Saturday, January 11, 2014

Advanced Treatment For Chronic Pain & Osteoarthritis

The body produces electrical energy to regulate everything from a heartbeat to the way our brains process things. And electromedicine has been used to treat conditions since the first century AD when Roman physicians utilized electric eels to treat conditions like gout. However, like many things about our body it has taken a long time to truly understand how manipulating or enhancing that electrical energy within the human body can assist in the health and well being of that person. Dr. Hansjurgens was a leading researcher in the field of electrotherapy and came to some unique conclusions on how electricity affects the body differently.

In fact Dr. Hansjurgens realized early on that there were some limitations in interferential treatments being used because they focused on just stimulation of the area being treated. As he studied and applied his theories to different cases he discovered that he could classify the electrotherapy treatments into two classes:

  • Stimulatory which increases and decreases intensity over low frequencies (1-1000hz) which is used for treating atrophy, muscle rehab & strengthening, knee joint disorders and spasms

  • Multi-Facilitory which keeps the intensity constant at a higher frequency (1000-100000 hz) which can be used for treating chronic polyarthritis, neuralgia, neuroma, inflamations, sciatica, severe pain and wounds.

This realization led him to create a new technology that treated patients at both the Stimulatory and Multi-Facilitory level and he called this new treatment protocol Horizontal Therapy. Through multiple clinical studies Horizontal Therapy has become the Gold Standard in electrotherapy treatment. By delivering these two classes of treatments to patients not only can clinicians treat the specific condition at the point of the pain but also at the biochemical level to enhance the healing properties of the human body to help provide long term results.

Reactive Arthritis Versus Reiter's Syndrome

What should this disease be called? Should a physician convicted of war crimes against people under his care be honored by calling a disease after him?

Reactive arthritis is also known as Reiter's Syndrome, arthritis urethritica, venereal arthritis and polyarteritis enterica.

It is an autoimmune condition that develops in response to an infection in another part of the body (cross-reactivity). Bacterial infections often trigger the disease.

Reactive arthritis has symptoms similar to various other conditions collectively known as "arthritis". By the time the patient experiences symptoms, oftentimes the "trigger" infection has been cured or is in remission in chronic cases.

The manifestations of reactive arthritis include the following triad of symptoms: an inflammatory arthritis of large joints, commonly including the knee and the back (due to involvement of the sacroiliac joint), inflammation of the eyes in the form of conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the outer layer of the eye, or uveitis, which is inflammation of the middle layers of the eye, and urethritis in men or cervicitis in women. Patients may also have lesions on the mucus membranes of the skin, as well as psoriasis-like skin lesions. There may also be inflammation where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heal bone, resulting in heel pain. Not all affected persons have all the manifestations (Source: Mayo Clinic ).

The question of what to call this syndrome stems from the fact Hans Conrad Julius Reiter (February 26, 1881 - November 25, 1969), who was a German physician, described the syndrome in 1916. Reiter was not the first person to describe this condition but he was an energetic and long lived self-promoter, and the name Reiter's Syndrome eventually caught on.

Reiter was also an enthusiastic supporter of the Nazi regime. He wrote a well known book on racial hygiene. He designed typhus inoculation experiments that killed more than 250 prisoners at concentration camps, like Buchenwald. He was later convicted of war crimes for his medical experiments at the concentration camp at Buchenwald.

In 1977, appalled by his war crimes, a group of doctors began a campaign for the term "Reiter's Syndrome" to be abandoned and renamed "reactive arthritis." In the last few years, the campaign to change the name to reactive arthritis has met with considerable success.

Personally, I already favored the term reactive arthritis, because I found that it enabled me to get better medical care. Now, having recently learned more about the name change campaign, I have one more reason to favor the name reactive arthritis. Thank you to Don Taylor who recently wrote me about Dr. Reiter's history, of which I was previously unaware.

Osteoarthritis - What Changes Will I Have to Make to My Lifestyle?

If you or someone you love suffers from arthritis, you (or they) are not alone. Chances are if you have arthritis, you may have osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, or OA, is a progressive degenerative disease which may eventually destroys the joints it affects. It affects over 20 million people in the United States, and becomes more common with age.

With osteoarthritis, the cartilage, or padding between the bones in the joint becomes worn and thin. This causes increased friction between the bones, which in turn leads to a loss of mobility in the joint. It may also cause new bone growths, or bone spurs, to form around the joints. The end result is you have a joint which is painful and does not move as well as it should.

The older you get, the greater your risk of osteoarthritis becomes. If you are overweight, you are greatly increasing your risk of being affected by this form of arthritis. Once OA begins, being overweight will accelerate the ravaging effects of this disease on your joints. Osteoarthritis can also be caused by joint injury, joint overuse, as well as chronic inflammation. Most commonly you will find symptoms of osteoarthritis in your hands, feet, spine, hips, knees and ankles.

Preventing Osteoarthritis

Prevention consists first of incorporating moderate, low intensity physical activity in your daily routine. Activities such as walking, biking, and use of home exercise equipment such as elliptical trainers or stair climbers performed throughout your lifetime has been proven to make a significant impact on preventing OA. Secondly, reducing your body weight decreases the risk of developing OA. Lastly, preventing injuries to the joints commonly affected by OA will improve the chances of avoiding it.

Managing Osteoarthritis

If it is too late for prevention, your greatest hope is managing your osteoarthritis, as there are no known cures for this condition. Management is available several different ways, depending on the contributing factors to your situation. If obesity is a contributing factor, reducing your weight will greatly reduce your pain and help slow the progression of damage within your joints.

There is no magic pill or bullet to help you lose weight. The best way for you to reduce your weight is through eating smaller portion sizes and increasing your physical activity level. A simple way to eat less is to eat 2/3 of your normal portion size. When done so regularly, you will decrease your food intake enough to help you decrease weight. The beauty of it is that you won't struggle with still feeling hungry after every meal.

Selecting more fruits and vegetables will also help you eat less, as they are dense foods - foods which contain a large volume of water. Dense foods fill you up faster and cause you to eat less at each sitting. Dark-colored fruits and vegetables, especially those that are blue or purple, have been found to be very rich in agents called phytochemicals, which are greatly beneficial to your health and well-being.

Physical activity doesn't have to mean exercise. Being physically active means movement more so then hitting the gym and "working out". Perhaps one of the best methods you can use to increase your physical activity is to begin using a pedometer. Keep track of the number of steps you make in a regular day over the course of two weeks. Then work to increase your steps by 3000 per day for the next 60-90 days. Once this new level of activity becomes habit, re-evaluate your level of activity and work to increase your steps again by another 3000 per day. If you really want to make this program work for you, get a friend to walk with you. Having someone hold you accountable is a great way to improve your compliance to any physical activity program.

Doing resistive exercises which target the joints affected by osteoarthritis has also been found to slow the progression of this condition. The key is to do one set of many repetitions at a very low amount of weight. Elastic bands or weights can be used, and you can very slowly increase the resistance over time.

Supplements which help protect the cartilage in the joints can also be very beneficial to arthritis sufferers. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate have been found to benefit the joints. Another supplement, known as SAMe, or S-Adenosyl-methionine, has been found to be a very effective, although more expensive, approach for osteoarthritis.

Relief from the pain of osteoarthritis without the side effects common to prescription medication can be found in topical analgesics that contain menthol, camphor and/or methyl salicylate. There does not appear to be any harm from using these products on a repeated basis, which lends to their strong popularity.

There are over 40 different medications are currently on the market which are commonly prescribed to deal with the effects of arthritis. Finding the one that is right for you can be expensive, frustrating and potentially dangerous. Getting relief from the aching in your joints as well as the muscle soreness that often accompanies stiff, swollen joints can be a daunting challenge.


Osteoarthritis is a challenging condition to treat. Exercise and topical pain relievers are the best non-prescription approaches to managing this disease.

Friday, January 10, 2014

NSAIDs For Canine Osteoarthritis Prove Effective But Not Without Major Risks

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the standard form of treatment for dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. For years, NSAIDs have been prescribed to dogs with this ailment because of their effectiveness in dealing with joint pain.

Over the years, however, more and more studies are emerging that NSAIDs may not be the best treatment for canine osteoarthritis after all. NSAIDs do work by blocking the formation of chemicals in a dogs body which cause inflammation of the joints and joint pain in the affected area. Just like in any disease, the best form of treatment for osteoarthritis should be something that works to repair the source of the disease itself, in this case, degenerating cartilage in the joints. NSAIDs cannot do that. All it can do is to try to stop the inflammation and control the pain. Common names of pain killers used in treatment are Rymadol, Tramadol, and Deramaxx. But take a look at these side effects direct from the Deramaxx web site:

Vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, melena, inappetence, hematemesis, hematochezia, weight loss, nausea, gastrointestinal ulceration, gastrointestinal perforation, salivation. Hematological: Anemia, thrombocytopenia. Hepatic: Hepatic enzyme elevations, decreased or increased total protein and globulin, decreased albumin, decreased BUN, hyperbilirubinemia, icterus, ascites, pancreatitis. Neurological: Lethargy, weakness, seizure, ataxia, tremor, nystagmus, mydriasis. Sensory: Vestibular signs, glazed eyes, uveitis. Behavioral: Aggression, apprehension. Urinary: Azotemia, polydipsia, polyuria, hematuria, low specific gravity, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection, renal failure. Cardiovascular: Bradycardia. Respiratory: Tachypnea, coughing. Dermatological/Immunological: Fever, edema, facial/muzzle edema, pruritis, urticaria, moist dermatitis, erythema, dermal ulceration/necrosis.

Half of these symptoms, I have no idea what they are, but I am certain they are of a detrimental nature to the happiness of your pet. Moreover, studies are also stating that NSAIDs may pose even more serious side effects that can lead to permanent damage in dogs. Such damages include ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver damage and kidney damage which can lead to death. While we will do anything to help our pets feel happy and pain free, this path of powerful drugs for treatment may be more than we bargained for.

Because of these side effects, more dog owners and more veterinarians are looking for alternatives to NSAIDs to help in dealing with canine osteoarthritis. The one that stands out as most effective and with few, if any, side effects, are natural supplements with glucosamine and chondroitin. Studies have concluded that the combination of these two supplements effectively control joint pain better than NSAIDs. Glucosamine treats osteoarthritis right at its source, the degenerated cartilage tissue in the dogs joints. Glucosamine is a building block of cartilage tissue and also acts as a catalyst to the formation of new cartilage tissue. In effect, glucosamine helps treat osteoarthritis by assisting in the repair of damaged and degenerated cartilage tissue.

As for chondroitin, chondroitin works by keeping harmful enzymes that cause inflammation away from the joints. It also aids in the tasks to be done by glucosamine by attracting liquids that will provide lubrication to the joints.

Glucosamine and chondroitin, as clearly stated above, treat osteoarthritis by dealing with the source of the ailment. Pain relief comes from healing, not masking pain.

Do glucosamine and chondroitin display side effects on the same degree as those of NSAIDs? The answer is that none are discovered yet, and most likely, there will be few and not nearly as severe as the side effects of NSAIDs. Glucosamine and chondroitin are natural compounds both found naturally in the dogs body.

Herbs For Arthritis Treatment

Many herbs have been utilized in the treatment of joint pains for centuries. Some of the very commonly used herbs for arthritis are alfalfa, angelica, black snakeroot, black rockweed, burdock, devil's claw, feverfew, ginseng, hawthorn, licorice, meadowsweet, oregano, prickly ash, rosemary, stinging nettle, turmeric, water shamrock, wild cucumber bark, wild yam, willow, wintergreen, yarrow, and yucca.

Alfalfa (Medicago saliva) is a folklore medicine for arthritis. The tea prepared from this plant is rich in nutrient minerals. The tea is believed to fight against arthritis. Angelica (Angelica archangelica) is an herbaceous plant, which has been utilized in the folklore medicine since antiquity in Europe. The Chinese variety (Angelica sinensis) has been widely used in China. Both the species are used in the treatment of arthritis. The root of black snakeroot (Cimicifuga racemosa) is used in the American Indian treatment for arthritis. All the five species of genus Cimicifuga have been used worldwide to treat rheumatism. Besides other anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic elements, the herb also contains aspirin-like components. Devil's claw (Proboscidea louisianica) consists of a good anti-inflammatory factor. Taking one gram twice a day would be effective in reducing arthritis pain.

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a bushy aromatic European perennial herb, which is used against arthritis for centuries. Some of the clinical studies have proven that the anti-inflammatory action of this herb is greater than NSAIDs. Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) contains components called ginsenosides that have numerous pharmacologic activities, especially effective against arthritis. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) acts as cortisone in the body without the injurious side effects. The plant has considerable anti-inflammatory activity. However, long-term utilization of the plant can induce an elevation of the blood pressure. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. The reactions of free radical are likely involved in the degenerative arthritis. It may help to get rid of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The tea prepared from rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) is used in the United States to treat arthritis. The four anti-inflammatory components of the leaves of the plant are earnosol, oleanolic acid, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is an approved remedy in the treatment of rheumatism in Germany. It is also very effective in the treatment of early-onset arthritis. The juice prepared from stinging nettle contains an anti-inflammatory agent, which is similar to steroid drugs. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has substantial anti-inflammatory activity. It has been proven very effective against certain inflammations. The use of turmeric is quite safe.

According to some herbalists, the bark of wild cucumber, in the form of tea, is described as the best source for treating arthritis and rheumatism. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) contains a steroid constituent called diosgenin, which has anti-inflammatory features. The tea prepared from the plant is a famous folklore medicine for muscular rheumatism. Yucca (Yucca spp.) has been used for from ancient period to get rid of arthritic pain. We can list many other herbs, which are used against arthritis!

Foot Arthritis - How To Treat It?

Foot arthritis could be described as one of the more common forms of arthritis. The problem with the foot is that it consists of 28 bones and 30 joints, of which any are susceptible to arthritis. If arthritis develops in any of these joints, its going to affect the way you walk, run and move in general. The joints in the foot which are more commonly affected are: the big toe, the ankle, the mid foot and the hind foot joint.

The most common form of arthritis which develops in the foot is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the result of getting older, and essentially wear and tear on the joints and cartilage. The cartilage wears down, and the bones rub together resulting in pain and swelling.

Traumatic arthritis is a common form of osteoarthritis that develops in the foot of a patient following some form of severe injury. This can develop in the foot even when the injury was treated correctly, and given time to recover fully. The most common forms of traumatic foot arthritis are a torn ligament, broken bone or severe sprain.

There are various symptoms and indications of foot arthritis, which should alert the sufferer to the condition immediately. These symptoms include swelling, tenderness, pain, stiffness and reduced mobility of the affected joint. All these symptoms will eventually lead to a difficulty in walking.

For a doctor to properly diagnose foot arthritis, a serious of tests and physical examinations will need to be performed. The doctor will also require information about your health and lifestyle to give clues on the complexity of the condition. The next step is to perform a walking analysis. In performing this walking analysis, the doctor will measure your stride and test your ankle and foot strength. Certain diagnostic imaging tests may also be required to further diagnose your condition- theses may include and X-Ray, CT or MRI scan.

After fully evaluating your foot arthritis, your doctor/physician will devise the most suitable treatment plan. There are many non-surgical treatments available, these include:

Taking anti-inflammatory medication

Steroid injection

Foot brace or cane usage

Ankle and foot support usage

Physical therapy

The final treatment option is surgery, and is generally reserved as a 'last resort' when all other treatment methods have failed. The key to effectively treating arthritis is early diagnosis. Don't ignore those sensations of stiffness and soreness; see a doctor as soon as possible, so that you have the best chance of treating your foot arthritis.

Arthritis Treatment: What About the New Oral Medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory form of arthritis, affecting more than two million Americans.

It is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disease that affects not only joints but internal organs as well. Among the organ systems that can be affected are the eyes, lungs, skin, bone marrow, peripheral nervous system, heart, spleen, as well as others. Recent evidence suggests that one of the deadlier side effects of RA is the premature development of cardiovascular disease leading to an increased incidence of stroke and heart attack.

Because of the tremendous advances in treatment of RA over the last 50 years, it has been possible to take patients with this disease and put them into remission.

The first milestone came in the 1980's with the use of methotrexate. In the late 1990's biologic therapies came onto the scene. It was with this combination of therapies that talk of remission came to be a common point of discussion among rheumatologists.

Now there is more good news in that oral drugs, called signal transduction inhibitors, are an emerging therapy with a novel mechanism of action. By interfering with the transcription of important proteins inside cells, these drugs block the development of immune cell growth and survival.

By targeting a pathway called "JAK-STAT", these medicines lead to reduced inflammation and therefore less joint destruction.

Efficacy-wise, these new medicines are equivalent in their effectiveness compared to biologic drugs in patients who have failed methotrexate. Measures that have been studied include clinical markers such as the American College of Rheumatology criteria for 20/50/70 response as well as functional measurements such as the Health Assessment Questionnaire, among others.

Another pathway that has been researched with the production of an oral drug is the Syk pathway. This is another signal transduction medicine which has effects on B-cells, macrophages, and synoviocytes (cells that line the joint).

As can be imagined these new oral drugs do have potential side effects that must be more clearly elucidated.

And though available therapies are very effective, they don't lead to remission in all patients. And a significant percentage of patients develop side effects that preclude continuation of the drug, in which case remission will not be achieved.

The bright light is that ongoing research into biomarkers of disease will eventually lead to a more personalized approach so that the "right medicine for the right patient" will permit not only remission but also, possible, cure.

General Tips For Arthritis Sufferers to Get Rid of Arthritis

Understand how to get rid of Arthritis by following these tips for Arthritis sufferers. In cultures that use a typical Western diet (see Understanding How to Get Rid of Arthritis - Avoid Arthritis Triggers), arthritis is common and, in cultures that eat mainly fresh or dried fruits and vegetables with very little protein, arthritis is largely unknown.

Anything of a chemical nature is not of much value nutritionally. These chemicals are foreign to the body, confusing it so it may not even recognise these additives as something to be eliminated. They then remain behind and interfere with the chemical and electronic systems of the body affecting muscles, joints, tissue or block the lymphatic system. Large quantities taken in one meal can actually bruise any internal organ, muscle or nerve.

OSTEOARTHRITIS or DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS usually occurs in the knees, hips or spine. It is when a joint becomes worn out. A cycle develops as the damage causes inflammation which in turn causes more damage. (Inflammation normally protects until healing is complete; however, when healing takes too long the white blood cells and chemicals involved in inflammation become destructive).

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is destruction of tissues around the swollen joint area. The joints become calcified and fused, limiting movement. It is a more acute inflammation than osteoarthritis. Its cause is thought to be the immune system mistakenly attacking body cells.

Copper bangles bring relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis as the skin readily absorbs the small amounts of copper required to produce the antioxidant enzyme SOD.

Communities dependent on animal products have a higher rate of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and osteoporosis. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes rarely occur in people who consume no animal products at all. The incidence in all three increases proportionately in communities that eat meat and other high-fat foods.

In a study published by VERIS, vitamin E was found to have an analgesic effect on rheumatoid arthritis, although inflammation remained. Good sources of vitamin E are almonds, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, corn, hazelnuts, parsley, soya, sprouting seeds, spinach and sunflower seeds.

Zinaxin is a natural anti-inflammatory and the traditional Chinese remedy for RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.

Hot water therapy can help arthritis. Add two tumblers full of Epsom salts into a hot bath and lie in it for 20 minutes. Scrub the skin with a stiff natural bristle brush and empty the bath. Shower or rinse off thoroughly. Dry well and go straight to bed.

Gargle with whey to clean the throat. This strengthens the immune system as it frequently spends a lot of energy in the throat due to unhealthy eating. Helping the immune system is beneficial to fighting many ailments, including arthritis.

Tooth problems can lead to inflammation of the joints. In the '30s and '40s, teeth were often removed to cure arthritic pain and apparently some 40 per cent of cases benefited. Arthritis or joint pains can stem from an infection in the root of the tooth or gum. This releases bacteria into the bloodstream, causing joint complaints. So, if all other treatments have failed, consult your dentist.

From a metaphysical aspect, arthritis is a result of criticism. This criticism may be directed from another person, or it could be a continual self criticism in one's own mind. Undoubtedly, the criticism has a positive intention, but the outcome is negative. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a direct way of addressing this and can be an interesting journey into self discovery while providing relief from the physical manifestation.

In some cases acupuncture has had the desired effect. Should you be open to this, discuss it with an acupuncturist before making an appointment.

Foot reflexology has had remarkable results in relieving the distress of arthritis and preventing further degeneration. A course of reflexology helps the body to heal itself. That, together with choosing the wiser lifestyle guidelines listed previously, would be an excellent option.

For the ladies... According to the gentle Ayurvedic approach to arthritis, women should rest as much as possible during the first few days of menstruation. The wise woman will have prepared for this time, exercising and doing her more energetic work before menstruation begins. This is a time of actively moving wastes, impurities and the menstrual blood downward and out of the body. The general idea is to go with the body's natural impulse to stay quiet and not be so active.

Natural Joint Relief Formulas For Men and Women

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis do not choose their victims. Men and women alike stand a huge risk of dealing with one or the other at some point in their life. There are virtually over 100 different types of conditions that are related to joint pains. It is no wonder why over a million adults suffer from this type of discomfort alone.

What can you expect from a joint relief formula? They are made with ingredients capable of subduing a number of side effects associated with rheumatic conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia. Also known as rheumatism, rheumatic conditions can be uncomfortable and cause pains, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness in the muscles or joints. You can expect a formula made with high quality extracts to ease the pain and discomforts while calming the inflammation and increasing mobility.

Natural supplements can help those that suffer from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is where the joints are worn and painful because of general wear and tear of the joints. A natural supplement can help rebuild worn cartilage. By using ingredients like glucosamine sulfate, they can help replenish the protective tissues surrounding the joints. This will add cushion that allows the joints to move freely without pain and swelling. It can protect you from bone spurs and promote healthy bone growth.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a little different from osteoarthritis. True, they leave people with the same side effects, but the way that the condition acts is different. Unlike OA, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not just because of wear and tear. RA happens when the body has a hyperactive immune system that attacks its own healthy tissues. People that have RA will notice the same pains in the same spots of either side of their body. For example, if your left elbow is in pain you right one will be as well. Or, if one knuckle is in pain on one hand, the same knuckle will be in pain on the other hand. Chondroitin sulfate is another key ingredient used in natural supplements to help relieve pains and discomforts. The Arthritis Foundation stands behind the validity of this key ingredient.

Although women often experience rheumatic conditions at an earlier age than men, it is never too early or too late to have healthy joints. If you exercise, eat a healthy diet, and coordinate natural supplements into your daily diet, you can prevent further discomforts or avoid them all together.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What Is The Natural Treatment For Arthritis Joint Pain?

Joint pain can make you feel vulnerable and it can affect your working capabilities. Many men and women in the age beyond 45 years suffer from joint pain which can happen due to infections to the joints, osteoarthritis, and arthritis or due to injuries to the joints. In osteoarthritis the bone grows and causes degeneration of cartilages resulting in pain and Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder which results in pain and stiff in the joints. If the joints are injured the person may have irregular surface of the bone found at the joints which may cause pain when two bones rub each other while you move.

One of the conditions in which the person can suffer from joint pain is Bursitis in which the fluid filled sacs which form cushion like structure around the joints is damaged. The fluid helps the bone to move freely at the joints and the condition when the fluid reduces in the sacs it cause pain as the muscles and tendons could not move freely due to the lack of fluid at the joint. Bursitis can happen due to overuse, injuries or stress. This may happen due to ageing when the body loses the normal structure of the bone and joints. Sometimes joint pain is caused by autoimmune disorder when the immune system of the body damages the fluid around the joints.

The patients suffering from the problem are advised to take rest and also exercise regularly to keep the joints moving. The natural treatment for arthritis pain is to use warm baths, and do massage and strengthening exercise. There are many herbal remedies offered as natural treatment for arthritis joint pain but Rumoxil capsule and oil is one of the best combinations of oil and herbal substances which help in completely eliminating pain and swelling at the joints. The oil in the natural treatment for arthritis joint pain Rumoxil capsule can be used to massage the joints to enable easy movement of the bones and to prevent friction at the joints. The natural treatment for arthritis pain helps to improve blood flow to the joints to reduce the symptoms of ageing and degradation of fluid around the joints.

The natural treatment for arthritis pain Rumoxil capsule contains herbs which reduce infections of the joints and prevents reduction of the fluid found around the joints. It also contains the ingredients which reduces the problem of autoimmune disorders in people cure the problem of joint pain. The natural treatment for arthritis pain nourishes the joints to reduce destruction of surface of the joints and also prevent future damages.

Rumoxil capsule is very effective natural treatment for arthritis pain which provides great results to ensure an improvement in the life of the people suffering from regular pain by providing relief from the pain and inflammation. The capsules should be taken regularly for five to six months and two to three times in a day to get complete improvement and to be able to freely move the joints.

Human Growth Hormone - For Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack the soft bone cartilages surrounding the joints. It is a disabling and very painful condition that often times lead to immobility caused by severe pain, or at the very worst, destruction of the joint itself. Furthermore, RA is a systematic disease. This means that from one afflicted joint, the disease tends to attack surrounding tissues and even far-off situated organs like blood vessels, heart, lungs, muscles tissues and skin. That is also the reason why RA is considered as a multi-system autoimmune disorder.

RA causes painful discomfort and soft tissue swelling which can inflame nearby or surrounding tissues as the disease progresses. Pain generally improves or lessens when the person starts using the affected joints, but there is usually stiffness in the joints especially in the morning. RA is therefore at its worst in the early hours of the morning, or at least, when the person wakes up. Incredibly, after a while, RA patients also tend to suffer from other medical conditions like anemia, cystic fibrosis of the lungs, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver and spleen,) leukopenia (steady decrease of white blood cells in the system) and lymphocytic infiltration that may affect salivary glands and lacrimal glands or the tear ducts.

Unless detected and treated early in its development, RA is not only crippling, but can cause deformity as well. In the US, it is estimated that one in three Americans are now afflicted with RA. It is even predicted that this number will grow in an alarming rate as time goes by. Although this medical condition is usually associated with the onset of old age, these days children less than 18 years of age are also suffering from the ravaging effects of the disease. As of yet, there are no treatments available to cure or eradicate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, but there are ways to alleviate the pain, and maybe help stop the disease from making satellite "infection" to other organs of the body.

Some of the more "historic," if not, controversial forms of treatment include acupuncture, being stung by bees or nettles, going on an apple diet (taken literally from the adage, "an apple a day..."), going on a rhubarb diet, fasting, ingestion of gold salts or honey or insulin or nutmeg or vitamins, wearing copper bracelets, undergoing magnet treatment, and even the extraction of teeth (possibly on the thought that one pain can overcome the other, but just how many teeth can be exchanged in favor of relief?) The very controversial mode of treatment before was called ECT or electric convulsion therapy or electric shock therapy; it has long since phased out for its obvious lack of success versus the battle with RA.

Usually, doctors prescribe nothing more than pharmacological treatment for RA like anti-inflammatory agents and analgesics. These days, however, scientists are turning to more unconventional route - especially in the form of human growth hormone treatment. You see, human growth hormones contain the substance IGF-1 which in healthy dosages is responsible for healing damaged cells and helps in developing new ones. IGF-1 is also responsible for strengthening and promoting bones, including the soft connective tissues in the human joints called ligaments. There are recent studies that show that re-introduction of prescribed dosages of IGF-1 actually lessens the symptoms of arthritis and helps reinforcing the joints, making mobility easier and achievable with less pain.

Different Types of Arthritis in Children

Arthritis diseases are developed especially among the children. But, it may occur to anyone at any age. Rheumatology College in America estimates that one out of 1000 children are vulnerable to juvenile arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis that are found in children. It is still not discovered what actually causes such different types of arthritis in children, hence at present prevention is also unfeasible.

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis:

One of the most common amid the various different types of arthritis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). It is the dreadful disease that occurs mostly in children and it is popularly referred as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The indications of such diseases are stiffness and joint pain, similar to adult arthritis. But, this indication commences to assemble in those children who are below the age of 16. The treatment differs with each child and the indications also differ in stiffness.

Systemic inception Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis:

The other different types of arthritis comprises of systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. These different types of arthritis disease are developed mostly in children. It primarily starts with fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit and above, which comes up and goes down. Often most, this type of fever is associated with a strange itchiness, which frequently arises and vanishes. Normally, systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis does not occur with fevers or rash, but occurs years later. However, there are cases, where the arthritis pain experienced was at the time of fever. Systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis not only inflames the child's joints, however it can possibly inflame the internal organs too. Often, the child feels weakness along with high WBC count. At such time, treatment method contains analgesics, other medicines, along with observation of the children's diet and usual physical activities.

Pauciarticular JRA:

This is the one of the common and different types of arthritis mainly observed in children. It is estimated that less than ½ of the arthritic children's are vulnerable to the Pauciarticular JRA. It occurs in girls more as compared to boys. Pauciarticular JRA normally attacks to at least 5 joints of a child's entire body. The side-effects of these different types of arthritis can be a permanent loss of vision or persistent eye troubles. It is an old fact that the children's of the age 7 or below who are diagnosed with these different types of arthritis are expected to recuperate effectively.

Polyarticular JRA:

These different types of arthritis are similar to the above mentioned one, excluding the effects. In case of Polyarticular JRA, it affects five joints of child's body. More often, this attacks the kids at any age. It can be treated with usual physical activities, drugs and standard check ups.

Osteoarthritis - Is There Any Modern Day Cure To This Disease?

One of the most feared and extremely debilitating diseases that are a major cause for partial and permanent disability in the world is osteoarthritis. The joints in the body, especially the limbs, are the most affected. There are extremely painful conditions leading to decreased movement, tenderness, inability to walk or make a fist formation and a host of other pseudo psychiatric effects.

Osteoarthritis has its origins in degenerative hereditary conditions and it goes down through the genes into the progenies. It is feasible that any joint in the body can be affected but the most common areas are the knees, hands, hips, spine and feet.

In extreme cases, there is permanent disfigurement too. Swelling in these areas is marked leading to a gradual limp in the gait and virtual inability to climb stairs. Pain gradually increases during the daytime and bedtime becomes unbearable or, at the very least, very uncomfortable. With the complete wearing off taking place in the cartilages, the bone joints rub against each other increasing the pain many fold. Even the slightest touching of one bonehead with the other in the missing cartilage area causes enormous pain.

Since the disease is degenerative in nature, osteoarthritis does not have a permanent cure. There may be medication for pain relief but that is purely temporary in nature. Steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to prevent worsening of the pain. Surgical treatments such as complete replacement and resurfacing procedures have been able to address the issue with some success but again, the costs involved in these procedures are astronomical. There are also continuous post-surgical medications that may become necessary depending upon the progress made.

Top 6 Food Groups to Help Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers

Rheumatoid Arthritis - What It Is

This chronic inflammatory disease of the joints is the most serious form of arthritis and can affect the entire body. Fever, loss of appetite, and a general ill feeling frequently accompany inflamed, stiff joints.

How Food May Help

Evidence suggests that consuming a diet high in unprocessed foods - fruits, vegetables, and whole grains - lowers the risk for rheumatoid arthritis. Because some drugs prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis depletes the important B vitamin folate, many experts advise consuming folate-rich foods.

There is considerable evidence that suggests the powerful antioxidants in tumeric may help modify inflammatory compounds and activate the body's own anti-inflammatory actions.

Top 6 Food Groups That Will Help

#1 - Pineapple - contain bromelain - The pineapple enzyme bromelain has been reported to decrease inflammation.

#2 - Apples, Berries, Citrus Fruits, Onions - contain flavonoids - Support connective tissue and lower inflammation.

#3 - Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna - contain omega 3 fatty acids - Clinical studies demonstrate the beneficial effect of these fats on arthritis symptoms, including joint stiffness, tenderness and fatigue.

#4 - Ginger - contain shogoals & gingerols - Ginger exerts powerful antioxidant activity and is thought to suppress the development of inflammation compounds.

#5 Citrus Fruits, Peppers, Strawberries - contain vitamin c - Vitamin c support connective tissue in the joints, provides valuable antioxidant activity, and helps inhibit inflammation.

#6 Avocados, Nuts, Seeds, Whole Grains - contain vitamin e - Clinical findings indicate this powerful antioxidant helps relieve joint pain and stiffness.

How Can Electricity Help Arthritis

What is considered an emerging area for arthritis therapy is the use of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy and electrotherapeutics. Termed, "electroceuticals", PEMF are highly-refined electromagnetic fields that are now being used to non-invasively "kickstart" the body's natural anti-inflammatory response to treat pain and inflammation and help soft tissue wounds heal faster.

Numerous in vitro and clinical studies have demonstrated that electric and magnetic energy has a positive effect on connective tissue healing. This has prompted an extensive amount of research in orthopedics and rheumatology. While modern pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) have been available for more than 20 years, they are only now becoming a standard of care for delayed union fracture treatment.

Electromagnetic fields can be delivered by using direct placement of an electrode non-invasively by capacitive coupling (opposing electrodes placed on skin across the target area) or inductive coupling (PEMF induce an electric current in the target area without skin contact altogether).

In a randomized trial, Zizic et al studied a pulsed electric device used to treat 78 patients with chronic knee osteoarthritis via skin surface electrodes. The active treatment was superior to placebo in symptom reduction and was proved to be effective for symptom reduction and cost effective (Zizic TM, Hoffman KC, Holt PA, Hungerford DS, O'Dell JR, Jacobs MA, Lewis CG, Deal CL, Caldwell JR, Cholewczynski JG, et al. The treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with pulsed electrical stimulation. J Rheumatol 22(9):1757-61, 1995).

The application of PEMF stimulation for osteoarthritis has been supported by additional work by Trock et al. In their experiment 86 patients with knee osteoarthritis were exposed to 9 hours of PEMF stimulation over a 1-month period using a non-contact device. Up to 36% of the patients noticed improvement in pain and function. PEMF therapy is considered safe but should be avoided in those who are pregnant, those patients with permanent pacemakers and patients with known cancer (Trock DH, Bollet AJ, Markoll R. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of osteoarthritisof the knee and cervical spine. Report of randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trials. Trock DH, Bollet AJ, Markoll R. Rheumatol 21(10):1903-11, 1994).

Because of the non invasive nature of this mode of therapy, it has promise as an additional weapon in the arsenal of the rheumatologist in treating osteoarthritis. Where PEMF will fall exactly in the sequence of treatment is still unknown. Further experience should clarify this issue.

How To Treat And Prevent Wrist Pain

The wrist is an unusual joint because stiffness or even fusion causes relatively little difficulty, while if it is wobbly and unstable there can't be real problems. The wrist provides the platform from which the fine motions of the fingers operate. It is essential that this platform be stable. The eight wrist bones form a rather crude joint that is very limited in motion compared with, for example, the shoulder, but which is strong, and stable. Almost no regular human activities require the wrist to be bent all the way back or all the way forward, and the fingers don't operate as well as when the wrist is fully flexed or fully extended.

The wrist platform works best when the wrist is bent upward just a little. When the wrist is in proper position, you can pull or push most efficiently. To illustrate this position, make a fist and put your thumb in the middle of the wrist. Looking down your arm, the thumb should be on an imaginary horizontal line going straight down the middle of your forearm.

The wrist is very frequently involved in rheumatoid arthritis, and the side of the wrist by the thumb is very commonly involved in osteoarthritis.

The "carpal tunnel syndrome" can cause pain at the wrist. In this syndrome, the median nerve is trapped and squeezed as it passes through the fibrous carpal tunnel in the front of the wrist. Usually the squeezing results from too much inflammatory tissue. The cause can be tennis playing, a blow to the front of the wrist, canoe paddling, rheumatoid arthritis, or many other activities that repeatedly flex and extend the wrist. In addition to wrist pain, this syndrome can cause pains to shoot down into the fingers or up into the forearm; usually there is a numb feeling in the fingers, as if they were asleep.

You can diagnose this syndrome pretty well yourself. The numbness in the fingers will not involve the little finger and often will not involve the half of the ring finger nearest the little finger. If you tap with a finger on the front of the wrist, you may get a sudden tingling in the fingers similar to the feeling of hitting your funny bone. Tingling and pain in the carpal tunnel syndrome may be worse at right or when the wrists are bent down.

The key to management of wrist pain is splinting. Since stability is essential and loss of motion is not as serious in the wrist as in other joints, the treatment strategy is a little different. Exercises to stretch the joint are not very important. The strategy is to rest the joint in the position of best function. Wrist splints are available at hospital supply stores and some drugstores. Any that fit you are probably all right. The splint will be of plastic or aluminum and the hand rest will cock your wrist back just a bit. You can put a cloth sleeve around the splint to make it more comfortable against your skin and wrap the splint on your arm gently with an elastic bandage to keep it in place. That's all there is to it. Wear it all the time for a few days, then just at night for a few weeks. This simple treatment is all that is required for most wrist flare-ups. Even the carpal tunnel syndrome is initially treated by splinting. But since nerve damage is potentially serious, give your doctor a call if you seem to have the carpal tunnel syndrome.

No major pain medication should be necessary. Aspirin and similar-strength medications are all right but probably won't help very much. If you are taking a prescribed anti-inflammatory drug be certain that you are taking it just as directed; sometimes a flare-up is simply due to inadequate medication. If you know what triggered the pain, work out a way to avoid that activity. Common sense means listen to the pain message.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Find Out Here Which Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptom You Could Have

Arthritis is a complex disease and in fact there are one hundred plus forms. However, two represent by far the main ones: rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. We'll just talk about these two for now. They are quite different as you will see.

Osteoarthritis is often called degenerative arthritis which is a good name as it is caused by the degeneration of the cartilage between the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is an auto immune disease, so is completely different.

Here's a list to see if you have any or just one rheumatoid arthritis symptom?

1. Joint pain on both sides of the body
2. Inflammation and swelling of joints - particularly in the hands and the knees
3. Aches and pains in your joints, again the hands and knees are particularly affected
4. Stiffness in the morning that often lasts more than hour
5. Weak muscles due to stiff joints and less activity
6. Severe fatigue - tired all the time, everything is just too much
7. Generally feeling unwell, even nauseous; possible weight loss

If one or more of these symptoms affect you, then the first step would be to go and see your doctor and talk to him. He will examine you thoroughly and will probably recommend a blood test. There is a particular blood test that can determine whether you have rheumatism or not - it's call the rheumatoid factor. Maybe your doctor will also recommend you have an x-ray done to find out what damage there is to your joints or your cartilage.

If these tests are positive, then there are many options you can take. Although at the present time there is no known cure for arthritis, there are lots of options as far as pain relief is concerned. In fact rheumatism affects people in very different ways because it is an auto immune disease and everyone's body reacts differently.

They key here is to stay true to yourself. If you really don't want to have medication, then try natural remedies. There are so many ways to relief pain naturally and supplements to help hinder the degeneration of the joints and cartilage. Even acupuncture can help. Choose what is right for you. The same applies if you want to take a purely scientific approach . Your doctor will be happy to prescribe medication. If they don't work, go back and try again until you find something that relieves your pain.

The first step is to see if you have any of the rheumatoid arthritis symptom and if so, stay positive. Many many people live well and manage their disease admirably.

Why Use Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Remedies?

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most feared forms of arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the tissues around the joints, though it may also affect other organs in the body. It may be triggered by a number of causes, like infection, tissue injury or even emotional trauma, and can affect even those who are not of advanced age.

Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is treated by conventional medicine by means of several medications: analgesics to treat the pain, anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling, and immunosuppresive medications to combat the effects of the immune system gone wild. However, these drugs often have toxic side-effects when used long-term, which means those who must live with the disease find themselves in a very bad place indeed.

One of the options that those with RA have is to use rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies to treat the symptoms of pain, and regulate the immune system. These treatments are without the side-effects that conventional treatments have, and so are considered a safer option for those with the disease.

However, there are some definite concerns about rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies that have other people decide not to take them. One of these concerns is that these natural remedies commonly lack sufficient evidence in the form of research and scientific studies to confirm the efficacy of the treatments.

Most times, the best evidence available for rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies is anecdotal in nature. And the times where there has been research done, the studies are often inconclusive or otherwise deficient in some manner to be effectively used as proof.

There are tests and research being performed to verify the claims of these natural remedies, but as of yet, they have either not been reported, or have been unconfirmed, or not completed. Because of this, conventional medicine has also been hesitant to promote the use of these natural remedies.

Why then do people continue to put their trust in these natural remedies at all? There are a number of reasons for this. One of the major reasons is that people desire an option for their treatment, and sometimes even an option that is unconventional and unverified is more desirable than a treatment that may cause them more pain and discomfort, as is sometimes the case with conventional drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Another reason is that many people trust the anecdotal evidence and testimonies that others provide, not needing further scientific proof.

Yet others have come to a near-desperate need to try anything that claims to be a solution for their RA, clinging to them as placebos if they prove ineffective in order to avoid conventional treatments. Others have themselves found that rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies are effective for them, and so continue on using these remedies to treat their rheumatoid arthritis.

Top 7 Ways To Treat Arthritis

Arthritis is a term used to describe more than 100 different conditions that affect and cause pain to your joints. However, along with medication and exercise therapy, here are some other helpful ways you can try when treating arthritis:

1. Physical therapy

This form of therapy restores or keeps the range of motion in your joints and strengthens the surrounding muscles. A physical therapist can help you learn how to use supportive devices, such as crutches, canes, and braces, and also teach you to do everyday tasks with as little pain as possible.

2. Heat and cold therapy

Apply heat to your joints to increase blood flow and loosen the joints. Apply cold to your joints to relieve pain.

3. Hydrotherapy

Not only is soaking in a whirlpool or hot tub pleasurable, but it may also help to loosen tight joints and reduce some of the pressure on your aching joints by providing heat and buoyancy.

4. Diet therapy

Certain foods are linked to arthritis symptoms. Milk and cheese were found to cause symptoms. Other research shows foods in the nightshade family (chilli and bell peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and potatoes) trigger arthritis flare-ups.

Other studies show that foods containing omega-6 fatty acids (vegetable oils such as safflower, soy, sesame, and sunflower) can produce inflammatory chemicals in the body. On the other hand, foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, sardines, and mackerel) may have an anti-inflammatory effect.

5. Antioxidants

Not having enough antioxidants (molecules that help fight against free radicals - destructive molecules made in the body by a chemical process called oxidation), such as vitamins E and A, and beta-carotene, could be a precursor to rheumatoid arthritis. People with rheumatoid arthritis had lower levels of several types of antioxidants, including the beta-carotene and vitamins A and D. Additional studies have found that vitamin E may help ease swelling, pain, and morning stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Dietary supplements

Supplements such as chondroitin and glucosamine, two compounds found in healthy joints, have shown promise in relieving pain and improving mobility. They are taken separately or in combination - either in a pill or as a powder that can be mixed with a liquid. Because these are sold as dietary supplements in your local health food store, they are not monitored or tested for safety and efficacy by the FDA.

7. Herbal therapy

Some herbs that may help to relieve arthritis pain include arnica, feverfew, meadowsweet, and stinging nettles. However, because not all herbal therapies are effective or safe for everyone, you should speak with your doctor.

Arthritis Joint Pain Causes and Risk Factors That You Must Know

Arthritis joint pain is related with chronic pain conditions. Millions of people suffer from this painful condition of arthritis. This condition of arthritis includes swelling, inflammation, redness, pain and stiffness. Literally there are more than hundred types of arthritis but the three of them are most common. They are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. This problem can be treated with the help of medications, yoga, exercises, diet, with the help of natural remedies, herbal remedies, home remedies etc. and finally with the help of joint replacement.

Though the exact cause of arthritis joint pain is unknown but according to most of the scientist heredity and lifestyle plays a major role.

Some of the important risk factors which results into arthritis

1. Increased Age - With the increasing age as you grow older and older the risk of developing arthritis joint pain increases.

2. Gender - Females are at more risk of developing arthritis joint pain in comparison to male. Usually men are less susceptible to the condition of osteoarthritis and the conditions which are related with it.

3. Weight - More stress is put on joints, if you are heavier. So heavier person are more likely to develop the condition of arthritis joint pain. Whereas the persons with light weight are not responsible for putting as much pressure on his or her weight-bearing joints.

4. Life style/Work - If you lift heavy weight then it can stress joints and lead to joint pain and injury. So person involving in this types of job are at more risk of developing the problem of arthritis pain.

Different types of arthritis affect different joints

1. Osteoarthritis - It is the most common type of arthritis found in human. It affects the joints of hands, hips, knee and spine. The condition in osteoarthritis worsens with the growing age.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis - This condition is related with chronic joint disease. In this condition there is a swelling in the joint lining which leads to inflammation and gradually it spread to surrounding tissues. This condition result into cartilage as well as bone damage.

3. Gout - This condition is also very painful. Mostly it affects the joints of knees, toes and wrists.

The patients of arthritis joint pain consult some expert before going for any treatment. There may be some diet restrictions or some specific exercises may be recommended by an expert. Some traditional medications are also very beneficial in reducing the arthritis pain.

Natural Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Is natural osteoarthritis pain relief possible? You bet it is!

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It's a degenerative joint disease that affects over 20 million Americans. OA causes inflammation, pain, lack of mobility and reduced motion, mainly in the joints of the hands, knees, hips and spine.

Before the age of 50, men are the most likely to be affected. But once the onset of menopause begins, the number of cases among women increases rapidly.

What is Osteoarthritis?

Healthy cartilage is smooth and slippery. It normally cushions the end of bone joints and serves the purpose of absorbing the pounding and shock of our movements.

But, over time, as a result of growing older and physical abuse, the natural cartilage can become thinner and thinner, causing the smooth cartilage surface to become rough, irritated and swollen. OA starts when this cartilage begins to deteriorate.

If the cartilage eventually wears down completely, bones start rubbing together causing even worse painful joint swelling and stiffness. This is generally most noticeable upon first waking in the morning, in damp or cold weather and after strenuous physical activity.

While the specific cause of osteoarthritis isn't clear, contributing factors can include:

o Being overweight,

o The aging of joints,

o Sports or accidents,

o Joint injury or stress,

o Hereditary tendencies,

o And muscle weakness.

If lifestyle changes aren't made the constant rubbing together of bone on bone can eventually cause permanent joint damage.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The most common osteoarthritis symptoms are joint pain, stiffness and swelling. But other common symptoms are bony growths and limited mobility of the afflicted joints.

Look for the following warning signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis:

o Inflammation, tenderness or pain in one or more joints.

o A crunchy feeling in a joint or the sound of bones rubbing together.

o Joint stiffness after sitting for a period of time or when first getting out of bed.

No single test can diagnose the existence of osteoarthritis.

And although the neck, lower back, hands, knees and spine can be affected, OA is most prominent in the weight bearing joints - the hips and knees - especially in older women.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive condition that tends to get worse over time. But some people can go for years without experiencing any pain at all. Symptoms also vary greatly from person to person. While some are incapacitated, others hardly suffer at all.

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief - Naturally

There's no known cure for osteoarthritis, so sufferers are generally prescribed risky, controversial painkillers that can have serious side effects.

But, more and more evidence shows that making healthy lifestyle and dietary changes can both help to prevent the onset of the disease and provide long term pain relief from the symptoms of osteoarthritis. So a more holistic approach is being taken.

The key is to get healthy and fit through exercise and optimum diet and to avoid injuries and reduce stress, fatigue and depression. The main recommendations are:

o Moderate exercise strengthens bones and muscles, improves flexibility, reduces pain and fatigue and relieves stress and depression. Walking, swimming and yoga are good ways to stay active with a minimum of stress. But don't push too hard.

o Healthy weight maintenance keeps joints from having to support excess weight.

o Rest and relaxation relieves stress on joints and improves health.

o An optimum diet provides the nutrients necessary to prevent degenerative diseases and is essential for OA relief. Red meat, for example, can increase the risk of inflammation and arthritis. Eliminate non-nutritious foods, such as high glycemic carbohydrates, and eat a moderately low fat diet (20% to 30% of calories) rich in cold water fish, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean poultry and low fat dairy.

o Omega 3 fish oil is nature's most potent anti-inflammatory. So increase the omega 3 fish in your diet, such as fresh salmon, and include fish oil supplements.

Approved Osteoarthritis Medicine - What You Don't Know About Prescription Drugs Will Shock You!

Although approved osteoarthritis medicines might provide relief from pain and other symptoms, but they also pose significant health hazards by way of adverse side effects. In many cases, they also can cause a lot of life threatening diseases. Find out the expert facts and natural treatments for osteoarthritis in this article.

To cite an example, Vioxx is a Cox-2 inhibitor drug and an approved osteoarthritis medicine manufactured by Merck. It had to be recalled from the market because it caused a lot of adverse side effects such as strokes, heart attacks and blood clots in the patient's suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, till today there are thousands of pending cases and law suits against it.

Similarly, Bextra is a drug similar to Vioxx. It was also taken off the market due to similar reasons. It had been found to cause Stevens Johnson syndrome, which is a type of skin disorder.

Similarly, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which are approved osteoarthritis medicines also carry warning label stating that "users may face an increased risk of cardiovascular side effects and gastrointestinal bleeding".

Corticosteroids also come under "approved osteoarthritis medicines". They provide effective short-term relief from inflammation and pain. But they are known to cause various serious side effects such as fatigue, depression, drug dependence, abdominal pain, blurred vision, increased blood sugar levels in diabetics, etc.

Narcotic pain relievers such as oxycodone, vicodin, etc. are also approved osteoarthritis medicine. You would be shocked to know that the manufacturers of oxycodone had to pay millions of dollars as damages. It was because their sales representatives had allegedly advised the doctors that the drug was less addictive in comparison to other narcotics, whereas in reality it was one of the most addictive drugs.

Narcotic pain relievers only provide temporary pain relief as they block the pain receptors of nerve cells. In fact, they don't reduce inflammation at all. They can cause a lot of side effects such as constipation, dry mouth, drowsiness and difficulty in urinating. They also pose the risk of causing liver damage if their use is accompanied with alcohol.

Due to the risk of such side effects, more and more people are shifting towards the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Although they are not approved osteoarthritis medicine, they are frequently recommended by medical experts. They include nutritional supplements, increased physical activity and dietary changes.

Omega-3 fatty acids play a very important role in alleviating osteoarthritis symptoms. They reduce inflammation and tenderness in joints, enhance joint mobility and decrease morning stiffness in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil supplements are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Although they cannot be classified as osteoarthritis medication due to FTC regulations, they are widely used as long term treatment of osteoarthritis as well as due to their amazing benefits on overall health including the heart, brain, skin, digestive system, and joints.

Omega-3 fatty acids are natural blood thinners. Therefore, in case you are taking blood thinner medications such as aspirin, you should consult your doctor before you use fish oil supplements or omega-3 supplements as a treatment for osteoarthritis. This is so that you can avoid taking too many blood thinners as that could lead to serious side effects.

Green lipped mussel found in New Zealand is also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It contains outstanding anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce pain and joint stiffness, increase grip strength and improves joint mobility in patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

The research on the best natural alternatives for treating osteoarthritis is going on. Newly approved osteoarthritis medicine might come up in the future. In the meantime, fish oil supplementation with a combination of green lipped mussel is one of the best natural alternatives for omega-3 supplementation and long-term treatment of osteoarthritis.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fatigue And Joint Pain: Common Arthritis Symptoms

The symptoms of fatigue and joint pain, are associated with a great deal of illnesses and diseases, ranging from the common flu to serious autoimmune diseases like lupus or thyroid disorders.


The symptoms that are most associated with arthritis are those of fatigue and joint pain.

So if you are experiencing any problems that you think to be arthritis, consult your primary health care provider before making any attempts at self medication.

Although a diagnosis of arthritis may be troubling, know that although there is no cure known today for the disease, there are a great many treatment options available to deal with the fatigue and joint pain so that you can reclaim your life.

Generally speaking, arthritis is a condition of inflammation around the joints in a sufferer's body.

Any joint is open to being affected by arthritis, but the usually affected areas include the hands, knees, shoulders, and back.

When the area becomes inflamed, the joints swell, causing a great deal of pain and often an overall feeling of stiffness.

Usually, arthritis causes an individual to lose a certain amount of mobility, whether it is an inability to grasp items or complete a given task due to a restricted range of motion.

Quite often, individuals who suffer from fatigue and joint pain are forced to give up favorite activities simply because their bodies are unable to perform tasks they once enjoyed.

This can include hobbies that require fine motor work, such as needlework, gardening, or painting.

Instead of letting arthritis rule your life, take a stance and fight back. There are many over the counter and prescription medications that can reduce inflammation and restore lost mobility.

Consult your primary health care provider to ensure any medications--including those that are advertised as all natural--will not interact with any current medications or medical issues that you may be experiencing.

Another way to ward off the affects of arthritis is to ensure your body is in proper health.

Work to maintain a healthy, well balanced diet that includes all necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Exercise at least twice a week and consider taking ancient forms of exercise like yoga or Tai Chi.

Arthritis Caused By Aluminum Poisoning

Heavy metal poisoning has become a major health problem in recent history and will inevitably become much worse, as more countries become industrialized nations. Metals and industrial bi products seep into the water and enter the food chain.

Heavy metals have a density of over five times that of water, which means the human body is unable to successfully break down the foreign bodies and is forced to retain them. The accumulation of heavy metals trapped in the body causes toxicity to poison the bloodstream, leading to damaged kidneys, lungs, nervous system and other organs.

What is Heavy Metal Poisoning (Toxicity)?

Heavy Metal Toxicity is the level of toxic metals that has been absorbed by the body in numerous ways which usually depend on the type of metal. The four main toxic metals are aluminum, lead, cadmium, and mercury. These metals can cause various complications and indeed in many cases lead to illness and disease.


Aluminum is the most common toxic metal & is found in almost everyone's body. Whether it is under your arms, in your teeth, or even on your skin, aluminum is found more than any other metal. Sources: Aluminum foil, antacids, aspirin, toothpaste, dust, auto exhaust, treated water, nasal spray, milk products, salt, commercially-raised beef, tobacco smoke, anti-antiperspirants, bleached flour, cans, animal feed, ceramics, canned food, cosmetics, and even cigarette filters.

Symptoms of aluminum toxicity.

Symptoms are thought to include Brittle Bones, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis as aluminum is stored in the bones. Kidney disease and malfunction may also result, as the kidneys filter aluminum. ADHD, ADD, Hyperactivity, memory disturbances, and learning disabilities.

How To Get Tested?

Getting tested for heavy metal poisoning is relatively easy and can be detected through a hair-follical test, you will need to speak to your doctor in order to get tested.

How To Treat Heavy Metal Toxicity.

Although there are supplements available which claim to rid the body of these damaging metals, ones best course of action would to detoxify the body naturally.

Arthritis Hand Pain - Top 3 Ways to Cure Arthritis Hand Pain

Hand arthritis can occur mainly in three areas, such as wrist joint, finger joints, and knuckle joints. When these joints are affected by arthritis, daily activities such as writing, threading needle or tying shoelace etc. become very difficult. Out of all forms, hand arthritis is very perilous. However it is possible to get relief from pains associated through natural remedies.

Top three ways to cure arthritis hand pains are:

-Use of Alternative Medicines: Few alternative medicines are found to be very successful in relieving pain. One of the most popular alternative medicines is the use of herbs & massages. Acupuncture and visiting a chiropractor can be equally helpful for curing hand pain.

-Non-surgical Treatment: Three most popular non-surgical treatments are medications, injections, and splinting.

Medication: Medications works as anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatories are capable of stopping the body from producing chemical, responsible for swelling & pain. Tylenol and Advil are two most popular over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. Celebrex is a popular prescription drug for arthritic pain relief. Though medications treat symptoms, they are unable to restore joint cartilage or joint damage.

Injections: When anti-inflammatory medications are ineffective, injections are used. These injections contain a long lasting anesthetic & steroid. These injections are capable of providing pain relief, which can varies from weeks to months depending upon the amount of doses.

Splinting: Splints have to be used when joint hurts. The splint helps to support the joints. Splinting works along with injections as supplementary.

-Surgical Treatment: If non-surgical option fails to relief the arthritis hand pains, then surgery should be preferred. Usually surgery is the best option in providing long-term pain relief. Joint replacement is one of the popular methods in the surgical treatment.

Though these are the best three ways to cure arthritis hand pain, these can have possible site effects. Possible side effects of injections are lightening of the skin, weakening of the tendons and ligaments. Infections may be one of the major side effects of these practices.

Doctor, I Have a Lump on a Finger Joint... Could It be Arthritis?

Finger joint lumps and bumps can be disfiguring and a cause of great concern for the patient. Here are some potential causes.

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, often affects the hands. When it does, it often causes local inflammation of the distal interphalangeal joints (DIP or last row) and proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP or next to last row). This inflammation causes the joints to swell and hurt. The lumps that form are called Heberden's nodes (DIP) and Bouchard's nodes (PIP). Involvement of the base of the thumb may also cause a lumpiness or squared-off appearance.

Gout also causes lumps in the fingers. Gout may cause inflammation of the interphalangeal joints of the fingers. When this occurs, it may be indistinguishable from a flare of osteoarthritis. Middle-aged (post-menopausal) or elderly women on diuretic therapy are particularly prone to developing this. Gout may also cause soft tissue lumps. The diagnosis is made by aspiration of fluid from the affected joint or soft tissue mass with examination of the aspirated material using polarizing microscopy.

Rheumatoid arthritis causes joint swelling involving the wrists, metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints (knuckles) as well as the PIP joints. Inflammation may lead to lumpiness. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes rheumatoid nodules to develop in the finger joints. These nodules occur in patients with long-standing and severe disease.

Swelling of the tendon sheaths in the palm of the hand may occur with different types of arthritis. This occurs because the tendon sheaths are lined with synovial tissue which may become inflamed. When this happens, the tendon sheath may swell and become lumpy. Sometimes the fingers begin to trigger or catch.

Ganglion cysts can affect the wrist. These are usually painless swellings that have a soft squishy feel to them. The old treatment used to be smashing them with the family Bible. Fortunately, this method of getting religion is rarely used anymore. The ganglion may be aspirated and injected with steroid if painful. Sometimes surgery is required if very symptomatic.

Soft tissue swelling as a result of blisters and calluses are usually not difficult to diagnose.

Plant thorn synovitis is a relatively common problem that may occur in people who grow rose bushes. Here a thorn from a rose bush may break off in the joint and cause a localized inflammation of the finger joint. This condition often requires surgery for both diagnosis as well as treatment.

Infections of the finger joints are a cause of finger lumps and must be treated aggressively. Activities such as fist fights or animal bites may be precipitating factors.

Dupuytren's contracture is a condition presenting as a "lump" or nodule in the palm near the flexion crease, most often at the base of the ring or small finger. This lump or nodule may also occur at the base of the thumb.

A rare disease called histiocytosis may also cause lumps to appear in the distal row of finger joints. Diagnosis is made by biopsy. Treatment is usually symptomatic although in its severe forms histiocytosis may be treated with chemotherapeutic agents.

Painful lumps on the pads of the fingers may develop as a result of bacterial endocarditis. This disease is an infection of the heart valves. The bumps are termed "Osler nodes."

My Arthritis is Killing Me - It Must be Springtime

It turns out that patients with rheumatoid arthritis appear to have higher disease activity during the spring season relative to the fall season, based on subjective and objective disease measures.

To determine whether a seasonal fluctuation in disease severity exists among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), researchers examined data from 1,665 patients with RA who participated in a large, observational cohort study conducted in Japan from October 2000 to April 2005. The majority of the patients (81.7%) were female, the mean age of the patients was 57.2 years, and the mean disease duration was 9.9 years.

Ten criteria were used to assess disease activity, including objective, subjective, patient-assessed, and physician-assessed measures. Evaluations were made each spring and fall during the study period.

The results showed higher disease activity in the spring for almost all measures.

In addition to clinical measures of disease, laboratory measures of disease activity including the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate), C-reactive protein, and rheumatoid factor were also significantly elevated in the spring compared with the fall.

The implications of the research are difficult to fully establish. However, it is clear that examining patients during different times of the year may lead to different results. Seasonal variations in symptoms should be taken into account when planning changes in treatment. Patients with RA should be warned about the possible seasonal variations that can occur.

(N. Iikuni, A. Nakajima, E. Inoue, E. Tanaka, H. Okamoto, M. Hara, T. Tomatsu, N. Kamatani and H. Yamanaka. What's in season for rheumatoid arthritis patients? Seasonal fluctuations in disease activity. Rheumatology. January 2007).

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, or JRA, is a type of chronic arthritis that shows symptoms of joint pain and inflammation before the age of 16. Often the symptoms come and go, but some types can linger longer.

While there is no cure for JRA and the exact cause is unknown, it is widely believed to be an autoimmune disease where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy body tissue.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is earmarked by symptoms including:

  • stiff joints in the morning

  • limited range of motion

  • back pain

  • joints that are warm, swollen, painful, and possibly red.

Other less common symptoms include fever, rash, swollen glands, red eyes, eye pain, and vision changes.
JRA is divided into several categories:

  • Polyarticular JRA: This type involves can involve many large and small joints, and it can turn into adult rheumatoid arthritis. Joints affected may include the legs and arms, as well as the jaw and spine.

  • Pauciarticular JRA: This type involves only a few joints, usually ones in the lower body like the hips, knees, or ankles.

  • Systemic JRA: This type affects joint swelling or pain, along with fevers, and rash. It is the least common type.

There are several juvenile rheumatoid arthritis treatments, including:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): More commonly found over-the-counter as ibuprofen or naproxen may be enough to control symptoms in most cases.

  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs): These help slow the progression of joint deterioration by modifying the body's response to the immune system.

  • Exercise: it is the most common form of treatment and possibly the most important as activity eases pain, while maintaining muscle strength during critical developmental years.

While JRA can seem troubling, children with only a few joints involved usually go into remission with few normal function and little deformity. However, those with more joints involved may be more affected and need more aggressive treatment to prevent long-term effects.

While there is a lot of JRA information out there, it's important for parents to know that symptoms of JRA may also be confused with psoriatic arthritis, Lyme disease, rheumatic fever, bone infections, sarcoidosis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is also known as juvenile chronic polyarthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and Still's disease.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Conquering Arthritis

Conventional treatments for arthritis involving surgery, physical therapy and
medication have a poor success rate.The sufferer therefore would be well advised
to look for natural treatments which address the underlying cause of the problem
as opposed to merely treating the symptoms which are likely to reoccur.

A compelling case for opposing conventional treatments for arthritis is made by an
American lady, who between the ages of 20 and 50 (approx.) suffered from this disease.
She went through the full range of coventional treatments including gold therapy; all
the 12 doctors she had over these 30 years prescribed drugs to give her temporary
relief from the symptoms and told her to go home and learn to live with her condition.
She then heard about a doctor who was on a different wavelength to the others. On seeing
him, he immediately took her off drugs and brought in a strict diet, exercise and food
supplement regime which addressed the underlying cause of the problem. Within 3 weeks of
this approach, she had relief from the pain that had dogged her for 30 years; and within
just 3 months she had permanent relief from her condition !

Irrespective of which form of arthritis the patient has, serious consideration
should be given to the diet, if taking care of this condition by natural means. All
foods in the nightshade family ( which include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant etc ) should be eliminated as they contain solinaise which inflames the fluid in the joints.

Arthritis is caused when your system becomes too alkaline. This state can be
corrected by changing your body to an acid state with the help of the following
foods: grains, nuts, natural cheese, lentils, organic meat, fish or poultry.

Food supplements are very useful in encouraging recovery in the joints. 1000mg of vitamin
C 3 times daily should be taken to rebuild collagen and make the body more acid. Shark
cartilage and sea cucumber should be taken as directed on the label. Omega 3 fish oil
should be taken twice daily. 500mg of Pantothene taken twice daily acts as an anti
inflammatory measure.

The following herbs can also help with arthritis. Yucca helps stimulate the adrenal
glands to produce the body's own cortisone. Black cohosh helps relieve pain and
inflammation. Hyranges acts like synthetic cortisone without the cost or the side
effects. Alfalfa increases vitality.

There are also certain adjunctive procedures that can help. The first is to employ
castor oil packs. Soak a piece of white flannel in warm castor oil, wring it out and
place it over the inflamed area. Cover with plastic and apply a heating pad. Do this
twice daily for an hour each time. The second is acupuncture,acupressure and massage
open energy pathhways on meridians leading to the organs that produce the body's own
healing power and stimulate the body's lymph system which cleanses the body of toxins.
Zostrex cream (red pepper extract) applied externally smooths inflamed joints.

About the author: Kierann Waldron is a researcher on health issues who is established as an Internet publisher. Further articles on arthritis can be seen at the following
website: []

Do You Know the Different Types of Gout?

Gout is a serious type of metabolic arthritis that is caused by the high level of uric acid accumulation in blood. In normal condition the uric acid in the blood is processed in the kidneys and the body gets rid of them through the body system. But when there is too much accumulation of the uric acid the kidneys cannot processes them to help the body get rid of those waste substances and as a result the uric acid crystals start to build up in the joints and tendons which lead to the attack of gout. The crystals trigger the extreme pain, swelling and redness in the joints. In most of the cases, the gout is manifested in the big toes but the other joints like the heels, knees, fingers etc soon become victims of the gout attack.

Gouts are generally of two types. They are primary hyperuricaemia and secondary hyperuricaemia. Hyperuricaemia is the level of uric acid in the blood. Their causes make these two types of gouts different. Primary hyperuricaemia is caused by the hereditable kidney abnormalities. Secondary hyperuricaemia refers to the problem of the uric acid accumulation due to some certain medications and treatment of certain diseases. There are some high purines foods as well that trigger to the increase of the uric acid level of the body. Between these two types of gout secondary hyperuricaemia gout is more common.

Gout is a critical condition that does not occur quite often. Sometimes the patients can have almost a decade of chronic hyperuricaemia before they have got their first gout attack. So, if there is high uric acid level present in the blood of a person that does not mean that the person will necessarily suffer the gout attack instantly.

Apart from these two types of gout there is another type of arthritis which is similar to the symptoms of the gout. The disease is known as pseudogout and the tretamnet of the disease is also quite similar to the treatment of the gout. But the causes of the two diseases are different. While gout is caused by the accumulation of the uric acid crystals the pseuogout is caused by the accumulation of calcium pyrophosphate and not uric acid.

More than two million people in the United States suffer from gout. It is developed more frequently in men than the women. Records suggest that men at their 30s and women especially after their menopause start to develop the disease. Food habits and obesity are two risk factors when it comes to the reasons of gout.

Proper and timely treatment of the gout is important. If the disease is diagnosed and treated early the gout may not be worsened. The case can be different if the patient overlooks the disease.

Arthritis Symptoms And Treatments

Bones, being the support system of the body, need to stay healthy for an active lifestyle. However sometimes, the two bones connected to each other known as the "joint", is being affected by a disease called "arthritis" which changes an active lifestyle to a degrading immobile one. This is because of the joint pain and swelling associated with it.

Arthritis, or the inflammation of the joints, means more than unhealthy bones. It results from the breakage of the cartilage within the joints mostly because of aging, injury, or other diseases. Since arthritis threatens to take away the freedom of a person to do certain activities, it seriously needs to be given attention. Knowing arthritis symptoms and its corresponding treatments would greatly help in prevention of it or to withhold the worsening scenario.

Arthritis Symptoms

In order to diagnose that the person is suffering with arthritis, a medical specialist would check if the following symptoms are present:

1. Joint Pain - a person with arthritis would have a hard time using his/her hands, walking, kneeling, or bending the elbows or neck because of joint pain.
2. Swelling and redness - aside from pain, it is also be noticeable to see an enlargement and redness of the joint areas of the body
3. Fatigue or exhaustion - because of inability to move smoothly, a person may experience weakness or exhaustion while in active motion.
4. Fever - one may know that arthritis is getting worse is when fever already arises. This means that the inflammation of the joints is also affecting other organs of the body
5. Skin rash - most common with children, rashes begin to manifest in the skin as a sign of inflamed joint.

Arthritis Treatments

One should not delay in giving proper care to the joints following the diagnosis of arthritis. So as not to worsen the case, here are some arthritis treatments that could lessen its symptoms:

1. Cold Compress - is the most common first aid for joint swelling and redness. Place an ice bag over the affected area and the cold effect could take the bump away.
2. Hot compress - is for the treatment of joint pain and stiffness. The heat relaxes the joint and helps to get rid of the discomfort.
3. Massage - proper massage, usually with helpful oils like eucalyptus, camphor or olive oil, which have anti-inflammatory effects, brings comfort to the swelling joints.
4. Physical Therapy - there are adequate physical exercises suitable for persons suffering with arthritis. This will relieve stiff joints and helps get it back to normal.
5. Natural Supplements - taking of natural supplements like Glucosamine and Chondroitin aid in repair of cartilage, thus bringing back the joints' flexibility.

The common feeling of joint pain may worsen and its adverse effects may bring more damage to the body if arthritis symptoms are not recognized nor given appropriate arthritis treatments.

Arthritis Treatment: New Approaches to Treating Gouty Arthritis

Gout is a common cause of arthritis affecting more than 8 million Americans. Although it affects men more than women, there appears to be an increasing incidence of the disease in post-menopausal women. The incidence overall appears to be increasing as a result of the epidemic of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and elevated lipids, all of which are associated with gout.

Gout, in 90 per cent of cases, is caused by the inability of the kidneys to get rid of urate. In the other 10 per cent, there is an overproduction of urate.

Animals other than humans don't get gout because they have an enzyme called uricase which breaks urate down and allows the animal to excrete it. Human beings, on the other hand, lack this enzyme and therefore are unable to excrete urate (uric acid) appropriately. This leads to accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints and other organ systems.

Gout typically occurs in three stages. The first stage is what is called "asymptomatic hyperuricemia." Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is characterized by elevate blood uric acid levels without attacks of gout. The higher the blood uric acid level is, though, the greater likelihood of an eventual attack.

The second phase or stage is termed "acute intermittent gout". During this stage, patients have attacks of gout but after the attack is over, they are relatively symptom free. The danger here is that chronic inflammation persists despite the absence of symptoms.

The third stage is called "chronic tophaceous gout." In this phase, patients have chronic pain due to repeated attacks of gout with an increasing burden of urate accumulation in the joints, kidneys, and other organs systems. Patients develop " tophi" which are deposits of inflammatory cells, urate crystals and fibrin. Gradual destruction of the joints occurs with the development of crippling deformity.

The treatment of gouty arthritis consists of a two-fold approach with relief of the acute attack accompanied by attempts to lower the urate burden.

Acute attacks can be treated with colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and steroids. The latter can be given either orally or directly into the affected joint.

Drugs that lower urate need to be used for the chronic treatment of gout. These drugs, when initiated, need to be accompanied by gout prophylaxis in the form of daily doses of either colchicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for at least six months. The reason is this: as urate shifts as a result of the effect of uric acid lowering drugs, there is a predisposition to acute attacks.

Drugs used to lower urate consist of medicines that make patients urinate out their uric acid (probenecid), medicines that suppress uric acid production ( allopurinol, febuxostat [Uloric]), and uricolytic drugs. An example of the latter is pegloticase (Krystexxa), which converts uric acid to allantoin, an inert ingredient that is then excreted.

Counseling a patient in regards to lifestyle and diet also plays a role in the comprehensive approach to gout.

Labrador Retrievers Are Popular, and Arthritis Symptoms Are Common - Treatments Are Available

Labrador Retrievers are considered one of the most popular dogs in the world. For pet owners and animal lovers, their gentle nature, intelligence, and affability, make them a perfect choice for families. As a working dog, Labrador Retrievers can be trained to become involved in police work, a faithful companion for the disabled, and bird hunting enthusiasts all over the world continue to rely on this special breed.

Labradors typically lead a healthy life, with a life expectancy of 12 to 13 years. However, there are also certain conditions and diseases that Labs are prone to. These include hereditary myopathy, eye problems, ear infections, and hip and elbow dysplasia. The last condition is common among large breed dogs and is quite painful, even debilitating if osteoarthritis develops as a secondary condition.

Like many other breeds, Labrador Retrievers can be prone to obesity. Without regular exercise and a closely monitored diet, there is a tendency to develop associated illnesses and conditions due to excess weight. Apart from osteoarthritis, overweight Labrador Retrievers may also develop diabetes as they grow older.

Taking your pet for daily walks and allowing it to make occasional runs in the park or country fields is sufficient exercise to keep it lean and fit. However, once your pet is diagnosed with arthritis, it may be advisable to avoid strenuous activities all together, but continue taking your pet for leisurely walks. Exercise helps prevent stiffness in their joints and encourages easier mobility. Plus, if your dog is anything like mine, they absolutely love going out. Jus hearing the leash jingle gets her very excited. Arthritis in pets is common so medications and supplements are available to help your pet deal with arthritis conditions and symptoms.

Leading supplements for canine arthritis often contain the substance glucosamine as its main ingredient. Recent studies have found that this substance is quite effective in relieving pain and assists replenishing the damaged cartilage found in arthritic joints. Glucosamine has shown to be more effective when combined with chondroitin, and many formulas contain both to take advantage of this. However, in itself glucosamine is found to be quite effective in reducing the swelling and inflammation in joints, reducing arthritic pain significantly.

There are always a lot of ways to easily manage this condition and a lot of effective supplements out there that will ensure that your pet gets to enjoy its daily activities for the rest of its life.

There are several brands of glucosamine supplements available on the market, and pet owners should look for one that contains quality ingredients. Stick with brand names with lots of positive customer reviews. Liquid glucosamine is a good choice and for pet owners, this making dosing them a breeze compared to pills. Liquids have also been found to be highly effective in providing faster pain relief, due to better absorption.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Rheumatoid Arthritis Facts And Information

There are a lot of myths and rumors surrounding rheumatoid arthritis. Mystery seems to surround everything from what actually causes the disease to potential ways to cope with the pain associated with it. The simple truth is that this particular disease can present in a number of different ways and how severe it is will really dictate the best path to consider for coping.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that affects the joints within the body. It can cause such things as pain, swelling and stiffness. The disease itself tends to present systemically, which means if one side of the body has it, the other likely will, too. For example, if left knee shows signs of a rheumatoid condition, the right will, as well. In addition to stiffness and pain, rheumatoid can bring with it deformities in extreme cases, a sense of overall fatigue and even fevers.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that doctors are still researching to figure out exact causes. What is known is that this particular condition can come and completely go away without leaving behind permanent damage. It can also present with flare-ups that come and go over time. In some cases, unfortunately, the disease persists for years on end, bringing with it permanent damage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is most common in people in the middle age of life, but it can strike children at times. While the exact causes are unclear, many doctors believe it can come from such things as genetics, hormones, and even environment. Women tend to be more likely to get this condition than men.

Dealing with rheumatoid arthritis can be a very difficult task that will come with both good days and bad days. The pain can be unbearable at times, but the good news is there are very effective ways of coping with it. What works for one patient, might not work for another. Fortunately, there are a lot of different treatment options.

When it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis, doctors strive to achieve a few things. The primary goals of any treatment are to reduce pain and swelling, stave off joint damage and help people feel better while staying active. The last two points are particularly important when the disease strikes the very young and very active. Since cures can often be worse than the condition, the goal here is pain reduction without quality of life reduction.

Depending on the severity of the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a doctor might prescribe such things as anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the swelling, which often helps with the pain. In some cases, painkillers will be advised, but many try to steer clear of this option. Other forms of treatment include gentle exercises to keep the range of motion good, cold compresses, injections and so on. The key, again, is to preserve quality of life while also preventing any permanent issues.

Since rheumatoid arthritis can sometimes be a lifelong condition, it can bring with it some emotional problems, as well. To help patients cope, there are even support groups that can be of real benefit.

Living life with rheumatoid arthritis isn't easy, but it can be done effectively when patience, persistence and a willingness to overcome are all present. The best advice is to take it a day at a time and do what's necessary to cope to make living with rheumatoid arthritis possible.