almost 400 companies producing nutritional products.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hip Arthritis Symptoms - How Can I Tell If I Have This Disease

When an individual suffers from hip arthritis, she or he will, under most circumstances, have a condition known as osteoarthritis which a particularly common form of arthritis, and which is often sometimes called wear-and-tear arthritis and even degenerative joint illness. This form of hip arthritis is distinguished by steady damage to the cartilage of an individual's joints and when the cartilage that protects the joints becomes worn out due to such a kind of arthritis, the bones become exposed in the person's joints leading to a great amount of trouble.

Though anybody can have hip arthritis, it is usually related to folks that are 50 years old or older, and the issue is also more ordinarily seen in patients that are large, and also that when the same person starts to lose pounds there's a gentle improvement in the condition and indications of arthritis begin to fade away. Doctors also believe that hip arthritis can be caused due to genetics and so if you belong to a family in which someone has this form of arthritis, then you may be in danger of affected by the same.

There are certain other considerations too that will result in a person to be afflicted by hip arthritis and these include having shock with the hip and even due to fracturing of bones that are located close to joints. There are certain symptoms that you're going to notice if you suffer from hip arthritis and these symptoms have a tendency to get worse as the condition deteriorates further.

However, it's also not true the symptoms will become worse with the passage of time and it can happen a patient has some months that are good so far as their status is concerned while other months may turn out to be bad, and symptoms might also are influenced due to changes in the weather conditions. So , hip arthritis symptoms spotted on a selected day may not appear on other days, and they could also not be a correct illustration of the way in which the condition is progressing.

Common indicators of hip arthritis include agony when performing activities, limitation to how much somebody can move about, hips becoming stiff and needing to limp while walking. It's also advised to be treated as fast as the symptoms appear, and the treatments can either are very basic in some instances, while other examples may even warrant surgery to be performed. In any case, you'll need to get expert medical recommendation to grasp what the best treatments for your personal case of arthritis warrants.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms That You Should Not Ignore

Everyone feels a little worn out every now and again, especially when overextending or being under an undue amount of stress. Some people, however, become prey to an overwhelming fatigue that comes on with no extenuating circumstances. This excessive weariness may be accompanied by a low-grade fever and stiffness. These could be indicators of early rheumatoid arthritis symptoms that should checked by a doctor.

While some people also experience unexplained weight loss and numbness in their hands, these are not the prominent symptoms. The biggest telltale sign of rheumatoid arthritis is joint pain. The joints are usually very painful, swollen and stiff. The pain usually affects the joints on the same side of the body in the hands, wrists, ankles, knees and elbows. There is also typical a pattern of the disease which causes more than three sets of joints to be affected at once.

People who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms struggle with debilitating pain that makes it difficult to accomplish simple, everyday tasks. Normal activities, such as buttoning a blouse or unscrewing a bottle top can be extremely difficult or nearly impossible, depending on the severity of the condition. It is very hard for rheumatoid arthritis patients to carry out their everyday activities without some kind of medical or lifestyle intervention.

Rheumatoid arthritis is more than just a condition that causes chronic pain, joint and muscle stiffness. It is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack itself and can cause systemic symptoms. A number of patients report having rheumatoid nodules or bumps over such areas as their knuckles, elbows or spine. These bumps can range in size, from the size of a pea to an average size plum.

If these symptoms are not detected and treated, the disease can progress aggressively and destroy joint tissue as well as ligaments, tendons and other parts of the body. The disease can be very serious, as it can cause organ damage in very advanced cases and rare instances. People who experience excruciating, symmetrical joint pain should definitely seek medical attention to find out the cause.

Some autoimmune diseases, including lupus, have some symptoms that are similar to rheumatoid arthritis, so it is important to get a clear diagnosis through imaging and blood tests. Most common symptoms are marked by symmetrical joint pain on both sides of the body and can have a crippling affect on one's quality of life. People who experience these symptoms should give the doctors a complete symptom history and get properly tested for a clear diagnosis.

Can Oil Of Oregano Help With Arthritis?

Arthritis is a medical condition that affects the musculoskeletal system, specifically the joints. It is the major cause of disability of people who are over 55 years old. There are many types of arthritis but the most common are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gouty arthritis. Each of them has different symptoms but all of them are characterized by pain, inflammation and stiffness of joints. It is not uncommon for those who are suffering from severe cases of arthritis to experience disability and loss of function.

An important factor in the maintenance of your health is the ability of your body to tolerate wear and tear before its inflammatory auto-immune ability begins to function. This is vital especially when you are under stressful situations. Modern research has shown that there are certain T cells that act to regulate your tolerance to stress by activating a natural anti-inflammatory defence system known as heat shock proteins or HSP. Your longevity is directly related to your ability to activate these HSPs.

Researches have conducted animal laboratory studies which showed that carvacrol, a main component of oil of oregano can activate HSP through the regulatory T cells and stop experimentally produced arthritis. The researchers concluded that oregano oil had an "unprecedented capacity" to activate HSP through the T cells. The experimentally induced arthritis was completely suppressed. That meant carvacrol can indeed increase the responses of the protective T cells against self-stress protein and reduce the inflammation.

In addition, an earlier animal experiment showed the ability of carvacrol as a potent painkiller. This correlates beautifully with the fact that oil of oregano can be of benefit to those who are suffering from arthritis.

Oil of oregano is a natural product derived from the wild oregano plant Origanum vulgare. This plant is found originally in the mountain tops of Greece, Turkey and Portugal. The special combination of the soil minerals and the climate in this region are believed to be the reasons why oregano oil contains very powerful substances. The early Greeks have used this plant for the treatment of their common ailments.

With the help of our modern scientists, it is now confirmed that this essential oil can really be effective as a mode of treatment for many diseases. The reason is that oil of oregano contains many phenols that can be used for antimicrobial purposes. One of its active components is carvacrol, which (as have been previously mentioned) can be very effective in treating arthritis.

If you are suffering from arthritis, you can use oil of oregano to alleviate your pain and the inflammation of your joints. Here are some ways you can use this essential oil for this purpose.

• Mix 1 drop of oregano oil with 5 drops of virgin olive oil or coconut oil. Apply this mixture to your affected joints generously.

• Use this same mixture to relieve yourself from sprains, cramps, bursitis, sore muscles and different inflammatory problems.

• To facilitate the treatment, you can also take oil of oregano internally by adding two drops of the oil to a glass of water or juice drink. There are also oregano capsules that you can take if you can't tolerate its taste. It is advised that you drink more water to enhance the curative effect of the oil.

It is always a good practice to do a patch test before applying oregano oil in large areas of your skin. This will tell you if you have allergic reactions to this substance. If that's the case, you need to dilute the oil with virgin olive oil or coconut oil to soften its effects.

Oil of oregano for arthritis is really worth a try.

Arthritis Treatment: Eight Tips for Taking Your Arthritis Medicines Safely

Most people who have arthritis take a medication for it. Even if it's not a prescription drug, they may take supplements or herbal remedies.

The problem is that many people who suffer from arthritis also take medications for other conditions as well. And this can make it very confusing and perplexing when trying to keep track of things.

Here are eight tips to ensure you don't make mistakes with your medicines:

1. When you go to the doctor, write down the names and dosages of your medicines so your doctor can keep track of what you're taking. This can head off any potential drug interactions or drug side effects. There is nothing more frustrating for a doctor or nurse than taking a medication history and having the patient say, "Well, I take the blue pill for my blood pressure... and the pink one for my diabetes... and the green and white one for my arthritis..."

2. When you pick up your medicines at the drugstore, touch base with your pharmacist and ask him or her if what you're taking makes sense and if there are potential problems. You can even schedule a medicine audit.

3. When discussing your medicines with your doctor, make sure you list all the nutritional supplements you take as well. Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it is harmless. And there can be potentially harmful drug interactions as well.

4. If you're taking a medicine that requires frequent daily dosing, ask if an extended release product or an equivalent medicine that requires less frequent dosing is available.

5. Consider using a pill box with separate daily compartments. These help you keep track of your medicines and also remind you of whether you've taken your medicine already. Most pill boxes have a separate compartment for morning medicines and one for evening medicines.

6. Understand dosing schedules. Taking a medicine three times a day is not the same as taking a medicine "every 8 hours." Clarify this with the doctor or nurse.

7. If you need to take a medicine on an empty stomach, this means at least an hour before eating or three hours after eating. Taking a medicine which is supposed to be ingested on an empty stomach with food could limit absorption and reduce the effectiveness of the drug. By the same token, taking a medicine on an empty stomach when you should be taking it with food could lead to gastrointestinal issues. This is especially true of arthritis medicines.

8. Sometimes combination pills can replace two or three separate medicines and may be more convenient. An example would be an anti-inflammatory drug like Vimovo which is a combination of naproxen and a proton pump inhibitor. The combination is kinder on the stomach.

Dead Sea Salt - Experience the Healing Power of Dead Sea Salts

A large salt lake, located between the shores of Jordan and Israel, is the source of the popular Dead Sea salt. This unique salt is prized for its therapeutic and beautifying effects.

So what makes the salt from this Middle Eastern sea so special?


That's right... this body of water, and the mud surrounding it, are filled with health and beauty promoting minerals. Mineral salts, and those from the Dead Sea in particular, share a long history.

Enjoying a mineral soak is an honored custom in many countries. This bathing ritual has been a long held tradition in many places around the world such as Europe and Japan. Now, a growing body of scientific research is offering support for this custom. As evidence of the health benefits of mineral salt mounts, popularity of the product increases.

Salt Therapy

The therapeutic benefits of Dead Sea salts are abundant. In addition to easing the annoying symptoms of dry skin, there are reports of improvement or relief from...

* Rheumatologic conditions. Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis are eased. The skin absorbs the minerals during a bath. In turn, blood circulation is stimulated.

* Skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema. These ailments often improve. Research suggests relief may be due to the high level of magnesium. This increases skin hydration as it reduces inflammation.

But that's not all. Dead Sea salt also facilitates relaxation and aids stress reduction. It enhances both skin and health. Plus, a long soak in this compound is an easy prescription to follow. In fact, it is a pure pleasure.

All this from a package of salt!

Unique Qualities

Of course this is no ordinary salt. But what makes it different?

Compared to regular salt water, this sea is quite low in sodium chloride. Ocean water is comprised of 97% sodium chloride whereas the Dead Sea contains only 12 to 18%. This leaves lots of room for powerful minerals such as:

* Bromide

* Calcium

* Magnesium

* Potassium

The combination of these minerals, in concentrated form, delivers powerful therapeutic benefits.

Bath and Beyond

Today, just as in ancient times, this distinct salt is not limited to bathing. In fact, its use in skin care creations has a long history... it can be traced way back to the early Egyptians. Cleopatra, the famous Queen of the Nile, is said to have soaked and slathered her body with this natural beauty product.

These wise people were definitely ahead of their time!

You'll find a large assortment of products, in addition to bath salts, that take full advantage of this ancient beauty secret...

* Foot soaks

* Foot and body scrubs

* Soaps

* Cosmetics

* Mud masks

* Body wraps

* Foot and skin creams

* Pain relief balms

There certainly is no lack of mineral solutions on the market!

Vitamin K - An Arthritis Preventative Home Remedy

Most all of us will have to deal with arthritis joint pain - joint inflammation and deterioration of cartilage - at some time. Arthritis occurs in the knees, elbow, fingers, and any where there is a bone joint. Where it occurs in your body will be determined by genetics, diet, and repetitive use of the joint.

As with most illness or body conditions there is always a home remedy that can help reduce, eliminate or even cure the condition. There are many natural cures for arthritis and many home remedies.

Here is one natural substance that reduces the severity of arthritis and provides a more natural balance and function of bone and chemicals at the bone joint - vitamin k.

Vitamin k also gives blood the ability to form blood clots, which prevent us from bleeding to death whenever we cut ourselves.

There has been recent activity in testing vitamin k for the prevention of arthritis and for reducing the severity of bone degeneration. In her studies, Tuhina Neogi, of Boston University School of Medicine found that low levels of vitamin k in individual activated bone and cartilage deterioration. And, those found with low vitamin k also had more severe arthritis.

So what does all of this mean? When you are deficient in vitamin k you are more susceptible to bone and cartilage degeneration and abnormalities. As you age and start to have arthritis and you are deficient in vitamin k your arthritis will be more severe.

Here's how to get more vitamin k in your diet. You can take vitamin k supplement in doses of 5 to 15 mg daily. Look for plant based vitamin k1 and k2 since these have no toxicity associated with them. Avoid using K3 which is the synthetic form, which can cause liver toxicity.

For those of you that are using blood thinning medication, coumadin, it best not to use vitamin k supplements. In some cases doctors also recommend not eating those foods that are high in vitamin k.

But if you not taking blood thinning medication and have no major cardiovascular conditions then supplementing with vitamin k should not be a problem.

Here are some foods that you should be eating daily to get natural organic vitamin k:

Dark green leafy vegetables of all kinds, chestnut leaves, spinach leaves, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, endive, olive oil, avocados, meat, egg yolk, cheese, yogurt.

Start eating more dark green vegetables and add a small amount of vitamin k to your daily diet. This will help you offset the degradation of you bone joints and reduce the severity of arthritis as you use your joints more and more.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Stop the Pain and Progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis X


This is the tenth articles in this series. Our friend also introduced us to another important part of his treatment which he continues to this day. The book describing this treatment is written by a German doctor. The book is a little difficult to read because it is from a lecture given at a medical convention and was translated from German. If you Google "Budwig flaxseed and cottage cheese diet," there are tons of information. I spent hours researching this topic. At first I was afraid it was voodoo medicine. She claimed she was able to cure cancer patients that were sent home as terminally ill. This just seemed too good to be true and you know what they say about that.

But I encourage you to do just some of the research I did and see the many testimonials. The doctor was nominated for the Nobel Prize for medicine several different times. She was one of the first to warn us about the dangers of margarine. She was taken to court several times because of her claims that were ahead of her time, but she won every case. This lady was ahead of her time. It was fascinating reading all of her accomplishments. But before I get carried away, let me concentrate on what we do from what we learned from this research.

I also take this mixture after seeing all of the health benefits. My wife mixes equal amounts of organic cottage cheese and liquid flaxseed oil, usually 3 tablespoons of each. It is important to use organic cottage cheese and it is quite a bit more expensive. But regular cottage cheese has a corn by-product, yes even in cottage cheese. We use an organic flax oil which is found in the refrigerated section of vitamin stores. She also uses fresh ginger root, which helps reduce inflammation and local unfiltered honey. We use strawberries or blueberries for taste also, if they are safe for you. All of this must be blended completely to the consistency of pudding. You don't want to see the oil separated from the cottage cheese.

I hate cottage cheese but love this pudding mixture, so please give this a try even if the thought of cottage cheese makes you sick. I promise that was the way I felt. But when this is blended correctly (get rid of those curds), you will never know you are eating cottage cheese, especially when you use honey and your favorite fruit. Our friend credits this twice daily intake of this pudding mixture to his success. My wife notices when she travels to England and can't get this that she doesn't feel as well.

Identifying Dog Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis is quite common in dogs. Nowadays, almost every dog suffers from the same. Inflammation in the bone joints, which typically shows dog arthritis symptoms. It is important for a pet owner to identify the disease in his/her pet, so that he could provide it with suitable treatment. A few important points are mentioned here to identify those dog arthritis symptoms.

A major reason for chronic pain in a dog is Arthritis and this affects its daily life style. Arthritis can affect a dog in any stage, be it young or old. This is mostly common with dogs of comparatively older age, but arthritis can also be witnessed in younger age because young dogs are full on with something or the other. They always hop around or play around. Now, this excessive use of muscle and ligaments can cause wear and tear of the cartilage in bone joints.

Dog arthritis is caused by a number of factors such as age, improper diet, hip dyspepsia, injury to the bone joints or cartilages and excessive obesity. Dog arthritis symptoms are really easy to spot. A dog suffering from arthritis will be showing no interest in any sort of physical activity, movements like itching and scratching would turn painful for them. They would show symptoms like bloody stools diarrhea and vomiting. The dog may suffer from limping and weak body joints as well.

Moreover, Arthritis would stop doing the regular activities they used to do with their master. They will either become aggressive or violent or may become calm and withdrawn. If a dog does not get up or stand quickly, it is a symptom for dog Arthritis. Limping is a prime symptom in such cases. Thus, we can see that a dog with dog arthritis symptoms will have problem with any kind of physical task. Therefore, it can be easy for the pet owner to make out if their beloved canine friend is suffering from Arthritis and provide it suitable medication and a good veterinarian.

How To Live With 4 Types Of Arthritis

Some of us are more misfortunate than others. A small percentage of them go through life and suffer no illnesses while many of us suffer from a variety of diseases. Some of these diseases can cause more severe problems with mobility than others.

This is a very painful disease and can be very disabling. There are many products that help us to overcome some of these problems. When you can not close your fingers tightly enough to hold something, there are playing card holders which hold the cards the same way as you used to hold them.

There is a box topper with built up handles that allows you to open sealed boxes or a solo grip which helps you open things.

The big lamp switch is a three spoked knob that gives you leverage to allow you to turn on the lamps.

There is a holder which uses leverage to distribute the weight that allows us to pick up heated plates easily or maybe a key turner which has a large handle with two finger holes to turn the key.

A lot of people with arthritis have a very limited movement which can cause many limitations. The handicapped toenail trimmer is designed for people with bad backs or limited motion and allows them to trim their toenails without problems.

An EZ reach pro enables a person to reach much higher and not have to use a chair. Then there is a two step stool with a railing to help you climb up. An ergonomic chair is available to allow you to sit when you work and has ample pneumatic height to keep you in a more comfortable position when you are doing your daily tasks.

There are walkers that can be equipped with trays and baskets to enable you to still carry things and use the walker at the same time. If a walker is not stable enough there is a rollator that has a seat that allows one to stop and sit down for a rest. It also has a basket to carry things when you go shopping. This rollator has brakes so it will not move when you are resting. You can get a cane sling seat but this has only a place to sit.

There are numerous scooters that can vary in price from 1 to 3 thousand dollars. These can be driven indoor outdoor and have a range of about 15 miles. This enables the person to get around quite easily.

These are but a few of the aids that arthritic people can have to help them live a more normal life.

Arthritis, Knee Pain and Gout!

There are many types of arthritis. The three basic types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, and the most commonly one rheumatoid arthritis. Any type of arthritis can affect our body in a different way. The difficulty here is: When it comes to treating any discomfort or pain the results can vary; not every one's body will respond the same way or any treatment.

What causes the pain?

Knee or sometime hip pain is usually caused by any of the three types of arthritis. Also gout is a distributor to pain. There are other causes of knee pain, such as injury, overuse in a workplace, obesity and the wrong diet. In young people and children chronic knee pain can have the first sign of rheumatoid arthritis or simply "growing pains".

Gout is another main reason for knee pain. Gout is a condition that causes sudden and severe attacks of pain, redness and swelling of joints. There have been some reports saying too much exercise can cause knee pain or joint pain. On the contrary, exercise is a great benefit.

Gout where does it come from?

Gout is a condition that has been known for many centuries. It affects mostly a single joint in one episode, often the big toe or a finger. About 9 out of 10 affected by gout are men over the age of 40. The highest age of attack is 75 years; it can occur in young ones on rare occasions as well. Gout is due to accumulations of uric acid within the fluid of your joints. Uric acid is actually a waste product of many foods that we eat.

In order to properly digest food and rid our body of waste, we produce substances such as uric acid. However, when transportation of uric acid accumulates in the blood stream, pain and gout may result. When the uric acid level becomes too high, painful attacks of gouty arthritis joint pain will occur. There are other symptoms that include kidney stones, and ultimately can cause kidney failure.

Uric acid and gout!

Tests have revealed that the relationship between uric acid levels in the blood stream and gout is unclear. Some people with gout have normal or near normal blood levels of uric acid; other people have very high blood levels of uric acid with no symptoms of gout.

Other risk factors that can bring on a gout attack. These are obesity, sudden weight gain, excessive intake of alcohol, and abnormal kidney function. Also some medications include risk factors, such as thiazide diuretics to control blood pressure etc. Another risk factor is such foods as organ meats, liver, kidney, herring, anchovies, and to an extent most processed meat products. Sodas and soft drinks or any sweet drinks be best avoided as well.

A detoxifying program would help to remove harmful poisonous substances from your body to ease the pain and gout symptoms.This brings us back to the point that every one's body reacts different to any type of disease and healing.

Some of the super foods!

Check your overall food consumption because a healthy eating plan is important for arthritis inflammation and pain. Include some of these super-foods in your daily diet such as broccoli, berries, spinach, pineapple, onions, squash, olive oil and fish, just to mention a few. Increase your omega-3 acid's; those healing omega-3 fight joint inflammation that is responsible for any aching sensation in your knees, hips, hands and sometimes spine.

Natural foods as such have the best healing power without any side effects, far greater than any script medicine. Include a good quality natural liquid supplement to all that super food and you will feel the benefit.

As the pain becomes less, the joints more flexible and easy to move, you are on the way to a better, pain-free, and relaxing life.

Arthritis Pain Relief and Treatments

Arthritis is commonly associated with old age. Arthritis pain is an important cause of loss of mobility in your pet as it is in humans. Arthritis is caused by: inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints; damage to joint tissues caused by the disease process or from wear and tear; muscle strain caused by overworked muscles attempting to protect your joints from painful movements; fatigue caused by the disease process of arthritis, which can make your pain seem worse and harder to handle - so the pain varies. The pain is one of the most prevalent medical problems in the world today and it afflicts tens of millions of people worldwide. Arthritis is often caused by an accumulation of toxic buildup in the joints, muscles and fluids.

There is a widespread and strongly held belief that arthritis pain is influenced by the weather; however, scientific studies have found no consistent association with that belief. Medicines like TYLENOL Arthritis Pain, is available in bottles containing 24, 50, 100, 125, or 150 mg caplets or bottles containing 20, 40, or 80 mg gel tabs at most food, drug, and mass merchandise stores. When taken according to directions, TYLENOL Arthritis Pain is effective for the temporary relief of the minor pain of arthritis, and the temporary relief of minor aches and pains associated with the common cold, headache, toothache, muscular aches, backache, for the pain of premenstrual or menstrual cramps and for the reduction of fever.


Symptoms usually develop over time rather than suddenly.  Symptoms such as morning stiffness and swelling should be present for at least six weeks before the diagnosis is considered.  Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are nail abnormalities, skin lesions, joint swelling and joint pain.  Symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis are joint stiffness, limited range of motion, high fever with chills, low grade fever, slow growth rate, rheumatoid rash, and rheumatoid nodules, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, eye pain and red eyes. If you see any of these symptoms in your child seek medical advice immediately the faster the disease is identified the faster the doctor can prescribe a treatment.


Relief can be had from a patch and medications.

Q: What are the benefits of applying SALONPAS Pain Relief Patch or SALONPAS Arthritis Pain instead of taking a pill?

A: The patch is a clinically proven, FDA-approved option for OTC pain relief that doesn't have to be swallowed.

Q: How soon should I expect relief when using the patch?

A: Pain relief generally occurs within one hour of patch application, but in some individual cases, pain relief may take longer about 2-3 hours after applying the patch it's really according to how bad the pain is when the patch is applied.


You've seen it on television and in magazine ads -- over-the-counter treatments for minor arthritis pain. Treatments are aimed at relieving pain associated with the disease, but with severe joint damage, constant pain may be unavoidable at that stage of the disease. Recognizing early osteoarthritis symptoms leads to early treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment help manage knee osteoarthritis symptoms. There are specific symptoms and distinguishing characteristics which determine the diagnosis and course of treatment. It is pain that the patient notices, pain which brings the patient to the doctor and pain which will dictate the treatment that the doctor chooses. As treatment for rheumatoid arthritis improves, severe disability and life threatening complications appear to be decreasing.


Generally arthritis pain is commonly associated with old age. It is a chronic pain that comes and goes and sometimes is constant.  The pain is caused by inflammation in the body as the bones rub against each other due to eroded cartilage.  Arthritis is a tough disease to treat and some types of arthritis, including those of back pain, continue to deteriorate. Arthritis pain is the most common source of chronic pain. The pain occurs because our joints suffer natural wear and tear through the years, they are less able to maintain the supportive cartilage matrix surrounding the joints and bones. Before taking any type of arthritis medications please consult your doctor.

Obesity and Arthritis

Arthritis, in general terms, is wearing out of the lining of the joint, which is called cartilage. Every joint- knee or hip joint, which moves has a layer of about 8 to 12mm of cartilage, which is as smooth as a billiard ball. If cartilage is injured or eaten away or goes through natural wear and tear, it leads to arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis which can affect any joint, including the spine. It is the form of joint disease and is more pronounced in the case of elderly persons. Wear and tear of joints, due to aging leads to osteoarthritis. But this is not the single reason for the disease. There are other contributing reasons such as genetic factors, lack of nutrition and vitamins, (Vitamin A, C and E have the potential to protect against tissue damage. Vitamin D plays an important role in bone mineralisation). Female hormonal deficiency in the case of post menopausal women, leading to estrogen deficiency is also considered a risk factor and women are more susceptible to osteoarthritis.

In most of the cases, increased body weight contributes to the increased load transmitted across the weight bearing knees by a factor of three to seven times the body weight and leads to accelerated damage of the cartilage.

Obesity is a potential risk factor for the onset and deterioration of musculoskeletal conditions of the hip, knee, ankle, foot and shoulder. Majority of research have focused on the impact of obesity on bone and joint disorders, such as the risk of fracture and osteoarthritis. However, evidence indicates that obesity may also have a profound effect on soft-tissue structures, such as tendon, fascia and cartilage. Although the mechanism remains unclear, the functional and structural limitations imposed by the additional loading of the locomotor system in obesity have been accepted to unduly raising stress within connective-tissue structures and the potential for musculoskeletal injury. Considering the global increase in obesity and the rise in musculoskeletal disorders, there is a need to determine the physical consequences of loading of major structures of the locomotor system in the obese people and to establish how obesity may interact with other factors to potentially increase the risk of musculoskeletal diseases. Besides, the relationship between obesity and osteoarthritis is stronger for the disease and is greater in women. The load transmitted to the knees varies with increased body weight.

Increase in life expectancy, coupled with overweight/ obese conditions of the population shall lead to a larger number of patients with knee problems due to osteoarthritis . Several changes, metabolic as well as functional, connect obesity with Osteoarthritis. Random trials show substantial and clinically relevant disability and symptoms - relief in obese patients with knee osteoarthritis following moderate weight loss. While exercises are good for the functional status in general, it is advisable initially to prescribe weight loss as therapy for patients with a combination of obesity and osteoarthritis.

Treatments / Tips to avoid Osteoarthritis:

1. Avoid being obese/ overweight, with weight management diet schedule and proper exercise.

2. Ensure intake of vitamins A and C, through food and nutrient supplements.

3. Ensure muscle strength in quadriceps (thigh muscles).

4. Increased activities of kneeling, squatting, climbing stairs and lifting heavy loads cause abnormal loading across the knee joint and cartilage damage. To the extent possible, this may be reduced.

5 Emu oil is considered to provide relief for joint pains and arthritis.

7. Liberal intake of orange juice, sweet lime juice or Vitamin C enhance the efficacy of any anti-rheumatic drug, since Vitamin C can reduce skeletal pain.

8. Body massage with sesame or mustard oil helps to reduce the pain. The joints affected by pain can be massaged for longer time for pain relief.

9. Guggul, as a medicine for traditional Ayurvedic treatment is prescribed for osteoarthritis and obesity. However patients electing to undergo this treatment should be closely monitored and counseled about the need for dietary modifications and exercise.

Monday, February 4, 2013

5 People You Never Knew Had Psoriasis

Celebrities and famous people of all kinds are always coming out in support of various groups, admitting that they suffer from X and Y. But few people in the public eye share with the world that they suffer from psoriasis. It still has a degree of social stigmatization attached to it that could be improved if influential people - actors, singers and performers - of all kinds were to admit that they have it, and they're not ashamed of having it. Here's a list of 5 famous (and infamous!) people who had psoriasis.

Joseph Stalin - 1878 - 1953

You have probably heard of Comrade Stalin. As the de facto ruler of the Soviet Union, he was responsible for pulling the Iron Curtain across Europe and creating a regime that killed a minimum of 10 million people - in work-camps called gulags, by using death squads nicknamed "Black Ravens", and other means.

His two major itches were the West and psoriasis, both of which he couldn't scratch. It was a source of great irritation to the dictator, who even had one Dr Kazakow executed after his controversial lysate treatment failed to work!

Would Papa Stalin have been such a homicidal maniac if his psoriasis went away?

Pablo Escobar - 1949 - 1993

This Colombian drug lord extraordinaire was responsible for a lot of white stuff. I'm not talking about his white, flaky scales here, but about cocaine.Pablo 'El Patr籀n' Escobarsmuggled tonnes of the powder into America every day, using everything from planes to 2 remote controlled submarines! Eventually he built up the Medell穩n Cartel into an empire, with his personal worth being $9 billion. Rumour has it that Escobar got into the drug trafficking business after someone told him to try out a few drug treatments for his psoriasis... just kidding.

Vladimir Nabokov - 1899 - 1977

Nabokov is a well-known Russian-American novelist and short-story writer who is responsible for classics such as Lolita and Pale Fire.

After a particularly bad outbreak of psoriasis, he wrote a tender confessional letter to his wife, saying ""the indescribable torments I endured in February drove me to the border of suicide-a border I was not authorised to cross because I had you in my luggage."

I, for one, am grateful that he did not make it across that border, because his luggage also contained work of unreplaceable literary value.

Ben Franklin - 1706 - 1790

Ever wondered why Ben Franklin wore that coonskin hat all the time? Maybe because he had scalp psoriasis! He was "The First American" with psoriasis, and probably the first one who kept a detailed journal of it, way back in the 1770s and 1780s. He was reported to have suffered particularly bad flare-ups when he was helping to draft the Declaration of Independence, which must have been difficult as it had spread to his hands. He wrote that "the disorder seems to be now increasing again, and appears upon my hands".

Byron Janis - 1928 -?

This legendary concert pianist never gave up on the piano, playing through the excruciating pain of psoriatic arthritis in his hands and wrists for decades. In fact, he is considered by many as one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century. He continues to play the piano even after having surgery that made his left thumb shorter, hampering his ability to reach the next octave easily! We can also thank him for unearthing manuscripts of two Chopin waltzes in France in 1967, both of which would have been lying around dusty right now had he caved in to the psoriasis.

Problems Relating To Crepitus

Crepitus can be defined as an unexpected creaky noise coming from beneath the skin or due to joint movement or somewhere around the lungs. Also, referred to as snapping joints, popping joints or creaky joints, Crepitus is a growing problem among people of all ages nowadays.

Derived from a word that means frictional sounds, Crepitus can be categorized into several types depending on the region and cause.

Patellofemoral Crepitus happens when the structure of two very important bones of our body, femur and patella which is the knee cap, is not normal. A disorder called Patellofemoral Syndrome or Chondromalacia Patella takes where the friction between the trochlear groove of the femur and patella is more than 20% of that between two ice cubes,

Crepitus can happen in the knee joint too when there is excessive extension or augmentation of the joint which certainly means injury. The main reason can be degeneration of the patella-femoral joint or damages in other joints or joint capsule. Straightaway affecting the kneecap, knee crepitus can be quite alarming.

Crepitus happens in the neck when it has undergone serious soft tissue injuries or large surgeries. Usually no bone is involved in the neck crepitus, hence using anti-inflammatory medication can easily cure the problem.

Shoulder Crepitus generally happens in people who suffer from various osteo problems such as various types of arthritis, crepitus in shoulder gives a painful experience when there is any movement in the shoulder.

Usually a popping or cracking sound in the knee retropatellar crepitus is an indication of severe damage. The reason for such crepitus is the grinding of the two joint bones of the knee. It directly affects the posterior position of the kneecap.

Causes of Crepitus

Crepitus is mainly caused because of the recent disturbances that the joint has suffered which can be sensitive tissue surgery or some major damages to the ligaments or bones. Also, serious joint problems such as Arthritis can cause crepitus at various regions of the body. Crepitus is basically a symptom of a problem than being a problem as it might indicate damages or unceasing injuries. It can also happen in the tissue of the human body when there is a significant amount of air present in them.

Treating Crepitus

In some cases, elastic supports help in preventing further damage to the knee and eases tension on it. Some individuals also find it effective to apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes after exercising. Sometimes, using medicines like Advil, Aspirin or Aleve can also help get relief from pain and other discomforting symptoms.

A number of ways can be adopted to get rid of the annoying noise. Mostly comprising of exercises, methods adopted will not only improve the physical activity of the sufferer as well as increase the movement of the joint. The things that should be avoided while treating Crepitus of the knee are climbing the stairs, aerobics, bending knees, playing some outdoor sport like football, wearing high heeled shoes etc.